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01x11 - The Faithful

Posted: 02/03/15 14:17
by bunniefuu
Charlie: Previously on State of Affairs...

Constance: Seven members of Ar Rissalah's American cell have been apprehended.

Where is Sheikh Hakam?

He's coming to a meeting at a camp outside Isabella City.

So where did Charlie hear that I'm having a hard time?

Tannen: What is it you want, Victor?

I want you to tell me everything about Omar Fatah and Bellerophon.

Woman: Philippine's desk found a body, an American.

It's done.

The threat is real.

[Heavy clanking]

Man: All right, let's go.

Move it on out.

Man: Make your way to the bus.

Man: Let's go.

So these are the scumbags that want to blow up shopping centers.

[Speaking in Arabic]

Hey, quietly and orderly.

I will not be judged in this world.

Oh, I beg to differ, son.

Get on the bus.

We are your brothers...

Prisoners: Your sisters, your fathers, your children.

We are the friend you invite over for fellowship.

We're the doctor you trust with your life.

We are everywhere.

Our disciples are everywhere.

We have been waiting for a moment such as this, and now we have arisen.

[Bone snaps] [Groans]

Prisoners: We are your brothers, your sisters, your fathers...


Prisoners: We are the friends you invite over for fellowship...

[Bone cracks]

The doctor you would trust with your life.

We are everywhere.

Our disciples are everywhere.

We have been waiting for a moment such as this, and now we have arisen.

Man: Fun House, this is Watcher One.

Got I-70 coming up in a half a mile.

The onramp's a bitch of a left.

Fun House, this is Watcher One.

Do you copy?

Man: They got loose! They got loose!

[People talking frantically over radio]

Lightfoot, Lightfoot, you have a code 9 on Fun House.

I repeat: A code 9 on Fun House.

Heading east on Route 11.

Requesting immediate backup.

[Metal crashing and crunching]

Charlie: As of last contact, Vera is with Fatah in Mindanao and en route to a meeting with Sheikh Hakam.

Once that meeting takes place, Jack Dawkins will eliminate Hakam.

And Omar Fatah.

And there's this.

Two days ago, Philippine Marines found a dead American, well armed.

One of ours?

Not anymore.

Private military.

As far as we can gather, he was a contractor for The Krieg Group.

That's the outfit that picked Jack Dawkins up out of Panama.

What the hell are they doing in Mindanao?

That's what we're working to figure out.

Have you heard from Nick Vera since this body was discovered?

No, I haven't.

Do you want to share your feelings about that?

You want to know if I think Nick had something to do with this?

I want you to confirm it.

I already see it in your face.

If he did have anything to do with this, it was in direct defense of Bellerophon and not exposing our op.

That's your best answer?

That's my only answer.

Charleston, I do not share your faith in this guy.

I remain doubtful about his motivations and his allegiances.

If we don't hear from him in 24 hours, we go with the contingency plan.

An air strike.

Or other measures.

I don't think that that's a good idea, ma'am.

Your concern is noted.

Now, can you put aside your personal feelings about Vera and give me an informed opinion?

With a clear and present threat to U.S. citizens on U.S. soil, you have every right to exercise whatever force you deem necessary.

And that is exactly what I am going to do.

[Door beeps]

Guys, has Nick checked in with the ops center?

Maureen: No, not a peep.

This does not help us. This op cannot stall.

We got to get Nick on the phone or at least a clear timeline for when he's got eyes on Hakam.

[Door beeps]

Ms. Tucker.

We... and by that, I mean you... have a problem with your Ar Rissalah seven.

Yeah, they drove off a cliff.

That's not a problem. That's divine intervention.

Our problem, according to our not-friends at the FBI, is, they were only able to recover six bodies.

One of them escaped?

Banks: And he is going to blow things up or become a very good source of intel for the bad things that are headed our way.

So I want you and Lucas on site, working with the FBI.

Uh, I'm sorry, sir.

I'm... I'm actually the FBI briefer.

Who cares?

Guys, it feels like there is an imminent attack headed our way.

I'm not gonna let the FBI handle it by themselves.

All right, you find this kid.

You question him religiously.

Is that clear?

Yes, sir.

Absolutely, sir.


Every time I come down here, I feel like I'm a hundred years old.

You sure don't look it, sir.

You look... you look great.

[Stifled laughter]


Were you flirting with him?


That was really cute.



Take a seat. Let Caesar clean you up.

Left or right, Jules?

Which pinky ring do I have to kiss?


Come on, Dave. This isn't a power play.

We're friends.

And we have a shared dilemma.

I have it on pristine authority that you got a dead American in the Mindanao jungle.

Private military contractor?

What's going on in the Philippines, Dave?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Are you trying to sound robotic, or did you just not think before responding?

Who gave you this? TKG?

[Robotically] I don't know who you're talking about.

See how it sounds? It sounds weird.

What are you looking for, Jules?

You looking for another Blackwater story?

Oh, actually, I think this one's a little bit better.

Private hijinks, CIA outsourcing the hunt for t*rrorists?

Smells like ratings sweep to me.

Then why are you telling me about it?

Why don't you just run it?

These private military contractors are whores of the worst kind: Whores with g*ns.

And I have learned not to trust such people.

Hence the dilemma we face.

I can either run with a well-sourced story about dead American contractors in Mindanao or trade for something behind curtain number one.

Which would be...

Your number one.

A live, televised interview with the president.

All access, nothing off limits.

Tonight, for one hour, she lays everything on the table.

Everything but the Philippines.

Oh, you're serious.

Oh, yeah, that's never gonna happen.

Too short of notice.

We'll look like we're scrambling.

David, you are scrambling.

I'm just not coming out and saying it.

Why not take it to her and see what she says?

Uh, because my job is to protect the president from people like you.

Dead man's name is Christopher Jacobs.

Former airborne, decorated.

He was working for TKG.

He's got a cute wife.

[Chuckles] Even cuter kids.

They are so camera-friendly, it makes me want to cry.

Come on.

You've heard the talk out there, whispers of impeachment.

Before that whisper grows, this president needs to start making friends and doing it now, Dave.

[Motor droning softly]

[Device beeps]

[Men talking]

[Singing the call to prayer in Arabic]

Constance: An hour interview on WNR to protect the biggest manhunt since Bin Laden?

Much as I don't like being leveraged, the choice seems easy.

You can't be held hostage by the media, ma'am, especially not by one network.

I don't care how big WNR is.

Look, I know that you're focused on the Hakam manhunt, but we need to see past that, okay?

I say we hold a beat. We stall them.

We see what happens in the Philippines in the next 24 hours.

If Lambert runs a story on a m*rder*d TKG contractor, the Hakam operation is compromised.

Well, let's find that out before we put you on the firing line.

David, I'm already blindfolded.

I'm just waiting for "ready, aim, fire."

We are running out of time here.

You can't appear defensive.

It gives your critics a foothold, and it confirms what they're already fishing for.


That you're scared, that you're covering something up.

Look, wouldn't it be nice if, the next time you appeared on national television, it was because you were doing a victory lap because you just announced the deaths of Omar Fatah and Sheikh Hakam?

Ms. Tucker.

There's something about these people.

Her shackles are off.

They all are.

They broke their own thumbs to slip their restraints, then overpowered the driver.

The will it takes to do something like that or blow yourself up.

Deranged but dedicated.

Dying doesn't matter to 'em.

It mattered to one of 'em.

That one would be Kenneth Travers.

Well, maybe Kenneth ran because his job isn't done yet.

Dashiell: I hate this.

I mean, give me chatter. Give me threats.

But this silence...

Six of their own are dead, and Ar Rissalah says nothing?

Earl, show Mo what the CTC sent up this morning.

You got it.

Dashiell: This is the U.S. chatter right after Fatah's speech on TV.

And this is right before Stacy Dover blew herself up.

Suddenly, the online chatter is almost nonexistent.

And this is after she blew up the safe house.

Now for some side-by-side action...

This is today.

Looks just like it did right before the bombing.

Dashiell: Something massive is coming.

I bet my big government paycheck our boy Kenneth knows what it is.

Kenneth Travers.

The kid was in and out of the foster system his whole life.

Bureau has a list of the foster homes.

I already hit them all.

Any of them local?

They said he was raised in Ohio.

Yup, a few. Check it out.

Agent Hernandez, you spoke to his foster parents?

All of 'em. Most didn't even remember him.

I'd like to go back to one, the Settons.

See, you can see here that when he was with the Settons, he was on the honor roll, joined a basketball team.

Showed a little self-esteem.

So maybe he connected with them.

Maybe if he's looking for help, he goes back to them.

It's worth a try.

Worth it to who?

Your "maybe" moves a lot of manpower.

I got direct orders to do exactly what I'm doing.

Look, I won't tell you not to go, and I won't kick up a fuss if you do, okay?

Do you mind a little quid pro quo if you get a hit?

No, of course not.

Hey, Jules.

What are you doing here?

I have an appointment in there.

I guess you presented my proposal brilliantly.

Thanks, Dave.

I owe you one.

You know we don't have legal authority here, so how do you want to handle this?

I want to blind them with our CIA credentials and steer clear of any questions about warrants and lawyers.

Well, it's not like Deputy Director Banks is gonna bust us.

No, the man is a born door-kicker.

I do dig his absence of tact, but he's too much of a live wire.

We need Ray back.


We need tacticians.


Which is my not-too-subtle a segue into how many days now?

Eight sober.

And I'm taking it seriously, you know?

Like as in "the program" serious.

I can't think of anything that sounds less fun.

[Chuckles] Me neither.

But it is what it is.

I'm not sure if she told you, but...

I screwed up with Mo.

I was drunk.

Well, make it right now that you're sober.

I don't know if I can.

You can.

Man: Of course we will require a guarantee.

Yes, we guarantee his safety.

Man: And the fee, a quarter of a million pounds?

Yes, it's 250,000 per operator, and that is the full executive protection package.

Man: That's quite an increase above our arrangement in Switzerland.

Damn right it's cheaper in Zurich.

Your man's going to Aleppo, Teddy.

You know what's even cheaper there?

b*ll*ts. Think about it.

Man: Very well. Agreed, Mr. Tannen.

We'll arrange a transfer of funds in exchange for assurances...

Okay, absolutely.

Man: Of a safe return for Mr. Karos.

Our man'll meet him at the airport.

Man: I'll forward his list of requirements.

Thank you.

Good day.

[Phone clicks]

Emily: Hey.



How's it going? Where have you been?


What happened?

Um... hell of a story.

Kind of lurid, actually.

Come on; I'll tell you over a three-kamikaze lunch.

No, I'm good. I got a lot of work to do.



You're not a civil servant any longer.

You can take a long lunch.

You can even get drunk over lunch.

In fact, we can get into all sorts of shenanigans.

Okay. I want to know everything that happened in Mindanao.

Vera felt our shadow. He doubled back, k*lled Jacobs. I got away. End of story.

Wow, lucky you.


Now, old age and treachery will beat youth and skill every time.

Mm-hmm, don't I know it?

I'm done on this, Victor.

I can't do that, not yet.

Well, I don't care what you can't do.

I'm telling you what I'm doing.

Now, I've done what you asked.

What you were paid for.

That too, but my loyalties and your agenda are heading different places.

No, Sid, no.

I think we're on the same street.

The only way you can protect Charleston Tucker is to remain operational.

End of story.

Charlie: Did you foster all of these children? yes.


There must be, what, a dozen faces in here.

Well, we couldn't have children of our own, so...

There he is.

It must be difficult to understand how Kenneth stopped being the kid in these photos.

It's more difficult to have people think we had something to do with what he is now.

They think we are harboring a t*rror1st.

Kenneth is out there, likely injured.

We think he's going to try to access a place he feels safe.

We think he'd feel safest here.

Kenneth is... he's still the boy you took in.

He just got swept up.

He was susceptible to a certain kind of message, and he got in way over his head.

The day Kenneth betrayed this country, he betrayed this family.

Just let him die.

Wow, no wonder he's willing to strap a b*mb to his chest.

They're hurt.

And she's scared.

That look in her eyes, she... she still loves Kenneth.

You may be right.

He's hurt.

He thinks he's gonna die for this.

What are you saying?

I couldn't tell you inside, not with my husband there.

Kenneth called me.

The call originated three hours ago?

To what, ask for help?

No, it sounded like he was saying good-bye.

[Computer beeping]

Phone records say the call came from a cell phone that was just reported as stolen.


I got squat on the signal; Kenneth must have smashed the SIM.

And the call?

Pinged a tower along the interstate.

In that terrain, that's about a five-mile radius.

At least.

Charlie, I'm sending you a location.

FBI already checked every type of shelter in that area.

Kenneth's foster father took him hunting a lot growing up.

Cross-reference this map with wooded areas near a water source and with enough cover that he wouldn't need a fire to keep warm.

Work with hunting guide groups to find out the locations of their blinds and cabins.

On it.

Thanks, guys.

Thanks, Charlie.


Constance: I promise I will not stop until this country, until these families receive justice.

Your son, Aaron, was k*lled in an attack mere months before your election.

What would you say to the person who suggests you capitalized on your son's death to propel yourself into office?

I would say that that person has never raised a child or never loved someone enough that they would give their life in exchange.

Sit down, David.

There is no position, no amount of power, nothing in this world that I wouldn't give to hear him call my name again.

I'd say to that person...

How close are we to eliminating Sheikh Hakam?

Hakam and his lieutenant, Omar Fatah, remain firmly at the top of the intelligence community's high-value target list.

Bin Laden was on that list for ten years.

A b*mb went off on American soil.

I'm going to ask you again.

How close are we to eliminating Omar Fatah and Sheikh Hakam?

I cannot give an exact timeline on that for a number of reasons.

That sounds like a dodge, ma'am.

Either you're covering something up or you're ignorant, and neither is too good for this country, is it?

Violet, would you get us some coffee, please?

If you have something to say, say it, David.

You decided to go ahead with this interview.

I did.

I just want to say, for the record, I don't like it.

Jules Lambert and his network need numbers, and they're not going to get them by being soft on you.

And we don't have time to adequately prepare for this.

David, what you don't like is that I made a decision without you.

Yeah, you're right. I don't like that.

You ignore my counsel, and then you expect me to get you out of a mess that you got yourself into.

Well, that sounds like a perfect job description for a chief of staff.

Can you comment on the ongoing manhunt for American t*rror1st and Ar Rissalah member Kenneth Travers?

The local and federal authorities are searching for him.

I expect a resolution maybe by the end of this broadcast.

Despite repeated breaches in protocol, you've kept CIA analyst Charleston Tucker on as your briefer.

Why is that?

Because she's damn good.

She is the best at her job, hands down.

Not because she's a personal friend?


We work well together because she understands that her job is to advise me.

My job is to be the president.

Can you comment on the allegations that your husband was having a two-year affair with the late senator Kyle Green?

Is it true that he was gonna leave you for her and that Kyle Green actually separated from her husband because she was in love with the First Gentleman?

You get the hell out of my office. Go.

Yes, ma'am.

Get out!

Your sole job tonight is to protect the mission to k*ll Omar Fatah...

Get out, David.

And Sheikh Hakam.

Get out!

So everything is on the table.

Get out of my office!

If you embrace that, you won't get blindsided.

If not, well, then I hope you enjoyed your first term, ma'am, because there certainly isn't gonna be a second.

Excuse me.

I can come back.


Pour the coffee.

We have a lot of work to do.

I'd feel a lot better if we were armed.

I am armed.

Kenneth Travers might just be misunderstood, or he could be Charles Manson.

The g*n provides a split second's worth of objectivity.


Kenneth, it's Charleston Tucker. We've met before.

I know you must be hurt.

Kenneth: CIA?


Kenneth: I'm not going back!

Lucas: I'll call an ambulance.

No, put your phone away.


Put your phone away.

You're dying, Kenneth.

You're bleeding out.

So you have somewhere between three to five minutes before your body shuts down and you slip into unconsciousness.

Another three to five before your brain function flatlines and you stop breathing altogether.

Ten minutes, you'll be dead.

All that talk about Jihad and death...

You don't want to die, do you?

It's only now, as you feel it radiating through you, swallowing you whole, that you realize how awful a thing dying really is.

Before your time, before you've really lived life, it's just loss.

Only fools rush towards death, Kenneth.

Do you want to die today, like a fool, or do you want me to call an ambulance and save the life you've cast aside?

Tell me now, Kenneth. Do you want to die today?


There's going to be another attack, isn't there?



I don't know.



Uh, it's a b*mb. b*mb vests.



Who has the bombs?

Don't die like this, Kenneth.

Don't make me do this.


Professor Ahmadi has the vests.

[Cell phone beeps]


He interrupted me.

Abu Sayyaf are a vengeful people.

They'll want justice for this.

Then buy me time.

Let me relay the coordinates, tell Charlie that Hakam is coming.



This man betrayed us.

Professor Ahmadi, open the door. FBI.

Lucas: Ahmadi's dead.

He shot himself right in front of me.

Oh, God.

We got lucky with Kenneth.

At least he wanted to live.

Charlie: Any trace of the bombs?

There's tritonal residue all over the house and a secret room with an empty clothes rack.

The vests.

Had to be.

The kid told the truth, Charlie; Ahmadi was Ar Rissalah.

Charlie: Well, what the hell was his end game?

He obviously led us to the backpack bombs to divert us.

Now there's a bunch of walking suicides with vests...



I already told you everything I know.

Who else was working with Ahmadi, Kenneth?

No single man knows everything so no single weakness may bring Ar Rissalah down.

Even Sheikh Hakam himself?

Sheikh Hakam is no ordinary man.

How do you know?

From the website.

Who is he, then?

He's an example.

Years ago, when the Kush was a pasture, Hakam was just a boy like any other boy.

Hakam worked the land.

But the Soviet army, during the invasion of '79, forged him into a soldier.

He was 13 years when they came to his father's farm.

They needed a place to sleep.

His father did not want them.

The soldiers were drunk.

They beat his father and shot him in front of the boy.

Hakam knew that they would never see justice, not in this world.

So he cooked for them.

He polished their boots.

And he prayed.

And one night, this boy cut every one of their throats and burned the farmhouse to the ground.

He joined the Mujahedeen, and he fought.

He liberated and was honored with the title of Sheikh.

Was Sheikh Hakam the one who would give the order to detonate once you had the vests?

Why, Kenneth?

Why harm your countrymen?

Why blow yourself up for him?

Because no one believes anymore.

The faithful don't exist here.

There is no God but Allah.

Allah akbar.

Allah akbar.

[All shout] Allah akbar!


I'll take some of that.

You know, right now...

All I want is something cold and strong that would just shut it all down.

I completely understand.

Don't worry; I'm not gonna do that.

People are k*lling, dying, doing all sorts of horrible things for reasons that I just don't understand.

Back there in the woods, would you have let Kenneth bleed out if he didn't give us Ahmadi?

Five years ago?



I don't know.

Those bombs are out there, Charlie.

Hakam still has to activate them.

We k*ll Hakam, we stop the attack.

That depends on Nick.

I'm tired as hell, so don't take this the wrong way, but...

Why such a true believer?

If he's still alive, the op is a go.

It's about the only thing I can believe in at this point.

All right.

I'm off to call a friend, make a meeting.



Hey, Lucas?


Take a chance.

Call Maureen.

Not tonight.

No way.

I will see you in...

Ooh, about eight hours.

Get some rest.

[Music pounding]

♪ ♪

Tell me something.


What the hell is your name?

[Both laugh]

[Phone buzzing]

Charleston Tucker.

Nick: Charlie? We did it.


Get a pen.

Charlie: Are you okay?

7 degrees, 19 minutes, 46 seconds north.

122 degrees, 8 minutes, 27 seconds east.

Are you still with Fatah?

Nick: Yes. Now, listen up.

Sheikh Hakam is en route to this location.

He will be here in one hour.

The satellite's locked on your coordinates, but I don't see any activity; It's just jungle.

Yeah, the canopy's thick.

There's a camp here.

This is our shot, Charlie.

This is it.

Communication's gonna get tricky, but try to give me a little warning before you light up the sky, will you?

Yeah, of course.

Just get clear, and we'll get you home.


What's the plan for Fatah?

The plan remains the same: k*ll Hakam, k*ll Fatah.

[Nick sighs] What about me?

I get you home.

Get back to me when you've got eyes on Hakam.

"43 million Americans will see an increase over a 12-month period. People..."

Madame President?

Charleston Tucker on the secure line.

Charleston, what's happening?

I'm about to do the interview.

Charlie: Madame President, we're 60 minutes away from visual on Sheikh Hakam.

Bellerophon is a go. Right now.


Charlie, thank you.

Full report asap.

Charlie: Yes, ma'am.

[Line clicks]

60 seconds out. Clear frame.

Woman: 15 seconds.

Mr. Lambert, we're about to go live.

I'm aware.

We have to throw to New York.

In 5, 4, 3, 2...

Good evening.

This is Phillip Franklin from the White House, where we have to postpone our sit-down with President Payton.

We now go live to Kayla Crawford in New York with the 7:00 News.

As you were.

We're all here.

Let's go.