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02x04 - Emilie

Posted: 01/30/15 19:12
by bunniefuu
(distant shouting)

I have seen the devil seated on his throne in his Palace of Gold.

I have witnessed the face of death and he wears a Spanish crown and under his crown are horns and under his fine robes are bloody hooves.

I have looked on King Philip of Spain in his true self, the Antichrist, the enemy of God.

(they cheer)

Sons and daughters of France, we must destroy the devil before he destroys us.

With our beloved King Louis to lead us, we must march on Spain and drag Satan from his lair.

(they cheer)

God bless you, Emilie of Duras! You're a saint!

Not a saint but an ordinary woman.

(they gasp)

The Prophet is tired. She must rest.

She's mad.

And dangerous.

Musketeers are here.


I'm getting the feeling that we're not welcome here.

What do you want?

We're here on the King's business to see Emilie of Duras.

You know it is an act of treason to raise an army without the King's authority?

I love the King.

God has told me to seek him out so he can lead his people to victory.

We'll march on Spain and trample King Philip into the dust.

How are you going to do that?

I don't see any cavalry, I don't see any a*tillery.

God is worth a thousand cannons.

Did God tell you to hate the Spanish?

I hate no-one.

If King Philip submits, his people will be left in peace.

She has the fainting sickness. It is when God speaks to her.

(crowd jeers)


Go back to Spain!

We don't want you here!

Who is this girl?

A filthy peasant with a fevered imagination. Emilie of Duras?

The Inquisition would know how to stop her tongue.

(crowd continues jeering)

What's going on?

Help me.


The mob are rampaging through Paris murdering anyone with a Spanish name. It's chaos.

Why don't we just arrest her?

It's not that simple.

This Emilie has thousands of supporters, you've seen them.

If they march for the border Spain would have a legitimate pretext for w*r.

She's sick. She's touched in the head.

She fainted while we were speaking to her.

Apparently, she's been having fits since she was a child.

Some people call that the sacred affliction.

Perhaps she's genuinely blessed.

With faith, anything is possible.

You should all try reading the Bible once in a while.

All right, Aramis, as you're the expert on God you can deal with her.

Go to the camp tonight.

Gain her trust, find out what her weaknesses are.

I didn't become a Musketeer to destroy an honest woman's reputation.

Would you rather see her march thousands of innocent people to a Spanish slaughterhouse?

What does the King say about all this? Will he meet her?

The King, he is busy with affairs of state.

(he laughs)

(she squeals)

I have a present for you.

Oh, a small principality would be nice.

Mm, how witty you are!

It is rare to find beauty and humour in a woman.

Now if we just take off this choker.

I never take that off, Sire, not for anyone.

It conceals a birthmark. A disfigurement.

It cannot be so ugly?

However, if there is some other part of me you wish to gaze upon...

A dozen Spanish lynched in the streets, my own secretary cut to pieces by the mob.

How is any of that my concern?

You are an agent of Spain and the King's trusted advisor.

You should be telling him to hang Emilie of Duras in the town square!

Now, fix it!

Be careful, Perales.

One day soon I will rule France, with Queen Anne at my side.

And then a word from me and you'll find your head on the block.

You? The ruler of France?

(laughing) You're madder than a rabid dog.

Then be careful I don't bite you.

That is the second time you have struck me.

There will not be a third.

Do you really have to go?

I do. I'm sorry.

To do your duty.

And you should do yours.

The Dauphin is with his nurse. We still have an hour or two yet.

How many men do you have guarding him?


There should be at least four.

You should have four guards outside this room at all times.


Do you love me?

You know I'm very, very fond of you.

Dear God, I have given my honour and my body to a notorious womaniser.

I'm a complete fool.

Marguerite, one day soon you must marry a man of your own rank.

I'm a soldier, I'm beneath you.

Why break our hearts over a... fleeting affair?

Come in, sir, make yourself comfortable.

I am not interested in that.


The Comte De Rochefort is a frequent client of yours.

The next time he comes, I want you to do something for me.


You're not talking about the usual, are you?

Oh, no.

We certainly can't call it that.

(people chatter)

What's the matter?

I used to remember almost nothing when the sickness came on me.

Just a face or a word here and there.

But now I am afraid to sleep.

Afraid of what God will show me.

Now I remember everything.

The anguish and suffering, the cries for help.

I feel I'm in hell.

God is showing you the agonies of the damned.

So you know what will happen if you fail.

(grunts and shouts)

We've captured an assassin.

k*ll him.

No, I mean no harm. I'm here to see Emilie.

Let God's work be done.


I know you. You're one of the Musketeers.

I heard you preach. I, er... I was inspired.

I want to hear more.

He looks Spanish.

I'm French!

They've sent him to k*ll you.


What are you doing here?

I've deserted to join your cause.

Have a seat.



Let go!

You're not like the other court ladies.

I can smell it on you, like a sour note in a fine perfume.

Who are you? What is your real story?

Do you really suppose I would allow the King to choose a new favourite and make no enquiries about her?

You are hardly less new here than I am, my dear Comte.

I wonder which of us means more to him. Shall we ask?

Here is something you don't see every day.

How did you survive the noose, Milady?

You cannot touch me while I'm under the King's protection.

How long will that protection last when he finds out his new lover is a condemned criminal?

Let me go, or you will regret it.

This conversation is not over.

Are you really a deserter, Aramis?

When I heard you preach I knew this was where I belonged.

As a soldier, I'm used to following orders but sometimes a man must follow his conscience instead.

Even though they might hang you?

Even then.

I will ask the King to pardon you.

I'm expecting an audience very soon. I've dreamt it will happen.

Do your dreams always come true?


People are calling you Joan of Arc reborn.

I am not Joan.

I lack the courage to face the flames as she did.

But God has always spoken to you?

When I sleep.

I'm glad you're here, Aramis.

You will be at my side when we ride into Madrid.

Emilie: No! No!

Stay back!

No! Stay back!

Are you waiting for me?

No, I often hang around the garrison late at night.

You never know when you might get lucky.

Milady tricked you.

She tricked everyone. The Queen should know who she's dealing with.

All our evidence died with the Cardinal.

If you went to the Queen what would you tell her?

The truth.

You know the King is besotted with Milady.

You might do more harm than good.

But what if she wants to harm Her Majesty?

Why would she? She's already got what she wants.

Look, just watch Milady for now.

In the end, she'll destroy herself without our help. You'll see.

I'm glad that we can talk like this again.

You know, as friends.


Did you hear all that?


What are you going to do?

I'm going to drink.

And do you want to be alone?




(goat bleats)

Emilie wants to see you. But first, you can help me.

I heard her in the night.

When God speaks, it's like being ripped apart by a hurricane.

Aren't you worried about her?

(she scoffs)

Look at all these people.

Do you think they'd follow just some ordinary peasant girl?

When she was a child, they threw rocks, cursed her.

Now they worship her as a prophet.

It must have been hard back then.

We were hated and cursed wherever we went.

I'm never going back to that life.

Emilie is an innocent.

God gave her to me to protect.

And I won't let anyone hurt her.

I had a vision. I saw you and me with the King.

You were close by my side. I was happy.

What else did you dream of? I heard your screams.



A terror like a sharp blade cutting at my soul.

I pray when the Spanish are defeated, God brings me peace.

How can you be so sure these visions come from God?

I feel God's light inside me. I have no doubts.

Even in the agony there is a joy beyond comprehension.

This is all His will, it's not mine.

How can I ignore it?

(crowd shouts)

(glass shatters)

Get back, all of you!

Get back!

Get back!

(crowd shouts)

Get back!

Get back!


Get back! In the name of the King!


Put that down. Captain!

Our orders are to escort you to safety.

This is madness.

I am working night and day to bring about peace between our two great Catholic nations.

But there are those in Paris and in Madrid who would not have it so.

The King is no friend of Emilie's.

Oh, I don't mean the peasant girl.

If we're all quite ready?

Stay close.

Innocent people are dying all because of that foolish peasant girl who thinks she can talk to God.

They say she speaks like an angel.

Angel of death.

I can't stand idly by and watch my fellow countrymen slaughtered.

If the King won't do something, I will have to.

Why won't the King see her?

His advisors won't allow it. They say it would only encourage her.

Can't you talk to him?

I've tried, many times.

But what I want is of little interest.

He's captivated by this Milady.

I'm told she knows... things.

Bedroom tricks.

I was so young when I married the King.

We grew up more as friends than lovers.

When you truly love someone, all the tricks in the world don't matter.

I have tried so hard to be the King's friend and support.

But I know I have never pleased him.

You're the mother of his son.


I am.

Thank God.

And for the Dauphin's sake, Emilie's gospel of hatred has to be challenged.

My people are restless. They love their King.

Why does he not love them?

I don't know how long I can contain their anger.

That sounds like a threat.

The King and I are both servants of God.

We must obey His will.

He must send for me soon.

If you march on Spain, most of these people will die.

Do you think God can protect them from muskets, a*tillery, gunpowder?

I know He will. Faith is the only armour we need.

Why Spain? Why not England or the Holy Roman Empire?

It is not for me to say.

You think God told you explicitly that King Philip was the Antichrist?

I know you don't believe in me, Aramis.

But I know you for a good man.

You won't betray me.

(bells ring)

Father Allard.

You were privy to all the Cardinal's secrets.

I want to know about Milady de Winter.

You were the Cardinal's man, Rochefort. Didn't he tell you?

Let me explain our roles here.

I ask the questions, you answer them. Do you understand?

I believe the lady in question has only lately arrived in Paris.

Don't lie to me! Her name appears in the Cardinal's private accounts.

So she was either his mistress or something even more valuable.

Which was it?

How dare you! Who are you to question me like this?

Tell me the truth and you will be well rewarded.

I'm a man of the Church. I cannot be bribed!

I'm pleased to hear it.

How is your new mistress, by the way?

Does she know about the wife and family you keep in secret?

Or the bastards you have fathered with two other women?

Milady was the Cardinal's agent.

His spy and assassin.

She's nothing but a murdering whore.

Better that than a pious hypocrite.

May I leave now?

Write down everything you know about her.

If I am satisfied you are telling the truth, I might let you live.

I wish to see the King.

Take me to the Palace.

I have orders not to move you.

I am done with this life.

His Majesty King Philip has granted me leave to retire to my land in Valencia.

Have you ever tasted an orange ripe off the tree?


But I have one more vital service to perform for both of our countries.

Take me to the King.

You're safe here. You might as well make yourself comfortable.

Captain, I was hoping you could help me explain this.

I hardly knew General de Foix. Why would he leave me a legacy?

You saved his life. Perhaps he wants to repay the debt.

None of the others got anything.

Why worry about it?

Why not just be grateful for a bit of good fortune?

Did he owe me some kind of debt?

Why would you think that?

I think he knew something about my background.

I think he knew something about my mother or even my father.

I hadn't seen de Foix for over 20 years.

I don't know anything.

What are you keeping from me? He knew my father, didn't he, is that it?

You're being ridiculous.

I'm not a fool, Captain. And you're not a good liar.

Leave it, Porthos. That's an order.

I don't know how she wears this bloody thing.

Keeps slipping.

Get on with it.

You've never asked me my real name.

Because I don't care.

I'll give you a clue.

It's not Anne or Your Majesty.

Just put on the dress!

This has got a rip in it.

That's impossible.

(she grunts)

(choked screams)

Who told you to do this?

Who ordered my death?

Tell me and I will spare your life.


It was Perales.

(she gasps)


This was just delivered for you.

Who is it from?

I don't know. The messenger didn't say.

(he cries out)

What's wrong?

Who sent you this? Is there a note?

No. But the message is clear enough.

(she laughs happily)

(she breathes deeply)

I will not be blackmailed.

Remarkable that a street slut can bear herself with such arrogance.

Did the Cardinal teach you that?

The Cardinal taught me a great deal.

Be careful I don't show you how much.

Perhaps I should give the King that list of your crimes.

How many men did you k*ll, exactly? I lost count.

I am finished with that life.

Not quite.

I have a job for you.

What is it you want?

A death.


We'll get to that.

Just one.

And then we are free of each other.

I give you my word.

I'm not sure this is a good idea.

If the King won't grant Emilie an audience, I must.

What choice do I have?

You could have stayed safe at home. And so could I.

I want to be useful, Constance.

To show the King there are some things only a Queen can do.

How do I look?


That's not what I meant.

I don't see any muskets or swords. These are just ordinary people.

I'm sure they'll listen to reason.
What do you want?

We're looking for Emilie.

Who wants her?

Two women who've seen the damage you've caused.

Tell us your name.

Constance Bonacieux. And this is my friend Anne.

Well, we can't let just anyone see Emilie. It wouldn't be safe.

I know you.

You're her. The Queen.

The Spanish bitch.

I am as loyal to France as any of you.

There is not a drop of French blood running in your veins.

Who puts a fox in a hen house? Why are you really here?

We've told you...

Take her.

A present for you, Emilie.

The Spanish Queen herself.

Your Majesty.

This man is a Musketeer. He deserted his regiment to join me.

Do you know each other?

He has been loyal in the past. I am sorry he has forgotten his duty.

Why are you here?

I came here to talk to you, not only as your queen but as a woman and a mother.

Do you really believe that God wants this hatred and v*olence?

You must know that our saviour preached love and forgiveness...

I don't need lectures on religion. My message is from God himself.

Look into your heart...

You should not be here!

We should just cut off her head and send it to her brother as a gift.

Lay one finger on her...

For a deserter, you show a high degree of devotion to the Queen.

Would you defend me with such passion?

Do you really think the King will tolerate any barbarity towards his queen?

We should hang her, in the morning, in front of the whole host.

Leave the King free to marry an honest Frenchwoman.

He'll thank us for it.

That's madness. He'd send the Red Guard to slaughter us all.

Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son for God.

The King should do likewise with his wife.

It will inspire his people.

God will show me what to do.

Until then... you will be our guest.


With the respect, Your Majesty, are you completely out of your mind?

I thought I could help. That she might listen to reason.

Faith has little to do with reason.

If Emilie foresees your death tonight, God knows how I'm going to get you out of here.

You should try the broth. It's good.

Take mine. I'm not hungry.

Thank you.

If you need me, I'll be close by.

Aramis is right. It's good.

(no audible speech)

(she gasps and pants)

Constance, what is it? You were crying out in your sleep.

It was so real.

I was there and...

Shhh, you were dreaming.

I've never felt anything like it before.

I was so scared...

God granted you a prophecy.

You're wrong.

I hope you're wrong.

We can't reject the truth when it is revealed.

(Constance sobs)

He's insisting that we move him somewhere safer.

He knows where I am.

Who does? What does this mean?

It means my attempt to rid myself of a terrible menace has failed.

But you won't tell us the exact nature of the threat?

(horse whinnies)

Orders from the Palace.

You're returning to Madrid.

I am to escort you personally to the carriage the King has provided for you. Thank God.

When I am safely back in Spain, I swear you will know the whole truth behind this affair.

I owe you that much.

Go ahead to these gates and make sure the carriage is ready.

I don't want the Ambassador waiting out in the open.

God has shown me what to do.

You will return to Paris. Aramis will escort you.

There is one condition for your release.

The King must grant me an audience.

I will do everything in my power.

Tell the King we treated you fairly.

He has no need to be frightened of his people.

Don't ever do that again.

I will always serve my country.

But perhaps this time it was unwise.

Foolish is the better word.

You are talking to your Queen, Aramis.

(I know.)

We promised each other.

A Queen is allowed to break her promises.

You know all my secrets now.

You carry my life in your hands.


Escort the Queen to her apartments.

Constance, you know Lemay, right? The surgeon?

You find him. Bring him to the Garrison.


I think this soup caused your nightmare.

But we all shared the same meal.

You used the same bowl as Emilie and had similar dreams.

It might be coincidence but let's find out.

(people chattering)

Where's the Ambassador's carriage?

Rochefort ordered it to be waiting here.

Mind your back please, madam.

We've had no orders from Rochefort about a carriage.


Excuse me.

A few more minutes and you'll be on your way back to Spain.

Captain, stop! Get back, it's a trap!

(he groans)

There was no carriage! It's a trick. Get back!

Move, move, move!

(he gasps for breath)

Ambassador? Ambassador!

What happened?

He was poisoned.

In broad daylight? With a Musketeer escort to protect him?

Where were you going? Why did you move him?

Because you told us to.

You said there was a carriage waiting at the East Gate.

You have been tricked. This is not my handwriting.

Did you not think to check with me?

It's carrying your seal.

Faked. Poorly. The Spanish will see a conspiracy in this.

You have made a very grave mistake, Captain.

We think there might be something in it that gives you nightmares.

And how do you expect me to establish that?

You are a man of science.

I'm a doctor, not an alchemist.

But I will do what I can.

How could this have happened?

I shall be forced to grovel to King Philip in the most demeaning way.

Why wasn't Perales protected?!

The question is, Your Majesty, who k*lled him? Who stood to gain?

There is one obvious suspect.


She wants to k*ll every Spaniard she can lay her hands on.

Who better to start with than Perales?

Rochefort is right. It must be that damned girl.

Arrest her.

Emilie is not capable of such a conspiracy.

It is not in her nature.

With respect, how can you possibly know that?

Your Majesty, we should look more deeply into this.

Is anyone here but Rochefort willing to do what their king wants?

(door slams shut)

Get some fresh air. Breathe.

Thank you.

(he pants)

Are you all right? What happened?

I tried your soup.

What did you discover?

Minutes after I sampled it, I experienced a series of remarkable delusions.

I believe the broth contains a powerful narcotic drug, probably derived from a species of wild mushroom.

Is there any chance Emilie did k*ll Perales?

No. Rioting in the streets I can believe. This is too subtle.

Then who did do it?

It doesn't matter.

Our orders are to arrest her.

They won't give her up easily.

We're outnumbered ten to one.

I know her secret. And I know a way she'll come willingly.

We give her what she most wants.

The King has granted you an audience.

(people cheer)

Raymond will choose 20 of our best men to accompany us.

Emilie is to return with us.


It's a trap.

Is it?

You have my word.

If you're not back soon, we will tear down the walls to find you.

Touch one hair on her head and Paris will burn.

They won't harm me.

(crowd cheer)

Who would ever have thought a peasant girl could command the audience of the King?

What's he like? Is he tall?

Witty? Handsome?

All of those things... to a degree.

I know you came to destroy me, Aramis, there's no shame in defeat.

God was on my side.

Your holy w*r can only end in misery and blood.

You really think that's what God wants?

You should have stayed in Duras and lived an ordinary life.

There is no ordinary life. Not for me.

You've been deceived and deluded.

Emilie of Duras, I'm arresting your for the m*rder of Ambassador Perales.

You will be held at His Majesty's pleasure for questioning.

No. I-I'm here to see the King.

What? No?!

You liar! Traitor!

There will be blood for this!

Your blood!

The King is willing to let me handle this in my own way?

His only concern is to see the mob pacified.

Emilie's own fate is unimportant. He has complete faith in you, Treville.

Don't let him down again.

My people will come to rescue me. They will march on Paris.

I don't think so.

God will intervene to free me.

Perhaps. But not in the way you mean.


Am I to be burned?

Dear Lord, don't let them send me to the fire.

I am not brave enough.

I never even met this man Perales.

Well, how could I have m*rder*d him?

We know you didn't k*ll him.

Then why am I here?

We want to help you.

Your visions are from soup, not God.

We think you've been drugged. Perhaps for a long time.

Your mother's been poisoning you.

My mother?

My mother loves me.

She would never hurt me, I don't believe you!

Athos will watch over you. He has some experience in these matters.

(baby gurgles)

These are the Queen's private apartments. You shouldn't be here.

I was looking for her. She seemed distracted earlier.

I hope she is well.

Very well, I believe.

I have been watching you, Madame.

What do you mean?

Your father hopes you will soon make a good marriage.

A word to the King from me could secure you everything you want.

And in return?

You want what is best for the Queen and so do I.

In order to protect her, I must know every detail of her daily life.

You want me to spy on her?

No, no, just help me watch over her.

Like a guardian angel.

I couldn't betray her trust.

A young woman in your position needs someone to protect her.

Someone to keep her secrets.

Secrets like your lover, the Musketeer Aramis.

Even a whisper of scandal would destroy your hopes forever.

What would your poor father say about that?

(she whimpers)

Her body still craves the drug.

This is only the beginning.


Get off me!



Give her some wine.

(she screams)

How is she?

She should be herself by now.

If she even knows who that is.

How long have I been asleep?

About 15 hours.

I didn't dream once.

You promised to k*ll me. And yet, here I am, still alive.

I can't touch you while you're the King's mistress.

Suppose I have changed. Suppose I have renounced my old life.

Would you still want your revenge then?

You're no more capable of changing your nature than a scorpion.

You misjudge me. The past is dead. I am a different woman now.

The past is never dead. But we are finished with each other.

From now on, we will be strangers.

You are a stranger to yourself.

The truth is staring you in the face and you can't even see it.

What truth?

Whatever I am... you love me.

And you always will.

God has left me?

Not God.

A drug has left you.

I feel so alone.

I was happier before.

Even if it was a lie.

My mother?

But she loves me. She wouldn't hurt me, would she?

You have a chance to redeem all this.

One chance to find a true path back to God.

My friends...

You have followed me across France to do God's work.

But this is where our journey ends.

My visions were based on deceit and treachery.

They were not from God.

I renounce them.

What are you saying? They've corrupted you somehow...

This holy w*r was a phantom of my imagination.

It can only end in your deaths.

I was blind, but now my eyes have been opened.

I have one last message for you, this time an honest one.

Go home. Our work here is finished.

Why did you do it, Mother?

Why did you feed me all those lies?

I harnessed your gift and brought you adoration.

It was you who wanted all that. I believed my visions came from God.

You betrayed me for your own greed and ambition.

I wanted a life. A better life for both of us.

One we deserved.

You destroyed my mind to grasp it.

Just go home! You have been deceived.

Listen to your own hearts, not to those who would corrupt and mislead you!

Go home.

Pack your things and leave.

You have one hour before the Red Guard puts you to the sword.

This is not my daughter.

They have sent an imposter to do the devil's work.

Stand by me and I will lead you to Spain.

Nothing has changed!

False prophet!

(she screams)


(Emilie sobs)

Just leave me.

(horse whinnies)

They've all gone. Where's Emilie?

Headed home.

Will she be safe?

I hope so. Her power's gone, therefore so is the danger.

Now she's just another girl from Duras.

You did right by her.

I took her God away from her.

Her God was a cruel lie, Aramis.

She'll find her way back to Him. The right way.

If there is one.

The King: Emilie should have been ex*cuted, not released!

It was Captain Treville's decision. I argued against it.

Her army is dispersing. The crisis is over.

Perhaps Treville did the right thing.

Let's not forget, Perales was k*lled on his watch.

Spain will expect you to take action, Sire. Vigorous action.

What do I do?

Perhaps it is time for a change.

Treville has been your most loyal servant.

You don't understand politics at all, my dear, hm?

Leave this sort of thing to the men.

I want you all to know that no blame falls on any of you.

Your duties remain unchanged.

I have been relieved of my command.

I am no longer your captain.

Who are you?

Where is this?


But he wouldn't just disappear without a word to anyone.

Do you not recognise a man of noble bearing?

Your man's behaviour is a disgrace.

That's enough!

You stand here preening when there are people dying out there?

You want this land, boy. You are going to have to fight for it.
