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06x04 - Waiting For Tonight

Posted: 01/28/15 16:30
by bunniefuu
Mmm! [ Smacks lips ] This is nice.

It's my favorite time of day-- just you and me and 20 seconds of total peace and quiet... until your dad wakes up the entire state with one of his sneezes.


Ah. Morning!

True story-- one of his sneezes k*lled Scott Baio.

He's still alive.

No, that was our dog.

Yeah, I k*lled a parakeet, too.

Then the neighbors stop by mid-argument for coffee.

I have to stay in a hotel to clip my toenails?

You are not clipping those talons in my house.

It's like walking on broken glass.

New parents pop in with a question.

Hey, guys, okay, is it normal for diaper rash to kind of... Go around the corner?

Gross, and yes.

Then there's the wild card.

[ Yodeling ]

Met a Swiss gal on the operating table last week, so, uh, I'm working on my yodel.

It's their mating call.

Same time tomorrow?

See you then.

[ Both chuckle ]

You know, it's my house, too.

It's okay. It's just a rash.

Okay, go to the doctor?

The hat is too much?

[ Sneezes ]

[ All speaking indistinctly ]


Hey, babe.


Ooh, you look great.


Ooh, you might want to let that cool.

No time. I got to go close on that two-bedroom apartment.

Mm! Wow! Burned my tongue.

You okay?

Yeah, I think I'll have some yogurt.

[ Inhales deeply, sighs ]

There's my classy gal.

So, it's been a while since the two of us have had some time to ourselves.

Yeah, I've noticed that, too.

But tonight, your dad's gonna be out of the house, rehearsing with that ridiculous jug band.

The Jugs. It's a play on The Judds, but with, you know... [ Chuckles ]

[ Chuckles ] I know. I just like to hear you say it.

Anyway, you know that fancy tapas place where it's impossible to get a table?


Well, I got us a table. [ Chuckles ]

How?! That's only for cool people.

I had to convince them I was scouting locations for the Lou Diamond Phillip's Native American jewelry line launch party.

So if you see me wearing a necklace later, just go with it.

Tonight? That is so sweet... and also slightly annoying,

'cause I have like 20 things I've got to do.

And I told Trav and Laurie I'd watch the baby tonight.

[ Sighs ]

I just thought it'd be a cool surprise.

I'll go cancel it.

Is that "sad body"?

I mean, I can rearrange a few things and just find a substitute sitter for tonight.

I'm free.


Plus, I can do two dozen ambient sounds that soothe babies.

Uh, this is "migrating whale pod."

[ Whining hum ]

[ Chuckles ]


You know, I thought that would be horrible, but that's like a deep-tissue massage for the soul.

Keep 'em coming!

"Happy cat."

[ Purring ]

[ Chuckles ]

Okay, for Stan's birthday, we need cake, ice cream, party hats... Oh, balloons.


Stan is turning 7. He deserves an awesome party.

You know, traditionally, in Cuba, when you turn 7, you get to smoke your first cigar.

Let me plan it.

No. I love planning my son's parties.

Let me make you a deal.

You know how you and I have a dinner tonight with my new clients and their wives?

[ Sighs ]

Let me plan Stan's party, and you can skip it.



Hey, you guys, you know, we're celebrating something, too.

Today, Baby Bobby turns six weeks old.

And six weeks after childbirth means Laurie and I can finally... officially... get it on!



The thought of you having sex sends a cold chill of disgust down our spines.

You know what? We should synchronize our reactions-- your shudder with my bleh.

I'll try it.



I like it. Change approved.

[ Giggling ] You guys.

What, it doesn't bother you that they're grossed out by us?

Oh, sweetie, it's not us. Observe.

I once had sex with Willie Nelson, but it turned out it wasn't Willie Nelson.

It was just an old lady.

I occasionally let Travis have sex with me.



See? They're just repulsed by you.

Great. That's much better.

That reminds me-- time for my romantic tip of the day.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Tweet larmy.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

I got carpal tunnel going on from lifting up the baby, so I can't text, so I have to dictate all my tweets.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

[ Slowly ] Before boning dude in--

Let me just type for you, which is easier than having to hear you and having to then s*ab you.

Oh, about time to drop Baby Bobby off with Jules so mommy and I can get our freak on.

Ugh. - Bleh.


Bonnie, you barely even know me.

I know you plus sex equals gross.

[ Groans ]

Oh, hey! Got some roller skates.

It's a really good workout.

Did you know that this works your butt?

Actually, formally, it works your butt cheeks.

That's the real place that it works.

It makes them very, very tight, very taut, hard as a rock, you know?

[ Grunts ]

So, Tom is helping you babysit?

Jules: Yep. You know, he's a doctor.

It's good to have him around just in case Grayson and I accidentally fall asleep from having such a lame, uneventful night.

Bye, sweetie. Mama loves you so much.

I'm gonna be thinking about you every second.

Not every second. Not when we're, uh... Ew. [ Shudders ]

Ellie came by and showed us how.

Glad you're on board.

How long do you think it'll last?

Oh, I'm guessing forever, bae.

[ Sighs ]

You guys have a great time.

[ Door closes ]

Okay, they're gone. Let's do this!

[ Grunts ]

Do we really have to lie to the g*ng about going out to dinner?

Are you kidding?

They find out we're gonna have fun without them, they're gonna come out of the woodwork.

You're dressed up.

Are you going out? May I come?

Oh, no, no. We're not going out.

[ Chuckles ] I just, um... I-I wanted to look hot for Baby Bobby.

Yeah. Me too.

All right. Stay low. Head for the door.

Trav and Laurie are turning around. They're coming back.

Back door! Stay low!

What's going on there?! I hear scurrying.

No, there's no scurrying. Just, um... Baby stuff.

Why is Tom there? What are you doing over there?

Why are you inside the house?

Hey. Is Jules here?

She was home a minute ago, and now she's gone.

Yeah, Laurie just needs a little reassurance on the baby before we, uh... head home.


I didn't even say it.

You thought it.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Tweet larmy-- after six weeks on the DL, my lady parts--

I would rather type than hear that.

[ Keypad clicking ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]

"My lady parts are supes stoked to get back into naked spin class."

That's really good.

Yeah, because it's not hard spitting out skank-speak to idiots.

So you got lucky with one sweet tweet, you know, but the larmy demands a constant stream of my brain gems.

I'm sure it's quite a challenge to produce genius such as... Oh, "Just twerked for six straight minutes. #reaching goals."

You think it's easy to keep my tweeples stoked for an entire day?

Prove it.

[ Keypad clicking ]

"Just totes got tweet-challenged by a hooba-skank."

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Oh, they like that.

[ Cellphone chiming ]

What's a retweet?

Oh, here's another. Is that good?

I mean... Where'd mom and Grayson go? Her car's still here.

Ooh, God. I don't know.

I just realized my boobs are hard as rocks.

Oh, hey, baby. I'm turned on, too.

You don't really know how boobs work, do you? - No, I don't.

I have to feed Baby Bobby. Come on.

We did it! We're free!

[ Engine turns over ]


Sexy dinner, here we come.



[ Thud ]

Watch out for Bonnie?

She's fine. I barely tapped her.

With a 3,000-pound car.

But she doesn't even have a scratch.

Hon, do you want me to call the doctor?

Oh, no, I have everything I need right here.

Put her on the couch. I'll get some water.

Here you go. [ Grunts ]

What are you doing? Put her down.

[ Straining ] I'm trying. She's on me like a koala.


[ Panting ] Look, Jules... If we get Jerry to pick her up right now, we can still make dinner.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I'm too hurt to be moved.

I'm calling your husband. What's Jerry's number?

Oh. [ Sighs ] I don't remember.

I can only remember my lawyer's number.

[ Sighs ]

And there goes dinner.

Well, guess I don't need this wearable art anymore.

If you need me, I'll be in my bed.

Ooh, I wonder if I'd heal faster if I was up in that bed with him.

Well, wonder away. It ain't gonna happen.

I just walked into my room to find Laurie nursing on my bed.


The baby, not Trav.

Oh. Well, that's beautiful.

So, I have no sexy tapas night, a milking mom on my bed, and a psychotic lunatic on my couch.

Guess I'll just, uh, go stand in the yard.

You know what? I can fix this.

I'm gonna go down to that restaurant, and I'm gonna get us another reservation.

Good luck! I had to beg for a crappy 6:00 table.

[ Door opens, closes ]

Mm. Every time we make eye contact, my whole body shakes.

[ Scoffs ]

Whew. Caught me. [ Giggles ]

What are you doing here? I thought you and Laurie were supposed to be-- bleh!

We are, but Laurie had to feed Baby Bobby so we called a one-hour delay on the spanks.



To Gray's pub and bey-- beyond!

To gray's pub and beyond! [ Laughs ]

I'm Buzz Lightyear!

Pixar, man, in the house!

Yeah! What do you think, Ellie?

"Supes sad when grown men rock a bone for kids' toys."

Great. Stan's gonna have the best birthday.

"I have a cuz named Birthday. Her stripper mom went into labor jumping out a giant cake."
[ Cellphone beeps ]

I just wanted to show it off. Can you help me get out?

I get charged double if I get sweat stains in it.

Uh, hold on. The suit is...

Awesome? [ Chuckles ]

It's also stuck.


Trav? Hilarious?

Got to get out of this. Got to get out of it.

Now it's hilarious.

Hi. Uh, my husband and I have reservations tonight at 6:00, but I ran over someone with my car, so I was wondering, could we get a table just a little bit later?

"N" to the "O." We're booked.

"N" to the "O"?

Oh, sorry, got it.

"No." [ Chuckles ]

Um, look, this is really something he wants, so...

This is chez fray-- supes swank and tuna tartare so totes tight it'll make your face melt.

Walk-up rezzie to this restie? Sha.

Right. So, um...


Totes... booked.

I'll be right back.

You. Ugh.

"N" plus "O," "K"?

Okay, I'm pretty sure you're using words.

They're just not words I know, so I brought a translator.

Hey, chestie bestie. No tabes for my girl?

Your girl's trippin'.

No walk-up rezzies at chez to the fray.


Snagging tabes is supes hard.

How supes?

Totes supes.

Totes supes? Real?

Real. Walk-ups are imposs.


What if lady peeps and her sugar "D" grabbed a high-top bar-sides?

Swingsies for a chestie bestie?

I can maybe swingsies bar-sides.

Ray owes me a fave 'cause I used to let him motor-b my speed bags.

Use 'em if you got 'em.

Def throw a bro a motor-b and grab a fave.


I can hook a bar slice at ocho, but ocho on the nizzy on the dot.

Sharp ocho on the dot, real.



[ Both smooch ]

What the hell just happened?

Um, it's a tabes for two at 8:00.

Okay, I got to hurry. Um, wow.

Your Laurie is getting scary good.

I'm in her head. There's tons of room.

You're the best.

[ Thinking ]

Fact-- I'm a supes bestie.

Wait. Why am I thinking in Laurie?

OMG-string. My brain is stuck.

My brain is totes stuck.


[ Strains ]


[ Inhales sharply, grunts ]

Jerry down. Suit still on.

Please, I have to pee so badly!


[ Laughter ]

Yeah, all right.

All right. One, two...


[ Creaking ]

I think it's working! I hear tearing!

It's not the suit! It's me.

[ Grunts ]

Ooh, was that a pop?

That thing's on you like a bear trap.

Is there at least a zipper so you can use the bathroom?

I don't have to go anymore.


What? Nothing. Shut up.

Travis, I have to get out of this suit before my dinner at 8:00.

It's with really important clients!

It's already 5:30!

Yeah, that watch might be slightly off since it's a sticker.

It's 7:45.

7:45?! They're gonna be there any minute! I'm screwed!

[ Heroic music plays ]

Where you going?

To dinner... and beyond!

Why are you still outside?

Grayson: It's my new spot, right here next to the bug zapper.

[ Electricity crackling ]

And why is Bonnie hard-core spooning your sweats?

She must've gotten into the laundry when I wasn't looking.

Well, I've never felt bad for a pair of sweatpants before, but that is as*ault.

[ Couch squeaking ]

Get this-- we got a table.

Our dinner's back on.


Ellie's friend called in a fave 'cause ray motor-b'd her speed bags.

I don't know what that means, but we got a table!

[ Laughs ] Is Tom here?

Will he still watch the baby when Laurie's done feeding him?

Yeah, he just ran home for a second.


[ Laughs ]

Let's do this! Hey, what is a motor-b?

I'll show you later.

I can't believe this.

I mean, I thought the night was ruined when you hit Bonnie.

When I hit Bonnie?

We were both in the car. We hit Bonnie.

"We"? [ Chuckles ]

Okay, okay, who cares?

Oh, can you focus on the road?

I'm focusing. I know how to drive.



Uh, I-I'm okay, uh, but could you stop the car?

I'm hitting the brake as hard I can!

No, I think that's the gas.

We seem to be going faster.

Jules, stop!

[ Tires screech ]

Oh! There it is!

[ Groans ]

We did it again.

[ Strained ] Thanks for the lift, Grayson.

I'll be okay.

I've sustained lots of serious injuries during my high-school football days.

You played football? What position?


Good news. The damage to the car isn't too bad.

[ Tom clears his throat ]

What? It isn't.

Whew! Well, that was a doozy of a breast sesh.

Baby Bobby just tapped out my mammies.

Sounds like a busy day at the "breastaurant."

[ Both laugh ]

Yeah, I don't even think this bra fits anymore.

All right. [ Sighs ]

Listen, I guess it's time for me to go let Travis hit this.

[ All shudder ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Door opens, closes ]

Well, I guess I'll take off.

Oh, wait. Where you going?

Work. I just wanted one night for us, Jules-- just one night. We couldn't even get that.

Jules is really sexy when she's sad. Mm.

You are one odd-ass duck, Bonnie.

[ Heroic music plays ]

[ Music stops ]

[ Coughs ]

[ Back cracks ]

[ Music resumes ]

Clear the way!

Iconic animated superhero coming through!

Good day, citizen.

Running out of time! Must get to restaurant!

[ Cheering ]

[ Whoosh! ]

[ Country music playing ]

Well, your bright, hateful light seems to have dimmed.

What's going on?

[ Slowly ] Tweeting so long as Laurie... [As Laurie] That I can't get her Jelly voice out my brain.

Ohh, you went too deep into character.

You've gone full Daniel Day-Lewis.

[ Chuckles ]

Heard about this in acting class.

I always dreamt it would one day happen to me.

Yeah, like you have the chops to go full DDL, whatevs.

Hey! This isn't about me!

See, I can do any emotion. Damn it. I'm sorry.

Look, I had this audition for a yogurt spot, and, uh, they said that I couldn't do happy.

[ Chuckles ]

I heard the only way out of a full DDL is, like, some huge shock to the system.

I think my sys is totes broke.

I'm so in her crain, I know what she's doing 24-sevs.

Right now, she and shed-head are on the couch about to get it on and she's saying... Babe, I'm riding a six-week wave of horny.

I haven't wanted to saddle and ride this bad since I watched the DVD extras of "Stomp The Yard."

[ Inhales sharply ]

And then Trav'll say... You are the most... sexy, beautiful thing... I've ever seen. And then Jelly says... Then why don't you get that little, hairless seal chest over here and you kiss me like I got an itch in the back of my throat? [ Normal voice ] No, no, no, no, no!

She's gone.

I was so traumatized at the thought of her and Travis having--

[ Both gag ]

If I performed a monologue for you, would you maybe give me some pointers?

Oh, no, I'm never doing that. You're a horrible actor.

And she's back.

Oh, hey, Jer. Has Bonnie not called you?

No, why?

She got run over by a car.

Is she okay? Yeah. She seems-- she seems fine.



The front entrance is closed.

You'll have to go around to the back.

Sorry. I'm a little short on time.

[ Heroic music plays ]

[ All gasp ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Oh, yeah!

Torres?! What do you think you're doing?!

I'm... taking profits... to infinity and beyond!

I'm fired, aren't I?

[ Mockingly ] Oh, yeah!

Hi, babe.

I'm so sorry about our dinner.

I mean, it's not like we meant to hit those people.

"We"? Uh, you were driving.

Oh, my God. You really don't know how to take responsibility.

Wait. Why is your bar closed?

Private event.

[ James Bay's "Hear Your Heart" playing ]


I had to get you out of the house without anyone else getting in the way, so... I faked a sad storm-off.

Are you kidding?! Oh, my goodness.

I really believed you were upset.

I knew those acting classes would pay off!

Suck it, Ellie!

Jules [Sighs]... I know that our life together is going to be crazy.

You have so many people that need you... and I know you'll never turn them away.

And I love that about you.

And you love them, too.

I don't.

I just want a little more time for us.

So... if we can't get to the sexy restaurant, I will bring the sexy restaurant to us.

♪ and I just want to lay you down your burdens ♪

♪ all your fears ♪

Baby, it's perfect.

I'm glad you like it, especially since I'm losing 9 grand closing the bar early.

Ooh. Come here.

Wait a minute. Are you really losing 9 grand, or are you just trying to guilt me into having freaky sex?

Freaky sex. [ Chuckles ]

♪ your heart ♪

[ Engine turns over ]

Aah! Stop!


[ Scoffs ]

Jerry, what are you doing? You have to be more careful!

[ Sighs ] Yeah, sorry. I just wasn't thinking much about it.



[ Panting ] You okay?

[ Panting ] Yeah. You?


Don't tell Grayson.