06x15 - It's Home to Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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06x15 - It's Home to Me

Post by bunniefuu »

details or at treehousetv.com


oh hi Danny what are you doing I'm

building some houses like in our

neighborhood see there's your house and

my house is over here maybe we should

make ass for Barney that's a great idea

what kind of pass would you like Barney


looks like I made a bit of a mess I'm

sorry that's okay Barney dating is

building our houses with blocks and we

were about to build one for you oh I see

a little bit was a very nice idea

well it looks like we're going to have

to rebuild them do you want to help oh

sure that'll be fun okay

look what we can do

we've got work to do

step by step one two three Build It Up

you and me

that's it

now we're having fun

there's work to be done

working up and working down shaping

standing all around

very good

see what we can make

how long will it take

when every piece is in its place we'll

have a big smile on our face oh this is


look what we can do

we've got work to do

one two three Build It Up you and me


now that looks great thanks guys

hello Emily what are you doing we're

building some of the houses in our

neighborhood did you build my house yeah

we did see it's right next to the

Brown's house and there's my house in

Steven's house whose house is this oh

that's a special house we made just for

Barney I should have known it's purple

that's right Stephen and Danny knew just

what I'd like and I like having your

house close to mine thank you Emily

you're welcome Barney

friends in your neighborhood I can walk

to Danny's house to play and Emily's

house is just down the street from mine

sometimes we ride our bikes to school

together neighborhoods our team terrific

places where families and friends live

near each other


It'll be such fun for everyone so let's

walk around the block

their people we see every day

keepers at work and play

it's all so good in our neighborhood


around the block to see who we meet up

and down our street let's walk around

the block let's take a walk


there are houses we pass all the time

many trees that I would love to climb



let's walk let's walk around


for everyone so let's walk let's walk

around the blocks


so are you going to tell them who is

once well my grammy sent me a very

special surprise would you like to see


I set it up down on the playground all

right I love surprises let's go


so what do you think

look at those I think it's the most

beautiful dollhouse I've ever seen

thanks Emily it reminds me of my

Grammy's house oh your granny must be

very small to fit in a house like this

oh Barney it looks like our house but

it's much smaller of course of course it

is can we play with it sure great here's

the mother the Father the brother and

the sister

she have a whole family of dolls Hannah

where is Mother where is mother here I

am here I am how are you today Mom very

well I thank you let's all play let's

all play

where is Father where is Father Here I

am here I am how are you today dad very


let's all play let's all play

where is brother

where is brother where is brother here I

am here I am how are you today son very

well I thank you


where is sister where is sister here I

am here I am how are you today Sis very

well I thank you

the Blair is


I wish my house had lots of rooms like

this dollhouse oh well you know Emily

people live in different kinds of houses

some houses are big and some are little

my grandma's house is made of wood but

our house is made of bricks my family

used to live in a brick apartment see it

doesn't matter what your home is made of

or even if it's big or small what

matters is that your house is your

special place to live




I am now thank you I've been on the boat

so long that even dry land feels like

waves on the ocean so you've been

sailing on the ocean not exactly I've

been visiting some friends who live on a

houseboat how cool a house that floats

it is very cool Stephen I had just

finished having my breakfast when I

happened to hear someone talking about


that was us and we were playing with

Hannah's new dollhouse oh my what a

beautiful dollhouse thank you Stella my

grammy gave it to me

what happened to know a story about

finding just the right house would you

like to hear it

I'm gonna need all of you to help okay


all right once upon a time there were

three little pigs


they each decided to Build A Home of

Their Own soon the first little pig

found a big pile of straw

and so the first little pig built her

house of straw

now it wasn't long before a wolf came to

the little pig's door


little pig little pig let me come in


then I'll hook and all puff and I'll

blow your house in

just what he did the wolf

and he popped

blew the how

he ran the first little pig

now as the second little pig walked down

the road he found a big pile of sticks

these sticks are just what I mean

they'll make a fine house and I can

build it quickly


and so the second little pig built his

house of sticks but it wasn't long

before the wolf came to the little pig's


little pig little pig let me come in

oh the hair of my chinny chin chin then

I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow

your house in

just what he did

the wolf

and he


little kids



on her journey the third little pig

found a big pile of bricks these bricks

are just what I need it will take some

time to lay all these bricks but they

will make a fine strong house

and so the third little pig built her

House of Bricks but it wasn't long

before the wolf came to the little pig's



little pig little pig let me come in no

no not by the hair of my chinny chin

chin they're all Huff it all puff it all

blow your house in

so the wolf

and he popped

couldn't blow the house in

and once again he hopped and he parked

but he still couldn't blow the house in

finally he was so tired the wolf went

away never to bother the little pig



well the next morning the little pig was

happy to find her brother and her sister

at her front door

brother sister how are you

well the Little Pigs told her that the

wolf had blown away their houses and

that they had no place to stay

well then you must come and live with me

and they lived happily ever after



thank you for sharing that story with us

Stella oh you are very welcome

that whistle means it's time for me to

ship out



I do believe you're right oh we've got

plenty of shade to relax in yeah yeah

and Magic Trends and a nice Cool Breeze


hey hey


wow oh what a gentle little shower to

wash things off




take a look inside BJ it's really neat

you see it has rooms just like a real

house hey there's a kitchen that's my

favorite room yeah mine too you can make

lots of goodies in the kitchen yeah okay

Dolly time to take a nap

look our doll family is playing a game

in the living room home is a great place

for families to eat and play and just be


oh a home is a place to live in to eat

and sleep and be with the people you

love and care about yes that's a home to





our home is a place to live in to eat

and sleep and be with the people you

love and care about yes that's a home to

me yeah

and maybe it's a brick house

or a wooden house

or a house


or gonna get a houseboat

our home is a place to live in to eat

and sleep

yes that's a home to me okay


now it's time to get washed up for


the bathroom's over here baby bop want

some help and thank you Hannah well I

see this bathroom has everything we need

to help us stay clean and healthy

there's a bathtub for taking bubble

baths I just love taking bubble bath

there's nothing like splashing in the

bath for some good clean fun oh and look

there's a thing for washing our hands

squishy squishy squashy

give your hands a washing squishy

squishy squashy

give your hands a Washi you can't wear

out your skin so squishy squashy wash

your hands all clean

germs are all so small


you can't see them at all


you can't taste them you can't see them

and after you wash I wouldn't want to be


so squishy squashy wash your hands all


squishy squishy squishy

squishy squishy squashy wow


wash your hands up please




okay now it's time to make dinner oh may

I helped too please sure we can all have

fun in the kitchen oh it looks like

someone is cooking something delicious

we are the kitchen is my favorite part

of the house because I like to help my

mom cook


what's cooking well I am kind of hungry

me too well we're cooking something

special just for you some really good

food and it's yummy for your time


there are so many foods that you can

choose from chicken and rice to

vegetable stews if you're willing to try

you can't go wrong a little bit of

everything will help you grow strong


it's good for your heart and good for

your bones

for your hair look how mine has grown

good for your eyes

your teeth

good for your skin and your mouth


Listen to Your Tummy say this food is

yummy say yum yum yum yum

yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum


oh man that was some good cooking

it looks like we made a mess every night

after dinner I helped clean up the

dishes that's one of my jobs too well I

take out the trash can I helped put the

food away after we've been to the

grocery store well you know it's very

important for everyone in the family to

help around the house that way the house

stays clean for everyone

now it's time to put away everything

that we took out when the room is nice

and clean it makes us feel so proud


the very best part of my house what's

that my bedroom in my room I can read

books play with toys for just spend time

thinking your room sounds like a special

place it is I like to listen to music in

my room sometimes my mom hears the music

comes in and listens with me my mom let

me decorate my room so almost everything

in it is blue my favorite color well I

bet it's very beautiful


well I don't have my own room I share

with my brothers sometimes I wish I had

a bigger room because I feel crowded

especially at bedtime

well maybe you don't need a bigger room

just a bigger bed


um I think I'm ready for bed BJ okay

it is time for your nap thanks for

letting us play with your dollhouse

Hannah yeah it was really cool you're

welcome come on we better get home


I had fun playing with you dollhouse too

Hannah yeah it's a really neat house

thanks for letting us play yeah I had a

great time you're welcome guys well

being with people you love and care

about can make any house feel more like


I love you you love me we're a happy

family with a great big hug and a kiss

from me to you

won't you save you love me


I love you you love me we're best

friends like friends should be with a

great big hug and a kiss from me to you

what would you say you love me


for a great day Barney

I always enjoy being with you wow it's

almost time for dinner I need to go too

I will come with you great



Hannah I think there's some dollhouse

furniture in the classroom okay come on


hey everybody it's time for body says


hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today we

had lots of fun building houses with

blocks we found out that people live in

many different kinds of houses just like

in the story of The Three Little Pigs

some houses can be made out of sticks or

straw and some can be made out of bricks

we had a good time playing with Hannah's

dollhouse there's a lot to do in the

different rooms of a house like washing

your hands in the bathroom or cooking

something yummy in the kitchen all every

house feels like home with your family

and friends there and remember I love


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