06x10 - Birthday Olé

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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06x10 - Birthday Olé

Post by bunniefuu »

Barney Theme Song




barney's friends are big and small they

come from lots of places after school

they meet to play and sing with happy

faces barney shows us lots of things

like how to play pretend

abc's and one two threes and how to be a

friend to play with us


too if you just make me leave


here don't these look good they look

yummy yeah they do i'm glad it's

robert's birthday today it's fun having

a surprise party for him i'm having fun

already and the party hasn't even

started yet i think robert's really

gonna like his birthday party i hope so

i can't wait to see his face

now where should i put these

maybe i can hide them up here just to be



hello kim hello emily how is everybody

today we're excited we've been getting

ready for robert's surprise party it's

his birthday oh i just love birthdays

and surprises me too

looks like you thought of everything

even cupcakes

they look delicious let me help you put

them up here okay

here we go thank you you're welcome

stephen i guess i'm still not big enough

to reach that high being big does help

me reach up high but being little's

wonderful too

Big and Little







some are in the big some are very small

we come in all shapes and sizes





i better check to see if robert's coming

it's a good idea do you think he'll be

here soon maybe soon


napkins yet i'm not ready either what

should we do barney would you keep

robert busy while we finish oh of course

just whistle when you're ready


hey there's something different about

you today

there is can you really tell so i know

what it is it's your birthday today

isn't it yeah but how did you know well

i read your it's my birthday button

i forgot i had it on my mom gave it to

me well it looks great happy birthday


where is everybody today well

they must be very busy wherever they are

i really want to find them so you can

tell them that you're another year older

yeah do you think they'll be able to

tell well you do look a little older i

do and a little taller

really yes you do

you're growing so fast we better hurry

and find them oh barney i really want to

tell my friends that today is my

birthday birthdays are best when you

share them

Hooray! It's Your Birthday



is a very special day

we can't wait to celebrate your birthday



let's play your favorite party game

we'll sing and clap and wish you happy



pin the tail of the ducky if you can

dance and spin like a top quote

find a seat playing musical chairs when

will the music stop



is no ordinary day

we think you're great let's celebrate

your birthday


let's hold hands and flavoring around

the round i love it when we all fall





is a very special day


what was that oh it sounds like it came

from the treehouse perhaps we should go

check it out


i hope they're in here ready or not here

we come

are you surprised i can't believe it

look at all these decorations thank you

everybody we wanted you to have a great

birthday you even made party hats

okay let's try them on okay

you look like you're ready for a party

now we all do let the birthday party


wow this is just like a fiesta really

what's a fiesta fiesta is a spanish word

for party at my house sometimes we speak

spanish why is that because my family

comes from mexico and in mexico most

people speak spanish not only that


The Fiesta Song



is a great big


a very


i'm glad we're having a fiesta me too

well the best part about fiestas is that

we get to spend time with our friends

cupcakes you guys remembered everything

birthdays are more fun when there are

lots of surprises

you know what barney maybe i am growing

i don't think i could see that high


you really do seem taller but there's

one way we can tell for sure why don't

we go measure you on the growth chart in

the classroom i bet he's gonna hold in

my bed he's grown two inches and we'll

just have to see


no just slide out from under there and

we'll see how tall you are

have i grown very much yes just look at

how much you've grown since the last


wow i knew i was taller i can't wait to

tell my big brother

will i go on my birthday too you don't

have to wait for your birthday emily you


grow every


we can day more things because i'm

growing and so are you

each day we grow a little taller a

little bigger and we grow a little



we do it every


each day we grow a little taller a



bigger too

we try to be a little nicer


what should we do next well let's see

we've surprised robert

we got to wear our party hats

we've seen how big robert is getting

i know let's make party favors

what kind of party favors

maybe we can make our own musical

instruments oh that's a great idea what

kind of instruments would you have at a

fiesta we could make shakers since

they're kind of like morocco

what are maracas they're musical

instruments that make a really neat

sound when you shake them

this sounds like a job for

The Barney Bag


and i found a lot of things

gizmos and gadgets

and even some old

strings ourselves

what can we make today

with imagination


i wonder what these sound like yeah


look at that you used a potato chip can

didn't you

i'm gonna fill this in with the yellow

yellow is such a bright happy color


right let's see

oh that looks terrific thanks

yeah that is really good that looks good

i'm gonna try the drag pieces


this is really fun barney

kim used paper cups oh that looks really

good stephen

i can't wait

now i'm done


oh you've all done a great job

now let's hear those shakers

now let's hear them one at a

that time neat what's in yours i put

dried beans in mine listen to this

i use macaroni

i tried to try peas mine has the rice

this was a really good idea robert yes

it was all of you did a wonderful job

now let's really see what they can do

Move Your Body

there are lots of different ways our

bodies move


if you're ready now to start let's try

to find the parts that will do the

things that barney says


there are lots of different ways our

bodies move

they can twist and bend and shaking

really true



there are lots of different ways our


let's try to find the part that will do

the things to do


now we have a lot of fun


again real soon

was fun

i'm going to show my brothers how to

make these oh what a nice idea and

speaking of nice ideas who's ready for a


another surprise


barney i don't think we have another

surprise oh yes we do

it's just a little something i thought

everyone would like come on let me show



that's good right there

okay everybody close your eyes

no peeking


this is the best surprise of all it's my

favorite birthday game how did you know

well i just had a feeling

besides what's a birthday fiesta without

a pinata i've never played this before

you're going to like it oh here i'll

show you how it works


and hit the pinata and try to break it

open okay


here we

go yeah


take another swing

come on



your turn again there you go



okay robert give it one more good hit

here goes


i know your favorite


this is great look i found a ring oh i

did too

here robert do you want this little car

oh thank you oh it's really nice of you

to share it's important to share things

with our friends

Share Your Stuff

he thought so tough

to share your stuff

it's not so tough

to share your stuff


it's great to learn

to wait your turn

it's great you learn to waste your time

when a friend comes over to

play it's not nice to say

that's mine that's mine that's mine mine

mine put it back put it back put it back

back back and then you shared


and when you

share you care



want to care what's right

don't hold your stuff too tight

it's fun it's fun and much more fair so

share share share


to share your stuff

it's not so tough to share your stuff


did you hear that

what was it

my tummy is growling

maybe we should go get the cupcakes now

come on let's go


here open your car robert

we made it all by ourselves everyone

find it for you

it says happy birthday

to our good friend robert thank you

everyone i like it very much now it's

time to light the candles but we need a

grown up for that oh how about me


now robert before you blow up the

candles make a wish

i know i've got one


great i hope you get what you wish for

actually i think i already have

Happy Birthday to Me


is a very special day

with fun and surprises along the way

i'll tell you the secret and you will


it's happy birthday to me

happy birthday to me

happy birthday to me

i'm gonna shout it out from the tallest

tree happy birthday to me


another year has come and gone

my feet are bigger and my legs got long

i keep growing big and strong

happy birthday to me

lots of gifts and they're all for me

all the cake and ice cream i can eat my

birthday is gonna be super neat happy

birthday to me


i'm gonna


to me


this has been a wonderful birthday

fiesta thank you all of you we're so

glad that you had fun i did and tonight

my mom and dad are making my favorite

dinner what a great day our surprise

works i can't wait to tell my family

what we did today don't forget to take

your shaker with you and the prizes from

the pinata i won't thanks and thanks

barney for everything you're welcome

always wonderful when you can share your

birthday with friends and family

I Love You


i love you

you love me

we're a happy


with a great big hug and a kiss from me

to you

won't you say you love me too


i love you

you love me



well i guess it's time for me to go home

we better go too happy birthday robert

thank you kim i really had a lot of fun

today have fun tonight i will thanks

again happy birthday roberto



hey everybody it's time for barney fans


hello again to all my friends i'm glad

you came to play

our fun and learning never end here's

what we did today

there's nothing better than surprising

someone especially on their birthday

robert loved his surprise

we put on our party hats and began our

first date yesterday

we checked to see how much robert had

grown this past year

making shakers for our very own party

favors was so much fun

and i even took a spin at the pinata

in fact we all took turns it was

everyone's favorite birthday game

robert enjoyed spending his birthday

fiesta with his friends

birthdays are a good time to show people

you care just like i do for you

and remember i love you


stay right where you are because the

teletubbies are coming i love the

giggling sunshine face don't you

keep it right here on kittio for the

teletubbies next

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