05x01 - Books Are Fun!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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05x01 - Books Are Fun!

Post by bunniefuu »




Jeff Jr dinosaur pasta supports VBS kids



Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great


Barney's friends are big and small they

come from lots of places after school

they need to play and sing with happy

faces Barney shows us lots of things


I never knew all this stuff about

dinosaurs did you Barney oh yeah I guess

you would but did you know we've got to

take all these books back to the school

library today

come on we'd better get moving


thank you

know Barney I think the library may be

my favorite place in the whole school

but when you're in the library he used

to try to be quiet okay

right there

you know if you need help it's much

easier just to ring the bell

Booker team Bookworm hi you guys hi

there Booker T sorry about making a mess

in your library oh that's okay accidents

happen here at the books I borrowed oh

great did you like them they were great

Booker T I read about dinosaurs and

Rockets and how to build a real


and just look around the library there

are still lots of other books for you to

read each with its own special surprise

that's right books make learning fun

books are fun books are great let's sit

down with a book today books are fun

books are great is it book time yet oh I

just can't wait to read a book

do you know why I'd love to read a book

why I get so happy every time I take a

look because books can take you anywhere

that you want to go books help my

imagination grow


I love the pictures too I love to

snuggle up and read with somebody like


favorite stories and many more to learn

good things come with every page I turn


books are great let's sit down with a

book today


oh books can teach you things or show

you pictures or tell you a story just

for fun that's why I never get tired of

reading books I only get tired of

putting them back on the Shelf

wow after reading so many books Booker T

probably knows just about everything I

wish I could be more like him oh you do

do you oh Booker T

yes Barney with so many books to take

care of maybe you need a helper no

no I could use a helper

I'd like to be your helper oh yes uh

Curtis you'd make a wonderful helper

great boy and I've got a job for you

already oh right there on Ashley's

library card there's a note with the

name of a book she wants to borrow I'll

find it I'll find it just like you would

Booker T just like me this I've Gotta



oh Miss Etta I sure wish I could fly

well sugar it would help if you had


hey everybody

oh I've got something for you Ashley

it's the line the library book I wanted

Booker T found it

it's founded he's the new library helper

oh goodness Curtis already spent so much

time in that Library why that child they

turned into a book well

you know that looks like a very good

book actually it is


so many different colors and all of them

just beautiful when I look at them I can

almost imagine that these butterflies

are real

oh you must have a lot of imagination

because they look real to me too see


five little butterflies resting at the

door one flew away and then there were


butterfly butterfly happy all day


four little butterflies


then there were three butterfly

butterfly happy all day


Advent number three

three little butterflies looking at you

one flew away and then there were two


fly away

two little butterflies


and flew away and then there was one

butterfly butterfly happy all day


one little butterfly sitting all alone

one flew away and then there were none




what'd you do well I oh where all these

butterflies coming from oh from Ashley's



wow that's quite a book I borrowed it

from the school library using my library

card see it's got your name on it we've

got library cards too so you can all

borrow books from the school library

yeah it's really fun in fact I think

I'll go check one out right now come on

Barney oh okay


may I help you yes I'd like to get a

book about making things here's my

library card oh very good I believe my

new assistant can help you

a book about making things I think

you'll like this one why don't you check

it out

thanks guys

does Curtis look sort of different to

you well maybe just a little


well hello there Scooter hi Michelle

what you doing

I'm watching Bonnie and the children and

they seem to be reading a book oh boy

get me something funny is gonna happen

yeah yeah

this is a good book it shows how to make

paper airplanes

musical instruments and toys and


spaghetti oh oops oh sorry I didn't have

lunch yet now where were we I think it

would be fun to make this ocean in a box

oh that does look like fun and this

looks like a job for her


all right

and I found a lot of things

gizmos and gadgets Buds and ends cut

even some old strings


oh I'm so glad we borrowed this book


you're being very careful with the

scissors that's good

I'm coloring in some seaweed oh

that's a kind of plant that grows under

the water

now all I have to do is put a big smile

on my way

oh you know I don't think I've ever seen

a pink octopus before it's gonna be

different oh okay


are those the waves in the ocean Hannah

yes they are


ripened fish

so we put the ocean into the box and it

goes along the back


now I'll cut the string

to put fish in the octopus and now we're

putting it all together

whoa it really does look like an ocean

in a box

everything looks so wet and Wiggly and

wavy can you imagine what it would be

like to live under the sea I'm not sure

but it would be fun to try







anytime I wish


that ones

that was Oceans of Fun oh yeah this is a

really great book it is you know I think

I like to borrow a book too well then

let's go okay


oh hello there how may I help you I came

to check out a book with my library card

oh Splendid and what did you have in

mind well I like books with fun stories

and pictures well we got lots of those

oh Curtis


Curtis is starting to look like Booker T

help I think you're right

Hannah for fun stories and pictures I

highly recommend this book why don't you

check it out

let's see what kind of stories are in

store for us


Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard

to get her poor dog a bone but when she

got there the cupboard was Bare and so

her poor dog had none I bet he was


Jack's brat could eat no fat his wife

could eat no lean and so between them

both you see they licked the platter

clean lift it clean

uh Barney is something wrong no no well

it's just that I didn't have lunch and

all these Rhymes make me think about

food but you can go on please don't let

me stop Peter Peter pumpkin eater


oh I'm sorry but if the next one is

about food I'm just gonna have to make a

snack well here you go



boy let's make some muffins

Do You Know the Muffin Man The Muffin

Man The Muffin Man do you know the

muffin man who lives on Drury Lane yes

we know the muffin man the muffin man

the muffin man yes we know the muffin

man who lives on Jeremy Lane


Hot Cross Buns Hot Cross Buns want a

penny two a penny hot cross buns

who what's next

patty cake patty cake baker's man bake

me a cake as fast as you can roll it pat

it and Mark it with the beef and put it

in the oven for Barney

get the muffins out

yes we know the muffin man


thank you



there you are Booker teeth

will be right back may I be a resistance

Barney oh sure well I brought some

muffins for you at Booker T ah thank you

you're welcome and I'd like to borrow a

special book certainly I'm sure I can

find what you're looking for just like

Booker T Bookworm

oh by the way what book were you looking

for oh well it's my favorite book of

poetry I'm sure you've got it it's about

this big and it's got all sorts of

Rhymes in it about all sorts of

different things

and now the wiggle worm

oh see the little wiggle worm who crawls

across the dirt all pink and wet and

Wiggly oh I've got whatever shirts

and here's another poem called flowers

roses are red violets are blue but

mostly they're flat cause they're under

my shoe

little stinky is a skunk a handsome

little fella and you can find him

anywhere by following your smeller

I just love it when you live with me

then I feel happy I can smile the

biggest smile I know then you can see my

happy shovel


come on get silly and laugh with me



this makes me







oh hello there

goodness me the library is busy today

we're returning the books we borrowed

they were great they were wonderful I'll

just have my assistant put these back on

the shelves for other girls and boys to


oh Curtis

Curtis At Your Service

Curtis you look just like Booker T I do

maybe you should get out of the library

and play with us for a while yeah we

miss you I miss you too but I've got a

job to do here at the library just like

Booker T Bookworm just like Booker T huh

Booker T I think I know another book

that Curtis might like would you mind

getting it for me it's called

oh oh

I see good idea I'll be back in a Flash

I say here it is Curtis check it out

certainly what is it it's called be

yourself it's all about being the best

person you can be just by being yourself

oh do you think I was trying too hard to

be just like Booker T oh lady yes yeah

we lucky the way you work Curtis well

you don't need to change to be somebody

special and you don't have to be a

bookworm to learn from books Booker T's

right we all learn things from books

today yeah I think I did too

you are special you're the only one

you're the only one like you there isn't

another in the whole wide world who can

do the things you do cause you are

special special

everyone is



everyone in his or her away

you're important though you really are

you're the only one like you the world

is better just because you're here you

should know that we love you oh you are

special special

everyone is special

everyone in here




oh boy

well I guess I'd better go put some

hooks back on the Shelf can I still be

your helper Booker T even if I'm not

just like you of course

you're the very best helper I've ever


and you know what I think I've got the

very best friends too oh funny that's

just what I was going to say


I love you you love me we're a happy

family with a great big hug and a kiss

from me to you

won't you save you love me too


I love you you love me we're best

friends like friends


hey Curtis now do you want to go play

with us sure let's go okay let's go


thanks again Barney bye see you later


hey everybody it's time for Barney test


hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to playing our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today

we borrowed books from the school

library with some help from our good

friend Booker T Bookworm Ashley checked

out a book that taught her about

butterflies Robert likes books that show

him how to make things like an ocean in

a box

and Hannah's book of Rhymes was just for

fun even if it did make me hungry

in the library you'll find books that

you love too and remember I love you




funding for Barney and Friends is made

possible in part by the annual financial

support of PBS viewers like you and by




Jeff Jr dinosaur pasta supports BBS kids



Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great

this is

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