04x20 - E-I-E-I-O

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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04x20 - E-I-E-I-O

Post by bunniefuu »


mmm this could be the place I think it

is the place it is this is just the

right place for an adventure follow me

let's go on an adventure just pretend

and you will see let's go on an

adventure one just for you and me we

can't breathe that will be ocean blue

till we find the final clue

let's go on it's more fun when we share

the dreams we have in song there's just

so much to do let adventure be your

guide come on just pretend and you go

see let's go on an adventure one just

for you and me

imagination to pretend and you will see

one just for you a ce-1 cast with you

what a fun game I can tell that you're

all using your imaginations I'm

pretending to be an explorer enzyme

pretending to be a sailor I'm pretending

to be a man from Mars and Steven is

pretending that he has a backpack full

of food for your adventures er not

exactly mm-hmm

beginning gas into my backpack I really

do see oh you might mom made us peanut

butter sandwiches did you say peanut

butter yummy in the tummy creamy smooth

peanut butter that's right good oh they

will be

would you like a peanut butter sandwich

Barney oh yes I would say keep a key

thank you oh thank you the sweetest

words I've ever heard uh would you like

a peanut butter sandwich Hey sure thanks

party beep hi everybody hi well I was

just here's another sandwich for you

Barney thank you there's nothing I like

better than a good old peanut butter

sandwich and a great big glass of cold

milk ah where is the milk sorry BJ we

don't have any milk

what no no how can I eat a peanut butter

sandwich without milk now I'd like a

glass of milk too so would I look old

was of milk would be delicious just

thinking about it makes me thirsty after

a peanut butter sandwich

I love the drink that comes from a

peanut butter sandwich

I love the drink that comes from a cow

I wish I had some we were just about to

have some peanut butter sealant you but

we don't have any milk to drink well why

don't you just get some we could have

flu at my grandparents farmed your brand

parents have a real farm uh-huh

it's a dairy farm that means they have

cows there that give milk it's in

Wisconsin where did you hear what I


I think so did it go something like it

okay I think it's coming from over there

oh my goodness

Steven it's only you I thought I heard

something go Oh something like that come

on everybody



I still don't see it cow only gets

inside the partners come on everybody

this reminds me of my grandparents farm

of course it does Hannah and who else's

farm would I be at milking the cow at

all come on buttercup out you go out to

the club this is my grandmother oh honey

it's so good to see you again

and who are your friends here everyone

this is my grandma Johansen

she's my mother's mother and Grammy

these are my friend Jeff Kim and BJ hi

there well welcome to Wisconsin and this

is Barney oh it's very nice to meet you

mrs. your it's like you two

I just wish mr. Johansson we're here to

meet you all

but he's off delivering a truckload of

milk and eggs from our farm here you

must have a lot of milk oh we do but not

so much is the really big dairy farms ma

yes oh how I wish you could see one well

maybe we can with a little help from

now that is a good trick for lots of

different kinds of firms from the ones

where milk comes from local dairy farms

because who live at the firm spend most

of their days eating details every day

the counts go to a special barn to be

roped this machine takes the milk from

the cows but it doesn't hurt them not

one little bit there's room later a

truck takes the milk to a special

factory where they get it all ready to

go to the grocery store actually that

was something special

Michelle - there's all the milk go to

the store oh no some of it we keep to

make other good things like what oh

right okay ice cream

and or whipped cream

and cheese macaroni and cheese

especially with pickles in it and

something else made for milk is butter

Oh granny could we make some butter

right now horse you kids this is the

cream that comes from the milk and we

add a little bit of salt

now you may close your jugs with your

lids on tight everybody

yeah okay is everyone ready right wheel

what do we do now now is shake and shake

the cream until it changes into better

on a muffin but we spread

and now it's time for a taste test

excellent batter

it is good look at me now lollygagging

the day away I'll just put this butter

in the fridge and then I'll take care of

some chores

yeah I'll help you Thank You BJ he'll

welcome everyone you all have fun okay

soon everyone at the farm has to do

chores usually there's a lot of work to

do but I know a story about a little

girl who didn't want to do it

this is the story of the little egg girl

once upon a time it was a little girl

who lived on a farm but didn't want to

do her chores

Schwarz our work and I don't like to

work I think I should have been a


whatever chores was together the eggs

had dipped into the market but she just

wanted to play games and sing songs a

bean and yellow basket I wrote a letter

to my friends on the way I thought I

lost I lost and on the way

don't tell anyone I wrote a letter to my

friends on the way


well I guess I'd better gather these

dumb old eggs after she gathered the

eggs she was supposed to take them to

the market but she had other ideas what

if I kept these eggs and raised them up

to be chicken and then they laid more

soon I could buy my own castle

I'd wear a great big crown on my head

and walk around my nose in the air yes

but she should have watched where she

was going

that's how the little girl learned don't

count your chickens before they hatch

Vicki have you did a great job team

thanks everybody

EJ what's the money I'm being chased by

a blue-gray big giant bull black is

night with eyes like fire Kumar one of

the Sheep hmm she I knew it all the time

hmm they feel really soft

that's the sheep's wool wool gets long

cuts it off nice haircut

the wool is made into things like one

for the little boy who lives down the

way have you any wool yes yes mary had a

little lamb little lamb mary had a

little lamb its fleece was white as snow

baa baa black sheep have you any wool

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep and

doesn't know where to find them leave

them alone and they'll come home wagging

their tails behind them little boy blue

come blow your horn that she's in the

meadow the cows in the corn

where's the boar huge after the Sheep

he's under the haystack fast asleep

my goodness it looks like someone's

having a party out here living woodsy

pain we see cows and chickens and sheep

I'm Aubrey Oh everything I don't think I

can agree with you there Vijay there's a

lot more to see on the farm


we are

MacDonald had a farm and on this for me


that was super-dee-duper but i think we

better be getting back to the drills but

before you go I have a little something

for you there you go some nice cold milk

from your Hanson farms you don't go real

well with those peanut butter sandwiches

that Hannah was telling me about thanks

for showing us around your farm Graeme

well we better be going everybody


oh yeah I was getting worried about you

oh we were look why scooter the only

thing you'll worried about if there'd be

a peanutbutter sandwich for you

we're a skittle there's any fractions

back and plenty of nice milk there's

nothing like a glass of milk

nothing after a peanut butter sandwich

I love the drink that comes from a cow I

drink every day

yeah it sure was and since we've eaten

every bite I'm gonna get going

I'm really glad I got to visit my Grammy

today she's really nice I'm glad too

because I can't think of any better way

to spend the day than with people you

love I love you You Love Me we're a

happy family with a great big hug and a

kiss from me to you won't you say

it's from me to you

why you

let's go on another adventure

hey everybody Barney well again till all

my friends I'm glad you came to play our

fun and learning never end here's what

we did today we visited a very farm and

found where milk comes from some milk is

made into ice cream or cheese or even

yummy butter the farm had chickens that

lay eggs and sheepies wool makes nice

warm clothing sometimes I just love a

cold glass of milk and remember I love

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