04x19 - Once a Pond a Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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04x19 - Once a Pond a Time

Post by bunniefuu »


Ernie and friends is funded in part by

the annual financial support of PBS

viewers like you and by

Steve Jesus where


a kid

can be

a kid

learning your ABCs takes practice

Chef Junior makers of ABC's and one two

threes pasta


Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great



all right


come from lots of places


thank you


do you think she'll be all right Curtis

oh he'll be fine I hope he has a great

time this week at our pond frogs really

like being near the water and there's a

lot more room out there too you're right

Danny he is getting too big for this

aquarium I can remember when he was just

a tadpole what's a tadpole a baby frog

look I'll show you it starts out as a

little clear egg in the water then the

tadpole hatches from the egg it looks

sort of like a fish it has a tail and

swims underwater oh so that's a baby

frog yeah when a tadpole begins to grow

legs its tail gets shorter and shorter

wow then what happens well pretty soon

the tadpole's tail is gone and it

becomes a frog with big back legs just

right for hopping out of the water and

all around the pond


all right everybody who are you oh

what's this it's Kristen's frog she's

had him since he was just a tadpole oh

that's nice I found him in a pond Over


in the Meadow bull frogs are so cute

Over in the Meadow in the sand in the

sun lift an old mother frog and a little

froggy one

said the ones




very good Keisha


Looking Over in the Meadow in the

stream's so blue lives an old mother

fish and our little fishes too swim said

the mother we swim said the two so they

swim and they swim in the stream's so

blue oh oh look at all the fish faces

There's Something Fishy going on around

here It's Over in the Meadow on the

branch of a tree lived an old mother

bird and a little birdie screams




we've been learning about ponds in

school a pond is like a lake only

smaller our science teacher made one

outside on the playground a pond here oh

that's great it's only here for a little

while so we can study it oh I see and

Kristen's frog is going to stay there

until we move them to a bigger Pond he's

really going to like it frogs like to

live near ponds and ducks and squirrels

raccoons and beavers lots of animals

like to live near Pines some animals

even live in ponds like fish oh that's

right Keisha and can you guess what

animals like to swim in a pond and make

a honking sound like a car oh


get the park well very good Danny there

are some geese in my grandfather's Pond

too oh I like kids they walk sort of


like this


a gaggle of giggling wiggling geese came

Galloping through the grass

on their way to the farmer's house to

teach a ballet class

and they're before their very eyes stood

every animal

cows pigs sheep chicks had even Mr Bull

to do the gaggling giggling wiggle come

on here's your chance

everyone can do

so start by putting hands together take

a way up to the sky

stand up on your tippy toes here we go

don't be shy


see you can do what I know you could Now

wiggle Wagga wiggle Wagga really really



come on here's your chance


one more time



oh there's plenty of water some green

leafy plants oh and some pretty fish I

think it's a terrific place for my frog

to stay for a while don't you Barney

I think he'll be very happy here


cool Pine oh it is a lovely pie are

there any fish in it well yeah scooter I

believe there are some fish in that pot

I could go fishing I need this whistle

though now why on Earth would you need

that whistle scooter well that's how you

go fishing isn't it you blow a



and the fish come running I mean

swimming I think you're thinking of dogs


Barney what other animals like to live

around ponds where do we find out with



ice cream

buns are homes for all kinds of animals

who like fish

and ducks

many animals like deer and squirrels

come to a pond to drink the water

sometimes you might even see a moose or

two thank you

plants around the pond are food for some

animals and some animals like beavers

make their homes in a pond how does it

do that oh beavers build a home out of

sticks and mud then they can swim in and

out of their house on the pond what else

lives in a pond well plants like lily

pads make great shape for fish and frogs

sometimes you might even see turtles

setting themselves on a log in the water

I love turtles

if you take a closer look you might see

animals like a dragonfly for a

grasshopper a pond is a great home to

many kinds of plants and animals

do you think anything will come to live

at our pond well my frog is already here

and we do have some fish I hope some

insects come too oh I hope so especially

butterflies oh I just love butterflies

hey I think I see a butterfly right now





looking at you one flew away and then

there were two butterfly butterfly happy

all day butterfly butterfly fly fly away

oh my goodness nothing romantic two

little butterflies


one little butterfly

one little butterfly left all alone one

flew away and then there were none

butterfly butterfly happy all day


okay so if I can't catch a fish by

whistling I have to get some bait oh now

that sounds more like it my dear scooter

now where did I put those acorns

a scooter

I don't think fish like acorns


drawing boy


hey what's that buzzing sound sounds

like a bee oh there it is

no I don't think it was to be this time

sounds more like a mosquito oh puns are

full of interesting sounds just listen

oh okay


I think that was a fish

and there goes that bee again

I know what makes that sound it's a


and that sounds like my frog I think

he's saying he likes it yet in frog talk

oh isn't it wonderful how animals talk

in different ways yeah so can you guess

what animal makes this noise

that's easy a duck listen to this one



just listen every animal talks in its

own special way

now let's listen to what some animals

have to say


how are you today

every animal talks in its own special

way now let's listen to what some

animals have to say


we'll let you know


so many kinds of animals


every animal talks

now let's listen to what some animals

have to say

that way




talk so different and I know what your

frog is saying now what get this old

bottle out of here

come from and look

here's a candy wrapper

no buns need to be kept clean so all the

animals that live there have clean water

to drink yeah no trash allowed we can

help keep our pond clean by picking up

any Trash we see and by putting trash in

the garbage can where it belongs oh

that's a great idea Danny keeping our


earth clean is good for animals and evil


when you help protect our Earth and keep

it clean yes we will you help protect

our Earth and keep it green

but the time has come to start let's

begin to do our part and we'll all

protect the Earth and keep it green yes

we will



there are lots of different things that

we can do

there are lots of different things that

we can do

we really truly


then the time has come to start

let's begin to do our part


that looks much better yes it looks

great now everything's clean all of you

did a super deep super chub




what does bonjour mean it means hello in

French and I've just come from France

where I was painting a picture right

outside a little Sidewalk Cafe whoa that

sounds like fun oh what a wonderful pond

we're studying ponds in school this week

and my frog is going to stay here for a

while and what is your frog's name

Kristen Prince friends

that reminds me of a story called The

Frog Prince would you like to hear it

stories you bring us Stella well I'm

going to need some help to tell this


would you be my helper sure and Curtis

how would you like to play the Frog okay

and Kristen you can be the princess

thanks and Danny you can be the king wow

a crown this is great don't you make a

beautiful princess Kristen thanks Barney

once upon a time there was a frog who

lived in a pond very much like yours



but it wasn't a real frog oh no it was

really a prince who looked like a frog

and he could only be changed into a

prince Again by the Friendship of a

beautiful princess


New Brick toy a ball but this wasn't

just any ball this ball was made of gold

so it was a very very special ball



you a frog listen frog my Golden Ball

has gone into the pond if you will get

my ball out of the pond then I promise I

will be your friend

will you promise Hulk boy




well you could be my friend just like

you promised a friend to a frog I don't

think so I don't like frogs

what's wrong daughter I promised this

frog if you got my golden ball out of

the pond then I would be his friend well

everybody needs friends even frogs and A

promise is a promise I guess you're

right father everybody needs friends and

I should keep my promise

would you like to play ball with me frog

with it yes I would

princess threw the ball to the Frog and

as she did the frog changed into a

handsome prince

wow you're not a frog anymore

that's right your friendship is turned

me back into a prince I'm glad you kept

your promise me too you were right

father everybody needs friends

friendship is important whether you're a

frog or a prince

so they all want to live in the palace

where the prince and the princess became

good friends and they all lived happily

ever after


what a great story Stella oh and you all

did such a great job of acting it out

thanks for telling us the story of the

Frog Prince it was lots of fun well I

really have enjoyed my visit but I must

be on my way now so as Dan friends


I just love Stella's stories me too they

always make me feel like I'm in a place

Anything Can Happen

where anything can happen oh do you mean

like in a Land of Make Believe


little birds get sentencing and we could

fly with magic wings or maybe for a day

I could be king

what if in the sky the rows and rows of

clouds were fluffy marshmallows and we

could reach them on our tippy toes


it's true anything can happen

What If see on the ocean in a tub

rolling while we scrub a dub watching

bubbles flying through the sky


fly around the world in a big balloon

and every day could bring a new surprise


hey look who else wants to live in our

pond what

oh it's a turtle

turtles are so cool I like the way they

come with their own little house

when a turtle wants to go home he just

has to go inside his shell

this little turtle is lucky to have a

home right on his back my brother and I

I found a turtle when we were hiking one

time we made a home form in a cardboard







I think that Turtle will make a great

friend for my frog

there's a book about turtles in the

classroom come on

what a lovely little turtle oh he and

Kristen's frog will make such wonderful


now scooter why are you dressed like a

baseball catcher cause I'm ready to

catch those fish

scooter I don't think you can catch fish

like you catch a ball

you can't no besides the fish look

really happy right where they are ah

they do look pretty happy in that time

maybe I won't go fishing after all good

maybe I'll go swimming


oh my

God are you all right child

but I never know a pond could be so much


but any place is fun

friends like you

I Love You


I love you you love me we're a happy


with a great big hug and a kiss from me

to you won't you say you love me too



I love you you love me we're best



just that book about turtles Kristen

would you read it to us sure I'd be

happy to

Turtles can live on land or in the sea

it is one of the largest creatures that

live in the sea wow some turtles


hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today

we spent the day in a great way by the

pond we learned that ponds and the

plants around them are homes for lots of

animals like geese fish frogs and even

pretty butterflies

stellaton is a wonderful story about a

frog and a princess and friendship

blondes are terrific places to have fun

with friends oh I just love spending the

day with friends

and remember I love you


Barney and Friends is funded in part by

the annual financial support of PBS

viewers like you and by

Chuck E Cheese's

where is a kid

can believe

I can


Jeff Jr dinosaur pasta supports BBS kids



's Frosted Flakes reminding you that

thinking and creating are more than good

they're great



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