04x05 - Tick Tock Clocks!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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04x05 - Tick Tock Clocks!

Post by bunniefuu »

Ernie and friends is funded in part by

the annual financial support of PBS

viewers like you and by

Steve Jesus where


a kid

can be a kid

learning your ABCs takes practice

Chef Junior makers of ABC's and one two

threes pasta


's Frosted Flakes reminding you that

thinking and creating are more than good

they're great


all right


small they come from lots of places

Barney shows us lots of things like how

to play pretend ABCs




I'm tired everybody get a chance to lead

a Follow the Leader let's play something

different now how about big and little

they get a little I've never heard of

that yeah


little now it's your turn Stephen big

a little


big little



you were having so much fun I thought

I'd join in no I'm big please



getting tired

whoops someone's not very happy sounds

like BJ come on maybe we can share them



time I'm gonna wait

yeah hi everybody what's wrong BJ yeah

who are you waiting for is somebody late

my sister this is the third time this

week I asked her to meet me to play and

every time she's been laid

look like that's who like yes late

you're supposed to meet me at two

o'clock and now it's three I wish you'd

learned to tell time why ah well

baby Bob using a clock can help two

people meet somewhere at the same time

yeah like meeting your brother in the

tree house at two o'clock clocks help us

know when it's time to go to bed and

wake up and go to school and come home

and have a snack

logs are important Baby Bop okay

come on everybody


it was high time I visited you again

everybody I'd like you to meet my good

friend Dr tiktok

he can make or fix just about any kind

of clock you can think of wow you've got

lots of different clocks oh I certainly

do yes indeedy I've got cuckoo clocks

and grandfather clocks alarm clocks and

clocks with rain

clocks that fit on your wrist or hang on

the wall clocks with hands and clocks

with none I'm having the time of my life

with clocks

Big Blocks small clocks hanging on the

wall clock sticky Ticky talk shot clocks

we love all clock sticking to keep

talking this great what a clock can do

with hands that keep up time for you set

the alarm for a more thing I will wake

you up with a tingling


on your wrist or standing on the floor

there's a cuckoo

Clocky door


and squeaky clocks from a long time ago

keeping track of the time going by with




oh can you really fix a Tick-Tock dog oh

I certainly can

no clocks

maybe we can make a clock for so

she won't always be late what a timely


clock for me

on my very own

clubs it is because clocks are my beans

but I have to start right away and since

I only have two hands will you help me

BJ okay doc yeah talk to me do it

you're able to use a clock well maybe we

can teach her how to tell time

it makes it for 10 plots in school that

she could practice with well that's a

super idea


I don't know what they are


eight nine


and one one oh I don't know


11 and 12. well very good baby Bob

you're learning your numbers

a big parade of numbers is coming today

it's so much fun it kind of makes you

want to say one two three four five six

seven eight nine ten yes numbers can be

fun no matter where or when you can find

numbers everywhere if you look around


you can count on your fingers

toes you can have somebody measure you

to see how much you grow you can count

how many letters there are in your name

you can think of a number for a guessing



so you see Baby Bop when the big hand is

on the 12 like this and a little hand is

on the one like this and it's one


one o'clock and when the big hand is on

12 and the little hand is on the two

um it's two o'clock okay

let's do more

okay three o'clock

four o'clock right again five o'clock

there it is BJ our Charming chiming

wristwatch oh isn't she a beauty I'll

say dog but how do the Chimes work I

will demonstrate when I move the hands

to the six o'clock position it will

chime out exactly six times to tell us

it's six o'clock


I have to check on my acorns

is everything all right down here I'm

not getting serious but the times a

little too loud

I don't think it's time we tried

something else done perhaps you all

right BJ

well I have another idea to help baby

bop learn how to tell time what's that

but we can do one of our favorite Rhymes

Hickory Dickory Dock come on


Hickory Dickory Dock the mouse ran up

the clock the Clock Struck One

the mouse ran down

it's a ridiculary duck

very good Baby Bop Hickory Dickory Dock

two mice ran up to the clock the clock

struck too


him down

Hickory Dickory Dock

it's three o'clock now Barney good

Hickory Dickory Dock three mics went up

the clock Buck lock struck three




they tried no more




runs through the town upstairs



eight o'clock

he runs through the town upstairs



Tick Tock pocket watch what the hell

does it work again doc when she pushes

this button it will open the cup so she

can see the hands of the clock

oh my that's not so good

it appeals the spring have sprung yeah

that clock will never take Tock no never



um I'm not sure I've learned how to

count at the time yet Barney oh you're

doing a super deep duper job ladybug

well you'll be telling time soon just

like you've learned at your shoes and do

lots of other things by yourself you're

right I can do lots of things by myself

because I'm a big girl

I can do it there's nothing to it I can

do it by myself

when I was small but now I'm bigger I

can do it oh I'm feeling proud as you

can tell because I can do it by myself

on your shoes


I'm feeling


by myself


that's the spirit song


thank you


and you can do it by myself


oh you can do lots of things by yourself

baby boss and I know one more story that

will help you learn to tell time come on

everybody I'll show you

this is the story of the big red clock

that lost its Tick-Tock

once upon a time there was a boy named

Randy who owned a big red clock that

went tick tock tick tuck every morning

at seven o'clock Randy jumped out of bed

and ran to the kitchen table for


Mom good morning Randy your breakfast is


at eight o'clock

Randy went to school don't forget your

lunch son

thanks Mom you're welcome

good morning class good morning teacher

at 12 o'clock who Randy ate lunch

yum yum peanut butter and jelly

and at three o'clock

the school was over see you tomorrow

Randy goodbye teacher

every night at six o'clock Randy ate

dinner at the nice dining room table

dinner's ready

thanks Mom

at seven o'clock Randy got ready for bed

don't forget to brush your tea Brandy

okay Mom

and every night at eight o'clock

Wendy went to bed sweet dreams Randy I

love you good night Mom I love you too

but one day the big red clock lost its

tick and then it's done it didn't make a

sound and its hands stopped going around

Randy was very mixed up he tried to eat

dinner in the morning breakfast is ready

but I thought it was dinner time and he

tried to eat breakfast at night

dinner's ready

but I thought it was time for breakfast

he even got ready for bed before he went

to school hi

honey you'll be late for school

but I thought it was bedtime mom Randy

looked all over for the tick and the

tuck missing from his big red clock his

mother looked in and said there's a good

reason you don't hear a sound you're a

big red clock just needs to be wound

then she wound the big red clock and to

Randy's shock it said tick tock tick

tock so our friend Randy lost his crown

cause the hands on his clock went round

and round there's a happy ending to this

rhyme what the big red clock keeps Randy

on time



good do you think you've learned how to

tell time yet baby bop

I don't I don't know who will the only

way we learn is to try baby pop okay

you know what they say you can't do it

the first time

try and try again

you can't do it the second time

don't give up my friend cause you're

gonna do it sometime

you will be so happy then don't try and

try try and try again

see the pretty birdie

way up in the sky

when he was just a little bird



little baby box that's me every time she

tried it

bubble just with pop oh wow but then she

flew one so big

because she did not stop


she's a pretty birdie

way up in the sky

when he was just a little bird

he didn't know how to fly

he watched his mommy flap her wings


can I try again please can I can I sure

what time does the clock see now

remember baby bop the big hand shows the

minutes and a little hand shows the

hours okay



hey buddy everybody come on out I

wonder what they want to show us oh

let's go


we finally came up with a watch for Baby


it's a pretty clock but it doesn't go

Tick-Tock it just goes rattle rattles

it's a box open it up and see

what's inside oh oh no what's good to be

look everybody

as well you will be able to tell the

time all the time

I won't be late anymore but I'll be late

if I don't hurry along time flies when

you are having fun and I have so many

clocks to fix thank you for my watch

Doctor Tick Tock you are welcome baby

bop have a good time with it

oh I almost forgot there is a special

button on your watch that BJ will show


goodbye everybody

thank you


oh Barney I have my very own watch

just one time is it baby

it's time to thank everybody for helping

me learn to tell time today

go ahead push that special button

now oh okay


we bought you like that thank you Vijay

nice present

I love you you

love me

we're a happy family with a great big

hug and a kiss from me to you

belong to save you love me too

all right


you you love me we're best friends like




excuse me I think it's time to go PJ

okay we'll see you later everybody


it was fun teaching baby rocks how to

tell time Barney yeah speaking of time

I'd better get home me too I've gotta

walk the dogs see you later Barney okay






hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today

we had so much fun when Dr Tick Tock

stopped by and helped us teach Baby Bop

out until time she learned that clocks

need the numbers 1 to 12. clocks can let

you know when it's time to play or time

to eat all the time to sleep now baby

bop loves to tell time

and remember I love you


Barney and Friends is funded in part by

the annual financial support of PBS

viewers like you and by

Chuck E Cheese's

where a kid


Jeff Jr dinosaur pasta supports VBS kids


Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great



teachers or parents who would like to

purchase companion educational materials

with a credit card

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