04x02 - Is Everybody Happy?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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04x02 - Is Everybody Happy?

Post by bunniefuu »

Ernie and friends is funded in part by

the annual financial support of PBS

viewers like you and by

Steve Jesus where


a kid

can be

a kid

learning your ABCs takes practice

Chef Junior makers of ABCs and one two

threes pasta

thank you

Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great


all right

y friends

and small they come from lots of places

Barney shows us lots of things


hey Kristen would you like some help

sure there's a lot to do before the

carnival I can't wait for the carnival

to start me too this is going to be so


let's see how Robert's doing okay


how's it going Robert

well I've got the puppets and the stage

is almost set great hey look what Kim's

doing in the classroom

Kim those stairs look great thanks guys



I can't get this streamer to stay up oh

this makes me so angry I wish I had

another hand will this one help



I'm so happy to see you well I'm happy

to see you Kim I really needed your help

I was getting a little upset thanks

Barney well I'm always glad to help my

friends and I love to see you smile

it is

in any trouble just yet simile so far

when you are in trouble it will vanish

like a bubble if you only take the time

to smile



it is


hi everybody


oh you look like you're feeling better

Kim I sure am Barney I can see a smile

on your face did you know that our faces

can tell everyone how we're feeling what

do you mean Barney well when you're

happy you smile that's right Kim but

when you're sad sometimes you cry

my mom says I do this when I get angry

look angry I can see it on your face


and that's just fine with me I've been

feeling happy is my favorite way to be

you can tell I'm happy by the smile on

my face yeah sometimes I feel happy

you can see it on my face

sometimes I feel angry cause some things

make me mad I get so upset whenever

someone treats me bad you can tell I'm

angry by the frown on my face yeah

sometimes I feel angry

you can see it on my face

sometimes I feel sad because some things

make me blue I pucker up my little lip

and cry a tear or two you can tell I'm

sad by the look on my face cause

sometimes I feel sad you can see it on

my face

I can tell what you're feeling by the

look on your face each and every feeling

as it's time and its place but feeling

angry or sad should only last a little

while so happiness can fill your heart

and get you back your smile yes I can

tell what you're feeling I can see it on

your face when you're angry I can see it

on your face or when you're sad

I can see it on your face


it sure was and I know something else we

can do does anyone know how to make a

silly things

how about this one

acting so funny

we're making silly faces in the mirror

that's funny Christmas

oh pretty decorations what are they for

those are for the kids carnival oh

Baby Bop


delighted to come to the carnival Chip

it'll be really exciting with lots of

fun things to do come on and I'll show

you what else we're going to do at the


in the carnival

ready what's this for this is the dance




over here is the Puppet Theater

we're planning a very exciting show

we're putting on a Bubba Joe is one of

my most favorite things to do I'm glad

because we're going to need your help

Barney oh why be happy to help you

Robert and I've got something very

special planned for the carnival up in

the tree house what did what is it well

I'd like for it to be a surprise but I

think you're all really going to like it

oh boy I just love surprises


I just can't wait for


standing here but he wants to be there I

just can't wait for what tomorrow brings

I just can't wait for anything she just

can't wait for what tomorrow brings she

just can't wait for


I just can't wait for anything well

I do know the carnival won't wait for us

we'd better get everything ready

can I help you okay baby bop but

remember it's supposed to be a surprise


what are you making this is my surprise

I call it twinkle Tower My teacher asked

me to build it just for the carnival

it's so tall that's so everyone can see

it it lights the way of the carnival

I've almost finished building it oh it's

pretty can I play with it no no no no

not yet baby bop the glue is still

drying and it might fall over oh while

we're waiting why don't we look for

something to make a star yeah oh okay


hello oh hi chip it's time to practice

the ribbon dance

okay I'll be right down

okay we can put this here I need to go

practice with the others for the

carnival keep looking for things to make

the star well please don't touch true

guitar remember the glue is still drying

okay okay I'll remember



wow hey look at this I bet I could climb

to the top of that my oh my I surely do

hope baby bop remembers what chip said I

wasn't touching I was just looking for a

Star to put on top well I do declare

that's a very good idea

chip let's practice the puppet show now

oh that's a good idea are you ready to

help us Barney well I sure am I just

love putting on a show

come on everybody let's go okay


we're gonna dress up and look


let's go


there's gonna be music

step right up take a seat tap your toes

to the Happy beads


welcome to the kids carnival Puppet

Theater Today's Show is the Three Little


there were three little pigs hello

good day great to see you and one Very

Hungry Wolf I'm very happy to see you

just seeing the wolf frighten The Three

Little Pigs so much that they knew they

must find a new home to keep them safe

so the first little pig was very happy

to find a straw House


of straws

and the second little pig was very happy

to find a house of sticks and he said

this house of sticks is so strong that

the wolf can't get inside

and when the third little pig found a

brick house he was very happy too

can't get into my brick house and for

quite a while The Three Little Pigs

lived safely and happily in their new

homes then one day the wolf came to the

first Little Pigs straw house he angrily

scratched on the door little pig a

little big let me come in no no no no

not by the hair of mine tinny chin chin

I'm so

I'm so huff and I'll puff and I'll blow

your house in

this is just what he did

the little pig ran as fast as he could

to the second little pig's house of

sticks now the wolf was very angry

Little Pigs Little Pigs let me come in

no no


I'm so angry that a hoof and a puff and

I'll blow your house in


and that's just what he did

the little pig

s fast as they could to the third little

Pig brick house no the Bell was very

very angry Little Pigs Little Pigs let

me come in


turn off

in all puff and I'll blow your house in


and that's just what he tried to do he

hurt and he puffed and he huffed and he

buffed but he couldn't Blow The Brick

House in

I'm so angry

and the Wolf stuffed away never to

bother the Three Little Pigs again

the end


I'm happy that the wolf never caught the

Little Pigs I think the Little Pigs were

very happy too well after putting on a

show like that I know I'm happy

if you're happy and you know it clap

your hands

if you're happy and you know it clap

your hands

yet you're happy and you know it and

your face will surely show it if you're

happy and you know it clap your hands

oh that's the idea

if you're happy and you know it s*ab

your feet

if you're happy and you know it s*ab

your feet

if you're happy and you know it then

your face will surely show it if you're

happy and you know it skip your feet

oh when I'm happy I shout away if you're

happy and you know it shall hooray

hooray if you're happy and you know it

shout hooray hooray


hooray if you're happy and you know it

you are free



well I still have some more things to do

to get ready let's all help I'd like to

help too but I still have to finish my


is well you won't have to wait too much

longer well great


thank you

hey guys where are all the art supplies

I use some for the decorations

and I use some to make the props for the

Puppet Theater I was hoping we can make

some masks that look like different

faces we could wear them at the carnival

well this sounds like a job Fuller




gizmos and gadgets



there's a smile

Kim's about to put on the hair oh yeah

oh why Robert your mask has a very angry

face yeah he's really angry

that shows he's angry he reminds me of

the wolf and the puppet show yeah he was

really angry

Kristen such a sad face yes Barney she's

very sad is that a little tear there it

shows that she's very sad Barney she's

crying yes


who's that wearing a great big smile

it's me it's me

you know these masks remind me of all

the things we can do with our faces



I wonder if Chip's ready to show us his

surprise I hope so well let's go see if

we can find them

I need something to hold my star oh this

will do oh damn

I don't have a very good feeling about

this well I can just put this right up

here be careful


hey Bob I asked you not to touch my

tower I'm really angry I I don't know

what happened I was just helping and and

then it's so much for my surprise no

I'll never be able to rebuild twinkle

Tower in time for the carnival

well I'm still pretty angry look I know

you're both upset about what happened

but I think we can get it put back

together in time you really think so

Barney yes I do and we can all help

can I help too please

okay Baby Bop sure oh thank you and I

promise I'll be very careful all right

then let's get working okay

there are many kinds of people who give

help each and every day if you like to

help people man helping other people is

hey okay


oh a teacher is a person who gives help

each and every day if you'd like to help

people then being a teacher is


cause people helping other people

like our teachers


but what doctor is a person who gives

help each and every day if you like to

help people and being there is


cause people helping other people is

what this world's about and people like

our doctors


great job everybody you really work

together and help chip yeah thanks

twinkle Tower does look great

but I still need a star for the top

um will this work a chip this is perfect

would you like to help me put it on oh

yes oh here let me help you


okay everybody ready ready set go



thanks baby bop the Stars just with

twinkle Tower needed oh goody thanks for

helping everyone you're welcome chip

we're all happy to see that smile back

on your face



I love you you love me we're a happy

family with a great big hug and a kiss

from me to you

won't you save you love me too


thank you

I love you you love me we're best



it's time for me to go

oh the carnival will be starting soon we

better go I really had a good time today

Barney meet

me thanks for helping me with twinkle

Tower well I'm so happy we could spend

the day together no no have fun at the

carnival everybody



hey everybody it's time for Barney says

hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to playing our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today

we had lots of fun at our very own

Carnival we made silly faces in the

mirror and some funny masks too

in the puppet show the angry wolf never

got the Three Little Pigs which made

them very happy now sometimes things

happen that make you feel sad or angry

but with the help of your friends you'll

be smiling again soon

and remember I love you




Barney and Friends is funded in part by

the annual financial support of PBS

viewers like you and by


Chuck E Cheese's

where a kid



Jeff Jr dinosaur pasta supports VBS kids


Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great



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