03x04 - I Can Be a Firefighter!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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03x04 - I Can Be a Firefighter!

Post by bunniefuu »


girlfriend boyfriend


listen that sounds like the ice cream

truck it does oh boy

where is it that's funny it sounded like

it was right outside


sounds like a a garbage truck you're

right and it sounds like it's coming


over there Julie


how did you do that I use my sunflower

to record sounds in the neighborhood

pretty neat huh you sure fooled us

there's all kinds of sounds on here

would you like to hear some more sure oh



does anybody know what that is that

sounds like a saw right that's my

grandfather's slime what

that's a bouncing ball you guessed it

it's my neighbor playing basketball


what was that the sound of a newspaper

being thrown into our front yard huh


he recorded that whistle


that sounds like Barney oh you're right

Jason hey hey everybody

sounds like you're all having fun

oh I just love guessing sounds

especially silly sounds

oh silly sounds get sillier when you

hear them once again and maybe you're

hearing an echo or maybe it's only a








k*ll them once again


that sounds like a fire engine is that

you again Julie that's not me it must be

a real fire engine



wow look at those white fire engines are

so cool it sure is loud there is nothing

like the sound of a fire engine


tells the cars and trucks to get out of

the way look at all the flashing lights

and watch the waters



and ladders and firefighters off to save

the day

I love to watch them ride as they hang

on to the side of the

f-i-r-e-t-r-u-c-k that sounds fire truck

here comes the fire truck the people


oh boy they were really in a hurry they

must have been going to put out a fire

we had a fire at my house once wow what

happened we had a fire in the kitchen

and the whole house filled up with smoke

the firefighters had to come and put it

out wow was it scary a little but my

family had practice what to do in case

of a fire and that helped so what did

you do well my parents have always said

that if I ever see a fire I'm supposed

to tell a grown-up and then get out so I

told my mom and we all ran out we used

the phone at the house next door to call

the firefighters what happened then the

firefighters came really fast they saved

our house and everybody was okay I bet

you were glad I sure was it's something

I like to go to the fire station and see

the fire trucks up close we could visit

the fire station right now Jason we

could sure with the adventure scream

come on everybody

are you ready to explore the fire


here we go


most fire stations have two kinds of


this is called a bumper it carries water

inside it has long hoses that the

firefighters use to spray water on the

fire to put it out

the ladder truck has a great big ladder

that can reach windows on tall buildings

so that firefighters can rescue people

trapped inside

the firefighters need to be ready all

the time so they take turns living in

the fire station they have a kitchen and

a place to eat a place to exercise

and a place to sleep why do they sleep

there well sometimes there are fires

during the night the firefighters need

to be close so they can get to the fire


when the fire alarm rings the

firefighters rush to their trucks

where they quickly get into their

protective clothing the boots pants and

jackets that will keep them safe with

seat belts buckled and helmets on your

neighborhood firefighters are ready to




hi what you doing we were learning about

firefighters on the adventure screen oh

cool firefighters that's what I want to

be me too

me too firefighter too


that's me I'll put fires out quick as

can be when I'm a firefighter with all

those people that I'm gonna say I know I

must be real Brave everyone will tear

and wave when I'm a firefighter

all right


that's me


with all those people


when I'm a firefighters


oh really if you really want to be a

firefighter you need to learn about a

lot of different things like what Barney

well you need to know about the special

clothes and Equipment you have to wear

to keep safe in a fire can you show us


actually I've invited a friend who knows

a lot more about firefighting than me

and I think I hear him coming now

a dog oh boy hello Barney

everybody this is firefighter Frank hi

everyone hi

I'm Mrs chief he lives at the firehouse

good boy Chief okay go lie down go lie


bye chief

oh Frank would you tell us about what

you wear to a fire well I wear this

helmet to protect my head in case

something falls on me during a fire and

I have this special coat which keeps me

dry when we spray water on the fire and

it also protects my body from the heat

of the fire it gets very hot and I have

these special boots which keep my feet

dry and also protect me from the fire

what's that on your back it's a t*nk

full of air when there's a fire there's

lots of smoke and if you breathe smoke

well it can make you sick so we breathe

air from the t*nk through this special

mask oh cool oh boy look at that it's

just me Barney oh okay when I'm wearing

this mask I'm trying to help people

well how about it would somebody like to

try on some gear like this I would I'd

really like to be a firefighter okay

well I brought some extra gear along so

why don't you try the boots on first

ah this is

ah I'll be right back right there I'm

gonna get my firefighter outfit

let's try this coat on for size

oh it's so long

and we can't forget your helmet


can you move around

well I have to get big and strong to be

a firefighter oh well if you're going to

get big and strong you'll need lots of

exercise Julie okay everybody let's

build up our muscles so we can be

firefighters I exercise I exercise it's

good for me it's good for me it makes me

strong it makes me strong as you can see

as you can see I exercise it's good for

me it makes me strong as you can see I

touch my knees



place then keep a smile upon my face


I think I'd better give this back until

I'm big enough to wear it

okay Frank I'm ready to fight fires if

there's a fire around here I'll be the

first one there to help you put it out

well thanks for the offer BJ but let me

show you something


we use hoses that are this big around

and they carry a lot more water than a

garden hose

that's a lot bigger and we've got

ladders that go all the way to the roof

oh so I guess you don't need my help huh

oh but I do need your help BJ really you

bet when you see a fire there are two

very important things that I'm counting

on you to do number one

tell a grown-up and number two get out

of the building that's a did when there

was a fire at my house good Tasha well I

can do that if I see a fire I'll tell a

grown-up and then get out of the

building good now does everyone know how

to get out of a building when there's

lots of smoke

you crawl under smoke like this

oh why don't you try it

oh there they go under the smoke they

were great good good

now once you get out of a burning

building stay out don't go back in for

anything can you remember that

sure crawl out under smoke and once you

get out stay out very good oh and

there's a fire around you really have to

move quickly Don't You Frank that's

right Barney well then maybe we should

get some breakfast come on everybody

let's find out how many different ways

our buddies move there are lots of

different ways our bodies move

they can twist and bend and shake and

really Groove

if you're ready now to start let's try

to find the part that will do the things

Old Barney says to do okay now twist


it'll Shake


there are lots of different ways our

bodies move they can twist and bend and

shake it really gross again



I think I know what to do now when

there's a fire but I just have one

question what's that Jason can we take

Chief outside and play firefighters

I think he'd like that reps all dressed

up like


like fun doesn't it


Drive the fire



okay squirt the water

hurry hurries



now squirt that water hurry hurries


oh that was great


oh what are you doing Frank I'm just

checking the smoke detector to make sure

it's still working oh what's a smoke

detector a smoke detector can tell you

when there's smoke in a room which may

mean there's a fire you mean it can kind

of smell smoke well in a way When the

Smoke touches the detector it makes a

loud noise to let you know that there's

something burning in your house some

smoke detectors even have flashing

lights too well every home should have

at least one smoke detector

and if there's a fire you tell a

grown-up and get out that's right BJ oh

I can't wait until I'm big enough to be

a firefighter well you can be a

firefighter right now by helping us

prevent fires and that means leave

matches alone but I'm sure none of you

plays with matches

good well cheap I think it's time we got

back to the station you ready to go

oh thanks for coming by Frank we sure

learned a lot today yeah it sure did can

I carry your bag out to the car sure BJ

thanks okay all right


let's go Chief

see you so long everybody


sing it you know with all the different

kinds of alarms and sirens and

everything hearing sure is important for

fire safety well it sure is Tasha but

there are other ways to tell there's a

fire I have a good smoke detector right

here and I can see the smoking fire and

feel the heat from the fire oh our

senses of hearing smell sight and touch

are all important when it comes to fire



with her eyes we

see with our ears we hear their fingers

we can touch with our nose we

alth we

oh very good

I am and I yes and I is what I am

sometimes I need some glasses to see the

best I can with the eyes we see with the


now thank you very much

I am in here if I'm working you can hear

please don't put things inside me I'd

like to make that clear with our eyes


you know me I'm a finger that lets you

touch I can tell if it's hot or cold or

if it's smooth or rough with your eyes



I'm the one that lets you taste with me

you enjoy your dinner so it won't go to

waste with our eyes



oh we sure have learned a lot about

firefighting and fire safety today

haven't we

oh what do you like best about

firefighting Julie riding the truck with

the siren going

oh boy what do you like this Tasha

screwing the water on the

face oh very good oh how about you Kathy

climbing the big ladder

the part I like best is helping other

people oh helping others is a very

important job that many people do


oh a firefighter someone who gives help

each and every day if you wanna fight

fires when you grow up it's


cause people helping other people is

what this world's about and the people

who fight fires we couldn't do without

oh a teacher is a person who gives help

each and every day if you'd like to help

people then being a teacher is


cause people happy other people is what

this world's about and people like our

teachers we couldn't do without us

oh a doctor is a person who gives help

every day if you'd like to help people

then being a doctor is hey okay

cause people helping other people is

what this world's about and people like

our doctors we couldn't do without

there are lots of other people who need

help each and every day if you'd like to

help people than helping other people is


cause people having other people is what

this world's about and the people who

are helping other people we couldn't do

without us


oh I'm so glad you like to help people

it's fun helping people that's one of

the reasons

oh but fighting fires isn't the only way

to help people when we help to prevent

fires and teach others about fire safety

that's helping people too we can all

find a way to help each other every day

it's just another way of saying I love


you love me

we're a happy family with a great big

hug and a kiss from me to you

won't you say you love me too


I love you you love me we're best

friends like friends




I love you too Jason bye bye now see you




hey everybody it's time for Barney says


hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

never ends here's what we did today

we sure learned a lot visiting a fire

station today

our new friend firefighter Frank and his

dog Chief showed us that a firefighter's

clothes might be too big for you now

but if you exercise someday you can grow

up to be a firefighter

please remember don't ever play with

matches and if you see a fire or smell

smoke tell a grown-up right away and get

out of the building as fast as you can

these are very important safety rules

because I want you to be safe from


and remember I love you


thank you


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