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01x02 - The Uprising

Posted: 01/27/15 13:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sons of Liberty...

His name is Sam Adams.

He's issued a warrant for your arrest.

He has promised to keep his mob under control.

(gates clank)

(men shouting)

No duty shall go unpaid, no transgression unpunished.

The city of Boston will learn obedience yet.

Send in the troops.

My name is John Hancock.

I am here as someone interested in the continued peace and tranquility of the colony.

To whom is this ship registered?

John Hancock, sir.

You're nothing but a glorified smuggler.

I'm not a smuggler.

Then pay your taxes.

Everyone else does. Why don't you?

This ship and its contents are now the property of His Majesty King George III.

Seize the ship. Find the wine.

I need a way to get that cargo into the city without Hutchinson and without paying taxes, and you can help me.


So you're running an underground market.

Let's shut them down.

He shut down every shop that isn't run by a Loyalist.

We should just get the market up and running again.

A boycott.

A boycott?

Yes, of all Tory shops loyal to the king.

You are playing a very dangerous game.

You are headed down a road that you will not be able to come back from.


I strongly advised you not to do this.

Your advice was respectfully noted.

Everything needs to calm down here, Mr. Adams.

All of this v*olence and unrest... it is bad for business.

Why are you here?

Let's just get the business up and running again.

Then we can get the cargo flowing, and we can get back to making a profit.

It's all money for you.

That's not what this is about.

Well, what is it you want?


If you carry on with this, I am done.

Let's go, boys.

Let's go.

Take one of these.

Keep moving.

He's going to get them all k*lled.


This way!

What's going on?

Thought I heard something.

Hey, you three, come on.

Let's get the tobacco.


What you doing here?

Taking your ship, you Loyalist bastard.

What's happening?


Take a swim.



Well, they see us anyway.


What if they sh**t?

Then we sh**t back.

Fair enough.


Take your positions.



Let's break open the cargo.


If you're not gonna let us sell our goods, we're not gonna let you sell yours.

You can't force us to drink your shit tea when it's at the bottom of the harbor.

Ready arms.




Do not fire.

Governor, he has dozens of men.

I don't care.

If you fire now, there's going to be a bloodbath.

But sir...

Look at him, Captain.

He's baiting you to sh**t.

Do not make Sam Adams a martyr.

Order your men to stand down.

(whispers) Now.

Order arms.

Order arms.

Found the wine.

(all cheering)

Look at his face.

Weaselly little shit.


(dramatic orchestral music)

♪ ♪

(cannon explodes)

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


This is yet another incident in a long line of treasonable acts committed by a childish and insubordinate colony.

It was a simple protest... one that, admittedly, got a bit out of hand, but it's...

90,000 shillings of royal merchandise dumped into the harbor.

Mr. Wedderburn...

And while they commit these heinous acts of terrorism, their governor does nothing... lets it all happen right under his nose.

The people of Boston are merely reacting to a policy in which they are forced to purchase...

Nobody is forcing the colonists to behave in this way.

They seem quite content subverting the king's authority of their own accord.

They are simply defending their natural rights as Englishmen.


(men chuckling)

These colonists are committing treason.

They are thugs and outlaws... the sons of tyranny.

They should be beaten into submission.


Hear, hear.

Hear, hear.

Suppose you were to send an additional military force into Boston.

What do you think the reaction would be?

Your soldiers won't find a rebellion there, but they may inspire one.

If you make martyrs of these men, the people of Boston won't see them as sons of tyranny.

They'll be seen as sons of liberty.

Mr. Prime Minister, is nothing to be done to quash this insurrection?

I believe there may be.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke.

Stand by. Prepare to come alongside.

Prepare to disembark.


How long does it take to disembark a damn ship?

Still, could be good for us... just what we need.

(shouting orders)

Left, right, left, right, left, right, left.


Regiment, halt!


Present arms!

General Gage.

Shoulder arms!

Welcome back.

I'm Governor...

Men! At ease.

I'm Governor Thomas Hutchinson.

I've heard much about you.

And I you. Tea?

Well, good, we can certainly do with your help.

So it seems.

Mr. Hutchinson, I have a great deal of work to do very quickly, and I'd just as soon get to it.

I'm sure we'll be laughing about all this soon enough in London.

I beg your pardon. London?

King George is quite interested to hear your report.

I'll have some of my aides transfer your things to the ship.


I have... arrangements to make, things to...

Your service as governor has concluded.

(scoffs) Wh...


Good luck.

This way, please.

(chuckles quietly)

Make way, please.



Commanding officers organize to-do list.

You were a little harsh with that poor man.

And what business is that of yours?

You should be happy to be here in your homeland.

I do as my king commands.

Oh, yes.

And your husband?

I do as he commands as well.

Let me take you to your new home.

Left and right!

Forward march.

Left, right, left, right, left.

And what of this Samuel Adams?

He is confirmed in every report: the Governor's mansion, the sh**ting in the square, and the tea incident.

He seems to be a leader of some of the seedier elements of Boston.

We are searching for his known associates.

We know that he frequents a local tavern named the Green Dragon and is often seen at his cousin's residence in Braintree.

This shouldn't be too difficult.

Shall we arrest him?

No, let's just buy him off.

Very well, then.

First... let's send a message to the city of Boston.

(overlapping voices)

Forward march!

(people shouting and clamoring)



Get back!

Move it!

Gage shut the ports.

That bastard.

Nothing in, nothing out.

A number of soldiers took over the Clarke house on Hanover Street, and they're quartered there now.

Saw them do the same thing to a few homes on my square.

Mr. Adams.

You are the famous Samuel Adams, are you not?

Is there a problem?

There's no problem.

Well, that is very good to know.

You boys can leave.

The general understands your concern during this delicate transition, and as a gesture of good faith, he asks that I cover your tab for the evening... everyone's tab, in fact.

I only ask for a moment of your time in private.

I suppose I can talk for a moment.

All right.

What the hell is all this?

General Gage hopes that you and he can come to an understanding.

An understanding?

He thinks that you are a practical man.

To be perfectly honest, I don't much care what he thinks.

I strongly suggest you take this.

It's an offer you frankly don't deserve and one you'd be damned foolish to reject.

I'm telling you now, General Gage is not Thomas Hutchinson.

(coins clinking)

Must be over 100 shillings in here.

200 in fact.

This is only the beginning.

Tell General Gage I send my regards.


Move. Move out.



He wasn't interested.


So arrest him?


(men shout)

Hear ye. Hear ye.

By order of General Gage, every citizen is ordered to the square.

Let's go.

Faster. Faster!

(man shouts orders)

Secure the area.

Nobody leaves.

(overlapping voices)

Come on, keep moving.

For too long, this city has operated unchecked.

No more.

Boston will know order.

Sir, that's Adams in the back.

Let it be known, any man found in violation of His Majesty's laws will be dealt with without mercy.

This man was discovered not hours ago stealing... from one of His Majesty's ships.

His punishment will be swift and just.






(crowd gasping)

Please, let me...



As you can see, recent events have forced our hand.

However, if you comply, there will be no need for such unpleasantness.

Take him away.

Clear the square.

Clear the square!

Clear the square!

Clear the square.

Clear the square.

Move. Come on, move.

Let's go inside. Come on. Come on now.

Clear the square!

I'm a doctor.

I need to treat this man.

Bugger off.

He'll die without medical attention.

You must leave him, sir, by order of the Crown.

Sir, has this man not paid his punishment?

Mrs. Gage.

I suggest that you honor the law and let this man see the doctor.

Take him to the doctor's office.

It's this way and to the right.

Thank you.

What the hell was that?

It was a warning shot.

He's trying to get our attention.

This will not happen to anyone in Boston ever again.

We need more g*ns.

Mr. Adams, thank you for seeing me on short notice.

Happy to be of service.

I'm told you're a man of the people, a public defender.

Yes, I believe in the right to counsel, sir.

I also have an interest in constitutional law.

Here on my desk is a copy of your license to practice law.

Harvard, was it?

You passed the bar with honors.

That's impressive, even for a provincial college.

Next to that is the deed to your family farm in the country and, beside that, the deed to your home here in Boston.

Are you threatening me in some way?

I want you to understand how easy it is for me to extinguish what you've built for yourself here.

I don't see why you would want to do that.

Your cousin, Samuel Adams, he seems to possess a willful disregard for what you and I both know a civilized society relies upon most: law and order.

General Gage, tell me, where does your sense of law and order factor in to the forced evictions you and your troops have inflicted upon this community?

Mr. Adams.

Or the man who was flogged in Townhouse Square without any semblance of due process?

Mr. Adams.

Is this how you treat loyal British citizens?

Not British. They're colonists.

And all of you will be treated however I see fit until you learn to submit to your king.

Where I come from, bloodlines matter.

Convince your cousin to come to his senses.

You have a lot at stake.

(thumping) Berthold.

I believe our business here is done.

Good evening, Mr. Adams.

(horse chuffs)

(horse whinnies)

Sorry about that.

Didn't mean to startle you.

You didn't.

I was just out for a ride, and my horse threw a shoe.

My name is Joseph Warren.

We met briefly the other day.

Yes, I remember.

How is he?

The man from the square.

Oh, he'll be all right.

At the very least he'll survive, thanks to you.

So peaceful.

I grew up in New Jersey, and I... I miss this.

That's a long way to London.

I wouldn't have pegged your husband to marry a colonist.

I was his prize from the French-Indian w*r.

Thomas takes what he likes.

Yes, he certainly does.

Forgive me. That was out of line.

I'm afraid it wasn't.

Well, I cannot leave a lady stranded.

Why don't you take my horse? I'll walk from here.

No, I couldn't possibly, but thank you.

Well, it wouldn't be very gentlemanly to leave you to the wolves.

Let me take you home.

Perhaps I can send someone back for my horse.

Yes, thank you.

I must urge caution, Mrs. Gage.

These roads can be a little rough.

I appreciate your concern, Dr. Warren, but I have to tell you, I'm not a terribly cautious woman.

Open up!

Move, move, move, move.




Where's Adams?

Piss off.

Just tell us where he is.



You need to get out of here now.

And since when are you so concerned with my safety?

Gage is coming for you.

I understand that.

You'll be shot dead in the streets.

A damn martyr... is that what you want?

I want justice, John, same as you.

You and your band of thugs, you have this, while Gage has the British empire, an endless supply of weapons, trained soldiers, a navy.

Doesn't that scare the hell out of you?

Yes, but I can't just stand by and do nothing.

We need a better plan.

I can help.

All right, then.

General Gage, what a rare and unexpected honor.

Mr. Hancock.


I couldn't help but be mesmerized by your Indian chief.

Isn't he magnificent, Mr. Pitcairn?

Oh, indeed.

And to have been such fierce men during the French-Indian w*r.

It's a Hesselius, sir, if you're interested.

He did many more...

That is my fortepiano, sir, from Spath of Germany.

We often have recitals of an evening.

Perhaps you and your wife would care to join one evening.

(strums strings)

My wife plays.

Does she, sir?

This way, Mr. Hancock.

That is just...

It is a wonderful thing for us all to have a man of your stature governing in Boston.

Your predecessor, sir... may I speak plainly?

You may.

Hutchinson was in over his head.

He had no business sense.

He had no... sense at all.

Really, as you know, governing in Boston is not easy.

You need to apply the whip when necessary.


But, sir, this is a city not without its advantages.

General Gage, you have a very, very keen eye.

This is a local artist by the name of Copley.

I think you will agree he has captured a very good likeness around the eyes.


Perhaps I could make an introduction with you and Copley, and maybe he could even paint you, sir, as a gift from me to welcome you as governor.

Times have been very tough for Boston merchants.

I can see that.

I have had great fortune, sir, to be able to do quite well in the past.

Because you see, General Gage, (whispering) I am very good at making money, and as an Englishman, I have the liberty to be able to share my profits.

Mr. Hancock, I did not come here to make some sordid deal.

You've nothing to offer me.

This will do.

Yes, sir.

This will do what?


This will do what?

I trust you're aware of the new laws put in place.

No, sir, I am not.

Mr. Hancock, I am relieving you of your house.


I'm sorry, sir, I...

You may leave, Mr. Hancock.

Leave where?

I won't leave.


General... General Gage, perhaps we could come... okay, take your ha... unhand me.

Gentlemen, unhand me.

Do not... this is outrageous.


The king thanks you for your service.

(all talking at once)

(sighs deeply)

Good evening, gentlemen.

Mr. Adams.

Mr. Adams, I am in.

Whatever you want, whatever you need...

I am with you.

And why should we trust you?

How do we know you're not working for Gage now?

I resent that.

Why the sudden change of heart?

He took my house.

(men murmur and laugh)

Of course he did.

Look at you, still only out for yourself.

I mean, you're only here now because you've been booted out of your little fantasy world.

You are not one of us.

So why don't you get out?

Get out.

No, wait.

I have a plan. We need him.

For what?

His money.

Move out.

Move out of here.

I've arranged for us to meet in Philadelphia.

Philadelphia, why?

It's central.

We have men coming from Virginia, Maryland, New York.

How many men are you expecting?

Dozens, hopefully.

And you think that this is the most appropriate use of our resources?

We need to send a message to London... one that is heard.

They won't listen to Boston alone, but the voice of 13 united colonies... that they cannot ignore.

Is he paying for all this?

Ah, Mr. Adams.

It seems that way.

I'll take your three fastest horses.

Gentlemen, do we need the fastest horses?

Perhaps a more standard, affordable horse...

With these saddlebags too, I think.

No, wait, these.

These look more expensive.

Oh, now, this... this looks very, very comfortable.

Don't you think? We'll take this saddle too.


You're done?





My good man, perhaps we could come to some agreement regarding price.




Philadelphia's not Boston.

There aren't soldiers posted on every corner down here, so we may have to temper our rhetoric.

Is this it?

I wrote letters to dozens more.

Well, it doesn't have the makings of much of a resistance.

(all talking at once)

The British oppression in Boston is constant and unending.

We must, all of us here, unite, and together end this tyranny.

Enough of this.

This is ridiculous.

This is your fault.

Boston has brought this outrage upon itself.

Mr. Dickinson, this is about justice.

It is about the law and order.

Tell me, what is lawful about tearing down the royal governor's house?


Where is the justice...

Where is the justice in destroying His Majesty's tea?



General Thomas Gage...


General Thomas Gage...

Gage is...

Is simply attempting to restore order.

I assure you, General Gage...

General Gage is a cancer.

I fought alongside him in the w*r with the French and, like a cancer, he brings with him only suffering and death.

What he lacks in compassion, he makes up for with brutality.

Action must be taken.

That's all well and good, but we have to consider the interests of all of the colonies...

Who is that?

George Washington.

Any aggression against the Crown will only...

He's intense.

This is a foolish proposition.

(all talking at once)

You are wrong, sir.

You are wrong.

Virginia stands with Massachusetts.

Mr. Adams, I know you're asking for arms and support, but we can't give you that.

Perhaps instead we can attempt to reason with the Crown.

We could send a letter, a list of grievances for the king to address.

I don't know...

Fine, then, it is resolved.

We will send a letter to the king requesting an end to some of General Gage's more severe tactics.



Hear, hear.

John, this is... this is hopeless.

These men are cowards. They are...

We need these men.

We have to find another way of convincing them.

We came all this way to write a damn letter.

The king would just as soon wipe his ass with it.


We have to be rational about this.

Make no mistake, gentlemen.

w*r is coming.

We all know that.

But Boston is on its own for now.

And what would you have us do, Mr. Washington?


Mr. Hancock, I think it sends out a good message that someone like you is involved with this, but these men are not going to give you an army, so I suggest that you make one of your own.

James Barrett.

This your farm?

Yes, sir.

Revere says you're a man who can be trusted.

Me and Paul go way back. He's a good friend.

If we're gonna take back Boston, we're gonna need a lot of men, Paul.

Lot of weapons.

And when you find men to sh**t them, we'll get you the g*ns.

Gentlemen, I present our first recruits.

Get up.

Oh, good God.

Let's get to work.




Sam Adams.

You're from Boston.

Glad to be here.

A pint for me, one for my friend here as well.

I'll be damned.

Never thought I'd see the day.

Lieutenant Paul Revere.

Don't worry. No Loyalists here.

You have a sharp pair of eyes, Dawes.

You always have.

And two gentlemen of Boston out drinking in Lexington... has it come to that?

I had to follow the work.

No ships in Boston Harbor means no food on the table.

k*lled me, but I had to leave.


There's no shame in it.


There's no glory either.

There's none to be had these days, thanks to the Redcoats.

It's funny, you showing up here.

I've been thinking a lot about our old army days.

The Crown thought highly of us then.

Yeah, well, we thought highly of the Crown then.

You still have your r*fles?

Lovely g*ns, if I remember correctly.



I know you're not just here to buy me a drink.

So what are you mixed up in?

Something worthy of your glory.

Here's the plan.

You and I set up a route in and out of Boston.

There are Redcoats posted all throughout the woods, so we'll have to be discreet.

Gage thinks that...

Warren and the others will recruit men from every watering hole, every brothel, and every back alley in and around Boston... anyone who opposes the tyranny of King George.

Won't turn anyone away.

We need every man we can get.

Morning, boys.

Come, see.

Oh, I say.

Where'd you get those?

Blacksmith over in Medford.

I almost got spotted.

Had to rush out of there pretty quick.

How many more does he have?

As many as we want, but I only had enough for these six.

Head back now.

Buy him out.

If you wouldn't mind.

Of course.

There... there you go.

Take it all.

You see, here's the thing about this fellow.

He does have an awful lot of g*ns.

Oh, gentlemen, we have a problem.

That's all the coin I have on me.

I... well, there is... this could be worth something.

This is worth something. It's solid gold.

This was given to me at...

Take it away.

There you go.

Kelly, if you can make sure it's properly shined by whoever gets it.

I'll make sure.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

Come on.


Brought some more men here for the cause.

Bit of training, bit of luck, we should be ready soon enough.

What about the weapons?

Follow me.

That's a lot of g*ns.

Still no way to sh**t them.

We short on gunpowder?

Even if we had the money, Gage has made sure nobody's selling.

You're feeling better.



I have a lot to attend to this evening, but I suppose I could find time for other pursuits.

Thomas, please.

Please, stop.


What do you even need me for?

What am I?

Just a statue for you to hold up in a house you stole from a colonist.

Why don't you just leave me here?

(knocking at door)


Mrs. Gage.

Dr. Warren.

Come in.

You fell?

Its a shame.

My husband doesn't know I'm here.

Didn't imagine he would.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I... I shouldn't even be here.


Dr. Warren.


We need you now.


What's your name?

Peter Salem.

And you're a free man?

Yes, sir, just like you.

Try and hold still.

Redcoats thought he was stealing.

I wasn't.

I was just loading barrels into the silo like they told me to.

I would've been dead in the street if it wasn't for Mr. Revere.

British silo over by Concord.

Place is crawling with Redcoats.

How come?

Tell him what was in the barrels.



It's massive.

Probably holding 10,000 pounds of powder.

Good. Guards?

Round the clock.

How many?

Our man, Salem, says usually less than ten, more than three.

It varies.

But there's an entire garrison of Redcoats stationed nearby.

An entire garrison?


Oh, I don't know, gentlemen.

Is there not another way?


No, this is our chance.

Don't worry.

We'll be all right.

Sam, the silo's in a clearing.

There's no way in without being seen.

Who said anything about not being seen?

One of the lanterns has gone out.

Have a look.




Everything all right?


All right, go.

Go now.

Let's go.

(board squeaking)


Shh, shh.

(rooster crows)

Here comes the next watch.


Boys, we've got to go now.

(bell ringing)

You out there!

In the woods.

We overstayed our welcome, Samuel.

Move your ass.


Follow them. Into the woods!

You lot, come out!

After them.

Hurry, hurry!

Hurry, hurry!

Don't let them get away.

There they are.

Go, go, go!


Clear out!

Fall back, fall back!

Get back!


200 barrels of gunpowder gone... in our enemies' hands.

Tell me, how is it that a full company of His Majesty's marines were outsmarted by a bunch of sniveling Yankee shits?

It's simply inexcusable, sir.

I assure you, proper punishment...

You will find Samuel Adams and John Hancock before this week is out.

Yes, sir.

♪ ♪

I want to help you.

Help me with what?

I know what you and your friends are doing, and I want to be a part of it.

I'm not asking for your permission.

It's too dangerous.

And this isn't?


Take aim!

Impressive shot.

Impressive shot.

Word around Boston is that Gage is coming for you.

He catches you, you'll hang.

Even if he catches me, that's one thing.

But if he finds all this...

Very well.

I know a house down the road, in Lexington.

You can hide out there until we come up with a plan.




What about him?

Him who?


What about Hancock?

Gage knows that he's paying for all this.

He's a fugitive too.

Well, then I suppose he's coming with me, isn't he?

One week.

I'll tell him.

I might leave out the part about the hanging.

Probably a good idea.

Dr. Warren, thank you for coming at such a late hour.

I wouldn't have troubled you, but I feel rather ill.

It's no trouble.

If you tell me your symptoms I'd be happy to help.

My chest... a sharp pain that refuses to ease.

Please, sit down. Make yourself comfortable.

Must be this filthy Boston air.

You summoned me?

Margaret, of course, you know Dr. Warren.


How lovely to see you again.

I was feeling rather unwell.

I thought the doctor might have some miracle cure.

I'm sure the good doctor has a remedy.

Yes, I have a tonic that might help.

Aren't I the lucky one.

Just a few drops.

Tell me, do you have a wife at home?

No, General.

She died three years ago.

I'm sorry to hear of your suffering, but a handsome, educated man such as yourself must never be lonely.

I have my work.

Ah, well, doctor, you and I aren't so different.

Mrs. Gage, is there anything I can do for you?

I'm fine. Thank you.

I'm sure my husband will be feeling better by the morning.

Well, good night.


Good night.

Mrs. Gage.

Do be cautious, Dr. Warren.

The streets are rather treacherous.

Did you know I was at the coronation of King George?

You can't be serious.

I was.

I was... I was 24 years old, and my uncle sent me over to England to cultivate relationships with merchants, and old George was properly crowned.

And as a prominent member of the colonies, I was invited.

Just so much gold, Sam... just gold everything.

It was...

And the clothes were exquisite, and the ceremony, my... the sheer opulence was staggering.



Some poor lackey had forgotten the royal canopy, so the king and queen were just baking in the sun.

It was absolutely hilarious.

I mean, of course, nobody... nobody dared raise a smile.

My uncle was so proud of me.

He was so proud I was there.

He bragged about me, Sam.

He bragged about me every chance he got.

Just imagine if he could see me now.

Aren't you afraid?


You're not... you're not afraid of dying?


It's been a long while since I've felt this alive.

You really are a crazy rebel bastard.

Aren't you?

I'm not afraid of dying.

It's far worse for those left behind.


That it is, Sam. That it is.

The farm is here, outside of Concord.

How many were there?


You must understand they were an army, prepared and ready.

And you actually witnessed Samuel Adams and John Hancock leading this army.

Yes, sir.

Found them, good.

I want to see them both hanged.

Militiamen arrive in town there empty-handed and leave with r*fles in hand.

Ah, the munitions store.

I then followed Adams and Hancock about six miles east to Lexington.

You can assure me you'll remain undetected.

Yes, sir.

Take your men first to Lexington.

Once you have Adams and Hancock arrested, continue on to Concord and destroy everything there.

Any colonists harboring soldiers or weapons shall be shot on sight.


These people are asking for w*r.

We're going to give them one.

Where are you going?

For a walk.

It's a lovely day.

It is, indeed.

I'd love to come with you.

Of course.

I have some rather pressing matters to attend to, unfortunately.

Well, perhaps tomorrow, then.

We can take a walk in the park.


Guards, my wife is in need of an escort.

Don't let her out of your sight.

I need it before Thursday.

Thursday... Thursday night.

Yes, of course. Give it here.

How much are they?

There you are. A bargain today.

Mary Kate, come over here and help us, please.

Mrs. Gage. Mrs. Gage.

Oh, forgive me. I dropped my glove.

They're coming.

Are you sure you can trust her?

With my life.



I thought you were a damn Redcoat.

Get saddled.

Gage's troops are on the march for Adams and Hancock.

We're gonna get there first.

Ride for Barrett's farm in Concord.

Hide the weapons and ready the men until I get there.

I'll raise the alarm in Lexington and get Sam and Hancock to safety.



Stand right where you are.

Search the saddlebags.

General Gage has asked that nobody is to leave Boston this evening.

I wasn't aware of that order.

What business calls for you to leave the town at such a late hour?

I'm a colonial scout for an armed resistance against the tyranny of General Gage and the British Crown.

Is that so?



Hey! Stop!

(hooves thundering)

(hooves thundering)

The Redcoats are coming!

The Redcoats are coming!

The Redcoats are coming!

The Redcoats are coming!

(door slams open)

You got to leave now.

I'm not running away.

We have to stay, and we have to fight.

No, not a chance.

Those men out there are giving their lives to protect us... to protect me.

Those men need you alive.

Sam, listen to him. We must leave this place now.

Sam. Sam!

If you die, this whole thing dies with you.

The munitions in Concord...

It's taken care of.

We need to get you out of here.

It's too late.

We'll never make it.

Yes, you will.


Get out of the way!

Sound the alarm!

Sound the alarm!

(bell ringing)

Let's go, boys.

Over here.

(marching and drum cadence)



Right turn!

Ready arms!

We hold our positions.

Do not fire unless fired upon.

They want a w*r.

Let it be here.

Hand over the traitors Samuel Adams and John Hancock, and we will leave peacefully.

Go back to London.

You're not wanted here.

Are you willing to die for two traitors to our king?

He was never any king of mine, and he's no king to these men.

Disperse now.

Not another inch of this field will you take.

You've taken enough.

We fight these men today, or our children are fighting them for 500 years.

I promise you that.

Take your positions, lads.

Deluded idiots.


Prepare to fire.

Let them fire first.




This is a w*r.

It's time you all started treating it as such.

On the next Sons of Liberty...

Who warned Adams we were coming?

I know it was you, their blood is on your hands.

They've called for a second Continental Congress.

In case they hadn't noticed, we're in the middle of a fight.

None of this would have happened if it wasn't for him.

You're not talking about defending your rights as Englishmen, you're talking about a new country.

A new nation.

Is that really what you want?



Could we withstand a full out British attack?

Dear God.

We're out of time.

Whatever's going to happen here needs to happen right now.

We certainly don't need the king's damn permission, what we need is the freedom to live our lives the way that we see fit and the confidence that that freedom cannot be taken away from us!

That is our God given right.

This is going to happen.

How do you want to be remembered?