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01x10 - The w*r at Home

Posted: 01/27/15 01:20
by bunniefuu
Charlie: Previously on State of Affairs...

You texted me that, didn't you?

Do you have any idea what I thought when I saw this photo?

Charlie: Who gave you the photo, Kurt?

Calling Krieg a private military company is like comparing a stealth bomber to a paper airplane.

Victor Gantry. Pleased to meet you, Kurt.

I'm not taking you anywhere.

I am.

Constance: Everyone lies, Charleston.

It's always those closest to us whose betrayal we can't see.

Ar Rissalah is here.

[Loud expl*si*n]

Man: In the wake of the terror attack that claimed the life of United States Senator Kyle Green, the Payton administration is being excoriated for its failure to protect the country...

Woman: Seven members of Ar Rissalah's American cell have been apprehended, but their leaders are still at large.

Where are Fatah and Hakam?

And why does President Payton allow the terror network...

Man: Seven American citizens held without due process...

[Men and women speaking simultaneously]

Man: The constitution and the rule of law.

Man: Must be impeached.

Constance: We are at w*r.

I stand firm in my belief that an attack by Ar Rissalah does not warrant an as*ault on our constitution.

No American, regardless of race, religion, or national origin should be subjected to profiling or discrimination because of the threat this country faces.


But let me be clear.

If you are a member of this wretched organization, if you persist in waging w*r against this nation, even as a citizen of these United States, will will hunt you down, and we will end with swift and just measure your campaign of terror against this country.


Payton is a tyrant!

Impeach her!

The threat is real.

Impeach her!

Payton is a tyrant! She must go!

But the road to safety is as well.

You're throwing away the constitution!

You're a dictator!

Impeach her!

We will stand firm in the face of these ideologies.

We will not...

Madam President, quickly.

Man: Flybird is on the move.

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

David: Negative sentiment is stockpiling, and it's spilling over onto your administration.

You know, your critics think that you use the CIA as your personal royal guard.

That's absurd.

Is it?

You've used the Agency to get things done.

I mean, good things, like Boko Haram and the kidnapped girls.

But we've also stepped over the line a few times, like the harassment of Professor Ahmadi.

I wake up every morning terrified, David, just terrified that the next b*mb is gonna go off in a crowded subway, or God forbid, in the middle of a spelling bee.

I'd rather push hard than not at all.

Yeah, of course, and if we were getting results, I mean, it would be no harm, no foul, but all we have now are American t*rrorists.

We have no bombs.

And compound that with the horrific m*rder of a well-respected U.S. senator and an Ar Rissalah attack at an agency safe house, and, ma'am, we're dealing with the appearance of impropriety that could very well bring down your presidency.

Assign an independent investigator.

Give them unfettered access to the Agency.

If the CIA is clean, well, and then they're clean.

If not, you need to let them burn.

If we do this, we have to control it.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking I owe Senator Burke a big favor.

[Indistinct radio chatter]

Here's what's happening, Kenneth.

You and the six others we have here were planning a t*rror1st attack.

You were sent into action by the known t*rror1st group Ar Rissalah, a group already responsible for the death of a CIA employee and a United States senator.

You will be charged with treason and conspiracy to commit a t*rror1st act, which will either put you in prison for the rest of your life or on a table waiting for death by lethal injection.

Tritonal and tungsten were found in your apartment, on your clothes.

Those are b*mb-making materials.

So where are the bombs, Kenneth?

We know what you were all instructed to do, so tell us.

Where are the bombs?

We are your brothers, your sisters, your fathers, your children.

We are the friend you invite over for fellowship...

The co-worker you confide your deepest secret...

[Together] The doctor you entrust with your life.

We are everywhere.

Not this again.

Come on.

[Together] Our disciples are everywhere.

We have been waiting for a moment such as this, and now we have arisen.

Constance: Five days, and we're still in the same damn place looking at the same damn things.

We're working hand-in-hand with the Bureau.

Nick Vera's intel from the Philippines isn't helping.

The Ar Rissalah seven haven't acknowledged the photo of Sheikh Hakam.

They haven't admitted to the activation.

Nor have they turned over the locations for the bombs or the lab.

You mean "labs."

Yes, there could be more than one b*mb-making facility.

And Nick Vera?

He's next to Omar Fatah.

As soon as he has eyes on Sheikh Hakam, we strike.

No matter what happens, Charleston, Fatah is not walking away from this.

I understand, Madam President.

Constance: I know you do.

Make sure Nick Vera does.

I know you don't like him, ma'am, but he is risking his life for this.

As is every other soldier in every hot spot in the world.

And, Charleston, I want to know the moment we have a lead on finding those bombs.

Of course, Madam President.

Maureen: Charlie, we are banging our heads against the wall here.

Please tell me there's some news.

No news.

There's got to be something here.

Charlie: We've watched these interviews a million times.

We've got to hit reset and frame this stuff fresh.

The missing link.

What missing link?

These seven, what's the connection?

Maureen: Most of them are young, disaffected.

Charlie: Let's go back to the beginning and find out how they met, how they were recruited.

lucas: They weren't, not in a conventional sense.

I mean, they all just sort of drifted toward Ar Rissalah.

But how exactly?

I mean, we know that Stacy Dover used social media to get her orders.

Maybe these seven found each other the same way: Loners, losers, outcasts.

They found a commonality.

We find out how they met, how they communicated with Al Moosari, it will lead us to the bombs.

But we better find it fast.

If there's anything we've learned, it's when one member goes down, another pops up in its place.

I'm on it.

[All shouting in native language]

Tell your men to put down their g*ns.

[Speaking in native language]

Nick: Take it easy.


Get down your g*ns.

Take it easy. No, no, no, no, no, no.

[Rapid g*nf*re]


This way.

[Shouting in native language]


Go, go, go.

[Men shouting in native language]

No, down. Put it down. Put it down.


Who was that?

I admire what you're doing, ma'am, opening up an investigation into the CIA.

A lesser president would use a t*rror1st threat to close ranks.

Well, as I am already being accused of using the CIA to my own ends, now is not the time to be secretive, Senator Burke.

As representatives of this democracy, we need to be able to shine a light inside from time to time.

Well, you have my support.

I'll do whatever you need to make it work.


We'll hold a joint presser tomorrow, announce the commission effective immediately.

One request, ma'am.

I don't support Senator Owens running this commission.

He's an empty suit.

No one would believe he's got the temperament.

He sure as hell doesn't have the political balls to go 12 rounds with the CIA.

So who?


You want me to put an opposition party member in charge of this investigation.

Senator, that would be like Caesar handing Brutus the blade.

So blunt it.

Make this a congressional investigation complete with subpoena powers.

I'll form a seven-member committee, three from your party, three from ours.

And you'll be the committee head.

I would be the non-voting committee head.

This move will also put someone in charge with a sympathetic bent for our intelligence community and a soft spot for a certain Madam President.

You make a strong case, senator.

But if this turns into a witch hunt with me as the hunted...

Ma'am, I'm not in the habit of making powerful enemies, and if such foolishness was my predilection, I would have used the Kabul report to humiliate you.

Combining forces to end a t*rror1st threat on our own soil isn't just good for each of us.

It's good for the country.

Found something.

What is it?

I've been running the American cell's browser histories through analytics.

Did you find a link?

A private message board on

The site was popular with the occupy movement, antiestablishment rhetoric.

Maureen: All seven Ar Rissalah members visited the site several times before Fatah's message was broadcast.

So they were recruited there?

Looks like that.

Dashiell: And now the bad news.

The site's been shut down.

There's got to be a digital archive, a cache file we can look at; Call NSA.

No, I have the cache files.

Private messages aren't accessible.

Which means they're on a private server, one that the spiders couldn't grab.

Search out the administrator, see if we can get them to give us access to that server.

Dashiell: There's the quicksand.

mike: Who is it?

Professor Ahmad Ahmadi.



He is squeaky clean.

I checked and double-checked.

He has no connection to Ar Rissalah.

We're not saying he's dirty.

We're just saying that some of the people who trolled his site are.

Why do Filipino Marines come looking for us?

He brought this.

[Speaks in native language]

If you don't keep your voice down, the marines are gonna find us faster.

Maybe they just hear one shot.

Man: Stop. Stop.

Was that your people who saved us back there?

They would have told me.

Nobody knows I'm here.

You called home when we landed.

Shut up.

He didn't bring them.

It doesn't matter.

I cannot take you to camp if people are following us.

Sheikh Hakam is expecting us.

Sheikh Hakam is not a man you disappoint.

No one comes to camp until the people who are following us are dead.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

If you trust him so much, send him.

[Speaks native language]

Send him.


Professor Ahmadi.

Can I help you?

My name is Charleston Tucker.

I wondered if you had a moment.

I wanted to talk to you about a website you run called

Oh, that site's been de-activated.

I know.

Sir, I'm an analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency.

We need your help.

You need my help?

You accused me of being a t*rror1st.

One of your people put his hands on me.

Sir, what happened to you was wrong.

Although part of me feels that anything that inspires terrorism is as bad as terrorism itself.

That was never my intention.

But that was the outcome.

We know you have no link to Ar Rissalah.

But Ar Rissalah has a link to you.

Sir, we believe that the man who recruited the American members of Ar Rissalah did so through your website.

How much do you know about me, Miss Tucker?

Probably more than I should.

Well, you know, how I grew up, where I grew up.

Charlie: Beirut, yes.

See, I came for opportunity, to teach, to learn.

But I also came to feel safe, to enjoy democracy, the rule of law.

And you, your agency, showed me that what I came here for, it was a lie.

Please, professor.

All I'm asking for is access to your servers.

No, you are asking for much more.


Professor, I can't do this without your help, and what I am doing is saving lives.

Maureen: Dash is digging through Ahmadi's servers.

Here's to hoping for a break.

Hey, Charlie, you do anything illegal recently?

Not in the past few hours.

'Cause you're being summoned to the conference room.

Miss Tucker, it's a pleasure to meet you.

I would have come to you, but...

Well, you're not cleared to come to my office.

Well, there is that.

Miss Tucker, you may or may not know that a congressional committee is being formed to investigate the oversights and abuses by Central Intelligence.

Well, I think this is something you need to take up with the director.

Right now, he's in a hospital bed.

I didn't think that was appropriate.

Neither is this.

Ma'am, I got to where I am by reaching out and shaking hands across aisles, across party lines.

I have learned that people are their connections, who they're close to, what they care about.

I mean, if you think about it, you may be the most powerful person in the CIA...

By association, of course.

Is my relationship with the president part of your investigation?

No, it is not, and it won't be.

The president asked me to make sure this is not a witch hunt.

I intend to honor that request, as long as nobody acts like a witch.

Director Banks.

Well, this interview is over.

I was told I would have access to Miss Tucker.

Banks: And you were told by the wrong damn people.

I'll tell you what, when your congressional committee has a name, an actual purpose, and the power of subpoena, then you come see me.

Until then, you don't talk to my staff, walk in my buildings, or park in my lot.

This investigation came straight from the president.


Have her give me a call.

Burke: You know, I was hoping for a little more cooperation, Acting Director Banks.


Well, you should have gone to a massage parlor and gotten a handie.

This is Langley, my friend, not Capitol Hill.

Gentlemen, make sure the senator gets back to his car okay.



Look, this whole investigation is a catapult of crap.

Keep your head down, and let it fly over you.


Copy that, sir.

All right.
[Cell phone rings]

Tucker here.

Nick: Charlie, I have about 30 seconds to talk.

Nick, where are you?


Bellerophon is active but in trouble.

First and only question, Charlie: Do you have guardian angels on this op?

Looks like two, front and follow, spotter and sn*per.

No, you're a noc on this. No cover. No backup.

We've got no one there.

Nick: Yeah, I know.

Charlie: You okay?

Nick: Not entirely.


I'm gonna have to do something, Charlie.

It's better you don't know about it.

Well, just... whatever it is, try to get back in one piece.

Yeah, well, that is the plan.

I'll call when I can.

Look out for me a little bit, huh?

Yeah, that's the plan.



Victor: I was at the Agency for 20 years, Kurt.

The spy game is a melancholy business, and it takes its toll.

Over that two decades, I learned that for what we do and what we lose, we are not adequately compensated.

Are you a cowboy, Kurt?

Excuse me?

I'm just wondering.

Because if you're not, what the hell are you doing driving that ridiculous pickup truck?

I mean, this is D.C., my man.

You've got a real job.

Get a real car.


Deputy director.

It's actually acting director now, but who cares?

Thank you.

So I hear you had a visitor today.

I did, and I hear you're behind the investigation into the Agency.

I got subpoena requests up my ass, and that is not a cozy feeling, ma'am.

Senator Burke is... he's just trying to clear up a few things.


He's trying to lay out Ray Navarro.

Not that I care.

Ray was appointed.

I worked my whole life to get where I'm at.

Ma'am, I didn't... I didn't vote for you.

Hell, I didn't vote for anybody.

But I will do whatever it takes to shield my people.

I think all that's being asked is that we give him what he wants.

Within reason, of course.

Within reason, of course.

What happened upstairs?

Interview with Senator Burke.

I hate that guy.

Deputy Banks intervened.

Love that guy.

Maureen: So the rumors are true.

A congressional investigation of the CIA, guys.

Charlie: Yeah.

I think they're gonna be paying special attention to us, so we need to tighten up.

Be extra careful with your customers.

They're all gonna get subpoenaed.

They're gonna go hard after Kurt, aren't they?

Most likely.

Serves him right.

We don't know the whole story.

And we shouldn't want to.

We had the sequel to Aldrich Ames working with us, and no one got hip to it.

Maureen: You don't know him.

None of us knew him, Maureen.

Elon: And that's not all.

5.5 liter V8,

577 horsepower.

It's a race car you can make love in.

Not any time soon.

How much?


But you get the TKG discount.

How much is that?

Don't worry about it.

You want it bulletproofed?


I wasn't kidding.


You have so much of your mother in you.

I'm so sorry you lost her, Trisha.

You know, your mother and I had our differences, but we were friends long before we were politicians.

Marshall echoed those same sentiments last night at the viewing.

You don't know what it means to have you both stop by.

What is she doing here?


You're not welcome at my house, and you're sure as hell not welcome at my wife's wake.

I understand you're upset, Eli.

You didn't give a damn about Kyle or us.

The only reason that you're here is because it will be good for your poll numbers.


It's okay.

No, it's not.

Daddy, I invited her.

Mother would want her here.

She can stay, but no pictures.

We don't exploit dead family members here.

Found something.


We found two of the Ar Rissalah seven private messaging on the site.

They were talking about picking up their term papers at 158 D Street.

I checked.

Neither was enrolled in school.

Call Agent Hernandez, get him to send a b*mb squad to that location.

This could be it.


You were told to stay away.


He's American.

Damn it.

[Door opens and closes]

Oh, I didn't think you'd be up.

Neither did I.

I have too much on my mind to sleep.

How was the speech?

The eight people who showed up thought is was brilliant.

Sit with me.


How goes the search for the b*mb factory?

They'll find it.

Charlie thinks we're close.


What's on your mind, CeCe?

Any time we drink in silence, you're screaming inside.

Why didn't you tell me you went to Kyle's viewing?

I-I don't know.

It was last-minute.

I just needed to say good-bye.

Constance: You sure?

She's passing you classified photos.

You crying at her wake.

I'm not doing this.

Oh, the hell you are not.

You're upset because you didn't work things out with Kyle, and you're taking it out on me.

There wouldn't be anything to work out if you hadn't slept with her in the first place.

I thought we were done keeping score.

And I thought this was ancient history.

Look, either you forgive me or you don't.

Either we pass this or we will not.

Ten years is long enough to carry on this burden.

Constance: Oh, you will carry it forever.

Just like I will.

And I am forgiving, but I don't forget.

She gave me information about our son as a friend, information you wouldn't give me as my wife.

It's done.

Prove it.

What, do you want their heads or something?


That's only one g*n.

You said you thought there were two.

There were.

I k*lled one. The other one ran off.

He's not gonna stay on us without backup.

So what the hell now?

We go to the camp.

You could have told me you k*lled both of them.

You could have hid that g*n.

You could have lied, but you didn't.

But even trust has its limits.

Come on.

Lead the way.

Man: ♪ I come down like a hurricane ♪
♪ Sucked up inside ♪
♪ Now I spit out the suffer, yeah ♪
♪ Meat petals bloom in a bone garden ♪
♪ Ain't no God, no Christ gonna save you now ♪
♪ I sell souls at the side of the road ♪
♪ would you like to take a number ♪
♪ There's a highway to, to the edge, yeah ♪

Son of a bitch.

Charlie: Any signs of expl*sives?

Nothing yet.

Well, keep looking.

We're gonna find a lot more than term papers in that building.

Wait. Can you back it up?

Right there.

Backpacks, seven of them.

Seven backpacks, seven in the cells.

Not a coincidence.

We've got to send someone in.

We're hung up.

Pull the robot, and tell Riggs he's on.

[Breathing heavily]

Confirm. We have seven backpacks.

[Over radio] I'm gonna take a look.

We've got a hot site.

Wilson: Copy that.

Riggs, can you defuse?

Yes, sir.

Copy that. You know what to do.

Cutting now.

Got it. First bag is clear.

Moving to second bag.


Only six more to go.

Pulling zippers apa...

[Loud expl*si*n]

Charlie: Oh, God.

Wilson: No! Riggs!

Oh, God.


I hear you have news for me.

Yes, ma'am.

We located the site where the American cell was storing their weapons for the next attack.

We destroyed them.

Is everyone okay?


b*mb technician, he got caught in the blast.

But, ma'am, if those bombs had gone off in a populated area...

I know.

I know.

The location of the b*mb factory, it came to us because Professor Ahmadi allowed us access to his private servers.

We found the communication records of the American cell.

After all that man has been through, he still found it within himself to help us.

He came here for a reason.

I don't think he wanted to see that reason die.

That is a patriot in its truest sense.

You see the dark side of democracy, and you still believe.

That's a rare thing nowadays.


Are you okay?

I'm tired, Charlie.

I'm tired.

I never wanted this thing to start.

And now I just want it to be over.

We're getting there.

I know.

But it costs.

This Ar Rissalah seven, I want them released from the FBI site, moved to a transparent federal facility, allowed access to lawyers, medical attention.

We do this right, or it's not worth doing at all.

I'll let the deputy director know.

I heard he stepped in hard on your interview with Burke, real hard.

Yes, ma'am.

How great was that?

[Laughs] It was pretty great.

It feels like Burke is coming after us.

And by "us," I don't mean the CIA.

I mean you and me.

I know.

He'll make a big noise with the investigation.

And while he does, you and I will quietly and completely take out Hakam and Fatah.

No matter how many subpoenas he waves around, Burke will never be cleared for the Bellerophon operation or that we have Hakam in our sights.

He'll target the CIA.

At the same time, we will erase the greatest threat in recent memory.

Won't the senator be surprised?

[Glasses clink]

[Intercom chirps]

Woman: Kurt Tannen is here to see you.

Send him in.

I wanted to thank you, sir.

Oh, you're welcome.

And next time you call me sir, you're fired.


Do you think I'm an idiot?

Not at all.

Everything you're doing, giving me money, the job, the car, it isn't reconnaissance.

It's recruitment.

I'm surprised I haven't found a hooker in my bed.

Victor: Well, you haven't gone home yet.


See, what I don't get is, why bother?

You don't reach out to someone like me and then have me coordinating security for some oil company in Dubai.

Oh, I wondered how long it would take you to get bored with that.

You lasted longer than I thought.

What is it you want, Victor?

Well, that's easy.

I want you to tell me everything about Omar Fatah and Bellerophon.

The bombs are off the streets.

At the price of a D.C. officer's life.

You remember what you first told me when I first started here?

Yeah, don't date officers.

You told me to never second-guess the trade-offs.

What's going on, Mo?

Philippines desk had some action today.

Marines were skirmishing with local Islamists in Mindanao.

Nick's in the Philippines.

I know.

They found a body, an American.


No, no.

Charlie: Who is it?

Philippines desk is trying to figure that out.

We're treading lightly, because we don't want to compromise Nick and the Fatah operation.

I can run this through facial recognition, but...

It's pretty fuzzy for a grab.

Nick told me there was something he had to do, something it was better that I didn't know about.

You think Nick did this?

If he did, if he k*lled an American during an unsanctioned op, he's never coming back from that.

He'll burn either way.

[Intense music]

♪ ♪