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01x01 - A Dangerous Game

Posted: 01/27/15 00:22
by bunniefuu
History will regard our nation as inevitable.

It wasn't.

In 1765, we were still a group of colonies living under British oppression.

There wasn't even a thought of revolution, much less a United States.

Things were so bad, gangs took to fighting each other in the streets.

[All yelling]

Stay out of the docks.

This is our turf!

The Crown really didn't care what we did to each other, as long as we paid our taxes.

[Horse whinnies]


But everything changed on August 13th, when Dr. Warren came looking for me.

After that, there was no turning back.

[Indistinct chatter]


Hey, Sam.

Ah, if it isn't Dr. Warren.

I need to speak with you.

What's wrong with your face?

The north and south-end mobs going at it again.

You look like you need a pint.


Isaac, get him a beer.

No, I don't need a pint.

Put it on his tab.

Listen to me.

Governor Hutchinson says you owe him a lot of money.

I don't give a shit what Governor Hutchinson says.

Well, you should.

[Door rattles]

Make way.

He's issued a warrant for your arrest.

Where's Sam Adams?

Sam Adams.

Where is he?

[Thunder cracks]


Afraid you just missed him.


After him!

Yes, sir.

Stand in line.

After him.

Find him.

He went back there.

Not here.

He's not here, sir.

Well, where is he going? He must be there somewhere.

There you go.

Don't come back.

[Floor creaking]

[Indistinct chatter]

He's here somewhere.

Check through there.

[Door creaks]

There he is!

Look, over there! Stop him!

[Both grunting]



Adams, stop where you are.

Up there!


Stop in the name of the law.

Keep him in sight.

He's going through here.

Get down from there!

After him!


Don't let him get away!

Coming through!

Get out of the way!

Aside... step aside.

[Dramatic orchestral music]

There he is!

Don't let him get away!


[Horse whinnies]

Stop right there, you.

Clear the way. Clear the way.




Stop him!

That's a wanted man!

Sam, what's going on?

They're after me!


Out of the streets!

Out of the streets!


Why don't you move?

These are our streets!

[All cheering]

Go back to your homelands.

Go back.

No firing. Do not sh**t.

Fall back to the Governor's house.


To the Governor's house, go back!

Come on! Come on!

Open the gates!

Open the damn gates!

Spread out!

Seal the gate.

Governor, I think you ought to have a look at this.

What on Earth is it this time?

There's a large mob.

This is Boston.

There's always a mob.

Yes, but this one's heading right for us.

[All yelling]

Why are the soldiers coming in here?

Protection, sir.

Protection? They're paid to protect me!

[All yelling]

Fall back to protect the Governor.

Fall back now!

What are we going to do?


[Glass shatters]


Out the back. Quickly.

Please. We need to hurry.

[All yelling]

[Metal clatters]

We must hurry, sir. Please!

I'm coming.

[Metal clatters]

Quickly, quickly.

[All yelling]

[Metal clattering]

[Glass shattering]

Well, well, well, would you look who it is, boys?

His Royal Highness himself, huh?

Oh, it's the King.

Right, take him down.

I'm sorry, good king, but we'll be taking this, huh!

You're looking real lonely up there.

Does he look lonely up there, boys, huh?

Looking a bit lonely, George.

[All cheering]

You look thirsty, George.

You look real thirsty.

[Urine trickling]

[Glass shattering]


[Dramatic orchestral music]

[Cannon explodes]






[Rooster crows]

[Dogs barking]





Here is a warrant for your friend.

Tell Sam Adams we'll find him.

[Bell tolling, indistinct chatter]

Where is he?

John, it's not his fault.

You're going to have to stop protecting him.

Sooner or later, he's gonna have to learn his lesson.

Good day.

Mr. Adams.

Go easy on him, John.

How bad is it?

Jesus, Sam.

You've been a tax collector for a year now.

A little less than a year.

Then how in God's name do you already owe the Crown over 8,000 pounds in uncollected taxes?

Can't possibly be that high.

It is.

It states so quite clearly here on this warrant for your arrest.

I'll tell you, John, if one of my friends can't make a full payment one week, I'm not gonna drive him out of business just so our fat governor can line his pockets.

You're a tax collector who doesn't collect taxes from your friends.

I hope you're happy.

'Cause now their debt has become your own.

This is the way things are here.

This is the law.

You can't be disturbing the order of things.

The order of things has hundreds of people out of work, fighting for scraps in the streets.

Taxes are so high, there's no way to get ahead.

In fact, forget getting ahead, there's no way to keep up.

So you incite an angry mob to tear the Governor's house to the ground.

I didn't incite anything.

It was just an unfortunate coincidence.

No. Bullshit.

If your father were here...

Cousin, I need your help.

If your father were here...

I just need your help with this.

He would tell you to take responsibility for your actions.

Turn yourself in.


Warren, open up.


We have every man out looking for him right now, sir.

No, absolutely not. Have them all recalled.


We have to deal with Adams.

The man should be put in shackles before he can do any further damage.

But look what happened last time we tried that.

I can't risk any more unrest in the Colonies.

London will have my head.


If we're going to get rid of Adams, we have to be more clever.


Thank you.


No, I do not need an appointment.

Mr. Hancock knows exactly who I am.

Stand back.

Governor Hutchinson.

I knew your uncle for 30 years.

I first met him when I was quite young.

Yes, you were, sir.

He was a good man, a successful man, one who had the good sense to put you in charge of his quite profitable empire.

That he did.

God rest his soul.

He and I had a good working relationship, one that I'm happy to continue with you and one, you will agree, has benefited us both quite handsomely.

Quite handsomely.

May I ask a favor?

Of course.

At the moment, I have a particular problem, one you might be able to help me with.


His name is Sam Adams.

His family have been a thorn in my side for years.

And now it would seem the sins of the father have been taken up by the son.


Oh, I see, sir.

Um... how am I supposed to help you with this Sam Adams problem?

Well, I need you to take care of him.

You need me to take care of him.

Sir, why don't you just arrest him?

Mr. Hancock, I've been quite kind to your family's enterprises, especially in terms of lax enforcement of certain customs duties.

Wait... with all due respect, sir, we pay handsomely for those privileges.

That, you do.

I merely wish to make the point that if tensions in the colony continue to escalate, it won't be good for me.

And what's not good for me is not good for you and is certainly not good for business.

Do I make myself clear?

Well, no. No, not really, sir.

Do whatever necessary to rid us of this problem.

Make sure it doesn't lead back to me.

Lovely painting.

Good day, Governor.

Give us a shilling, sir.

How are you, sir?

[Indistinct chatter]

Oh, my goodness.

I shouldn't be too long, Prudence.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.



Come on.

Hey, you.

I think you might be a bit lost.

Yes, I am looking for Sam Adams.

I heard he might be here.

And where did you hear that?

My good man, I don't want any trouble.

I was just hoping I could have a discussion with Mr. Adams about some, um, business.

Is that so?


Is he here?

Relax, Kelly.

Mr. Adams. Very good.

My name is John Hancock.

I know who you are.

I don't know what you're doing here.


Could we talk in private?

Would you mind?

Stretch your legs, lads.

Oh, no, there's really no need to clear the establishment.

I... thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, my good man.

Thank you, Mr. Adams.

I say, it was quite the show you put on the other night with all of those men all following you.

So everybody keeps saying.

Thank you.

It seems you have become quite the nuisance to my friend the Governor.


So you're Hutchinson's messenger.

Oh, no, no, no, I mean, not... not... not exactly.

And what?

I am here as someone interested in the continued peace and tranquility of the colony.

Peace and tranquility in Boston.

Mr. Hancock, I've lived in Boston my entire life, and I think that's the single stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Some would say I'm simply an optimist.

I've heard money will do that to you.

I know about your problems.

I know about the warrant.

I know about the debt.

What if I could help you?

What if I could get rid of the warrant, pay off the debt?

All it would take from you would be a quick visit to the courthouse.

And why, um... why would you be willing to do that for me?

Well, because in return, you will promise to help end this madness in the streets and help Governor Hutchinson restore sanity to Boston.

You think that I have the power to do that?

I know you have the power to do that.

The Governor is a... he's a friend of mine.

What say you?

I think that sounds fair enough.

I also think that sounds fair enough.

Very good.

Thank you.

Good day, Mr. Adams.

Good day.

It is as easy as that.

What was that?

I think that might be my ticket out of jail.




He can't stay here.

Abigail, my flame-haired beauty.

A little early for the tavern, isn't it?

Actually, I find that alcohol shortens the day considerably.

You Adams men think you're so charming, don't you?

Indeed, we do.

But you should know, I've had a bit to drink, and I'm more than capable of making myself extremely comfortable here on your porch.

I don't know what we're to do with you, Samuel.

How do you mean?

You should be settling down again.



You're certainly a handsome man.

There are plenty of women in Boston fawning over you.

Wait. Wait.

You think I'm a handsome man?


Come in.

Thank you.

I kept it.

You were in such a bad way when Elizabeth died, I thought one day you might want it back.


You can't stay here.

No, I just... I came to apologize.

And to tell you...


You came here to borrow money.


No, I'm just... I'm just... trying to find a way to get back on my feet.

What about the warrant?

Don't worry.

Don't worry.

I've... I've dealt with it. I... I... I have a plan.


An honest one?

Is there such a thing anymore in Boston?

Oh, that's rich coming from you.

You need to stop walking through life like you have nothing to lose.

Don't you judge me.

Perfect life.


This is what happens to me... since I've been on my own.

The last thing that I need from you... is a lecture on everything I should be.


You can stay here.

Abigail will set you up in the guest quarters.

You're a good man, Sam.

Ah, Mr. Hancock.


Welcome. How was it with our problem?


So soon?


Please, share a glass of wine with me.

Why, thank you.

Now, Governor, I made a deal, you see.

A deal? What sort of a deal?

I have paid off Mr. Adams' debt.

You did what?

And in return, he has promised to keep his mob under control.


He has promised.

I appointed Adams to collect taxes for me, for the Crown... a noble profession.

And instead, he gives the money straight back to his deadbeat associates, then he eludes my warrant for his arrest and leads an angry mob to destroy my home.

And you reward him with immunity.

Governor, I have solved your problem.

Adams and his men will not be bothering you anymore.

And where is your guarantee for that?

Do you realize what you've done?

How can you be so naive?

Governor, please.

Be off with you.

Oh, very well.

[Clears throat]

Good day.


Yes, sir, I'm not sure that's quite prudent.

I'm the damn governor.

Anything I say or do is prudent.


Put it on the first ship.

Excuse me.

Lord North, I have an urgent letter from the Colonies.

Get me Benjamin Franklin.


[Sighs] Come in.

Oh, heavens.

Is there a problem, Mrs. Stevenson?

Oh, no.

Not at all, Dr. Franklin.

What can I do for you, Mrs. Stevenson?

You have a visitor downstairs.


I hope it's a shapely one.

He has the shape of a messenger from parliament, if that's to your liking.

Well... my least favorite shape, indeed.

Dr. Franklin.

Mrs. Stevenson.


Perhaps you can come by later this evening and give me a sponge bath.


I was thinking instead that you could travel to Westminster with the gentleman.

Oh, very well.


Your Excellency, for every miscreant or troublemaker in Boston, there are 100 tradesmen and merchants loyal to the King.

Then why all this unrest?

Too many taxes and too little work.

People are hungry.

Ah, so they destroy the Governor's house.

If a populous isn't given a chance to prosper, why then, unrest and even v*olence.

It's inevitable.

Our sources tell us of a charismatic leader involved.

Allow me to correspond with my contacts in Massachusetts, and I will gladly get to the bottom of this unrest and put an end to it.

Is it true what they say about him, the drinking and the womanizing?

I'm afraid so.

I find it hard to believe Dr. Franklin's the best they've got.


He says he has everything in order, all this unrest in the streets.

So he claims.

And what could you possibly need me for?

Because I don't believe a word that drunk says.

General Gage, you know these people.

You've spent more time in America than any Englishman ought to.

I do believe our best course of action is for you to travel there and k*ll this unrest.

Colonists... they're like children.

When children misbehave, they need to be disciplined.

And what does the King think?

The King can't be bothered with this.

Well, I'm sorry.

Neither can I.

Now, Thomas.

This can be resolved without my presence.

Send three warships filled with reinforcements, have them establish a presence and discipline in the city, and then be done with it.

I'm not going back there.

We need a decree, a new order for Boston.

What manner of decree, Prime Minister?

An official act of parliament, one authorizing any officer of His Majesty's customs to enter into any house, any shop, any warehouse, and in case of resistance, to break open doors or chests or trunks, whatever need be, in order to seize by force, if necessary, any kinds of goods or merchandise whatsoever prohibited or uncustomed.

No duty shall go unpaid, no transgression unpunished.

The city of Boston will learn obedience yet.

[Indistinct chatter]

Dr. Joseph Warren.

Here for medical inspection.

Forward! Left!

Left, right, left, right, left, right, left!

Left, right, left, right, left!

Regiments, off!


I enrolled to see more exotic places.

If I wanted a dank and crowded city, I'd have stayed in South London.

I suggest you get comfortable.

It sounds as though we'll see a good few months here at least, maybe even years.


By the will of His Majesty the King, and by the order of Lord North, you are assigned to the city of Boston.

Once billeted, duties will be assigned.

Carry on.

Left, left!

Impressive display.

Oh, very.

Haven't met the Englishman yet who could last a Boston winter.

They'll be gone soon enough.

I don't think so.

I was just there. I heard them talking.

I don't think they're going anywhere.

Right flank, right flank.

Move out, double quick.

Move, move, move, move, move!

What is this?



What do you want?

You're eight weeks behind on payments.

Oh, no, please, we'll find the money somehow.

You can tell that to the courts.

Take him away.

[All yelling]

Please don't take him!

Leave him alone!




You leave my son alone!

John, please!

No, Christopher!


No, father!

You get your hands off!

You what?




Enough, enough.


Bloody drunk.

Leave him there.


Get away.

Why is this happening?

Inside, Christopher.

Move along.

Get in there.


Quick step, up the plank.



Move to the stand, move, move, move.

As I understand it, this ship hasn't declared its full freight.

Mr. Hancock and Governor Hutchinson had a long-standing arrangement.


Do they, now?

I regret to inform you that that arrangement has now ended.

By order of the King, all duties are to be paid in full, no exception.

This ship and its contents are now the property of His Majesty King George III.

Seize the ship, find the wine.

Every day my ship is impounded, I am losing thousands of shillings.

Mr. Hancock.

You are to turn over the liberty, Governor, and pay me what I am owed.

Mr. Hancock, you seem to be confused as to the nature of our relationship.

I am not confused, Governor.

I pay you.

And in return, you keep the customs officials off my back and my ships.

That is the arrangement you had with my Uncle.

That is the arrangement that you have with me.

Well, Sam Adams and his band of thugs seemed to have put an end to that relationship.

We have a deal.

A deal? What's this about a deal?

There is no deal.

Just who do you think you are to me, to the Crown?

You're nothing but a glorified smuggler.


I'm not a smuggler.

Then what are you, a businessman?

Then pay your taxes. Everyone else does.

Why don't you?

Look, I get what you're doing.

I understand with the delinquents and the riots.

I get it.

But if I am made to pay full duties on my cargo, there is no way for me to make any money.

Do you understand?

Well... that would seem to be the case.
[Door creaks open]

Ah, Mr. Adams.

Thank you for coming.

This your warehouse?

This is one of my warehouses, yes.

Looking a little spare.


Someone took my ship.


Mm, yes, Hutchinson took my ship.

If you're looking for sympathy, I fear you may have summoned the wrong man.

I am not looking for sympathy.

Then what is it you want, Hancock?

Hutchinson has set me back, but he has not shut me down.

The ship he took is one of many in my fleet.

I have many more tons of cargo, many more cases of wine waiting just beyond the horizon.

All right.

And what's that got to do with me?

I need a way to get that cargo into the city without Hutchinson and without paying taxes, and you are going to help me.

You're being serious.

You owe me.

I don't recall there being any strings to our deal.

I can pay.


I know there are many men without work.

This could be very lucrative for you all.

It is an opportunity. You have the influence.

I have the money.

Why don't we combine our talents and enjoy the spoils together?


[Door creaks open]

Make sure those sails are as black as night.

Come in this way from the south, behind the moonlight.

That'll put us in shallow water.




How are you?

Not bad, Sam.

This is Captain Charles White.

I'd like you to meet Mr. John Hancock, the man with the deep pockets.

Mr. Revere, I am John Hancock, and I would like to thank you for letting us use your workshop.


Hell, for what you're paying for it, you could have had the place.

So you boys are expecting some heavy lobsters this season.

Yes, it's promising to be a banner year.

Well, if this little lobster hunt of yours winds up with Thomas Hutchinson's house being torn to the ground again, drinks are on me.

Thank you, Mr. Revere.

You're welcome.

Okay, men, we sail tonight.

Pull the anchor. Let's get out of here.

Okay, men, shake out the sails.

[Indistinct chatter]




[Indistinct chatter]


Oh, shit.


Fire a warning across their bow.

Aye, sir.

Cannon one, fire.

[Cannon explodes]

[Water splashes]

Shot over the bow.

We hit?

Are we damaged?

Warning shot only.

All right, men. Prepare to be boarded.

Go steady.

[Water splashes]

Interesting choice of color for your sails, Captain.

Glare of the white hurts my eyes, sir.

To whom is this ship registered?

And what is its cargo?

John Hancock, sir.

Our cargo is...

Madeira wine.

Molasses, sir.


Bring me to the hold.

We've claimed 20 crates of molasses.

That's what you'll find.

[Cane tapping]

[Cane pounds]


Aye, sir.

It's got to be here somewhere.

Tear this hold apart and find the wine.

Search everything.

Aye, sir.

And everyone.

Search the hold.

Yes, sir.

Check that hatch.

Nothing here, sir.

These barrels, open them.

Aye, sir.

Nothing, sir. All clear.

We found nothing below.


Get some proper sails.

Set hulls.

Shove off.

[Bottles clinking]

Christopher, what are you doing here?

Get back.

Where's your mother?

I'm helping Mr. Adams.

You mean Sam?

He's giving me money.

I'm a lookout.

Lookout for what?


There a problem?

Come here.

Come here.

Lay down. Pretend to be sick.


Pretend you're sick.

Somebody, please!

Please, someone!


This boy is not well.

I need a packet of cathartic salts.

But, sir, I don't...

There's a storehouse 100 yards down the way.

Go! Now!


Good job.

Thank you, Joseph.

That was clever.

What have you gotten yourself into now?



Why don't you get on home, Chris?


Nice work.

You don't think I know that look, the one that is constantly getting you in trouble.

Coming back.

Let's move it in.

[Horse whinnies]

That's good, boy.

Come, move ahead.

You doing all right?




How much of this do you think you can handle?

How much do you have?


We'll have fronts here, here, and here.

We'll run merchandise from our stock room to the sites along these routes.

How do we know who's on the inside?

We'll have a signal.


Yeah, I can help with that.

This is how it'll work... pickups will happen at the same time every morning, say 10:00.


The coin is the key.

We load the merchandise here.


Head straight through town. Don't avoid checkpoints.


We want this happening right under their noses.

Seen enough?

Move along.

How are you, lads?

Documentation of taxation... all in order.

Mind taking a wee cup yourself, would you?

Thank you kindly, sir.

Heaven's in the details, huh?

Each shop will have a back room.

Stock the shelves.

The merchants themselves will act as our distributors for a small cut of the profits, of course.

Then all we have to do is recruit customers.

Anybody with one of these coins is one of us.

Kelly, I can't think of anyone better for collections than you.

[Fanciful orchestral music]




Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to this occasion to mark the birthday of our glorious King George.



The King.

All: The King.

Please enjoy.

Miss Gaul.

Mr. Hancock.

How are you?

I'm so please you could attend.

You're looking very beautiful.

I know it.

You look splendid.


Mr. Hancock.

Ah, Governor.

Walk with me.

About that business with your ship...

Mm. everyone needs to learn a lesson sometimes.

That was just your turn.


Lovely celebration, John.

Ebenezer, how are you?

I am good, my friend. Thank you.

I am so pleased you could both attend, you and your beautiful wife.

Thank you.

What a pleasure.

It's a delight to be here.

Please enjoy.

Why, thank you, John.

You seem to have landed on your feet...

The suit is absolutely wonderful.

Why, thank you.


Hello, John.

What do you have going on?

Um, I'm just a man going about his trade.



Joshua, a moment.

Well, perhaps we can discuss that trade later.

It seems full of opportunities.




How'd you get in here?

Kelly let me in.

Dr. Warren.

Are you in on this as well?

In on what?

Mr. Adams.

He's trying to get back at the Redcoats.

Oh, is that what Mr. Adams is doing here?


I mean, it's not right, but they're doing...

Chris, why don't you take this home to your mom?


See you tomorrow morning.

See you then.


So you're running an underground market?

Well, we all got to make some money.

Sam, since when have you cared about money?


It's not about money for that little boy.

And he is just a boy.

Sam, he doesn't know that any of this is illegal.

What'd I say? Putting food on the table?

If it is, maybe it shouldn't be.


You gonna help us with this or what?

You just gonna stand there?



Aye, he brought one for the Doctor too.


Who me? That's a job for you, man.

Well, you look about ready.


I want in.

Do I know you?

I just want a coin.

Come on. We're Irish.


Keep that safe.

Good lad.

As far as I can tell, there are at least 20 shops in the ring.


Solomon, Mr. Whittier needs to be compensated for his fine work.

[Coins jingle]

What now, sir?

Let's shut them down.

[All yelling]

Clear the streets.

In there. Go, move!

[All yelling]


Open up in the name of the King!

[All yelling]

Come on. Move it.

Move, move.

Tear the place apart, men.


Open that door. Break it down.

In there, go!

Move on. Come with me.

[Woman yelping]

It's a disaster, a travesty.

They'll be coming for us next.

You knew what you were getting yourself into.

You came to me, remember.

At least I know Hutchinson has a price.

Although this time, it will be very, very expensive.

Yes, it will.

You shut down every shop that isn't run by a loyalist.

If you're not a tried and true Tory, you don't eat.

Well, maybe the whole thing will just blow over.

If I grease some wheels, Hutchinson will calm down.

London will forget about us.

We should just get the market up and running again.

No, no, we need something... else.

Something like what?

Like... boycott.

A boycott?


Of all Tory shops loyal to the King.


So that people won't buy from them, so... so they'll know to buy only from us.

Yes, but nobody knows it's us.

No, we just need to lay low for awhile.

I think the whole thing will just blow over.

We can get the markets up and running again.

That is the most important thing.


Um, and in the meantime, Sam, just... don't do anything.

Good evening.

It's a disgrace... troublemakers tearing Boston apart.


[Laughter, indistinct chatter]

Gentlemen, please.

What are you doing?

We are getting away with this.

Are you trying to get caught?

I'm doing what we set out to do.

No, you're not.

You want to keep making money, don't you?

You want to keep living that privileged life of yours.

Yes, of course I do.

But this is business.

Let's not go making it political.

You try so hard.

It doesn't matter how many parties you throw.

It doesn't matter how rich you are.

You will never be British.

You have so much integrity, don't you?

But without me and my money, you would be rotting in a jail cell right now.

At least I know which side I'm on.

Why does there have to be sides?

Because there are.

You are playing a very dangerous game.

You are headed down a road that you will not be able to come back from.

Maybe it isn't a game.

Then that is even worse.

You need to stop this, Sam.

You need to stop this now.

As his friend, can I urge you to make him see reason?

I wonder, would you believe to look at me, Mr. Hancock, that I was a man of property once.

My family... my wife and our girl Nadine... seven years of age and wild as wind... we had a farm, almost ten acres.

But we had hard times.

Didn't we all?

Sam's father had an idea.

He started a bank for the colonists.

No one had ever tried a thing like that before.

He dug into his own pockets, and he gave us all loans because we had land.

And land should mean something, right?

Well, Hutchinson and his cronies didn't like this one bit.

The colonists making their own way... well, how dare they.

So they rolled in and spouted out some legal shite about the King's will, and they shut the whole thing down.

And Sam Senior, he lost everything, and it drove him into his early grave.

And his boy... he can hardly stand and watch the whole thing.

Sam... nothing he could have done.

He's a good man, just as his father was... always trying to help people wherever he could.

And he shielded my family from things and people in this world when I could not.

He gave us money, yes.

He gave us jobs.

But more than anything, he gave us an opportunity, just like you did, Mr. Hancock.

And I don't even think that you realize that.

You see, here's the thing about Sam... he never keeps a penny for himself.

All: [Chanting] Tory, Tory, Tory, Tory, Tory!

Tory, Tory, Tory, Tory!

Tory, Tory, Tory, Tory!

It seems Mr. Lillie is hard-of-hearing.

Show him how we think.

Come on out here, you coward.


No, I've got nothing! No!

You've been tried and found guilty by your fellow citizens.

Now accept your punishment.

He's just trying to run his business and feed his family.

You leave him alone.

Get out of here. [Indistinct]

How dare you bring your child to this.

What kind of mother are you?

What'd he say to her?

You just gonna stand there and let them get away with this?

I'm not looking to escalate the situation, sir.

Like a wee terrier dog. Look at him, lads.

That's outrageous. Look at these animals.

What did you just say?


Go easy.


While you do, sh**t us all.


Get after him, fellas!

[All yelling]

Come on!

What's happening?

Kezia, get down.

[All yelling]

[All screaming]

Go away, all of you!

Disperse, I say!

Leave us alone!

[Glass shattering]


[All yelling]

[Glass shattering]


See what you've done!

[Glass shattering]

Come on! Get out here now!

Last chance, or I'll fire!

[All yelling]

[Glass shattering, screaming]




Somebody get Dr. Warren now!

[Ragged breathing]

[Whispering] Oh, my God.

[Bell tolling]

[Bell tolling, sorrowful music]

How dare you show your face out here today.

I merely wish to pay my respects and to tell the family how sad I am for their loss.

Well, you already threw the father in prison.

And now you snuck away the man who k*lled that child.

London's the only place where he can get a fair trial.

You know that's bullshit.

The boy's blood stains your hand far more than mine, Mr. Adams.

You know, I could have had you all arrested.

Perhaps I should.

[All yelling]

Where are we now!

You bastards!

[All yelling]


There's rioting in the square, Sam.

He was just a boy, John.


And there's nothing that you can do that will bring him back now.

How is this not affecting you?

Why are you not angry?


This has gone too far.

It has to end now.

This is just the beginning.

[Crowd yelling]

Get off!

[All yelling]


[All yelling]

Out of the way!

Clear the way! Out of the way!



Clear the way!


Is this what you want?

Hold your fire.

Do not sh**t.

Hold your fire!

We will not tolerate your threats by command of the King!







[Door creaks]

On the next Sons of Liberty...

Everything needs to calm down Mr. Adams.

Your advice was respectfully noted.

These colonists are committing treason.

They are thugs and outlaws.

Is nothing to be done to quash this insurrection?

If you make martyrs of these men, the people of Boston won't see them as sons of tyranny.

They'll be seen as sons of liberty.

- [Crack of whip]


Is this how you treat loyal British citizens?

Not British, they're colonists.

I know what you and your friends are doing and I want to be a part of it.

General Gage is a cancer, he brings with him only suffering and death.

[Whispering] Who is that?

[Whispering] George Washington.

w*r is coming but Boston is on it's own for now.

Then what would you have us do?


[Fuse crackling]

If we're going to take back Boston, we're going to need a lot of men, Paul.

[Drums playing]

Not another inch on this field will you take!

[Fuse crackling]


What business calls for you to leave the town at such a late hour?

I'm a colonial scout for an armed resistance against the tyranny of the British Crown.

Is that so?
