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05x08 - End of Faes

Posted: 01/26/15 02:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on Lost Girl...

Somebody's trying to send us a message...

The ancients are behind this.

My dad is Hades.

He's trying to use me for something.

What can you do?

I'm a shifter.

I serve my keepers.

Your keepers?

I mean, my parents.

I know where your heart truly lies.

It's with me.

Bo: Tamsin...

Tamsin: Don't!

Zeus' lightning. Takes the power of an ancient to k*ll an ancient.

Please let me go.


It's time for us to meet the other side of the family.

Bo: You're a part of this team, Tamsin. You can't just walk away. We need you. I need you.

Tamsin: You know what? That's really nice of you. But we both know that's not true. And I don't need you either.

Bo: Tamsin.

Tamsin: These leather pants yours? Doesn't matter, you keep them. I know you like to re-use old styles.

Bo: Fashion snark. Is that where we are now? Come on, Tamsin. We can talk about this.

Tamsin: We don't need to. I was upset, but now I realize there's no winning with you.

Bo: What game were we playing again?

Tamsin: It doesn't matter where your body is... Your heart's always with her.

Bo: You been listening to John Legend?

Tamsin: You and Lauren... you two, you'll just always be a couple. Even when you're not. Damn it!

Bo: Where will you go?

Tamsin: Wherever the universe takes me. Motel six, then wherever the universe takes me. Oh, I forgot. This came for you.

Bo: Tamsin. I lost Kenzi. I don't want to lose you too.

Tamsin: It's better this way.

Bo: No way.

Lauren: Always nice to be popular.

Vex: Speak for yourself. I didn't get an invite.

Trick: Count yourself lucky. Question is: Why now?

Dyson: Human sacrifices, murdering a football player...

Bo: Mutilating the oracles; storm that almost wiped out the colony.

Lauren: They need a palette cleanser?

Bo: These supposed ancients are related to my father. He's behind all of it. I'm know it.

Trick: In the oracle's vision you saw him didn't you?

What did he say?

Bo: A bunch of riddles. The greatest evil is the greatest mercy?

Dyson: If we wanna get to the bottom of this we're gonna have to go to the source. And we gotta get you a new suit.

Dyson: What do you say? Up for your first mission?

Mark: Yeah. What's the plan?

Trick: Mythology states even the ancients have an Achilles heel.

Bo: So we find out what it is and we take them down.

Let's go.

Vex: Hey you sure he's ready? The kid hasn't even shifted yet.

Dyson: Well he's gotta become a man some time.

Vex: First mission eh? You gonna get yourself your very own vest?

Mark: Please God, no.

Vex: Yeah well, gimme a call me if you need backup alright?

Mark: I'll call you if I get bored.

Mark: Hope they have an open bar.

Dyson: Except you won't be drinking.

Mark: Right. No alcohol.

Dyson: And?

Mark: Keep my back to the wall.

Dyson: And trust your gut. If something feels off, listen to it. If the plan changes...

Mark: Roll with it. I got it.

Lauren: You know I hate to be a Buzzkill... but are we gonna talk about the possibility this could be a trap? No?

Lauren: Now are we going to talk about the possibility this could be a trap?



Bo: Okay. I need a drink.

Iris: Does this bracelet go with this outfit?

Hera: Don't be silly. It's one of a kind. It goes with everything.

Hera: Did you exfoliate?

Iris: I used the dead sea scrub; Just like you asked me to.

Hera: Good girl. You know how Zee likes to show you off. Wouldn't want to upset her.

Iris: Because she'll yell at you? You know what? Maybe you're not ready for this party.

Hera: Maybe you should stay in here tonight. Lie down for a while.

Iris: No. I didn't mean it. I really want to go to the party. Please.

Hera: Aw... bunny. Okay.

Come along my pet. Well?

Iris: The guests. I should go greet them.

Hera: I can't wait until everyone sees how special you are. Oh, and get people to try the clam dip. Zee tried a new recipe. It's been a whole thing.

Lauren: Hold it right there.

Lauren: OK. All clear. Drink up.

Bo: Forgot how much fun you are at parties.

Bo: Yes. Thank you. That's right. The party's for me.

Lauren: And no one seems to know why.

Bo: This party reeks of my father.

Lauren: Do you think it's possible whatever brought the ancients here, brought Hades with them?

Bo: The Greek gods are throwing me a surprise party. I'd say anything is possible.

Dyson: Preliminary sweep of the penthouse. No sign of the ancients.

Trick: And the clam dip is amazing. There seems to be a fair number of Fae here.

Bo: I don't like it. Whatever they're planning, it's big.

Lauren: And they want an audience.

Bo: Then we'll give them a show.

Dyson: I'm on Hera duty. As soon as I see his smug little face.

Lauren: I can't weaken his power but to avoid another bug shower: D-phenothrin, prallethrin, deltamethrin. Bug spray. Essentially.

Mark: Can't you just turn them human like you did the Morrigan?

Lauren: That process took months. Isolating each unique Fae chromosome, and then inversing...

Dyson: Okay okay, just give me the syringe. Thank you, Trick: And I'll keep my eye on the crowd. In case there's any unusual activity. I'll be by the clam dip.

Mark: What about me?

Dyson: Iris. You know her best.

See if you can find out something about her parents. I'm glad you changed your mind about wanting to help.

Mark: United force, right?

Dyson: Just show me you can take this seriously.

Mark: You know it.

Lauren: I'm on samples: Sweat, blood, saliva... Anything I can break down.

Bo: Okay, while you do that I'll greet the hostess. If I can find her.

Bo: Lauren, wait.

Bo: About what happened between us, during the blackout.

Lauren: Let me save you the trouble. We slept together. One time thing. I get it, and I'm OK with it.

Bo: OK. But here's the thing: I'm not. I mean I was... and look it's just.

Bo: There'll always be another reason not to be together.

I don't want to put this off any longer.

Lauren: Oh boy.

Bo: "Oh boy" yes? Or "oh boy" no?

Lauren: And we're back. Although it is a very nice back.

Bo: We'll finish this later. Okay?

Lauren: Okay.

Bo: I didn't realize you got an invite.

Tamsin: It's nice to see you, too.

Bo: I'm glad you're here. We need you.

Tamsin: Yeah. Dyson filled me in, operation ancients go history. I'm game.

Bo: Well then maybe you should go easy.

Tamsin: Look I'll play superhero with you tonight. But there's no way I'm not having fun while I do it.

Iris: You look beautiful in that dress.

Iris: It's okay. I don't mind you being in my room. It's nice to have company. Hera never lets me have friends over.

Bo: Hate to break it to you, iris, but you and me... not exactly friends.

Iris: Your hair's so shiny. Can I touch it?

Bo: That's a pretty bracelet.

Iris: My parent's make me wear it.

Bo: Your parents; Speaking of which...

Bo: How bout you tell me where they are? The blonde one. What do you call her?

Zee: Depends who you ask.

Hera: Excuse me.

Hera: I'm happy you came. I thought after our last interaction you might be... Bugged by me.

Dyson: I thought you might think that. So I brought a gift.

Hera: What the hell was in that?

Dyson: Precautionary measure. What can I say, every dog has his day. And some dogs need to be neutered.

Hera: Which reminds me. How is my bitch Alicia doing?

Dyson: She wanted me to give you this.

Hera: Is that all you've got?

Dyson: Guess I'm no match for a "God".

Zee: In Egypt I was Amun, Odin to the vikings, Jupiter to the Romans. But you'll know me best as Zeus.

Bo: Zeus? As in white hair, thunder thighs, plus... a dude?

Zee: Just like a patriarchal society to depict its most powerful member as male. I've had many forms, but currently... Zee. Is a she.

Bo: And my aunt. Question is, which kind? Cool aunt who buys you condoms or crazy aunt who ruins Christmas. Wait, I know; You're the kind that murders innocent people.

Zee: When you're trying to make your way in a new world people are bound to get hurt.

Bo: Hmm, whatever it helps you sleep at night.

Zee: My hands are clean. Mostly.

Bo: Which brings us back to daddy.

Zee: Hades might have inspired this shindig but let's get one thing straight... We're on the same team.

Zee: You're on a sinking ship. The balance is quickly shifting and I don't want to see you go down.

Bo: I happen to be quite buoyant.

Zee: You deflect with humor.

Bo: Why did you send the oracles after me?

Zee: To find your truth. The thing you crave above all.

Bo: Your untimely demise?

Zee: Come on, Bo. We both know what your heart truly desires. It's freedom from your father.

And I'm here to grant it.

Bo: How? Why would you do that?

Zee: Because, I told you, I want the same thing as you, Bo. But we have to stop him first.

Bo: Stop him from what?

Zee: From using you to end the world.

Bo: We're leaving. Where are the others?

Trick: Bo. What's going on? Did you...

Bo: My aunt Zeus wants to emancipate me from Hades.

Bo: I know. The one thing I want. To dangle it in front of me, after everything she's done. The nerve.

Trick: But wait, why?

Bo: To stop the zombie apocalypse or whatever dramatic end of days daddy dearest has in store for us. Where are Dyson and Lauren?

Trick: Maybe we should consider...

Bo: Nevermind. I'll find them.

Zee: Glad you could make it Trick.

Trick: The aegis shield. Myth says you were never without its protection.

Zee: No glove, no love.

Bo: Trick! You have to see this.

Trick: The drink of prophecy. The original original.

Trick: I never forget a drink.

Bo: What is it?

Trick: In ancient times it was custom to drink the coquetel to reveal the future.

Zee: It's the only way you can see for yourself. The pain Hades will cause if you stay bound to him.

Bo: Cassie was our friend. Do you really think we'll drink this.

Zee: I don't have time to braid your hair. The longer you're connected, the stronger he becomes.

Zee: Cheers.

Bo: All those lives. Everything...

Trick: Gone.

Bo: Oh God, I need to sit down.

Trick: I've never felt so much... nothing. Complete and utter nothing.

Bo: I have. In Tartarus.

Zee: That's what I've been trying to tell you.

Bo: How do we stop him?

Zee: Hades has been banished to the underworld for thousands of years.

Zee: That little "property of" stamp is Hades'

ticket to ground level. It's what gives him his power. Like an umbilical chord.

Bo: So I've been feeding him?

Zee: An all you can eat buffet.

Bo: Say I agree to this emancipation. How does it work?

Zee: Some anointing, some chanting... the Ushze.

Bo: Let me guess: A sacrifice?

Zee: No one's getting hurt unless you keep hemming and hawing. Tick tock.

Bo: Time to divorce daddy.

Mark: What's the most beautiful girl at the party doing out here all alone? Oh no. You didn't mix the clam dip and cos-Bo-politan did you? It's lethal.

Mark: Y'know a couple pixie twins in there thought I was a riot. Just sayin'. Hey. What's wrong?

Iris: Do you ever wish you could fall asleep and wake up as a whole new person?

Mark: Robocop?

Iris: I bet people don't tell him what to do all the time. Be good, iris. Wear this bracelet, iris. Don't ruin the party, iris. Look, if you ask me, this party sucks.

Iris: Are you leaving?

Mark: Maybe. It depends whether you wanna get outta here or not? Go someplace and talk.

Iris: About what?

Mark: Whatever you want. Maybe what's upsetting you so much.

Iris: Won't Dyson be mad at you?

Mark: He knows I can handle myself.

Iris: Yeah, well. Hera doesn't. I'm his divine messenger. His bidding is my duty.

Mark: His bidding? You're not his property. And you know it.

Iris: You do what Dyson tells you.

Mark: Dyson and I might share DNA, but that doesn't make him my boss. I do what I want. And right now, I want to get out of here. With you.

Iris: Well, there's this place I've been wanting to show you...

Mark: I bet no one will even notice we're gone.

Lauren: I just hope you haven't contaminated the sample.

Dyson: You're welcome.

Lauren: Oh please. You loved it. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were scrapping over a girl. Maybe the one sleeping at the boxing gym?

Dyson: You know, you're right, you don't know better. Remind me why we're confident they're not lying.

Lauren: Trick and Bo both saw the vision. We can't not try.

Dyson: There's no reason we can't set up some collateral. Just in case.

Hera: I was hoping to give you a little tour.

Mark: When I said disobey your parents, breaking and entering isn't what I had in mind.

Iris: You told me to do what I want for once. This is it.

Mark: Get thrown in jail for a night?

Iris: Well it's better than living with Hera and Zee. Besides. No one's been here for days.

Mark: Wait, how do you know that?

Iris: I bet they have a king size bed.

Zee: Let the emancipation begin!

Bo: Is there a book of chants or do I make up my own?

Zee: The chanting comes later. Our first course of action? Carving your father's mark from your chest.

Zee: Make your choice.

Bo: And if I choose wrong?

Zee: You die.

The poison for the extraction. Choose correctly or the ritual will fail.

Bo: Can I phone a friend?

Zee: Only you can decide. I don't make the rules. Take it up with the Erinyes.

Zee: Leeches. Belonged to a naiad. Lovely creatures.

Dyson: Used by water nymphs for cleansing rituals.

Bo: Pros: Painless. Won't leave a mark.

Cons: Ew. And. Ew.

Zee: Xiphos sword. A classic.

Bo: Would get the job done. Sharp. Precise. Obvious.

Zee: Horn of minotaur.

Trick: The minotaur. Feasted on children. A sacrifice to hold off the plague in ancient times.

Bo: This is it.

Trick: I've never seen it before.

Dyson: How do you know it's the right one?

Bo: I just know.

Zee: The Amethusto dagger. Interesting choice. Said to keep its owner sober of evil thoughts. Are you sure?

Bo: Rusty dagger. Final answer.

Hera: Is this really necessary?

Tamsin: Quid pro quo. You're our insurance policy in case anything happens to Bo.

Lauren: Yeah we find out first and you pay, right?

Tamsin: Least I'll have something to keep my mind off Bo.

Lauren: Okay. Ignoring me. Mature.

Lauren: Or we could talk about it like two grown adults. Y'know there's a novel idea.

Tamsin: Why would I want to talk about Bo's emancipation with you?

Lauren: You've been wanting to talk about this all night haven't you Tamsin? Hmm?

Lauren: Go ahead. You, me, Bo?

Tamsin: Look, Lauren, I entered the game, I lost. That's life. The best woman won. I'm over it. You should be too.

Lauren: Oh, well. That's very noble of you. I'm not sure what to say.

Hera: Well this is nice.

Lauren: What the hell are these? Are these restraints?

Hera: Before you over react let me explain.

Tamsin: Why you'd want to restrain a child that makes me not me wanna k*ll you? That possible?

Lauren: No. I don't think it is at all.

Hera: OK, look, we don't do it to hurt her. We do it because we have to!

Lauren: Why? Why do you tie up a little girl while you sleep? Are you afraid of her?

Tamsin: That doesn't make any sense; Powerful Fae like them.

Lauren: Except what if Iris is more powerful than they are?

Bo: Can we hurry up and rip this hand-aid off. Before I change my mind?

Zee: The anointing oil will numb the pain. You'll barely feel a thing.

Bo: Barely?

Zee: You have gorgeous skin. Flawless, like Aphrodite.

Bo: Especially now that the scar's healed.

Zee: Impressive. You heal faster than most. Not even a blemish.

Bo: Must have good genes.

Zee: You'll have to forgive me. I overreacted that day. Couldn't have you interfering with Clay's game.

Bo: Right. Fueling up to face big brother. Suddenly I'm grateful to be an only child.

Zee: And there he is now.

Dyson: Are we really gonna let this happen? Let her cut our girl?

Trick: The fate of the colony depends on it. I saw it too, Dyson.

Zee: The moment of truth! What? I love this shit.

Lauren: Bo! Stop!

Tamsin: Iris's power is stronger than both ancients combined.

Dyson: And Mark's alone with her? Mark! Mark get out here.

Lauren: Dyson, we already looked for him. They're gone. Both of them.

Zee: Oh come on. What's the big deal?

Bo: The most powerful of you is with the least powerful of us. We need to find them. Now.

Zee: You can't leave, I'm not finished.

Bo: Well there's a first time for everything.

Zee: Fine. Plan B.

Iris: Imagine we lived here all the time.

Mark: No boxing gym smell, no m*rder board, no Dyson lecturing me about responsibilities.

Iris: No Zee and Hera telling me what to do; telling me what to eat.

Mark: What do you want now? A nice house like this, gotta have some snacks right?

Iris: If you find chips, I call dibs.

Iris: Didn't she have a happy life.

Iris: This is where Cee Cee grew up.

Banged her chin right on that corner right there. She had to get stitches. See? Right here.

Mark: This is your vessel's house. Why did you bring me here?

Iris: Sometimes I still talk to her. And she thinks you're really cute.

Mark: She's still alive inside you? Don't tell Zee and Hera. I was supposed to k*ll mine.

Mark: Please, let's just... let's go home.

Iris: Why? This can be my home. This can be my new family.

Mark: You took over her body, it doesn't make you her. This isn't your family. We need to go. Now.

Iris: No. When they meet me, they'll love me just as much as they love Cee Cee. She misses them. I hear her crying.

Mark: Shit. They're home. We need to go!

Iris: Daddy?

Frank: It can't be.

Iris: It's me. I'm home.

Frank: It's really you? Nancy.

Frank: Cecilia.

Frank: No.

Frank: You're not my daughter.

I know my daughter. You're not my daughter.

Iris: Why don't you love me? Does your heart not work?

Mark: What did you do?

Mark: It was you who k*lled all those people.

Iris: They had to go to sleep.

Mark: It's no use. I can't do anything.

Iris: Mark it's okay. Someday, they'll wake-up and be better.

Mark: No they won't Iris. Iris, you k*lled them!

Iris: Hera said...

Mark: Hera's evil! How do you not get that by now? They used you.

Iris: No! Stop. Stop it! Shut up shut up!

Iris: It's what I was supposed to do. They told me it would all start again. Everyone would wake up.

Iris: That's what that means: Everything that ends will begin again.

Mark: Iris. Please you gotta calm down. Let me think.

Iris: I didn't mean to hurt them.

Mark: You didn't know what you were doing. They used you.

Iris: Not anymore. I won't let them.

Iris: Mark, something's happening. Mark, you have to help me something's happening. Mark.

Mark: Iris. Iris look. You need to get out of here. Go. I'll take care of this.

Zee: She knows better than to remove it.
Even Iris isn't that stupid.

Hera: Speaking of stupid.

Zee: You're one to talk. Who let the cat out of the bag in the first place? Can you do anything without me?

Hera: I don't think that...

Zee: Shut it. Once the super friends bring Mark and Iris back, we'll get this show on the road. Go.

Tamsin: Show?

Zee: So they've left you here to keep an eye on us.

Tamsin: Yeah. Lucky me.

Zee: Report this back to your friends: Bo's emancipation is now or never.

Tamsin: You're not the least bit worried your daughter is missing?

Zee: They're fine. They're kids. Meanwhile, Hades is moments away from wiping us all out. We need Bo to complete the ceremony.

Tamsin: Well good luck with that.

Zee: What do you mean?

Tamsin: No. I think Bo should separate from her dad. But I think Bo should make different relationship choices in general.

Zee: Sounds like she's made bad choices about a lot of things. Care to share?

Tamsin: No. You know I'm actually kind of relieved. No more waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Tamsin: I'm just not a relationship person I guess. Y'know. Not in me. Kinda like a free bird.

Zee: I've never seen a Valkyrie cry.

Tamsin: It's cause it's against type. No emotions on a b*ttlefield. Yes ma'am. No ma'am. Doubt. k*ll. Repeat.

Tamsin: You'd think by my last life I'd have this figured out.

Zee: Word of advice: Sometimes it can take centuries to figure it out.

Tamsin: When did people stop hurting you?

Zee: They didn't. I started hurting them.

Zee: And you're next.

Tamsin: I doubt that.

Zee: Aw. Cassie tried to be brave, too. Poor girl. Terrible eyesight that one.

Tamsin: The difference between Cassie and me is I can fly.

Zee: Not anymore.

Lauren: I talked to Trick. No sign of them at the Dal.

Bo: Is this the place?

Dyson: Precinct said there's a disturbance at south end of trinity park. Girl matching Iris' description.
Police are on their way.

Bo: Well then let's get to her before they do.

Dyson: This is Mark's.

Lauren: That's way more blood than I like.

Dyson: He went that way.

Lauren: That's west.

Bo: Go! I'll go south; Get Iris.

Lauren: Bo. Wait!

Bo: What?

Lauren: "Oh boy" yes.

Bo: Okay Iris. Time to find out what makes you so powerful.

Police officer: Do you need help, miss?

Iris: Please sir, just go away.

Police officer: Here, just gimme your hand.

Bo: Iris? It's Bo. Is everything okay?

Iris: Please don't get too close to me.

Bo: I just want to make sure you're OK. You and Mark.

Iris: Mark's mad at me.

Iris: Stay away. Don't touch me!

Bo: Okay. Let's just talk. Girl to girl. I won't touch you. Why is Mark mad at you?

Iris: I'm not supposed to make you sleep. Zee needs you.

Bo: Sleep? Well, lucky for you I'm a succubus. I don't need much sleep.

Iris: Mark's right. All I do is hurt people.

Bo: Hey. When I was younger, I hurt people. I didn't mean to. But I didn't know what I was. I didn't know what I was doing.

Iris: They make me do bad things. I'm a m*rder*r!

Bo: What do they make you do?

Iris please, where is Mark?

Iris: I told you not to touch me!

Bo: What the hell?

Bo: The darkness wasn't my father.

It was Iris.

Trick: My God Bo, your hand.

Bo: The vision came true. It's Iris. There's something else inside her.

Bo: She's turning everything to nothing.

Trick: Wait.

Trick: The Nyx.

A primordial force of evil. Born from chaos.

Bo: The chaos of the colony after the storm.

Trick: They were waiting for the perfect time to release it in Iris. Wipe us out.

Bo: A ticking time b*mb wrapped in a rainbow. How do we fight it?

Trick: I'm not sure we can...

Trick: Unless... There was one story my mother told me. A toy box that can contain evil.

The original Jack in the box.

Trick: Only a box of Adamantine,
the ore of ancients, could contain such evil. Unless the box is a metaphor.

Bo: No. It's real. And I have it. A gift from the underworld. A gift from who?

Bo: From my father. Where is it now?

Bo: It's in the clubhouse.

Dyson: Why can't I find him Lauren? I can't focus.

Lauren: Because he's your son. Your feelings are getting in the way. Look you need to stop. Take a deep breath, close your eyes. Picture Mark's face.

Dyson: There.

Lauren: What are you doing here?

Vex: He called me.

Dyson: He's going to be okay, right?

Lauren: Dyson, I need you to put pressure on the wound. Dyson, please! Staunch the bleeding. Please!

Vex: I'm gonna try and get some help.

Dyson: Mark. Stay with me. I'm right here. You're going to be okay. Lauren's going to take care of you. Right?

Zee: Don't mind me. I was just leaving.

Bo: Over my dead-hand.

Bo: That's why you really sent the oracles after me. You were after my box.

Zee: And I'm not leaving without it.

Bo: Fashion and function. Black is the new "get the hell outta my house."

Zee: Bo, you don't wanna open that box.

Bo: Yeah? Give me one good reason why.

Zee: You open that box and your father will walk the Earth.

Zee: Come on Bo, you have a choice right now. You could start over. You could free yourself from Hades once and for all. Reclaim what's yours. I could've k*lled you but I let you live.

Bo: The oracles deliver a truth to extract the truth.

Hades: Don't be afraid.

Bo: Dad?

Hades: There's barely any time. We must be quick.

Bo: Leave me alone.

Hades: There are those far more wicked than I upon this Earth. You must stop them.

Bo: Who? The ancients?

Hades: Only family can destroy them.

Bo: So, what? I need you?

Hades: Our power will decide the fate of this world.

Bo: Enough with the riddles, just tell what you want.

Hades: You will do things you don't want to do. Lead our victory over night.

Bo: No. I will never share your victory.

Hades: Sometimes, the greatest evil is the greatest mercy.

Bo: Nothing's ever simple with you, is it I need real answers.

Hades: I've given you all I can. The answer lies with you. A gift.

Bo: The answer's in a gift.

Zee: You think, oh, you think you're special? You think you're strong? Everything you have is because of him.

Bo: Well maybe it takes evil to fight evil.

Zee: You don't know what you're doing!

(Music box playing)

(Music box playing)