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05x12 - Chuck Versus Sarah

Posted: 01/29/12 09:13
by bunniefuu
Chuck: Hi, I'm Chuck. And here's what's been going on in my life, lately.

You wouldn't have downloaded the same version Morgan had, would you? Oh...

Quinn: I know you lose memories when you flash.


Sarah : No!

Quinn: Whoa, Sarah.

Sarah; Who are you?

Quinn: Your handler.

Orders are in.

k*ll Chuck Bartowski.

Chuck: Okay, guys, Sarah's out there.

She's still out there; we need to find her.

Quinn said that he's after the last remaining intersect, which means if we find it, we will probably find Quinn, and with him...

Casey: Sarah.

Chuck; Exactly.

Which is why I hacked into the CIA's database.

Just stay with me for a little bit, because I found something interesting.

These are the blueprints to DARPA.

Morgan; DARPA? That's an acronym for something.

Give me a minute, I can figure it out.

Casey; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Chuck; Morgan, if the CIA had a Q working for them, he'd be working right there.

And I've seen enough Intersect white rooms to know that they have one.

Guys, I know this is a long sh*t, But I have to do something to find her.

I cannot continue to sit idly by and wait.

Are you with me?

Morgan; Let's go.

Casey: 100%.

Morgan; Sarah?

Sarah: I'm... I'm sorry it took me so long to come home.

Chuck: Baby...

Quinn: but you've been undercover for the past five years, monitoring a rogue spy.

His name is Chuck Bartowski.

Everything's in here.

Strengths, weaknesses, profiles of the people closest to him.

Memorize it.

Any questions?

Sarah: Yeah. Yeah, just one, um...

Why the hell should I believe you?


Quinn; I'm on your side, Agent Walker.

I don't want to have to hurt you.

Sarah: And then I threw him out the window.

And that's how I escaped.

Morgan: What? I can't believe that.

That's nuts, amazing.

And Quinn?

Sarah: He's dead.

And the Intersect is out of my head.

So, it's all over.

Devon: Well, thankfully, these cuts look pretty minor.

Ellie: We should let you get some rest.

QUINN (over comms): Eleanor Bartowski.

The sister.

Goes by Ellie.

Sarah; Thank you, Ellie.

Quinn: And you remember her husband's name.

Sarah: And thank you, Devon.

Thank you, all of you.

I'm-I'm really glad to be home.

Casey; Glad you're safe.

Sarah: Me, too.


I don't remember you any more than I remember this Bartowski guy.

So you tell me, what happened to me?

Quinn (choking): Walker, give me a chance.

There's something you need to see.


Sarah: This is Agent Sarah Walker.

Today is September 24, 2007, Day One.

Today, I made contact with the Intersect, Charles Irving Bartowski, or rather, Chuck.

My mission is simple: find out what he knows, gain his trust and monitor his actions until the agency can decide what to do with him.

Quinn: (beep) Well, the Agency has made a decision, Agent Walker.

(hammer clicks)

Chuck Bartowski has proven to be a major thr*at to... (clears throat) national security.

Sarah: Well, then put Director Graham on the phone.

He gives me my orders.

Quinn: He's dead, Sarah.

Sarah; Well, what about my partner, Bryce?

Where is he?

Quinn: I'm sorry, Sarah.

He's dead, too.

Sarah; That's not possible.

Quinn: We believe that Bartowski and his team are responsible for both of their deaths.

And I wish I could just let you forget everything horrible that this man has done, but Chuck Bartowski needs to be stopped.

He's a traitor.

Sarah: And you want me to k*ll him?

Quinn: Yes.

But first, I need you to retrieve something that he's stolen from us.

A pair of Intersect glasses.

We believe that Chuck wants to use them to upload a pristine version of the Intersect.


If you want your life back-- the life he stole from you-- return to Burbank, retrieve the glasses, and put Chuck Bartowski to rest once and for all.

Chuck: I'm so glad you're okay.

I love you.

Sarah: I love you, too.

♪ Chuck 5x12 ♪
Chuck Versus Sarah
Original Air Date on January 27, 2012

(tires screeching)

♪ Na-na na-na na-na ♪
♪ Na-na na-na na-na ♪
♪ Na-na na-na na-na ♪
♪ Na-na na-na na-na ♪
♪ Na-na na-na na-na ♪
♪ Na-na na-na na-na ♪


(Butcher's Kn*fe pounds)

Chuck: Wow, you are...

You are really going to town on that thing, huh?

Sarah; I'm just cutting the chicken up.

Chuck; You're just getting it...

I'm gonna... I'm gonna make a quick phone call, okay?

Love you. Be right back.

(bones crunching)

(door closes)

Sarah: I'm alone.

Quinn: Good.

Find the glasses.

(over comms): Look for a hidden safe or vault.

Be careful, Walker.

Do not underestimate him.

He has proven time and again that he is more dangerous than he looks, and remember, the rest of his team is only a few feet away.

MORGAN (over phone): Different how?

Chuck: I don't know, Morgan; that's what I'm trying to tell you.

I can't put my finger on it.

Sarah just seems different.

Morgan: Look, of course she's not acting like herself.

Okay, she was kidnapped by some homicidal maniac on a Japanese b*llet train, and then in order to escape, she had to k*ll the dude and walk home from his secret base barefoot!

Wow, she really is incredible, huh?

Chuck; Yeah, yeah, maybe you're right, maybe you're right.

Maybe I just need to try and make her feel, you know, a little more relaxed.

Morgan: Yes, yes, untense the tense girl.

Loosen up that leggy blonde.

Chuck: I can do that.

Hey, uh... that leggy blonde.

Chuck: Hey, honey, uh, you want to meet me in the bedroom?

I have a surprise for you.

Sarah : Okay.


Sarah: I think he's up to something.

QUINN (over comms): Stay alert.

It could be a trap.

(door squeaks open)

Chuck; Welcome to the Bartowski Inn and Spa Resort where all of your worries melt away.

You have to use a little imagination, but picture, if you will, outside those windows the gorgeous Ojai Valley.

And what may look like a normal, five-year-old mattress is, in actuality, a luxurious massage table.

Huh? Huh? ♪ Ha, ha, ha.

A sheet has been provided for your discretion.

Sarah: Oh. (clears throat)


Quinn: Walker, what's going on?

Sarah: He claims he wants to give me a massage, but I think he's onto me.

Chuck; You almost ready?

Sarah: Just a second!

Quinn: Calm down.

You should use this as an opportunity.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable with him.

It'll convince him that there's nothing wrong.

Sarah: Okay.

Okay, I'm ready.

(clears throat)

Chuck; All right.

Here we go.

(kissing sound) Starting with the application of the oil.


Ah, yes.

Relax, relax.

This would actually go a heck of a lot smoother if you just brought these down to your side, honey.

So, just down to your side.

Rela... There we go. There we go.

See? Yes, better already. Breathe. Yeah...

Baby, your muscles are so tight, they're hurting my hands.

A lot of lactic acid buildup, huh?

Why don't, why don't I cr*ck your neck?

Sarah; No!

Chuck; What? What did I, what did I do?

What did I say? You love it when I cr*ck your neck.

Quinn: Don't blow your cover, Walker. Talk to him!

Sarah; Uh, I'm-I'm-I'm sorry, Chuck.

I really appreciate everything that you are trying to do.

It's just that it's been a long couple days, and, um, you know, maybe it's just best if we go to bed.

Chuck; Yeah. Yeah, sure, sure, sure.

Whatever you need.

Morgan; Wow! It's all ending, huh?

Casey: What are you babbling about?

Morgan: I just get nostalgic, you know?

Quinn's dead, Sarah's home safe, so we're done, man. No more missions.

Casey: And no more gunplay.

Morgan: Think about it, Casey. Five years.

I went from pipsqueaky sidekick to this.

And you, you were the most cold-blooded sn*per in the whole world, and now you're scrubbing our floors.

Casey; Well, if you would use a plate when you're eating taquitos, I wouldn't have to scrub the floors, would I?

Do you really think I've changed?

Devon: I'm so glad that Sarah's back.


Ellie: Social event. Me, too. I don't know what Chuck would do without her.

For you.

Devon: For you.


Ellie: Babe, I just got a letter from...

Devon; Carlos Shuman Medical Center?

Ellie: In Chicago offering me a research position.

Devon: They want me to head up the cardiac division.

They must know we're a couple.

Babe, I think we're being wooed by Midwesterners.

Ellie: I know, I know. We could, we could buy a house.

We could buy a big house.


Are we... are we really considering this?

We've lived our whole lives in California.

Devon: We've always said a change would be nice.

Ellie; I just always assumed I would live close to Chuck.

Devon; Yeah, yeah.

But Sarah's back now.

He's okay, right?

Sarah: Quinn, I found the glasses.

Quinn: Good. Then, it is time to finish your mission.

Take out Bartowski.

Chuck; Sarah?


(sighs contentedly)

Sarah: (whispers): Chuck just left.

I'm following.

Ellie: Hey.

Chuck: Hi. Sorry. Did I wake you up?

Ellie: No. I couldn't sleep.

How's Sarah?

Chuck: Um...

Ellie: You'd better come inside.

Chuck: Thanks

I don't know. I guess, it's, uh, the little things that are different.

Like, her feet get cold at night, so I always put mine on top of hers to keep them warm.

And I know it sounds stupid, but tonight she... pulled her feet away from mine, and she never pulled them away like that.

Quinn: Walker, where are you?

Sarah: (whispers): Ellie's apartment.

They're talking.

Ellie: Chuck, it's her first night back.

I can't imagine what Sarah's been through.

Quinn: She's involved in this, too.

What are they talking about?

Sarah: About me.

Chuck: I almost lost my best friend.

And now, my wife, and always for the same reason, which is the Intersect, Ellie.

Which is why I keep thinking that I need to destroy it for good this time.

Ellie: What do you mean?

Chuck; Quinn is dead, yes, but there will always be someone who wants it, and we will never be able to move on with our lives until it is gone.

Sarah: Quinn, are you hearing this?

He doesn't want to download the Intersect onto the glasses.

He wants to destroy it completely.

Chuck: I know where the latest version of the Intersect is being kept.

All I need to do is sneak in and plant the virus.

Sarah: What do you want me to do?

Quinn: You have to go with Chuck and download it onto the glasses yourself to ensure its protection.

It's up to you to keep it safe.

Then you can k*ll him.

Chuck: Just wanted to get a little... sisterly advice.


Ellie: I think if you can be safe, then you should do it.

It's what Dad always wanted.

Chuck: Thanks.

Good luck.

Ellie: Get some sleep.

Sarah: Oh, no.


Chuck: Yeah?

Sarah: I'm cold.

Chuck: Yeah?

Hey, hey.


So that's how I figure we'll infiltrate DARPA headquarters.

Once we're in the white room, I'll boot up their system.

Sarah, you'll plant the virus using this, and we'll destroy the Intersect, once and for all.

Casey: That seems a little drastic. .

Chuck: Yeah, well, it is drastic, Casey, but think of all the Intersect is responsible for.

My father's death, Volkoff's very existence, Morgan's brain melting, Sarah...

Let's just say, it's been more bad than good.

When my dad found out I had it, he told me to destroy it, and I wish I had.

We'd all be better off.

I'm not gonna miss that opportunity again.

Sarah: If this is what you want, Chuck, I'm in.

Casey: All right, I'm in.

Morgan: I'm on board, obviously.

I also want to say that I'm really glad that we're having this third last mission, seeing as how I wasn't a part of the other two, uh...

Chuck; All right, we leave in 20.

Morgan: Hey, buddy, real quick-- you have any extra tranq darts?

I used all mine up at tranq dart... practice.

Chuck; Yeah. Uh, actually, Sarah normally keeps an extra clip for me in her bag, so...

No dice, buddy.

She must have forgotten.

Morgan: Oh, yeah. Don't worry about it.

Hey, Casey, Chuck says you got to let me use your tranq darts.

Chuck: What is she doing with these?

(whirring and chirping)




(beeping, whirring and chirping)

(air hissing)

(researcher sniffing)

Scientist: What the... ?


(drill whirring)



Chuck: Three, two, one.

(sighs, inhales through nose)

I think we're okay.

Let's find the Intersect room.

We won't have long before they wake up.

Morgan: Look at this place.

It's incredible! Wow!

What's under here?

It's like a big silver ghost.


It's creepy.


A cloak of invisibility!


You're a wizard, Harry.

( imitating Casey)

Grimes, Grimes, what, are you on a diet?

What are, what are you talking about?

Well, 'cause you started to disappear in front of my eyes.

Get it? Get it? Oh.

Chuck: Hey, the Intersect room is down this hall. Let's go.

Grimes: What? What? Sorry, I couldn't hear you.

I'm the headless Grimesman.

(laughing): Headless Grimesman.


It wasn't me. It wasn't me.

It was the one-armed man. You find this man.

Casey; Go.

Morgan: You never saw The Fugitive?

Five guards.

All right, Team, what's the plan?

Let's use some sort of distraction. I think if, uh, you threw like a rock.

Chuck: Sarah?


(groans) (grunts)


(grunts) Hey! Oh!

(men thudding to floor)

Sarah; Let's go.

Morgan: (whistles) Wow.

Quite a woman you got in your hands, huh, buddy?

Chuck: Yeah.

(electronic chirping)

(keypad beeping)

(clacking, whooshing)

(door opens)

Chuck: All right, just give me a few minutes to get the system up and running.

All right, got it.

Sarah, you're on.


Chuck: I'm not sure for how long, though, so upload the virus now.

Sarah: Uploading.

Chuck: It should have gone through by now.

Is there something wrong?

Sarah; Just a second.


Casey: Walker!

Sarah: Drop the g*n.

Chuck; Sarah? Sarah, what are you doing?

Sarah: Drop the g*n.

Now, I have the Intersect, and you can't destroy it, and you can't hurt anybody else with it.

Chuck; Baby, what are you talking about?

Sarah: Quinn told me the truth.

Morgan: Quinn's not dead?

Sarah: I know about you.

I know what you've done, all of you.

I know everything.

Chuck: I don't know what's happening right now, but whatever he told you is a lie.

The Intersect is-is...

It's damaged your memory or something, because the Sarah that I know would never do something like this.

Baby, please.

It's me.

It's your Chuck.

Quinn (over comms): Get the hell out of there, Walker!


Sarah: Don't!


(door clanks shut)

(g*nsh*t, electrical crackling)

(rhythmic beeping)

Chuck; This can't be happening.

It doesn't make any sense.

(beeping quickens)

(rapid beeping)

Casey: She attached an expl*sive to the door.

She could detonate it at any second.

Chuck: No. No, she wouldn't.

Casey: We gotta take cover.

Chuck: She wouldn't.

Sarah: Quinn, maybe we don't have to do this.

They're locked inside.

They'll be arrested.

Quinn: That's not your call.

(expl*si*n inside building)

Casey: (coughs) We gotta get out of here before more guards come.
Morgan:?What just happened?

Sarah, sh-she just...

Casey: Quinn must've turned her into thinking that she works for him.

Now she has exactly what he's been looking for: the last version of the Intersect.

Chuck: No, she doesn't.

I switched them out.

Casey: What the hell? How'd you do that?

Chuck; I saw the glasses in her bag before we left.

I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to believe it.

But deep down, I knew it was true.

My wife never came home.

(tires screech)

Sarah: That was a government facility you just blew up.

Quinn: And that was a man who deserved to die.

Did you get the glasses?

These are empty.

They're fake!

Sarah: That's not possible. I had them on me the whole time.

Quinn: No one got close to you?

Sarah: Chuck. Chuck did, I guess.

As I was leaving, he tried to grab me... and, and convince me that our relationship was real.

I guess he must've switched them out then.

Quinn: This is exactly what I warned you about, Agent Walker.

That's why I pushed the detonator button.

This man is a liar; he is a manipulator.

(cell phone rings)

He's still alive?

Sarah: I made a mistake.

And I can promise you I will not make the same mistake again.

I will get those glasses back no matter what it takes.

Chuck: She's not picking up.

Morgan: Of course she's not picking up, dude! She's evil!

Okay, that's a little unfair.

It's the faulty Intersect talking.

It's kind of like what happened with me, only much, much worse.

Seeing as how she tried to k*ll us.

Casey: Quinn turned her. We have to consider the fact that maybe she's gone.

Chuck; Hoe can you say that? She's your friend!

And she's not gone. Not completely anyway.

Casey: Oh, yeah? Did his memory come magically back after the Intersect? You know it didn't.

Chuck: All I have to do is remind her of who she really is.

You know, look, look, I have, I have the glasses.

Even if she doesn't remember me, I know that she wanted these.

Casey: She tried to k*ll us, Chuck.

Can't pretend that everything is as it was.

Otherwise, she's gonna succeed next time.

And I'm not gonna lose you both.

Chuck: You honestly think that?

Casey: She's a trained assassin. She knows where we live, she knows where our families live.

Morgan: He's right, Chuck. He's right, okay?

What about Ellie and Awesome?

Chuck: She wouldn't.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.


Devon: Hey, bro, I'm sorry.

I was just trying to get Clara down for a nap. What's up?

Chuck; Are you okay? Is everyone all right?

Devon; Yeah, of course.

Chuck: (sighs) Thank God.

Everyone's at the apartment?

Well, no. Ellie just went to grab a cup of coffee with Sarah. Why?

Ellie; I'm glad we're doing this.

You've been through so much lately.

How are you holding up?

Sarah: Oh, I'm fine, thank you.

Ellie: We're all really worried about you.

Chuck's was a wreck.

Sarah: I can imagine.

(phone rings)

Ellie: Oh.

Mm, speak of the devil.

Sarah: Do you mind? I actually have to talk to him.

SARAH (over speaker): Hey, sweetie.

So, I see you that you switched out the Intersect glasses.

That was a nice move.

Should've known I couldn't trust you.

I have some moves of my own.

We're at the Bergamot Café off Gower.

Bring the glasses; come alone.

You have 15 minutes.

Chuck: This is crazy, Sarah. Please.

Sarah: Oh, Bartowski, if you try anything...

Ellie: Sarah, what are you doing?

Sarah: I'm gonna put a b*llet between your sister's eyes.

Ellie: Oh, my God.

Beckman: I've heard enough. You were right to contact me.

Go to that café.

But convince Sarah that you've hidden the Intersect glasses somewhere else.

I'm moving men into place at Regal Plaza.

Get Sarah there.

Chuck: And then what? Have a sn*per take her out?

Beckman: We will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of your sister while bringing in Agent Walker peacefully.

But, Chuck, you know that what happens in that plaza depends entirely on Sarah.

Ellie: Sarah, I think that the Intersect may have damaged...

Sarah: Stop talking. I know you're involved.

Chuck: You okay?

Sarah: You got the glasses?

Chuck: I don't have them with me.


Just wait a second, okay?

Whatever you think I've done, she didn't do anything. She's innocent.

So I will lead you to the glasses, but just you and me, okay?

Please, just let her go.

Sarah: I'll follow you in a separate car.

She'll come with me.

If I see anything suspicious, I...

Well, you'd better hope I don't.

Chuck: Okay, okay. Follow me.

Sarah: You drive.

Casey: All right, Bartowski, we have eyes on the plaza.

Chuck: Okay, she's following me, but, Casey, she brought Ellie with her.

Casey; Don't worry, Chuck. I'll make sure Ellie comes out of this without a scratch.

Ellie: Sarah... you don't have to do this.

Chuck: Casey, what if she resists?

Casey: Hey, this isn't the Sarah you know.

Ellie: You were in my wedding. You were at the hospital when my baby was born. We're family.

Sarah: No, we're not. This was always a mission for me, and today I'm gonna finish it.

Casey: Chuck, you listen to me.

She's not in there anymore.

Sarah's gone.

Chuck: No, she's not.

My wife is not gone.

Casey: Bartowski? Chuck!

Where are you going? !

Ellie: So once you get the glasses, what then, hmm?

What happens to Chuck?

Sarah: Just stay close.

Okay, he's right up there ahead.

Ellie; If you could remember, if you were still you, you would want me to do anything I could to save Chuck.

You would want this.

Sarah: Want what?

Ellie: Sorry, Sarah.

(engine revs)

Sarah: Ellie, no!

(horn blaring)

Chuck: Ellie.

Oh, God, are you okay? I'm okay.

What were you thinking?

Ellie: I was thinking about protecting you.

Chuck, Sarah's trying to k*ll you.

There's something seriously wrong with her, Chuck.

Chuck: That's why I'm taking her somewhere that'll help her remember.


Quinn: Agent Walker, what's happening?

Walker, where are you?

Ellie: What if she doesn't remember?

She's further gone than Morgan ever was, Chuck.

You need to call the CIA.

You need to turn her in.

Chuck: Listen, everyone keeps telling me that Sarah's gone, but she's not. She's right here.


Chuck: What if it was Devon?

Casey: Hey, where are you? Are you okay?

Ellie: I'm fine, I'm fine, but Chuck isn't.

He just, he just took off with Sarah.

Casey: Damn it, Bartowski.

Ellie: John, I know my little brother, and I know where he would take her.

Chuck: Hi.

Look, I know you don't remember me.

I thought maybe you'd remember this, our dream home... the one you always told me that you wanted.

Sarah: Our relationship was a cover, Bartowski.

Always has been.

You're just an assignment.

Chuck: No, I was an assignment, and then you fell in love with me.

And I know that sounds crazy, and if I didn't know any better, I-I'd say it's crazy, too.

But the fact remains, you fell for me, Sarah, you did.

Sarah: My job is too make you think that I feel something.

That's what I do best; I lie.

Chuck: Actually, you're not as good a liar as you think you are.

It's true, okay?

Our first kiss, not our, not our first cover kiss, but our first, our first real kiss...

was when we were trying to defuse a b*mb and we we thought we were gonna die, and I closed my eyes and...

I felt you grab me and kiss me.

You kissed me.

And then there was a lot of pretending that it didn't happen and awkward back-and-forth and even dating other people, but one day, one day when I was sure... that you could never love a nerd like me, you came over... and I asked you if you loved me.

Chuck: Sarah, do you love me?

Chuck: And you, Sarah Walker... said yes.

And when I asked you to marry me, you didn't even have to say yes because we both knew, we both knew that we'd spend the rest of our lives together.

So, please remember this house and the red door and the white picket fence and the family that we were going to raise together and remember me.

Because if you remember me... then you'd remember... that a nerdy guy like me who works at the Buy More... could make you happy.

So I'm going to give you a choice right here, right now.

It's up to you.

You can either take a chance on me, and we can start over...


... or you can take these glasses that you came for and never see me again.


Sarah: This is real.

You really love me?

Chuck: With all of my heart.

Sarah: I'm sorry, I did my job too well.

But I have a mission to finish, and I need those glasses.

Chuck; No, you can't!


Sarah: Give them to me!


(glass shattering)

Sarah: Why won't you fight back?

Chuck: I'm not gonna fight you.

(both grunting)

I'm never gonna hurt you.

Sarah, you're my wife!



(Chuck panting)



(g*n cocking)


Chuck: You can k*ll me.

I will never hurt you.

Sarah: I wrote that.

Chuck: Yeah, you did.

CHUCK (distorted, echoing): Honey, you know we don't...

Sarah: I know... but we will... one day, this will all be ours.

And when it is, I would like to always remember this moment.

(voice echoing)

Quinn: Very good work, Agent Walker.

The glasses?

Chuck: You've lied to her!

You used her!

Quinn: You're right.

He's right, I'm not CIA.

And, uh, I suppose I could explain it all to you, but honestly, you're not worth the time.

Quinn: Good-bye, Sarah.

Chuck: No!

(b*ll*ts ricocheting)

Sarah; Oh, my God, are you okay?

(sirens wailing in distance)

Chuck; I'm wearing a vest.

They're coming for you, Sarah.

(sirens grow louder)

(gasping): Run.

Sarah: But...

Chuck; Run!

(tires screeching, men running to door)

(gasping groan)


Casey: He's here.

Ellie: Chuck? Oh, my God. Chuck.


Casey: Where's Sarah?

Chuck: She's gone.

Sarah's gone.

Devon: You're lucky the b*llet only hit your vest, bro.

Chuck: Yes, it's the best news I've heard all day.


Devon: All right, all right, I'll get you something for the pain.

Chuck; Thank you.

I lost her, Ellie.

For a split second, it felt like she was starting to remember, but she's gone.

Ellie: Why don't you get some sleep.

I'll be right here when you wake up.

Come on.

(soft grunt)

Chuck: Thanks.

Ellie: Don't ever leave me.

Devon: Never.

Casey: Figured I'd find you here.

You can put the Kn*fe down; I'm not here to fight.

What do you remember about me?

Sarah: Your reputation, mostly.

Unfriendly, unforgiving and... unquestioning about your orders.

Casey: That's funny.

When we met, people said the same thing about you.

Probably why we never got along, huh?

Sarah: Well, if we didn't get along, then why are you here?

Casey: I guess Bartowski's made us both a little soft.

Beckman's got a new job for me, but... these past five years, we changed, you know.

We became friends.

Take care of yourself, Walker.

(door opens)

(door closes)

SARAH (on video): Day One.

My mission is simple: find out what he knows, gain his trust, and monitor his actions until the agency can decide what to do with him.

Day 21.

Chuck came over to my hotel room today and brought me a pizza.

Vegetarian, no olives.

I think he's making it his mission to get to know me.

It's sweet.

Day 49.

Chuck broke up with me today.

Well, uh, Fake... Fake broke up with me, technically.

Day 56.

Chuck I were defusing a b*mb today, and there was a moment where we were sure we were going to die.

He closed his eyes, and...

I kissed him.

I... kissed him.

Day 564.

Things are calm for once.

No missions, nothing... nothing really to report, except I still find myself sitting here, talking to myself, because... because I love him.

I love Chuck Bartowski, and I don't know what to do about it.


Ellie: You sure you don't want to spend the night?

You're more than welcome.

Chuck; I'm gonna have to go home eventually.

Tonight is as good a night as any, I suppose.


Well, I'm coming over bright and early, and I'm making you pancakes.

Chuck: Night, sis.

Love you.

Ellie: Love you, too.

Sarah: Chuck?

Chuck: Sarah!

Sarah; I-I just wanted to tell you that I believe you.

I believe everything that you told me about us.

But... the truth is, Chuck, I...

I don't feel it.

Everything that you told me about us and our story--

I just... I don't feel it.

Chuck; Right.

(wry laugh)

Right, of course, I...

I don't know what I was expecting, you know?

So, what are you doing here, then?

Sarah: Well, I wanted to say sorry for everything that happened today.

But, uh, most of all, I wanted to say good-bye.

Chuck; Where are you going?

Sarah: Quinn took away my life, and I have to...

Well, I have to go find him.


Chuck: Bye.