02x09 - Mood Vibrations

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Loot". Aired: June 24, 2022 – present.*
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After divorcing her husband of 20 years, Molly Novak must figure out what to do with her $87 billion settlement.
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02x09 - Mood Vibrations

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah. Are you from Buffalo Wild Wings?

Buffalo Wild Wings? What? I'm
sorry. Am I at the wrong house?

I'm just having a laugh.
I know who you are.

Isaac, your lady friend's here.



- Good to see ya.
- I thought we were going on a date.

Yeah, I'm so sorry.

Look, my friends were
coming to visit me,

but they ended up
coming a few days early.

- This is my old band Mood Vibrations.
- Oh. Oh.

- Hey, my love.
- Hey.

I knew you were a saxophone player,

but I didn't know you
were in a full jazz band.

That's something you should disclose
before having sex with someone.

Zeke, she's never seen you play before?

That is mental.

No, I haven't seen Zeke play before.

Well, let's see what you got.

Oh, no, I couldn't.

I-I-I... I haven't
played the sax in ages.

I'm probably completely out of practice.

So, here it is. This
is the Wells Foundation.

- Welcome.
- Oh.

- This is really nice.
- Yeah.

- You know, working can be really fun.
- Yeah?

Plus, you get to wear
cute little outfits...

- Totally.
- ... and carry a binder to the kitchen

while you're looking for a snack.

Watch me.

- Business, business, business, business.
- Meeting, memo, phone.

Meeting, memo, phone.
Meeting, meeting, memo.

Hey, girl. Walking backwards, backwards,
business, backwards, business.

- Chop, chop, backwards, business...
- Call me, call me. Yes, assistant.

- ... backwards, business.
- Oh.

Whoa! Oh, gosh. Oh.

- There he is. King Arthur.
- Oh.

Oh. Never heard that nickname before.

Oh. Well, do you like it, milord?

- Um, sure.
- Um, Grace, this is Arthur.

Arthur, this is Grace.

- Oh, Grace. Welcome to the team.
- Hi, nice to meet you.

Arthur has a girlfriend.

She's 32 and from Perth.


Uh, yeah.

Yeah, that's... that's correct. Yeah.

Yeah. That's right.

All right. Well, so nice to meet you.

- Mmm.
- And you, my liege.

I bid you a good day.

- Uh, Molly...
- Yeah.

Anything you wanna tell me about
you and Mr. Khaki Pants over there?

Oh, it's a really long story

that I will tell you over
our first break of the day.

Oh, God. When is it?

In three, two, one.


Okay, people. We're gonna
pop out for some Bloody Marys.

We'll be back at lunch at noon.

- God, super productive morning.
- Yeah.

- Really nice.
- Right? Good job.

- I'm exhausted.
- Same.

Howard, what the hell?

Oh, there is no Howard.

Please address me as the Commissioner.

And I am proud to
announce tonight's premiere

of the Legends of
SoCal Wrestling League.

- Whoo!
- Yes. Yes. Oh, I can't wait.

Flesh against flesh. There's
just something about it.

Uh, well, tonight the main event
is the legendary Truck Harrison

versus the evil Straight
Arrow played by Nicholas.

My persona is that I'm straight.

I love empty Gatorade bottles,
and I hate kissing other men.

That is very funny.
That was very straight.

By the way, some of you
still owe me admissions fee.

That is $3.75. And I'm
looking right at you, Rhonda.

I can get you the 75 now, and, um,
I'll need a few days for the rest.


Also, I have another announcement.

Sofia, Grace, and I have been
recruiting other billionaires

to help us expand Space
for Everyone nationally.

And what we learned is that the
greatest motivator wasn't generosity,

wasn't love. It was hate.

Yes, specifically everyone hates John.

And because of that, we're
actually getting closer to our goal.

We can really put a dent
in homelessness in America.

I'm so proud of us.

This is the big leagues.

Oh, look, I found a dollar.

It's from Romania.

- I'll take it.
- Okay.

Oh, also, let me get that baby
shoe you got for some reason.

I actually owe this to someone else.

Three, two, one.

Oh, shit.

I know. So satisfying, right?

You need to see this.

Okay, I've just been
told by flight control

the weather vectors are favorable.

So, this afternoon, our rocket,

code name Molly One, is headed to space.

Damn, he's actually gonna do it.

Molly. Now, I always said that
I love you to the moon and back.

- Today, I'm gonna prove it.
- Sir, sir.

- How long have you...
- Ew! And also, he never said that.

Can you comment on the reports

on the two of you getting back together?

Okay, guys, listen.

I never kiss and tell, okay?

But let's just say I have a
real good reason to make it home.

What the f*ck?

- What does he mean? You didn't...
- No, there is absolutely nothing going on.

He does this thing he calls manifesting,

where he thinks if he says things
out loud, then they will happen.

But it doesn't work. Watch.

Stanley Tucci nude movie.

- See? Nothing.
- Well, we do have a big problem.

Our whole coalition of donors
is based on people hating John.

If they think you're back
together, they might drop out.

Maybe they didn't see it!

Uh, Molly.

Some of the other
billionaires have been calling,

and they're using a lot
of colorful language.

But on the bright side,

congratulations on getting
back together with John.

I love a happy ending.

Is the blonde girl real?

f*ck if I know.

- Wow, this actually looks pretty good.
- Right?

Tonight's gonna be just as
exciting as SummerSlam '05.

Commissioner, um, so sorry
to bother you, but we, uh...

- We have a few issues.
- Okay. Well, what is it, Mason?

The Commish was on his way to get
a pretzel. This better be important.

Well, there was a scheduling mistake,

and the hall's actually booked at 07:00

by a veterans improv group called...

... Armed and Derangederous.

Oh, no, no, no. That's
when we're starting.

Yeah. And the hot dog truck canceled.

And-And something went
wrong with the dry cleaners,

and now we don't have
any of the costumes.

We got no wieners and no Speedos?

What do we do, sir?

- Oh. Oh.
- Commissioner?

I'm thinking, Mason.

- g*dd*mn it. Give me a sec!
- Okay.

Tell Armed and Derangederous
they're the new halftime show, okay?

And then call a man named David
Chang and ask for 300 hot dogs.

He's gonna say his dog
is sick, but he's lying.

Then go down to a store called
Savage Bottom in West Hollywood

and ask for their
entire stock of Speedos.

Ask for Chi-Chi. Do not ask for Steve.

Um, yeah. Okay.

Thanks, man. But I was
about to say the same thing.

- Is everything okay with you?
- Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, I'm... Yeah, I'm good. Yeah.

Okay. I-I gotta go
reshave my entire body.

Oh, for sure. For sure. For sure.

For sure. For sure. For sure.

- How's it all going?
- I'm working the phones.

Grace is out meeting some donors,
but we're losing people. I'm worried.

Well, maybe my statement
on John will help.

Is dickburger hyphenated?

Molly, Molly. How did
your husband win you back?

- How's the makeup sex?
- Hey, get out of here.

This is private
property, you chowderhead.

Hey! Get your hands off me.


I'm so sorry I had to use the
C word in front of you guys.

No, it is okay. I am pissed off!

Me too. He cost me my
brioche au chocolat.

Well, that's the third time
someone's made it up here.

God. And they're all
at my house right now.

Marisol texted.

John always finds a way
to hurt me, doesn't he?

Maybe you shouldn't be here.

You shouldn't have to face
all of this chaos today.

No. If I try to leave the building,
they're just gonna be right there.

Oh, I got it.

Well, as you guys know, I'm
the floor safety captain.

- No idea what you're talking about.
- Well, I definitely did not know that.

Oh, okay. Well, um, they gave
me a key to the freight elevator,

so we could sneak out that way.

Oh. That's not a bad idea.

- Yeah.
- Yeah? Okay.

Okay. Seems like the coast is clear.

Okay, let's go.

There she is!

- Oh, let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
- Go, go, go, go.

Come on. Come on.

- Ow! Ooh, ooh, ooh. My ankle.
- Oh, no.

f*cking Jimmy Choo.

Yeah, get out of here,
Jimmy Choo. Here, come on.

- Oh, thank you.
- Okay. Okay.

- Ow! Now my knee just popped.
- What's wrong?

- Are... Can you make it?
- Yeah, we can do it.

- We've got two good legs between us.
- Okay.

Go, go, go, go. Come on.

There's my Straight Arrow.
Wanna go over your catchphrases?

Yeah, sure.

Who are the Falcons
playing this weekend?

- Mm-hmm.
- Damn, Bethany. That's a nice set.

I don't need therapy.

Oh, you are really in
the pocket. Mucho hetero.

Oh, there he is.

Back up, it's the Truck.

What's up, brother?

- Can I borrow you for a second?
- Of course. Anything for you. Anything.

So, tell me, is the Truck
all gassed up and ready to go?

Actually, the Truck's in park mode.

I had a meeting with my
ex-wife/business manager

and she thinks I should be getting
paid double what you're paying me.

Wait, d-double? I mean, I
can't afford that, Truck.

I'm-I'm barely breaking even here.

Well, that's not my problem, is it?

Sorry, brother. Truck's backing out.

Are you serious?

I can't believe this.

No, I can promise you that
she's not getting back with John.

I know you hate him.
Molly hates him too.



- Hey. Is everything all right?
- Hey.

Yeah, I'm just trying to hold together

a coalition of very difficult people.

All right, I'm gonna leave you to it.

There was something I
want to talk to you about,

- but I can...
- No, no, no. No.

Go ahead. I... I could
use the distraction.

All right. So, uh...

Uh, after you left, uh, last night,

Mood Vibrations and I,
we were, like, jamming.

We kept playing for, like, four hours.


Yeah, we almost finished
playing two songs.

Oh, well, that sounds exhausting.

I mean, incredible.

You know, Sofia, I think I
wanna start playing music again.

Oh, you should. You are very talented.

- Yeah? Yeah. It just...
- Mm-hmm.

I've been thinking about taking
a sabbatical from work anyway.

Hold on. You're quitting your job?

Yeah. Um, well, I mean, not quitting...

I'm not quitting, per se.

I'm just, you know... I've
just been so stressed recently,

and I just thought, you know,
I'd take a bit of a break.

Wait, Isaac.

W-W-Where is this all coming from?

W-When we first met, what was
the first thing you thought?

You're very passionate.

That's exactly right. I'm
a... I'm a passionate guy.

And right now, the thing
I'm most passionate about...

- Mm-hmm.
- ... apart from you,

um, is music.

And-And I feel like there's something
about my-my life's calling...

- I'm sorry. I have to answer this.
- ... like, is... is...

Can we talk about this later?

Yeah, this is Jessica.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hey, Jessica.

No, no, no, no, no.
We can work this out.

It'll only be a couple of minutes.

I just need you to get
us back on the phone.

I know he's very upset with us,
but if you can just let me explain.

Can I just say I've never been

in a Nissan Sentra
moving that fast before?

Well, I've never pushed her that hard.

- I was nervous.
- That was crazy.

Well, they're not gonna
look for you here, so...

- Yeah.
- Um, let me get you some ice.

- I'll be right back.
- Oh, thank you.

You must not use this a lot.
There's a Christmas album on there.

Yeah, this is embarrassing, but
I actually use it all the time.

- Really?
- Yes.

Whenever I'm in a bad mood,
I play Christmas music.

I don't know, it just
makes me feel better.

- Is that stupid?
- No, it's not stupid.

It's cute.

Uh, all right. This might
be a little cold. I'm sorry.

No, not at all.

And let me know if it's
too tight or anything.

It's fine.


- Good.
- Yeah?

Yes. Thank you.

You wanna try to put some weight on it?

- Sure. If you think I should.
- Yeah? Yeah.

All right.

Is it okay?

- Yeah, it's good.
- Mm-hmm.

I'm so... I'm sorry.

It's my optometrist's office.
My-My lenses are ready.

Oh, good.

Thank you, Jackie from Dr.
Kim's office. That will be all.

And so now we're both on
our phones. That's fun.

Uh, Sofia, um, texted.

Uh, she said the paparazzi are gone,

and we can come back to the office now.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

- That was fast.
- Yeah, let's hit it.

I mean, not... Yeah, we don't...

- Not hit it, but we can just go.
- Y-Yeah. Yeah.

- Yeah.
- That's what I meant. Yeah.

- Uh, okay. Let me, uh...
- Okay.

- Yeah, I'll get my, uh, keys and my coat.
- Yeah.

Hey, what are you doing back
here? Everyone's looking for you.

- Truck's out.
- What?

Who-Who's gonna throw me
into a cotton candy machine

or try and staple my hands together?


Nobody's stapling nobody
'cause the show's canceled.

We can't cancel. Everyone's
already out there.

You just have to figure
something else out.

- You're the Commissioner.
- Would you stop calling me that?

Look, I'm not the Commissioner.
I-If anything, I'm the Fraud.

You know, this suit isn't even
mine. It's my grandfather's. RIP.

A-And this tie's a clip-on.

Actually, I guess it's
a real tie. I forgot.

You need to stop
doubting yourself, okay?

You got me to come out to
Torrance on a Friday night

to announce that I'm attracted to women.

Do you understand how difficult that is?

You can do this.

No, I can't.

You need to understand I'm not
supposed to be the guy in charge.

I'm the supportive friend
who cheers from the sideline,

like, "Yeah, you catch that
ball, Chris Evans's character."

That's who I am.

You've put way too much work into this.

If you walk now, you will regret
this for the rest of your life.

What's going on? What
are you guys watching?

It's your boo's love rocket.

How romantic.

Ainsley, we are not together.

Wait, are you saying he's available?

- Oh, look, there it goes. It's taking off.
- Oh.

... continuing coverage
of John Novak's quest...

This is unbelievable.

I just... I think it's crazy

how much attention we
pay to people like John.

I-I mean, forget what he did to me,

think about all the harm
he does to the world.

But why should I be surprised?

It's just another example
of a privileged man

getting to do whatever he wants
without facing a single consequence.

And I can only hope that someday
karma will catch up to him.



This appears to be a major disaster.

Several astronauts on board,
including billionaire John Novak.

You all right?

Oh, not exactly. Everything's
kind of crumbling around me.

I'm sorry.

Listen, I've done something

that I think might be
good for the both of us.

- Okay.
- Next weekend,

I've booked two tickets to New Orleans.

- Just like a fun getaway.
- What?

Yeah. Well, I'm sitting
in with Mood Vibrations.

They're playing this, like,
jazz, scatting, food festival

called Mumbo Gumbo.

- Oh, God.
- Forget the name.

- It's gonna be fun.
- No, we're not gonna have fun.

My life is so crazy right now,
and you're making it worse.

Don't see how me doing
something that I love

and inviting you to it
makes your life worse.

Isaac, I can't just fly
across country on a whim.

My job is too important.

Yeah, this is important to me.

Okay. What I do matters more
than some midlife crisis.

- Hey, mates, I'm just making some tacos.
- What...

Has anyone spotted the guacamol?

Yeah, the guacamol isn't in here
'cause this is the living room.

Right, yeah. Sorry, I was being daft.

Carry on, lovebirds.

Me trying to find and
pursue the things I love

is not a midlife crisis, all right?

I don't know why you're
denigrating me like that.

Sorry. Listen, Isaac.

I think we're just two
very different people.

We are. Yeah, that's...
that's what's so fun.

No, you're like this feather

just floating around,
following your dreams,

and I'm more like a rock.

You're not a rock.

No, I-I love being a rock.

I'm stable, dependable.

But I... I'll never be
able to just float away.


if we keep going down this road,

I think we're gonna end
up hurting each other.

Are you saying what
I think you're saying?

- Hello?
- Hey, babe.


I can explain everything if
you just come and talk to me.

Molly, please.

I just wanna talk.

Hey, there she is.


- You look great.
- John, what the hell's going on?

Don't worry, I'm completely fine.

I don't understand.

- What just happened?
- Okay.

During final inspection, I
discovered a sensor failure.

So, I evacuated the crew,
sent the rocket up anyway,

and then we had a rapid
unscheduled disassembly.

But don't worry there were
only a few monkeys on board.

Everyone thinks you're dead.

Having a press conference in 45 minutes.

If anything, it'll add to my legend.

But first, I-I-I-I really just...

I wanted to talk to you,
okay? So, please sit.

Molly, when that rocket exploded,

I saw my life just flash before my eyes.

Why? You weren't on it.

You wanna know what I saw?

Not my companies, the
mansions, the private jets.

It was you.

I don't know what to say to that.

Well, can I ask you something?

How did you feel when
you saw what happened?

What do you mean? I was
upset. I thought you were dead.

See, that tells me that
there's still love there.

I don't know about that. I...

I don't want anyone to blow up.

I know what's in your heart.

I don't think you do.

Come on, Mols! I mean, what
else do you want me to do, huh?

Wait a minute.

Did you blow up that
rocket on purpose...

to make me miss you?

- Would that be a bad thing?
- Yeah.


Oh, what... So, what did that cost you?

Two billion dollars?

- Try four. But you're worth it, Molly.
- Oh, my God, John.

Listen, I would blow
up ten rockets for you.

I'd blow up a stadium.

- Empty, of course.
- Please don't blow anything else up.

If you truly love me, you
will listen to me right now.


We're done.

And nothing that you can do
will make me change my mind.

Why not?

Because I'm in love with someone else.

Who? Wh-Who... Who is it?

It's not anyone you know.

He's not famous.

- He's not rich.
- What?

I don't understand. So,
w-what, he's just some guy?



I'm glad that you're alive.

This doesn't make any sense, Molly.

Think about what you're doing, okay?

Remember, I went to Harvard. I have
a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

I flew in a fighter jet
with Tom f*cking Cruise.

Oh. Well, that's great.

You're both dickheads.

He's not a dickhead!
He gave me this jacket.

We're the exact same size.

- Hi.
- Hey. You made it.

I made it.

Is everything okay?

Mmm. I'm not sure.

You okay?

I'll talk to you about it later.

Uh, good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

There's really no easy
way for me to say this,

but due to unforeseen circumstances,

Truck Harrison will not
be appearing tonight.


The event's been canceled.

You can get your refunds at the door.


Wait, seriously? You're
just gonna cancel?

You're just giving up?

Nicholas, what are you doing?

Why did I even bother
becoming friends with you?

You've always been a quitter.

And you will never amount to anything.

Oh, come on, man. That's not cool.

We drove all the way
down here to this sh*thole

that smells like a burnt
wig that somebody pissed on,

- and you're just gonna cancel?
- Yeah!

- You're a f*cking joke.
- Oh, no, no, no. I'm not a joke.

Just admit it. You're nothing
but a f*cking loser, Howard.

You can't talk to me like that.

And you will refer
to me by my real name:

Commissioner Mayhem!

Then call me by mine:
The Straight Arrow.

Oh, I see. It's all part of the show.

Where's all the hot tail tonight?

It must be "Two-sday,"

'cause all I see are a
bunch of f*cking twos.

This is amazing. Bravo!

I wanna see some blood!

I got him now.

You're going down.


Yes, yes, yes!

Proud of you, buddy. Now
choke me out or throw me.

Thank you.


Oh, my God. Did you know
all of this was gonna happen?

Well, I am on the board of
Legends of SoCal Wrestling,

so I may have helped Commissioner Mayhem

squeeze into his unitard backstage.


I'd love some.


- One, two, three!
- Two, three. Yeah!

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