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04x06 - Chuck Versus the Aisle of Terror

Posted: 10/27/10 13:08
by bunniefuu
Chuck: I'm Chuck. Here's a couple things you need to know or maybe forgot.

I have to find the truth, Morgan. Why my mom left and never came back.

This is my search.

This is all I could find.

Chuck: I thought she was a prisoner that needed to be saved.

Then I come of find out she's just one of the bad guys.


Chuck: Hello.

Mary: Hello, Chuck?

It's your mother.

What are you doing back here? This is a secured area.

Dr wheelwright: Oh. Oh, I'm... I'm sorry. I was just looking for the, uh, fitness center.

I'll just be on my way, then.

Security guard:,You're not going anywhere.

Show me your security ID.

Wheelwright: No need to be rough, I...



Security guard: What is this?

Wheelwright:,I see your hands are shaking.

[DISTORTED] That means the toxin is taking effect.

It's flooding your brain now... turning your entire consciousness into one gigantic nightmare.

The only difference, this nightmare you never wake up from.



As you can see, my toxin is fully functional.

Impressive, isn't it?

Mary: Very impressive, Dr. Wheelwright.

I believe I have a buyer in Los Angeles who will be very interested in this.


Chuck: Hello.

Mary: Hello, Chuck. It's your mother.

I want to see you, in person.

Is this a joke?

Mary: Griffith Park. One hour.

Chuck; Is this... Is this a joke, Mom?

You have any idea how long I've been looking for you... these last couple of months? Where have you been since I was 9?

Mary: Chuck, now is not the time. Just meet me.

Tell no one. Come alone.

Chuck: Okay, bye.

Sarah; Hey. Ellie's putting out dessert.

If you don't come in soon, I'm gonna eat yours and blame it on Morgan.

What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Chuck: I just talked to one.



Chuck [ over phone] Had a feeling you wouldn't show up. I guess I should have expected it.

MARY [OVER PHONE]: Look to your 3 o'clock.

I had to make sure you came alone.

Chuck: I did everything you asked. Why all the secrecy?

You've been working for Volkoff. Afraid the bad guys will see you hanging around your own son?

Mary: Oh, it's much more complicated than that, Chuck.

Meet me at the playground.

Chuck: Uh...

You just hate saying goodbye like a normal person, don't you?

Sarah: Okay, Chuck, I'm in position.

[g*n COCKS]

Mary: And who are you?

Sarah: Wow.

I didn't even hear a twig snap.

You must have been doing this for a long time.

Mary: You're calling me old?

Sarah: Not old.

Just slow.

Mary: Government-issued sidearm.

What are you? CIA? FBI?

Sarah: My story is not as interesting as yours, so we'll start with you first.

Why did Volkoff send you here?

Mary: Oh, jumping to conclusions, are we?

Sarah: Oh, I think my conclusions are pretty justified.

I am here because I need to see...

Chuck: Hey, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey.

Hey there. How you guys doing?

Mary: You brought someone. I told you to come alone.

Chuck: No, no, no, technically not just someone, okay?

Mom, this is my girlfriend, Sarah.

Sarah, this is my mom, Mary.

I don't know how to say this exactly, but please don't k*ll each other.

Great, great, see? I can see the connection already.

BFF Facebook buddies.

I'll shut up now.

Sarah: Did you honestly think he wouldn't come alone?

Mary; I thought maybe he would trust me.

Chuck: Okay, considering that you left me when I was, oh, I don't know, 9 years old... and I don't know if you're good or bad, I have every right to have... a mother issue or two right now.

Mary; You're right.

You are absolutely right.

Chuck: Thank you. No sh**ting necessary, none whatsoever.

Great, good. Here we go, fully hanging out.

What should we do? Sit down?

I know a wonderful bakery...

Mary: Chuck.

Chuck: Or we could just hang out here in a creepy dark playground.

Where to start? Ooh, ooh, I know.

I got a story. Tenth birthday. You haven't even heard this one.

I ate so much chocolate cake, frosting came out my nose.

I could smell it for a year after.

Mary; Chuck, Chuck, stop.

I don't wanna know anything about you.

Chuck: Excuse me?

Mary: I am deep undercover in the Volkoff organization.

And if my cover is blown, they will t*rture me for secrets.

I don't wanna know about you or your sister that could put you in danger.

So just leave it at that.

Sarah: You're undercover?

That's funny because we didn't find any files on you in the CIA database.

Mary: No, you wouldn't.

When I went undercover, my records were expunged.

Sarah: That's convenient.

Then how do we know that you're not making this up?

Mary; Because I brought you this.

Atroxium, a nerve gas that causes extreme terror in its victims... and within minutes drives them completely insane.

The scientist, Wheelwright, who created it... wants to meet Volkoff's most trusted weapons buyer.

Chuck, I need you to pose as that buyer.

Atroxium is dangerous, far too dangerous to be on the open market.

One warhead of this could debilitate an entire army.

I had to break cover so that I could make sure that the CIA gets hold of this.

Chuck: Okay, fine. Why me?

Mary: Because I thought I could trust you.

Just say you flashed on him.

Chuck: That I... ? I'm sorry, what? You know about the Intersect?

Mary: I may not know anything about you... but I know everything there is to know about Charles Carmichael.


Mary: We're done here.

Set up the meet.

I'll make sure the CIA gets the nerve gas.

Goodbye, Chuck.

Chuck: Goodbye.


Morgan; Hello. Welcome to the Buy More.

Stop by this weekend and check out our Halloween Haunted House Spectacular.

It's gonna be scary. I mean, good scary, like pumpkins and ghosts.

Not bad scary, like w*r and bears. You know, because I find...

Oh, good day, sir. Welcome to the Buy More.

Casey: Coming in hot today, aren't you?

Morgan: Ah, it's tough.

Once I turn on the charisma, I can't turn it off. It's my curse.

Casey:,Listen, that little incident in Iran showed me something.

You're either exceptionally smart or incredibly stupid.

Morgan: My father used to say the same thing. Without the "smart" part.

Casey; Anyway, the whole situation has me thinking that maybe... you do have something to offer as a spy.

Morgan: This is what I've been telling you.

Casey; Come on, Bartowski has something to show us down in the Castle.

Chuck; Thanks.

Sarah, you know I have a huge blind spot with my mom.

I mean, are we crazy for doing this? Should we even be getting involved?

Sarah: I know that you've been looking for answers about your mom.

And we're gonna find some, okay?

We just have to be very cautious.

Chuck; Thank you.

Casey: Just got your message.

What's happening?

Beckman: Good, you're all here.

Bartowski, your flash on Wheelwright was 100 percent correct.

He is currently in Los Angeles to sell the Atroxium...

I'm sorry, what is Grimes doing here?

Casey; Oh, uh, he's with me. I felt he could be of some use to the team.

Beckman: Is that right?

Morgan; Yeah.

Apparently, I'm quite the hot commodity in the spy world.

Morgan Grimes, not just for the ladies anymore. Ha, ha.

Casey: Silence.

Morgan: Of course.

Beckman: Good. Now we need to focus.

Atroxium is extremely dangerous.

Chuck:,Uh, general, Sarah and I were discussing a plan.

Um, if I pose as the buyer, not only would I be able to get the Atroxium off the market... I could also flash on any Volkoff operatives involved.

So it's, uh, it's a win-win.

Very impressive, Bartowski. We'll set up the meet.

Good work, Chuck.


I smell a rat.

Chuck; I found her. I found my mom.

What? You found your mom?

Chuck; That's fantastic, dude. I am so happy for you.

Thanks, man. I still can't believe it.

When? Where?

Chuck; She came to me with the Wheelwright info.

Casey; Chuck, your mother works for Volkoff.

Chuck: Which is her cover, Casey.

Chuck: She's legit.

Casey: Better run it by Beckman.

Sarah; I've checked and it's a dead end.

Her CIA credentials were erased to protect her cover.

Chuck: We have to keep this to ourselves.

If Beckman goes digging, she could put my mom in danger. Just trust me on this.

Ellie: Devon, your two little ladies are home.

Devon: Hey, babe.

Little babe. How are you doing, huh?

Ellie: Ha, ha.

We rushed home early so we could get a few moments of peace... before your mother makes my life a living...


Heaven. Ha, ha, it's just a heavenly visit every time she's here.

Honey: Ellie.

Ellie; Hi, Honey.

It's good to see you. What were you doing back there?

Honey; Oh, uh, just a little dusting.

We have to keep this place clean for my little granddaughter-to-be.

So I just thought I'd try tidying up a bit.

As a surprise.


Devon: Mom has another surprise for us too.


Devon: She canceled the room we booked for her at the W.

She's spending the week with us.

Ellie: The whole week?

That's... That's great.

Devon; I know, I can't believe it either.

Oh, here, let me take that from you.


Devon: Okay. Are you sure you're okay with this?

Because if not, I can bite the b*llet and I can ask her to stay at the hotel.

Ellie: Uh...

Mm, no, you don't have to do that. She should stay.

Devon: You sure?

Ellie: Yeah, yeah.

I felt the baby kick on the way home.

Devon; Oh, my God, really?

Ellie: Yeah. It's starting to feel so real, you know?

I'm gonna be a mom.

Devon: Mm-hm.

Ellie: I don't know how to be a mom.

Devon: Of course you do.

Ellie: Your mother and I aren't best friends, but it might be nice to have her around.

I could use a little motherly advice.

I'll go make up the guestroom.

Ellie: Okay.


I could stay at the W.

Big mike; You wanted to see me, boss?

One second, buddy.

Mike: Everything okay?

Morgan; Just, uh... a bit overwhelmed right now, you know?

Work stuff, and, uh, I promised Chuck that I would help him with something.

Can I ask you a question? How do you do it?

Balance the Buy More and your life... ?

Mike; Son.

In my 12 and a half weeks at the El Segundo School of Finance... I learned one very important word: Delegate.

That word is the key to being a successful manager.

There's even a catchy phrase for when you got too much to do.

Get it off your plate, give it to other people.

Morgan: What you mean to say is get it off your plate, delegate.

Mike: No, I do not.

You are not a rhyming monkey, you are a manager.

Morgan:,You're right. Of course. You're absolutely right.

And thank you for the offer.

I would love for you to dress the Buy More for Halloween.

Mike: Ha, ha, Lord, no, I do not have time for that. I'm knee-deep in this Danielle Steel novel.

Anyway, Big Mike isn't nearly scary enough to build a haunted house.

You need to put some real crazies on that.


Turn up the music Let's get out on the floor Watch me getting physical Out of control If you want it done correctly.

Sarah: Good afternoon, Mr. Carmichael. I'll show you to your table.

That would be perfect, thank you.

Sarah: We just got word that Wheelwright is en route.

Remember, cool, calm and collected. You're Volkoff's top weapons buyer.

Chuck: Just one question.

Can we get one of those hostess outfits for back home?

Casey: Focus, Bartowski. Grown-ups are trying to work here.

Morgan: So sorry I'm late.

Casey: You weren't here already?

Morgan: Ha, ha. Nice, I love our little give-and-take.

Classic Ross and Rachel.

Okay, what can I do to help?

Casey: Grimes.

Morgan: Yeah?

A good spy is trained in the art of silence.

Morgan: Silence. Got it.

Chuck, don't fill up on bread, you'll ruin your appetite.

Sorry, Chuck...


Casey: Target is approaching. Give the signal.

Wheelwright: Ahem. Uh, Mr. Carmichael?

Chuck: Please, sit. Make yourself comfortable.

Wheelwright: So, um... do we talk price?

Chuck: Dr. Wheelwright, relax.

I'm about to make you a very, very rich man.

Would you care for a drink to calm the nerves?

Mary: Toasting already?

Casey: What's going on there, Walker?

Sarah: That's Chuck's mother.

Casey: What's she doing there?

Mary; You must be Mr. Carmichael.

Sarah: Chuck, remember, keep your cover and make the deal.

Chuck: I am Mr. Carmichael.

And who might you be?

Mary; I work for Volkoff. It's my job to ensure a smooth transaction.

Chuck: Smooth? Smooth? Is that right?

Well, this transaction couldn't be going smoother.

It is chock-full of smoothness.

Wheelwright: Yes, the, uh, transaction was progressing just fine.

Mary: Well, it may appear that way.

But sometimes appearances don't tell the whole story.

I've done some digging on Mr. Carmichael here... and unfortunately his story doesn't check out.

It's a CIA trap. He's a spy.

Chuck; What?

Casey;,Man down, man down. Walker, get in there.


Morgan; Oh, holy...

Chuck, you okay? Chuck?

Sarah: Chuck?



Sarah: Chuck, you okay?

Chuck: Sarah.

My mom shot me.

My heart hurts.

Sarah: I know. I can't believe your mom betrayed you.

Chuck; No, my heart actually hurts. She shot me in the heart area.

Sarah: Oh, okay, here.

Chuck; Thank you.


Oh, I'm such an idiot, Sarah.

After everything I knew about my mom, everything I learned... I still trusted her anyway. That's really great spy work.

Sarah: You know, Chuck, even in the spy world, where everything is run by deceit... you still manage to somehow genuinely trust people.

You know what? That's what I love about you.

Chuck: That's what you love about me, huh? Not my dashing good looks?

Or the giant computer in my brain?

Sarah: And you're funny even if your mom has shot you in the heart.

Casey:,So two fugitives and a dangerous w*apon on the loose. Go team.

Chuck: We could go back to the restaurant, see if they left any clues behind.

Morgan: No, no, no, we got this, dude.

You just got shot by your mom, okay? Take a break.

Have a little Chuck time.

Chuck; Yeah, maybe you're right.

Maybe I should.


Morgan; Sorry.

Casey; Spy work or the Buy More?




Lester; I don't know. What about there?

And then it could come swinging and screaming at everybody.

Oh, Morgo, hey.

Um, listen, we have a few questions regarding these Halloween decorations.

Um, what are we allowed to show?

Morgan: What do you mean?

Jeff: I know a really good morgue that gives discounts on unclaimed merchandise.


Jeff: We could sprinkle some dead ones in here.

Morgan: Right. I'm gonna say no on the dead bodies.

Jeff; So, what, I just lose my deposit?

Lester: Shh.

Morgan:,Okay, look, here's the thing.

I put you in charge so I can get it off my plate.

So you're gonna have to figure it out for me.

Make it big, make it fun, but most importantly, let's make it scary, okay?

Lester: Hmm.

Morgan's right.

We gotta tap into a place that is so scary, so demented... that it'll change Halloween as we know it.

We gotta tap... into your head.

Jeff: Okay.

Lester: Yeah, you gotta start using conditioner. Your hair feels like hay.
Hey, Steve.


Mary: Get in.

Chuck: Are you crazy?

You know, I didn't think you could top abandoning me for the last 20 years.

And then you shot me.

Mary; And I will do it again if you don't get in this car right now.


Sarah: That's every bus-station, subway and traffic-light camera... within a mile of the restaurant.

And we have no lead on where Wheelwright and Chuck's mom fled to.

Casey; Come on. What rock are you two hiding under?

Sarah: Chuck just activated his tracking device.

Chuck; Mom, you hit one pothole, and this ride gets very messy very quick.

Mary: Oh, I'm sorry. I have to keep up appearances.

Chuck; Oh. Oh, is that all? What the heck is going on here? This is crazy.

Mary: Chuck, when I left you and Ellie... I was embedded into a secret operation called Project !sis.

My mission was to destroy the Volkoff organization from within.

But I got in way too deep... and I was forced to close the door on my old life.

But then you came looking for me, and that set off the alarm bells.

Chuck: Right. So you shot me?

Mary: I knew you were wearing a vest.

Volkoff was tapped into the security footage at the café.

So he thinks that Charles Carmichael is dead... and that means you and Ellie are safe.

Chuck: You did this to protect me and Ellie?

Mary: Chuck, you and your sister are, and always have been, my only concern.

Not being in your lives has pained me more than you could ever imagine.

Chuck: But you had a mission.



Mary; I constantly relive that day when I walked out the door.

Over and over.

And I want you to know that if I could do it over again... I never would have left.

I would still be there, with my family.

But that's all in the past.

So come with me.

Because I never got you a present for your 10th birthday.

Come on.

Follow me.

See, I knew that if I shot you, Wheelwright might panic... and try to unload the w*apon on his own.

But Atroxium is far too dangerous, so I just went ahead and handled it.

Chuck: Handle? How did you handle it exactly?

This is Wheelwright's mobile lab.

He's tranqed up inside, and the Atroxium's ready for extraction.

And, Chuck, sorry I shot you.

Chuck: Hey, it's okay. No harm, no foul.


Chuck: Mom...

Mary: I know.

You activated your tracking device when you got in the car.

Good boy.

Sarah: Okay, come on. Chuck's signal is coming from in there.

Mary: Agents will be here any second.

Chuck: You're gonna vanish for good now?

Mary: I did what I came here to do.

And now you and Ellie are safe, and I've got to go back undercover.

Chuck: Okay, okay, fine. But, listen, before you disappear, please go and talk to Ellie.

Just for a second. Just tell her what you told me about why you left us.

Sarah: Two hundred meters.


Mary; I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Chuck.

Chuck; Mom, Ellie's pregnant.

She's pregnant and you're going to be a grandmother.

Sarah: We're getting closer, 80 meters.



Casey:,Chuck, how'd you get here?

Chuck: My mom dropped me off.

Well, she may be a bad mom, but she makes a great spy, right?

Either way, I guess it doesn't matter. She's gone.

Sarah: You okay?

Chuck: Yeah.

I'm just wondering what to tell my sister.

Do I casually drop that Mom came back to town to sh**t me in the chest... and hand over a deadly chemical w*apon?

Sarah: Well, I know that you'll figure out the exact right thing to say.

WOMAN [ON MONITOR]: Excuse me.

Chuck: Lucky for me, I know the foremost authority on all things Ellie Bartowski.

I'll be right back.

You save some of that fun for me.

Sarah:,I will.

Casey: I don't trust her. If Bartowski's mom works for the good guys, why disappear?

Sarah:,I don't know, but Chuck believes her.


I know a decommissioned NSA agent who specializes in expunged documents.

Unsavory character, but I think he can get us what we need.

Sarah: You want backup?

Casey: No. I got someone.

Morgan: I knew it. I knew Mrs. B wasn't a bad guy.

Bad guys don't make such delicious lemon bars.

Chuck: k*ller brownies too. Look, I need your advice for this, Morg...

Hey. Ah.

Ow. Ow.

Chuck: What... ? What the... ?

Morgan: Wow. They did it. Jeff and Lester pulled it off. This looks great.

Chuck: Guys, hey, excellent work with the Halloween decorations.

The store looks incredible.

Lester: This garbage?

No, no, no, this is just to whet your appetite for the main event.

Jeff: Gentlemen, prepare yourselves for the Aisle of Terror.


Lester: Prepare to be terrorized.


Fernando, not now.

I mean...


We got the idea from an experiment... that the UCLA Psychology Department did on our friend Jeffrey.

Jeff: Nothing I won't do for $30 and a sandwich.

Lester: Um...

Or just a sandwich.

You see, there's this world-renowned professor, Professor Schofield... who specializes in examining the subconscious of the mentally disturbed.

Jeff: He gets right up in there.

Lester: Shh.

So using Jeffrey and a bunch of other nutbags as test cases... he discovered that there are certain images... that can cause terror in even the most fearless lunatics.

Let's do this.

Jeff: So now... get ready to see some of the scariest things in the world.

Old people.

Public showers.

Morgan: What's going on, Chuck?

Jeff: Interspecies relationships.

Morgan: Okay. Well, stop now. Stop.

Uh, huh, I'll be honest with you, this might be one of the worst things I've ever seen.

Lester; One of the best things?

Jeff: I think he said "best. "

Morgan: I don't want any customers in here. Guys, it's scary... but just in a really bad way.

Lester: I give up. I give up.


Jeff: Babies in costume.

Chuck: Really?

Jeff: Is it a baby or is it a snail?

I don't know.

Chuck: Good.

Ellie; So, Honey, you have any parenting tips?

I mean, Devon turned out so good.

I figured you could give me some inside scoop.

Honey; Well, you know, Devon was amazing right from the start.

Really great genes, I guess.

Ellie: I guess. Ha, ha.

Honey; But don't you worry, this little wonder is already halfway there.


You know, we really have to make sure that this baby... has positive female influences.

So I'm here to help.

Ellie; Thanks, Honey.

Devon: Is this not the most adorable thing you've ever seen?

It's adorable.

It plays the "Chicken Dance. "


Honey: Devon, like this stuffed bear is gonna teach this baby... how to read and write?


Here. Babies love dictionaries.

I'm gonna see if they have an encyclopedia.


Devon: You okay, hon?

Ellie: I'm fine.

Ha, ha. Your, uh... Your mother might be, uh, a bit much... but underneath it all, she just wants to be a part of the baby's life.

It's more than I can say for my mom.

Chuck: I've been thinking about my mom.

It's weird. The woman I found is nothing like the one from my childhood.

Sarah: You're trying to justify not telling Ellie?

Chuck: Am I that transparent?

Sarah: No.

But you don't wanna hurt her.

Okay, let's get started on the detonator.


Chuck:,That's not good.

Wheelwright. Quick, quick.

Why is the device counting down?

Wheelwright:,Oh, that?

Well, just a safety measure to protect against tampering.

It counts down until I verify that the w*apon is in my possession.

Chuck: Okay, tell us how to turn it off.

Wheelwright: Well, you'll need this.

But why should I help you?

Chuck: Remember, if the device goes off, you'll be exposed.

So be a good boy and turn it off.

Wheelwright; Well played.

Get out. Come on.


There, I deactivated the safety check. It shouldn't bother you again.

Sarah: Okay, good. I'll get the handcuffs.

Keep him close while we continue to work on this.

Yeah, hurry up. Here, you sit.


Chuck: Aah! What have you done?


Chuck; Sarah, get back.


Sarah: Chuck, no! Chuck!


Wheelwright: Your hands are shaking.


Wheelwright:,That's how it begins.

Chuck: Okay, you exposed both of us?

Why? Why would you do that?

Wheelwright [DISTORTED] Well, I developed this nerve gas by testing it on myself.

It was a long, terrifying process.

But after a while, I gave in, surrendered to my insanity.

And now I'm not scared of anything, so...

What scares you, Chuck? Hmm?



Chuck: Everything, everything, everything.

Almost everything.


Make it stop. Make it stop. Somebody turn it off.

Sarah: Listen, it's all in your head. You need to fight it.

Chuck; I'm trying, but it's horrible.

This is exactly why I don't see scary movies... and I stick mainly to the PG-13 region.

Wheelwright: Let's go.


Wheelwright: Come on.

If you get me out of here, I will consider taking you to the antitoxin.

Chuck; Anything. Anything you want.

Now I'm gonna k*ll that bitch Frost for double-crossing me.

Chuck: No, no, I can't let that happen.


Wheelwright: Did you just lock us in here?

Chuck: Oops.


Look who's the comedian now.






Sarah: Chuck.

Chuck: Sarah?


Wheelwright: It's getting worse. These are your deepest fears.

Chuck:,No, please make it stop.

Wheelwright: There's no escape.

We're both locked in here.

Chuck: No, no.

Come on, Casey, pick up.

Casey: Okay, our informant should be here soon to give us that data on Project !sis.

Morgan: This is so cool. "Our informant. " That is so cloak-and-dagger. I love it.

What does that make me? The inside man, the mole?

Casey:,You're the magnet.

Morgan: The magnet. I love that, yeah.

Spies have such... The coolest names.

Okay, what do you need the magnet to do?

Casey: You already look like a spy.

Now all I need you to do is stand here by the Vic and act like one.



How was that?



Wheelwright: Boo! Found you.


Wheelwright: Oh, look. Aisle of Terror.

An unfortunate place for you to be trapped.


[DISTORTED] Now do you feel like getting us out of here?

Aisle of Terror.

Images that can cause terror in even the most fearless lunatics.

What... ? What the hell is this?

Public showers?

That's peculiar.

It reminds me of Professor Schofield's work.

That hack, thought he knew about fear.


A baby in a snail costume.

It is Schofield's work.

It's crazy, I...

Is it a baby or a snail?

No, no. Oh.

Chuck: Old people.

Wheelwright: Oh.

Get it out of my head.

Chuck: Interspecies relations.

Wheelwright: The terror, the terror. It's all flooding back now.

Chuck:,Black licorice.

Wheelwright;,Oh, please.

Please make it stop.

Chuck: Man feet.


Chuck: Otters.

Wheelwright: This can't be happening.



Sarah; Chuck. Chuck, are you okay? What happened?

Chuck: Sarah, I don't wanna see you like this... so I'm just gonna keep my eyes closed till we get the antidote, okay?

Okay, okay, bye.

Sarah: Let's get up, come on.

Chuck: Oh, God.


Give me your g*n.

[g*n COCKS]

Morgan: Uh, no, uh, but it's not a real g*n.

It's just a heavily modified paintball p*stol.

I know paintball's still dangerous, but what I'm trying to explain... is it's not real.

I'll take that folder.

Morgan: Casey.

Casey, what is going on? Why is there a g*n to my head?

I'm the magnet.

I'm the magnet for bad guys?

Are you kidding me?

Come on, man. I can't believe you.

I cannot believe you would use me as a human target.

What nerve.

Sarah: Grimes.

Morgan: No, I need to finish, and this may sting, but you need to hear it.

You, sir, are not very thoughtful, not one bit.

I mean, am I alone here?



Casey: Are you agreeing with him?

Whose side are you on?

Can I go?

Casey: Yeah, run along.

Morgan: Ugh. Not cool, man. That is just not cool.

Casey: You did good, Grimes.

Morgan: Really? Thank you.

I tried to really kind of sink into the role, you know...

Casey; Hmm.

Morgan: Oh, I know that "hmm. "

Why? What does it say?

Casey: Chuck's mom's story checks out. She's totally clean.


Sarah: Oh, ahem, that was not a fun trip.

Thank God we got Wheelwright to give up that antitoxin... before he went completely off the reservation.

Chuck: Thank you, Sarah. You're the greatest partner ever.


Chuck: Mm.

Oh, my God.

Sarah: What?

Chuck: My mom, she left a message.

She wants to see Ellie tonight before she goes back undercover.

I honestly thought Ellie would never see my mom again.

Sarah: Uh, I'll come with you.

Chuck: No, no, no. Hey, I appreciate your concern, Sarah, but trust me.

It's my mom.

Hey, sis.

Brushing up on your vocab, huh?

Ellie: Uh, just trying to get away from Honey for a few minutes.

It's ironic, isn't it?

The mother that I wish would disappear is here to answer all of my questions.

And the mother that I wish I could talk to has disappeared forever.

Chuck: Hey, Ellie, you, uh... You got plans tonight?

Sarah:,What's with all the secrecy?

Casey: Needed to get away from Castle in case Grimes was hanging around.

If he knew the truth, he'd go running to his BFF.

Everything about Bartowski's mother's life is a fake.

Project !sis? It ended 20 years ago when Frost went rogue.

Sarah: So, what, she's a double agent? She's working directly for Volkoff?

Casey: We should've grabbed her before she dropped off the map again.

What? What is it, Walker?

Ellie: So, what do we do when she walks through the door?

I... Part of me wants to be reserved, show her I'm an adult... that I've been just fine since she left.

The other part of me just wants to hug her.

Chuck: Do whatever feels right.

I'll take a look. She might've got lost.

Ellie: Okay.

Mary: Chuck.


Chuck: Mom. No!

Mary: Chuck!

Chuck: Stop!

No, no! Let her go!

Sarah; Stop! You have no idea what's going on. Your mom isn't the spy you think she is.

Chuck: Sarah?

Sarah: I'm protecting your blind spot.

Chuck: Sarah!

Ellie: Chuck, what is it?

Chuck: Ellie, I'm sorry, but Mom is not coming.

Ellie:?Why does she keep doing this to us?

Chuck: Because she's a spy.