02x09 - Scribbly, The Stray Kitten

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "44 Cats". Aired: 12 November 2018 – 7 February 2021.*
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Follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the Buffycats.
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02x09 - Scribbly, The Stray Kitten

Post by bunniefuu »


scribbly the stray

kitten I don't know anyone in this

neighborhood but I'd love to find new

friends what can I

do I'm beat what I really need right now

is a refreshing popsicle he here's a

nice popsicle for you wrench thank you

cream you're welcome wrench it's feeling

good deeds day after all you're a true

friend GRE how nice I'd have lot of

friends if I did good deeds like that

but I'm too shy I've got

it Go message and find me a furry fellow


need ouch I'm scribbly I've just arrived

in town looking for friends blah blah

blah I want to do good deeds blah blah

blah H this scribbly could come in handy

with him I'll get all kinds of good


Done hey there did you write this

message yes then this is your lucky day

I'm boss I've got lots and lots of

friends uh and I'm running feline Good

Deeds day wow I'm scribbly can I be your

friend boss sure scribbly from now on

you're my friend and helper come with me

how nice where are we going we're going

to do lots and lots of good

deeds Yahoo great rehearsal Buffy cats

all right Lampo now that we're ready for

tonight's concert let's go do our Good

Deeds Hey where's meatball here I am

PE my first Good Deed of the day is to

bring granny pina's noodles for all of




here's the plan scribbly

huh that is eagor the strongest cat

we'll send him a quick message and ask

him to help someone I'm ready boss what

do I write Dear eigor it's cream I need

one of your bags to make ice cream bring

it to my factory and put it right in the

mixer got it Igor's going to do a good

de for his friend cream right yeah sure

wow now that's


friendship cream is wanting my concrete

to make ice cream Igor not understand



help time to make the ice

cream here is concrete bag for ice

cream eigor what have you

done poppy cats maybe taste testing

cream's ice cream would be a good

deed Igor why did you pour concrete into

my mixer now my ice cream is a solid

block un second thought concrete ice

cream might be a little heavy you ask

eager for concrete eager give you

concrete what his problem but I didn't

write this message maybe someone wanted

to play a prank on you but my lady today

is feline Good Deeds day that's right P

eigor just wanted to help now you can

help him with a new waight for

weightlifting good idea Lampo I'm happy

I did a good deed EIG is happy too come

on Buffy cats let's go find another

friend we can lend a part


to scribbly got that next message yeah

boss helping you with good deeds is


Pome what's this hello cop can you come

to my farm and shoe away the birds with

your toy mouse my friend corne needs

help I'll get to his farm right

away look Buffy

cats cop has a letter just like the one

eigor had what if it's another prank

we'll find out soon enough my lady come

on let's follow

cop sh**t get away from my seeds cop

what are you doing here hello corny I'm

here to help help of course get back

return to your

nest don't worry corny I'll have them

out of here in no

time look at the

mousy go away

sh**t cop stop shaking that Mouse it

only works on cats really but corny

asked me too my furry fellows leave this

to me hey little bird

ever hear the call of the prehistoric


butterfly thank you

P cop what were you thinking you asked

for help me I didn't write this message

someone is trying to ruin feline Good

Deeds day Lampo we have to find out who

wrote these


when whiskers are telling us we have to

go that


way hello wrench please connect a

frequency inverting antenna to my Robot

vacuum cleaner Edison needs

help I'll be happy to bring in my

antenna yay now wrench will be able to

help his friend Edison that's right

scribbly and

now watch


uhoh I'm so happy boss thanks to us

everyone is lending each other a paw no

scribbly it's all thanks to you

especially this prank I I mean good

deed my robot is straightening up the

lab uh but he couldn't find my favorite

light bul what's


great job scribbly we can go

now help how do I turn this thing

off look another prank puffy cats we

have to turn that robot off meatball

knows how to do


noodles the secrets in the Noles of

gr a play of super power a spectum

you eat them H

with they'll help you grow up tall and

stop your feeling BL

because is a take away your fever

Happ to if you got power to brighten up

your day





thank you Buffy cats French you turned

my robot into a mess making Menace but

Edison you asked me to connect it to a

frequency inverting antenna you wrote

this wrench Edison someone is writing

these messages to play pranks on

everyone but we still don't know

who anyway wrench you did help

me I finally found my favorite light

bulb but the Buffy cats still have to

find the culprit before he causes any

more trouble boss I'm ready for our next

Good Deed we're doing great scribbly now

write down what I tell you

oh no this is no good we can't do any

more Good Deeds now we need a new

tire scribbling what' you write in your

message don't worry boss one of your

furry fellows will do us a good deed

real soon my lady look another one of



messages we we need a new tire for our

side car we're at the park

entrance who could have written it I

don't know Meo let's go find

out why did you send that message but

boss I just did what you taught me

to oh no The Buffy cats hey boss so

you're the one who needs a new tire and

you're the one who sent the messages no

I did my name is scribbly hi scribbly

did you write a bunch of those messages

yeah I wanted to lend a paw boss is my

good friend and I've been helping him do


deeds what good deeds I hate Good

Deeds scribbly maybe you didn't know but

boss's Good Deeds are just pranks well

at least this once boss was helpful he's

given the Buffy cats the chance to do a

good feline deed for him no I don't want

anyone to help me especially you

I am so sorry Buffy cats I just wanted

to do good deeds and make new friends

with my

messages I've got a buffy brainstorm

scribbly could you lend us a PAW and

write the invitations for our

concert ah I'm

ready huh boss The Buffy cats invite you

to their concert tonight like I go and

listen to that Third Rate music hey boss

give us the invitation then it can be

your good deed for today I've had enough

of you in your good deeds now I'm going

to show you some of my good


pranks welcome my furry fellows our

concert for feline Good Deeds day is

about to begin but before we start let's

hear it for the one who sent invitations

to all of you our new friend scribbly

best messenger cat in the

neighborhoody cat and 1 2 3

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