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03x19 - Chuck Versus the Ring (2)

Posted: 05/27/10 08:26
by bunniefuu
Young Ellie: Chuck! Get back here!

Mom is going to be so mad!

Young Chuck: Dad, help!

Steve: I'm working, Charles!

Young Chuck: Uh...

She's gonna hurt me.

Steve: What's going on out here? I'm trying to work.

Young Ellie: Chuck broke Mom's favorite necklace.

Steve: Is that true, Charles?

Young Chuck: I didn't mean to.

Young Ellie: Ha!

He admitted it.

Steve: Uh, uh. No.

Let me... let... let me see.


There's nothing broken in... in this whole world that the two of you can't fix if you work together.


Charles, go into your sister's room and get some of her art supplies.

Go on.

Ellie, you're gonna help him.

I know it's hard, El, but your... your brother... does have a knack for getting into trouble.

But you... you're gonna have to protect Chuck.

Be there for him no matter what 'cause you're his big sister.

Can you do that for me?

Ellie: Devon, I lost them. I lost the truck!

Call me as soon as you can see them, okay?

Chuck, where are you?

Sarah: Look, I know how much you're hurting Chuck, but you have to know that there is nothing that you could have done, okay?

It's not your fault.

Chuck: Yes, it is.

I'm the one who downloaded the Intersect 2. 0.

I'm the one who chose to be a spy, and it's him who paid the price.

Casey: So who's gonna get us out of this one?

Chuck: Who even knows we're here?

Devon: Okay, babe. We found him.

Ellie: Devon, these people k*lled my father.

They're gonna do the same thing to Chuck.

You have to stop them, okay?

Devon: I know. I know.

We're on it.

What are we gonna do?

We don't have a plan.

Morgan: No plan?

Never stopped me before.

Shaw: Everybody good? Comfy?

Uncuff yourselves.

It should look like you were trying to escape when I k*ll you.

Devon: Gee, Morgan,

I think that when one is facing a group of murderers, one should have a plan.

Morgan: Okay, I agree with you in principle, but we're here now, all right?

What would you like me to do, open up the glove box?

Pull up the spy manual? Maybe just... ?

This is Casey's car.

Devon: Glove box.

Morgan: Glove box.

Devon: Whoa.

Morgan: Get to it.

Devon: Don't look at me. I'm a doctor.

I can't use this.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

Morgan: Easy, will you?

I'm a lapsed vegetarian. I...

Devon: Here... here's a button.

Morgan; Whoa.

What did you just do?

Devon: I hit... I hit a button...

Morgan: Yeah, well, un... unhit it.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

You just push any button you see?

You're like...

How many missions have you been on?

How many missions have you been... ?

Sarah: Chuck?

Are you okay?

Chuck; Yeah. Yeah, I think so.

Devon: Everyone okay?

We're here to save you.

Casey: Hey, you used my m*ssile.

Devon; Pretty cool, huh?

Yell at me later. Let's go.

Sarah; Chuck. Come on. Get in the car.

Come on. Get in the car.

Casey: Let's go! Let's go! Move it! Move it!

Steve: You're gonna have to protect Chuck.

Be there for him no matter what, 'cause you're his big sister.

Can you do that for me?

Young Ellie: Yeah.

Okay, Dad, I promise.

Sarah: Look, by now, Shaw's alerted the Ring of our escape.

They'll be looking for us.

Devon: What do we do now?

Chuck: If there's one thing I learned from my dad, it's that we have to be smart.

We have to do what he would have done. We need to disappear.

Casey: Yeah. Give up our old lives.

Drop off the grid.

Chuck: Okay, so we're in agreement then. That's the plan.

Ellie: Wait. I'm sorry. That's the plan?

We give up our lives?

Devon: Babe, it's the best for all of us.

Ellie: Devon, what are you talking about?

This is not us.

We don't live off grids, okay?

We are regular people. We live on planet Earth, and my father was m*rder*d today.

Our father, Chuck.

I'm calling the police. It's what regular people do.

Casey: No. Hey, no calls.

They'll track 'em.

Ellie: This is insane.

I'm going.

Chuck: Sis, wait!

Ellie: Get out of the car, Chuck!

Chuck: Can we talk about this for a second?

Sarah: What's happening?

Ellie: Is my husband safe with you?

Sarah: Um... yeah. Why?

Ellie: Because Chuck and I need to talk.

Casey: Hmm. Two Bartowskis.

Double the fun.

Big mike: Hello, egg white omelet on English muffin with my favorite banana peppers to boot.

160 calories of deliciousness.

I do know how to build a better breakfast.


Talk to me, Moses.

Anyone seen Morgan?

Chuck around?

Tell me John's in the john.

Jeff: Can we help you, sir?

Big mike: I need my assistant managers and Chuck.

Lester: Hey, what we lack profoundly and proudly in on-the-job competence, we more than make up for with listening skills.

Jeff: Actually, I'm deaf in my left ear, except for a faint ringing.

Big mike: Psst.

It's big news, boys.

The store's numbers are down.

My main man Moses, founder of the Buy More himself, called.

Said if we don't see a spike in numbers and fast, they're gonna close the store.

Jeff: What? !

Lester: Factoring Jeffrey out of the conversation for a minute, may I propose something that I rarely do in life myself?

Tell... the... truth.

Big mike: What you talking about, Lester?

Lester: Well, if in fact, we are going out of business, why not just tell that to our most loyal customers?

Big mike: You mean have a going out of business sale.

Slash the prices.

Sell everything to juice the books.

That's crazy!

Lester: Crazy... good?

Big mike: There may be a brain under that mop after all.

Jeff: Hello.

Lester: The phone did not ring, Jeffrey.

Jeff: Stupid left ear.

Ellie: I don't understand how you can know all this, how you can have all these secrets... and I'm the last person to know.

I thought that I knew you better than anyone.

Chuck: Not telling you was the best way to keep you safe.

Believe me, there's no one I wanted to tell more.

I mean, you raised me, you know?

Do you remember when I broke Mom's necklace, and she left a couple days later, and I thought, that's-that's why she disappeared?

That it was my fault?

Ellie: I hated her for leaving.

For making you feel that way.

Chuck: And the way you were with Dad.

No 12-year-old should ever have to worry about handling the family's bank account.

Ellie: I can't believe that he's gone.

Our crazy dad.

Chuck: He wasn't crazy.

Our dad was a hero.

He was a great man who did amazing things.

He was not perfect... Not as a dad, no...

But he was great.

That's the secret I most wanted you to know.

Ellie: What are we gonna do?

Chuck: We're gonna go after 'em, and we're gonna get 'em.

We're gonna take 'em down- the Ring and Shaw... For what they did to Dad.

They are not gonna get away with this.

Ellie: Okay.

And then you're done.

Chuck: What?

Ellie: As a spy, this... this life, this job.

Chuck, I made a promise to protect you, and I can't do it, not from this.

So you finish it, and then you're done.

Chuck: Ellie, I can't...

Ellie: We are all that we have left, Chuck.

And I'm not gonna lose you, too.

Chuck: Okay.

I'll get Shaw and I quit.

I promise.

All right, so Devon's in the car.

Sarah's making sure it's not bugged.

You remember the plan, right? You leave the city...

Don't tell me where... I don't want to know.

Use only cash and pay phones, and I will call you when it's safe.

You got that?

Ellie; I got it, okay.

Uh, what about Morgan?

Should I take him with me?

Chuck: Funny thing about Morgan...

He's, he's actually a part of my spy team.

He's helping Casey's daughter go off-grid.

Ellie: Casey has a daughter?

Chuck: I know it's a lot to process, but there's not enough time right now.

You have to go.

Ellie: Stay safe.

Don't forget about your promise.

Chuck: I won't.

Time to take down the Ring.

Casey: Perimeter is set.

What are you doing?

Chuck: Well, when Shaw grabbed me, I noticed that the holding cells were equipped for remote interrogation, so if I can crack into their system, I can...

Wait... There, there, right there, there she is.

Sarah: It's Beckman.

Chuck: I'm going to open a channel.



Who's there?

Beckman: Is that you, Shaw?

Chuck: No, General, this is Chuck.

Beckman: Chuck, thank God.

Where are you?

What are you doing?

Chuck: We're gonna take down Shaw and the Ring, but we honestly have no idea how to do it.

Beckman: Listen fast.

I came to Los Angeles for the Joint Security Summit.

It's a public conference of security experts, but it's really a secret meeting of spies.

Shaw's plan was to discredit me and take my place at the conference.

Casey: Coup d'état.

Sarah: The Ring is taking over the CIA and the NSA.

Chuck; So if we had a plan, that plan would be...

Beckman: The conference is happening tonight at the Grand Ambassador.

Chuck: Wait, General, wait.

Beckman; Damn it.

Chuck, Chuck, the five elders will be there.

Sarah: Hey, a... are you okay?

Chuck: Yeah.

Yeah, sorry, yeah, just a, a lot of data.

Morgan: Listen, who are the elders?

They sound scary, like World of Warcraft scary.

Chuck: The elders, Morgan, are the leaders of the Ring.

Casey:?Makes sense.

Ring operatives were hidden in all the major agencies.

All right, that's it. We break into the convention, we expose Shaw and we capture the elders.

Conference will be surrounded by an army of security agents and filled with spies.

su1c1de mission.

Chuck: The only ones who could pull it off would have to be the best spies in the world.

Morgan: Chuck, you're embarrassing me.

Sarah: We can do it.

Chuck: Yeah, well, we'd better. It's Shaw.

We don't have a choice.

Casey:,Yeah, let's go get some payback.

Morgan: Payback... That's what I was gonna say.

Definitely get-some-payback time.

Sarah: Okay, Chuck, we're going in undercover as members of the Russian delegation.

This means we need disguises.

Think you can handle that?

Chuck: Sarah, I was Perchik in Fiddler.

Morgan: It's true. He was great.

Chuck: Thanks, buddy.

Sarah: It's him... Shaw.

Shaw: Excuse me.

Chuck: And once we ID Shaw, Casey, you, and Morgan will take over.

Casey: Okay, we're in the server room.

Why'd I get Morgan for this job?

Morgan: Hey, hey, I'm right here, please.

Chuck: Just call me after you've cracked into the conference's database.

Morgan: Okay, this is great.

That's the conduit right there, so I just need a hand getting up there.


Sarah: You ready?

Chuck: I was born rea... Well, no, actually, no, I wasn't born ready, but I am ready now.

Sarah: Now, remember, Chuck, in order for this plan to work, you'll need to fully convince Shaw.

Make eye contact, shake his hand, and act as if you were strangers.

Shaw: Excuse me.

Uh, I don't believe we've met.

Daniel Shaw.

Chuck: Ah, yes.

Yuri Sheshenko.

It is a great pleasure to meet you, Mr. Shaw.

Shaw: Well, thank you.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

Chuck: Do svidaniya.

Sarah: Good job.

Chuck: Yeah, well, you can thank my very convincing facial hair.

Sarah: Come on.

Morgan: Okay, good, good, Chuck.

Number 752.

Hear that? 752.

One second, hold on.

Casey: Okay.

Morgan: Let me get this thing off.

Hold on one second.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hey, little help.

Casey: What is this?

Why do you have my daughter's phone number?

Morgan: Hmm.

Justin: Hi, Chuck.

Shaw says your accent could use a little work.

Chuck; Justin, right?

You're the one who manipulated my sister.

Justin: That's right.

Chuck: Yeah, well, I think this is going to hurt a little bit.

Sarah; Chuck? Chuck?

Are you okay?

Chuck: Sarah.

I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you.

Sarah: Can you please just tell me what's really going on?

Chuck: The Intersect... The flashes are getting worse.

Sarah: Okay, we have to abort the mission.

Shaw is not worth this.

Chuck: No, if I get the Governor back from Shaw, then I'll be fine, but the plan is only gonna work if you help Morgan and Casey.

Sarah: I can't leave you like this.

Chuck: I'm okay, really.

You have to go.

We have to stop him.

Jeff: You're not going to believe it.

There's a line around the store of stay-at-home moms ready for the sale tomorrow.

Lester: Yes.

Um, Big Mike, we, uh... Jefferson and myself were hoping to... screen this tomorrow.

You know, since you're our manager and all, we thought it'd be a good idea.

Big mike: What is it?

Jeff: Our music video.

We spent two weekends on it.

Lester: Two weekends.

Big mike: Great idea.

But let's do it late in the day.

Wouldn't want to scare anyone away too early.

Shaw: The CIA believes that international terrorism is a growth industry.

The demand for the security we offer is even greater than it was a year ago, which brings me to my next point.

Excuse me.

Chuck: Did you know the Nerd Herd offers a wide variety of helpful hints for making your business presentations better?

Shaw: Chuck, where are you?

Chuck: I'm in room 752, which I believe is your room.

Also, we are well aware that your bosses... the Ring elders... are in the audience right now... and they have got to be asking themselves, "Who is Daniel talking to? "

Shaw: Ladies and gentlemen, please remain seated.

The presentation will begin again shortly.

Sarah: Casey, Morgan, Shaw's left the stage.

Casey: Tell me everything.

Why do you have my daughter's phone number?

Morgan: Hold on a second.

Alex gave that to me on her own free will.

But as friends.

Casey: Friends?

Morgan: Yeah.

Casey: Or something more?

Your heart's racing... Pupils dilated... Skin's flushed.

You like her.

Morgan: Or you're choking me.
Sarah: Hey.

Morgan: Sarah.

Oh, just in time.

Sarah:,What for? Come on. Let's go.


Casey: It's not a toy, Morgan.

Sarah: Ready?

Casey: Yeah.

This discussion is not over.

Muzzle down.

Morgan: Yeah, muzzle down.

Shaw:,No g*n.

Very brave, Chuck.

So what's happening?

Chuck: You're under arrest.

Shaw: No, what are you doing here?

What's your plan?

Chuck: I'm sorry. Are you asking me to make the classic villain mistake of explaining my dastardly plot to you?

You know what? I'd love to.

I confess we had no idea who the elders were or how to ID them, so we let you do that for us when you warned them to leave the theater, so on behalf of the NSA, the CIA, and of course your local Buy More, I'd just like to say thanks a lot.

Casey: Hey.

Going somewhere?

Morgan: Reach for the sky, dirtbags.

Oh, you people are the disease and I'm the cure.

Casey: Back off there, Cobra. I didn't give you any b*ll*ts.

Morgan: Are you kidding me?

I knew this thing felt too light.

Sarah: Chuck, we've got 'em.

I'm on my way up to you.

Do not give Shaw an inch.

Chuck: Done.

Ring captured.

It's another check on my to-do list.

Shaw: Do you see what you did wrong?

You and your team are fugitives.

On whose authority would anyone arrest me?

Chuck: What about my father?

Shaw:,Yes, I k*lled your father.

Yes, I work for the Ring.

I'm going to take down the CIA, Chuck, and still I'm going to walk out of here a hero.

How does that make you feel?

Chuck: You know, your Nerd Herd associate can also help you with videoconferencing.

Smile, Daniel.

You're on TV.

What do I say to that?


Now... gve me the Governor.

Don't make me take it from you.

Shaw: I'd like to see you try.

I knew you didn't have it in you.

So clever, so smart.

There's no way out of this one.

Sarah: Shaw!

Drop him!


Chuck: Hey.

Help me.

Morgan: Going out of business? What the... hell is going on here?

I've only been gone for two days.

Big mike: These numbers are amazing.

Boys... You know what time it is.

Jeff: Please.

Say "Jeffster time".

Lester: Say it.

Jeff: Say it.

Big mike: Play the video.

Play it loud.

Mercer: What the hell is going on here?

Who authorized this sale?

This store is supposed to be closed.

These people are stealing from us.

Big mike: You guys, you guys, this is not good.

Old man Moses couldn't protect us anymore.

They up and closed the store.

Mercer: All of this merchandise was supposed to be shipped to Beverly Hills.

Where is Mike? !

Big mike: Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

Sarah: Hey.

Chuck: Where is everyone?

Sarah: Casey's gone to get Ellie and Awesome, and Morgan's checking in to the Buy More.

Chuck: I promised her I'd leave.

That I wouldn't be a spy anymore.

Sarah: What?

Chuck; Ellie.

She's going to be so mad at me if I die.

Sarah: Hey, we're going to get that Governor, okay?

I'm going to find Shaw and I'm going to get it back, no matter where he is.

Sarah: Hello?

Shaw: This isn't about you.

Sarah: Shaw.

Shaw: I'm in the store.

I've wired it with expl*sives.

It'll take ten minutes for the CIA backup team to arrive.

I only need seconds.

I want you to send me Chuck.


Sarah: Okay.

We're on our way.

Morgan: Help me! Anybody?

Come on.

Come... Oh, no.

Casey: What the hell's going on, Morgan?

Walker just pulled the silent alarm.

Morgan: Yeah, it's... it's Shaw, okay.

He's here and he planted bombs all over the store and he's going to blow the whole place up.

Shaw: Where's Chuck?

Casey: You got to get everyone out of the store.

You anywhere near a fire alarm?

Morgan: Yes. It's outside the cage.

But I'm... I'm... I'm tied up inside the cage.

My hands are cuffed to a chair.

Casey: You got to break your thumbs, Morgan.

Morgan: I'm sorry. Can you say that again?

Casey: Your thumbs.

To get free, you got to break 'em.

Now! Do it!

Break your thumbs.

Morgan: Yes, sir.

Sarah:,You don't want to k*ll all these people.

Shaw: You're right.

I don't want to k*ll all these people.

However, I would like to k*ll Chuck.

And I wouldn't mind k*lling you, too.

Mercer: You Hey, have you seen Big Mike?

Lester: We're going to need a diversion to get out of here.

Big mike: What are you thinking?

Jeff: Pineapple.

Lester: Go, go, go.

Well done, Jeff. Let's go.

Sarah: Shaw, stop it! You don't understand.

Shaw: Where is he?

Sarah: He's not coming.

He can't.

Chuck : A gunfight?

Is that what you really want?

Shaw: Do you have one good flash left?

Chuck: Saved the best for last.

Shaw: I'm waiting, Chuck.

Sarah: Please, stop it, Shaw!


Chuck, please. Chuck, please wake up.

Young Chuck: Hey, Dad...

Steve: Charles, I'll be back in a second.

Steve: Chuck?

Chuck, you all right?

Are you all right? Did you... ?

Did you... ?

Was a complete transfer.

Empty files.

The whole system went into you. You... processed an incredible amount of data.

But you're okay.

Young chuck: What does that mean?

Chuck: Hang on. Stay with me. Stay with me.

You're going to be okay.

Steve: You're special, son.

It means you're special.

You're special.

You're special, son.

It means you're special.

Sarah: Please, Chuck, come on.

Shaw, stop it!


Shaw: Chuck.

Chuck: Sorry.

Just had to reboot.

Shaw: You have to do it.

You have to k*ll me.

Chuck: No, thanks.

I've already done that once before.

Shaw: That's what makes you weak.

Sarah: No. That's what makes you great.

Your dad wanted you to have this.

Big mike: This is not good.

I am definitely going to be fired tomorrow.

Jeff: Big Mike, sir, what if I told you there was another way?

A way we could save our jobs, be heroes... ?

Big mike: Do tell, Barnes.

Do tell.

Jeff: We burn the Buy More.

Burn it down to the ground.

Big mike: Burn down what? !

Jeff: It would be my honor to do that for you.

Big mike: That's it.

I have had it with you two!

You have brought me nothing but pain and misery.

You answering phones that ain't ringing.

And you... your singing voice is a vocal felony.

With that, good night, good riddance, and good-bye!

Morgan: So none of these firemen are real, huh?

Casey: CIA cleaners looking for Shaw's detonator.

By the way, good work today.

Takes something special to break your thumbs.

Morgan: Come on. It's nothing. They're just thumbs.

What any good partner would do.

Will you tell Beckman of my exploits?

Casey; It depends.

Why do you have my daughter's phone number?

Chuck: Oh.

Aah. Aah. Aah.


Sarah, I told Ellie that I'd quit after we stop the Ring, and I meant it.

I can't lie to her.

You think you could love a regular guy?

Sarah: Well, I fell in love with a regular guy.

Morgan: Hey!

Found the detonator.

Found the detonator, Colonel.

Am I on some hero streak or what?

Man, when you're hot, you're hot.

Casey: Careful with that, Grimes.

Morgan: Now will you tell Beckman of my exploits?

Okay? How I broke my thumbs and how I found the detonator.

Chuck:,He's gonna drop it.

Morgan: And how I... dropped it.

I can't believe I just did that.

Casey: Bombs are armed, everybody!


Morgan: I'm-I'm so sorry, everybody.

I'm so sorry. It was an accident.

Everybody, get back! Get back!

Get back! Hit the deck!

Lester: Did we do that?

Jeff: I don't know.

Lester: Start the van.

Morgan: It was an accident.

Everyone please exit the area in a calm and orderly fashion.

Big mike: Sweet Lord, they did it.

They actually did it.

Those crazy nerds blew up the freakin' Buy More.

Reporter: In our top story tonight, it's been 24 hours since the Burbank Buy More burned to the ground, and the police have had no luck in apprehending the two lead suspects.

These two men are on the run and considered extremely dangerous.

If you encounter these fugitives, please call your local authorities immediately.

And in other...

Chuck; Thanks, buddy.

Morgan: Of course.

Chuck: Um...

We didn't always think he was the greatest family man, but we know that there was nothing more important to him than family.

To a great man, Stephen J. Bartowski.

Ellie: To Dad.


Chuck: Hi.

Alex: Hi.

I hope I didn't miss dinner.

Chuck: No. No. come in, please. Welcome to La Casa de Bartowski.

Uh, Alex, this is my sister Ellie.

Ellie: Hi.

Chuck: And that's Devon, her... her husband back there.

Casey: Just so glad you came.

Alex: Me, too.



Morgan: Well, he's not much of a hugger, but baby steps, right?

I'm glad to see you, Alex. I, too, am glad that you came...

Casey: Step aside.

Before I break the rest of your fingers.

Or you blow up the apartment.

Morgan: Oh, that's low, Casey. Okay? It was an accident.

Chuck it was an accident.

I couldn't grip anything.

I know. I know it was...

I know it was an accident, buddy.

Ellie: So... Chuck... Are you done for real?

Chuck: Uh, I told Beckman that I'm out.

I mean, after all, I did get her her job back, and simultaneously saved multiple branches of the United States Government, so she accepted.

I'm a civilian just like you.

Ellie: Really?

Chuck: You were right, sis.

There's nothing more important than family.

Love you.

Ellie: I love you, too.

Chuck: Oh, boy.

Steve: Hello, Chuck.

If you're seeing this, that means I wasn't able to stop this message from sending. which also means I'm dead.

I want to say about that, um, I... I'm sorry and... and...

Well, I hope you and your sister know how much I love you.

Loved you.

Now I need you to do something for me, Charles.

Something secret.

You better get a pen.

I never wanted you to be a spy.

I knew how dangerous this world is, what it does to the people in it.

Boy, do I know that.

That's why I kept something from you, something about me, about Orion.

Charles, I'll be back in a second.

Young Chuck: Hey, Dad.

Steve: I've been a spy for the last 20 years, working for myself, doing things governments are afraid to do.

Maybe being a spy is... is in our blood, and... maybe I should have told you... all of this long ago, but Chuck, your story... It's only just beginning.

It's time you know the truth about my work and about the people who tried to destroy me because if I'm gone, then you're not safe from them anymore, and neither is Ellie.

These people... They... they are... they are ruthless and cunning and...

Chuck, it's... it's time you learned about your family.


I did it all for her.

Woman: Yes.

We're going to have to move you.


Chuck: Mom?