01x03 - The Astronaut Cat/Cat Traps

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "44 Cats". Aired: 12 November 2018 – 7 February 2021.*
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Follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the Buffycats.
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01x03 - The Astronaut Cat/Cat Traps

Post by bunniefuu »


no cat can be caught in a tricky plot


wow those awful cats always shrieking

and toweling

well soon you won't be so happy and

partying anymore



granny has a fun surprise come look


I am a kitty too

oh kitties I'm so sorry I didn't mean to

scare you I just wanted to be a fun new

kitty friend

I found this old head in the Attic


I must admit it smells pretty bad and I

didn't remember it was so tight




thanks kitties you that head really

stinks yuck

okay who's hungry you are so helpful

kitties you all get double food


why was that weird old lady wearing that

crazy cat head is she trying to be like

one of our ratty cats

good my robot trappies will catch her


Super Genius is intelligent and super

Runner is very fast behold Super King is



don't worry boss I programmed it not to

annoy you

it's time to launch the incredible

operation get rid of those ratty cats

no no belly rubs until you catch those

cats crappy feeling sad


that was so much food

need emergency nappies

Buffy cats I don't think I could eat

another bite


wow oh

suddenly I'm really hungry for spaghetti

and meatballs that means danger

ah danger of starvation huh I hate it

when corn runs away



I caught you meatball

boss just wait until my friends get here

limbo help oh they're not your friends

they won't come you wanna bet puppy cat

for help so I will catch them too

meatball you can't be hungry again


he's in trouble

Milady meatball is in danger


caught in one of Winston's traps






come join your friends you can all have

one of your fun happy kitty parties


Lambo don't be crazy we need noodle



oh kitties I thought you were burglars

that's why I was all granny karate




I knew you fools would come say hello to

my little friends




this is


a lady give me your hands



get them


hi yeah



oh I'm so sorry I am so sorry you fell

for my trap I was debate this time

my noodle power's wearing off

I've got just enough power too

now I'm out of noodle power too but we

can turn the traps on Winston

oh I wouldn't do that if I were you

the robots are programmed to only chase

cats like I'm supposed to believe you


I told you


hello people

I can't believe Moss told us the truth

the trapeze only chase cats yeah and he

gave me an idea

Lampo catapult



you ready cats

robots only chase cats right

Winston sure looks like a cat to me



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