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03x17 - Chuck Versus the Living Dead

Posted: 05/20/10 17:52
by bunniefuu
Chuck; Hi, I'm Chuck. Here's a few things you might need to know.

Dr Leo Dreyfus: Your dreams are also proof of stress the Intersect puts on your brain, likely leading to serious mental deterioration.

Chuck; Shaw, you're not bleeding anymore.

Shaw: That's right, Chuck, I'm not.

Chuck : What does that mean?

Shaw: It means I'm still alive.

Ellie: You work for the CIA?

Justin; This is about your father.

There are some very bad people looking for him, including a man named John Casey.

Ellie: Last time he left, he made sure that I had a way to contact him.


Justin: Ellie, hey.

Ellie: Hey, I contacted my dad.

Can we meet?

Justin; Yeah, same place as last time, okay?

Ellie: Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes.

Chuck: Hey.

Morgan, hey, buddy.

Listen, I had another dream last night.

It was about Shaw.

No, I haven't told Sarah yet.

Yes, I realize that honesty is important in a relationship.

Who do you think I am?

Listen, just meet me at the Buy More in, like, ten or 15.


Sarah: Whose relationship are you talking about?

Chuck: Huh?

Uh... Morgan's, Morgan's.

Yeah, Morgan and Anna, the past...

He's just been really tore up about her lately, so...

Sarah;,Oh, I thought he rejected her recently.

Chuck: He did, he did, he did, but the heart is a... is a very, it's...

The heart is a very complicated muscle.

Have I told you how beautiful you look this morning?

I mean, just... Aah!

Really, and you smell... fantastic, too.

Oh, hey, maybe that was just the Pop-Tart.

I got to go, bye.


Morgan: Wait, wait, you dreamt Shaw was alive?

Chuck, you saw him die, though.

You checked for a pulse, right?

Chuck; Well, he fell into a river.

Morgan: He fell into a river? !

Of course Shaw's alive!

Haven't you ever seen a John Carpenter movie?

Chuck; Buddy, are you going to help me or what?

I can't tell Sarah until I'm absolutely sure because she has...

Morgan: History with the man.

I know, I'm aware.

Morgan: Chuck, the thing is if he's alive, then he knows everything about her and he knows everything about you, everything about me... Where I work, where I live, what I eat, shower...

Chuck: Hey, buddy, hey, yo, Morgan.

This is why we are going to find him and figure out what he's up to, okay, but first I need to take care of a few things here.

Remember, though, this is between you and I.

Stay between me and you.

Morgan: Okay, no problem, absolutely.

Listen, do me a favor.

Before you go, can you key me into Castle?

I left something down there.

Chuck: Look, if you're really afraid of Shaw, I'll let you down there for a little while.

Morgan: Thank you.

Thank you, you are a lifesaver, sir, literally.

Chuck: Yeah, good, okay, fine, just-just don't touch anything.


All right.

Okay, okay, okay.

Good, good, good, good.

Yes, oh, baby.

Come on.

Sarah; Morgan.

What are you doing here?

Is Chuck up to something?

Morgan; I don't know, you tell me.

You'd know better than I would.

Hey, have you seen, uh, where they keep the bulletproof pants?

Sarah: You know, Morgan, you and I...

We, uh, we never talk, really.

Morgan: Yeah, well, talking's a bit overrated.

Plus, we don't have a lot in common, although I'd like to get to know you better.

I mean, I don't feel like there's...

Sarah: Sit.

Morgan: Okay.

Sarah: You're going to tell me exactly what's going on and you're going to do it right now.

Casey: Reviewing pictures of people you k*lled?

I do that myself from time to time.

Chuck: No.

Morgan: Chuck.

Chuck, we've got a problem, bro.

Sarah knows about Shaw.

Yeah, yeah, I broke, man.

Okay, y... your lady's really intimidating.

You know, I tried to make eye contact, but she just kind of kept pulling me in with this... this gaze.

Chuck; Morgan, how could you poss... W... what is, what... ?

Is that a bulletproof vest?

Morgan; No, is that a bulletproof tie?

I don't...

I don't know what...

Give me a break.

Chuck; That's my dad.

Why is my dad here?

Morgan: What's the problem?

Chuck; He thinks I quit the CIA the night of Ellie's wedding.

He does not know that I downloaded the Intersect 2. 0.

Morgan: W-w-w... wait, wait, you didn't tell him?

Chuck: Well, he spent so much time getting the damn thing out of my ad.

Why would I tell him that? Mush, mush, mush, mush.

Hi, hey, Dad, hi.

How are you?

What, uh, what are you... what are you doing here?

Steve bartowski: Your sister contacted me.

I wanted to check with you and make sure that everything was okay.

Is that... ?

Is that John Casey?

Chuck: That is John Casey.

Of course, yeah, you know that he works here.

Steve;,Why? He's an NSA Agent, and if the Intersect project was disbanded, why would he... ?

Sarah: Shaw?

Chuck: Sarah, you remember my father.

Sarah: Oh, hi, Mr. Bartowski.

I... it's great to see you.

Steve: Why is your handler here?

Chuck; Handler... No.

Oh, you've been out of the loop, so I can't expect you to know this, but... but Sarah and I are boyfriend and girlfriend now.

Sarah: Hi, sweetie.

Steve: Tell me that you're not in the CIA anymore.

Tell me that you quit.

Chuck; Dad, the Intersect is out of my head.

I've moved on.

I can assure you... We can assure you... that I am no longer a spy.

You know me, I wouldn't lie.

This is incredible.

Ellie: From the outside it looks like a regular office building.

Justin: Well, that's the point.

We're the CIA.

Nothing's what it seems.

Right this way.

Ellie; Okay.

Justin; So you were able to contact your dad?

Ellie; You could say that.

He's, uh, he's a little neurotic.

A coded message in the classified section is his way of getting in touch with me.

Justin; Perfect.

So, once he tells you where he lives, we'll be able to protect him and you can tell him everything.

Ellie; What about John Casey?

If he's a double agent...

Justin: Ellie, he's been living in your building for three years, just observing.

There's no reason to think that'll change now.

But... this may put your mind at ease.

Ellie: That's a speaker.

I don't understand.

Justin: Like I said, nothing's what it seems.

It's not really a speaker.

It'll protect you.

It'll block all of Agent Casey's audio and visual reads on the courtyard, and, Ellie, if you ever feel nervous, even for a second, just call me.

You know you can trust me, right?

Ellie: I do.

Sarah: I think you should tell your dad the truth.

I mean, you need to be honest with the people that you love, and that goes for me, too.

Chuck; I know, I know, Sarah, I'm sorry.

I wanted to tell you about Shaw, but it was just a dream, and I... and I wanted to be sure before I worried you.

Sarah: But if you dreamt that Shaw was alive, then you dreamt it for a reason.

I mean, the doctor said that you're healthy and that your dreams could be as accurate as your flashes.


Chuck: Ye... Uh, yeah, yeah, that's right.

Casey: Let's hope so.

I'm not letting you go to Beckman till we know for sure.

I ran a scan on all of Shaw's known aliases.

No activity since Paris.

I think our best sh*t at finding him is Walker.

Sarah: Why?

Chuck; W... why?

Casey; She has an... intimate knowledge of the target.

Chuck: I think "intimate" is a... is a bit of a... bit of a stretch.

Casey: If Walker goes through all the places she went with Shaw, all the things they did, maybe you'll flash on something that leads to him.

Sarah: Would you be okay with that, Chuck?

Chuck; Of course. Of course.

Why wouldn't I be?

Casey: So, what exactly did you and Shaw do when you were in DC?

Chuck; Casey...

They were in and out of meetings all day, every day.

I mean, the trip was purely spy-related.

All business, no pleasure.

Casey:,Well, Walker, I have here a receipt from a Waterfront Restaurant named Le Jardin.

Two chef's tasting menus, couple of nice bottles of Pinot...

Doesn't sound like business to me.

Sarah; After our couples massage, he took me to Tiffany's.

Casey; Did he buy you anything?

Chuck ; Please.

Everybody knows that you go to Tiffany's to browse, not buy.

Casey; Are those new earrings, Agent Walker?

Okay, so, on March 22, you and Shaw were off... Grid the whole day.

What exactly were you doing?

Chuck; Objection. Relevance?

Casey: What was so compelling that you didn't check in?

Sarah: We spent the day in his loft downtown, okay, at the Hoff Building.

Chuck; Mm-hmm.

Was it the penthouse?

Sarah: Yes.

Did you flash?

Chuck: Shaw ordered the CIA to construct a TR-15 safe in his penthouse.

Casey:,Whatever he's hiding in there could lead us to him.

Looks like we're going to get to see Shaw's bachelor pad, although for some of us, it won't be the first time.

♪ Ooh, ooh, love hurts ♪
♪ Love scars ♪
♪ Love wounds and mars ♪
♪ Any heart ♪

* Not tough... *

Customer: Hey.

Excuse me.

Lester: Yes?

Customer; Please, stop.

Lester: Awkward.

And cruel, but not incorrect, because you are not playing from your soul.

You're soulless in Seattle.

Big mike; That's quite a wad of cash you hustled on Buy More property.

Lester; Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. This is our dream.

We're on break. You can't touch us.

Big mike: I don't want to touch you.

I want to help you.

In case you forgot, I know a thing or two about management.

You're too good to be playing outside a chain electronics store.

If I was your manager, you might be playing inside a chain electronics store.

Lester: Yeah, we've already played the Buy More.

We don't need you.

Jeff: I'm listening.

Lester: What?

Jeff: Having a manager means having respect.

Lester;,How many times do I have to tell you? Art: good.

Commercialism: bad, evil, weird... chubby.

But you know what? I'm... I'm tired of it.

You want his empty words and his razzmatazz wordplay, you take it. You take it, and you go solo, and you see how that works out for you.

Just try and stop me from walking away.

Just try and stop me.

You just try.

You try and stop me from...

You're not going to even... ?

That's what... You know what, fine.

But I'm ing to take something with me that you can never have back.

The 'Ster!

As in Jeffster!

Take the...

Ellie: Dad.

What is going on?

How did you get in here?

Steve:,Ellie, hi.

Ellie; Hi.

Dad, I told you that I wanted to come to you.

You shouldn't...

What are you doing here?

Steve; Why do my children always ask me that?

You're my daughter.

Of course, I'm going to come to you.

Ellie: Yeah, but...

Steve: And this is safer.

Okay? I-I-I... I thought you'd be happy.

Ellie; I am. I'm happy. I'm happy.

I'm just... I'm surprised.

In a good way.

Steve: Oh.


Chuck; Shaw was a part of our team for months.

He knows everything... All of our weaknesses... . including this place.

I'm worried he's going to come after Ellie.

Casey:,We don't know what he wants.

Chuck; Exactly.

Which is why I need your help.

I need you to look after her for me, make sure she's okay.

Casey: Until we know what Shaw wants, Ellie Bartowski has a second shadow.

Steve: No.

No, you were five, and-and... and you refused to get out of the car for school unless you were wearing the Hawkman costume that Ellie made.

It's true.

Ellie: I think... I think I still have that Thanagarian helmet, actually.

Chuck: Dad, how do you even remember that?

Steve; I... you know, I remember a lot of things.


So, what do you guys want to do tonight?

Chuck: Oh, actually, you know what, I've got a... kind of a date night with Sarah.

We're going to be staying downtown tonight.

Sorry... It was kind of a last minute thing, so...

Well, uh, it'll just be you and me, then.

It'll be great.

We can talk about whatever it is you wanted to talk about.

Ellie: Oh, no. You know what?

This is, uh... this is the hospital.

I... I got to go.

I'm still tying up loose ends from that Africa trip.

Steve; You went to Africa?

Ellie; Yeah. It's... it's such a long story.

I'll... I'll be back soon, okay?

Stay here.

Justin, thank God you called.

My dad, he just surprised me.

He's here.

Justin: In Echo Park?

I thought you were getting his address.

Ellie: He just showed up. What do I do?

John Casey's home.

Justin: Okay. It's going to be fine.

Meet me at Bellevue Square alone, and we'll figure out what to do about your dad.

Ellie; Okay.

Steve: So, this last-minute trip with Sarah...

You're not going on some sort of a mission, are you?

Chuck; Dad, we just had a really nice meal, okay?

What's with all the spy questions?

Steve: Because I don't know anything about your life, and I'm here, and I... I'm trying to figure out what I missed, I see one thing.

Casey works at the Buy More.

Sarah lives with you, and... this is an active surveillance wire.


And your computer is still tapped in to the CIA mainframe.

So, you tell me again, Charles, that you're not involved in anything dangerous, that you're... that you're not a spy.

Chuck; Okay, I will occasionally do some analysis work for the CIA. It's a desk job.

It's a glorified paper pusher.

Steve: Charles.

Chuck; Dad, I sit behind a desk, and I input data a couple of times a month. It's nothing dangerous.

Steve: And this... this thing tonight with Sarah?

Chuck; Is really just a night away with my girlfriend.

You have nothing to worry about, Dad.

I'm just an analyst.

Chuck ; Did your ears just pop?

Ellie; Hey, it's me.

Uh, I'm here and you're not.

I really need to see you.

Devon thinks that I'm at the hospital.

It's just... it's getting harder and harder to lie.

Please call me, okay?

Chuck; So, this is Shaw's penthouse, huh?

Sarah: Yep.

Chuck:?Great. I'll check over here.

Sarah: I found the safe.

Chuck: Well, where is it?

Sarah: Put these on.

Chuck: Hey.

How do... how do you... how do you get to it?

Sarah; Oh, it's password-protected.

We're going to be here a while.

Chuck: Well, maybe we start with something common.

You know, birthday, pet's name... your name.

Sarah: It's Shaw.

Chuck; Go, go, go, go!

Wait, wait, wait, wait! No.

We need to know what Shaw wants first.
Okay? You get the briefcase, I'll make the jump.

Sarah: Okay. Well, just be careful.

Chuck: Okay. Come on, Intersect.

What do you got for me?

This should be interesting.

Justin; Shaw.

Shaw is dead.

Care to join him?

Chuck: Did you get him? Did you get him?

If you... if you did, make sure and check his pulse.

But help me first.

Sarah;,Okay, hold on. I'm coming, Chuck.

Chuck: Help me first before you check his pulse. Help me.

Sarah, he's coming back.

He's coming back.


Steve:,Just an analyst, huh?

Chuck; So, this is my office.

Pretty... pretty sleek, huh?

Steve: Why weren't you here, sitting at one of these computers instead of dangling from a rooftop?

Why are you still lying to me?

Chuck; Dad, it's like... it's like I told you.

The government sees a lot of potential in me, you know, so General Beckman asked if I would work as an analyst for the CIA, and then every once in a while, I'll still go off on, you know, a little field mission.

Could you excuse me just for one second?

And please don't touch any of the computers.

'Cause I know you want to, but don't do that.

So, the guy on the roof... Who was he?

Casey: Couldn't get a good look at our mystery man from the building's security cam footage.

Chuck: How'd he know about the loft?

Casey: Best guess: when you accessed the penthouse, you triggered some sort of alert.

Sarah: He was after this.

Casey: Lockbox.

Sarah: Just like the one Evelyn Shaw had.

Chuck: Okay, well, why does Shaw have one?

Sarah; It's essentially a spy's last will and testament.

Casey: All spies keep a record of the information they might lose if they get k*lled on a mission.

Sarah: In Shaw's case, all the information that the CIA has on the Ring.

Casey: My bet is they're going to want this back.

100 bucks says he's working for them.

Sarah; And if the Ring is looking for this, then it must mean that Shaw is dead.

"My name is Daniel Shaw, "

"and if you are reading this, it means I'm already dead. "

Chuck: I was wrong.

Steve: Wrong about what?

I've heard the name, Daniel Shaw, before.

He... he's a special agent for the CIA... A Ring expert.

I take it that's his lockbox.

What happened?

Chuck; That mission's over, Dad.

Steve: No, it's never over.

There will always be another one and another and...

The reason a spy has to have one of those is because any mission they go on could be their last.

For every spy, there's someone who cares about them.

Someone who has to open that box, read that message, and mourn their loss.

This is a bad business.

And I don't want my family any part of it.

Justin: Sorry I didn't make it to the square.

Ellie: It's fine. Are you okay? What happened?

Justin: I wish I could tell you, but the most pressing issue is what to do about your father.

Ellie; Do what? John Casey's watching us like a hawk.

Justin; That's why we've devised a new plan, but it's going to require some real spy work on your part.

You up for it?
♪ My name is Jeff, uh, Jeff, Jeff ♪
♪ That's right, I said my name is Jeff, uh, Jeff ♪
♪ Uh, Jeff... ♪

Big mike: That's good, son, but it might be a little... lyrically lacking.

♪ Hey, girl ♪
♪ Whatcha got for me? ♪
♪ You want to get up on here and have a baby wit' me? ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Oh, I see how it is ♪
♪ Well, I don't need ya ♪
♪ Your uterus won't fit my baby in it anyway ♪
♪My name is Jeff, uh, Jeff, uh, Jeff ♪
♪ I'm the baddest man... ♪

Casey: Hey, have you seen Grimes?

Lester; Lost your friend, did you?

Can't find him 'cause he's changed so much?

But you can't help but think about the days you guys used to drink together and hold each other for hours and hours, just talking about even the silliest little things.

♪ Lift up your frown ♪

Lester; Those days are no more.

They're no...

* My name is Jeff *

♪ Uh, Jeff, uh, Jeff... ♪

Morgan: Don't you knock?

Shaw is alive, okay.

And he's bringing a reckoning with him.

Casey; Ah. No one told you, huh?

Shaw's dead.

Morgan; No. No. Chuck said.


Casey: Bartowski's wrong.

Morgan: Oh, thank God. Thank God.

Man, someone could have given me a heads-up here.

I've had to pee for, like, the last four hours.

Casey: But I'm not here for that.

Listen, would Ellie cheat on Devon for any reason?

Morgan: John Casey, if I had the height or the willpower, I would slap you across the face right now, okay?

No, Ellie is not a cheater.

The only way she'd ever step out was with someone that she's known her whole life, someone she trusts.

A childhood friend perhaps. I don't know.

Casey: Mm-hmm. I tapped into her phone.

She left this strange message.

Ellie: I really need to see you.

Devon thinks that I'm at the hospital.

It's just... I's getting harder and harder to lie.

Morgan: That's Ellie.


Oh, man.

Casey; So what's the deal?

Morgan: You've done well, John, but you're a man who lacks tact and interpersonal skill.

Okay, on behalf of the family, I'll speak to the husband, all right?

This is not gonna be fun.

Devon, yeah, so you think Ellie's happy in your marriage?

Devon: Of course.

Why? Did she say something?

Morgan: No. No, not exactly, but I feel pretty confident that if there is something wrong, it's your fault.

So, take me through an average day, and then, you talk, I find the problem.

Devon: Okay.

Well, most mornings, I wake up around 6:00, I pop a towel in the dryer so it's warm when she gets out of the shower.

I'll whip her up a Belgian waffle, or, you know, goat cheese omelet.

Something easy.

After Ellie's daily foot rub, I'll bike to the farmer's market, pick up some fresh blueberries, or you know, whatever's in season.

Come home, make her a smoothie.

Organic nonfat milk, flaxseed oil.

You know, something to give her a real midday kick start.

Once we're in bed, post-lavender bath, I spend about 20 minutes just watching her sleep.

She looks so peaceful.

It's, like, what's she dreaming about, you know?

Anyway, that's my day, give or take.

Morgan: Yeah.

Chuck: Hey, Dad.

Is everything okay?

Steve: I... I just keep thinking.

Without the Intersect...

Why would they let you go on missions?

I mean, you're... you're... you're an ordinary guy.

Chuck: I'm not.

I'm not an ordinary guy.

The CIA wants me to work for them because they think I'm special.

'Cause they believe in me.

Steve: You're right, Charles.

You are special.

I knew it.

You downloaded the Intersect 2. 0.

Chuck: You threw a Kn*fe at my face.

Steve: Why would you do that?

After I worked so hard to get the first one out.

Chuck: Dad, Kn*fe! Face!

What if you were wrong?

Steve: I'm never wrong.

Charles, there's something that I never told you.

The Intersect... .

It can have a negative effect on the brain.

Chuck; Hold... hold... hold on.

What? You... you knew?

You... you knew, and you didn't tell me? !

Steve: I didn't think I had to tell you.

You didn't tell me you downloaded the new one!

Chuck: But that's because I knew you would disapprove of it.

And... and... you know what? And you left.


You taught me and Ellie how to live life without you, and that's exactly what I'm doing.

Steve: I... I have to go.

Right now.

Chuck: What?

Wait. Wait. Dad. Dad, where... where are you going?

Steve; I'm sorry.

I can't stay here and watch my son die.

Ellie: Dad?

You're... you're leaving?

Weren't you going to say good-bye?

Steve; Oh. Sorry. I'm, uh...

I still don't even know what's wrong, why you wanted me here.

Ellie: Nothing. Nothing's wrong, Dad.


I just, uh... I missed you, and I wanted to make sure that you were okay.

Steve: Oh, okay.

Well, you... you don't have to worry about-about me, uh, Eleanor.

Um, this time, I won't be gone as long, I promise.

Ellie: Okay.

Steve: Okay.

Ellie: Take care of yourself?

I did it.

I planted the tracer.

Justin: Nice work, Ellie.

You've guaranteed your father's protection.

Sarah; Where's your dad?

Chuck; He found out I was the Intersect, and he left.

Sarah: Chuck, he must have had a good reason.

He loves you.

Chuck: I know. I... I...

I know that he loves me.

He just doesn't know me.

He doesn't know anything about me.

Why I became the Intersect, that... that... that I can help people.

That for the first time in my life, what I do actually means something.

Sarah: Did you tell him that?

Chuck: No.

I guess I didn't.

But I can't talk to him now
because he's gone, and I don't know where he lives.

Sarah: I do.

Steve: It's gonna work.

Sarah: In the event that your dad ran off, I wanted you to be able to find him, so...

I took this.

Chuck: Your misdemeanor aside, my dad is an incredibly paranoid person, and I'm sure that this isn't his real address.

Sarah: Oh, I know.

But it was issued by the Bishop County DMV, and I checked all the utilities databases, and this is the only house without cable, water and gas, but also consumes an incredible amount of electricity, so,

I'm pretty sure that's your dad's house.

Chuck: Wow. That's so...

Sarah: Spyish?


I am a spy.

Ring operative; Yeah. We're at the house.

Justin: Good. Don't call me again until you have it.

Chuck: Well, this must be it.

I'm just gonna go in there and tell him how I feel.

Sarah; Do you want me to come with you?

Chuck; No, it's okay.

But if I'm not back in 20 minutes, you come save me.

Sarah: Okay.

Where is it?

Steve; I don't know what you're talking about.

Ring operative: Yes, you do.

My employer knows that you have an Intersect.

Where's the thing that's keeping you alive?

Chuck: Dad, it's me.

Don't worry. I'm alone.

Give me a break

Operative: Cut it. We'll make this look like an accident.

Chuck; Oh, that. Oh, that. That... that's not safe.

That's not safe. He shouldn't be doing that.

Mr. Bartowski, this will all be a lot less painful if you tell me where the Governor is.

Chuck: I don't even know what you're talking about.

Operative: Not you. Your father.


Chuck: What is he talking about?

Operative: The Governor!


It's the watch, isn't it?


Tie them up.


And let's clear out.

We don't want to be here when this place goes up.

Steve: Sorry about this.

You shouldn't have come here.

I didn't want to drag you into anything.

Chuck: Dad... Dad I came up.

I came up here because I wanted to tell you why I downloaded the Intersect, that I'm... that I'm special, and that I can help people.

But given the circumstances, I think I'm just gonna have to show you.

Operative: No g*ns! The gas!

Chuck; That's a good idea.

Steve: Does she have the Intersect, too?

Chuck: No, Dad.

That's all her.

Hi, honey.

Hey, come in.

Steve: I don't know how the Ring found my cabin.

But I do know what they... what they came for.

I call it the Governor 'cause it sort of governs the Intersect.

See, I realized through the years that... that, just like a computer, that th... the, the Intersect can overheat.

Chuck; Is that what's happening to me?

Steve: Yeah, see, your brain is like a circuit, and when you flash, it releases a surge of electrical energy, but if it's not controlled, it can lead to dementia an... and... and insanity, maybe even death, but I've been working on a fix a... and this is the closest that I've gotten to one.

See, i... it, um, it governs my neural network and helps control the power of the Intersect, almost like a, uh, like a pacemaker would for the heart.

Chuck: Could something like that work for the 2. 0?

Steve: Well, I couldn't tell you about it until now 'cause I needed to go back to my cabin to be sure, but, Charles, i... it will.

I'm gonna make you one.

You're my son, and you downloaded the 2. 0 for the same reason I created the original, to help people.

You want to be a spy.

I'm gonna do everything I can to... help you be the man you want to be.

Chuck; Thanks.

Thank you.

Big mike; Lester, I want to help you be the man you ought to be.

Lester:,It's too late.

Jeff will be huge here, then he'll be huge in Japan, and then it's over.

Big mike: Boy, don't you see?

The man made a banner that said "Jef" as if it were a question.

He doesn't know who he is without you.

You're more than just the 'ster in Jeffster!

You're the 'ster that stirs the drink.

Lester: I won't be fooled by corporate trickery.

I will never bow down to the man.

Big mike: I'm not the man.

I'm a man... a man who once had a dream, too.

You ever heard of Earth, Wind & Fire?

Lester; Yeah, they jammed.

Big mike: For a short time in 1988, we were called Earth, Wind, Fire & Rain.

I was Rain.

♪ Do you remember ♪

* The 21st night of September? *

Lester; My God.

♪ Love was changing the minds of pretenders ♪

Big mike: I can't wear this anymore, but you have the hips of a six-year-old girl.

Use them.

♪ Ah, ah, ba, de, ya ♪
♪ Say, do you remember? ♪

Lester: Where do I sign?

♪ Dancing in September... ♪

Just depends on your HD hookup...

Morgan; Excuse me, guys.

Can I speak to you for a second, please?

Excuse me.


I talked to Captain Awesome.

Casey: And?

Morgan; If he'd have me, I'd let him.

Look, what I'm saying is, as much as it pains me to say it, if there's a problem here, it's on Ellie's side.

Hey, look, let me ask you something.

Why are you even doing this?

Casey; I gave Chuck my word I'd make sure his sister was okay.

Morgan; You know what?

Awesome is volunteering at the animal shelter, Ellie is working the late shift.

The apartment should be completely empty.

Casey; Perfect.

I'm gonna go take a look.

Justin:,Ellie, are you with your husband?

Ellie: No, my husband's not home.

Everybody thinks that I'm working.

Justin; Okay, do you expect them back anytime soon?

Ellie: No, it's safe.

Justin: You're sure?

Ellie: Yeah, you can come here.

Justin: Good, I'm already on my way.

Ellie; Oh, okay, good.

There's someone in the house.

How close are you?

Justin: I'm close, but I may not get there in time.

Go to the speaker.

Ellie: Okay.

Justin: Now open it.

Ellie: How?

Justin: Press all three buttons at once and wait for a click.

Ellie; Justin, no, I can't, I can't.

Justin: Someone's in your house, Ellie.

He could hurt you, hurt your family.

Now take the g*n.

Casey: Ellie, wait!

Ellie: Justin, Justin, John Casey...

Justin: Don't worry, you're safe, come with me.

Chuck: Hey.

What's wrong?

Sarah; I've been thinking about what happened at the cabin and... how you almost d*ed.

You know, everything that your dad said about the life that we've chosen...

He's right.

What we do is not safe.

I want you to have this.

My spy will.

Chuck: Why are you giving me this?

Sarah: Chuck, this is me.

It's everything I know, it's my life, and if something were to happen to me...

Well, if anyone's going to have it, I want it to be you.

Chuck: Nothing's going to happen to you.

You're not going anywhere.

And neither am I.

Justin: You'll be safe here until we figure out what to do about John Casey.

Ellie: I'm so sorry, I just... I couldn't, I couldn't...

Is my dad going to be okay?

Justin:,Don't worry, he's protected.

Ellie: What about my husband, though?

What about my brother?

Justin: They're fine, I promise.

You've done everything we've asked, Ellie.

You've been incredibly brave, and trust me, this is almost over.

Now wait here.

I'll be back soon.

Chuck: "My name is Chuck Bartowski, "

"and if you're reading this, it means I'm already dead. "

"I don't know what will end up k*lling me... "

"... but I've chosen to be a spy, "

"and there are consequences to that. "

"It may be my emotions that end up doing me in... "

"... or a slip-up, trying to protect my friends... "

"... or my family... "

"... who never wanted me to be a part of this. "

Justin: My team was captured.

This needs to happen now... No more waiting.

Chuck: "Or it could be the thing I never saw coming, but I know it's coming. "