02x43 - Cats on Ice

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "44 Cats". Aired: 12 November 2018 – 7 February 2021.*
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Follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the Buffycats.
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02x43 - Cats on Ice

Post by bunniefuu »

cats on ice


this is a perfect day for ice skating


I mean a perfect day to learn how to ice


or to stay warm and enjoy a snack yum so

many delicious donuts

after you get some exercise the donuts

will taste much better

Oh look The Buffy losers can't skate

what do you want boss we was having fun

you don't know how to have fun on the

ice probably can't even play a game of

ice cat

I sweat

ice cat a sport where you win with speed

and cleverness qualities we obviously

have up to no good as always give us our

basket sure Buffy losers after I tell

you the rules of a game of ice cat don't

worry Buffy cats I'll get our basket


rule number one use your tail to toss

the ball rule number two don't let the

other team catch the ball

rule number three pass the ball that

your teammates rule number four put the

ball in the hole to score and win the


oh lovely snack oh beloved Donuts a

cruel Fate has kept us apart oh what's

wrong don't like flash frozen donuts

frozen Donuts

you've gone too far what are you gonna

do Lambo

okay boss


we challenge you to a game of ice cat oh

really you don't stand a chance against

blister and scab they have a great coach


a great coach

frozen lake May the best cats win I mean



I've got a buffy brainstorm let's skip

the challenge and go eat some tasty cat


I'm sure we'll we'll

figure something out


wow look at Lola she can skate me out

asleep hey hola hola you're a possum

thanks lamppo actually it's easy for me

skating is like dancing unfortunately

we're not as good as you but if we got

that good we could win the ice cat

competition against bossy boss can you

teach us how to skate Lola sure my furry

fellows I'll be your teacher

skating takes Grace home and a light

touch toes together then toes apart slow

smooth motions

the mountain trail is the perfect place

to practice what you learned Milady will

you lead our dance huh

it's not swimming milady


it's not riding a bike either pillow

come on my furry fellows follow me like

I said Skating is like dancing with

Grace come and a light touch I put my

furry fellows in this situation I gotta

show them we can win


I'm out of control

Milady remember Grace come and a light


way to go Buffy cats you've proven

yourselves to be expert skaters and I'm

sure our coach has already planned our

team strategy right Lampo well I uh of

course oh oh yes Lola yes

I'm not sure I can do it but I have to

look confident for my furry fellows

otherwise we won't win



oh my meatballs let's hope we don't look

silly in front of all these cats we'll

work it out right Lampo

um yes fluffy cats we've been training a


of course we can win this


here are the Buffy losers

see puffy cats that's where you have to

sink the ball to score points not that

you'll get a chance

don't meow for victory too soon boss

what's our first move Lambo come on

Lampo it's time to encourage the team

I think we better start with pillow and

meatball taking the field

you heard the coach come on let's go for

it you just have to get the ball and

score yes


treasure what you've learned during your

training and no one will be able to stop

you yeah


mid-ball and dealer against Mr and Skip

three two one go


you have no chance


I'm taking this




oh my Whispers


I can catch him I can do it

I'm here come and get me

don't waste your time go and score

you've gotta win



don't worry my furry fellows you did


yeah Lola's right now I need Milady with

you Lola oh right lamppo my lady let's

show them what we've got

your run ends here

not at all how

whirling with me

up to you Lola

ah I can't let Lola and Milady score

this water will make the ice more

slippery than they could possibly



we can overcome anything by skating

gracefully calmly and with a light touch


skating is like dancing




no no no no


I have to win no matter what

and I already know how Lambo what's our

next move

Lambo if you're a true cats cat then

challenge me one on one or are you

afraid to face me

I accept your challenge I'm ready boss

I'm ready too come on prepare a nice

little prank for a lamppo so that

Victory will be mine

we trust you lamppo my furry fellows the

truth is

I'm terrible at both skating and

coaching and I don't know if I'll be

able to score the point to make you win

Lampo we know you'll do your best and

that's all that matters


are taking the field who will win





remember skating is just like dancing

oh right with Grace calm and a light


perfect timing poor scab let's clobber

Lambo with this snowball







hi one thanks to the best furry fellows

a cat could wish for I dedicate this

Victory to you



hey you there what are you looking at

I'm not your Snowman

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