02x39 - Winston's Anti-Cat Wall

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "44 Cats". Aired: 12 November 2018 – 7 February 2021.*
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Follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the Buffycats.
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02x39 - Winston's Anti-Cat Wall

Post by bunniefuu »

Winston's anti-cat wall

Buffy cats you know what time it is I

know my lady it's sad

what a catastrophe her balls are empty

don't worry meatball let's just remind

granny Pina that it's time for a snack



this is gonna be a shot to remember


out there fluffy cats come on let's call

her louder


what is all that meowing



how insufferable those ratty cats made

me miss the shot

if this world can protect me from the

horrible noise of those cats I'll build

one that's even taller

we're coming kitties Here Comes Your


granny what's Winston doing no can't you

can't you see I'm putting up a wall

between your annoying cats and my

private life

I have to get rid of those cats forever

and while I'm at it I'll get rid of

every cat in town


oh it's okay boss you can stay with me

you're my one and only favorite cat and

what's this I'm living

hey what great news there's an election

coming for the Palm mayor all I have to

do is run for office and win it all

costs so I can build the world's largest

anti-cat world

Winston the best mayor for our town I'll

do so many things for you and I'll build

an anti-cat wall to keep all cats out of

the city

oh Winston phone Winston


oh Wednesday

want to rid our town of all those ready




from now on you know who to vote for the

wonderful unrivaled irresistible Winston

I can't believe my eyes Winston is

helping that lady across the street if

you elect me not only will you have a

Mayo with a perfect smile but you'll

also be free of all cats forever


no he's still a bad guy

Madam don't listen to this man he's

always telling lies


fluffy cats if Winston wins the election

it's gonna be a catastrophe for you



vote Winston look at the polls I am the

favorite soon I will become your

Charming mayor

I'm gonna build a really high wall we'll

get rid of cats forever

look the cats are here I will get rid of

them because they are there cats are not

bad they just need a little food and

lots of cuddles cats are cute and sweet

everyone knows it

yeah about that

boss handle this prove to everyone that

cats are bad huh


oh thank you kitties if it wasn't for

you I'd have fallen into that manhole

here take these

thank you


let's see just how much people are

loving me

what's this of course blister scam you

were supposed to be acting evil not like


fine fine I'll have to do this myself

I'll prove to everyone that cats are bad

and dangerous



oh nice I always wanted a kitty



her giant stray cat

we're sorry we didn't recognize you we

thought you were a giant stray cat yeah

Brutus and booty hmm you catch cats

cause you don't like them right yeah

they're really unpleasant good then we

can team up against those already yes

if Winston becomes mayor he'll build a

super high wall that'll keep us out of


the info here's an idea go around town

doing good deeds you'll just need some

energy from these granny peanuts

stop the secrets in the news



okay my furry fellows let's go ruin

Winston's plans


what an adorable little kitty you want

some cuddles





the poles are looking good Winston's

never gonna win

good job buddy it's dirty everywhere

so then Brutus put those ready get

tracks all over

look Buffy cats Winston is with those

two cat catchers but what are they up to

let's get this city dirty so everyone

will think it was the pets and I'll

become mayor

we've gotta stop them wait Lampo our

noodle power has worn off don't worry

Milady I've got a buffy brainstorm


look the cats have dirtied our city


as soon as I become mayor I promise I'll

free you from Cats Forever

I agree with that everyone's clapping

for Winston but soon they'll find out

the truth

come on meatball this is for all of us

this is the first project I'll make

happen as soon as I become mayor the

anti-cat whoa


what is this

hey Brutus and birdie made the city

dirty and Winston was with him


innocent kitties is wrong but Winston

asked us to do it and you listen to that

big bad Winston who is sorry made a

mistake down with Winston

for me


Winston lost the election no more

anti-cat wall and there's more possum

news a new holiday stray cat day will be

celebrated right at Winston's Villa as a

punishment Winston Brutus and birdie

will have to look after all the cats in


isn't it wonderful to take care of

straight kittens

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