01x36 - Pilou the Kitten Sitter

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "44 Cats". Aired: 12 November 2018 – 7 February 2021.*
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Follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the Buffycats.
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01x36 - Pilou the Kitten Sitter

Post by bunniefuu »


the kitten sitter



lady your turn

this game is so fun i could play this

all day

i'm sorry pilu but kato's waiting for me

for a cat foo lesson

sorry buffy cats but i gotta go too i'm

supposed to visit my uncle archibald and

i'm late oh my meatballs i gotta run

there's a kitty treat sampling party


see you later

didn't take long for them to clear out

that's not a problem i'll have plenty of

time to play with my doll kelly


hey kelly do you want to go to the park

you do

it's such a wonderful day we're going to

have lots of fun together


hey kelly look who's coming hello pee

lou where are you off to hello dr

frisbee i'm taking kelly to the park

she's a beautiful doll dr fisby would

you be so kind as to give kelly a


of course pilu i always carry a

thermometer with me let's see if she has

a fever hmm a healthy temperature your

baby is absolutely fine and she's not

even using a pacifier she's very grown

up thank you dr frisbee bye-bye bye-bye

bye kelly

there's cream i really want an ice cream


wait for me here and be

good your ice cone pillow thanks queen

here we go hope aren't you happy to be

at the park hope my love you're a big

girl now and big girls don't use



all right fine

but sooner or later you'll have to give

it up


be good

this kitty treat flavor is possum

let's go back home kelly hi cream can i

have an ice cream here you are thank you


good thing hope didn't wake up


where's hope

what a nice walk we had right kelly


now after all that exercise i need a nap





i didn't know kelly could cry

either you turned into a kitten

or i took the bunk stroller


please kitty don't cry look at me look

at me i'm a clown

it's not working

but i gotta find a way to calm her down

twinkle twinkle little kitty sleep and

you'll be really pretty


i've got a buffy brainstorm i'll show

her my toys from when i was a baby


in here

see anything you like

what did you take kitty that pacifier

was a gift

but i'd already outgrown them and i

never used it

what are you doing you're too old for


come on

give my pacifier back


it's gone

is this is the only thing that will stop

you crying

you can have it

but just until i find your mommy


i better find this kittens mommy as soon

as possible


hello lola is something wrong

baby hoof is gone and in her place i



i'll help you find her

he might have found a way home let's

start there


hey pilu what are you doing here hi

milky hi shark i'm looking for this

kittens mommy


she's so cute


what are you doing with this pacifier

you're a big girl um






thank you for your help

hi milky bye chump have a nice stroll

hey kitty

can you tell me who your mommy is


all right

i'll keep on looking for her on my own

ambrosio snobby and hello my furry

fellows hi pillow taking kelly for a

walk uh no actually i'm looking for this

kitten's mommy


she's so sweet look at those eyes oh a

grown-up kitty like you still uses a



oh kitty do you like my mirror


there you go she's calm now

kittens love playing with mirrors

you made her laugh


but i get the feeling she'd rather just

have the pacifier

see you soon

bye bye kittens


hi pilu what brings you here hi guys

i'm looking for this kitten's mommy

and what's your pretty kitty's name i

don't know i'd like to find her mommy

and maybe get her to stop using that



good old gas can entertain one sweet



yep here's a balloon filled with stink

now i'm gonna make it no wait yes


you see the kittens having fun


you don't want to pacify her anymore


so you've grown up

oh well done kitty can you tell pilu who

your mommy


is lola

i know her

i know where she lives at the abandoned


bye gasps


once again stinky mission accomplished


good lola's house is here let's look for

your mommy oh here she comes look lola

hope is back home


you don't want a pacifier anymore no

lola hope is a big kitty and doesn't

need it anymore

isn't that right hope this is fantastic


very good oh

of course filo has been very good too

you're a perfect vice mommy thanks for

taking her home

home besties forever

and now i'll take kelly home too bye cop

bye lola bye bye ho bye

bye peeler and thanks again

hey peeler where have you been my furry

fellows uh it was a possum day for kelly

and me

but this is hope's pacifier we don't

need it anymore


now meatball aren't you a bit old for a


i never use a pacifier dr frisbee do you

know a way to get meatball to take the

pacifier out mm-hmm of course

leave it to me

what are you thinking of doing with that

super hammer dr fisby i just want to

make sure you have good reflexes to

throw the pacifier once and for all but

dr frisbee i never use a pacifier now

we'll see

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