01x02 - A Puppy to Save

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "44 Cats". Aired: 12 November 2018 – 7 February 2021.*
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Follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the Buffycats.
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01x02 - A Puppy to Save

Post by bunniefuu »


a puppy to


save let's take a break puffy cats we've

been playing too long no I want to keep

playing I'm not


uh Lampo I think I know why we're so

tired it's morning we practiced all


morning then it's time for


breakfast kitties food should give you

energy why are you still so tired

he CH you need some of Granny pina's


noodles they're a secret family recipe I

may be old but my noodles keep me young




noodle the secrets in the noodles of

grny a play of super power a spect and

relever you eat them H me with they'll

help you grow up T and stop your


feeling is better a do take away your

fever night up to you I daily go some

magic to take I the secrets in the new

a plate of super power a stret and

relever you eat them H with

me they'll help you grow up tall you're



of is better than a doctor it'll take

away your fever so be happy Come brother

here to stay if you know the power to up

your de you



meatball why are you crying I don't know

uh wait I'm not crying he


is hey little puppy what's wrong my

humans left the gate open I snuck out

and then some bad cat started chasing me

and so I ran and now I'm


don't worry we'll get you home what's

your address I don't know well what did

your neighborhood look

like oh well my my yart had a big wooden

fence and I couldn't see anything from

behind it could you hear anything oh yes

it was like loud cat meowing that's why

I ran here oh really I think I know

where you live follow me you're not

going anywhere that's the puppy we're

chasing boss blister and






power you live by the clock tower at

every hour the cuckoo cat comes out


huh I don't know I'd have to hear the

sound a the cuckoo cat isn't going to

meow again for almost an hour an hour oh

I can't wait that long my mom's going to

be super so mad at me well then let's

bring forward the






ready come on



sorry that's not the sound can you tell

us something else about the sound just

that it's loud and high pitched like a


cat of course I know where he


the fire truck's high-pitch siren Wheels

loudly like a howling

cat uh that's not really the sound I'm

sure it is you just need to hear the

real thing I'll just turn on the siren



quick siren siren it's probably this one



uh it's just

water sorry okay let's try this

one sorry that's not the


sound wait dogs have an amazing sense of

smell what is your neighborhood smell

like like Fishbones of course I know

where where he lives follow

me uh-oh I think the noodle power's





power you live near the Italian

restaurant the loud howling you hear is

the Chef

singing yes this is it my house is

somewhere around

here just in time our noodle power is

all gone I'm even more tired than

before no more noodle power why are you

helping that

puppy dogs are the

enemy no boss Bliss and scab are the


enemy noodle


power in case you didn't know I'm a

superhero me wait those aren't Granny's


noodles but me ball we only get noodle

power from Granny's special noodles I

bruised my bum bum

Lampo you think that's funny well how



cute you're getting




sleepy go get

him bring


it I'm really hungry for spaghetti and



mommy please feed

me no Mom they're my friends they

brought me


home guys get up it's getting getting

late and we're a long way from home oh

no you're not going anywhere until you

get some









wait up

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