01x01 - Buffycats on a Mission

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "44 Cats". Aired: 12 November 2018 – 7 February 2021.*
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Follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the Buffycats.
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01x01 - Buffycats on a Mission

Post by bunniefuu »


Buffy cats on a


mission down in the cell of an old

mansion C without parents and their

companions met to improve their sad

situation and find a good cos for

celebration sorry we've practiced enough

my lady Buffy cats our friends are going

to love our new song duh because we

wrote it about all of them 44 cats our

next show is going to rock drum



please KY


lunch that's right run inside don't you

dare come near my house or I'll catch

you with my

traps every night it's another howling

Kitty party and every morning I have to

look at that ugly broken down Shack oh

it's so ugly and gross I hate it I hate

it I hate


well it all finally ends


today come on kitties tuna num


e tuna num look at all that drool meall

I think you're part


no I wish I knew what you kitties were



who that was


fun I'm really hungry for spaghetti and

meatballs meatballs tellum me is wrong

Ling for spaghetti and meatballs that


danger what are you doing this is my

house I own


it hey uh Winston you said this house

was abandoned it is and it's a whole

haed oh she's a ghost a smelly icky


ghost your fur is pink my lady so

Winston's lying yep Winston's

lying you keep them busy kitties I've

got to go get something

hi hey she just

disappeared she is a


ghost see she summoned her evil ghost

cats stop I'm allergic to ghosts an evil

kitten who but you're so

cute so cute I must obey you no you must



me now destroy the

Apple see that Winston the deed to my

house which means I own it the deed is

real the icky ghost lady owns the


house I'm Winston I can do what I want

uh not without that


deed no no no come


back pH thanks for this



M I'm so sick of Winston trying to knock

down my


house how did granny control Winston in

those mean humans with just a piece of

paper because to humans that piece of

paper means she owns the house humans

are crazy don't they know the only way

to own something is by rubbing your face

on it there smells like me now I own it



mine now it's mine P it's mine mine

actually it's mine I stole the


deed come

on over


here now we own the old lady's house

tomorrow we knock it

down and give those noisy horrible cats

to the cat Kat

now I'm going to drive all the way to

the special pet store and buy you the

softest most luxurious kitty litter for

your delicate little

behind we have to get that deed right

now no Winston's house is full of cat

traps we need to get invited



and my whiskers


agree okay so how do your whiskers say

we get invited Buffy party sound The

Buffy alarm call all of our




louder we need lots of

cats that should do

it two we're supposed to be

44 the boom boom steppers are here we're

like a million cats Now where's the

party down in the C of an old Manion cat

without parents and their companions met

to improve their sad

situation and find a good cause for










mine you'll never guess the

code yes we will we watched your human

opening hey boss don't join your

party everyone out I got it I got the

magic piece of


paper the

deed those fools grab the Rock H thanks

for protecting the deed for us now

granny Pina owns the house again and

Lampo left you to do his Dirty Work all


alone that's because Lampo doesn't know

catfu I





no no not another cat


party to the together rck to thear the

whis rcks to the the are rcks



wa the deed oh

no the kitties must have thought it was

one of their toys well I'll put a stop




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