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03x09 - Chuck Versus the Beard

Posted: 03/11/10 07:16
by bunniefuu
Chuck; Here's a couple of things that you might need to know or maybe you just forgot.

Hannah, there are things in my life that you can't understand.

So I have to end this.

Morgan: Chuck, I think we need to talk.

Chuck: Not a good time.

Morgan: Are you suggesting Chuck is caught in a big, giant web of conspiracy and deception?

Devon; I'm gonna have to lie to your sister, and I can't do that anymore.

Chuck: From now on, if Ellie asks you something, just say "I don't know".

Rafe Gruber: You two got it bad for this blond.

Sarah: It's about keeping his emotions in check so that the Intersect can work.

Chuck; Flash.

Come on.

You know what, Casey? You're right.

I don't work. My emotions just mess everything up.

Hey, guys, I got your call.

What's, uh...

What's going on?

Casey; You're the Intersect. You tell us.

Shaw:,We've intercepted Intel that the Ring is planning to turn and use a CIA agent against us.

Sarah; The problem is, we don't know who, when or where.

Shaw: The intercept should have something

Sarah; Did you flash?

Chuck; Uh, yeah. Not, uh, not flashing.

Shaw; You haven't flashed in a week, Chuck.

Ever since Rafe tried to k*ll Sarah and me.

That's a problem.

Chuck; Problem?

Really? Problem? Kind of a strong word, don't you think? Just 'cause a guy had a couple off nights.

Shaw: Off nights get agents k*lled. You need to figure this out, because the Intersect's not working.

And I can't risk putting you out in the field.

Chuck · Okay, so, what exactly are you saying?

Shaw; I'm saying that until you start flashing again, you're no longer a spy.

Chuck : No. No.

No, you can't... you can't do that.

Being a spy is all that I have.

I gave up everything for this.

Sarah: Well, maybe some time off will do you good, Chuck.

It'll help you function again.

Chuck; I don't need... I don't need time off, okay?

Maybe I'm not flashing because I have all these emotions bottled up in me.

You ever thought about that?

I mean, I just broke up with Hannah, I can't talk to my best friend or my sister about anything in my life.

I'm not a machine.

Okay, I am a machine, but I'm also a person.

Sarah; Well, you can always talk to us.

Chuck; Yeah, uh, no thanks.

I don't think that's going to work for me.

Shaw; Find something that does work.

Because until you do, you're benched.

Ellie; Mmm, this getaway was the perfect idea, honey.

It's just what we needed.

Devon; You said it, babe.

I can't tell you how awesome it feels to be alone, just the two of us.

Ellie: Mmm.


Devon: Sorry.

Ellie; It's okay.

Devon: I'll be just a sec.

Hey, Chuck.

Chuck; Awesome, hey. Thank God you picked up.

Devon; Everything okay, Chuck?

Chuck: No, no, not really.

I broke up with Hannah, and... and Sarah's falling for another guy.

Not only is my personal life a mess, but my spy life, too...

Devon; Chuck, I went on vacation to get away from your spy life.

Okay? And to fix things with Ellie.

Chuck: No, no. Devon, Devon, Devon.

Devon, Devon, I don't have anyone else to talk to.

Devon: I'm sorry, bro.

But remember what you said about discussing your spy life: I don't know.

Lester; I say he can get it in there, but I agree with you, it seems impossible.

So, put your wagers in.

Put your wage... You are going to win this, children!

What do you got in your pockets?

Morgan: Charles Irving Bartowski, please report to the assistant manager's office for disciplinary action.

Lester: Right?



Oh, my!

This is a shocker!

He got it in.

I'm saying, do not wager against the brown beauty and the snake.

He can unhinge his jaw and he sheds skin.

Morgan: Have a seat, please.

You need anything? You okay?

Chuck; Uh, no, I'm-I'm... I'm good.

I mean, you know, maybe a little more leg room would be nice.

Morgan; This conversation is never an easy one to have with an employee, Chuck.

Chuck: And what conversation would that be, exactly?

Morgan; We've known each other most of our lives.

Chuck; Hmm.

Morgan; We, uh, we went through puberty together.

We went through the awkward stage after puberty, the awkward high school years, your awkward college years, and now, our current awkward Buy More years.

Which is why this moment for me is so very...

Chuck: Awkward?

Morgan; Yeah.

Chuck; Morgan, what exactly is going on?

Morgan; Something is. Something is going on in your life. You dumped Hannah.

She quit the Buy More.

She was a valued member of the store.

And I just feel that a true best friend would share that with his true best friend.

Chuck: You really want to know the truth?

Morgan: I do.

Lay it on me like a slice of cheese on a tuna melt.

I am ready.

Chuck; Okay, here goes.


Morgan: Okay. Got it.

You don't have to say any more.

Chuck: Say wha... ?

I didn't say anything. Mor... Do you need help?

Morgan; I'm fine. No.

I cannot believe I'm saying this, but... you're fired.

Chuck:?Wha... what?

You're firing me from the Buy More?

Morgan; Buy More? No, are you kidding me?

You're the best Nerd Herder we have.

I need you here.

I'm firing you as my best friend.

Chuck: Hey! You guys, uh...

You guys leaving on the mission?

You sure you don't want me to join?

Shaw; We'd love you to, Chuck, but the Intersect is not working.

Sarah: The agent that the Ring plans to turn is staying at this hotel.

Shaw: We have no record of any spy being there, so whoever it is is deep undercover.

Chuck;,Yeah, I'm-I'm... I'm sorry.

I'm still not flashing.

Shaw : We've got to go.

Chuck : Guys, the team's a man short without me.

Shaw; Not today. I'm taking your place on this mission.

Chuck : The Ring knows that you're still alive, Shaw.

It's too dangerous for you to be in the field.

Shaw: And I can't leave this team shorthanded.

Besides, if the Ring wants a fight, I'll give them a fight.

Casey; Now... when we get back I expect this place to be exactly as I left it.

You two newly weds ready?

Sarah; Yeah, let's go.

Chuck ; What's with the... the... rings?

What... ?

Hey, Casey. What am I supposed to do while you're gone?

Casey; Don't you have a day job?

Chuck: Hey, what's going on, guys?

Jeff; Shh!

Lester: Charles, please!

It's a spy mission. You are not qualified. Get away.



57, 43.


El Segundo School of Finance, we take care of business!

Morgan; What's going on here, Big Mike?

Big mike: Someone's thinking of buying the store.

We're closing today so some building inspectors and technicians can come down and kick the tires.

Lester: Sweet. We get the day off. Jeffrey, let's get pershnickered.

Big mike: No.

They want to interview everyone.

Reevaluate the entire staff.

Gonna fire everyone who's not essential.

So, I can get started over here.

We're in big trouble, boys.

Check in girl; Here are your keys.

Enjoy your stay here at the Malibu Vista Hotel.

Might I add that the two of you are a very beautiful couple.

Sarah: Oh. Thank you.

Casey: You two lovebirds have fun while I'm cooped up in the van again.

Have a margarita for me.

There's a Ring agent somewhere in this hotel.

We need to find him.

I tapped into the phone's mainframe.

If the Ring calls out again, we can trace it back to the room it originated from.

Shaw; Sarah and I have set up the surveillance equipment.

We'll begin searching for possible targets.

Big mike; Listen up, team.

These suits are sharks.

They'll try to divide us in our interviews, find our weaknesses, look for any excuse they can to fire our asses.

Morgan: Yeah, yeah.

Listen, despite our differences, all we have is each other.

So let's, uh, let's stick together here, all right?

Jeff; This is a blood oath right here.

Lester: One for all, and all for one. All right.

Del: Lester Patel?

Lester: Yeah, I've found it!

Found it! Contact lens.

All crisis averted.

I love you guys.

Del: Come on down.

All right.

Oh, my God. We're doomed.

Have a seat, yeah.

Lester: Okay, so...

Before I spill this place's dirty secrets, I want to know that I'm protected.

I want diplomatic immunity.

Neil: I... I don't think it's appropriate in this situation.

Lester: Bah, bah, bah, bah bah, bah, bah. You want the dirt?

I want immunity.

Del: Okay.

Immunity granted.

Lester: Okay.

Thank you, my brother.

Del: Well...

It's an interesting group of employees you put together here.

Big mike: Oh, they scare me, too.

But I got Bartowski, don't I?

Del: Mm-hmm.

Big mike: That's right.

A man with a Stanford degree is working here.

You see, gentlemen, I'm not just a manager; I'm a people person.

Talent follows me.

Morgan: Morgan Grimes, assistant manager, how are you, sir?

Chuck; Morgan, hey, buddy, I need to talk to you.

Morgan: Clearly you don't, Chuck, or I wouldn't have fired you as my best friend.

Chuck; Can I please just have a minute?

Morgan; Not now, Chuck, all right?

I'm freaking out about this interview, man.

Chuck: Look. Hey, buddy?

You're going to be fine.

Besides, it's only the Buy More. You can always get another job.

It's not the end of the world.

Morgan: Really?

See, it may not be the end of the world to you, but I don't have a Stanford degree, Chuck.

I can't do anything else but the Buy More.

This job is all I have.


Neil: Chuck Bartowski? You're up.

Del: That's an impressive resumé.

So what's a Stanford grad doing working at a Buy More?

Chuck: Uh, you know, let's just say the-the Buy More offers more opportunities than initially meets the eye.

Neil: Really?

For instance?

Chuck; For instance, I get to work with my best friend every day.

Del: Your best friend?

Chuck; Yeah.

Yeah, Morgan Grimes.

The, uh, the assistant manager.

Del: Based on your track record, you're the cream of this Buy More crop.

Why aren't you the assistant manager?

Chuck; Because the right guy has already got the job.

I... I know that you guys are maybe gonna be making some changes around here, so I just want you to know that while I might look good on paper, I'm not the cream of the crop.

Morgan Grimes is.

Casey; Okay, the Ring just made a call from the hotel.

I'll connect you in while I trace it back.

The target is by the pool.

Six foot two, well built.

He's wearing a blue and white bathing suit.

You got that, Walker?

Sarah: Yeah, I got it.

Casey; Did you find the target?

Sarah: Yeah, we found him.

Neil: Cheers.

Oh, it's so nice.

Nice to meet you.

Chuck; Yeah, you, too.

Neil: Yeah, good egg.


Del: Really good egg, yeah.

Really good egg.

Well, ha... have a good day.

Chuck; Hey, you too.

Take care.

Del: Get the others in here.

Neil: So, you really think this Bartowski guy is Agent Carmichael?

Del: Oh, it's Carmichael, all right.

Looks like Shaw left him behind to man the fort.

Neil: Should we abort the mission?

Del: No, with Shaw not here, it's our best chance to infiltrate and recover everything he has on us.

Have you found the entrance into Shaw's base yet?


We don't have much time.

We have to find it fast.

Do you want us to take out Bartowski?

Del: Not yet.

Let's keep interviewing employees and make sure Shaw didn't leave any other surprises behind.

Chuck said Grimes is his best friend.

We can use both of them to our advantage.

What do you want me to do about the others?

I think we need to be conservative here.

Devon: Getting away is the best thing we could've done, babe.

I know I haven't been the same guy lately, but since we got here, I gotta tell you, I feel awesome again.

Ellie: Me, too.

To us.

Devon: No stress, no work, no problemas.

Casey: The call came from Room 4305.

I'll head there now and search it.

Shaw: We'll go down to the pool, get Devon and Ellie out of harm's way.

Chuck: Come on, flash!


Uh... no.

Oh, I know, I know this.

I know this.

Uh, uh, The Condor? Uh, The Jackal?

Chan Min Chi.

Damn it, I thought I had that one.

Casey: This better be good.

Chuck; Hey, yeah, hey, just, just checking in on the mission.

Seeing if you guys needed anything.

Casey: Why, are you flashing now?

Chuck: No, I'm not. But I thought, you know, maybe if you throw me the rock, I'll pop on something.

Casey; I don't have time for this, Bartowski.

Chuck : Only as good as your last flash, huh?

Devon: Mmm, two more piña coladas coming right up.

Looks good.

How's the water?

What are you two doing here?

You're not supposed to be here.

I just reclaimed my awesomeness.

Sarah: We got a tip that the Ring was trying to turn an agent staying at this hotel.


Devon: Me?

But I'm not an agent.

Chuck told me that I was in the clear.

Are Ellie and I in danger?

Shaw: I don't know.

Morgan: I can't believe they're selling the Buy More.

Oh, man, I think they're really serious about buying this place.

'Cause they have been going through it with a fine tooth comb.

Even checking lockers.

Neil: It was really great talking to you.

Jeffrey Barnes?

Jeff: You gotta help me, Morgan.

I got contraband in my locker.

Morgan: What kind of contraband?

Jeff: Just a little something I use to take the edge off on a stressful day. If they find it, Ill be fired for sure.

Neil: Mr. Barnes...

Jeff: Morgan, please.

Morgan; Okay.

Okay, all right, dude.

Casey: I'm at the Ring agent's room.

I'm going in.

Sarah: Be careful.

Casey: I'm always careful.

The target is by the pool.

Six foot two, well built.

He's wearing a blue and white bathing suit.

Our operatives are in position.

Casey: Ugh, it's a set-up.

Devon: I gotta get Ellie out of here.

I got to get both of us out of here right now.

Shaw: Keep it together, Devon.

We'll figure this out.

Devon; What? What was that?

Shaw: I'm so sorry, false alarm.

Devon; Wait, you crashed my weekend getaway to tell me I'm in danger and now you tell me what, we're safe?

Sarah: Yes, I'm sorry.

Please try and enjoy the rest of your vacation.

Devon; We gotta get away from this.

Morgan: Oh, my God.

Ring agent; Let's see if we can find anything in the break room.

Found something.

There's a tunnel behind these lockers.

Fingerprint scanner.

This must be it. Go get Del and Neil.

Tell them we found the CIA base.

Del: Good work.

Tell the others we found Shaw's base.

Morgan: Oh, my God.

Lester: This is not right, no!

You understand me?

Chuck; Hey.

What's going on?

Lester: My spy work paid off, obviously.

I mic'd Big Mike's office.

All I got was a few seconds, but come in, listen.

Del: Chuck said Grimes is his best friend.

We can use both of them to our advantage.

Neil: What do you want me to do about the others?

Del: I think we need to be conservative here, terminate the rest.

Big mike: They're gonna fire the entire store, except you and Morgan.

I just got this job back.

Chuck: Where is Morgan?

Del: Clever, putting a CIA base under an electronics store.

Neil; Every piece of intelligence Shaw has on the Ring is in here. We'll be putting a dagger through the heart of the CIA's operation by taking it out.

Del: All right, Neil, you're on.

Cut off any and all communications coming in and out of the store.

Break into the mainframe, find and destroy everything they have on us.

Then blow this base sky high.

Neil: Be a pleasure.

Casey: The phone works remotely.

It was a set-up; they've lured us here.

Sarah: Why would they lure us here?

Shaw; It's not where they lured us to, it's where they lured us from.

The Ring knows I'm alive, which means they know I'll have a base of operations somewhere.

They sent us here so I'd abandon my base.

That way they can go and recover all the intelligence we have on them.

Casey: They weren't after Devon.

They're after Castle.

Sarah:,Chuck's in there, and he's not flashing.

He's a sitting duck.

Casey: Go!
Chuck:?Hey, Morgan, we need to talk. Chuck, we gotta talk, listen.

Morgan: Me first okay, trust me, whatever you're gonna say is nothing compared to what I got.


Chuck: Okay.

Fine, yeah, please, sh**t.

Morgan: Okay, uh...

Dude, there's a secret underground CIA base under our Buy More.

I... Hey, listen, I know it sounds crazy, but you have to believe me here, okay?

These people who are claiming to buy the store, they're bad guys, okay?

And they call themselves the Ring.

Which I know is like, ooh, not that scary... but trust me, these guys are not to be messed with.

Chuck: How do you, how do you, how do you know all this, Morgan?

Morgan; Okay, I was hiding. I was hiding in there, and I saw them enter the base through an entrance behind our lockers.

So, I followed them.

I heard and saw everything.

Hey, whoa, whoa, dude, listen, I know this is a lot for you to handle, but you gotta stay with me, you gotta pull together.

'Cause we are now in real danger here, okay?


Don't freak out.

Casey: Chuck's not answering his cell.

Sarah: Buy More land line's down. I can't get through either.

Morgan; I think we should call the police.

Chuck: That's a great idea.

That is a great idea, man.

Wow, wow, yeah, yeah.


Wha... Wait a minute, wait a minute.

I don't, I don't, I don't have a signal.

Morgan; Right, right.

Bad guys probably cut off all communication to the store.

It makes sense. You know what?

By the time the cops got here it'd be too late, anyway.

We need to handle this now.

Chuck; No, no, no, no, Morgan.

We don't need to do anything, except get everyone out of the store.

Morgan; Charles Irving Bartowski, listen to yourself!

These men are trying to blow up a CIA base under our store.

Okay, we are Buy More's...

America's last line of defense.

And we are going to take the fight to them.

Chuck; Morgan, listen to yourself right now.

This is not a video game.

This is real life.

People get hurt.

There is no restart from last checkpoint.

Morgan: I understand that you're scared, okay?

And that not everybody has the stomach to be a hero.

So I'll just go see if Jeff and Lester want to help, and, well...

Chuck; Okay, look, fine, fine, fine.

I will help you on one condition.

We get everyone else out of the store first, and what you've told me remains a secret between the two of us.

Morgan: Yes, yes.

You know what?

No need to put everyone else at risk.

We will handle this, okay?

And this secret is locked down.

Chuck: What's going on?

Lester: We're locking down the store, Charles.

We're refusing to leave until they give us our jobs back.

Chuck:,No, GU... guys, that is a very...

Please, don't... don't do that.

Don't put that there. Don't, do... Stop! Stop!

Stop putting things down.

Look, locking down the store is a very, very, very bad idea.

Big mike:,You two want to turn tail and run, fine.

I'm staying here and fighting for my job.

Chuck; Mike, gentlemen, assorted ladies, taking over the Buy More is not only illegal, but it's very dangerous, trust me.

Jeff: The only thing dangerous is if they try to fire us.

They're going to have to do it over dead bodies.

Big mike: These corporate fat cats think they can take whatever they want.

They can take our dignity, they can take all the hot women, but they will not take our jobs!

And they will never take our store!

Buy More!

Chuck; Sarah, Shaw, Casey, can you hear me?

Sarah: You have to... your frequency.

Chuck:,Can you hear me?

Sarah: Yeah, I can hear you. What's going on?

Chuck; Oh, thank God. Thank God.

Listen, listen, listen.

The Ring is inside Castle, guys.

They came in posing as buyers trying to purchase the store.

Casey: We're on our way back. Sit tight.

Morgan: This is for you. Mace. I know it's not much, but it'll have to do.

Emmett kept a stockpile in case the Russians att*cked Red Dawn style.

This is for you also. Walkie-talkie. Don't drop it. It's expensive.

You ready to do this? Let's do this.

Chuck; No, no, no, no, no, Morgan.

Listen, on second thought, I-I... I don't think we should do this.

Morgan: No, maybe you're right. Let's get out of here.

Right? Maybe get a little burger or something...

Are you kidding me, Chuck? !

Men are trying to blow up a CIA base here, okay?

Time is running out.

Time to step up.

Chuck; No, no.

Morgan, you don't want to do this, okay?

Trust me, you don't understand.

Morgan: You don't understand, Chuck. I've been a loser my whole entire life and I'm done with that, okay? Time for me to be a hero.

But-but what is a hero, really, you know?

Del; You're all alone, Agent Carmichael.

I've locked down the base.

Morgan; Sir, who's Agent Carmichael?

Okay? You're crazy.

This guy is crazy, Chuck. Thinks you're a spy.

Chuck; Yeah, yeah, th... that's ridiculous, thinking I'm a spy.

Morgan: Ridiculous, sir.

Okay, listen to me, we work at the Buy More, all right?

And if you just... if you let us go, I promise we're not going to tell anyone what you're doing here.

Tell him, Chuck.

Chuck;,Yeah, yeah, yeah, n... not a word.

Zipping it. Locking it down.

Morgan; Locked, it's already locked down.

That is a really sharp looking razor.

Del: We've searched the base's main frame.

Shaw's files aren't there.

We know that he's hiding them here.

Tell us where they are, Agent Carmichael.

Trust me... The alternative is extremely unpleasant.

Chuck: You know, I don't think there's any need for t*rture right now, because even if I was a spy, which I'm not...

I'm not saying that I am a spy... but even if I was a spy, my training would have taught me to withstand said t*rture.

So I don't really think it's going to have any kind of effect at this particular juncture, right?

Del: That's why I'm going to t*rture him.

You made the mistake of telling us the bearded fella's your best friend.

For the last time... where are the files, Agent Carmichael?

Morgan: Guys, guys, please, please, please just listen to me.

This is ridiculous, okay?

I have known this man my entire life, all right?

Chuck Bartowski has been my best friend... my brother... since we were six.

Chuck Bartowski is not a spy.


Del: Chuck! Chuck!

Morgan: Chuck, please!

Tell him something! Tell him the truth!

Del; Chuck!

Morgan; I'm really scared here!

Del; Chuck!

Chuck;,Wait, wait, wait, wait, stop, stop!

Del: Chuck!

Chuck; Stop, stop.

Morgan, the... the truth is...

The truth is... I am a member of a joint NSA-CIA black ops team that is stationed here in Burbank.

I have a level six clearance, and my code name is Charles Carmichael.

I'm a spy, buddy.

Shaw: Sarah, anything?

Sarah: We're locked out. They overwrote our security access.

Shaw: I'm locked out here.

Casey's checking the Buy More.

Big mike: Cease fire, cease fire.

Hold your... hold your fire.

Unlock the door.

Casey: What the hell is going on in here?

Big mike; The store's being bought.

They're canning everybody except Bartowski and Grimes.

Jeff; We're staging a revolution to take down the Man.

Casey: I want in.

Lester: How do we know that we can trust you, son?

That you're not some kind of spy for the Man?

Casey: Because the only thing I hate more than hippie Neo-liberal fascists and anarchists... are the hypocrite fat-cat suits they eventually grow up to become.

Lester: Yep, that works for me. Good-good... good point.

Nice to chat.

Big mike: Welcome aboard, my brother.

Morgan: You're a spy?

Chuck; You remember what I just said about freaking out? I think you're doing that right now, and-and... and you shouldn't do that.

Morgan: You're a spy?

Chuck: Stay with me, buddy, okay?

Del: You two can kiss and make up later.

Where are Shaw's files?

Now, Chuck!

We've got visitors.

Colonel Casey and Agent Walker decided to join the party.

Morgan: Casey and Sarah are spies, too?

Del; You have a lot of catching up to do.

Excuse me while I take care of your friends.

We'll save the t*rture for later.

Morgan: No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I can't... I can't believe it.

All this time, you kept this a secret?

From me?

Chuck: I'm so sorry, Morgan.

You have no idea how badly I've wanted to tell you.

All this lying about where I've been.

You know, making plans and breaking them.

And... and all the time, all I've wanted to do is tell you all about it, but... but I had to protect you, too, you know?

Please understand that.

Morgan: Wow...


I don't...

My best friend is a spy? !

This is unbelievable!

This is the best news I've ever heard!

Holy smokes, it makes perfect sense, too.

Why we stopped hanging out and talking.

I thought I lost you, buddy. I thought I lost you.

But you were out saving the world?

Chuck, you are officially rehired as my best friend.

Chuck; Great. That's good news. Thanks.

Morgan: Oh, I have so many questions.

I mean, wh-wh... where do I start?

Uh, how did this happen?

Did they recruit you at the Buy More? Stanford?

Chuck? Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're going to die here, Chuck, so no time for secrets.

Chuck; You know what, you're right, buddy.

You're right. And... and... and quite frankly, you deserve to know.

So here goes... You ready?

Morgan: Yeah. Yeah, man.

Chuck; Okay.

This all started about two and a half years ago when I got an e-mail from Bryce Larkin...

♪ Some folks are born made to wave the flag ♪
♪ Ooh, the red, white and blue ♪
♪ And when the band plays "Hail to the Chief" ♪
♪ Ooh, they point their cannon at you, Lord ♪
♪ It ain't me, it ain't me ♪
♪ I ain't no Senator's son, son ♪
♪ It ain't me, it ain't me ♪
♪ I ain't no fortunate one, no ♪

Del: What the hell is that noise?

Neil; The Buy More employees have staged a revolution.

Del; So that's the sound of liberty?


♪ But when the taxman comes to the door ♪
♪ Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale... ♪

Neil: Good news, bad news.

The good news... We found what we were looking for.

I've uploaded it to headquarters.

The bad news, Colonel Casey's arrived at the Buy More.

Could be a problem.

Del; Not if he's dead. k*ll him.

♪ Whoo ♪
♪ It ain't me, it ain't me ♪
♪ I ain't no fortunate one, no, no, no ♪
♪ It ain't me, it ain't me ♪
♪ I ain't no fortunate son ♪

Jeff; Peace out, man.

Hey, brother Casey, make love not w*r.

You want a hit?

Hey, man, that's not cool.

Fight the power.

Casey; Yeah. Peace out.


Shaw: Castle has a self-destruct program built into it in case of catastrophic events like this.

I'm calling Langley to activate it now.

Sarah:,You can't destroy the Castle. Chuck is down there.

Shaw: So is every piece of intelligence we have.

Not just on the Ring... Everything.

Sarah: Please, just give Chuck five more minutes, okay?

For me.

Shaw: I'm sorry, Sarah, but you can't think of Chuck.

You have to think like a spy.

Sarah: I am thinking like a spy. Chuck is a member of my team, and he has served this country well, and for all that he has done, the least we can do is just give him five more minutes.

Chuck: So, that's it.

That's how it happened.

So, now I got this thing in my brain...

The Intersect, like I told you...

You know, and... and it's not working.

Anything else you want to know before we die?

Morgan; Uh, yeah, yeah.

Just one more.

Um, so if Sarah is your handler, does that make her your beard?

In other words, like, is your whole relationship a fake?

'Cause, oh, buddy, that's... that's just awful.

Chuck: Why? Because we never had sex?

Morgan; No, I just feel like, you know, having to be...

You never had sex with that girl?

That's not... No, no.

It's... it's awful that you had to pretend to be in a relationship with somebody that you clearly love.

Chuck: Sarah and I are over, you know.

Morgan: No, you're not.

You're a good liar, Chuck, but you're not that good.

All right, you lied to me for three years, but I always knew you loved that girl.

I mean, I saw the way you looked at her.

We all did.

It's okay.

You don't have to deny it.

Tell me you don't love Sarah.

Chuck: You know what, you're right, buddy.

I do love Sarah.

I kept telling myself that I didn't.

That I wouldn't, I couldn't, but I do.

Morgan, you have no idea how badly I needed to get all this off my chest.

Thank you.

Del: Get rid of them.

k*ll them. Dump the bodies.

Morgan; Thank me later, buddy.

We're about to die.

Chuck; No, you're not.


Morgan; Chuck, sword!

Chuck; Thanks, buddy.

Mine's bigger than yours.

Morgan; That was incredible.

You were incredible. You were like Bruce Lee, Van Damme, Seagal all rolled up into one.

That's my best friend!

Yeah, he's out. He's out.

Casey; I couldn't get in.

We're locked out.

Shaw;,Time's up.

This is Langley Control.

Morgan; Bag 'em and tag 'em, Sarah.

Excuse me.

Agent Walker.

Shaw; We'll just have to put Grimes in witness protection.

Move him out of Burbank tonight after dark.

Chuck: What? Wait, wait, wait.

No, no, no. Hang... hang on a second.

Morgan is not going anywhere, okay?

Shaw:,Chuck, he knows your secret.

Chuck: Yeah, well, so do a lot of people.

Awesome knows, and we didn't put him underground.

Casey: Yeah, because Awesome's awesome.

Grimes is a moron.

Shaw: It's just too dangerous.

We have no reason to believe that we can trust him.

Chuck: Yes, we do.

We have 22 reasons why we can trust him.

That's the number of years that Morgan has been my best friend.

And, yes, he has his faults... granted... but one thing he is is loyal, and he will never betray me or my secret.

Sarah : He's right.

Chuck; Thank you.

Look, I'm flashing.

I'm a spy again because I have my best friend back.

You need the Intersect, and I need him, so Morgan Grimes is staying exactly where he belongs, which is the Burbank Buy More.

Hey. Hey, buddy.

Morgan: Hey.

Chuck; Sorry about the wait.

Morgan: No, no problem, no prob...

Colonel Casey.

Always walking around so angry.

I should've known you had a big secret.

God help us.

So, yeah, everything's okay.

Morgan: That's great. Yes! I love to hear it.

Okay, so am I, uh, like, officially part of the team or...

Chuck: Let's um...

Let... let's walk before we run, huh, buddy?

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Morgan: Yeah.


Chuck; And maybe crawl before that.

Morgan: Yeah, yeah. You know what, we should celebrate.

Okay, little old-school game night...

Duck Hunt, Subway meatball marinaras with extra jalapeños.

That's how you like it.

And, uh, just the two of us.

Yeah, just the two of us.

Buy More.

Craig rogers: Yes, hello.

This is Craig Rogers from Buy More corporate.

I heard what happened down there today.

Interesting display you put on there.

Big mike: You... you calling to fire us or arrest us?

Shaw: Neither.

I'm calling to hire you.

Big mike: Huh?

Shaw; Yesterday, I was planning on selling this store.

But I spoke to the potential buyers, and from what I've heard, your store showed the most incredible display of store loyalty I've ever seen.

The store is no longer for sale.

Big mike: Victory!

Chuck: No, I'm not kidding you.

When was the last time you beat me at Duck Hunt?

Morgan: I am the old-school master.


Chuck; What are you... ? I want you to tell me... When was the last time that you beat me at Duck Hunt? That's... that's incredible.

Morgan: Uh, hey, keep these, uh, meatball subs warm for me, would you, buddy?

Chuck: I'll be right in.

Um, I talked to Shaw, and I heard what happened.

Devon: The Ring used me as a decoy. You said I was safe, bro.

Chuck: And you are.

You... you will be, okay?

We are doing everything that we can to make sure that you and Ellie are protected and safe.


Devon; Okay.

Ellie: Are you okay? You've been a nervous wreck ever since this morning.

Devon: Babe, we need to get away.

Ellie: We just got away.

Devon: I'm talking about really getting away.

You know, just you and me.

Ellie: Okay. Where do you want to go?


Devon: Further.

Ellie: Hawaii?

Devon: No, no. Further.

I'm talking about...


Ellie: Africa?

Devon: We can join Doctors Without Borders.

Ellie: Doctors Without Borders?

Honey, you didn't want to go to France.

Devon; This is different, hon.

I am talking about you and me traveling the world. What do you say?

Ellie: I don't know what to say.

Devon: Say yes.

Ellie: This is crazy. We can't just up and leave.

What about Chuck? I'm the only family that he has.

Devon: But this isn't about Chuck.

No, this is about you and me.

Our family.

Come on, babe.

Sarah: So, now that the Ring knows about the Castle, does that mean we have to shut down the operation?

Shaw; The Ring shut down all communications.

They never had a chance to let their superiors know about their discovery.

That'll buy us the time we need to put together a full offensive, take them down once and for all.

Sarah; So then, what's wrong?

Shaw; The Ring had me dead to rights today in Malibu.

So why didn't they k*ll me?

Morgan: So, Sarah and Casey... They're really spies, huh?

Chuck; Yeah, yeah. They're great.

I trust them with my life.

Morgan; Are you kidding me?

That is ridiculous, dude.

Look at that sh**ting.


You did your flash thingy on it.

You flashed on Duck Hunt.

Casey: Hello?

Keller: Hello, Colonel Casey.

It's been a while.