32x04 - Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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32x04 - Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor", kaoh rong has

Provided some of the toughest

Conditions ever.

The heat might be one of the

Tors of this game. More than can


I'm physically very weak

Right now.

Jeff: at the beauty tribe,

The women found safety in each


We're pretty tight.

Jeff: but tai found an idol

And a friendship with caleb.

I was totally going in for

The kiss.

Jeff: at the brawn tribe,

Alecia stumbled on a clue to the

Hidden immunity idol.

If I find that idol, this is

My game.

Jeff: but her luck ran out

When jason got his hands on the

Idol first.

I'm on the top, and now I'm

Back on the bottom.

Jeff: at the last immunity

Challenge, brawn finally won.

Brawn tribe does it, sending the

Brains tribe to tribal council!

At camp, peter and liz were

Certain they had control of the

Brain tribe.

I'm so confident this will

Work the way we want it to.

How about that?

Jeff: but debbie was tired

Of taking orders an spearheaded

A revolt against liz and peter.

It's going to be ugly when we

Get home, kids.

[Maniacal laughter]

Jeff: at tribal council,

Debbie's plan worked, sending

Liz home.

Liz, the tribe has spoken.

Leaving peter all alone on the


15 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Well, that was something.

Tonight at tribal council, it

Went down exactly as I expected.

I gathered my intelligence.

I made observations, then made

Objectives, knew how to carry

Them out.

I guess you would have to call

Me the mastermind.

It came down to you and her, I

Couldn't let it be you.

She tells me the dial back

And just chill out.

Peter's position in the tribe

Has knocked his ego down ten


He's a total narcissist, but he

Knows he's still on the


I'm not disappointed, that's

The thing.

I'm just shocked.

We wanted you here.

Thanks for coming over.

Tribal council tonight was a

Complete surprise.

I'm still... I have knots in my


We're now the peabrains, not the

Brain tribe.

We don't have a strong tribe


I'm dejected, but I'm happy I'm

Still here.

Once we get to the swap, I'm

Going the take them out one by


I need a beer.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

This is going to be fun.

Jeff: beauty tribe, brawn

Tribe getting your first look at

The new brain tribe.

Liz voted out at the last tribal



I did not expect that.

Jeff: all right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Reward challenge?


Jeff: all right.

For today's challenge, you'll

Race through a series of

Obstacles and a wall which you

Must dig under and get yourself


You'll then make you're way to a

Sandy ditch.

You have to dig up three bags of


Once you have all the ball, you

Will roll those balls,

Attempting to land them in a

Series of targets.

First two tribes to finish win


Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: first tribe the

Finish, a "survivor" kitchen



Jeff: plus spices, coffee.

This will change the way

Everything tastes back at camp.

Second tribe to finish, not as

Extensive, but even salt and

Pepper will make coconuts taste


Last tribe to finish, nothing.

All right.

Beauty tribe, you have two extra


Sitting two people out.

Keep in mind, you cannot sit out

The same people in back-to-back


Whoever sits out this will run

In the immunity challenge.

Julia and anna will sit this one


Brain tribe, you have one extra

Member, who you going to sit


Neal will sit this one out.

Take a spot on the bench.

Everyone else take a second to

Strategize and we'll get it on.

All right.

Here we go.

For reward, survivors ready?


Under that first obstacle.

Very hot sand.

You forget how quickly the sand

Heats up.

Over next two it's beauty and

Brawn out strong quickly, then


Let's go, brain!

Jeff: let's go.

Start digging.

You got this, you got this,

You got this.

Jeff: brain can't go until

Everybody is over.

Joe picking it up.

There you go, brain.


Come on, brains.

Jeff: you got to dig

Yourself under that log.

Wow, cydney through quickly for

The brawn tribe.

That's fastest anybody's ever

Gotten under a log.

Here comes debbie for the brain

Tribe, like a turtle birthing an


Here comes tai for the beauty


Once you're through you can

Start digging on the other side.

Here comes aubry for the brain


Come on, guys.

You got it, you got it!

Jeff: the biggest guy out

Here is through.

Scot is through.

Jason is through.

Brawn out to the early lead.


You're now digging up bags.

Brain is now through.

Start digging up bags.

It is now beauty in last place.

Now nick is a big body to get

Through that hole.

Beauty is through.

Go, start digging.

Keep going, brains, keep


Jeff: you're looking for

Three bags of balls.

You don't know where they are.

Once you have them, you can move


Scot has the first bag for the

Brawn tribe.

I got one bag.

Jeff: beauty has their

First bag.

It is brawn with one bag, beauty

With one bag.

Scot with a second bag for the

Brawn tribe.

Brain tribe has their first bag.

It is now brawn with two, brain

And beauty with one.

I'm dying here.


Jeff: it's hot just

Standing here watching you guys.

Certainly not easy nine days

Into the toughest game you will

Ever play.

Oh, my god.



Jeff: who knew it could be

This difficult to find three

Little bags in a pile of sand.

Absolute exhaustion.

Brawn has had two bags for a

Long time.

Can't find that third.

Brains with one.

Beauty with one.

Debbie has the second bag for

The brain tribe.

Got it, got it, got it.

Jeff: brain has their third


Out of nowhere they can move on.

Empty those balls.

Huge lead for the brain tribe.

Both tribes digging in the sand

Are exhausted.

Nice, aubry.

Jeff: aubry now firing

Balls for the brain tribe.

You're looking the land all six

Balls in target.


Jeff: aubry with the first

One for the brain tribe.

Aubry with a second for the

Brain tribe.



Jeff: brain tribe with

Massive lead.

Come on, peter.

Jeff: peter now taking over

For the brain tribe.

He lands one.

That's three for the brain


You can see the exhaustion.

Hang in there, kiddo.

You got it, peter.

You got it.

Yeah, peter.

Yeah, baby, yeah!

Jeff: peter with his


Jeff: brain has fur of

Their six balls.

Here comes debbie.

It is a blowout at this point.

Debbie with fifth for the brain


One ball left for the brain


Peter now taking over for the

Brain tribe.

One more.

Can he do it?

Let's go, peter.

Bring it home.

Jeff: peter with the sixth

And final for the brain tribe.

The other two tribes are not

Even close.

Brain tribe with massive reward.

Now we're down to second.

Brawn and beauty, we have been

Out here a long time doing this


I'm still digging.

Yeah, baby.

Jeff: caleb found the

Second bag for beauty.

Got it, got it, got it, got


Jeff: and just like that

Nick has the third bag.

Beauty with all three bags.

They can star rolling.

You okay?

I'm on fire from the inside


Jeff: here comes caleb.

Beauty with their first ball.


Do you want me to call medic?

I'm going to call.

No, don't do it.

You're going to go too far

And then you'll have heat


Jeff: beauty with their

Second ball.


I think she's getting heat


She only weighs 98 pounds.

Jeff: how you feeling, deb?

I have heat stroke.

Jeff: all right.

Medical, medical, come in.

Let's go!

Oh, my god.

Jeff: just stay.

Just hold tight.

Oh, god.

How you doing?

I'm overheating.

Just take it easy.

Jeff: we have three

Different stories happening at


Brawn still digging while the

Beauty tribe is trying to finish

Its second while medical is

Attending to debbie.

Joe, give me an update.

What's going on.

She's quite hot at the


She's suffering from the heat.

We need to work on cooling her


Jeff: so you're literally

Pouring cold water on her to

Cool her down.

We just need the make sure we

Can cool her down.

So much better.

Jeff: you feeling all

Right, debbie?

Yes, sir.

When I go through ranger

Training, we're taught first


Because of my training, I

Actually knew I was heat stroke.

Heat stroke is like being

Roasted alive.

You feel dizzy, exhausted, and

You feel hot, and after the

First few seconds of shade and

Water, I immediately felt


I nigh -- knew I wasn't getting

Pulled from the game.

Jeff: debbie, you're

Feeling better?

Yes, sir.

Jeff: let's see what

Happens with the other two


Keep her covers, joe.

It's now beauty and brawn for

Second place.

Beauty has scored five balls

Since the medical situation.

They have one left.

Brawn still looking for their

Third bag.

The only thing the brawn tribe

Hasn't done is just give up.

Hey guys, teamwork, teamwork.

We got this.

It's about being a team.

I got two bags.

How many you got?

I think we dug this part.

Just shut up and dig.


I'm not trying to be a jerk.

I just want the find these.

Jeff: beauty is all around

That sixth target.

They can't close the deal.

Caleb now going to give it a go.

You got it, got it, got it.

Jeff: out of nowhere, jason

With the third bag for the brawn


Let's go, brawn.

You are back in this.

Caleb now feeling the pressure.

Beauty has five of their six.

They only need one more.

Can he do it?

Misses again.

This is a carnival game in which

You can get lucky in a hurry.

Jason going to go up for the

Brawn tribe.

You can roll as many balls as

Once as you want.

Jason rolling as fast as he.

Can jason with his first.

Caleb for the one right here.


Scot coming in.

We're still in this.

You got this, scot.

Let's go, scot.

Scot nails the second one for

The brawn tribe.

Scot with third ball for the

Brawn tribe.

It is now 5-3.

Brawn is catching up.

Caleb, is that it?


Beauty pulls it out,

Second-place finish, reward for


Reward for brains.

Nothing for brawn.

But an empty, lonely afternoon

Back at camp.

Oh, my god, guys.


Jeff: all right, joe, give

Me the update now.

How's she doing?

She's doing better now.

She had a high temperature to

Start with.

I'm still smiling.

I'm cool.

Her heart rate was quite

High, as well.

Her temperature is back down to


Caleb, water?

It's hot out here.

Working as hard as these guys

Are at this temperature, it's

Difficult for your body to


Do you dmeed medical?

He needs medical.

Medical, take a look at

Caleb, too.

Heads up, guys.

Move out, move out, move out.

Tai, move out of the way,


We got some water coming.

Hang in there, right?

Let's go.

We need water, water, water!

You're all right, caleb.

You're right here.

Medical is us with.

Let's go.

Put some on him.

We're right here with you,


You're in really good hands.

Deep breaths, okay.

Jeff: let's get a reflector

And somebody to this a little


Tell me what's going on, joe.

Caleb is going into heat

Stroke with the temperature.

Take it easy.

Nice, steady breathing.

Stay with us, big guy.

Cydney, how you feeling?

You're going to be fine.

We've got a whole medical

Team here.

You're going to be fine.


Jeff: all right, everybody

On the crew is essential


Umbrellas, coolers, water, find

A spot to help.

Thank you, sir.

Caleb, I'm going to put a

Mask on to help you breathe.

Keep going with the water on his

Chest, please.

Keep cooling him down.

Take it easy, man.

Jeff: caleb, you're still

Here, buddy, right?

You're in good hand, buddy.



Caleb, can you hear me?

Caleb, can you hear me?

Caleb, you still with us?

Caleb, you still with us?

Jeff: caleb?

Oh, my god.

How you doing?

Stay with us.

All right.

Jeff: hey, caleb.



Caleb, can you hear me?

Caleb, can you hear me?

Oh, my god.

Jeff: we're right here with


All right.

Stay with us.

I see you nodding.

Deep breath, caleb.

All right.

You can still hear me?

Somebody fetch me two bags of


Can you hold his legs still,



[All speaking at once]

Just bring it all over.

Jeff: so, joe, you're

Giving him flu winds to

Rehydrate and what?

We're going to give him some

Cold train venous fluids to

Bring his temperature down and

Help hydrate him.

Jeff: and you're monitoring

His temperature?

We are, yeah.

Careful, mate.

Hold my hand.


Thank you.

Blood pressure is 146/94.

Jeff: can you hear me?

You doing all right?

Jason is taking really good care

Of you right now.

Medical is right next door

Dealing with caleb.


All right.

We're going to have an


Call for the chopper.

Asap on the chopper.

We need the big stretchers.

I got this stretcher right


Cydney's down, as well.

Get your breathing under


Stay calm.


Jeff: all right, joe,

What's the update on cydney?

How you doing, cydney in

I'm okay.

Jeff: temperature is down.

Temperature is back to normal.

I think we need to keep her

For a little while longer.

Jeff: cydney, you're okay.

You're not in any danger of

Being pulled from the game.

But we are right next door.


Caleb, you know there are only

Two ways you leave this game,

Other than being voted out,

That's quitting and that is the

Doctors saying they are too

Worried about you to let you


You don't want to be pulled.

Buddy, you don't have a choice.

It's the doctor's call.

You pushed very hard, and it

Took a toll.

This is as far as you're going

To go.

We've got to take care of you.

You're a warrior, dude.

I'm glad you were out here.


Jeff: okay, guys.

All right.

So obviously a crazy day.

Are you guys doing okay?

It's just overwhelming.

Jeff: okay.

Well, here's the good news.

Cydney's fine.

Debbie is fine.

We are going to evacuate caleb.

Are you pulling him out of

The game right now?

You're putting him out.

Jeff: caleb is out?

Out, out?

Jeff: caleb is out of the


Are you kidding me?

He's out.

Jeff: that bird is coming

In for caleb.

I wish it didn't have to be this


Give him one second here, one


Bye, caleb.

Take care, caleb.

We love you.

We love you.


He'll be fine.

He'll be fine.

I hope caleb's okay.

I do, too.

Jeff: all right.

Let me give everybody an update.

This is clearly unprecedented,

Three people going down in one

Challenge simply due to the

Extreme heat, combination of

Dehydration and huge effort.

There's nobody here phoning it


Every one of you guys was

Digging, digging, digging and


So where are we right now, tai?

You were very emotional.

I don't know.

We're losing one of our own.

We worked so hard and caleb

Gives 100%.

He sacrificed himself so we can

Do this challenge.

Last night I cuddled with him.

I'm going to miss him so much.

Jeff: jason, is it possible

For you in this game to have

Just taken cydney, can you still

Vote her out of this game.

I come from the military.

Someone gets hurts, it's not

About the mission anymore, it's

About that person.

That's you teammate.

Here we live with each other.

We don't all like each other,

But end of the day, we're


This is what we got.

This is what we were dealt.

You deal with it.

So I'm going to stay with her

Until the bitter end.

Jeff: all right.

Brain tribe, your reward will be

Waiting for you back at camp.

Beauty tribe, your reward will

Be waiting for you back at camp.

Beauty tribe is down a member.

Nine days in, game continues.

Head back to camp, get some


Drink some water.

Good luck.

Without caleb, it's so sad.

He's going to be in my heart for

A long time.

I'm sure I'll see him again, I

Still want the have that kiss

From him.

Before caleb was gone, three

Boys against three girls.

But now it's only nick and i.

Now the girls have their choice

Who to kick out.

So the idol is more important

Now, because if we go to tribal,

There's a 50/50 chance I'm going

Home, but I'm not going to go

Home with an idol in my pocket.

Holy crap, what a day.

That was crazy.

All I know is joe is looking at

Me, and I'm feeling like so

Unbelievably hot, and he says,

"Should I get medical, should I

Get medical," and I'm like no,

No, because it was embarrassing.

I was going the tough it out,

And he finally goes, "I'm

Getting medical," and thank god

He did.

My biggest fear was not only

Would I appear weak to my tribe,

But I would appear weak to my

Daughters back home.

I like to think of myself as a

Role model to my daughters.

My daughters often tell me that

They are... My daughters often

Tell me how proud they are of

Me, and I've done a lot of

Stupid stuff in my life.

Crystal always tells me, you're

The best mom, and jade says,

You're wonder woman.

And they were really proud of me

To come here, and i... I just

Don't want to disappoint them.

Beyond this game, we're friends

For life.

I mean that, you guys really

Took care of me.

I might not be as big as you

And as strong as you, but you

Should know from the nark when

We're all not giving up and I'm

Trying to encourage you, to look

Me straight in the face and say,

Why don't you just keep being a

Cheerleader, that's all you're

Good at.

That's not working as team.

What would one of your players

Say in a basketball game.

First of all, in nan game,

There's working in the best in

The world.

There's no comparison.

I wasn't trying to start

Drama with scot, but I just

Wanted to confront him about the


I was trying my best.

I never gave up.

In the reward challenge, I kept

Saying, come on guys, we can do


And scot goes, let her keep

Being a cheerleader.

That's all she's good at.

On the one hand I was

Thinking, shut up.

On the other hand, she is

Helping, she is staying

Positive, so I mend it when I

Said, keep cheerleading.

I was trying my best.

I just don't have as big of

Hands as you.

I know this.

I'm not intimidated by him

Because he's bigger than me or

Stronger than me.

I'm going to let him know how I


I want our tribe to work more as

Team and to not put each other


With me, you know, they just

Keep doing it.

So you think it's okay to break

Me down in a challenge when I'm

Part of the team.

I'm not trying to break you


I'm trying to tell you to shut

Up and dig.

That's not what you said.

You said shut up and dig because

That's all you're good at.

You've never been on team in

Your entire life -- what team

Have you been on?

I played soccer.

Whether it's an nba game or a

Little kids' football game, the

Moral of the story is to act

Like a team to, have teamwork.

So why don't you get on board

With this team?

Coming back to camp after my

Little thing, it was like,

Recoup, that's my main thing.

Next thing I know, people start


I'm like, y'all messing my


There might be a split

Tomorrow, and I really hope

There is.

You're lucky you're even here

Still because the next tribal,


The brawn team is... We just

Do everything intensely.

And I do not think alecia is

Aware of pretty much anything.

I'm just like, girl, come on,

Just listen and pay attention.

I mean, you said today by me

Being encouraging during the

Challenge that that was wrong.

It was the wrong time.

That's not true.

We already know what we're


And there again...


You can't even sit there for

One second and go, maybe these

Three are right.

There's always an execution,

It's always something.

It's always I guess not.

Take a little responsibility in

Your life.

I definitely do not think alecia

Gets the big picture of what's

Going on around her in this

World, but I went a little


I get angry.

You know, I raised two daughters

That are the absolute world to


I want them to be strong, very

Educated, independent females

That are able to take care of

Themselves without their dad


And it upsets me to see a girl

Like alecia who you can't even

Hold a conversation with her.

You're one of those people

That just likes to argue.

Alecia is so far on the

Bottom now, we're just waiting.

That tribal council is signed,

Sealed and delivered.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

How is everybody doing?

Are you guys taking care of

Yourselves given what we just

Went through?




Jeff: did it up the

Seriousness of the game and how

Important it is to stay



It's all about taking care of


We still have a long way to go.

Jeff: all right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?



Jeff: first things first,

Got to take them back.

Cydney, I know you hate to give

It up.

And I know you don't want to

Give it up.

Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, two tribe

Members will race into the

Jungle, climb up a wooden ladder

And retrieve puzzle pieces.

Then you'll bring them back.

Then two more tribe members will

Dive down into the ocean and

Retrieve more puzzle pieces.

Once you've collected all the

Puzzle pieces, you will use them

To complete a snake puzzle.

The first two tribes to finish

Win immunity, safe from the


Losers go to tribal council

Where somebody will be voted


Beauty tribe, you have one extra


You're going to sit somebody


Cannot sit out the same people

In back-to-back challenges.

Julia and anna must participate.

Who is it going to be?

I am.

Jeff: tai will sit out.

Brain tribe, one extra person.


Jeff: everybody else, take

A minute to strategize.

We'll get started.

All right.

Here we go, for immunity.

Survivors ready?


First you got to race into the

Jungle and get your first three


Brawn is up first.

There goes beauty and now


Three pieces.

Get them untied, get them down

And head back.

Everybody pretty even.

Debbie working on that third for

The brain.

Cydney working on that third for


Get the one under.

Jeff: julia has the third

For beauty.

Everybody has them.

Now you got the pick them up and

Head down.

Deb, you two.

I got one.

You have two.

Jeff: brain tribe forgot

One of their pieces, got to go

Back, losing valuable time.

Brawn back first.

Scot and jason heading into the


Beauty is back.

Michele and nick going.

Scot and jason get to the water


Beauty is right behind them.

Brain had some trouble figuring

Out who had what.

Come on, keep moving.

Jeff: brain now heading


You got three more puzzle pieces

Down there.

Untie the knot to release them.

Here comes neal and aubry.

There's nick and michele for


You're out of breath and you

Have to hold your beth under

Water while untying knots.

Here comes the brain tribe.

Aubry heading down.

Jason and scot heading back.

Nick and michele heading back.

Still a long way to catch up for

The brain tribe.

Come on, beauty!

Jeff: it's a race to the


Nick is screaming up this hill.

Jason and scot taking a little


Neal and aubry have their three


They're heading back.

Come on, michele.

Jeff: go, beauty tribe.

Anna and julia going to work on

The puzzle.

Go, brawn tribe!

It's going to be cydney and

Alecia for the brawn tribe.

Neal and aubry still in the


Julia and anna making progress

If they're right.

It's the little one.

The little one goes like that.

Jeff: it only goes together

One way, but it will fool you

With pieces that fit, but

They're in the wrong spot.

That's not going to work


Come on, baby.

Let's go, girlfriend.

You got it.

Jeff: aubry back.

It is neal and debbie for the

Brain tribe.

They meet at the junction.

Jeff: this really comes

Down to your ability to work

Together and try a lot of

Options while still seeing the

Bigger picture.

This way.

No, no.

Jeff: peter's going to get

In this challenge.

Peter, come.

Jeff: deb and peter going

To swap out.

The brawn tribe trying to figure

Out what is wrong.

Beauty having a lot of trouble.

Brain tribe has made up a lot of


Your neurons are firing on

All cylinders.

Let's go, boys.

We got it, deb.

Boo yeah!

Jeff: brains think they

Have it.

And they do!

Peter came in and it was over.

Looking for second place now.

Swap out.

Anna, swap out.

Jeff: beauty tribe making a


Can nick do for beauty what

Peter did for brain?

Nick getting some momentum.

He's got some ideas.

Beauty has made a lot of


And it continues to be a


The brawn tribe.

Beauty making another


Is this it?

Looks like it might be.

And it is.

Beauty wins and avoids tribal

Council for fourth straight

Time, sending brawn back to

Tribal council where somebody

Will be voted out of this game.

Dejection all around.

What's the feeling, alecia in

Not very good.

I mean, I tried.

We tried.

We tried, yeah.

Jeff: scot, does that

Exchange sum it up?

Alecia says I tried...

I think alecia feels she has

To say something about herself

To give herself validation.

I tried.

I don't think that's true at


Jeff: wow.

Tribal is going to be fun


Jeff asked alecia a question,

And alecia responded back with

Her famous words, "I did my


It's all about her, her, her,


Jeff: brain tribe,


Thanks, jeff.

Jeff: immunity again.

Nobody going home.

Beauty tribe, still avoiding

Coming to see me at tribal


Beauty tribe safe from the vote.

All right, brain tribe, grab

Your stuff.

Head back to camp.

Beauty tribe, grab your stuff,

Head back to camp.

Which brings us back the a

Familiar story.

The brawn tribe.

So, brawn tribe, just the body

Listening waj alone says


This is not a happy tribe.

Not right now.

Jeff: alecia, do you feel

Like you get picked on allotted

In this tribe.

I do.

When I replied saying, "I

Tried," meaning to say I tried

And she didn't.

I do take blame for not getting

The puzzle tonight.

Jeff: what are the odds you

Survive tonight's vote you're

Already holding up a zero.

Alecia is going home?

If I have anything to do with

It, we're not going to make that


We can vote now.

I'll do tribal right this


Jeff: alecia has to agree

To that.

I'm not doing tribal right


That would be giving up.

Absolutely not.

Jeff: all right, guys.

Grab your stuff.

Ly see you tonight at tribal.

Whether it's a long one or very

Short one.

Jeff: has anything changed?

Scot, you feel the same way?

I feel the same way.

Jeff: cydney?


Jeff: alecia, you have

Three people saying the same

Thing, and you're in an

Interesting situation.

You're not on the brawn tribe

Because you're huge physically.

Come on, jeff.

Jeff: you're on the brawn

Tribe because you don't take any

Lip from anybody at any time for

Any reason.

Would you agree?

I agree.

I'm opinionated.

But the other part of it all, I

Haven't felt a good connection

With scot and jason, and so a

Lot of the times when they talk

To me, I choose not to listen.

I don't really have that much

Respect for them.

Jeff: so scot, alecia is

Saying you have to earn her

Respect before she will listen

To you, and you haven't earned

Her respect.

If I haven't, no one can.

She finds one thing that she's

Ever done right and she argues

That point until someone loses

Their temper and I saw her do it

And jason lost his temper, so

That shows me that she needs

Attention to the point that it

Doesn't matter if it's positive

Or negative.

I feel sorry for her.

Jeff: alecia, I think

You're going to be voted out


I don't think there's any chance

They're voting anybody else


I don't know if I've ever seen a

Tribal that was this clear-cut.

And yet I still root for you.

I mean, I definitely want to

Be here longer.

I think that I have what it

Takes to get to the end.

If I did leave tonight, I could

Be all negative about it, or I

Could take what I learn, and

That's how grateful I am for the

Things I have.

And sometimes experiences can be

Worth more than money.

Jeff: all right.

Anything else I've missed before

We vote?

All right.

It is time to vote.

Cydney, you're up.

I really hope you watch this

Over and over and understand

That we are trying to help you.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol, now would be the time to

Do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote alecia.



That's two votes alecia.

One vote scot.

One vote left.

Fourth person voted out, alecia.

You need to bring me your torch.

Alecia, the tribe has spoken.

Good luck, cydney.


Jeff: well, if there's been

One thing consistent on this

Tribe, it's the three of you.

Is that bond enough to get three

Of you to the end?

Grab your torch, head back to


Good night.

I've never been around

Elements like this, and coming

To where I have no shelter and

In food, you know, it's really

Changed me as a person.

At the end of the day, I'm proud

Of myself.

I don't think I gave up.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor," this season the

Lines of power have been drawn.

I'm the mastermind behind the


I think we're in a really

Good position.

We kind of hold all the


Jeff: but they're about to

Be erased.

Everybody drop your buffs.

We're switching things up.

My "survivor" experience was

Like nothing I've ever done


For those people who do see that

Easy or just say try it, this is

The real deal.

I didn't expect it to be as

Tough as it really is.

It was fun.

It pushed my body to the limits.

The doctors were great.

It's one of them experiences

That I wound honestly do
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