32x02 - Kindergarden Camp

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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32x02 - Kindergarden Camp

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor"... You have two

Minutes to salvage whatever you

Can off this boat.

18 New castaways divided into

Three tribes.

The brains tribe has a ton of


I worked for the government

Doing data analysis.

Jeff: no one's resume was

Longer than debbie's.

I'm a captain, civil air


I have extensive training.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Jeff: but it didn't impress

Her tribe.

She annoys everybody to


Jeff: the beauty tribe, the

Women thought they could use ty.

Ty's perfect to take along

With us.

By tai got caught looking for

A hidden immunity idol, making

Himself the odd man out.

I don't fit in, so I feel

Like I'm in trouble.

Anchor: the brawn tribe was

Flecking their muscle, but

Alecia couldn't keep up.

She doesn't do anything.

Hard sun.

My shoulders are fried.

It's so hot out here, it

Scrambles your brain.

Jeff: but aubry wasn't the

Only one losing her mind.

I have a bug in my ear.

It hurts so bad.

I see it.


Jeff: at first immunity

Challenge, darnell and alecia

Were a mess, exposing brawn's


The brawn tribe goes to tribal


At tribal council, alecia fought

To stay in the game.

I'll work my butt off in

Challenges, and I will step up.

Jeff: her tribe gave her

Another chance, sending darnell


Darnell, the tribe has spoken.

There was a theme to tonight's


If you're going to talk the

Talk, you better be able to walk

The walk.

17 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Let's never do that again.

I just want to say, I'm

Really going to step it up.

I'm glad you're still here,


Alecia, now do you trust us?


Now we can trust you?


All right.

I was a little nervous there

For a minute.

I thought they were going to try

And vote me out tonight.

Fortunately darnell ended up

Going home.

But what threw me off, is if you

Guys want me here, why are you

Talking so much crap to me in


I almost wonder, I could be

Wrong, but I saw jenny and jason

Whispering during tribal.

At one point I thought I heard

Someone say, "I changed my


Maybe they were going to vote me


I'm just really confused at

This point.

I am going to chop my finger


I have another idea.

The truth is blonde was this

Close to going home tonight, so

She should be thanking her lucky

Stars she has to spend three

More days here or however long,

Because I'll be honest, she's

Driving me nuts.

To be honest, we started to

Reconsider our vote.

Scot and I are like, are we

Doing the right thing?

We almost got it, guys.

We had an.

Ber and it went out, but we

Almost got it.


Me and my words.

She's just so dumb.

I mean, end of the day, she's



Oh, my gosh.

It is.


I have no idea what my

Standing is with the tribe.

So I want desperately to go out

And look for that adoll, but I

Got caught the first day, and I

Don't want to put a target on my


I say I went to get water.

I'm going to go.

I'll go really fast.

I want to go back to where I was

Looking the first time because I

Think that's nose obvious place.

What did I miss?

Did I pick out this one?

Yeah, I did pick out this one.

It's got to be somewhere here.

Red ants, red ant, red ants.

Oh, no freaking way.

No freaking way.

Oh, my god.

I knew it!

The idol is buried at the foot

Of this tree.

In way.

It's the idol.

What is this?

Congratulation, you have found

The immunity idol.

First you will need a key to

Open this box.

Follow the map to the tree on

The map.

The key is just outside of your


First you have to get high


Damn, that's a trick they're

Giving me.

I thought I got the idol.

I look up and it's a clue.

Oh, no.

Oh, my god, that's a lot of


I said, I don't have time for


It's getting late.

I don't know how much time I

Spent already.

Hopefully they're still at the


What is a black palm?

Does it look differently?

I see it over here.

It's high.

It's way on top of the palm


So I'm going to have to bite the

b*llet and just go for it.



Don't go down whatever you do.

Oh, my god.

This is so high up.

Can I doait?

Oh, definitely testing me.

Oh, almost there.

I can do it.

Oh, no.

I'm not doing so well.

The palm tree is like sand paper

Sanding both my thighs.

My whole chest is burning.

The bottom of my foot is


I'm thinking, I cannot get the


I have to get back because I've

Been gone too long now.

I have to get back another day.

All right.

I'm so excited that we won


Want to do the honors?


I was a bit of a pyromaniac as a


There you go.




Okay, next time a little less


It feels so amazing that the

Brains tribe won the very first

Challenge of this game.

We've been feeling really

Cohesive and tight, and this

Victory really has solidified us

Even better.

I'm thinking we should put on

Another pot of water.


Elisabeth is a smart girl,

However, the chances of there

Being organic chemicals here

That we have to boil to fitter

The water are virtually slim to


I don't want to touch her boiled


I've been drinking this from the


It's in my realm of experience

To be able to judge water just

By looking at it.

Keep in mind I have 20 years

Experience analyzing water.

I understand it's not crucial

Because you're still alive and

You're not drinking any treated


None, none.

It doesn't prove you haven't

Picked up any pair sites.

Just because I have an immune

System like a horse doesn't mean

You do.

I don't.

I do.

I grew up around pigs, horse,

Cattle, everything.

Debbie marches to the beat of

Her own drum.

When I first saw her, does she

Have 30 cats or 40 cats?

And the question, the answer is

Probably 40 cats at her house

Right now.

I always tell people, when I

Personal train them, I say,

Look, just because I can run ten

Miles doesn't mean you can or

You should.

A lot of people that need to

Lose a lot of weight should just

Walk, don't you agree?

Oh, yeah, stay active.

Jogging and also women with

Boobs should not be running.

Number one personal trainer.

Number two, chemist.

What else?

She raises turtles.

I don't think that's a job,


That's a hobby.

I think debbie wants to prove

How strong and competent and

Capable she is.


But she doesn't realize that

All talk, if it's not backed up

With anything, isn't going to

Get her anywhere.

So I think it's just you've

Got good hand-eye coordination

Or you don't.


You apparently have amazing

Hand-eye coordination.

I think I have fairly good.

Debbie is not exhibiting much

Game play whatsoever, so she's

The person you want on your


That's what you want, a brain to

Have no game.

I'm keeping debbie around as

Long as I can.

This is breakfast sugar.

It's going to be like eating

Cinnamon toast crunch.

You really have the appetite

Of a child.


You like that?

Very child-like.

Look at the man holding that.

I'm paying them a compliment.

Trust me, it is.

I know you're sweet, next to


If I want to get the idol, I

Have a huge amount of work, but

I don't know how to go about

Doing it.

So I think I'm going to lay low

Because I think maybe my charm,

My personality will help me

Connect with the people in my


I missed you last night.

My boyfriend likes that.

He's like, how old are you?

Where I'm from you don't see


He's not the average country


First night I was here, tai,

Hey, man, I'm cold, can I cuddle

You to warm up.

Yeah, man, you can hold me the

Warm up.

There is no such thing in

h*m* in this guy right


I like hanging out with him

Because he's one of a kind for


It's a hornet.

It's beautiful.

He's just looking for food.

Well, he's going to look for

Food on my foot.

No reason to k*ll anything.

It's a fricken bee, dubai.

Caleb and tai are the most

Different people I've met in my


Caleb is a country boy, a


You'd get mad at me if I k*ll

A bee?


Tai is a gardener who is so

Concerned about animals and the


It was here before you moved.

You moved.

It's my house

He needs to go somewhere.

They are two totally

Different personalities that you

Wouldn't think connect, but

Somehow they get each other.

Caleb, I dare you.

Oh, you dared me.

Oh, boy.

You have to use your mouth.

What do you think?

There's the ball.

No, not for you?

It's protein, my friend.

Protein my foot.

The bromance is real out


They bicker like a marry couple

And then they kiss and make up.

Take the whole thing.

Get some.

You tried to kiss me.

No, I did not.

I tried to bite.

I don't know why I did that.

I don't know why I did that.

I was totally going for the

Kiss, just to shock him and

Tease him.

I know he can take it.

I think he likes it a little


I hope I don't get you in


Next time just ask.



We need to keep this stuff

Covered so it will dry out.

Let me see how much fuel is


Where the hell did it go?

The rubber seal?

The seal's gone.

It's been leaking.

We really need that.

The kerosene is frustrating

Because we started with this

Little very valuable jar.

Joe put one-third of it on the

Fire and then let it tip on its

Side, and we lost most of it.

What's going to happen if we

Don't have our fire is we're

Going to drink from the well and

People could get sick.

I keep throwing things down

For these guys to trip over.

It's what I loved about you.

I said, give me the disciplined


There is practicality in

Being here.

I would say the two most

Practical people are debbie and


This is what we have left.

I have a lot of survival skills

Having a military background,

And the rest of the people, I

Think they have book knowledge,

But it's not the same thing.

These are wet.

These guys are shot.

You got to be kidding me?

I was pretty upset about the

Fire because I was dying for

Some freshly boiled water, and

Joe wasted a lot of kerosene and

Destroyed most of the rest.

Maybe if we drop a smoking

Ember into some kindle.

I'm taking care of it, liz,


Liz is becoming kind of a pain

In a butt.

She knows everything about


It's like, come on already,


It's not going to k*ll any


There's pathogens in it.

Pathogens might bite.

As far as I'm concerned,

Everything liz knows is book

Knowledge from stringing

Together a rod to get coconuts

To sprinkling ant dust to

Prevent ant att*cks to making

Water filter things that don't


It's like I'm at kindergarten

Camp and it's just irritating.

I'm feeling emotional just

Because I'm physically very weak

Right now.

And joe doesn't seem to care or

Appreciate that I really need a

Fire going.

I hate being emotional.

I hate allowing myself to not do

The logical thing at every given


I know that I'm capable of being

Patient and calm until I can get

Some water in me.

So I just need to like hide

Myself for a little bit until

The fire is going.

I'm tired.

I just have no energy because I

Have no fuel.

I'm sucking all the way


Everything is going wrong for

The brawn tribe.

We can't make a fire.

We don't have fresh wire.

We don't have anything to


We might look brawny.

We are weaklings at this point,


Damn, you got blisters.


I thought it was sweat.

Really bad.

My shoulders are fried.

My shins are fried.

My thighs are fried.

But I was in iraq and

Afghanistan, so I can live with


I can embrace the suck of.

This I'm used to the suck.

I just keep chalking it up to

Another horrible day.

Let's move on.

But for now I need the stay in

The shade.

At this point I kind of feel

Like I'm at the bottom, but I

Don't believe in quitting.

I don't believe in giving up.

So I need to show them why they

Should keep me in the game.

And I'm going to keep trying

Until I see flames.

Why is she trying to do that?

I think she's just worried.

Don't doubt her right now.

Not one thing has gone right.

We're here in misery laughing

Our asses off.

Oh, my gosh.

I've been over there by

Myself trying to make the fire

All day.

And I look over, and the hit man

And the nba player are having

Nap time.

And it's just frustrating.

Got fire.

I got fire!

It's going out.

Keep blowing, keep blowing,

Keep blowing.

This is going.

This is going.

We need baby sticks.

That's what we need, baby


Good girl.

You're welcome.

Thank you.

Thank you.

One thing I love about

Alicia, she's not a quitter.

She's tough.

That boosted her self-esteem so


She just so badly wanted to

Contribute in such a huge way.

We need people like that.

Heat tonight!

This fire has saved us.

Scott, here's your piece.

Here you go.

Oh, my goodness.

Now we have food and clean

Water, and I just feel like

We're just going to get stronger

And stronger, and that's huge.

Because we definitely need to

Start winning challenges.

We nailed it!

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Brain tribe, beauty tribe

Getting your first look at the

New brawn tribe.

Darnell voted out at first

Tribal council.

All right

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?

Yes, please.

Jeff: first things first,

Take back the idols.

Give it up, liz.

Sorry to see it go.

Jeff: you have chance to

Get it back.


Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge you will

Race down the river to retrieve

A very heavy log.

You'll then carry it through a

Series of obstacles.

Once you reach the cradle,

You'll untie a ball and use it

To knock down two targets.

First two tribes to finish win

Immunity, safe from the vote.

Losers, tribal council where

Somebody will be voted out.

In addition, you're playing for


Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: first tribe to


Oh, fishing gear.

Jeff: the ultimate survivor

Fishing kit.

With this kit, that ocean, you

Should be able to feed


There will also be a boat

Waiting for you back at camp.


Jeff: second tribe to

Finish, smaller kit, still gets

The job done.

Losers, nothing but a date with

Me at tribal council where

Somebody will be voted out.

Brain tribe, you have one extra


You're going to sit somebody


Who will it be?



Jeff: beauty tribe, sitting

Somebody out, who is it going to



Jeff: julia.


Jeff: take a seat on the


Everybody else, take a minute to

Strategize and we'll get


Let's do it.

All right.

Here we go.

For immunity and reward,

Survivors ready?


First you got to get through

That thick mud to your log.

Can't start untying until

Everybody is there.

Jen, go.

Caleb, go.

Jeff: beauty off to fast


They're untying the knots to

Release that log.

Come on, guys.

You're doing awesome.

Jeff: go!

Once you have that log untied,

Start moving.

Good job, beauty!

Jeff: brawn out, beauty


Come on, guys.

Jeff: here comes brains.

Way to go, brains.

Jeff: these logs weigh

About 300 pounds.

You can go over, under, float

It, whatever you want.

Brawn went to the first tribal


They do not want to go back.

You guys are doing so


Jeff: it is brawn and

Beauty right now with brains

Falling behind.

You've got this, guys.

Go, brains, go!

Jeff: it's a listening

Challenge and it is going to

Punish you.

Good, good, good.

Jeff: now you got to lift

This log, 300 pounds, on your

Shoulders and continue on.

Brains, go, brains, move that

Gray matter.

Jeff: another physically

Exhausting challenge.

It is beauty and brawn side by


Brains trying to stay in this.

Go, beauty.

Beauty now working on that

Second obstacle.

Brawn now heading through that

Second obstacle.

Here comes brains.

You got to get that log through

The obstacle.


One, two, three, heave.

Pull back.

Now push up.

Let's go.

One, two, three, heave.

Jeff: caleb takes a big


Tai takes a fall.

Beauty first out.

Brawn hung up a little bit.

It is beauty now in the lead.

Now you have to untie that ball

That you need to launch your


Brains now closing the gap.

Let's go, guys!


Go, go, go go,.

Jeff: here comes the brawn


Everybody is in it now.

Beauty has their ball.

They're heading out to the


Go, beauty!

Got to get that rope into your


If your rope is tangled, it will

Not make it to the target.

Brawn has their rope free.

They're heading out.

Brains still untying that rope.

Brawn now to the platform.

The beauty tribe is all knotted


They had a big lead, and they

Have given it away.

Brains tribe now has come back.

Yeah, brain, yeah.

Go, go!

Jeff: beauty tribe still

Knotted up.

There goes a shot for the brawn

Tribe. 3

Falls short.

There's a learning curve to


Caleb, you're good.

Caleb, you're good.

Jeff: you got to pull that

Rope back in.

Here we go.

No there goes caleb.


Jeff: there's one for the

Beauty tribe.

One more.

We got to get the rope up.

Come on.

Up here.

Come on!

Jeff: brains tribe has made

Up a lot of time.


Jeff: caleb launches and

Hits for the brains tribe.

We are tied 1-1.

Here goes scot for the brawn


Scott connects for the brawn


One target left for each tribe.

Either could win it right here.

The brain tribe falls short.

Oh, baby.

Jeff: opens the door for

The beauty tribe.

Caleb for the win.


Beauty wins immunity and reward.

It's now down to brawn and

Brains for second place.

If you fumble, it will cost you.

I will see you at tribal.


Get it.

Put it back down.

It's tangled up.

Jeff: this shot could win

It right here for the brawn


Just misses.

Brawn is hustling to get another

Shot in.



Jeff: brain tribe wins

Immunity and reward, sending

Brawn back the tribal council

For the second time in a row.

I love you guys.

Fantastic, baby.

We tried.

Jeff: beauty tribe,


Immunity once again.

No tribal council.

Brain tribe, same result,

Immunity, no tribal council.

Beauty, in addition, the

Ultimate fishing kit, this

Should change your life.

Come get it, head back to camp,

Enjoy the night off.

Brain tribe, good work for you,

As well.

Come get it.

It's a smaller fishing kit, but

It will get the job done.

Thank you, jeff.

Jeff: good effort.

No tribal council tonight,

Nobody going home.

Grab your stuff, head back to


Brawn tribe, tribal council

Again tonight.

Somebody else will be voted out

Of this game.

Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

See you tonight at tribal


You don't want to go down as

The worst tribe in history.

Let me tell you, our ship is

Sinking and we're on our way to

That record.

I missed.

It happens.

I don't chalk that up to you.

I'm in the saying I'm taking

All the blame, but if we


And we didn't.

And we didn't.

We lost the challenge.

We're going to tribal... Again.

Fortunately jason, cydney, jenny

And mice, we're strong.

We genuinely like each other.

I would be shocked if one of us


That leaves alecia.

We are so worried about what

Alecia does and what we allowed

Her to do was untie a knot.

We know what she brings to the


Blondie, she's a ditz and a

Half, a ditz.

I'm sure she's got a good heart,

But she's just dumb.

She's always confused.

She's like an ostrich.

She's a bird, but she can't fly,

So she's useless.

So you got to get rid of her.

There shez xi goes.

She looked back five times.

It makes everybody else go,


We know what you're doing for


She'll never find it.

It's like looking for a

Needle in a haystack.

I'm getting a little worried

About tribal tonight because not

Once did any of them ask me to

Be in an alliance with them, so

I guess that's telling me


There's still a hidden immunity

Idol out there, but where it is,

Nobody knows.

She's still out searching?


She's just so stupid.

Every day she blows my mind a

Little bit more.

Oh, boy.

I had an alliance in the

Beginning, but it's funny what

Six days out here does to you.

You really get to know people

For who they are and what they

Are, and to be honest, jason is

Starting to piss me off.

I don't like his attitude.

He just sits around and doesn't

Do anything except talk about

Alecia, and I'm tired of it.

Okay, blondie.




Let's do it.

That's really close.

It look like it landed in



Alecia, what's the best thing

We can do?

That's not the best thing you

Can do.

Win a challenge?


That's not it either.

I was thinking, you guys can

Do it easy and help me out,


We can vote out one of the guys.


Us girls will stay strong.

We'll make the merge.

When we make the merge, they go

After guys like them, and

They're not going to have an


So if you go us with, we have a

Better chance of not getting

Picked off.

Very good point.

It's funny how quick things

Change because I thought I was

Going home, and then jen's like,

Hey, let's do an all-girls


My gut has been telling me to

Do this all along.

I've been ignoring my gut

Because I gave my word.

Now jason is just pissing me


He's annoying.

We think we need the guys, which

We do.

We can knock off jason and we'll

Have scott for the next two


Listen, you're absent minded

And you drive me crazy, but I

Like you.

This game is about big moves.

If this works and jason goes

Home tonight instead of me, I

Would be really excited.

I might even this a little happy


I'm going to be stoked.

I don't like that they're


There's in breaking up our


I worry about that.




We're good, right?

Of course.

He's a little suspicious.

The last thing I want is him


I have this thing, they call

It low-impulse control.

I chase shiny objects.

Sometimes when I hear ideas, I

Think, that's a good idea.

Let's do that.

Then I realize blindsiding jason

Is also me blindsiding scot, and

I actually like scot, and he

Trusts me.

So I don't know what to do.

I'm confused.

I'm asking you.

I can go either way right now.

Let's think about it.

My gut was to go all girl, but

Now I don't know.

We have plenty of time to...

I was getting ahead of


We can do that later.

I'm like, what is going on?

Like when did this tide turn?

The girls are all over the


I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to be wishy-washy.

She's got some balls going

Back and forth like that.

Every time I turn around

Something is going on, but all I

Know it's up in the air at this


And that's a very, very

Dangerous way to go to tribal.

Jeff: alecia, last tribal

Council it was your or darnell.

Did you feel heat, oh, great,

Now it's me.

They did say I was weak in

The challenge, but since then

I've done well and pulled my

Weight around camp, so hopefully

It will not be me tonight.

Jeff: jenny, six days in,

There are a lot of ways tribal

Could go tonight.

You could be playing the long



Jeff: or alliances take

Over, or you could easily say

Three women, pick off one of the

Three guys, let's stick


It was definitely up in the

Air after you hear a couple

Different stories, you have to

Think, wow, that might make


Oh, damn, this isn't as solid as

I thought.

So there was definitely some

Back and forth, what do we do.

Jeff: scott, why the big


To hear jenny say I was up in

The air at camp, my eyebrows are


Now I'm wondering.


Jeff: wow.

Just like that, jason, the game


That's part of this game is

That it turns on the drop of a


It's a classic what happens

After you lose challenge, and

You're getting ready to go the

Tribal council.

The question is how much of that

Gets out and who finds out what

You just said and then you come

To tribal and things get


Things you think get


But the truth is, yes, ideas

Were thrown around, but you guys

All assume because another idea

Was discussed that the plan was


I didn't think anything had

Changed until I just heard you

Right here say, yeah, back at

Camp everything was up in the


As far as you told me at camp

This afternoon, the plan was in.

It was done.

At that point it was.


I didn't realize it was going to

Turn that quickly because I

Admitted ideas were discussed.

You have an alliance, you go

Someplace together and you never


That's exactly what we've

Done up to this point.

Jeff: wow.

Alecia, what do you take from


That sounded like they had

Something locked in and jenny

Said it's up in the air that.

Raises a lot of questions.

So why not let this be

Completely honest.

Alecia came to me and said,

Let's do an all-girl alliance.

That was jen's idea.

You said, jen...

She was the one trying to get

Us to have an all-girl alliance.

New york I was not.

No I was not.

Who did you say to throw on

That chopping block.



Jeff: that's everything

Busted right there.

Again, it was alicia's idea.

Whatever you say, jenny.

But where is that going to

Get me?

Vote me out and let's keep

Losing challenges.

That sounds like a great idea.

Vote out one of the stronger

Members of the team.

Jeff: cyd, what do you make

Of this?

I think it's about being in

The wrong place at the wrong

Time and saying the wrong thing

At the wrong time to the wrong


I think that's where loyalty

Comes in.

There is no place the hide.

You have to know...

If I broke your trust, that's

My bad.

But what I'm asking for is a

Tribe that wants to win and not

Have to come back here.

If you stick with her, you're

Going to be back here.

I didn't do anything wrong in

The challenge that made us lose,

Not one thing.

Let me address something.

Never in this game has someone

Walked up to their alliance and

Went, guys, just want you to

Know, I'm considering a flip.

I'll get back to you, let you

Know how things work out.

If it doesn't, hey, we're still

Good, right?

All right.


And then go away.

Jeff: jenny, is this an



Jeff: nightmare, yeah?

Jeff, the pain is them not

Trusting me.

That's the pain.

Because for the last six days I

Have given them no reason not to

Trust me.

All of a sudden one person, who

By the way is at the bottom, is

Doing all this scrambling and

Telling them lies.

I'm telling the truth.

Oh, my gosh.

Jeff: honestly I haven't

Listened to a word alecia has


I've just been listening to you.

First words out of your mouth

Were, yeah, everything's up in

The air, I don't know.

Make me get over that.


My intentions were nothing but


I actually like alecia.

It was to give her a good last

Day and not think she's going

Home the make her comfortable, I

Didn't see...

Lying to me is not giving me

A good last day.

I'm not saying it's the best

Decision or right decision.

That's who I am at a person.

I care about people's feelings.

If there's something I could

Take back, that would be it.

Jeff: scott, what's your

Reaction when you hear jenny

Say, I'd do anything to take it


I'd do anything to change it.

I wish I could.

You see that emotion.

Do you have empathy at that


Yeah, I understand


I've done it myself once or


I really do think that in the

Long run jenny would be better

For us physically, mentally,


Give me another chance,


I'm not perfect, scott.

You know what, hold on, hold on.


Please trust the original

Alliance we had.

Nothing has changed.

I think the four of us can go

Far, ridiculously far.

So please believe me.

Jeff: I don't know if I've

Ever seen a tribal council like


That's how brawn does it.

Jeff: all right.

It is time to vote.

Alecia, you're up.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want the play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote, jenny.



Two votes alecia.


We're tied, two votes alecia,

Two votes jenny, one vote left.

Second person voted out of

Brains versus brawn versus

Beauty, jenny.

You need to bring me your torch.

Generally, the tribe has spoken.

Hey, guys, hope you win lots

More challenges.

Jeff: well, tonight's

Tribal council is a dramatic

Example of how quickly the game

Can change.

One wrong word and it goes from

Good to bad, which means it can

Also go from bad to good.

Grab your torches, head back to

Camp, good night.

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor," debbie enlist a

Soldier and plans an attack.

We need to move with a

Purpose, joe, and we need to do

It now.

Jeff: while at the brawn


Idol time, baby.

Jeff: it's all-out w*r for

The idol.

I took off like a bat out of


You're either going to keep up

Or get left behind.

I am shocked.

I thought the tribe would want

To stay strong.

We can work out our personal

Feelings later.

As far as being voted out of the

Game, it hurts.

This isn't what I envisioned.

This isn't what I came out here

To do, but I pushed myself and

Done things I never experienced

Before, so I have absolutely no

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