32x01 - I'm a Mental Giant

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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32x01 - I'm a Mental Giant

Post by bunniefuu »

>> Jeff: these 18 strangers
have volunteered to be marooned

And left to fend for themselves
for the next 39 days.

They're cruising through the
waters of kaoh rong in southeast

Asia, a beautiful but formid
iblg part of the world.

Scorching temperatures and
stifling humidity punish the


Dehydration and heatstroke can
bring down even the strongest.

The smallest cut can lead to a
life-threatening infection.

And if they last long enough,
merely exerting energy will

Become their biggest obstacle.

This will be the most grueling
39 days in "survivor" history.

They've already been divided
into three tribes based on the

Qualities they most rely on in
their daily lives.

The brain tribe:
>> being an e.r. Doctor, it's

Going to be difficult for me to
not show how smart I am, to

Express humility, but I can't
deal with ignorant people

Because they think they know
what they're talking about.

>> This game is largely a brain
game, and in these challenges, I

Am going to kick ass, because
puzzles lay down for me like


>> Jeff: the brawn tribe:
>> I am a former professional

Basketball player.

I was the guy that did all the
things nobody else wanted to do.

I'd go knock people on the

I'd push people out of the way.

Diit better than most guys.

People I'm going to get along
with are guys that are strong

And you show a weakness,

>> My bread and butter has
always been bounty hunting.

You kick in the door, you raid
the house, you snatch the guy

Up, hog tie him like a pig,
throw him in the back of your

Truck and take off.

I don't care.

I just need to get my paycheck,
and you're my paychick.

>> Jeff: the beauty tribe:
>> I do try and use my looks to

My advantage in poker.

And if I feel like a male is
staring at my boobs, I might

Push them up a little more.

>> My life has definitely been
easier because I'm better

Looking than most people.

And that sounds terrible.

It sounds awful.

But it's the truth.

My looks will definitely help

39 Days and a million bucks in
my pocket at the end.

>> Yeah, baby!


>> Get the fish trap.

Get the fish trap.

>> Jeff: you are witnessing 18
americans begin an adventure

That will forever change their

They've been given two minutes
to salvage whatever they can off

This boat.

>> Watch out!

Coming down!

>> Jeff: there are chickens.

There is fruit.

There are fish traps.

But there is not enough to go

>> Oh!

>> Jeff: you got a loose

>> People will probably
recognize me from "big brother,"

But being an outdoorsman, this
game is totally for me.

I don't mind getting dirty at

>> Jeff: you need to work

>> Watch out.

>> Yeah, let's do it.

>> Oh!


>> Jeff: you don't know
anybody's name.

You don't know if you like them!

And yet you're already relying
on them.

>> Throw stuff over.

Come on.

It's very hectic down here.

I'm a retired f.b.i. Agents and,
of course, there have been times

In the f.b.i. When we had those
kinds of case where's

Everything's gone a mile a

But this to me is going to be
the ultimate challenge.

So I'm pumped for this.

This is the real deal for me.

>> Jeff: 30 seconds left!

You need on start getting
supplies overboard and then get

Yourselves overboard.

>> I'm running around like

I'm protecting the chicken
because I love all living


>> Jeff: another chicken is on
the loose!

Somebody better get it!

>> Come here, chicken.

>.>> Jeff: that is friend or

15 Seconds.

Start getting over!

Brain tribe, get in the water!

>> Whoa!

>> Jeff: beauty tribe, get

>> Watch your head.

Watch your head.

>> Jeff: let's go!

Brawn tribe, you gotta get over.

>> Jump.

>> We're having fun now, kids!

>> Jeff: it is the ultimate

18 Strangers forced to work

They must learn to adapt or
they'll be voted out.

>> You know what?

Who's a good swimmer, because
I'm an excellent swimmer.

>> Jeff: in the end, only one
will remain to claim the

Million-dollar prize.

39 Days, 18 people, one

Captioning funded by cbs
and ford.

We go further, so you can.

( Theme song playing )
>> well, kids, this might be the

Greatest day of our lives.

>> Paddling in and looking
around at my brawn tribe, it

Feels like home.

The majority of my life is about
being strong, whether it's

Physically or mentally, it's
about being strong.

>> On the brawn tribe, it's
going to be a lot of people that

Think they're the greatest I did
six years in the army.

I don't need to prove to you I'm
a bad-ass.

A lot of people find me

They judge me because of how I

>> One, two, three.

>> They don't realize that I've
got two daughters and my

Youngest has autism.

>> Down, down, down.

>> Like, I'll be the girlie-girl
dad, and then I also teach them

How to be a bad-ass.

>> That's a good start.

>> What does everybody do?

>> Professional bodybuilder.

>> Damn!

>> Shocking!

Shut the front door!

>> What!

>> What do you do?

>> Postal worker and a student.

>> Oh, nice.

>> I do real estate.

I lease, like, condos and
apartments and stuff.

>> Oh, fancy.

>> People might like at me and
be like malibu barbie.

She's not going to be in here
long, but I'm a lot tougher than

They would think.

I've been bungee jumping in
bail, face-to-face shark diving

In australia.

With caged tigers in thailand.

I'm fearless, I'm opinionated.

This is something I know I can

>> I'm a construction worker.

I build homes, sometimes
commercial buildings.

>> I'm retired.

I played in the n.b.a.

>> Yeah, that way we've got
double shade.

Everybody okay with that?

>> Yeah.

>> I think all of us have a very
similar mindset professional

Body builder, can you knock
trees down for us?

>> I can.

>> We're not beautiful.

We're not smart.

But we are strong.

And I feel lucky right now.

I know things change in this
game really quickly.

The same thing that makes you
laugh makes you cry but right

Now, I think we've got a great

>> If it's long enough for you
to lay I think it will be long

Enough for us to lay.

>> I'm not very good at

I'm the brawn tribe.

>> So where do you live?

>> In california originally, I
live in new york city now.

I work for the government doing
data analysis.

>> Well, what's your regression
analysis of "survivor" right


>> I haven't done something like

I think I would need a lot more

The brain tribe is definitely my

That's the attribute that I
actually think is valuable

Because we are able to look for
new approaches and slightly

Different ways of thinking
through the problems.

So we're off to an immediate

>> Okay, I get to say it-- I'm
staring at this guy.

I'm thinking, what is the
president doing here?

>> Being called obama is part of
my daily life.

It's been like that for the last
seven years.

If debbie calls me obama, I
guarantee you, everyone else is

Calling me obama.

>> When you're coming it's going
to be like in my head.

>> We'll protect you, barry.

>> That being said, if they feel
better getting crushed by obama,

So be it.

>> I'm a captain, civil air
patrol, u.s. Air force


I can get a fire started without

I have extensive training in
shelter building, winter

Survival, summer survival,

I'm a chemist but I have been a
protonics engineering


A bartender, caretake tore none,
and between jobs I fill in at

Red lobster as a sterver.

Do you guys want to do a quick
assessment and unload.

At 49 I bring a lot of worldly
experience with me.

>> I'll actually show you a
trick right now.

You actually want friction.

>> Yup.

>> And we'll shave this off a
little bit.

>> I have my own ice cream
business, and I think people

Think that I'm a dandy in ice
cream hat.

I think they don't know quite
what to make of me.

I'm incorrigible and eccentric.

But debbie has a whole different
level of craziness.

>> Look, he's got it.

>> Tell me what to do.

>> Once it's really smoking, you
pick it up, and you're going to

Blow in the little hole.

>> I don't have a hole yet.

>> Okay, them keep doing it.

>> Keep going.

You've got smoke going.

>> Should we put a little hole
in it.

>> No the hole is going to come
from you and friction.

>> You did the hole?

>> Yes.

>> There's no hole yet.

There's just a notch.

>> I know how exhausting t, so
if you want me to do it.

>> Supposedly, debbie has
started fire this way many


Nobody else made any warrants
about their ability to be the

Savior of this tribe.

Somebody who says she's a fire
expert and then comes on to the

Beach and when it's really
clutch time and needs to make

Fire for their tribe can't do
it, is a big concern.

>> We cannot show up in front of
the other tribes as the brains

Without fire.

Just from an evolutionary

>> No one has conceded defeat,

>> Looking back at past seasons,
it seems like the really smart

Folks always have some form of
kryptonite, so I'm a little

Concerned about being on the
brain tribe.

It might be complete and utter

>> Good job, you guys!

>> Who-hoo.

>> Life without a doubt is

Our tribe is beautiful.

We're feeling beautiful.

The island is beautiful.

I mean, we're all excited, we're
all happy, we're all smiles.

And we work well together.

Around camp, right now, nothing
can go wrong.

>> Oh, my gosh, you're going to
give me a freaking heart attack

Doing that.

>> Oh, there's coconuts, too.

Why am I here?

Look at me, I'm bald, big hat,
bald, big eerkz skinny little


I don't belong here.

I just think, my god, when I go
home, people say ha!

They say why are they putting
you on the beauty tribe,

Especially my boyfriend or

But I think my personality can
come out.

We all have beautiful inside and

>> That looks good!

>> It does look good.

>> It really does look good.

>> I have no idea.

Definitely, like, a model or--
>> yeah.

>> He shaves his arms and legs.

I noticed that.

>> Being a bartender is an
extremely social job.

You learn that personality types
want certain things from you, so

I was like, okay, who looks like
I would get along with them?

There's t tai.

He's freaking always moving.

He's like a whirlwind.

Caleb is super strong.

And nick, the tall, dreamy guy,
of course, I was like oh!

He's on my tribe.

I get to spend a lot of time
with him and he get to see me

Disgustingly dirty.


>> This is so, like,

>> I'm not sure I can handle all
that testosterone over there


So I decided to build the
relationship with the girls.

You're inclined to go with the
girls, braid each other's hair,


Girls kind of go with girls so
that alliance felt really

Natural to me.

>> Do you think they're going to
pair up, the three of them?

>> Part of me thinks they won't
because they're so different.

>> I think there's probably a
lot of ego over there.

>> Yeah.

>> One of the girls she said she
was in school to be a biologist.

>> Which one is that?

>> The one closest to us?

>> Michele?

>> Which one is that?

>> The yellow.

>> The one in the yellow?

>> Yeah.

>> I'm look around at my beaut
tribe and I'm sitting here kind

Of wondering to myself, why in
the world is tai on this tribe.

50, 60-Year-old asian guy that
has eyebrows, like, two or three

Inches long.

I don't understand.

Like, maybe there's a lot more
than what people really see.

>> So we're going to do-- you're
going to make a notch.

>> Yeah, make a notch.

>> This way.

>> How high, do you think about
right here?

>> Yeah, sure.

>> Don't k*ll the tree?

>> Don't k*ll it.

>> I have a soft spot for trees
because I'm a gardener.

>> Are you?

I hate to tell you, but I'm
murdalizing this tree right now.

>> It's a living being.

How would you like it if someone
came over and starting cutting

Away part of your skin?

>> The good thing is it doesn't
have arms and can't hit me back.

>> I love all living creatures,
especially the plant.

As a gardner, it hurts me when I
see people cut off branches.

It's just like an arm.

You cut it off, it cannot grow
back the same way.

And sometimes I could be really
strong about it.

But this is "survivor."

I've got to be smart about how I
say it.

>> You're a gardener, tai?

>> Yeah.

>> Up in san francisco?

>> Yeah.

>> And I'm from vietnam.

This is, like, my hood, so I
know a lot of stuff.

>> How long you have been in san

>> I have to go get in the young
expel get food for us.

I'm from vietnam.

I lived through the w*r and I

And in 1979, 262 people were on
a 26-meter boat.

We're just sitting there like
this for, like, for 11 days.

We have no food.

No food.

Just a little bit of water.

And we just float and float and

And we end up on this refugee
camp really close to here.

A whole year, and then we come
to america.

So throughout a lot of my life,
that's a lot of things I

Survived through and I think I
have an advantage.

Adventure just excites me.

I can't sit still.

This is "survivor."

This is once in a lifetime.

I'm loving it.

>> Oh!

>> It's a harsh sun.

My shoulders are fried.

My shins are fried.

Sunburn hurts, you know, but I
give it my all, work physically

Hard first and start thinking
about it as you're going along.

It's just the type of person I

>> I got it.

>> We need one of the guys to do

>> That didn't work out well.

>> Blondie, I haven't even
learned her name, call her


I have zero faith in that girl.

>> I remember the directions,
but I don't know how to do it.

>> She doesn't doing with.

>> We need more bamboo don't we.

>> I think there's more over

>> I'll go.

>> You want to head out there?

>> To me, she's at the bottom.

I have no sympathy for her.

I got my own wife and kids to
worry about.

Blondie, little girl real estate

>> We've got strong people and
all of a sudden we've got the

California girl.

>> Worst comes to worst, her,

>> Yeah.

The plan is you, jenny, and me.

>> Jenny's the construction
worker, right?

>> Yeah.

>> I'm in with you.

>> All right.

>> The truth si want as many
alliances as possible.

>> Are we going good?

>> Yeah.

>> In my eyes, these alliances
are only truthful when I need


>> You, me, and scot.

>> Yeah.

>> Potentially, they could all
be truthful in a way.

Every single one of them could
be false.

I'll make that decision as I
need to make it.

>> You ain't got any matches on
you, do you?


I didn't think so.

>> All right, here we go.

If I layer them, it will be all

I feel like it will be a little

>> I get what you're doing now.

Growing up in chicago, it's
pretty tough.

There was a lot of stuff they
learned, and I'm going to bring

Those instincts into this game.

I'm going to use my gut.

I got your back.

Okay, well, we're good then.

I kind of like alecia?

>> You don't like her.

Who do you want to align with?

>> I'm thinking the guys, I like
them more.

I'm thinking we need to get the
girls out first.

>> I most definitely trust

This gut don't lie to me.

>> I minute I find out something
I'm going to let you know.

And right now, my gut tells me
don't use the bathroom.

>> Is darnell going to the poop

>> He is.

>> I'd go a little further.

>> Oh!

( Laughter ).

>> Watch out for the brown

>> I just heard, "darnell, are
you taking a dump?"


I can't be at peace for two

I need some reading material.

>> So, where is everyone from?

>> I live in redondo beach,
california, but I'm from new


>> Where are you from?

>> I'm from kentucky.

>> Oh, my god, the chickens!

>> I wonder if we're burning
more calories than what we're

Gonna get out of this chicken.

It wasn't the best of starts for
the beauty tribe whatsoever.

While we're building the
shelter, the chickens get out.

It's just, like, really, this,
right now?

>> You know, this is going to
make us a really good--

>> Wait, wait!

>> Guys, do you see it?

>> We are running around like
chickens with our heads cut off,

And we're wasting calories but
you desperately want those


>> Yeah!

>> We need to make a better
chicken trap.

>> We got two of them back, and
66%, I'll take it.

But it wasn't the best start.

>> I have an idea.

We'll tie one chicken to the
next chicken, all right.

And between them, we're going to
have a long line.

>> Okay.

>> They can roam around.

They'll be happier that way.


I think that will be good.

>> I love tai's approach on

He takes his time with all of
us, and when there's something

New, he tries to teach all of

And I absolutely love that about

>> It's a little pet.

>> Don't let go.

>> I'm not.

He taught us how to tie a little
rope on the chicken and how to

Run around.

I respect that.

He respects all the creaturees
and chickens that live here.

Is that attached?

>> How cute is that?

>> They seem so much happier.

>> They're going to be dead in a
few days.

>> They're two little little

>> I think this one might be a

>> That's what I was thinking,

>> Tai is someone I can
definitely work with.

The three girls we're pretty
tight but in order to have the

Numbers and propel ourselves in
the game, we need a guy, and tai

Is perfect to take along with

We can use him, for sure.

>> What do you think about the
asian guy?

>> Yeah, honestly, I loved him
from first sight.

>> You, too.

>> You are, like air, sweetheart
me and you?

>> Yes.

>> Okay.

>> There's a little bit of a
connotation that comes from

Being in a sorority.

People underestimate you.

They think that's all you do and
that's how you get through life,

The way you look.

But I'm really not like at that

I can pull my own weight and
will make connections with these

People instantly.

I want to stick with anna and
michele, I think the three of us

Could do very well.

>> You, I trust.

I am like 99% sure that the
other guy was on "big brother."

>> Which one?

>> Caleb.

>> Julia came up to me and said,
listen, caleb was on "big


I trust her.

It gives us a lot of information
that he was on "big brother."

He was in an alliance of nine on
"big brother" and he kept it all

The way, which shows me he's
very loyal.

So that's really important for

>> I was afraid you guys
wouldn't know who I was.

Nick knows.

>> You mean "big brother"?

>> Yeah, yeah.

I wouldn't at the present time
to I guess hurt my game.

>> We're not just the beauty

We have brains, too.

>> I'm beast mode cowboy from
"big brother," but I'm more than

That and I want to show
everybody what I'm made of.

>> You got it!

>> Almost.

>> You definitely belong on the
beauty tribe.

You look great up in that tree.

>> I was in the military right
out of holly.

I was a prison guard in bagdad,

If I'm in a competition standing
on my tippy toes for three

Hours, I'm going to stand on my
tippy toes for three hours until

Last person gives up.

>> Caleb!

>> Blow, blow, blow, blow.

>> Living my daifl life on a
farm and being an outdoorsman,

This is home to me.

I know what it takes to make a

>> Here we go, baby.

>> We've got fire!

>> I'll do whatever I have to do
to get what I want.

I believe I'm probably mebt
mentally stronger than anybody

In this game.

>> Fire!

>> Gets exciting when you get to
the end.

>> Yeah!


That was a good rhythm.

>> I'm 71 years old, and I was a
hostage negotiator in the f.b.i.

We were on some dangerous
assignments at times, but I have

Street sense.

I tend to see things before they
actually happen kind of and have

Intuitiveness about things.

So I think I can be able to make
it through that gauntlet to be

The sole survivor.

>> You know what?

We'll take turns.

It's exhausting.

I'm not using the saw.

Anybody wants to use the saw,
feel free, but I'm not using the


>> Yeah, I think you're going to
needed saw.

>> Joe and I are work horses.

We've got the wisdom to know.

Before we go strategizing about
winning the game, we have to

Stay alive!

This is "survivor."

You actually have to survive

>> Stop, stop!

We're coming down the whole
thing here.

>> Yeah.

So I'm going to make this camp
as comfortable as I can.

Mostly for me and joe.

Because joe and I plan on
sticking around a very long


>> How are you liking the group?

>> Good.

>> Yeah?

>> Yeah.

>> Are people kind of like what
you expected?

>> Yeah well, you know, when we
first met debbie, she was

Really, like, chatty, chatty,

I was like oh, my god.

I hope she shuts up.

>> When I first saw her I was
like she could be super tough

And cool to work with and when
she first opened her mouth I was

Like oh, maybe not.

Debbie talks, talks, talks, and
talks so highly of herself that

I start to think that she might
just annoy everybody to death.

>> We have that geriatric tinge
that we're going to have to get

Rid of.

They're just going to be too

Old joe, a 72-year-old running
through a group challenge?

>> He does seem like the most
likely to be medevaced.

>> Do you feel good about the
four of us, the children?

>> I do.

I feel like the four of us would
really hold together well.

Like, I don't see anybody, like,
flipping out over some stupid


>> When you have six people on a
tribe, and you know that four of

Us are going to be quicker, both
physically as well as mentally,

It makes a hell of a lot of
sense to try to keep the four

Younger ones together.

I think we get the four young
bucks and go to the merge.

>> I think that's the best plan

I think we're all easy-going.

>> Don't talk too loudly.

Sound carries in the water.

>> In our group we've got four
young people and two old people.

The fact they say they're old
people means they already stick


Who do you want to take out
first, grandma or grasms?

>> Let's see how they do in the

>> Joe and debbie are
low-hanging fruit so they're

Going to be eaten first.

>> I'm just gonna drag these two
back with me.

>> I'm gonna look around try to
see if I can find some signs for

The idol.

This morning, we were walking
and everybody turned around to

Take the bamboo back, so I say I
have to look for the idol.

I have no clue.

But this is "survivor."

There's got to be an idol
somewhere near here.

This is unusual that someone
would have that tree here in the

Middle of the trail.

This might be a sign.

It's gotta be one of these

It's gotta be it.

I should know because I'm the
tree guy.

>> What's going on over there?

>> I have a feeling, like, tai's
looking for an idol.

>> Yeah, I had that feeling as

>> When we all walked off, he
walked right back to where the

Tree mail thing was.

I don't know why.

>> Should we go over there?

>> You want to?

>> Let's do it.

>> Let's do it.

>> Okay, not this one.

Gotta be one of these guys.

I hope I don't miss it.


I gotta look carefully.

All this work.

Anybody coming?

I heard them.

>> No one needs it yet.

We haven't even had a challenge.

Like, we have time.

>> It definitely paints a target
on your back.

>> Yeah, it does.

>> Sorry, tree, I'm just looking
for something that I want.

>> I'm looking around, and then

I saw tai, and as soon as I walk
up, he kneels down.

Ooik like that's really weird.

And I see him patting the floor,
and I'm, like, okay, well, this

Guy's looking for the idol, and
I'm just right away sketch.

>> Did you get a little lucky
over there?

Caleb was like tai's looking.

I was like, "okay, well, we'll
see, but we don't know."

>> I'm look here.

>> Is it under it or something?

>> You don't have the new cloou.

>> No, I don't have the clue.

I smawt it must be somewhere
near the tree mail so we have to

Look for signs.

>> Yesterday I felt comfortable
with him but now I don't trust

You for a freaking second.

>> I screwed everything up.

It's not good for me at pull.

The fact that I went away for
half an hour to look for the

Idol, and I got caught.

>> It's certainly suspicious.

>> He could very well with it.

>> Yeah, I thought I saw him put
it in his pocket or something.

>> He did?

We'll pretend he doesn't have

>> Should we try, us five?

>> I just don't trust tai.

He's bringing a lot of anxious

He made his bed, and right now,
tai is number one for me.

>> All right, we're good.

>> Yeah, we're good.

>> Should I start up here and go

>> I find it easier to start--
>> you're going in the opposite



>> It's so hot out here that I
don't think you even realize in

The moment how hot it is.

You realize when you start
moving slower.

It kind of scrambles your brain.

It slows you down.

And you can't escape it.

I think this heat might be one
of the piggest factors in this


>> I need some shade.

>> Oh, yeah.

Why are you working in the sun.

>> I am dehydrated.

>> I mean, look at me.

I went to a prep school, and I
work in social media.

So coming from boston in the
middle of winter to being

Marooned here, it's like going
from black to white.

It's intense.

I started feeling a little
wobbly and discombobalated, and

Your thoughts stop moving in a
lirn pattern.

I just don't have my faculties
about me to even, like sit still

And take care of myself.

>> Well then you do what you
think you need to do.

>> Can you guys just help me.

>> Sure.

>> Just, with, like, fruit and

>> Uh-huh.

Lay down.

>> Yeah, neil's right.

Come up here and lay down and

>> Aubry comes to me and
immediately I knew she was

Dehydrated, heat exhaustion, and

>> It's tough.

>> My mind it's just shot.

>> She was also absolutely
overwhelmed with being thrown

Into a jungle with five

>> See how hot you are?

>> Yeah.

I know... Thank you for being
here for me.

>> No problem.

It's going to be okay.

>> Thank you, debbie.

>> Yes.

>> I care about this game.

I love everything about it, and
maybe I worked it up too much in

My own head.

This situation I'm in isn't even
about the environment.

This is all about my own head.

I'm a thinker.

I get stuck in my own head.

I know that I brought this upon

It's that feeling of you can't
even make the choice of what you

Need to do for yourself.

To make the right decision of,
like, I need to do this, this,

And this, to feel better, to
make myself feel better.

>> Aubry wasn't, like, ill

She hadn't even gotten to the
point of, like, chapped lips.

So for her it was really more of
an anxiety attack.

She was just freaking out about
freaking out.

>> You're going to be okay.

Once your hydrated, once we have
a fire, you're going to feel

Awesome again.

>> You're just going to cool

>> I just wish you guys got to
meet me.

>> Whatever impression she's
giving off on day two, I do

Think there's a significant risk
she cracks again next time

Something doesn't go well.

>> With aubry being weird and
freaking out--

>> Keep drinking.

You'll be fine.

I think it might be a repeat of
the first brains, beauty, and

Brawn where brains were nuts and
just got shellacked.

Brawn where brains were nuts and
just got shellacked.

>> I'm actually worried.

I'm not sure, but I think I got
a bug in my ear, and I thought,

It's fine.

It will crawl out.

It's not a big deal.

But instead of crawling out, it
is getting deeper in my ear.

I can't sleep.

I can't get comfortable.

It's just disgusting hearing
these little legs crawl around

In your head.

Like, it's digging deeper into
my ear canal.

I don't know what that does to a

Emotionally it does a lot, but
physically, what kind of damage

Is it doing?

I feel like there's blood coming
out of my ear.

I don't know what it's doing to

It's so painful.

I prepared to face a lot out
here, but I didn't prepare for

Some bug to munch me from the

>> My ear's bleeding,
sweetheart, see.

>> Ugh.

>> Yeah.

>> Tree mail!

>> All night, I haven't slept,
like, not even a minute.

>> Are you okay?

>> I want to know what is inside
me that is causing my ear to


It is so painful, like, it hurts
so bad.

Like, it will go for 30 seconds
and he'll stop for a minute and

He stops.

I can hear him literally


That's what it sound like.

He's getting further in.

I thought he would crawl out,
but he's going further inside my

Ear, and it-- god, it just hurts
so bad.

>> What if something's wrong
with her?

She gets pulled.

>> We're in trouble.

>> It changes things.

>> I hope she's okay.

We need to win this challenge
and I don't want to see her, you

Know,... Not be able to
participate and they pull her,

Then we're a man down.

We'll see how this goes.

>> It is a concern going into a
challenge, thinking that we

Might lose one of our tribe
mates because she has a bug in

Her ear.

I do think I could be on the
chopping block because they want

A stronger team, so hopefully
jen is okay for the challenge

Because I don't want us going
into the challenge for five


>> Ah!

>> Do you want to use my jacket
for a pillow?

Do you want me to get you some
water or anything.

>> Poor jenny.

She's bleeding and in some pain,
but selfishly, I'm a little

Worried about the challenge

If we don't win, this it's going
to hurt all of us.

So, quite literally, failure is
not an option.

>> Do you see anything?

>> No.

>> I see it!


>> Really?

>> Look at it!

There's a tail.

It's wiggling.

>> Oh!

>> There it is!

>> Get it!

>> It's going back in.

Hold on,.

>> It's comeouth, it's coming

There it is, there it is.

>> I'm going to get it as soon
as it gets out of your ear.

>> Ewwww!

That little critter was clean,
clear-- got your blood in there

And everything.

I don't know what that is.

>> Eww"p" that was just amazing.

>> k*ll it!

>> At first I wasn't sure how
long was it was and it ends up

Being about ya big, it's pretty
long for an ear canal.

So I could see how she was in
pain upon.

>> Does it feel better?

>> I feel like myself again.

We're going to k*ll this
challenge because I'm so pissed


>> Yeah!

Jenny's back.

I feel amazing, back to what I
was before, ready to take on all

These challenges.

I got this, 39 days, no problem.

>> Jeff: come on in, guys!

>> Jeff: all right, welcome to
the first challenge of

"Survivor: koah rong"!

>> Yeah!

>> Jeff: for today's
challenge, you're going to swim

Out to a boat.

Once everybody's on board, one
person will dive down to

Retrieve a paddle.

Once you have all four paddles,
you'll then race to shore where

You will convert your boat into
a cart.

You'll then push it to the top.

Once you're at the top, you have
a decision to make.

You can either choose to
assemble a puzzle or test your

Dexterity by stacking balls
while standing on a wobbly beam.

Both average the same amount of
time to finish, but if you

Choose the right one for your
tribe, you can finish much


The first two tribes to finish
win immunity, are safe from the


This is what you want in this

Either one of these pieces of
theide does the same thing-- it

Keeps you in this game another

In addition, you're playing for
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