31x12 - Villains Have More Fun

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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31x12 - Villains Have More Fun

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor," at the last immunity

Challenge, joe gave it his all

And lost.

Is he okay?

Jeff: medical.


After collapsing, joe was

Fighting for his life in the


Every vote abi is not voted

Out, she becomes more and more

Dangerous to make it to the end.

Jeff: but the women wanted

The biggest threat out.

Joe can say, I'm clearly the

Biggest threat and I'm still


We have to do something.

Jeff: fearing an

All-women's alliance, jeremy and

Spencer had a difficult


If we keep joe, I'm


If we get rid of joe, I'm


Jeff: at tribal council,

Keith was left out of the loop

When jeremy and spencer voted

With the women, sending joe to

The jury.

Jeff: joe, the tribe has


With the number dwindling and

Alliances in short supply,

Uncertainty is at an all-time


Seven are left.

Who will be voted out tonight.

Good tribal.

Tribal tonight was definitely

A spectacle.

Joe got voted out.

It's better.

Payback's a bitch.

I don't feel like anybody has

Much compassion toward joe at

The moment, and everybody's very

Glad that he has gone home


You know what, good riddance.

Now we all have an equal shot

At winning challenges.

How wonderful.

That's pretty cool.

Yeah, that's exciting.

I didn't think about that.

We can totally win challenges


I was a little shocked.

I mean, I was left out of the


They sent joe to the house.

If you were going to do it, that

Was a good time to do it.

I wish I would have known about


I wanted to get tasha out of


I need to get down there and

Talk to some folks.

What were the votes?

One tasha, two abi, five for


Keith decided to vote for me,

So I'm going the make sure I

Keep my eye on keith because

He's the last person I want the

Guys to join forces with or some

Of the girls.

Keith just put target on his


Day 33, kid.

Good job, baby.

Who would have thunk it,

Three ta keo originals.

Who would have thunk it?


I'm kind of glad, though.

There are seven people, so

Every decision from here on out

Could affect your end game.

So I'm not closed off to


I have to keep my options open,

Which is what I've tried to do

The entire game.

It's a good position to be new

York but it's also kind of

Stressful, because what is the

Right choice.

I don't know right now.


Deeply concerned.

I have extreme buyers remorse.

You think 100% we're in


I think we're in trouble.

I think we are in trouble.

The last tribal council, I

Took out a challenge piece, I

Took out joe.

Now I have to hope there is a

Group of four for me, which is

The new magic number with seven


I'm worried about tasha.

Me too.

This could be dangerous.

We have to make sure tasha is

With us, because if she's not,

She's done.

Then we have to make sure kimmi

Is with us.

If she's not, we're done.

Jeremy and I realize there very

Well might be a girl's alliance

That could take us out, even

Though tasha told me honestly my

Ideal final three is you and


But if the girls' thing is real,

I have no option, and I don't

Want to play from the bottom


It's exhausting.

It's demoralizing.

I feel my game slipping away.

It's always a scary thing.

I just pray that I can keep it

Together going toward the end.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Reward challenge?



Jeff: for today's

Challenge, you'll be attached to

A rope.

On my go you'll race to unspool

That rope.

When you think you have enough,

You'll assemble a bridge.

You'll then use sandbags to

Knock over a series of blocks.

First person to finish wins


Want to know what you're playing





Jeff: the winner will be

Taken back to the temples where

You started your journey 33 days


You'll be blessed by the monks.

You'll enjoy beautiful food.

And then you will spend the

Might sleeping in the temples.

No way.


Jeff: this truly is a

Once-in-a-lifetime experience to

Do something extraordinary.

Oh, man.

Jeff: we first ran this

Challenge back in our 29th


Keith won.

Whoa, keith.


Jeff: second chance for

Keith to win again.

Draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right.

Here we go.

For reward, survivors ready?


First stage, unspool the rope

Until you think you have enough

To get you through this entire


Very tough tucking through these

Corners, trying to get some

Slack in the rope.

This rope is going to be with

You the entire time.

Nothing is easy on "survivor,"

Especially on day 33.

Spencer takes off, hopes he has


Here goes keith.

He's heading out.

And that makes tasha go and


Wentworth now coming out with

Her rope.

Kimmi still gathering.

Abi still gathering.

Now we're moving on to the

Second stage.

You are assembling a bridge


It is keith and spencer side by


Then jeremy, then tasha.

Abi still collecting rope.

Falling very far behind in this


There's one big looming

Question: do they have enough

Rope to get themselves to the


Now jeremy, keith, spencer and


Jeremy and keith side by side in

This challenge.

Spencer trying to stay in it.

Keith through.

He's going to start tossing


Jeremy does not have enough


He's got his bridge finished.

Big fall.

Keith with a nice toss.

Got to knock 'em completely off

That table.

Here is the test: does keith

Have enough rope to retrieve his


And he does.

Spencer now through.

Jeremy now trying to untangle

That rope.

Rope management coming into play

As predicted.

And keith with another hit.

Spencer now trying to reach his


He doesn't have enough rope.

Spencer's got to go all the way

Back to get more rope.

That opens the door for keith to

Just freely fire sandbag after

Sandbag, continuing to knock off


Tasha is now through her bridge.

She can start tossing sandbags.

It is keith and tasha.

Spencer is now back trying to

Get more rope.

Tasha going to have to collect

Sand bags and she's nowhere


Jeremy now back.

He's tossing.

Can he catch up?

He knocks two down.

Keith with another nice toss.

And another one.

Keith down to two blocks left.

Jeremy still firing.

He's out of bags.

Does he have enough rope to get

To them?


He does not have enough rope.

Keith could win it for the

Second time and he does.

Keith repeats, wins individual

Reward and is headed back to the


Gad job, keith.

Jeff: keith, come on over.

Good job, keith.

Jeff: big win.

Only person to have ever won

This challenge.

You've won it twice.

I kind of like that.

I mean, I kind of like that.

Jeff: you'll leave today,

Return to the beautiful temples.

Choose one person to join you.

Here's where the game once again

Gets really interesting.

Oh, my god.

Kelley helped me, I'm going

To help kelley.

She brought me my wife.

Jeff: keith, you can bring

One more person.

You're not even looking.

Spencer, come on.

Thank you.

Jeff: why spencer?

No real logic.

I'm still flashing back to when

We got to go, and as I look at

Jeremy, he's married 12, 15

Years, him and val solid.

I can't think of her name,

Tasha, tasha's little cousin,

But spencer's new little girl

Come all the way, didn't get to

See her but five minutes.

If that sounds logical, hooray

For me, if not, throw it out the


Just rattling on at the mouth.

Jeff: tasha, you look a

Little frustrated.

Oh, new york whether I'm on

Reward or back at camp, I take

Advantage of every opportunity,

And sometimes being back at camp

Is just as advantageous as going

On reward.

So it's time to go to work.

I understand keith was

Exhausted, but he couldn't even

Remember my name let alone try

To explain his rationale.

I'm like, is keith really

Playing up his southern I'll

Just along for the ride role, or

Is he really that slow?

Jeff: keith, wentworth,

Spencer, should be an amazing

Afternoon and night.

Kimmi, jeremy, tasha, abi, got

Nothing for you.

Head back to camp.

You guys, enjoy your reward.

Keith, spencer and I get to

Go on this amazing award.

I'll take advantage of these two

People I'm in on reward.

I haven't had a strong alliance

This entire game.

Part of this game, you want to

Have aballiance to some degree

Or at least trust in some people

Because you have to.

That was a gad challenge.

It was.

That would have been a great



Keith has been very

Impressive in challenges.

Keith is strong.

Yeah, he is.

He's very underestimated.

He's the new golden boy.

What do you have in mind?

You all think keith should be

Next to go?

Yes, because if he keeps

Winning challenges, that's a


Today's 33 and I have to get

To day 39.

A lot of people think I'm a

Goalt to take to the end, that's

Why I believe people may be

Willing to get to the end.

It's all about using people in

This game, and I love watching

Them struggle and scramble and

Go crazy.

Why not?

I'm a villain.

Villains have more fun.

What's your reservation with


I don't have a reservation.

I'm not sure what the problem


The problem is I don't think

You trust we're not going to do

The all-girl alliance.

That's in the back of your mind.

Let's talk about that.

The girls are all saying,

Let's get out keith, let's get

Out keith, that's an option.

But I have buyers remorse right

Now because we should have kept

Joe and got rid of abi.

I might be mad about going on

That reward today, like, listen,

I'm going to eat on day 39.

Give me that breakfast and like

Let me tell everybody on the

Jury why I deserve that $1


That's all I want.

Keith needs to go.

Listen, it's the game we have

The play.

It's only a couple days.

Everything is not going to be

In your control.

I understand you want to get

To the final, but the only way

To get there is with people you


You can trust me.

At this point I think jeremy

Needs to let go, let me make a

Move, and if the answer is no,

Then I will find someone else.

People better get on board or

They're about to miss this ship

Because it's sailing.

Last time we were here, we

Looked a little different.

Oh, my gosh.

Now we're as disintegrated as

It is.

I know.

I've never seen a better


Cambodian temples, it's amazing

To the point that I'm slapping

Myself every two minutes that

I'm here, that I'm seeing what

I'm seeing.

That looks like raiders of

The lost arc or something.

It does.

Indiana jones has probably

Been here.

33 Days ago I walked right here

With this incredible journey

Ahead of me, and now to come

Back here and see these temples

Doing what I wanted to do in my

Second chance, which is show

Through this game how I've

Changed and use that change to

Win, it's more than the

Rejuvenation I need to go these

Last six days.


If people would have asked

Me, you know, where has keith

Been for the last 30 days?

Is he sitting in a temple in

Cambodian, or has he just got

Back off the shut federal mars?

They'd say he's damn sure in

Mars because he's not in


That's how amazing it was.

It's impressive.

You just don't run across stuff

Like that.

I don't know how you can trump

This, to tell you the truth.

We got this really cultural


I'll never do that in my life.

So of all the reward, this was

Such a great one to win.

That's beautiful.

Oh, my gosh.

I haven't had the easiest go in

This game, like I've been on the

Bottom a lot, so coming out here

For a second chance, I just want

The prove that I can do it.

And so close to the end of the

Game, it's just like, wow, like

I'm almost there.

To cambodia, to being

Surrounded by things we would

Never see in our life.

What was that called just


Do you have a name for this

Dance in


Oh, my gosh.

That looks so good.

We've made it.

Is that wine and spaghetti?

Keith nail, thank you so


Oh, my god, guys, sit down,

Sit down.

What do you think is going on at


Trying to rein in abi?

She's not pissed, is she?

Probably after today she is.

I think we'll be okay with


Being on reward with spencer and

Steve, it's the perfect time to

Figure out where they're at.

I just want to get to final


That's the goal in this game.

If you told me like final

Three, I would be very happy

With this.

I would, too.

That would be fantastic.

We just got to make that


We can.

You know, we're so close.

We're a couple days away.


Any time you're at a reward

With this few people left in the

Game, you're probably going to

Make a final three deal.

Wentworth and keith and I made a

Pact to go to the final three,

But it's too early for me the

Say that there's any final three

That I'm locked into.

If I could choose any final

Three, I would love to be

Sitting there with abi and with


It's a question of making it

Happen now.

Who do you think?


Maybe jeremy would be a great

Person to do second because

They're going to be expecting


I think it makes sense to do

Tasha and then jeremy.


We could use abi for a number

Right now.

Take our four, and go after


I want tasha gone.

We're now very solid.

So all is well and good as long

As that fourth person is feeling

Good, as long as that fourth

Person is a sound, rational

Player who will make the good

Decision for our group.

The problem is that fourth

Person is abi, who is none of

Those things.

We're going to wake up on day

38, Us and abi.

Would you feel some type of

Way if I salt down with jeremy

And talked.

Can I put that rice over



You guys talk if that's what

You want.

I don't want anyone feeling


It is what it is.

If you want the include me, it

Would be better, but if you


We can do both.

Tasha did ask if it was okay

For her and jeremy to talk, but

You need four people right now

In order to switch the game, and

I feel like I have a lot more in

My pocket than jeremy does.

I can handle this.

You guys go talk.

Is abi a scorpio?

I got two of them in my house.

That's why I drink.

What did I miss?

How you doing?

This chick, I can't imagine

Dating her.

I can't even imagine.

It's like you have to be

Careful about everything you say

With abi, and I've come too far

To let abi-marie gomez ruin my



I don't think we take out keith


What if we make it abi?

What about keith being a


You all just got to k*ll the

Freakin' challenge.

But I think abi is... We can't

Have any messiness coming down

To the finals.

Keith is a credible threat,

But abi is very volatile.

If I say the wrong thing or make

The wrong joke, she could

Totally screw up my game.

She'll flip in a heartbeat.

What's the point of trying to

Get to the end if you don't even

Trust the people that can take

You there.

This is like the final big move

That we can make.

If we screw this one vote up,

We're done.

Tasha said, what do you think

About if we vote abi out.

It does give me one less thing I

Don't have to worry about, so I

Like that idea.

You think for sure...

I think we're locked in.

We'll see what spence says.

Tasha is iffy on spencer.

She doesn't know he's 100%.

It's a possibility he could jump

Ship, run and tell kelley and

Keith the whole plan and it will

Blow up in our face.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first.

We have to take back both


All right, brother.

Jeff: thank you, keith.

Only need one today.

Once again immunity back up for


For today's challenge, you're

Going the race out into the

Water and across a series of


When you reach the end, you'll

Retrieve a key and race back.

You'll then use that key to open

A chest, remove the puzzle

Pieces and solve a five-piece


First to wynantskills immunity

And garn teened a one in six

Shot of winning this game.

Second chance story today is a


In our first challenge of our

30Th season, this was one of

Three puzzle choices.

Nobody chose it.

So the second chance story is

The puzzle.

Finally getting chance to be


All right.

We'll draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right.

Here we go.

For immunity and a guaranteed

One in six shot, survivors



Anyway you can get through these


Attack it.

Everybody is in this.

Jeremy and spencer out to the

Early lead.

You fall off, you got to go back

To the last obstacle.

Jeremy and spencer side by side.

Here comes keith and wentworth.

Got to be careful.

This challenge will kick your


And... Whoa, spencer fell off.

Got to come back.

Going to be jeremy first in the


Everybody else is way behind.

Kimmi, abi in last.

Here we go.

Spencer now back.

Oh, big fall by keith.

Jeremy to the buoy trying to get

That key.

Kimmi takes a big fall.

Keith in the water.

Once you have your key, head


Tasha struggling to stay in


It is jeremy and spencer in the


Keith and wentworth right


Spencer moving quickly through

The water.

Jeremy and spencer back at the

Same time.

Spencer made up a lot of time in

The water.

Spencer now in the lead.

35 Days.

What you're doing right now gets

You to day 36.

This is it.

Kimmi and abi coming back.

Tasha still in her buoy.

Spencer digging deep.

Jeremy on his sail.

Here comes keith.

Whoa, big hit by spencer.

You okay?

Spencer's got to go back.

That opens the door for jeremy


Spencer took it right on the


Spencer's across.

Let's go, keith.

That puzzle is only five pieces.

You can solve it in a moment.

Getting back first could be the


This is why you're out here, to

See what you're made of.

Tasha still struggling.

It is jeremy, spencer and keith.

Here comes wentworth, abi and


Tasha still in the water


Only five pieces in this puzzle.

When you get it, it will be

Instantly, and it will be over

Like that.

You are not out of this

Challenge because there is no

Working closer and closer.

This is the kind of puzzle you

Solve in an instant and spencer

Just did.

Spencer wins individual immunity

Solving the puzzle in less than

15 Seconds.


One in six shot guaranteed for




Get tasha.


Jeff: medical, let's go.

Take it easy for a moment,

All right.

Have you got any pain anywhere?

Just relax.


I just didn't have any


An I was struggling.

I just kept taking on water.


Those medical guys will take

Care of her.

Don't worry.

It will be okay.

Jeff: tasha, it's jeff.

What happened?

I think tasha was in the

Water and basically sheer

Exhaustion made it difficult for

Her to keep up.

Once you start taking on water,

It gets a bit scary.

Is that what happened to you,



I don't think she's in any

Danger of any problems with her

Lungs at all.

But I think she's going to be


Jeff: when you're ready

We'll take you in.

All right?

I'm ready.

Jeff: you ready?

You sure?

All right.

What's going on here?

I think we're all exhausted,

35 Days.

It's scary.

It's just scary.

It catches up to you.

Jeff: so how do you feel

Now when you've gone through

Something like that and you know

You're safe but you're still

Sort of coming down from the


It's frustrating and I think

We all give everything we have,

And I just didn't have anything


Jeff: all right.

Shall we finish the other part

Of this story, which is massive

Win by spencer.


Jeff: all right.

You're going to stay seated, all


Yes, yes.

Jeff: okay.

Spencer, come on over.


I got the tell you, we have

Tested that puzzle a lot.

Nobody ever has done it that

Fast, ever.

That was amazing.


You are safe tonight at tribal


You are guaranteed a one in six

Shot at winning this game.

As for the rest of you, somebody

Going home tonight.

Tasha, you sitting down

Surrounded by a firefighter

T-shirt and two firefighters

Holding it speaks to the

Camaraderie this group has, and

Yet tonight in a few hours

Somebody will be voted out.

The game never stops.

The only certain thing tonight,

It will not be you.


Grab you stuff, head back to


See you guys tonight at tribal.

Tash almost drown.

She swallowed a . Of salt water.

That's how quick something like

That can happen.

But kelley, we talked about it

On the


Here we are sitting at four.


Good job, spencer.

Are you feeling good?

Are you feeling better?


You all got to tell me about the


I missed it.

At the immunity challenge, my

Mind was saying, swim, live, and

I feel like I'm drowning, just

Taking in water.

It's very scary for me.

Did you go under?

Several times.

Like my legs did not move.

I'm already not like the

Greatest swimmer.

I'm from the midwest.

I'm comfortable in a swimming

Pool, but the ocean is just a

Different animal, and I lost it.

You have to walk it off and

Think about it.

It's a scary thing.

At this point I'm so nervous

About tonight because I suspect

That maybe wentworth, keith and

Spencer bonded on the reward, so

I need to make sure that spencer

Is still with jeremy, kimmi and

Myself, because abi must go.

We're still thinking the

Same, tasha.


Well, I know you all got kind

Of a togetherness.

We can count on...

All four of us together.

We're all good.

If we have four people,

That's all that matters.

As long as we're close.

You feel okay, right?

I'm good.

As long as it's none of us.

As long as I'm still here,

That's what matters at the end

Of the day.

I'm just thinking about who to

Bring to the end with me at this


Four is all we need.

I'm not going to have to come to

Chicago and hunt you down and

I'm not going to have to come to

Brazil, am i?

You'll never find me in


I just need to get to the end.

My resume has gone up a little

Bit, too, you know?


Here's the plan, we cannot let

Wentworth, abi and keith make it

To the end.

That would be an abomination.

In this season.

Like maybe another season

You're going to take her, like

This season it would be a



To the fans who voted us on,

To all of the... The blind

Sides, why...

If that's the final three.



Here's the plan.


How do you feel about that?

I mean, I want to do what I

Said I wanted to do before.

What makes sense for me.

Did you gate chance to talk to


Oh, yeah.

Day 39, guys.

Do it.

All right.

I've had control of my fate

For a long time in this game,

And I don't want to give it up,

So tonight going into tribal, my

Two options are go with kimmi,

Jeremy, tasha and target the

Weak players who everyone wants

To drag to the end, like abi.

It better be the four of us


It better be for abi tonight.

My other option is to go with

Wentworth, abi and keith and

Take out the big g*ns and pray I

Get to the end with these guys.

It's a breaking point now.

It's the final seven.

It's a point of no return.

Jeff: we now bring in the

Members of our jury.

Kass, savage, wiglesworth,

Ciera, fishbach and joe voted

Out at the last tribal council.

So let's start with the reward.

Keith, you win your second

Individual challenge in a row.

Big reward to go back where this

All began, back to the temples.

That's right, back to where

We started.

We got to eat inside a

1,000-Year-old temple.

It doesn't get any better.

Jeff: spencer, what is that


It's a pretty unique experience?

Oh, yeah, it's the kind of

Reward that makes you feel

Connected to the country you're

Playing "survivor" in.

Jeff: so the flip side is

You pick keith and wentworth.

You have a nice group of three

With this reward.

Now four people are left back at


Yeah, great experience, but I

Definitely thought, what am I


It's a long time to be away.

Jeff: tasha, the other big

Event we have to talk about,

Today's challenge.

You got a little overwhelmed in

The water and had to be rescued.

How are you feeling now?

It's been rough all day.

Jeff: I got to believe that

Much just adrenaline and energy

Coursing through your body, that

When you finally get back the

Camp you're exhausted.

Exhausted mentally,

Physically, and I tried eo act

Like I wasn't.

I thought I was drowning.

That's scary.

Jeff: spencer, how does an

Event like that impact the game?

Any event in "survivor" is

The opportunity for change, good

Or bad.

Jeff: kimmi, has there been

Any talk about idols.

Idol talk always comes into


It's like, oh, it could be here.

Do we have enough numbers to

Vote one way and have a back-up

Plan in case an idol is played.

Jeff: keith, kimmi just

Said something I have rarely

Heard at tribal, "do we have

Enough numbers."

That would apply a group.

I think what you're going to

See on the boat will get us back

To where we need to be.

Jeff: spencer, "we," where

We need to be.

I am officially in club wee.

Jeff: so jeremy, kimmi says

We, and spencer says, I'm a

"We," too.

I was sitting at camp and

There's five voting blocs.

Everybody is part of a we.

Jeff: tasha, would you

Agree there are four or five

Groups of we?

I think people are keeping

Their options open, but while

Peep are focusing on these

Option, they may be missing out

On a window of opportunity to

Really lock in because if you

Can get a we that will lock in,

The outcome would be more

Favorable for all of the wees.

Jeff: is there anybody here

That feels really confident that

My we is going to reign supreme?

I tell you what, I feel

Pretty confident that my wees

Will reign supreme.

Jeff: I love the honesty.

Let's do it.

Time to vote.

Jeff: spencer, why did you

Shake your head at that.

I admire his confidence

Because I'm still very nervous.

This is a great for tonight, but

If it doesn't go my we's way,

It's not so good for tomorrow.

Jeff: jeremy, how confident

Are you in your we tonight?

In which we?

Jeff: wow.

And abi, when you hear that,

Does that get you unnerved or


It's exciting because it

Makes me wonder which we I

Should go with myself.

I'm a risk taker, so we'll see.

We will see.

Jeff: I guess it is time to

Find out which we will reign

Supreme tonight.

Time to vote.

Abi, you're up.

Sorry, girl.

I just want to make it another


Let's see how this goes.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote abi.




We're tied, two votes abi, two

Votes tasha.


That's three votes abi, two

Votes tasha.


That's three votes abi, two

Votes tasha, one vote keith, one

Vote left.

14Th person voted out and

The seventh member of our jury,


You need to bring me your torch.

Good luck, guys.

Jeff: abi, the tribe has


Well played.

Jeff: time for you to go.

Well, another blind side is the

Perfect setup for what might be

One of the most unpredictable

Finishes in the history of


Grab you torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Stay tuned for scenes from our

Next episode.

Jeff: next time on the

Season finale of "survivor"...

You're not giving.

You're not either.

Jeff: this close to the

End, no one is giving up their

Second chance without a fight.


Now it's all about staying


We did not expect this.

Come to tribal tonight.

Buy a ticket.

It might be epic.

Jeff: first time in 31


Join us for the finale

I really thought that it

Wasn't my turn.

The one time I think I'm safe.

I got blind sided.

I will be at the final tribal,

And I will be deciding who wins

$1 Million.

It was a great experience.

I think that I gained a lot of

Personal growth, and I'm happy

Not to be with those crazy

People anymore.
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