31x10 - Like Selling Your Soul to the Devil/My Wheels Are Spinning

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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31x10 - Like Selling Your Soul to the Devil/My Wheels Are Spinning

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor": with 11 people still

In the game, each had their own


Jeremy was finding idols.

Took me two years but now

I've got two idols.

Jeff: ciera was using

Voting blocks to stay alive.

Are we talking strategy at


We need to make a move before

It's too late.

Jeff: and stephen was

Targeting big threats.

I need joe out.

Jeff: at the immunity

Challenge-- first person to

Touch their buoy earns an

Advantage in the game.

Stephen gained an advantage.

This is beyond my wildest


Jeff: and joe continued to


Joe wins his third individual


Back at camp, ciera, wentworth,

And aby were on the bottom.

We'll write down whatever you

Tell us to write down.

This is a huge opportunity to

Truly shift the game on its head

Is there but he needed jeremy

And spencer to furn on their


People are going to come back

To camp blindsided.

Jeff: at tribal council the

Guys flipped.

Ninth person voted out, the

Third member of our jury.

Blindsiding joe and his closest


Kelley, the tribe has spoken.

Yes, they have.

Jeff: who will be voted out


So at tribal tonight,

Stephen, spencer, and myself

Blindsided kelly wiglesworth.

I still think we could jump back

To our power group, or whatever

We want to call it, and take out

Another one of the girls.

Maybe ciera can go.

Every vote, if I can't clean

Up, they're going to come after

Me next.

I knew I was going to have to

Come right back and talk to


I knew she was going to be


We couldn't tell you.

We couldn't tell you.

All right?

So they left me out of the


But in the voting block

Situation, it's like once you

Have the numbers for your block,

You don't need anybody else.

That is the game that we're


You're still in the power.

All right?

You get one opportunity to

Leave me out of the loop.

That was their one opportunity.

They don't get any more chances.

So what happened tonight?

She-- she was just too much.

She's, like, in everyone's

Business all the time.

Yeah... I'm pretty ( bleep )

Pissed right now.

And I'm trying to keep it

Together and not lose my

( Bleep ).

So who all voted for



Three girls.

I voted ciera.

No worries.

I'm still here so I'm glad about


And I totally understand.

Let's just not let those

Girls get--

No, come on.

No way.

We all know where they're at.

One of my biggest allies in

The game went home, so all the

More reason for me to win the

Next immunity.

Because people are coming for


This sucks.

I just can't believe that it

Would be like this without a


I feel like I'm in a pretty

Decent spot right now in the


You know, I was on the bottom

With wentworth and abi and

Slowly I started to creep my way

Up a little bit and hopefully I

Can keep the momentum.

This rain is a bitch.

We're all stuck inside the


That makes me nervous.

See I told you, first it was

Thunder and then comes


Can we eat dry rice?

I'm about to.

They're talking about food

And cold and all that, but I'm

Here to win a million dollars

Cut and dried.

I ain't starving to death.

I'll make it.

This is day 25.

Let's see, 35.

Yeah, I'm two weeks out.

I'll sit here for 50 days for a

Million dollars.

I mean, dang.

When do you get a second chance

For something crazy like this?

( Laughs )


That looks bad.

I feel like any minute I could

Lose a toe.

People ask me if "survivor" is


I tell them, hell no.

It ain't fun.

Going on a cruise is fun.

Going fishing it fun.

Going to play golf is fun.

This ain't fun.

Look at me.


Jeff: come on in, guys!

Jeff: tash, tell me where

This group of people, these

Humans are at emotionally?

We're exhausted.

The weather definitely takes the

Energy out of you.

It's crazy the level of effort

That each of us are putting into

This, jeff.

Jeff: and yet, ciera, you

Can't really know what a high is

If there's not a low to compare

It to.

That's where you get the


I think when we have a

Little, sweet moment, no rain

For 10 minutes, is so awesome,

You know, because these lows are

So low.

Jeff: all right, so let's

Flip it today and let me tell

You what you're playing for

First, and you can tell me

Honestly if you think it's worth


For today's challenge, we're

Going to divide into two teams

Of 5. Winning five will be taken

Away from this.


Uwill have a roof over your head

You're already in.


Jeff: you'll be warm,

Blankets to wrap around.

Oh, my gosh!

Jeff: all kinds of food.


Jeff: and in addition, the

Backcrop will be a cambodian



Jeff: for the five who

Don't win, back to camp, more

Rain, miserable shelter.

All right, here's how the

Challenge is going to work.

Three people from each team will

Battle for a ball.

You'll then work together to get

That ball into a basket while

The other team is trying to stop

You any way they can.

Every time you get a ball in the

Basket and score a point, first

To three wins reward.

Let's do it.

Let's do it!

Jeff: all right, we have

Our two teams from our school

Yard pick.

It is wentworth, kimmi, fish

Back, jeremy and keith.

Taking on tasha, abi, joe,

Ciera, and spencer.

We first ran this challenge back

In season 18 "survivor token

Keynes, fish back was there and

His tribe scored the winning


First round will be two men, one


Joe, spencer, and ciera for


For green it's going to be

Emy, fis fishbach and wentworth.

It will be first to three.

Here we go.

Survivors ready?

We're on!


Jeremy and joe battling.

Joe has it.

Let's go, buddy.

Jeff: over to spencer.

Can he do it?

No, misses.

Jeremy nows that.

Fishbach with a big takedown of


Jeremy scores first point!

Green leads one-zip.

This round is two women and one


For green it's going to be

Kimmi, keith, and wentworth back

In, taking on tasha, abi, and

Joe back in.

Green leads one-zip.

We're playing to three.

Survivors ready?


Kimmi and tasha battling for it.

Keith knocks it down.

Wentworths that.

Joe's going to take down wept


k*ll him!

Lock him up in your arms!

Jeff: joe tosses kimmi to

The ground.

Keith trying to get free.

Keith, you gotta fight for


Jeff: kimmi has been

Holding joe down.

Joe now has it.

Joe moving around everybody.

Dragging wentworth.

Pushes kimmi down.

Come on!

Joe to tie it up.



Come on!

Jeff: purple scores.

We are tied 1-1.

It's over.

It's over.

Next round, it is jeremy, kimmi,

And fishbach taking on joe,

Ciera, and spencer.

We're tied 1-1.

Survivors ready?


Jeremy and spencer go down hard.

Big battle.

Get him!

Get him!

Jeff: jeremy sprinting away

From everybody!

Joe takes him down.

Ball is lose now.

Fishbach has it.

Rain starting to come down


Jeremy with a long shot, can't

Do it.

Spencer has it, he's a


Spencer scores, purple takes the

Lead, 2-1!

Next match-up, it is joe back in

Again with abi and tasha taking

On jeremy, wentworth, and kimmi.

Purple leads 2-1, can win it

Right here, playing to three.

Survivors ready?


Tasha has the ball.

It's loose.

Joe and jeremy take each other


Now it's the women battling for

The ball as both guys are out of

This challenge.

Oh, my god.

Kimmi, k*ll her!

Good job, abi!

Jeff: tasha now has kimmi

Down trying to get that ball.

Abi now takes wept worth down.

Abi and wentworth going at it.

Abi is not laying off of

Wentworth, opening the door for

Tasha to take that ball.

Tasha has the ball.

But she's also got kimmi, rain

Pouring down.

Kim, hold on for dear life

For everything.

Jeff: kimmi and tasha

Battling for it.

Tasha dragging kimmi.

There it is.

She's free!

Purple wins reward!

Huge effort by everybody!

25 Days into this game.

Awesome job!

Jeff: all right, wig win

For joe, tasha, ciera, abi, and


Get you out of the watt, you can

Start getting warm now.

Thanks, jeff.

Thanks, jeff.

Jeff: head out.

Get warm.

I wish I had something to make

It better but I don't.

I got nothing for you.

Head back to camp, try to stay


To be able to win a reward

And take, you know, an afternoon

To get dry for a little bit,

Have conversations with people

Outside of the shelter.

It's a huge advantage.


Winning, just stick it to


That was awesome.

Having been wet for two days

Straight, going on a reward has

Never been more important.

And get all this cambodian

Culture that I've never

Experienced, and the opportunity

To form the bonds you need to

Make something happen.


It might the be immunity but it

Feels as important as immunity.


( Cheers and applause )

That little boy is is, like

The exact size of mine.

Your little son is that


A little bit bigger.

Oh, my gosh, so cute.

The coolest thing for me is

To be able to see all the

Families and all the kids watch

This performance.

It definitely made me miss my

Home more than ever.

How you doing, girl?

It's just seeing all these

Kids, and it just makes me miss

My babies.

I'm really, really, really

Starting to miss my kids and my

Husband, and I think it just put

Into perspective for me they're

Fine, and that's why I'm here.

And that's why I have to keep

Trucking along for them.

Almost done, right?

Almost done.

Almost there.

So I need to take any

Advantage I can get.

This game is constantly changing

So this reward is the perfect

Opportunity to be able to say

Sayily," let's make a plan."

Right now there are 10 of us and

We only need six.

Why do we need jeremy, stephen,

Or kimmi.

Stephen's advantage is scary.

That's why he needs to be

Totally blindsided.

Stephen is a huge threat, and

He just got this advantage.

Even more of a reason to

Blindside him and get him out of


I think stephen is the most

Dangerous player in the game

Right now.

Let's get rid of stephen.


Ciera pitched this idea that us

Five at the reward should

Blindside stephen.

I've wanted stephen out for a


It sounds look a good plan, but

I can't bank on them, especially

When I know they want me out of

This game.

We've just got to push


This suction, but just push


I know.

My son was in the hospital for

49 Days, and I sat there through


That is worse than this.

That was 1,000 times worse

Than this.

My oldest son has kidney disease

And when you sit and put things

In perspective, if he can do

That, then I can certainly

Endure these elements of

"Survivor," because all my

Strength for being out here

Comes from my boys.

Is that your shirt?


I thought of putting it on,


So, good.

The hell with joe.

I'm staying warm.

It was tough today because,

You know, keith is fighting two

People at once.

And then joe is just pushing two

Girls down.

We tried!

We tried.

He's the biggest guy out here

By a mile.

You'd be winning all these

Rewards, jeremy, if he wasn't in

The game.

Joe is a big threat.

Joe is a big threat.

It wouldn't bother me a bit

If joe goes.

He's good at challenges.

He's winning everything out


That's knot to stop.

Either by me, jeremy, spencer,

Somebody, give of rest of the

Low pack a chance or something.

Everyone wants joe gone.

Honestly, the thing is with

Joe, he made his own bed.

Like, you can't keep winning

Immunities like that.

Let's just get joe out of here.

This is great because for so

Many days in this game, I've

Just felt, like, on the bottom,

But I feel like these voting

Blocks definitely opened up a

Lot of doors for ciera, abi, and


He's playing every side,

Underside, inside, outside.

He's playing every person but

In a really arrogant way.


Finally we're all on the same


Everyone knows how important it

Is that joe doesn't win


I'm ready for him to go.

It's time.

I'm ready.

He's had his story.

I'm literally shivering.

It is freezing out here.

It's miserable.

But I think I've got my fingers

In basically every pot right

Now, and especially winning that

Game advantage, I think I'm in a

Really great position right now.

I mean, never say that on

"Survivor" that you're in a

Great position because that's--

That's the death knell.

That's when you go home.

But I think moving forward I

Have a lot of room to maneuver

In this game.

( Thunder )

In the middle of the night,

Freezing code rain, we've been

Wet for days, I haven't eaten

For days, and suddenly I start

Having terrible stomach issues

And it takes me out of the

Shelter in the middle of this

Monsoon over and over again.

Poor guy.

Everyone is miserable.

You know, everyone is at their

Low, but I'm scared that my body

Is breaking down.

I can't go on like this.

Literally, I just can't.

Like, even though your body

Can't, still have to say, "yes,

Yes I can" you know, "yes I


I'm just exhausted.

The last couple of days I've

Been down, I've been down and


I don't know when it will end.

The rain has been going for


My stomach is really suffering.

Every part of me is just, like,

Given up.

I just need some, like, some,

Like, ray of hope you know.

Just, like, the sun to come out

For 15 minutes or something.

( Thunder )

I'm not quitting.

I'm not quitting.

There's no way I'm quitting.

I'm not quitting.

I gotta go again.

I just went 30 seconds ago.

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Stephen does not look good.

I feel bad for him.

His stomach is messed up, and

His feet are swollen.

He looks so bad.

He looks so bad.

I'm hoping he's okay because I

Need some loyalty around me, and

Stephen is an honest guy.

What's up.

Your foot?

Why are you limping around.

I'm just a mess.

I love "survivor," but it's a

Tough game.

Every day, it's tough.

We're freezing.

The wind is cold.

And the shelter is horrible.

It doesn't hold up against the

Elements out here pup can't ever

Get warm, so we're just huddled

Up together.

It suction.

We need something, you know.

If we can get warm and get

Everything dry for one day,

We'll be all right.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

Jeff: all right, before we

Get to the challenge, I want

Each of you to take one black

Rock, one white rock.

Take one of each.

You're shaking your head, keith.

I'm just wondering what we

Got up next.

When jeff gave us the white

And black rock, our heads were

All spinning.

What could this be?

Jeff had something up his


Jeff: we'll get to the

Stones later.

All right, shall we get to

Today's immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first,

Joe, gotta take it back again.

Once again, immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to balance on one foot on

A small block while balancing a

Ball against an overhanging

Piece of wood.

If at any point the ball drops,

You're out of the challenge.

Last person left standing wins

Immunity, guaranteed a

One-in-nine shot at winning this


Losers, tribal council, where

Somebody will become the fourth

Member of our jury.

We've done this challenge one


Keith's season.

Keith participated and did not


And the good news is for the

First time in a few days, we

Have clear weather.

Fishbach, how bad has it been?

It's been terrible.

We haven't eaten in days.

We haven't been dry in days.

And I actually in the middle of

The night last night had severe

Gastro intestinal distress-- you

Can hashtag that.

It felt like I was going from a

"Survivor" low to a personal

Life low.

Jeff: you guy still have

Half a month to go out here.

Thank god.

Jeff: I'm going to give you

The opportunity to greatly

Improve your shelter. Not what

You were expecting, is it?


Jeff: right now, a

Construction crew is at your


They are ready to redo your


Oh, my gosh!

Jeff: we will waterproof

The roof.

We will get your fire going in

The center.

It will be covered.

Oh, my gosh.

What do you want from us?

Jeff: I want five people to

Give up their shot at immunity

In this challenge.

Oh, my gosh.

We have a dilemma between I

And we.

This decision could easily bite

You in the ass, whichever way

You go.

Jeff: white rock means I am

Willing to surrender my shot in

This challenge.

I will give up for the better of

The group.

The black rock means can't do


I'm competing.

I want immunity.

So this really comes down to

Trust because if you could all

Trust each other, this is easy.

Five people do it, improve your



But this is a game for a million


Surviving is more important

Than individual immunity, but my

Mind is just racing with all

These questions.

Who I do think is going to give

Up one for the team and who do I

Think is going to compete in the


Jeff: make your decision.

Put your palm out.

White means I'm giving up.

I'm looking for five whites.

Everybody reveal.

Everybody willing to give up

Their shot except for joe and


Come on!

Jeff: spencer, fishbach,

Jeremy, kimmi, wentworth, ciera,

Abi, and tasha, all said I will

Give up my shot at security in a

Million-dollar game with only 10

People left.

Good news is, when you go back

To camp, you will have a big


The more interesting news, two

People said not doing it.

Joe and keith.

Keith, did you debate this or

Was it easy?

I'm a competitor, and I

Wanted to play.

I kind of figured joe was in


I want to win that necklace

Right there.

Jeff: joe, did you consider


I totally considered it.

I was back and forth, back and

Forth, and for a split second I

Said you know what, I think the

Rain affects more people here,

Like me, personally, I can suck

It up.

Jeff: big decision in a big

Game of "survivor: second


Those of you who surrendered,

Take a spot on the bench.

Joe and keith, take your spots,

We'll get started.

All right, eight people gave up

Their shot at immunity to

Improve the shelter.

Joe and keith are going to

Battle it out for immunity.

You have one foot on the block.

You're balancing the ball in

Between your bowie and the

Overhanging piece of wood.

Joe looks good.

Keith looks good.

This challenge for immunity is


Keith has done this challenge.

He actually made it fairly deep.

Didn't win.

Joe, on the other hand, has not

Lost an immunity challenge.

He is three for three.

Nobody has felt that necklace

Other than joe.

You both made big decisions when

You decided to compete.

You want to make it worth it.

The only way to do that is to


It doesn't take long for the

Fatigue to start to set in.

The question is who can stand

Them the longest?

This is going to take everything

You two have to outlast the


Joe with a little bit of


When you're as tired as you guys

Are, it's so easy to have a

Lapse in your concentration.

Joe is slipping.

Jeff: keith with a tiny bit

Of movement.

Keith drops out of the


Joe wins his fourth individual

Immunity, remains undefeated.

No second chance redemption for


Joe, come on over.

( Applause )

For the fourth time in this game

The only person to win

Individual immunity once again,

Joe, safe tonight at tribal

Council, cannot be voted out of

This game.

As for the rest of you, somebody

Going home.

Will it be one of the eight of

You who voluntarily gave up your

Shot at immunity?

One thing we know for sure-- it

Won't be you.


Thank you.

Jeff: grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

See you tonight at tribal.

Of course, joey amazing, wins

Another immunity.

At least now, having the

Shelter, being dry, suddenly we

Can now play again.

And my thought right now is

Makes the most sense to take out


She's so fixated on aggressive

Game play because she knows

She's in trouble which is


When we came back to camp and

We saw the shelter built, the

Fire going, it was just such an

Amazing feeling.

It was just like, wow.

I can endure another 13 days, no


This is amazing!

Best shelter ever.

You guys, look at this


I know.

This is unbelievable.

We will be warm.

This went from one of the

Lowest points of all of our

Lives to the most incredible

Shelter, but when you give up

Potentially your life in the

Game, it's like you're selling

Your soul to the devil.

All I was trying to do was

Take down the golden boy.

If keith is safe, someone who

Sacrificed immunity for shelter

And tea and coffee, will enjoy

None of those things and will be

Headed to the jury.

Who's next.

One of girls.

Here's what I'm thinking.

If we take out ciera now--

You want to do ciera today.


Ciera is next to go because

She's too dangerous.

Her sweetness, you never think

With her that she's so devious,

But ciera is someone who is

Willing to make big moves,

Advance her cause in the game.

I think getting rid of her, I

Think I would work with


I even think abi I would work


I also have an advantage.

I will need that later in the

Game and I don't want to waste

It too early.

So what's the plan?

The guy who is limping around

With an advantage in his pocket.



It's stephen, stephen, stephen,

Stephen, stephen.

Poopy pants?


Poopy pants.


I know.

Poopy pants.

At this point in the game,

I'm just hoping that the plans I

Set in motion to blindside

Steven and get rid of that

Advantage play out.

And I think that people would be

Silly not to take the

Opportunity to flush stephen out

Of the game and flush that


But in case he plays an

Advantage me and wentworth are

Going to write down kimmi, and

Everybody else write down


Hey, I wanted to see where

You were.

Like, if we go with the girls,

Like, it's the ciera show, and

Every move that she's here

That's made is on her resume.

Like, all she did was throw out

Spencer-- throw out stephen's

Name yesterday, dispfs like,

Boom, done.

Like the godfather.

This one's next.

The thing that ciera has done so

Successfully is she's basically

Unhinged several groups.

And my question is why isn't

Anyone taking ciera out to free

Up her people which would be

Wentworth and abi?

If we unhinge ciera's crew,

They're up for grabs.

Yeah, totally.

Ciera still sits there as an

Easy vote, but for me, I feel

Like it's in my best interest to

Get stephen gone as quickly as


Now it's just a matter of

Convincing enough people to make

The right move.

I don't believe anything the

Girls say, but they want me,

Tash, him, and keith to vote


Oh, we're doing stephen?

That's what the girls just

Made us commit to stephen.


Our first thing was supposed

To be ciera.

Whatever we decide we have to

Do, we're together now.

This is it.

Oh, yeah.

There's no other--

Are we sure that's what the

Girls are doing.


They've reiterated that

Several times.

It's what they're doing.

I feel like ciera is the

Biggest threat right now.

No, she is.

The advantage does scare me,


My head is in two places.

I really want ciera gone

Tonight, and I really want

Stephen gone tonight.

I think ciera, I know she's a


I know she's playing everybody,

While I think steve sen just a

Bigger threat in the fact that

He has an advantage in the game

Which no one knows what it is.

Why don't we all vote for


We all vote stephen.

He's not pulling anything


As long as it's a blindside, we

All vote stephen.

It's a bad move.

Some people saying maybe they

Want to vote stephen out because

Of his advantage.

I don't feel like that's a great

Idea right now.

I have two idols.

But I need stephen.

Stephen at least has my back.

I want steve tone stay.

Stephen trusts me.

Ciera has no loyalty to anybody.

She's a free agent.

She'll float anywhere just to

Keep going.


Stephen will stay with us.

If stephen has the ability to

Make a move, he will.

And that advantage might give

Him the ability to make a move.

So jeremy is adamant.

It's got to be ciera.

It's a mistake to get rid of


I will not feel comfortable with

Steve nen this game.

Stephen who has an advantage.

Stephen who is closer with kimmi

Than any two other people in the

Game, who could easily flip on

Us, moreacy easley than ciera.

You're giving her so much


We've got to wrap this up,


This is a really close

Decision, maybe the most

Important decision of the game.

But when both of us are 100%

Convinced that the other is

Wrong, me that stephen must go,

And jeremy that ciera must go,

Something has to give.

Something has to break.

I hope stephen's going home.

But I have no idea what is going

To happen at tribal council.

Jeff: we'll now bring in

The members of our jury.

Kass, savage, and wiglesworth,

Voted out at the last tribal


So let's talk about the weather.

It has been almost nonstop rain

For the past self days.

Wentworth, at the reward

Challenge, you were crouched in

The water almost like you were

Ready to just go ahead and sink

Under and drown yourself.

It was warmer to be sitting

In the water than to be standing

Up with the rain coming down on

My cold body.

That was honestly the first time

I've, like, cried in this game.

Jeff: wow.

This is literally the lowest

I've ever felt in my life.

Jeff: fishbach, what was

Your lowest point?

My lowest point was having

Severe gastrointestinal distress

At the very peak of the storm.

I felt just completely

Overwhelmed, you know, like this

Feeling they couldn't do it

Anymore but I knew I had to.

Jeff: so that brings us to


I offered you a shot to change


But in exchange, five of you,

Half the group vto risk giving

Up immunity, knowing tribal was

Hours away.

Ciera, what was your very first


The very first thought that

Went through my head is I'm

Willing to give up my spot for

The team but who else is?

Because we have to come together

To survive.

And I wanted to show that I was

Giving a little as far as make

Us stronger.

Jeff: tasha, before you

Made your decision, what did you


My first question was who's

Going to be selfish and who's

Going to be unselfish?

And I wouldn't have been able to

Live with myself had I not chose

The unselfish choice.

I can interject real quick?

Jeff: yeah.

Fiput out that white rock, I

Go home tonight.

No question asked.

Jeff: keith, when you chose

The black rock, you knew there

Was a chance you might be in the


Yeah, jeff, but I'm a


I mean, I was just trying to,

You know, k*ll the golden boy.

( Laughter ).

Jeff: spencer, should keith

Be worried tonight?

I don't think keith's

Decision is going to sway

Whether or not he's okay


I do know that if keith doesn't

Go home, someone is going to

Second guess what they did

Before the challenge for a long


Jeff: so fishbach, if keith

Is safe, that means one of the

Eight who volunteered to give up

Their shot will be blindsided


You know, I think that there

Are so many different clusters

Of power here, and I truly have

No idea what is going to happen

At the vote tonight.

Jeff: jeremy, it still

Feels as those these voting

Blocks are still moving and the

Question is where are they going

To be when we say, "it's time to


It's just crazy.

Like, today, there was a group

That had a plan, and you see one

Or two people walk off this way,

One or two people walk off that


And you're like wait a second.

What's going on here?

Jeff: tasha, has there been

Any talk about fishbach's


There has been a lot of talk,

Especially people that are

Working closely with stephen

From a strategic standpoint.

Jeff: and, fishbach, if

Anyone here has an idol, nobody

May know.

Everybody knows you have an

Advantage because you did it in

Front of everybody.

Yeah and know what, when I

Jumped off that platform, that

Thought crossed my mind.

"I'm putting a big target on

Myself right now."

Jeff: jeremy, it's


Eah, you want tha advantage, but

Now everybody knows you have the

Advantage and it's a bad

Advantage because you have a

Target on your back now, it's


It's a disadvantage.

( Laughter )

Jeff: fishbach, let's talk

About the vote.

Because alliances are shifting

So much, you can't count on

Three or four other people

Voting with you.

So what do you base it on?

Things are changing so

Quickly, you base your vote on

Who you think is going to.

You for two days.

Jeff: so then, ciera, the

Only certainty you have is the

Vote you make.

Yeah, it really complicates

Things because we really haven't

Established lines yet.

Jeff: but is it kind of

Exciting that it sounds like

We're going to have another


It is exciting to see how the

Votes are gog play out, how the

People are going to vote and if

The people who say they were

Going to vote one way vote one


It could be me that was

Lindsidesided and that will suck

Because that means I showed a

Wrong color rock and it would be

A million-dollar mistake.

Jeff: tasha is that how we

Have to look at this, a

Million-dollar mistake?

Yeah air, million-dollar


Jeff: let's find out who it

Is going to be, it is time to


Spencer, you're up.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.

Jeff: if anybody has a

Hidden immunitied --ol and wants

To play it, now would be the

Time to do so.

Yeah, jeff.

My decision comes down to who

Can I trust more going forward?

That's for fishburn.

Jeff: for fishbach.


Thank you.

Jeff: this is a hidden

Immunity idol.

Any vote cast for fishbach will

Not count.

I'll tally the votes.

First vote, fishbach.

Does not count.

Fishbach, does not count.

Fishbach, does not count.

Fishbach, does not count.

I'm with you.

All the way.

Jeff: fishbach, does not




Two votes ciera.


One vote kimmi.


That's two votes kimmi, two

Votes ciera, one vote left.

Tenth person voted out and the

Fourth member of our jury,


You need to bring me your torch.

Well played, well played.


I would do the same thing for


Jeff: ciera, the tribe has


Love you all.

Good luck.

Jeff: time for you to go.

♪ ♪ ♪

Jeff: well, it seems only

Fitting in a very unpredictable

Season of "survivor" that

Another tribal council would end

With a big move.

Grab your torches, head back to


Tonight I guess was my night

To go.

I have been telling people let's

Play hard, let's play this game.

I got people to play a little

I got people to play a little

And I can genuinely say I went

Out with a fight, and at least I

Can go home with that peace.

Coming through with that

That was very classy of you,

So tonight at tribal, jeremy

Pulls out an idol.

I had no idea he had one.

And plays it on me.

And he saved my life in this

Game, and I owe him for that

That was a pretty good one.

Them dudes don't trust you.

I knew in tribal council I

Was gone.

I knew you did.

I'm sitting there like I

Gotta do it.

Thank you.

I owe you my life in this

I told you, man, when you

Have my back I got your back,

You know what I mean?

I know that stephen will have my

Back, and I think stephen wants

To take me all the way to the

End, and I like that.

That was awesome.

That was cool, right?

When you make moves like

That, a big move like that, I

Know there's going to be a huge

Target on me now after doing it,

But this game is so crazy, I

Feel like everybody's still in

It, so I have wiggle room to

Make the next move.

Listen, spencer, I don't want be

It's like a new game every

Time get back from tribal.

Listen, that's what I'm saying.

Like, I would do the same thing

Jeremy pulled a fast one,

Pretty sure I'm being lied to.

So maybe it makes sense to jump

With whoever else is willing to

I thought about it, I am

Annoyed at myself to have been

So-- absolutely didn't see that


Zero, zero.

I was tossing and turning.

I don't know, either.

You know, I think of myself

As having good resident off

People, I think of myself as

Knowing the game really well, I

Call myself a know it all.

And last night I knew nothing.

For every vote this season I

Basically knew what was going

On, and yesterday I didn't know

At all.

( Thunder )

Is it getting worse, stephen?

You need to dry those out for


What do you mean when you

Say, "dry them out?"

When everything is wet, it

Doesn't heal as fast so all

Those cuts and bites will stay

Open, each getting more


Yeah, that's gross.

On top of this feeling of

Defeat I have, everything else

Is falling apart, too.

My feet have swollen up to

Monster size.

It's very painful for me to


I have eaten or slept in days.

I do feel like I'm at a low,

Just feeling completely

Overwhelmed by everything.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

Time for a classic.

Urvivor" fo "survivor" folklore.

Tonight I'm going to tell you a

Story about cambodian history.

You will race into the jungle to

A series of five stations where

You have a question and three


When you think you have the

Right answer, grab a wrapped

Medallion, head back to the


If you answer correctly, you'll

Get a gold medad daalion.

If you answer incorrectly,

You'll get a wooden medallion.

You have to toss it into the

Fire and head back.

The first person to answer all

Five questions correctly wins


Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: the winner will be

Picked up at your beach by






Jeff: be taken on the

Starling resort, a beautiful

Spot on another island.

Oh, my gosh.

Jeff: why whereyou'll have

Steak, chicken wings, cocktails,

The works.


Jeff: shall we get started?


Jeff: tonight I'm going to

Tail a story about one of the

Most revered leaders in

Cambodian history, king javardin


He reigned during the 12th

And 13th century, considered

One of cambodia's greatest times

In history.

His army included horses,

Archers, and female warriors.

He would overwhelm his opponents

With thousands of charging


At the start of his reign,

Hinduism was a state religion,

And the famous anchor, was the

Largest religious complex and

Largest city in the world.

It was a massive undertaking

Requiring 500,000 stone blocks

Tob floated down a river from a

Quarry 25 miles away.

It took 30 years to complete.

And it was geographically equal

In size to modern-day los


But, jevadimin was buddhist, not


So he broke 400 years of

Tradition when he made buddhism

The new state religion.

Then he set out to build his own

Temple, the bayon temple air,

Tribute to buddhism.

50 Towers spanning three

Football fields with over 200

Faces carved into the sides of


And today, those two temples,

The bayon and angkor are

Regularly listed as one of the

Top tourist attractions on


All the questions you're going

To answer tonight are based on

The story I just told you.


Good luck.

Jeff: everybody grab a


We'll get started.

Jeff: for reward, everybody



Jeff: survivors ready?


Let's go!

You gotta move!

One person's gonna win!

Be fast on your feet!

You can go to any station in any

Order you want.

Jayvardmin was... A buddhist.

Which of the following is

True about bayon temple?

It was built with a stone from

25 Miles away.

Jeff: spencer is back


The question is, is he right?

You won't know until you get

Here and unwrap it.

If it's gold, put it on your


If it's wood, throw it in the

Fire and head back.

Gold means you're right.

Wood means you're wrong.

Keith is wrong, he's got to head


Spencer's right.

Wentworth has her first one


Fishbach is right.

Jeremy's right.

Abi has it right.

She's in it.

Jeff: keith back.

He was wrong the first time.

Did he get it right this time?

It's complicated because there

Are three answers which means

It's not an a*t*matic you'll get

It right.

Everybody now coming back with

Their second.

Good grief!

Jeff: keith missed again.

Joe's wrong.

He's got to head out.

That's going to open the door

For somebody to take the lead

With two.

It is fishbach with two upon.

He's heading out.

Wentworth is wrong.

Spencer's right.

He's got two.

Jeff: it is spencer,

Jeremy, fishbach with two.

Wentworth, joe, and tasha with


Abi has her second.

She was right.

Abi's just slow.

More people coming back.

Joe wrong again.

Falling out of this quickly.

Oh, my gosh!

Attached to the little disk is a

Little piece of paper and it

Says, "idol clue."

Jeff: wentworth, she has

Her second.

I took the idol clue off,

Stuffed it in my pants and kept


Anyone could have come and

Picked that one answer, and they

Could have had the clue.

How lucky am i?

Jeff: spencer's right.

He has his third.

It's spencer in the lead.

Fishbach is wrong.

It is now spencer slowly in the

Lead with three.

Wentworth has two.

Aparri has two.

Jeremy has two.

Fishbach has two.

And tasha has two.

12Th and 13th


That's the 1100s and 1200s.

Jeff: fishbach coming back.

Joe coming back.

He's been terrible in this

Challenge so far.

Thanks, jeff.

Jeff: abi has her third.

She hasn't missed yet.

Fishbach is right with three.

Spencer has his fourth.

Looking for one more!

Sorry, abi.

Jeff: abi coming back with

Her fourth.

Jeremy still working it.

Jeremy has his third!

Fishbach coming back looking for

His fourth.

Abi misses for the first time.

That's going to cost her.

Fishbach looking for his fourth.

Spencer back with his fifth.

This could be it for the win.

Fishbach is right with his


If he's right, big reward for


Tasha just looking over.

He's looking for gold.

Spencer's wrong!

Opens up the door.

We're still going.

Jeff: it is spencer and

Fishbach both with four.

Spencer coming back.

Fir back right on his tail.

It could come down to this.

This is it.

Fishbach has it.

Fishbach wins reward by seconds

Over spencer.

Great job.

Jeff: did you have it


Yeah, I did.

Jeff: fishbach, come on


Good job!

( Applause )

Jeff: nice job.

Thank you very much.

Jeff: big reward.

It is.

Jeff: you'll be picked up

At your beach rock star style in

A chopper, taken to a starling

Resort where you will have a

Great day.

Choose one person to come with


I have a lot of damage

Control to do.

Last night proved my alliance

Wasn't as strong as I thought

They were, I need to take tasha.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: choose one more and

That is it.

There's one guy, I'm only in

The game because of this guy,

It's jeremy, 100%.

You know, I wouldn't be here to

Win this reward if it weren't

For him.

Jeff: as for the rest of

You, I got nothing for you.

Everybody had back to camp.

Thanks for playing survivor


Stephen, the "survivor"

Know-it-all, makes a very

Questionable decision.

He takes tasha and jeremy with

Him on reward.

I think it's become really clear

They are tighter with each other

Than I will be with them and I

Need to do something about it.


Running on my monster feet

Was very hard.

Yeah, you quit milking that

Foot, fish.

You were running like a deer out


The reward challenge was very


It was crazy.

I did not win.

But bingo.

I got an idol clue.

Jeremy, first reward!

That's exciting!

I don't care they lost reward.

This having an idol clue is huge

In this game.

"Congratulations you have found

A clue to the hidden immunity

Idol but it will require you to

Pick the right moment to make a

Very bold move attached to the

Underside of your shelter dead

Center is the security you seek.

The only thing stopping you from

Getting it is the fear of

Getting caught."

I wonder what time they're

Going to come get you all.

I can't see.

I can't see under the shelter at


I dig my hand under there, but I

Don't know if it's under there.

I don't know where it is


I think tomorrow is probably a

Good opportunity because three

People will be on reward is,

Like, three less bodies I have

To keep an eye on and worry


This game has been so

Unpredictable and we have been

Talking so much about voting

Blokdz, every vote is a

Different block.

But I think jeremy playing his

Idol for me showed there is

Still trust in this game.

Oh, geez.

So I wanted to bring my closest

Allies with me.

And it looked like the perfect

Place to reaffirm those

Relationships and make those

Bonds more concrete.

To great experiences and

Relationships we have created on

"Survivor" so far.


This is fantastic.

Tash afs one of my first

Allies but at tribal council she

Wrote my name down.

But I felt more than I needed to

Go anything I needed to repair

My alliance with tasha, break

Bread and come up with a plan

Moving forward with them.

Stephen, I appreciate you,


I wanted to.

We've been tight since the very

Beginning of this game.

I think there may be some

Suspicion and mistrust.

In the spirit of openness I want

To tell you what my advantage


I can steal a vote.


So for the first time ever

Someone will not be able to cast

A vote at tribal council, and I

Will get a second vote.

That's awesome.

That is a three-vote swing.

That's a game changer.

You know what, we've been

Playing the vote-to-vote game.

Everyone has been trying to cut

Everyone's throat.

We have to have trust.

I hate to throw a wrinkle in

This, but joe, if he keeps


That dude, as soon as he loses

He has to go.

Joe, that's it, he's over.

I'm in 100%.

You're right.

I'm glad we had this talk.

So how do you feel about the

Choice of being tasha and


What does that tell you?

Oh, I think that jeremy, you

Know, played his idol for


So stephen's obviously repaying


You've got to be blind not to

See them three, otherwise they

Would have took me.

And then you would have been

Saying, "what in the world is he

Doing taking keith?"

In a season where there's no

Alliances and there's these

Voting blocks and the game is

Constantly shifting, stephen

Kind of threw himself out there

And didn't even realize it

Because he chose to take jeremy

And then he chose tash.

See you guys in a little bit.

And fishbach and kimmi,

They've been together quite a


So I know now that there's a

Really strong connection there

That I now really am worried



Now's our time.

Is she gone?

Let's talk.

I think it's a really good

Idea for us to lock in what

We're doing and just have it--

Have it set, have it secured and

Have a backup in case that

Person wins.

What is our plan?

I think it makes sense to get

Rid of fishbach because he has

An advantage, right?

The only fear I have is if he

Uses this advantage tomorrow,

I'm gone.

That's it.

I'm done.

Why don't you let me-- why don't

You let me win the challenge


Um, no.

I'm going to try to win them


I'm trying really hard to

Trust the ones close to me, but

Joe is very sketchy, and

Spencer, too.

I feel that they think that they

Are playing everyone, and I

Don't know if they're trying to

Play me and the plan that we put


So I don't know if I'm going to

Go with the plan.

So do we want to go steven

And tash.

But if stephen wins immunity,

The plan is tasha.


That's it.

There's no need to even-- no

Need to even question anything


Perfect, done.

So we're sitting there and I'm

Like, great, we've got a plan,

We're good.

But my goal today is to snatch

The hidden immunity idol out

From underneath the shelter in

Order for that to happen, I need

Everybody to be out of camp.

You want to take the boat


Yeah, let's take the boat


Yeah, go.

We ready.

I'll wave at you all.

Lucky for me, the sun is out.

Joe and spencer go off to go


Keith and kimmi are going to go

Get some snails and some crabs.

So that just leaves miss


Home girl will not leave the


You want some coffee?

I'm okay, thank you.

Abi is like an annoying little

Sister, like a little pest.

Any other time, any other time

Of the day she will be off in

The water, walking down to the


But for some odd reason today,

She is making coffee.

I don't even know what she's


I'm like, my wheels are


How I do get her out of here

Before the others come back.

Quiet day.


I'm just pretending to be

Sleeping hoping she will leave,

And all of a sudden a ray of

Light, abi goes, "I think I'm

Going to go lay in the hammock."

I'm like, "yes!


I'm like, okay, this is my


I, like, waddle over to under

The shelter, stick my hand

Under, get in, like, this is

Really, really scary.

I'm trying to get the hidden

Immunity idol under the shelter.

All of a sudden, everyone comes

Back in.

Fishy, fishy, fishy.

I am freaking out, "a,"

Because that was the most

Stressful thing I've done in

This game besides getting the

First immunity idol.

And "b," I have an immunity


This is so exciting.

Number two.

I'll leave it there for a


So I am ready to shake up this

Game a little bit.

Stressful, very stressful.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

All right you guys ready to get

To today's immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first,

Joe, for the fourth time, I've

Got to take it back.

Once again, immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to use only your feet.

On my go you'll release a rope

Which will drop ploks into a


You will then stack those blocks

And place a flag in the middle

Using just your 10 little


First person to get it right

Wins immunity, safe at tribal,

Guaranteed a one-in-eight shot

At winning this game.

Losers, tribal council, where

Somebody will be the fifth

Member of our jury.

When we first did this in "blood

Versus water," keith and jeremy

Both participated, both lost.

Jeremy went to tribal council

That night and--

Thanks, jeff.

Jeff: and was voted out.

So a huge second-chance


We'll draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right, here we go.

For immunity.

Survivors ready?


First step is unspoolg that rope

Which is not nearly as easy when

You just have your toes to work


Wentworth first down with her


Abi has hers.

Kimmi has hers.

Joe has his help jeremy's got


Keith has his.

If any of your blocks fall you

Can pick them up with your hand

Throw them back in your basket.

Once you have your blocks, start

Working on it.

Spencer still trying to get his

Ploks down, losing a lot of time

In this.

Spencer finally has his pieces


Joe off to a fast start.

Kiming off to a quick start.

Wentworth doing a nice job.

Jeremy has his first level,

Working on that second level.

Keith is on his second level.

Abi is starting on her second


Everybody off to a quick start

On this first level.

Except fishbach, slowest out of

The gate with only two pieces on

The bottom.

I got-- I got some problems

With my feet here.

Jeff: your feet look



You have had a rough go.


Jeff: joe trying to place

That first piece on his second


The more you move up, the more

Precarious it becomes.

You've got to make sure you have

Them stacked right on the


If not you're going to have

Problems later on the top.

Spencer is now in this.

Spencer has made up a lot of

Time in terms of stacking them.

Keith knocks a couple off.

That's going to set him back.

Jeremy knocks a couple off.

This is where patience will pay


Right now, wentworth starting to

Work on her third level.

It is now wentworth in the lead,

Joe right behind.

Joe now working on his third


Keith has now finished his

Second row.

Keith now working on his third


Spencer finishes his second row.

Spencer now working on his third


It is keith, spencer, wentworth,

And joe.

Joe places his second block on

His top row.

Keith places his second block.

Kelly struggling now with that

Top row.

It's hard.

You've got to lift these blocks


You've got to lift from your


Joe places a third block.

If joe wins his fifth individual

Immunity, he would join an elite


Only five people have ever won

Five individual immunities in

One season.



Jeff: joe just had a


A lot of blocks just fell from

Joe, and he's got to go

Backwards now and pick it up.

Spencer places his third on the

Top row.

Oh, but disaster for keith.

He's got to go back.

You are not out of this

Challenge until somebody places

That flag because it gets more

And more difficult the higher

You go.

Spencer now places his fourth

Block on the top row.

It is now spencer in the lead,

Joe has repaired all the dwj and

Is now back in this.

Joe places his fourth on the top


Spencer places his fifth.

It is now spencer and joe.

Joe places his fifth.

The last person to release his

Blocks is now in it to win it.

Spencer places his sixth.

Joe has five.

Spencer has six.

This would be a huge

Come-from-behind for spencer to

Dethrone joe.

Spencer places his seventh.

Spencer places the last block on

The top row, snow places his


Spencer with the eighth block on

The top row.

And he's got it.

Spencer now has one step left,

That is the finish flag for the


Joe places his seventh.

Spencer for the win.

Can he get it in the hole?

Joe down to his last piece in

This third section.

Spencer struggling.

He got it!

Spencer wins individual



Bringing joe's streak to an


Good job, spence.

Good job, spencer.

Awesome, spencer.

Dang, that was good.

Jeff: spencer, individual


Good job, spencer!

Jeff: you are safe tonight

At tribal council, will not go


As for the rest of you, after 29

Days somebody will be voted out

And become the fifth member of

Our jury.

One thing is for certain, it

Will not be you.


Thank you.

Grab your stuff, head back to

Camp, see you tonight at tribal.

Today, I did not win


You know, I've been safe for 29

Days, and now all of a sudden, I

Don't have that necklace and

That power and that safety, I'm

Vulnerable to going home.

And for the first time, I'm

Really nervous.



You were right there, right?

Joe has literally never been

Up for elimination in this game,

Not once in 29 days.

And today for the first time he


I wasn't even touching it and

It fell off and knocked over

Three out of nowhere.

I have been trying to take

Out joe since day one.

Good win, man.


I didn't think that would be my


And I have just been spoiled

Again and again and again and

Again as he has won immunity

After immunity after immunity.

And now, I finally have my shot.

You will be here a month, and

One of us will not.

All right, we need to have,

Like, a frank conversation.



What about joe?

Joe's a threat as far as I'm


He is a threat.

He wins a ton of immunities.

He could go on another run.

What do you think?

I think joe is the biggest

Challenge guy, like, he could

Just keep winning.

We want to get him when he

Doesn't have protection.


Joe, right?

If joe asks you, you're

Voting abi.


And if abi pulls us aside,

Then we're just saying joe.


Jeremy, good?

Everybody good.

Let's have peace of mind for

The rest of the afternoon.


The four-- kimmi, stephen,

Jeremy, and tasha-- are going to

Target joe, but it's not going

To happen because I have five

People, which includes joe.

Do not right joe, it's fish the

Plan is to blindside stephen

Fish back.

Please tell me it's not me


In the smiendz of some it is


Like stephen.


You have to trust us.

And I do.

You are saying.

Here's the thing, if I go

Home tonight, I'm good with it.

You are not.

Get out of that mentality.


Tonight is a really big test.

I'm really relying on my social

Game what I've tried to develop

In this game that I didn't

Really develop and have in the

Last game.

Five is solid.

Stick with the plan, and we are


I'm hoping that people are

Sticking true to blindsiding

Stephen, and I guess time will


Tribal is only a couple of hours

Away, and I'm hoping for the


What's the story?

Joe, right.

Is that what you guys want to


Yeah, right?

Yeah yup, that sounds

Actually, awesome.

Thank you so much.


Sounds like you don't believe


I'm talking to you, and

You're like-- what do you want

From me?

I'm telling you I want to work

With you.

What else do you want from me?

That's it.

That's all I want.



The plan is abi is voting for

Joe, and joe is voting for abi,

But abi is insane.

She is suspicious of me because

She's suspicious of everyone.

This is a game where you have to

Trawft people with your fate in

This game, and I have two

Convince joe that we are voting

For abi.

I don't like it, but I'm

Trying to believe what's


She was sarcastic about it.

She's not in a good place.

I'm just going to say I think

She thinks it's her.

I told her--

I don't think she believes

Anything at this point.

Joe is very shady.

He is having a little powwow

With jeremy and fishbach, so

I'm, like, what the heck is

Going on here?

I do not trust joe at this


Who are you going to vote


I have no idea.

I'm going to have tho choose at


All right.

That's what I'm going to do.

Oh, god, abi is freaking out

Right now.

I think joe is playing you

And me.

No, I don't.

I don't.

I think that this plan we have

To go with.

What are you thinking?

I have some decision to make.

Fifeel anything weird tonight

And people do not stick with the

Fishbach plan, the idol is

Coming out.

All right, abi, what's going


I have no idea what's going


The plan that we made

Yesterday is going on.

All right.

And you don't have anything

To worry about.


You seem like you're unhappy.

I'm cool.

I'm ready to go home if I have

To tonight.

You're not going home,


But I'm ready to if that's

What it is.

I'm not worried.

But it's not.


Why are you freaking out?

Is everything okay with you?

Let it be.

I mean, to me, it doesn't matter

Who goes home.

I will decide that at tribal.

Abi is on the w*r path, and

I'm scared that abi's going to

React, vote for joe, and this

Entire plan is going to go down

The tiewks because there's nine

People left.

We have five, and I need

Everyone to stick to this plan.

Abi, if tee don't stick with the

Plan, if we don't vote for

Stephen, like, I don't know

What's going to happen.

Am I going to have to just go

Totally against the plan from


I can vote for fishbach or jojo.

I have two options.

We'll see.

This is exactly what I knew

Was going to happen with abi,

And it's happening.

All right, what's the plan?

We have to vote for joe.

Joe has an idol.

No, he doesn't.

You're sure?


But he has to.

That's the plan.

I mean--

He gets the majority of the


That's why if he doesn't have

The idol, he goes home.

There couldn't be more

Pandemonium right now.

But I have an advantage, and my

Advantage allows me to steal a

Vote, and now I have the numbers

To split the votes reliably.

Either we lose joe or we lose

Abi and joe's idol,.

I think I'm going to play my

Advantage tonight.

Will you vote for abi and not


I'm qool that, but what's the


What happens.

We're going to split the

Votes, but using my advantage.


But, like, I kind of want to

Know what the plan is.

I can steal a vote from



I got enough trust going with

Them that stephen revealed to me

What his advantage was, and I

Was able to see that it would

Destroy everything, even though

I've done everything right to

Put what I want to happen into

Place, it could all go to crap.

Stephen has an advantage.

Abi is the most unreliable

Person here.

We also have the potential for

An idol.

And a reason to blindside joe.

Our plan that we hammered out is

To take out stephen.

But if I go that route, I run a

Big risk.

And it scares me to death.

Jeff: we'll now bring in

The members of our jury.

Kass, savage, wiglesworth, and

Ciera, voted out at the last

Tribal council.

So, joe, big story has to be

That for first time since we

Merged, you are not wearing


Oh, yeah.

All afternoon I've been mulling

That over in my head, and the

Only thing I can really do is

Hope the trust I built with

People can take me a little

Further in the game.

Jeff: abi, what do you read

Into that when you have somebody

Like joe saying, "there's really

Nothing for me to do other than

Hope what I think is going to

Happen is going to happen?

I'm not going to scramble."

What does that tell you about

What's happening in the game if


It tells me there are

Alliances, clearly, and it all

Depends on--


Yeah, which alliance is the

One that's most loyal to you.

Jeff: tasha, keith brings

Up trust, and yet, every single

Trial involving our jury,

Blindside, blindside, blindside,


So far, there's been no trust

At all.


I think as we go closer to day

39 We all are starting to

Realize the voting block may not

Be the most effective method

Going forward.

I need to start finding that

Core two or three, four people

That I can say,un" what?

I'm going to lock it in with


Let's do this."

Jeff: wentworth, tasha is

Saying the layer of the voting

Block has eliminated the little

Trust you might have had from

Your alliance that you knew you

Were good with.

You know what, jeff.

There definitely are alliances

At the reward challenge stephen

Chose tasha because he said he

Needed to mend fences with an

Alliance member.

That might have been an old


I should have said voting block.

It came out.

I'm saying, if you use the word

Requested alliance," there it


Jeff: fishbach at the last

Tribal there was a lot of talk

About the advantage.

Well, you know, it's a scary

Thing adding one, big, giant

Unknown that could upend


So I could understand why it

Would be very threatening and

Put a giant target on me and I

Think it did.

Jeff: so are you genuinely

Concerned again, given last

Tribal, and all the votes you



You know, I think last tribal

Showed the idol makes people

Want to split votes, and that

Makes it very easy for another

Group or faction to vote my way.

Jeff: wow.

Spencer, so complicated.

Insanely complicated.

I mean split votes, idols,

Mystery advantages.

There are so many permutations

Of what could happen, and we're

In this limb b limbo of throwing

Out what-ifs all over the place.

Jeff: abi ring true to you?

There was a lot of talk.

There were a lot of names being


It was just, like, all over the


I actually have a headache.

I can't even think straight.

It's been wild.

Jeff: fishbach what are the

Hat wil wil be another blindside


Realistically, I think at

This point, 33%.

Jeff: if fishbach is right,

And there is a low risk of


Jeff, I'll be candid, I think

A shift is starting to happen.

Voting intloks gotten us this

Far, but I think you need people

You can trust to get you to the


Jeff: all right, it is time

To vote.

Jeremy, you're up.


I'd like to remove a little bit

Of mystery and threat in the

Game and play my advantage.

Jeff: why don't you

Explain, stephen, what the

Advantage is.

I am able to steal someone's

Vote, and cast it myself.

That person won't be voting at

Tribal council I guess for the

First time in "survivor"


And I will be voting for them


Jeff: whose vote are you

Going to steal?

I'm going to steal joe's


This means stephen gets two.

Jeff: yeah.

So to be clear, joe, you will

Not get up to vote.

Fishbach, when you vote, you

Will vote twice.

Joe, how does that feel?

Oh, it stucks!

But it's the game.

So... It's good.

Jeff: all right, it is time

To vote.

Jeremy, you're up.

With my vote, I am going to

Vote for abi.

And the with joe's vote, joe

Will be voting for joe.

This has been 29 days coming so

I want to take a second and

Marinate in it.

Thank you.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


Jeff: if anybody has a

Hidden immunity idol and you

Want to play it, now would be

The time to do so.

Okay, once the votes are read

The decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, joe.




Two votes joe.


Two votes abi.


That's three votes abi, two

Votes joe, one vote fishbach.


That's two votes fishbach.


We're tied.

Three votes fishbach, three

Votes abi, two votes joe, one

Vote left.

11Th person voted out and

The fifth member of our jury.

Wow, nice.

Great jobs, guys.

Great blindside.

That was awesome.

That was really awesome.

Girl, I told you.

Jeff: fishbach, the tribe

Has spoken.

Thank you.

Jeff: time for you to go.

Jeff: well, the only

Predictable thing about this

Game has been the


Grab your torches, head back to


Good night.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff:next time on


Jeff: today we brought your

Love to you.

Family brings everyone's spirits


I'm ready.

Jeff: until it all comes

Crashing down.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: medical, medical,


Is he okay?

They're right here you, in

Great hands.

Clearly I was blindsided.

I thought I had locked up the

Split but I think spencer must

Have turned.

Inch was splitting the votes, we

Could have all voted for joe.

I went out big.

I played the vote steal and it's

Been awesome.

I've had tremendous highs.

I've had terrible lows.

And I'm grateful for both
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