31x09 - Witches Coven

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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31x09 - Witches Coven

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor," after the merge, no

One was taking their second

Chance for granted.

You have to hit the ground


Jeff: two hidden immunity

Idols had already been found.

I love it.

Jeff: joe continued to win.

Joe wins his second individual

Immunity challenge!

And wentworth, abi and ciera

Were on the bottom fighting to

Stay alive.

I'm so fricken tired of their

Half hass plan.

I'm going to throw anything I

Can throw trying to get somebody

To catch on to it.

At tribal council it was

Clear the game of "survivor" had


I don't agree there's a

Bottom here.

It's in the hire, a cal here.

Jeff: and webt worth

Decided to take the game into

Her own hands.

This is a hidden immunity


Jeff: putting an end to

Savage's second chance.

Eighth person voted out, the

Second member of our jury.

11 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?


Wait, I want the start by

Saying... I'm sure I got a

Little worked up.

I feel betrayed by some of you.

That was bad ass.

Well played.

I was going to explode at

Tribal council.


I'm kelley wentworth.

I just maneuvered savage out of

"Survivor: second chance."

I feel like I've come so far

From "blood versus water" to

Where I am here, hidden immunity

Idol, great play by kelley



All right.

I just feel like I'm a

Different person.

I wanted to take risks and make


It's like the best feeling I've

Had out here in 21 days.

But it has to be one of those

Three goes home next time

Because you can't let the three

Of them all of a sudden become

Friends with tash and jeremy.

Nix that.

Now I feel like we have the

Break up the little witch's


Kimmi is calling ciera,

Wentworth and abi like the three

Witches from macbeth that are

Stirring their cauldron.

Abi is hotheaded.

Ciera, toil, let's make a move,

Let's make a move.

And wentworth is trouble.

She's bringing out idols.

I don't want to be like king

Duncan who gets k*lled in the


I want to do the k*lling in the


Those witches are brewing

Something epic, but how do I get

The witches to make the potion

That's right for me?

That was wild last night.

Savage is gone.

Kelley had to have some type of


She must have known


You've got to be dang lucky.

Savage going home screws me.

I had another man that nobody

Really liked that I knew was a

Shield for me.

But even though I trust stephen

And I have one idol to protect

Me, I need two idols because

They're coming after me.

I got the look.

I got to bust my behind again.

Like, oh, my god.

We have to go find an idol.

I know.

What about over here?

I'm trying to find a way the

Stand out.


Got the find that hidden

Immunity idol.

Now people are really going,

Okay, joe's won two immunities.

He's got to go.

He lose, he's got to go.

I spent 30 minutes today looking

For the hidden immunity idol.

That's going to be crucial to my


Just don't know where it is.

Right in here?

I want to be alone.

Do you mind just going, ten


I'll be done in ten minutes.

I promise.

All right.

I run enter joe looking for

An idol.

He knows that he's in trouble,

And he's nervous.

And I love it.

I just caught joe looking for

The idol desperately.

Swear to god.

Over there?

Over there by the tree mail.


It's like, there is a group of

Eight that's voting together


But there's paranoia within the

Eight, which is great for me.

Like I am so hoping that people

Are finally ready to get this

Game started.

My lord, please let's have a big

Move at the next tribal.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Reward challenge in.


Jeff: for today's challenge

You'll be divided into two teams

Of five.

On my dwork you'll use wooden

Polls to build a staircase.

You then make your way through a

Maze and down a slide.

One person will then navigate a

Key through a rope obstacle.

He'll then use that key to open

A chest.

Two tribe members will use the

Pieces inside that chest to

Solve a puzzle that will reveal

Three numbers to a combination.

First team to get their

Combination solved and their

Flag raised wins reward.

Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: the winning five will

Be taken from her to our

"Survivor" spa.

You'll start with the first

Shower you've had in 22 days.

Oh, my goodness.

Jeff: you'll then have a

Traditional cambodian massage,

Increase your blood circulation,

Repair those beat-up muscles.

Then you will eat spa food,

Sandwich, salads, desserts.

You'll run back to camp

Rejuvenated, refreshed and well


This challenge first ran in

Brains versus brawn versus


Tash and spencer were in the

Game on the same tribe.

Spencer did the puzzle.

They lost.

Another big second chance


All right.

We'll this a schoolyard pick,

Which means one person will not


Let's do it.

All right.

We have our two teams.

Tasha was a captain.

She selected fishbach, spencer,

Joe and ciera.

Wiglesworth was a captain.

She selected keith, wentworth,

Kimmi and jeremy.

Abi was not selected.

She will have no shot at reward.

Here we go, survivors ready?


The first goal is to build a

Staircase, which will take you

To the top of the maze.

The only problem is the length

Of the pole does not necessarily

Correspond with the position it

Will have because each of the

Slots are at a different depth.

So you might have a short post

That goes toward the end and a

Listening post that goes toward

The front.

That's where you have to work

Together and these posts are

Very heavy.

You will notice a gradual


If you don't notice it moving

Gradually to the top, you're not


You'll know when you're making


It will look like you can step

From one post to another.

Yep, yep.

Jeff: purple starting to

Get some momentum now.

They're starting to figure it


Green still chaotic over there,

Making very little progress.

Purple now starting to pull


They've got another one right.

Is this it?


They've got it.

Head on.

Purple now out to an early lead.

Make your way through the maze.

This is wrong, to think.

Jeff: green still trying to

Get something going.

Purple pulling ahead.

Joe heading down.

Big lead right now for purple.

Green still working with their


Come on, fishbach.

This is why you're out here.

Spencer now heads out.

One person.

Joe going the start working that

Key through the rope obstacle.

Once you're through everybody

Goes through.

Green is nowhere close to

Getting their posts in order.

Joe almost through, extending

The lead.

Go, everybody!

Huge lead advantage for purple

Right now.


Jeff: green may never catch


Two people now on the puzzle for


It's spencer and ciera while

Green is absolutely nowhere.

Where we going with this?

This might be one of the biggest

Blowouts in "survivor" history.

Spencer looking for redemption.

He took the puzzle on the first

Time he played this challenge

And lost.

This is damn embarrassing.

Yeah, it is.

Jeff: absolute disaster for

The green tribe.

Five people, nine posts and they

Can't get it.

Spencer and ciera a lot of time

To look together.

You're looking for three numbers

That will help you solve that

Combination and win that reward.

Ciera with another piece.

The green team is still working

On their posts.

And they finally have it.

Let's go.

Spencer and ciera now slowing


They made a lot of quick


Jeremy is down with a big, hard


Wiglesworth takes a fall.

Here comes kimmi, wentworth.

Oh, my gosh, that hurt.

Jeff: and keith.

One person.

It's going to be jeremy looping

That key through the rope


Can he do it quickly?

Let's go.

Let's go.

Jeff: they have the tree


Do they have them in the right


Is that correct?

The numbers in the puzzle have

To match the numbers on the


If not you have to switch it.

Go, two, go, go.

Jeff: jeremy through.

For the win, do they have it?


Reward and redemption for

Spencer and tasha with a nice

Reward at the survivor spa.

Nice reward.

You'll be taken to the

"Survivor" spa.

Should be a beautiful afternoon.

Grab your stuff, head out and


Thank you, jeff.

Jeff: wentworth, kimmi,

Abi, wiglesworth, jeremy, keith,

Guys, have nothing for you.

Grab your stuff and head back to


We weren't even close.

It was embarrassing.

This whole game is a waste of a


This is a bad one.

Last night was bad.

Savage went home.

Today is bad.

It goes up and down.

Today's down.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.


Oh, wow.

Oh, my god.

We had an amazing reward,

Massage, a fresh shower.

Cheers to good friends.


Awesome reward.

Food in this game so


It keeps your mind right, keeps

Your body right.

This is just happiness on the


Going into an immunity

Challenge, it's a competitive

Edge over everyone else.

We have a little more in the


Oh, my god, these rolls are


There is definitely strategy

Going into reward.

It gives you a little more alone

Time with a different group of

People that maybe you wouldn't

Get in camp.

Are we talking strategy at

All or are we talking food only?

Because obviously I'm clearly on

The outs, so it's not like I can

Really say, you know, I don't

Have anybody, you know, my

Closest person was kass.

As the game moves on, you

Have fewer and fewer votes, and

You need to use every one of

Those votes strategically.

And abi and ciera are working

Harder than the dominant

Alliance because they're

Desperate, so those are the ones

Who deserve to be here.

I'm just going to say it

Because I'm queen of just saying


I know a few of you are very

Close with jeremy, but I promise

To god, you go to the end with

Jeremy, you don't win.

In this season of survivor,

Everyone sees the hierarchy and

Everyone wants to flip it on its


So to play this old school game

Where we're in an alliance of

Five and that five has a four

Within it and a three within it

And a two within it, it's just

Not going to hold.

It's going to getdy disfled.

What do you think about


She has the first season.

She's been very smart.


Her social ability, she talks

To everyone.

Yeah, that's true.

No one dislikes wiggles.

I think there's voting blocs

That make sense, and the next

Day that could be completely out

The window.

I think this is moving much

Faster and very different than

The game has ever in the past.


So we'll save two big clams for


I'm pissed off this we lost,

And not that we just lost but we

Lost by so much.

We got crushed.

But with only five other people,

They're cooking and talking and


They're going to let me go and

Leave me alone, and I went and

Looked for the idol.

I wanted to check tree mail.

An I'm digging around tree mail

And everything, and nothing

Around there.

And the first idol I got was in

A tree under leaves, so I was

Like, there's a huge tree at

Tree mail.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

When I turned around, like it

Was just staring at me.

This is so crazy.

Not again, man.

Not a freaking again.

I've got to be inconspicuous.

Tonight after everyone else lies

Down to go to sleep, make your

Move and follow the map and look

For the lantern.

You will find the security you


So it's like the same trail we

Did for the merge.

I had a bad day today, but

Things are looking up.

Oh, I can't wait.

I'm so stoked right now.

As soon as the moon goes

Down, the team that won came

Back from their spa treatment.

Everybody is usually in bed

Ready for bed.

I thought, this will be so easy.

I'll just get up.

They're not going to be watching


You know, you come on down.

You know, go... So I'm like,

This is ridiculous.

Everybody is by the fire,

Hanging out, like no one ever,

They never ever do this.

It was crazy.

Don't stay up all night now.

Finally I'm just like I got to

Go to the bathroom.

That food hit my stomach.

Then I made a dash for it.

I took off.

It was partisanship black.

There's rock, there's trees.

I don't know what's out there.

There's snakes and everything.

And I'm just smacking branches

Out of my face.

From a distance I see a little


So I kind of took off after it.

Whoa baby.

Look at that thing.

This is what I'm talking about.

Idols this season, there's no

Two idols that look the same.

And hacking from the lantern was

This beautiful thing.

We got another piece.

It took me two years, but now I

Got two idols, two hidden idols.

Two idol, all the more

Aggressive, that's me.

This is an idol.

This is val's idol.

This one is val's idol.

The other one is val's idol.

This is a beautiful thing.

I love it!

Val is my wife.

Val is my best friend.

I can't keep it bottled up


I'm doing it all for her.

I just want to make her life a

Little easier.

I want to make life easier.

And I want to make my next

Child's life a little easier.

Like I don't even know if it's a

By or a girl, and that's been

Bothering me a little bit.

Like I know people are after me,

And I got to figure out when I

Can use these idols because I

Got to use them at the right


I just want val to win.

I just want val to win.

She deserves it more than me,

You know?


Nothing has changed with you

And I as far as I'm concerned.



Joe is super close.

There's a sister-brother thing

Happening, there aunt-nephew,

Some sort of relationship there

That seems to be developing, and

I've been nervous about that.

I trust kimmi.

I trust you.

I trust keith.

I don't trust the three girls.


They have a sort of shared

Arrogance about how awesome they


I'm tired of the way the game is


There are huge threats in this

Game and everyone is too timid

To make a move, but my second

Chance is about having a game of

My own that I can point to and

Say, these are the moves I made,

So I want to build something

With the three witches, because

They're on the bottom, and

They're desperate to make a


I don't know if we all trust

Each other.

Probably we don't trust each

Other, nor should we.

I don't know...

Obviously I'm still up for

Anything honestly at this point

In the game.

I would work with you guys,

But I'm not willing to tell you

What to do.

In order to save our own

Asses, we'll write down whatever

You tell us to white down.

Who would your big move be, joe?

Everyone wants joe out,



I feel like for...

The other power players


He has relationships with


He's nice to everyone.

But us.

I'd get rid of wiggles.

Abi and kelly wentworth and

Myself are very clearly on the


But kelly webt worth pulls out a

Hidden immunity idol, now people

Are scrambled, they're coming to

Us and they want to talk.

It's funny.

Where have you been the last 20


It's a complicated game.

I think it's so dumb the way

Things have been going.

It's so dumb.

We could truly shift the game.

I'm down.

Anchor: come on in, guys.


Jeff: you guys ready to get

To today's immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first.

Joe, I'm going the take it back


Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to balance on triangular

Platforms in the water with your

Feet perched on very narrow

Footholds at regular intervals.

You will move up, making it more


If you fall, you are out.

Last person left standing wins

Immunity, guaranteed a one in

Ten shot at winning this game.

Losers, tribal council, somebody

Will become the third member of

The jury.

We've run this challenge before.

The last time we ran it, brains,

Brawn beauty.

Once again spencer and tasha


Beth loves.

Big second chance opportunity.

We'll draw for spots and head

Out to the water.

It is pouring, providing another

Obstacle to an already difficult


Everybody get into your first


Here we go.

Hands cannot touch.

Butt cannot touch.

You fall in you're out.

I'll give you a few seconds here

To get your sense of balance an

Then I'll count you in.

Five, four, three, two, one.

This challenge is on.

Everybody settled in nicely now.

The rain continues to pour down.

We'll stay here for ten minutes,

And then we'll move up.

It will become more difficult.

Keith, how you doing?

I wish I had about a 16 size


Probably help a little bit.

Jeff: everybody looking

Very good.

You're on day 24 of "survivor:

Second chance," greatest

Adventure game ever created.

It's a complicated game, and

Your success in this game is

Typically dependent on your

Ability to make the right

Decision at the right time.

I'm going to give you a chance

To change your situation in this

Game right now.

But it will require an instant


First person to touch their buoy

Earns an advantage in the game,

But gives up their shot at



Spencer is in.

Two people swimming for their

But we.

Who will touch it first.

Fishbach has it.

Advantage in the game for


Spencer comes up short.

That was

Now we play it out.

Ten seconds left in this first


We'll move up one level.

Here we go.

Make your transition to the top.

This is a live transition.

You can use your hands and

Your butt, whatever you want,

But if you fall in, you are

Still out.

I'll count you in.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Wentworth is in.

She can't make the transition.

Jeremy struggles.

He's in.

Ciera's in.

Kimmi's in.

Tasha struggling.

Tasha can't do it.

Five people could not make the

Transition, and we're down to


Keith, abi, wiglesworth and joe

All still with a shot at


We'll stay here for 20 minutes.

Joe the only one struggling

Right now, but he's still up

There, and that is all that


Abi looks likes a statue right


How you feeling, abi?

I feel great.

I can stay here all day.

Jeff: we're at the half-way

Section of this challenge.

That's starting to make the

Water move.

Joe with a lot of movement.

, But he continues to recover.

Wiglesworth looking like a


Abi very calm.

Keith starting to wobble.

Keep your concentration.

Loses his balance and has no

Shot at recovery and we're down

To three.

Joe with more movement, but he's

Still up there.

Does not have to be pretty on


15 Seconds left in this round.

After this we will go to one


Abi as close to individual

Immunity as she's been this


This is a live transition.

There is no touching.

This is it.

Go to one foot.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Wiglesworth got to get it up.

Kelly, you're out.

You were too late.

Kelly took too long the make the


She's out.

This is it.

No time limit now.

Last person left up there wins

The necklace.

Nice recovery by abi.

Joe is the only person to win

Individual immunity this season.

Joe with another nice save.

Abi now starting to wobble.

My foot is cramping.

Jeff: fatigue really

Setting in.

Muscles starting to cramp.

Can she do it.

Yes, I can.

Jeff: this is what it's all

About right here.

It is pouring.

Balancing on one foot for

Immunity... Joe struggling to

Stay in this.

Abi holding one of her feet,

Trying to release the tension in

That muscle.

No, abi goes in.

Joe wins his third individual


Joe, come on over.

Good job, joe.


Jeff: third time in this

Game joe safe tonight at tribal


Guaranteed a one in ten shot at

Winning this game.

One other piece of business,

Fishbach, took a shot at an

Advantage, that is it.

Thank you very much.

Jeff: it's yours to open in


Everybody else, someone going

Home tonight.

Good job at tribal.

It was amazing.

Jeff probst gave me this.

It isn't immunity, but it's the

Next best thing.

But tonight, this is happening,

I don't care how, but it's


Maybe I break up my advantage.

Good job, joe.

Good job.

Good job, stephen.


Nobody can win from joe.


He's going to be winning

Every immunity forever.

Joe won immunity, which is

Fine, because I really need the

Witch's to start getting voted

Out because I don't want them

Getting too much power.

We have eight votes.

We have to do wentworth five,

Ciera three and let the three

Witches this whatever the heck

They want to do.

Tribal council coming up, and

Some of the larger alliance are

Plotting to vote out wentworth

Or ciera, but we're going to

Split votes.

We really want wentworth to

Go home.

We'll just do guys.

How many guys do we have?


Five guys and three girls.

All right.

Right now we want wentworth

To go home.

She's really savvy.

She's already played an idol.

She's building her resume, and

She needs to go.

I won this mystery advantage

At the immunity challenge today.

Your swift decisions give you

The right to steal a look at

Tribal council.

This is tremendous.

This is a game changer.

This is amazing.

This is like... This is beyond

My wildest dreams.

Wait until it is your turn

The vote, and announce to jeff

You wish to use your advantage.

You will then select one tribe

Member whose vote you will


This person will not cast a vote

And instead you will cast a

Second vote.

In survivor no collar, blue

Collar, white collar, dan won

The right to cast another vote,

But balancing able to steal

Someone's vote can shift the

Entire power dynamic of the


Wow, I am in an insanely

Powerful position, unless I

Screw it up, but I'm not going

To use it tonight.

I know that I'm safe.

That would be a waste tonight.

Tonight I can fix with my wits

And hustle, but this is like a

Game-winning advantage.

Wiglesworth, are you into


I just think someone else

Would do it.

I can definitely do it.

I need one other person.

Yeah, I'm totally down with


I feel like if this blindside

Tonight works and wiglesworth

Goes home, there are new people

Who are willing to work with me,

So I feel like much more

Confident going forward in this


If it works.

I just hope I don't go home


Shake it up a little bit.

The three of us vote


She's gone.

Let me just talk through like

How that would work if that


Where does that leave us?

Well, first of all it leaves

Us with six with the girls.

It leaves us in a great


Like we can't keep playing from

The bottom like this.

Let's shift the game.

Taking out wiglesworth shifts

The whole game.

Yes, right here with three of

Us, that's an 11-person tribe.

I don't want to make an

Alliance with a people on the

Bottom and get picked off.

I want to build a voting bloc.

Every tribal.

I would be stoked if

Wiglesworth were removed from

The game right now, but to...

Basically you're saying the way

We make it happen is trust three

People that we can't trust.


Would I love to take control

Of the game?


Can I make it happen in a way

That doesn'try to my -- that

Doesn't destroy my game?

I've never been more confused

About any economics, statistics

Problem than I am this one.

How confident are you that

Abi and wentworth want

Wiglesworth gone?

You sure they're down?


We're all set with taking out

One of three witches.

I'm hesitant with stephen.

Stephen's running around.

Everyone is trying to play their

Own game.

I want everyone to be on the

Same page.

The person I trust most is


You're asking me to trust three

Girls that want nothing to do

With me.

I'm asking you to trust the

Girls, their momentarily... It's

A game of voting blocs.

It's not a game of long-term


I'm trying to will be down my

Alliance and trying to work

These other voting blocs.


Yep, sure does.

If we take wiglesworth away,

There will be four people that

Will come back to camp

Blindsided, kimmi, tasha, keith,

Joe, you know, I don't want to

Have to worry.

And I want the make the right

Decision and the right move.

I don't want to just jump ship

And do it so fast.

Jeff: we now bring in the

Members of our jury.

Kass and savage voted out in the

Last tribal council.

Fishbach, you look like you're


I am freezing.

It's really cold.

It's hard to even think straight


Jeff: keith, this is part

Of the game you sort of want

Because it makes it so big, and

Yet it really takes a toll on


It does, jeff.

I'm going on two hours of sleep

Over the last 36 hours.

We haven't had any food.

It's hard to concentrate right

Now because I'm not thinking


Anchor: yeah, it's real.

We know.

Jeff: wentworth, you

Received the majority of the

Votes at your last tribal.

If not for the votes, you would

Be sitting over there and savage

Would be here.

I'm hoping me playing the

Idol opened people's eyes and

People are willing to make a

Move at tribal.

Jeff: ciera, if the game is

As fluid as it appears to be,

Being on the bottom of one

Tribal means absolutely nothing

The next tribal.


Anything can happen.

And we saw kelley throw out an


Now I think it scared people a

Little bit.

And it's pretty much my or get

Played at this point, you know?

Jeff: joe, big statement:

Play or get played.


If you think someone is coming

After you, it's kind of like you

Got to go get 'em first, like

Ciera is saying, get or get got.

Jeff: jeremy, for all the

Talk about fluidity, last vote

Nine people were together.

With nine people, that's a

Huge alliance, and I think even

More than that, this game is

About voting blocs.

A few people are in one voting


A few are in another.

I'm sticking trying to figure it

Out myself.

Jeff: spencer, do you agree

With jeremy's assessment, there

Are factions of people working

Together, but it doesn't mean it

Will last.

Yeah, I do.

However, that doesn't mean

You don't build trust, and that

Doesn't mean that trust doesn't

Just disappear when you do vote.

Jeff: wiglesworth, spencer

Just said it it really clearly,

The volt ultimately tells the



Jeff: what do you hope

Happens tonight?

I hope everybody does what

They say they're going to do.

Jeff: how confident are


I'm pretty confident.

Jeff: fishbach, do you

Think we are in the midst of an

Evolution of the game?

Because nobody has ever talked

About this type of strategy.

I absolutely think the game

Is evolving.

Alliance aren't clear-cut and


You have to give your word to

People, and sometimes you may

Need to be flexible.

And sometimes they may need to

Be flexible with you.

Still, jeff, even with the

Voting bloc, you need those two

Or three people you trust

Because at the end of the day,

The voting bloc with the

Strongest alliance will dominate

This game.

Jeff: who here is truly

Worried right now, heartbeating,

That it might be them tonight.

So abi, tasha, fishbach,

Spencer, wentworth, ciera.

Spencer, half the group is truly


Yeah, and half the group is

Bold enough to admit that in

Front of their allies and in

Front of the people with whom

They have trust.

Jeff: all right.

Somebody is about to go home.

It is time to vote.

Abi, you're up.

I'm voting for you because

It's part of the plan.

I hope it works.

Sorry, girl.

There's only room for one

Kelly on this island.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote ciera.






We're tied.

Two votes wiglesworth, two votes

Ciera, two votes wentworth.

That's three votes ciera.


That's three votes wiglesworth.


Four votes wiglesworth, three

Votes ciera, two votes


Ninth person voted out and the

Third member of our jury,


You need to bring me your torch.

Kelly, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

Well, tonight's tribal would

Seem to confirm that an

Evolution is happening in the

Game play of "survivor."

I can't wait to see where it


Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Try to get warm.

Good night.

Captioning funded by cbs

And ford.

We go further, so you can.

Captioned by

Media access group at wgbh

Stay tuned for scenes from our

Next episode.

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor," the rain is


People ask me if "survivor"

Is fun, "survivor" ain't fun.

Going on a cruise is fun.

Jeff: and forces a decision

That could change the game.

Make your decision.

Put you palm out.

Everybody reveal.

I didn't hope to go out this


I know I was voted out because

I'm a threat.

I mean, I figured the three

Girls were going to vote for me.

It's the two other votes that I

Kind of suspect.

I hope it wasn't joe.

It's a much different game this

Time than it was the last time.

It's not really my style.

So they can have at it.
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