31x06 - Bunking with the Devil

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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31x06 - Bunking with the Devil

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor": ta keo was thriving,

And had put together a strong


This is final five.

I'm trying to pull in as many

People as I can.

Jeff: while angkor was

Barely getting by.

We are in hell right now.

This isn't working.

Jeff: but at the last

Immunity challenge-- woo


They finally won.

Angkor wins immunity.

Sending bayon to tribal council.

Back at camp, wiglesworth and

Spencer were on the outs.

I still say kelly.

But monica wanted to change

Things you want.

She's a loose cannon and

She'd be a flipper.

Jeff: and everything did

Change at tribal council when

Monica was blindsided.

Monica, the tribe has spoken.

15 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight.

Captioning funded by cbs

And ford.

We go further, so you can.


Hey, it's probst.


Jeff: I need to talk to you

For a second.

Come on out.

We'll be right back, guys.

Come down here on the beach.


Jeff: I know this is a

Shock, waking you up in the

Middle of the night.

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't


No question.

I'll go back, grab my bag, and,

Uh, tell them.

Jeff: all right, let's do


Then we'll go.

Jeff: all right, I'll go

With you.

Okay, thanks.

Are you okay?

My boy, danny,"he ended up

Being hospitalized, and my wife

And the doctor think that it's

Best that I go home.

Oh, my god.


Oh, my god!

For me, there was no choice.


I appreciate all you guys and


I'm sorry, terri.

You've helped me follow

Through on another dream and I

Couldn't have done it with finer

People, finer people.

Thanks so much for


All right.

Let me just grab my bag.

I think you have to be a

Parent to understand how

Devastating it would be to be

Out here and get a call that

Your child is sick and you need

To get home.

I just can't imagine.

Be well.

Good luck.

Kick some ass.

Keep it up.

Terry, be good, buddy.


We'll miss you.

I'll miss you guys.

To have someone have to go

Home like, this it's worse than

A med evac.

It's worse than anything you can

Imagine in "survivor."

It's just a reminder of how

Quickly thiks can change.

Let's bring this home for


Let's bring it home for him.

I don't like having chills.

Jeff: hang in there.

We're going to get you home.

I feel for him.

He's a good dad.

We'll keep him in our thoughts

And hope for the best and

Hopefully when he gets home,

It's all good.

Angkor getting your first look

At the new bayon tribe.

Monica voted out at the last

Tribal council.

Angkor and bayon getting your

First look at the new ta keo



Without terry.

Jeff: terry deitz was

Pulled from the game due to a

Family emergency.


Oh, no!

Jeff: his wife called and

Said one of his kids was sick,

And that he needed to go home.

Oh, my god!

Jeff: savage, you're a dad.


Jeff: imagine hearing that

News in the middle of the night

That something's wrong with one

Of your kids, and you don't know

What it is.

I'd run to the airport.

I mean, we all love this game to

Our core, but that's family.

That's bigger than all of this.

Jeff: wiglesworth, you can

Explain to somebody who's not a

Parent what is that instant?

You had it.

Savage had it.

You'd do anything for your


If I had to get there any

Faster, I would jump and swim

All the way to him and for terry

To leave for that, like, we all

Have emotion for him.

It's terrible.

Jeff: so, ciera, you are a

Young mom as well.

What comes up?

I had the conversation with

My husband, you know, like, what

Would make me come home.

And I don't know.

I love this game, but I love my

Family so much more.

Jeff: so, joe, what does

This do to you as a tribe?

I think half the night it

Took the wind out of our sails a

Little bit, but there's still

The game, and we're going to do

Him proud.

Jeff: where are we at with

The other two tribes?

Bayon, what's the vibe of this

Five right now, jeremy?

It's a nice little family

Going on here.

Jeff: savage, has this

Tribe gotten stronger, even

Though you've been through a lot

Of adversity?

This four right here are

Unbelievably tight.

And we just can't wait to

Continue our little winning


Jeff: all right, so I'm

Glad to know that we have three

Very tight tribes, because the

Great thing about "survivor," it

Just keeps moving forward.

And that makes today a perfect

Day for a switch.


Jeff: everybody drop your



Love you, terry.

Three most beautiful words in

This world for me, "drop your


Jeff: two tribes will be ta

Keo and bayon.

Angkor will be no more.

Everybody, open your buffs.

So I notice that savages that

The same color.

I was more than pleased because

Fihad to choose one person I'm

Most closest to, hands down,

It's god got to be savage.

Jeff: take your spots on

Your new mats.

There have been two swaps


There are so many past

Relationships, I cannot fathom

How people could group together.

It is a cluster... Expletive.

Welcome home!

Jeff: all right, kass, you

Just dropped a buff and drew

Another ta keo and you're right

Back here.

I'm happy because we have the

Rice and the chicken, you know.

A little hesitant about spencer

Because, you know, maybe there's

Not a lot connection there.

Wow, we're already in it.

Here we go!

Kass and I have feuded, and at

Times, we've hated each other.

So how I can get along with my

Arch nemesis is going to

Determine how this game goes for


Jeff: so wentworth, in a

New game of seven, six of whom

Were together in the beginning

Do you feel instantly I will be

The odd one out?

I know I'm the only original

Ta keo.

You be, I know some of these

People, though, from working

Together on the last tribe so

I'm excited.

And I just want to win.

The switch worked out

Perfectly for me for right now.

We have an obvious target with

Wentworth, but I still have a

Sense of being at risk because

There are a lot of big alpha

Guys here.

That's terrifying to me.

Jeff: all right, you guys

Ready to get to your first

Reward challenge as new tribes?


Jeff: for today's

Challenge, one member from each

Tribe will race down a slippery

Course, grabbing a ring along

The way.

You'll then toss that ring

Attempting to land it on a post.

First to get it right, scores a


First tribe to three wins


Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: it will be a nice way

To get to know each other.

A "survivor" picnic delivered to

Your camp.

Fried chicken.


Jeff: mac and cheese.

And for dessert, brownies!


Oh, girl, girl!

Jeff: I'll give you a

Minute to strategize.

We'll get started.

All right, here we go.

First up, ta keo, who you got?

It is going to be savage taking

On jeremy in this first round.

First one to get their ring on

The post scores a point.

We are playing to three.

Here we go.

Survivors ready?


Jeremy launches.

Savage launchs.

Jeremy's got the ring, savage

Right behind.

Jeremy scores over savage, and

Savage less than a half a second


That's crazy.

Jeff: that is as close as

It can get.

Bayon leads 1-zip.

Next match-up.

It will be kass versus fishpack.

Survivors ready?


Gstephen, go, go, go!

Get up, stephen, get up,


Go, go, go!

Move those feet!

Jeff: kass not messing


She has her ring.

Stephen has his.

Come on, stephen!

Jeff: kass almost scores?

Steve, relax, man!

Fishback can he do it right


Throw it at the post,

Stephen, throw it at it.

Stop flipping it!

Jeff: kass can tie it right


And she does!

We are tied 1-1.

Hey, you have to have

Confidence in yourself.

We have confidence in you, have

It in yourself, man!

Come on!

Jeff: next match-up, it is

Abi for ta keo, kimmi for bayon.

Survivors ready?


Go, go, go, go, go!

Jeff: beating women come up


Kimmi going to try to walk it.

That is not easy to do.

Grab the ring!

Jeff: kimmi has a ring.

Abi has hers.

Kim wea toss.

Kimmi on and off.

No, no, no!

Keep going!

Abi thought it was over.

Abi can put ta keo in the lead.

Ta keo leads 2-1.

Next round, it is going to be


All right, woo!

Jeff: versus joe.

Joe must score to keep bayon


Big joe!

Jeff: survivors ready?


Woo launches.

Joe launches.

Both guys get to the ring

Quickly, bayon scores!

We are tied and go to sudden

Death down to a showdown!

One shot!

Jeff: and it comes down to


Wiglesworth versus wentworth.

Whoever scores here wins for

Their tribe fried chicken, mac

And cheese.

Here we go, for the win,

Survivors ready?


Wentworth launches, comes up


Both women on their feet.

First ring wins for their tribe.


Throw it!

Throw it!

She's got it.

Jeff: wentworth for the


No, it bounces on and off.

Jeff: wiglesworth can win


Wiglesworth wins it for ta keo!

Huge reward.

Ta keo, big reward, "survivor"

Picnic delivered to your cam.

You don't have to do anything

But thrit sitthere and enjoy it.

Grab your stuff and head back.

Enjoy your afternoon.

Thank you, jeff!

Jeff: bayon, got nothing

For you.

Grab your stuff, head back to


Looking at the complexion of

My tribe, I couldn't be happier.

I got abi and woo, after we went

Through in angkor, we're rock


And if I can just regroup with

My bayon folks, kass and ciera,

That's the most perfect equation

You can imagine.

I'm not going anywhere.

Oh, my gosh!

Let's get to it!

Those browni brownies are bigger

Than our fists!

Well done, everyone.

That was amazing.

Coming into the new ta keo

Tribe I was thinking about the

Awesome meal I was about to eat

But in the back of my mind kind

Of nagging at me was how the

Hell is this tribe going to work

Out for me?

How was ta keo the last, like,

Couple rounds?

We were chill because I know

You don't believe it, but the

Four of us that came over were,

Like, the least dramatic,


I can believe that.

When kass and I had to actually

Do the seemingly impossible and

Interact, it was a little


It was a little cagey.

Can I get a watermelon?

You can have about 10.

Genuinely, I didn't know what

To make of it.

So I just tried to treat her

Like everyone else, but that's

Never worked for me in the past

With kass.

Dude, do you realize we're


We're out of that hell hole.

No, I can't tell you guys how

Hard that was.

What we went through in angkor

Was so traumatizing that having

That victory and the food was

One of the most beautiful

Moments in my life, honestly.

It sounds silly, absolutely

Beautiful moment.

Ta keo!




So as soon as I looked at

Those other six, first thing I

Thought was I got five.

Two of the old bayon with kass

And ciera, and I got my angkors.

Be careful right behind you.

Spencer's this wonderful kid,

Honestly, if I had a son, I'd

Like him to be like spencer.

Big heart, super bright.

I love the kid, but I'll tell

You this, and it sounds really

Cold, I know deep down inside

Kass can't stand spencer, and

And I am going to use that to my

Advantage in the game.

What do you think?

I don't know.

Ciera and I are pretty tight.

So, me, woo, and abi


So we have us three.

Whatever you want to do.


I know what you want to do.

As long as we keep our bayon.

Spencer's got to go.


I would love to get rid of

Spencer again.

I didn't want spencer on my


I wanted to play second chances

Without the bledsoe.

That's it, perfect.

Here's what we were thinking

Is we tell spencer ciera's

Going, and it's going to be 100%


He'll have no idea.

Savage says, "we're going to

Send spencer home and tell him

That it's going to be me to go



Like, hold the phone.

It shows a huge cipe of where

His trust lies that he would

Rather throw me under the bus

Than, you know, woo is not

Original bayon.

So you're not going anywhere.

I trust you.

Let's not scramble.

We're good, five, right here.

Whenever you hear your name

Being brought up, it is never a

Good thing.

I want to be a team player.

There are certain times I'm

Willing to take things for the


This is not one of those times.

One, two, three, ta keo.


Don't drop it in there.

I won't drop it in there!

I don't know.

Don't catch it on fire, either.

Oh, son of a-- okay.

Oh, you're done.

You're done.

How did they burn off?

Oh, my goodness, joe.

I know.

We might have to do some work.

Because you're ta keo.

I know.

I knew I was in trouble here.

You're the easy vote.

No, I know.

So, I know.

We need to find a way to keep

You here.

After the tribe swap,

Strategically I'm in a good


I've got an original alliance of

Bayon, and over at the ta keo

Camp myself, kass, ciera, kelly,

And keith all kind of made a

Pact, so I want to keep kelley

Around so I have numbers at the


You're stronger than steven and


I know.

That's the one biggest pitch,

I think.

For sure.

I know I'm the easy vote.

Like, I'm not oblivious to it.

But I do have an immunity idol,

And if joe wants to protect me,

Like, I'm going to hide behind

Him as long as I can.

I mean, joe, thank you.

What are we doing?

Are we just sticking together?

What do you guys want to do?

Are you good with wentworth?

I don't think we're going to

Lose, to be honest.

Do we try to go strong?

I mean, like, I love kimmi, but,

Challenge-- I mean, I'm just

Saying, like, just in terms of

Like a first vote.

You know, I feel like bayon


Why would we screw it up now?

The old bayon is saying let's

Keep bayon together.

Joe is saying no, let's keep

Wentworth and target kimmi.

He is already trying to get our

Core alliance to turn on each


Joe said kimmi.

I don't like that.

No, of course, not.

So joe actually flipped on

The bayon alliance, and this is


You have to take action.

I don't trust joe at all.

So, like, I would be happy to

Lose him, like, immediately.

But i-- I don't want to do

Joe first.

Steve is definitely digging his

Heels in he wants joe out.

But I need a shield.

I need joe around as long as


I do not want to be the biggest

Guy out here.

All right, we'll talk.

We'll talk.

You know, at the reward

Challenge, jeremy's like, man,

You've got to have confidence.

You need to believe in yourself.

You know what?

Like, I'm putting everything

Into winning "survivor."

That doesn't manifest itself in


I know I'm not good in those.

You're bugging.

Just think about it.

Let it percolate.

I'm good at other things.

In terms of the strategic moves,

That to me is what this game is


It's about the social strategy.

It's about building alliances

And maintaining alliances and

Targeting the right person at

The right time.

He's, like, trying to get us out

To save wentworth, so he's not

Bayon's friend.


It would be unexpected--

You think it's a mistake

Because it's too much, too soon.


Fican't get my alliance to

Make that move with me, I have


You know, like, you don't get a

Lot of sh*ts taking out your

Major competition and, you know,

What actually works me up...

Is-- oh, my god.

I can't believe I'm getting


Is the idea that, like, you

Know, I would miss this-- oh, my


This is so silly.

That I would miss the second


I would miss my-- you know, I've

Put so much into it last time,

But I still came up short.

And I'm putting so much into it

This time.

And the idea that I would come

Up short because I just couldn't

Get my crew to take the shot

That we needed to take.

Like, I've been kicking myself

For so many years just for not

Getting rild of the golden boy

Last time.

But to just wait for the game to

Come to you and pass you by,

That would be a real loss to me,

To not take control of the game

When we have the chance.

God, it would be such a great


It would be such a great move.

This would be the move that set

The tenor for the whole season.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

All right, you guys ready to get

To today's immunity challenge.


Yes, sir.

Jeff: first things first,


Take back the idol.

Thank you.

Once again, immunity is back up

For grabs.

Today you will participate in a

Food-eating competition.

You will race to get down local

Cambodian delicacies.

First to do so scores a point

For their tribe.

First to four wins immunity,

Safe from the vote, losers go to

Tribal council where somebody

Will be voted out of this game.

We have done this challenge 14


Kelly you are the originator of


Kimmi did this in season two,

And couldn't get down the cow's


Ciera participated and didn't

Even get out of the first round.

Each tribe for the first round

Will put up two tribe members.

We'll get started.

Here we go.

First round.

Kimmi and tasha taking on woo

And spencer.

Go ahead and reveal.

Oh, kimmi.

Oh, my god.

Is it alive?

You got it, girl.

Jeff: so everybody has two

Tarantulas to get down.

The first pair to finish scores

A point.

Here we go.

Survivors ready?


Empty mouth.

Swallow it.

Good job, tasha.

Jeff: there will be a

Little bit of guts in there.

A little bit of juice.

Kimmi struggling.

Everybody else has all of their

Traptulas in their mouth except

For kimmi.

Spencer's good.

Step back.

Woo, swallow it.

Jeff: woo is good!

Ta keo scores first point.

Jeremy and keith taking on

Savage and ciera.

All right, everybody reveal.

Water beetle.

It will have a little bit of its


It will have some juice.

Survivors ready, go.

It's crunchy and it's juicy.

Awesome job!

Jeff: jeremy working on the


Savage now working on his


Savage is good.

Jeremy's good.

Come on, keith!

Come on, keith!

Jeff: it's now down to

Ciera versus keith for the


Would be a huge redemption for


Come ociera, you got it!

Jeff: keith has it!

We are tied.


Great effort.

Come here.

Fishback and wentworth taking

On kass and abi.

Go ahead and reveal.

Pig snout.

Here we go.

Survivors ready?


Everybody takes a big bite

Right away.

Abi's tearing it up right now.

Come oabi!

You got it, abi.


Jeff: look at that, first

To finish.

Abi's finished.

We have another showdown.

It is kass versus wentworth.

Both have the same amount left.

Kass spitting it back up now.

Go, go, go!

And she did it!

Bayon scores and leads 2-1.

Now we're going to go into

Individual match-ups, joe versus


Reveal deep-fried frog.


That looks good, joe!

Jeff: bayon leadses, 2-1.

Survivors ready?


Kelly is shoving it in her


Take your time, joe.

Jeff: joe going piece by

Piece, two very different


Kelly could tie it up right


You got this, kelly.

Jeff: kelly does it for ta


Defeet joe.

We are tied 2-2.

Next round, woo, kimmi, go ahead

And reveal.

Pigs brain.

I haven't had pig in 30


I-- and to go jump into pig

Brain is a little bit extreme,

So my gift is to let woo eat

Some pig brain.

Jeff: here we go, survivors



Bon appetite.



Jeff: wow.

Woo making this look easy.

That was less than five


( Applause )

Ta keo leads 3-2.

Next round.

Ciera, wentworth.



So, ciera, if you win here, you

Win the challenge for ta keo.


Jeff: if you lose, we are

Tied 3-3.

Big pressure.

Survivors ready?


Go, ciera.

Go, ciera.

Get it, get it!

Jeff: ciera could win it

For her tribe, would be an

Amazing second-chance story.

Swallow, swallow, swallow.

Wentworth would tie it up for


Extending this one more round.

Losers go to tribal council,

Where somebody will be voted out

Of this game.

Wentworth scores for bayon!

Ciera once again comes up short.

We are tied 3-3.

So, ciera, what are the tears


I feel bad for letting these

Guys down.

You did not let us down.

I'm proud of myself for even

Getting as far as I got.

Jeff: kass versus tasha.

Last item.



Oh, god, that's brutal.

Jeff: duck embryo.

This is it for the win, the

First to finish sends the other

Tribe to tribal council.

Giant stakes.

Hand on the table until I sigh


Survivors ready?


Shell is and all.

Kass is going to puke.

Jeff: kass really

Struggling with just a baby


Coming back up.

This is what happened last time.

All of it came up.

Come on, baby girl!

Come on, girl!

Jeff: bayon wins immunity,

Synding ta keo to tribal


Where somebody will be voted out

Of this game.

Good job, girl.

Jeff: kass are the tears a

Physical reaction to just it

Going down or is that an

Emotional reaction?

I think it's both.

You know, I was kind of vomitus

Which makes you a little teary.

And then letting the tribe down.

Jeff: bayon, immunity is


Well earned.

Good job, tash.

Jeff: no tribal council for


Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp, enjoy the

Night off.

Oh, we will.

Nice job, guys.

Jeff: wow, really?

I haven't eaten in 16 days,


Jeff: ta keo got nothing

For you but a date with me

Tonight at tribal council where

Somebody will be voted out of

This game.

Grab your stuff, head back to


See you tonight at tribal.

Tribal council tonight and I

Would love to get rid of spencer

Again and if he was the first

Person whose name I wrote down,

I'd be more than happy to write

A sad face on his card and send

Him on his way.

Spencer bledsoe, 0% chance of

Winning this game.

We lost the challenge and now

We've got to face tribal


We already talked about who we

Wanted to take out if we ended

Up at tribal.

So as of now, if everything goes

According to plan, we're all

Going to vote spencer.

Everybody knows the plan.

We're locked.


Everybody's gotta say ciera.

Okay, okay.

So everyone is saying ciera.

But you have nothing to worry


Don't stress it.

If he asks me I'll just say I

Don't know.

Guys, don't be seen talking

To ciera.

To come here at ta keo and be

Amongst the majority of the

Alliance, I'm finally in tune

With this game, and I get to--

Get to play.

What do you think is

Happening tonight?

Here's my thing, I think

Ciera's gotta go.

I am kind of on the outs as

Far as being in the know.

But I've been wanting to play

With savage this whole time.

I think he's just a really good

Guy and someone that I can



Woo knows, kass knows, abi

Knows, I know, now you know.

It's unbelievably hard for me to

Put up spencer like this.

He's a great kid, but nothing's

Getting in the way of my second


So tonight everyone's voting


He's voting ciera.


All right, man.

This is going to be one of the

Most devastating, unexpected

Blindsides in the history of


I mean business.

This is my second chance.

I'm note getting a third chance.

This is it.

Here's my thing, I don't feel

With my name being the one

Thrown out.

Who does saffable think he is--

It was weird, he's like,

"We're going to say ciera."

I was like where does this come


He was all bayon strong and

Now all of a sudden he has woo,

And that freaks me out.

I definitely had a wake-up

Call when terry went home.

It is my second chance.

It could be my last chance and I

Want to go for it full on so I

Can go home to my family and

Say, "hey, I gave it my all."

I would like to get rid of

Spencer before the merge.

I think we would be really

Dumb to keep woo over spencer.

So ciera wants to get rid of


I didn't want to play with


I was glad not to be on a tribe

With him all this time.

And when everyone said let's do

Spencer first, it was almost

Being served up to me.

But then you have to step back.

Is there a better use for

Spencer right now?

We should talk.

I don't want to rehash any of

That stuff.


But I do think it would be

Good to talk through everything,

You know.

Yeah, there's some stuff

Going on, and--


There's some stuff that could

Benefit you, because I think

You're kind of not in anything.

I really like savage.

Interestingly, savage said,

"Why don't we go for spencer,

But we'll tell them it's ciera."

Does savage actually want to

Go after me?



When did he say that?

Like, after the feast.

Just sitting in the shelter.

If what kass is saying is

True, that savage is considering

Me as a target, I'm left having

To figure out where to run.

I'm leaning towards a woo

Blindside, and if we have to--

Do you think we would have a

Good group to do it.

Ciera, abi, me and you, and

That's four.

I guess I'm bunking with the

Devil tonight.

I might have to play with kass.

I'll finally get my revenge

On spencer bledsoe.

There's two ideas floating out

There, savage, wiglesworth and

Woo think spence ser going home,

And spencer abi, and ciera

Believe woo is going home.

We're all good, right?

I'm not wavering from that at


I have no interest in

Anything else.

We're so strong with just us.

I have the opportunity to

Write down spencer and say


As I sit here right now, I could

Still do that if I wanted to

Because of how the votes are.

It's my first tribal of my

Second chance.

Which kass is coming?

Is it calm kass or is it chaos


The little angel and the devil.

They're each on my shoulder.

Spencer, woo.

Calm, chaos.

It's there.

What's going to happen?

I don't even know.

Jeff: for those of you who

Have not been to tribal council

Yet, grab a torch, dip it in,

And get fire.

This is part of the ritual of

Tribal council because fire

Represents your life.

When your fire's gone, so are


All right, so 16 days in to this

Second chance experiment.

That's really what it is, a

Chance to see if you can change

The way you played the first

Time and get a better result.

Savage, what have you been

Working on?

My personal game.

Developing deep, deep

Relationships, began with

Identifying folks who actually

Were trust worthy and loyal, and

I think I've been pretty well

Doing that.

Jeff: spencer, what's your

Second chance season been about

So far?

It's been about coming into

This game and seeing people as

That, people.

Jeff: which is tough to do

In a game that is outwit,

Outplay, outlast.


This might be the hardest

Environment in which to do and

Yet the most important.

Jeff: woo, some would say

That what hurt you the first

Time you played is you weren't

Able to clearly see tony

Manipulating you into a

Million-dollar mistake.

Yeah, absolutely.

My first season, what I failed

In was understanding that to

Succeed in this game, you're

Gonna have to be a little more

Cut throat, and I'm at peace

With that.

Jeff: so, kass, there's all

These second chance stories but

You're still playing a game.

How do you navigate all of the

Many layers of relationships?

Yeah, it's really hard to

Keep track.

I was on bayon early with


Are we still bayon strong?

Woo I know from cagyan, spencer,

You know.

Ciera and I have been together

From day one.

Who who's really tight with who

And why?

It's a lot of fun.

Jeff: now that chaos kass

Or the new kass?

I don't know which kass is

Here tonight.

Jeff: savage, that's got to

Be a little unnerving.

You know when chaos kass is

Angry or she's telling you truth

Or she's about to blindside you.

I've been with kass a long

Time, original bayon, and I

Haven't seen chaos kass yet.

I have seen a loving, loyal


Jeff: ciera, what's your

Take on all the relationships

That are out here?

How do you navigate them?

Navigating people is actually

One of my strengths.

I meet somebody and I go with my

Gut and I know.

Like, savage was with me

Earlier, but he grew tight with


Un, it's just all about that

Battle between your gut and your

Heart, and your mind.

Jeff: savage, do you get

Uncomfortable any time you more

Your name mentioned in any

Sentence for any reason at



Jeff: and why is that?

Because I don't have doubts

About tonight.

My judgment is my judgment.

If I blow it, that's on me.

Jeff: and, ciera, when you

Hear what savage said, ," I feel

Pretty confident," that's the

Fun part of "survivor," if

Everybody is playing at the

Highest level, everybody here

Feels confident.

And yet, somebody will go home.

That's the scariest part of

Tribal council.

I mean, we're all second-time

Players and we all have plans.

And somebody's plan is not going

To work out.

Jeff: spencer, that's

Really it.

Somebody's plan is not going to

Work out.


Everyone has some degree of

Confidence, and not everyone can

Keep that confidence once you

Get out the snuffer.

Jeff: all right, it is time

To vote.

Wiglesworth, you're up.

I'm writing your name down

For one reason-- are you too

Good at this game.

My fate tonight lies in the

Hands of chaos kass.

( Sighs )

God help me.

Jeff: I'll go tally the

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote, spenter.




Three votes spencer, one vote



That's two votes woo.


We're tied, three votes woo,

Three votes spencer, one vote


Sixth person voted out of

"Survivor: second chance," woo.

You need to bring me your torch.


Jeff: woo, the tribe has


Time to go.

Jeff: well, this season the

Game is being played at a very

High level, which means are you

Going to have to continue to

Adapt your game if you want to

Make it to the end.

Grab your torches, head back to


Good night.

Surely a difficult way to

Leave the game, but I had an

Amazing run.

This game is the toughest, both

Mentally and physically.

So win or lose, it was an

Achievement of a lifetime, and

I'm stoked to be a part of this

"Survivor" family.

Captioned by

Media access group at wgbh

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor": the mecialg is


Congratulations, you have


Now the game is on.

Once you make the merge, things

Are about to change.

Jeff: and chaos kass it


Here's the line.

It's been drawn.

People should think about who

They're working with and the

Mimgz they're trying to run.

Don't mess with my second


You unleashed the beast.

I when jeff woke me up in the

Middle of the night, getting

Home to my family was the only

Thing I could think about.

It turns out my son danny needed

A heart transplant and he got

That transplant and he's doing


Here I was thinking I was the

Second whic-chance guy.

Here's the second-chance guy

Right here.
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