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03x02 - Chuck Versus the Three Words

Posted: 01/13/10 05:16
by bunniefuu
I'm Chuck. Here are a few things you might need to know.

Chuck: Did you know there is an undercover DEA agent out in the courtyard?

Sarah: I knew it was you.

Your cover? Carina.

Sarah: It's beautiful.

Chuck: My mom's charm bracelet.

Sarah: We could run together.

We have to go, Chuck. This is it.

Are you coming?

Chuck: I can't.

Sarah, they wanted me to be a spy.

Really important people told me that they thought I could change the world.

Sarah: I acted impulsively, and it won't happen again.

You're a spy now, Chuck.

You have to keep your feelings to yourself.



(phone ringing) (groaning)

Karl Stromberg: Yeah, can I call you back?

I'm just in the middle of something at work.

Yeah, me, too.

(whispers): I love you, too, smooshy.

(man groaning)


♪ ♪

Sarah: God, it feels like I haven't been off duty in years.

How long you in town for anyway?

Carina: I plan on getting out quick.

Los Angeles has all the cultural panache of a Porta Potti.

Sarah: I've missed you.

Carina:,So, why are you still here?

How long can you possibly have to protect some doofus at a stereo store?

Sarah: You know, I don't really want to talk about work.

Carina: Ah, so you're sleeping with him.

Sarah: We have a very professional relationship.

Carina: Oh.

Sarah: What?

Carina: Nothing.

You're just really into him, that's all.

Sarah; Can we please not talk about Chuck?

Carina: Oh, my God, Walker.

Sarah: What?

Carina; You broke the cardinal rule of spying, didn't you?

Morgan: You're breaking the cardinal rule of getting dumped.

Chuck: Can we please talk about something other than Sarah?

Morgan: Yeah. Good, except you're moping, man.

Chuck: I am not moping.

Morgan:,Hey, hey, what the hell are we doing here?

Could you at least pause the game?

I know you're upset about Sarah, but there is no pause button on life.

See what I'm trying to say?

We are two very, very sexy bachelors with the world at our fingertips.

Our lives are incredible.

Chuck: Yeah, incredibly average to sub-par.

Morgan: Look, all I'm saying is, there's gotta be, what, two million ladies in the City of Angels?

They can't all say no to us.

♪ ♪

Target rich, Chuck!


Oh, here we go. Thirsty, ladies?

Cosmo, Pina colada, mai tai, rum and coke, gin and tonic?

Well-hydrated already, well-hydrated, okay.

Chuck: Buddy, I-I don't, I don't really know if I'm ready for this.

Morgan: Look, dude, no one's asking you to fall in love.

Okay, we're just here to have you, you know, forget about Sarah for a little while.

That's all.

Oh, my God, it's Sarah!

Chuck: What? !

Wh-What do you mean, Sarah? My Sarah?

Morgan: Technically, she's single if you think about it, you know, so, yes, your Sarah.

And she's with Carina.

You think she'd remember me?

We did only go on that one date, and very tall women have very short memories.

Chuck:,You know what, okay, I'm gonna go and do a little spy work, buddy.

Yeah, yeah. So, you go and get some drinks, and I'll kind of suss out the situation with Carina.


Hi, hi, Carina, long time.

Wow, what a nice surprise.

And Sarah, good to see you tonight.


Sarah: Chuck, what are you doing here?

Are you spying on me?

Chuck; I don't, uh, no.

I'm just out here for an innocent evening with an old friend.

Yeah, we're just out here soaking in the sights and sounds and whatever the evening may bring.

Sarah: Great. CHUCK: Great.

Good. Hey!

Carina: Hey, baby.

I'm so glad you're both here.

This way, I can tell you our great news at the same time.

This is my fiance, Karl.


Sarah Walker, my best friend.

And Chuck, her boyfriend. Chuck.

Chuck; That's right, Chuck the boyfriend, that's me.

Karl:,Glad to meet you guys, it really is.

Chuck; Yeah, yeah. You, too!

Nice to meet you. Yeah, that's crazy.

It's so nice to finally put a face to all the amazing stories that we've heard for so long.

Right, so long. Or short.

Depending on the length of your courtship.

It is really great to meet you.

I mean, you're exactly how Carina described you.

To the tee.

Karl: Thank you. Love really has made me a better man.

What about you, Chuck?

Chuck: What about me? Oh, love!

Yeah, love, love is a powerful tonic, is it not?

Oh... KARL: I love you, smooshy.

Carina: I love you, smoosh.

Karl: I'm really sorry to cut this short, guys, but I've booked a romantic dinner for two.

Go, do it, yeah.

Karl: So, I'll meet you at the valet?

Okay. I'll miss you, smoosh.

Carina: Miss you more, smooshy.

(kissing sounds)

Karl; Okay, guys.

Really good seeing you. Yeah, nice to meet you.

Chuck: Yeah, for sure.

Congratulations, you guys seem really in love.

Oh, Sarah, Carina, I hate to be the one to tell you this, Karl is not who you think he is. He's a bad man, he's a...

Carina: He's an arms dealer.

Yeah, my mark. (chuckles)

What, you think I'm an idiot?

It's the cardinal rule: Spies don't fall in love.

Welcome to your new mission.

(tires screeching)

♪ Na-na na-na na-na ♪
♪ Na-na na-na na-na ♪
♪ Na-na na-na na-na ♪
♪ Na-na na-na na-na ♪
♪ Na-na na-na na-na ♪
♪ Na-na na-na na-na ♪


Chuck; Look who's back.

Only thing that changes are the clothes.

Big Mike: Everything's about to change, people!

Bet you're wondering why I'm wearing my Sunday finery.

Because I am here to do my finest every day.

Question is...

Are you?

Chuck: Oh, that's not a rhetorical question.

Yes, the answer is yes.

Jeff: Ham.

Big Mike: With Emmett gone, Buy More has given me a second chance to manage here.

I do not take that responsibility lightly.

I've learned much from my business class at El Segundo School of Finance.

I intend to apply that knowledge here.

Did you know that the Japanese have no word for "no"?

730 ways to say "yes, " but no word for "no. "

When we are selling, we no longer understand the meaning of the word "no. "

Chuck: No, Morgan.

I do not have any more intel on the guy Carina left the club with.

Morgan: Okay, but I still have a shot here, right?

I mean, she can't have real feelings for this guy?

Chuck: That's a pretty safe assumption.

Lester; Who is this, uh, alleged female you reference?

Chuck: Just some girl.

Morgan: Carina's not just some girl, okay?

She's basically a Swedish super-model.

The country's greatest export since Bjorn Borg.

Jeff; Well, people mistake me for him all the time.

Morgan: We dated a couple years ago, hooked up.

Now she's gone, we drifted apart.

Eh, but she's back in town, I'm thinking about hitting that a.

(chuckling) Lester: Okay. ere's no way that a girl like you could ever get a woman like you're describing here, it seems...

♪ ♪

Funny though, 'cause if she wasn't into me, then what is she doing here?

♪ ♪

Chuck: Hello, ma'am, can I help you with a computer or computer-related software?

What are you doing here?

Carina: You're needed downstairs, Agent Romeo.

Lester: Wow, she seems really into you.

Beckman: Agent Miller has been working undercover for the CIA, playing the girlfriend of suspected arms smuggler, Karl Stromberg.

Carina; We've learned ten million dollars was recently wired into Stromberg's account.

We don't know what this w*apon is, but someone's willing to pay a lot of money for it.

Well, we gotta get it before it falls into enemy hands.

Casey: Thanks for being on the case, Nancy Drew.

Carina: My engagement party is today at Karl's house.

Sarah and Chuck will enter as my best friend and her loving boyfriend, the cover that they established at the club.

Beckman: Mr. Bartowski, that a problem?

Chuck; I'm cool.

No problemo.

Carina; And Casey will pose as my father.

Casey: Check your math, sister, I'll play your brother.

Beckman: That's a bit of a stretch, Colonel.

Chuck; Yeah, Casey, uh, I think you have dungarees that are older than Carina.

Beckman: Colonel, you will assume the identity of Agent Miller's uncle.

Casey: Carina's father's much younger brother.

Carina; Karl's storing the w*apon in a gold case inside a vault room adjacent to his bedroom.

During Karl's toast, Sarah and Chuck will slip out, break in and apprehend it.

He keeps the access key to the secured area in his pants, which I can easily access.

Casey: Oh, I'll bet you can.

Carina: Karl also just installed a state-of-the-art security system in the vault room.

So, I’m sure the two of you can handle anything you find there.

Chuck; Uh, (clears throat) "any" is kind of a broad word.

Sarah: Chuck is just being modest.

His recent training has equipped him to handle any security obstacle.

There won't be a problem.

Carina; Better not be.

This whole mission rides on you, Chuck.

What a surprise.

Morgan: Carina is almost six feet of pure Swede.

That's just over 182 centimeters of Lapland, know what I mean?

Lester: Stop it, Grimes, this is pathetic.

As if a hot piece of tuchus like that would get anywhere near dirty treife like you.

Morgan: I could totally nail that if I wanted it.

Jeff; If you're such a stallion, prove it.

Ask her out.

Morgan: Now, listen, I know she's kind of seeing someone, and...

Lester: Mm, I didn't see a ring on her perfect finger.

Morgan: Well, I'm slow-playing it.

Jeff: You snooze, you lose boobs.

Lester; We checked out Chuck's calendar software, and we noticed that Ellie and her pin-up husband are away at some doctor thing for a few days.

So, it's the perfect time for us to throw you a housewarming party.

Morgan: Nah, I don't know...

Jeff; I'll even prepare my special punch.

You'll have home field advantage.

Lester: Are you ready to say yes, lover boy?


Lester: Yes!

Morgan: Of course, yes! Yes!

Carina will be there, too, by the way.

Party is on, nerds!

Party is on! Yeah!

All: Party! Party!


Morgan: All right, all right. Let's take a look here, buddy.

Uh... Look at me.



Um, why are you so dressed up? A date?

Are you getting back together with Sarah?

Chuck: It's not a date and no.

Morgan: Oh, well, who is this not-date with?

(phone rings)


You should answer that, maybe.

Chuck: Yeah, thanks.


Yeah. Almost out the door.

♪ ♪

Carina: Hmm.

Here. This charm bracelet looks like what some sucker in love might wear.

Sarah: Hmm? Uh...

No, it's not really my thing.

Carina: You want to talk about what happened with him?

When we wrap this mission, maybe you should come with me on my next assignment.

I know it's not Burbank, but, uh...

We can make the best of Saint-Tropez.


Sarah; Do you ever wonder about a different life? u mean, like... if all this was real?


Carina: If we were really getting ready for my engagement party?

Sarah: Yeah.

Carina: No. (cocks g*n)

Yeah. We're, uh, we'rlking a little.

Oh, good for you.

Morgan: That's good. I'm glad to hear it. Is Carina going to be there?

Chuck: Have you seen my keys?

Morgan: 'Cause I could come with. You know, uh, maybe just run a comb through my beard.

Takes two seconds.

Chick: Uh, actually, it's not that kind of a party.

Morgan; Don't worry about it.

Do me a favor, though. Could you get this to her?

Our invitation to our party.


Chuck: Fine. I ll give Carina your flyer if you find my keys.

Morgan: Right. Keys.

I should have known.

Mm-hmm-hmm. fun.

Sarah: Congratulations.

You two are going to have the most amazing life.

Chuck: You are a very lucky man, Karl.

Karl; Thanks, Chuck. I'm sure you're going to be next at the altar.

(both chuckling)

Chuck: I'd be the happiest guy in the world.

Sarah: He really would be.

(all laughing)

Carina: Oh, sweetheart, I want to introduce you to my uncle Johnny.

Daddy's brother.

Casey; Kid brother.

Good to see you.

Karl: It is great to finally meet one of Carina's family.

I'm not too sure about the... resemblance, though.

Carina: Oh, um...

Daddy and Uncle Johnny share the same thick neck and square head.


Carina; Ooh, bacon lamb chops, 12:00. There we go.


Carina: Master bedroom access point is at your 6:00.

We'll move when the room is distracted by the toasts.

Chuck: Sarah, listen.

I feel like there's been this-this thing... hanging over us.

You know, ever since Prague, and I mean, I miss you.


Will you excuse us for a second?


Chuck; I miss us. I miss this.

Karl's on the move. Wait.

Um, I'll be right there. Yeah.

Chuck: Look, what I'm trying to say is that even though we're on a mission, it feels good to hang out together, to talk as friends.

You know, kind of like we did before.

Carina: What is he doing?

Well, what do you think?

Sarah: It's just a cover, Chuck.

Carina: What the hell are you doing to my mission?

You and Sarah are supposed to be a happy couple.

Chuck: Look, ever since I got back from Prague, Sarah's been so cold.

Carina: You idiot.

The reason Sarah's cold is because she loves you.

Now, get your head out of your ass and go be a spy.

Chuck: Sarah, hey.

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.

Carina said something to me, and I know it's not the best time, but I really need to talk to you.

Sarah: Okay, Chuck, we need to focus on the mission.

Carina's getting the key. Come on.

Carina: I'll bet you know that toast by heart now, hmm?

Karl: Yeah, pretty much, darling.

Carina: You're going to do great, smoosh.

Karl: Thank you, smooshy.

Oh, what did a bloke like me do to deserve someone like you?

Karl: Okay. Should we do this?

Carina: Yes.

Let's do it.


Karl: I'd like to make a toast to my beautiful bride-to-be.

Since the first time I met Carina, I knew I'd found the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

I've never met anyone more real, more honest or more good.

Not never.

A toast to the future Mrs. Stromberg.

All: Hear, hear.

I love you, smooshy.

Carina; I love you, smoosh.

Um, is that it?

Karl: Um, no. Also... may-may our first child be a masculine child.

All: Hear, hear.

Chuck; Please, can we talk for just a quick second?

Sarah: No time.

Carina, we just got to the vault.

SARAH (over earpiece): We need more time.

Carina: Wait! I just know that my uncle Johnny's dying to say something.


Karl: Johnny, come on.

Casey: All right.

I'm, I'm not ordinarily a man of many words.

Or any words, for that matter.

But in this case, I'm willing to make an exception.

I remember when I first set eyes on sweet Carina.

I was practically just a boy when my big brother brought home the most beautiful baby girl in the world.


Chuck; No way.

Casey: I'm so proud of the woman that Carina has become.

So beautiful, so giving.

So warm and kind.

Approachable. So good at conversation.

And all of those qualities are reflected in the man that she's chose to be her life partner.

Chuck:?Sarah, there's no way. I can't get around all these beams without setting the alarm off. It's impossible.

Sarah: Okay, you can do this. The Intersect can do this.

Just focus and don't ink of anything else.

Just relax.

Chuck: Okay.

Relax. Okay.

I'm not flashing, Sarah.

Maybe if we could just talk for a second...

Sarah: Okay, Chuck.

I am right here, and we can talk about whatever you want to talk about later.

We just have to get our hands on that w*apon first.

We'll talk, I promise.
♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Chuck: Okay. Now we can talk.

(alarm blares)

Oh, no!

Sarah: Damn it.

Casey: And I just know that if my brother were still alive today, that...


He'd want to say, "Welcome to the family. "

And, "Take care of our little girl. "

Karl; Don't worry, Uncle Johnny.

Deep breaths. Let it all out.


Chuck; I don't like small spaces!

Sarah: Just keep breathing, Chuck.

You're going to be fine.


Chuck: Gas, gas, gas! There's gas in here!

Sarah, I'll be taking exclusively short breaths from now on!


Sarah: Okay. Hold on, Chuck. I'm going to get you out of there.

Chuck; Sarah!

Sarah, I don't want to regret not telling you everything I need to tell you.

Chuck: Look, I'm... I'm not a normal spy.

You know that. I know that.

I'm a... I'm a regular guy who works at a Buy More.

And the decision that I made in Prague...

I know what it looks like.

I know that it looks like I chose being a spy over being with you, but that's not what happened.

(gas hissing)

How I felt about you was real.

Very, very real.

And I know that you know how... how I felt about you for a long time.

You know that when Carina told me what you said...


Those three words that I've waited to hear for so long...

Look, Sarah, I know...

I know you were probably kind of hurt...

You were probably hurt that I didn't run away with you in Prague.


Casey: A toast... to Karl and Carina.

Their love is an inspiration to us all.

All: Hear, hear.

Chuck: Sarah...

I love you.

BECKMAN (over monitor): Good job recovering the w*apon.

How is the asset doing?

Sarah: He'll live.

Casey: What is this thing, General?

I've never seen a w*apon like it before.

Beckman: That information is above ur pay grade, Colonel Casey.

Agent Miller wilturn it to Langley on her way out to her next assignment.

You never saw it.

Carina: They wouldn't tell me either.

Hey, Walker.

I'm leaving tonight for Saint-Tropez.

Did you think about my offer?

Sarah: I'm still considering it.

♪ ♪

Beckman; Agent Walker? everything okay?

Sarah: It's about Chuck's safety.

Beckman: I thought he just needed some sleep.

Sarah: Well, it's about me managing Chuck and keeping his emotions in check so that the Intersect can work.

I'm beginning to think I'm more a part of the problem than the solution.

And I think a different agent might have more success in training him.

Beckman; Let me be clear, Agent Walker.

I don't know or want to know what happened between you two.

But this is your job, and Chuck's safety depends on you.

So get over it and teach him how to be a real spy.

Sarah: Well, time to train, Chuck.

(switch clicks) Let's go.

Lives are on the line.

We need to get the 2. 0 working right.

If you want to be a real spy, you need to act like one.


Chuck; I am a real spy.

Sarah: A real spy would have flashed on e Bo.

Been able to defend himself.

(grunts loudly)

Come on, Chuck. The program is in the 2. 0. You can do this.

Chuck: It doesn't work, okay? It's not working.

I'm, I'm, I'm too emotional.

But if we could just talk rick.

Sarah: You need to learn to ignore your emotions.

Spies do not have feelings.

Feelings get you k*lled.

You need to learn to bury them in a place deep inside.

Chuck: Sarah, stop.

Sarah: Come on, flash! Show me your attack skills!

Come on, Chuck, flash! Show me!

Chuck: No.

Sarah: Why not? !

Chuck; Because I don't want to hurt you.

Sarah: Don't worry, Chuck, you can't.

Karl: Yeah, I've been tracking her all morning.

She's in Burbank.

Morgan: Hey, buddy, seeing as how you didn't come home last night, I'll assume everything went great with Sarah.

Nice work. Nice.

Listen, I need to know if you gave the flyer to Carina, though, 'cause I really need her to this party.

My whole reputation is at stake here.

Lester: Charles can't save you from this lie, my friend, not this time.

Jeff: A humiliation like this will leave a deep lasting scar.

I know.

Hmm. Hmm.

Big mike: That the girl you fancy, son?

Morgan: "Fancy" is not a big enough word.

I don't think she's gonna age to come to this party, though.

And I, uh, I exaggerated about my relationship with Carina to the guys.

And truth is...

I don't think she even knows my real name.

Big Mike: Fine fish like that don't swim in a man like yours' ocean very often.

Question is, are you gonna toss your hook in the water or cut bait?

Remember, 730 words in the Japanese language for "yes. "

You just need her to say one.

Morgan: Right, right. Thank you so much.

Thank you.

CARINA: Martin...

I need a favor.

My laptop broke.

Would you give this to Chuck?

Morgan: On one condition, okay?

You come to my party.

Carina: Fine. Whatever.

Just promise you'll give it to Chuck.

Karl: Smooshy... you haven't been returning my calls.

I was starting to think you've been getting cold feet.

Carina: What's going on, Smoosh?

Karl; Last night somebody stole something very valuable from me.

Now I'm thinking you're not who you say you are.

I'm thinking you're a spy.

Carina: A spy?

Well, that's ridiculous.

It'se, Smoosh.

I love you!

Chuck: I'm not like Carina, some coldhearted spy who throws around words like "love. "

Carina; I'm gonna k*ll you, Chuck Bartowski.

Karl: No, Carina, I'm gonna k*ll Chuck.

But don't worry, Smooshy, you're next.

Lester: Good news, buddy.

Your girl is here.

Morgan: She is?


(clears throat) Of course she is.

What did I tell you, huh?


Lester; And she showed up with four guys and no beer.

Jeff: Thanks a lot.

Now our party's a sausage fest.

Lester: Lo... ser.

Chuck; So, what's the news on Carina?

Anything I can do to help?

Sarah; Every branch of U. S. intelligence is looking for her, Chuck.

Casey: America's best and brightest are on the case, so you can just sit tight.

Karl: Is this the Chuck Bartowski apartment?

Well, it's kind of both of ours.

Lester: I got this.

This is VIP only, gentleman.

Carina: Martin, where's Chuck and Sarah?

Morgan: Um, on the way, I guess.

I see you brought some of your... relatives?

Carina: Call Chuck. Tell him I'm here.

Lester: Okay. Whoa, comrade. Ow!

Did I not save the odd hippie?

Ha, ha! I'm gonna allow that one.

Boys, easy, easy. You don't want to get physical.

(phone rings)

Chuck: Hey, buddy.

Morgan; Hey, where are you?

Chuck; Uh, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now.

Yeah, just hold on a second.

Morgan: I need your advice about Carina.

Chuck; What about Carina?

Morgan: She's here.

I took Big Mike's advice from the El Segundo School of Finance and asked her to come to the party.

She said yes.

Chuck: So you're telling me that Carina is at our apartment right now?

Morgan: Yes, but that's not the problem.

She shows up with her boyfriend and three Aqua Velvas. throwing everybody around. You know, I can't...

Can you believe it?

Yeah. Yeah, I can believe it.

She humiliated me in front of my friends, and I think I gotta go tell her off.

Chuck: No, no, no! No, Morgan. Stay away!

Morgan: Why?

Chuck: Because it's dangerous... ly uncool.

Women love mystery, buddy. You gotta, you gotta be aloof.

Promise me that you will stay away.

Morgan: Yeah, all right, whatever. I'll try it your way. Thanks.

Lester: Those studs inside are gonna ruin our chances with the medium-hot chicks from Underpants Unlimited.

We don't stand a chance, Jeffrey.

Jeff: Been drinking this jail juice since I was in diapers.

Built up a tolerance.

I'll challenge them to a drinking contest, they'll pass out.

Lester: By process of elimination, we land the ladies.

I love it!

Bottoms up, fellas! Grab your own.

Help yourselves.

Oh, hey, Skip.

Thank you.


Hey, watch that guy!

Lester: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa, easy, easy, gentlemen, gentle-men.

It's okay, easy!

He's just hammered.

Get him out!

Lester: Easy, gentle giants.

Jeff: I plan on joining him at the bottom of this glass.

Gentlemen, lift up your skirts and start your engines.

Lester: Well put, Jeffrey.

You know what?

Jefferson, no need to waste these.

To you, my friend.

(cup hits floor)

Mom used to...

Jeff: Guy's got no tolerance.

Karl: It's nice to see you think so much of the ring I bought you.

You try anything like that again, and I'll k*ll you right here, Smooshy.

Chuck: Whoa! Whoa-whoa-whoa!

Hey, stop-stop-stop! What are you thinking?

You can't just go out there blasting.

All of my friends are out here! Half the mall is out there!

Casey: Got a better plan, Bartowski?

Chuck: As a matter of fact, I do. Carina is still alive, which means she hasn't given Karl the case yet, which means we have something to negotiate with peacefully.

Sarah: Chuck's right. The question is, where's the w*apon?

Morgan: Unbelievable. Cuddling with my girl in my house!

All right. That's it.

Casey: Bearded bogey incoming.

♪ ♪

Carina: Martin.

Did you speak to Chuck?

Morgan; First things first.

My name is not Martin.

It's Morgan.

Morgan Guillermo Grimes. Memorize it.

Morgan: Okay, number two.

Just because you're a beautiful woman that I'd give a non-vital organ to make love to, doesn't give you the right to just show up here with this clown...

Wait a minute... .

Morgan: and humiliate me in front of my friends.

Karl: Who is this todger?

You got to be kidding me.

Morgan: Seriously, do me a favor. Take a hike.

And take the slabs of beef with you.

Carina: You don't have time to deal with a dead body, sweetheart.

Karl; Okay.

Move out, boys.

Morgan; Yeah, back it up, b*tches.

Karl: What? !

Carina: Morgan, maybe you should leave.

Morgan: Yeah.

Uh, my house, my party. I think you need to leave.

Yeah, that's right, hottie. Bounce.

All right? Fun fact for you.

730 words in the Japanese language for the word "yes. "

No word for no.

But if there was a Japanese word for no, I'd be saying it to you right now.

Instead, I'll leave you with this.


You want Chuck to have this?

All: No!

Morgan: Give it to him yourself.

I'm done.

♪ ♪

Let's go. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way...

Carina: No one's ever said no to me before.

Casey: Idiot.

Now they have both Carina and the w*apon.

No negotiating now.

Chuck: Okay, wait, wait, wait.

There's still got to be something.

There's got to be a contingency plan in case enemy agents infiltrate my apartment, right?

Like a button that you push that calls the cavalry, so they can swoop in and clear everyone out?

Where's the button?

Casey; Me. (cocks g*n)

I'm the button.

♪ ♪

Casey: Break it up.

Party's over.

Damn kids.

Get out of here! (record scratches, music stops)

(crowd screaming)

That's it. Go on. Get out of here!

You, too.

Get out!

Sarah: Here. You're going to need a w*apon.

Chuck: No. No g*ns.

I hate g*ns-- you know that.

Sarah: Think of it as a Bo.

Karl: Sorry to disturb your sleep, sir.

Casey: No problem.

Sarah: Drop your weapons!

Casey: Put it down.

Karl: I should have known by your paint- peeling speech that Uncle Johnny was a narc, too.

Casey: Drop the g*n, lover boy.

Karl: I'm having the worst day of my life, so I don't give a fat crap.

Chuck: Sarah, drop your g*ns.

Casey, drop your g*ns.

Casey: Huh?

Chuck: Trust me.

Karl: Get their g*ns.


Chuck; Let her go, Karl.

Karl: You sh**t me, I sh**t her.

: I don't care.

Bitch has broken my heart.

She dies.

Chuck: I get it, man. I get it, okay?

You took a chance.

You-you loved someone, maybe for the first time in your life.

All you've ever done before is... is shut off your feelings.

You-you bury them deep down inde because, in your profession- in your line of work-- it's a liability, right? It's...

It can... it can certainly be a liability.

Chuck: And I know...

I know that you think that you messed up your life because you opened up your heart, but maybe you helped her open up her heart in the process.

Maybe because you loved her... she's learned how to love, too.

Carina: He's right, Karl.

I did fall in love with you.

Maybe at first you were just an assignment, but not anymore.

Karl; Really?


Carina: Yeah, right, stupid.

Sarah: Spies don't fall in love.

Beckman: Don't touch it, Mr. Bartowski.

Chuck: Uh, I was just thinking that maybe if I looked at it, I could flash.

Beckman: No, thank you, Chuck.

All I need to know is that it's now back in safe hands.

Colonel Casey will stay with it until a team arrives to secure it.

That is all.

We can't keep this a secret anymore.

It's too dangerous.

We need to tell them.

They need to be prepared.

Shaw... please.

(door closing)

Sarah: I'm listening, if there's something that you want to say.

Chuck: I'm sure there's somewhere else that you'd rather be.

Sarah: No. I'm good here.

For now.

Chuck: You're right-- I'm not a real spy.

I'm... I'm emotional, and that makes me a liability.

Sarah: Not always.

You might not have flashed, but you did your job.

You got to Karl, and you talked him down, and if it weren't for your emotions, he would've k*lled Carina.

It's quite a mess we made.

Chuck: Yeah.

I'm really hoping we can clean it up, though.

Sarah: Maybe.

But you're on your own with the courtyard.

I'll see you at work tomorrow.

Chuck; Morgan.

: Dude, I'm all alone, cleaning up your mess.

This better have been worth it, buddy.

♪ ♪

Morgan: Wow.


Why did you... ?

Carina: Mmm

No one's ever said no to me before.

It's sexy.

Morgan: Was I... ?

Or was it... ?

Carina: Mmm. I've had better.

Morgan: Yeah, of course.

Carina: But not many.

♪ ♪


Saint-Tropez doesn't sound appealing to you?

Sarah: Oh. Incredibly.

But I think I'm going to stay here.

At least for now.

Carina: I thought you'd say that.

Here. A little going-away present.

You should take a look at it.

Sarah: Okay.

So, I guess I'll see you around, huh?

Carina: Yeah.

I'm gonna miss you, buddy. (Swedish)

(speaking Polish: I'm gonna miss you too)

Chuck: Look, Sarah, I know...

I know that you're probably very hurt.

You're probably hurt that I didn't run away with you in Prague.

I did that, and I'm... I'm sorry.

You have to know that you were everything that I ever wanted.

But how can I do that? How could I run away with you?

How could I be with you, knowing what I'd turned my back on, you know?

Knowing that what I had in my head could help a lot of people?

And you're the one that taught me that... that being a spy is about choosing something bigger.

It's... it's about putting aside your own personal feelings for the greater good, and that's what I choose.

I chose to be a spy for my friends and my family and you.

I chose to be a spy because...

Sarah, I love you.