30x14 - Live Reunion Special

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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30x14 - Live Reunion Special

Post by bunniefuu »

The winner of this show is on
this matt.

-Blue collar, ride or die

-If you're not getting your
hands dirty, you're not going to


My hands are going to be filthy.

You flipped.

I flipped.

You better relax.

When you're feeling like
everything is going against you,

You keep digging within

This is what you find.

Mike wins individual

Mike wins.

This guy is unbeatable.

Mike wins his fifth
individual immunity.

We do the happy dance, baby.

We do the happy dance.

[Cheering and applause]
jeff: welcome to the

"Survivor" live reunion show in
los angeles where mike has just

Won our 30th season.


Good job, baby.

Jeff: nicely done.

You know, I'm curious about
something, because your back was

Up against the wall for so long
that it allowed you to play more

Aggressively and a lot looser.

Is there anything to take from
that, either for "survivor" or

Just in life in general, that
when you play more loosely, you

Seem to... In life do you do
better doing that?

The reason I'm able to play
loosely is because somebody paid

The price for my sins many years
ago, jesus christ.

He allowed me to do this right
and have fun...

Jeff: I'm talking
specifically from a strategy

Point of view, you had... No,
I'm not discounting what you

Said, but I mean, you might not
have played with that cavalier

Attitude if you didn't have...

You had nothing to lose.

Well, your back is completely
up against the wall and you know

What position you're in, in this
game and the only person you can

Trust is yourself, you're able
to make moves that otherwise you

May not have been able to have
the forethought to make.

Jeff: so for people who get

A second chance the play, we'll
reveal later, what's the lesson

From, look, I played much

Go get firewood.

Jeff: the blue-collar work

Those firewood walks were
strategy talks, looking for the


Jeff: code.

We're going to get firewood.

All right.

Well, the moment that really put
your back up against the wall

And allowed you this aggressive
approach was when, in the

Auction, mike tried the make a
massive move.

I can't explain it.

But you just bought it for

Thank you.

Jeff: all right.


Mike, did you...

He didn't do it.

Jeff: wow.

Yeah, that one even got me.

That took me by surprise.

So now, at the final tribal, you
said to dan that you regretted

Going back on your word, but we
were still in the game.

I'm curious, did you regret that

I regretted giving him my
word and then turning back on

The word, I would not have
regretted the move, the move was

Right, from a game standpoint,
they all gave you your money,

Take the advantage, go, but in
this game, I was not... That was

The one time in this game when I
stopped playing for about two


Jeff: so it's a mistake
because you got all the plame

For the rest of the game and you
didn't get any reward.

Horrible strategy to not take

Game play strategy, because...

Jeff: because once you
committed... You're guilty.

Have you mended fences.

At the very end, dan said,
maybe, if we're big enough men,

Can you do it?

Well, dan and I are both big
enough men.

More than big enough.


Appreciate that analogy.

We flew up to maine to hang

So we're pretty good.

Jeff: you're good.

All right.

More than good.

Jeff: I'm glad to hear

Rodney, first of all, hello,
look at this suit.


Hey, hey...

Jeff: here's my question
for you...

[Cheering and applause]
go ahead, show that off.

Here's any question for you: had
you won that fire making

Challenge, do you believe you
would have won the game?

I mean, I didn't win iwill
the of challenges.

Let's be real.

Black home I play basketball, I
play football, and these

Challenges didn't fit with what
I would do.

So the social game and the
hustle --.

Jeff: yes or, no you're
making your case to the jury, I

Think I had a really great shot
of winning that game because of

The simple fact of the matter is
where the auction is where

Rodney solidified where what he

I had blues and my axis of evil
azua lines.

Joe, get a big shot.

Carolyn is not in the final

Rodney is.

It's everybody else but carolyn.

Show of hands on the jury, how
many votes does rodney get if it

Is mike, rodney and will?

Wait, three?


Jeff: so you were in it,
but you're still short.

How many for mike?

All right.

So mike still pulls that out.

Carolyn, are you surprised how
few votes you got given the game

You played?

Pretty surprised, yeah.

I thought for sure that I would
get a lot more votes.

Jeff: are you proud of how
you played?

I'm very proud of how I

jeff: how much, now that

You know you didn't win, how
much of your mind is occupied by

That second chance because
you're on the ballot?

Yeah, it's pretty occupied.

Jeff: all right.

Where is joe?

Joe, joe...

[Cheering and applause]
knock it off.

Jeff: you know what,, I'm
not going to play you tape piece

Because it reminds everybody how
cool you are and we already know

That as evidenced by, we don't
have a lot of time tonight, so

Many people, these are some of
the tweets I got from jeanette,

"Ball my eyes out because joe
got voted out."

Gab says, that's first time I
cried because someone got voted

Off of "survivor"."

I love joe and his precious man

It goes on and on.

So are you feeling... You're one
of the most popular of 30


Are you feeling that love in
your daily life?

Yeah, you know, I'm feeling
it from family, friends, you

Know, strangers on the street.

It's pretty cool.

Jeff: how about this.

This is a question and maybe an
offer from atkari lo dow, are

You single?

I'm single.

I'm single.



[Cheering and applause]
jeff: okay.

Usually guys have to approach

That's normally how it goes.

Are women approaching you?

A little bit.


Maybe just a little bit.

I'm used to taking a girl out to
dinner and picking her up.

I think more people want to pick
me up now.

It's... The role reversal is a
little... It's nice to see, the

Other side of it I guess.

Jeff: I bet.

I bet it is.

Joe also on the second chance

If enough of you voted and
enough of you at home will get

So' him play again, maybe
carolyn play again.

All right.

Still to come tonight, we reveal
next season's cast of second


You guys chose them.

They are ready to go.

They are aching behind the

Up next, three of the most
controversial players from this

Season, they know who they are,
rodney, will and dan.

They made a lot of comments
about women.

We'll address all of it.

It's the "survivor: white
collar, blue collar, no collar"

Reunion show.

We're like apples and
oranges, brother.

We're like chicken apartment and
tuna fish.

This is what "survivor" is
about, baby.

I went on every single award.

Keep it real, man.

I'm the realest player

Jeff: welcome back to the
live reunion show.

It's been a long time since
we've had one topic dominate a


This season the topic was sex

A lot of comments made to and
about the women on the show.

It was rodney, will and dan that
took the most heat.

We'll start with dan, who lived
up to his goal of being



When you listen like a girl,
you just smile and nod, yes,

Dear, I understand.

Yeah, your mother's a...

Close your mouth, open your

She loves to play the victim.

My scenario really isn't much
different than hers.

Jeff: so you had domestic
v*olence in your upbringing?

I'm an adopted child.

Maybe she's an idiot savant.

I'm leaning more toward the
idiot side.

Somebody slap this woman.

For the love of god just slap
her and shut her up.

I'm actually just trying to be

I truly am.

Jeff: all right.

Go ahead.

Boo me.

Jeff: dan, since you were
voted out, you guys always do


You've been very vocal in the
press that you did feel that you

Were misrepresented and some of
your comments taken out of

Context, and I want you to feel
heard, do you still have that

Frustration overall?

I certainly do have that

A lot of things that I said...

That commend I made...

Jeff: let's go through

The comment in the are river
about sierra, that was not

Directed at her.

That was 100% out of context.


Jeff: dan.

Hold on.

We'll get to them.

Let's start with a couple that
you took the most heat on

Because we don't have iwill the
of time.


The shirin comment where you
said, "somebody slap this woman,

For love of god, slap her and
shut her up already."

What's your frustration with

Number one, I had no idea
about shirin's past.

I would inner have made that

Stop there, because number
two doesn't exist.

You're saying... Are you saying
by, that dan, that if there's a

Situation which it would be

Okay, again, if you would let
me finish, I'll tell you.

Jeff: okay.

How many times has anybody
said, god, I could just k*ll

This person?

Do you go home and plot m*rder?

It was an expression.

That's all it was.

I did not mean it literally.

And more importantly, I'm sorry.

I don't care about you, the
people at home or even you.

I care about you.

And right now, I am telling you,
from my heart, I'm sorry.

I am genuinely truly sorry.

I've said it before, and I'll
say it again.

I own up to my faults and I own
up to my successes.

That was a fault and I'm sorry.

I was wrong.


Jeff: dan, hold on.

We can't do an hour.

I don't want to do an hour.

Jeff: I love you --
this is not a season about

The negativity.

I want the season to be about

You always told thus was our

Jeff: I didn't know how
this was going to go, but you

Said a lot in the press that was
not positive about the show, and

One of your big comments was
when you called rodney's mom,

You said, yeah, your mother is a



Jeff: your frustration

Again, out of context.

When you know your friends, you
make your mama jokes.

I had passed out after that
water bucket challenge

We had just been talking about
those jokes.

All of that was left out.

Jeff: I don't want you to
feel "60 minutes" here.

No I don't want to.


I pulled that scene.

I pulled the raw footage of that
seaboard -- scene.

Because at a certain point I
have to defend the show I work

On and love.

I'm going to show the scene.

This is very unusual.

Never shown.

This this is raw footage.

Throw me under the bus.

Jeff: this is one camera.

It's very boring.

You'll see, wow, they do have a
lot of down time.

This must be maddening, but
you'll also see there are no

Your mama jokes.

You're talking about which
reward you hope next one will

Be, will it be fishing or a
comfort, and rodney's response

To your comment illustrates that
there was no mama jokes going


Take a look.

Tomorrow's going to be
comfort, right?


Either comfort, I hope it's
fishing gear to be honest with

hell, yeah.

I'd rather have fishing gear.

I'd rather eat.

I'd rather have comfort all
day long.



Got to have something to
catch food.

We've got to.


We walk in there and jeff's
like, look at all this fishing



I've gotten like five hours
of sleep.

Every night.

>>Er night, no way?

You're full of crap.

You're the earliest one that
goes to wed and the latest one

That gets up.

No way.

I love you, but it's true.

The census says that you, in
fact, are the sleeper.



Because we tell the truth.

That's because you don't like
the fact doesn't change the


Go to bed, dan.

Nobody asked you.

Your mother's a [bleeped],


Wow, you just took it to a
new level.

You never mention my mother,

Jeff: all right.

So there was... And I watched
all this footage.

There was no 30 minutes of

So here's what I want know,
watching that now, is it

Possible you're just not
remembering it correctly?

Clearly, just because you
don't like the facts doesn't

Change the facts, clearly I'm
remembering it wrong.

Jeff: here's what I'm
wondering, dan, words do matter,

But so does the intention behind

I'm wondering if your intention
is what's coming across, do you

Have a prejudice against women?

I do not have a prejudice
against women?

I don't have a prejudice against

If I dislike you, you've earned
that from me.

People that know me know that I
will stand up... I'm with

Rodney, we're from new england.

Ly stand up and die if you for f
you're my friend.

Jeff: so maybe instead of
us misrepresenting you on the

Show, maybe this is case of
you're not aware sometimes of

How you come across to people
when you think you're going

Funny and they don't take it
that way but you don't mean to

Be hurtful.

I certainly didn't mean to be

I met rodney's mom.

I met rodney's sister.

The first thing she did, she
came up to me and gave me a hug

And she goes, "I knew you were

I knew exactly what you meant."

Jeff: I think it's fitting
because you bravely wore a shirt

On a night when you knew the
topic was going to come up that

Says, let's get a shot of it,
because I know it doesn't mean

Anything, but it says mail

It's spelled "mail" as in post

Jeff: that's my point.

I wonder if that's what it is.

In this pc age it's so easy
to say something to have it

Completely misconstrued.

That was not misconstrued.

Jeff: I appreciate...

I only meant to be funny.

I apologized to rodney and his

I obviously put my foot in my

I'm a guy who speaks his mind,
and I don't always get it right.

Jeff: and dan, this doesn't
mean you wouldn't be back on the

Show, because this is what
"survivor" is about.

This is why I love this show,
because you do take a group of

People from different walks of
life, you force them into

Extreme conflict to work
together but then vote each

Other out and do it in a way
that somebody will come back and

Vote for you to win.

It's a complicated game.

One of the reasons you're
interesting is you are so

Compelling and you work so hard
to impress, sometimes as you

Say, maybe you put your foot in
your mouth and you'll learn

Something from this.

But I don't work hard to

I told tyler, I got two modes,
awake and asleep.

This is who I am.

And I screw up a lot.

Jeff: all right.

I eat a lot of crow.

Jeff: well said.

We still have rodney and will to
deal with and second chancers.

You can't get more "survivor"
than this tonight.

We'll take a break.

We'll come back.

A lot more show left.

I don't node a family because
my biological father is just

Like you.

He verbally assaulted me all the

I didn't verbally saul you.

I just called you out.

Shut up.

You play the victim.

Yeah, and I am a victim of
domestic v*olence, as is my

Mother, and that is why our
family was torn apart, and this

Is why I do not have family at

Jeff: welcome back to the
reunion show.

A lot of tough topics.

Will, my impression of you from
the moment I met you, with the

Exception of that, is you were
always a good guy.

That's how you came across.

That reward, I know what the
truth was.

You took all of it and gave it
to everybody.

They questioned your integrity
and you got upset, but take me

Back to the moment to shirin and
I said, do you want to

Apologize, and you said no.

At that moment, when you want
to apologize, you want to be


You want to know the person is
going to be open the receive,

That and we haven't spoken in
three days before, that so I

Knew she wasn't open to hearing
an apology, and I wasn't sincere

Enough to give one.

Jeff: so have you
apologized to her.

I apologized to her at
ponderosa and when the episode

Air, I sent a text to her.

Jeff: shirin, you're
shaking your head.

He didn't apologize?

At ponderosa he said, "it's
all a game, baby girl, it's all

A game."

That's not what I said.

Jeff: how about we cut to
the chase.

Do you feel he's apologized,

I don't feel like he's give
an genuine apology.

I feel like he stood by what he
did up through the episode,

After the episode and only days
afterwards when the public

Opinion was largely negative did
he then cave and send me a weak

Apology, and I mean at this
point, jonathan penner said,

"Values change but wrong has no

This is no longer about me.

What he did to me was wrong, but
for me this is about using this

Plate form to raise awareness...

Jeff: would you accept an

Because I see you're trying to
the unthis into something


This would be positive if
will... Do you want to apologize

To her?

I should apologize to her,
because that's not the person I


I'll take it a step further,

I would want to apologize to
shirin's family out there,

Because what I said to her was

I'm not going to make any
excuses about being hungry or

Tired because we all were.

I want to give you a genuine
apology, as well, like I did at

Pond row system.

I had no idea about your
background, just like dan, but

Regardless of that, I should
have never spoke to you that way

And I'm sorry for what my words
did and I hope you can truly

Accept my apology because you
have to get to a point where you

Have to forgive, whether it's me
or the people in you past, to be

The person that god wants you to

I'm truly sorry.

jeff: accepted?

For me, to begin the
forgiveness process, I have to

Understand why I don't have a
soul and why people without

Souls need to be treated that
way, so that he will never treat

Other people this way in the
future, because if he treats

Other people this way in the
future, that's on me, and I

Can't let that happen.

Can we start the process?


He doesn't treat nobody that

Jeff: that's one of the
things that "survivor" does, is

It forces you to think about the
things you say and the way you

Behave, not only as a contestant
under extreme conflict but just

At home.

You watch and say, I would never
say that.

You say that all the time.

>>I hope amith all this
negativity, we can end this


I have to say good-bye to you
guys with rodney.

There's so much we can talk
about, but rodney, I'm

Heartbroken that despite being
in a foreign country and playing

A massively cool game that was
broadcast on cbs, every week in

America in 140 countries around
the world, you were forced to

Endure the worst birthday of
your life, and I want to make it

Up to you.

Just hang tight.

♪ Happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you

♪ Happy birthday dear rodney
happy birthday to you ♪

Jeff: here you go.

Got a little photo.

A little hat.

A hat here.

And a noise maker.

There we go.

All right.

We have to say good-bye to our
s. 30 Cast.

This is it.

The second chancers will be
revealed next.

That's the camry -- camera I was
looking for.

Jeff: all right.

Our 30th season is over.

Time to find out who will be
playing in our 31st season.

These are your choices.

You'll been voting.

Tens of millions of votes cast
from season 1 to season 30.

We have a "survivor" bus outside
ready to start the journey.

Look at that.

But before we do this, I just
want to say, the fact that all

32 Of you showed up and braved a
public vote on national

Television, knowing some of you
won't make it, speaks to the

Motivation that it takes to play
this game.

And I'm sorry that all of you
can't play.

I really am.

It doesn't mean you won't get
another shot, but here we go.

Give us the music, david.

Kelly wigglesworth, season one,
just give us a little reminder,

Joe, of what season one was

Over 125 unique individual, 125
million different people watched

This moment right here when
richard hatch beat you by one


How long have you been thinking
about a second chance since

Then, kelly wiggleworth.

15 Years and you got a watch?

Jeff: I happen so happy to
say, kelly wigglesworth, you

Will get a second shot.

Get up on that stage.

We have our first one.

All right.

Season two, kimmie cappenburg
and jeff varner, "survivor"


Kimmie most famous for getting
in a fight about a chicken.

Are you still a vegetarian?

I am.

Jeff stepped down from a
challenge from peanut butter and

Got voted out.

Are you still eating peanut


Haven't touched it in 14 years.

Kimmie cappenberg, you will
get a second shot.

Jeff varner, you will get a
second shot.

Get up there.

Get up there.

Let's keep this train moving.

You know what, that's exactly
how the vote went.

People love you.

You will get a second shot.


I see the looks on the faces.

I empathize with the pain and
the anticipation you're feeling.

All right.

Let's get this, t-bird from
"survivor" after cash one of the

Tough et cetera seasons we've
ever done that.

Was very difficult.

Stephanie from redemption
island, difficult for a

Different reason, you had to
play with russell.

And p.gold medal from china,
known from your fight, very

Close to getting to the end.

One things goes differently you
might have won that game.

One of you will get a second

Two of you will not.

T-bird, you will not get a shot.

I'm sorry.

Stephanie valencia, you will not
get a shot.

P.g., You will get a second

Get up on stage.

This is the heartbreaking part.

I do not like doing this.

I did not think it would be this

Sierra from blood versus water,
venus from blood versus water,

Same season.

Sierra, this lovely little woman
voted out her mom, and vitus

Picked on his brother, and both
of you will get a second chance.

Sierra will get a second chance,
vitus will get a second chance.

Let's stay on this same row.

Jim rice, great strategist, one
of the producers' favorite

Players of all time.

We felt like your time was a
little short, and I'm sorry to

Say it's going the stay that way
for now.

Jim, you will not get a second

I am truly sorry.

Sabrina thompson, one world, you
played this season in which one

Woman, kim, dominated the game,
but you made it all the way to

The end.

In any other season, it might
have been enough to win, your

Second chance will have to wait.

You will not get a second

Terry dietz from panama, he
finished third back when there

Was only a final two, dominated
in challenges.

Andrew savage right next door
from the pearl islands, you were

In a very good position when the
outcasts pulled you out of the


A lot people may say you're
similar, handsome, fit, older


The question is would you cancel
each other out and maybe neither

Of you get on?

Terry, dietz, did that did not
happen for you, you will get a

Second chance, get up on that

Andrew savage, been waiting how
many years?

12 Years.

Jeff: 12 years.

You will get a second chance.

[Cheering and applause]
get up there.

Let's slide in here.

Abby marie from the philippines,
some would say a villain,

Sitting next to kass that
everyone would agree was a

Villain from brains, brawn and

The great thing about villains
is they make the show so much

For money.

Abby marie and kass, you will
both get a second chance.

Get up there.


Good job.

All right.

Get this big shot.

Because we have four young,
beautiful, smart strategists.

One of the most lethal types of
people to play this game,

Natalie, kelly, ma'keila and

Who of you will get a shot, who
of you will not.

Monica, you will get a second

Get up there.

Kelly wentworth, you will get a
second chance.

I am sorry, ma'keila, I am
sorry, natalie, you will not get

A second chance.

All right.

You just finished an exhausting
season and an exhausting final

Tribal council live show.

Carolyn, you made it to the

You couldn't play any harder.

Shirin shrouded in controversy,
carolyn, you will not get a

Second chance.

Shirin, you will get a second

Get up on that stage.

While they hug it out, max a
student of the game, so much so

That you taught a college
course, much like jim rice, one

Of our favorite players to ever
play, I mean, that I hope you

Get another shot.

It will not be tonight.

Max does not get a second

Steven and lou, both runners up,
you lott to j.t., You lost to

Tony, both of you will get a
second chance to redeem.

[Cheering and applause]
get up there.

I'm with you.

I'm just finishing this up.

Troy, dan and tasha, troy, dan,
you were on one world.

You said, this is my island.

We would hope you get a sick
chance, but you will not


Tashback you will get a second

Get up there.

Jeremy and shane, polar

Shane had an imaginary
blackberry that made everybody


Jeremy had to go up and take on
his wife in the very first

Challenge of this season.

Shane, you will not get a second

Jeremy, you will get a second

And that leaves us with two
spots left, three people left.

We have spencer, brad culpepper
and joe.

Brad, you're scratch lathing
both guys.

Brad, sadly, for once, you are
right, you will not get a second


Spencer will get a second
chance, joe will get a second


[Cheering and applause]
get up there.

There they are.

Your second chancers, the cast
you selected, and they're

Heading to cambodia, where it
will be hot and rainy for

"Survivor cambodia: second

When we come back, they're going
to board that bus.

We'll be right back.

Jeff: there it is, the very
first cast photo of "survivor

Second chancers."

Guys, I got nothing for you.

Grab your stuff and head to the

Let's go.

[Cheering and applause]

If you are feeling that energy
and you're thinking, I want to

If you want it bad enough,
you'll find us.

You want to own props from this
season's "survivor," go to the

Web site on our screen now.

Proceeds go to "survivor" stand
up to cancer.

One last thing, tonight
following your local news, david

Letterman says good-bye after
one of the biggest careers in

Late-night television.

Thank you for your loyalty even
when you don't like everybody.

See you in the fall!
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