30x08 - Livin' on the Edge

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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30x08 - Livin' on the Edge

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on


After the merge, rodney had

Control of the majority alliance

And a secret alliance with will,

Tyler and carolyn.

I'm always riding with

Numbers, baby.

Hey, looking beautiful for

Rodney, isn't it?

Jeff: for joe, it was a

Different story, his no collars

And shirin were on the bottom.

We're together 100%.

We have been since the


We plan on staying that way, as

Far as I know.

Jeff: and even though he

Found the clue to the hidden

Immunity idol, the majority

Alliance wouldn't let him out of

Their sight.

He's got the clue.

I have to find joe before he

Finds the idol so we can send

This guy home and it's not me.

Jeff: but it was mike who

Beat him to the punch.

At tribal council ---flippers

Never win.

It's like a fear tactic he's

Using against his alliance.

Jeff: sparks flew between

Dan and shirin.

Eighth person voted out and the

First member of our jury, hali.

But it was hali who was sent


Hali, the tribe has spoken.

Ten are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

I don't understand how a fan

Like you can't know the

Difference between a flip and a


Dan, you're so right.

You know so much more than me.

You're right, little miss

Know it all.

You know everything.

I am definitely on the wrong

Side of the numbers, but the

Hope is that blue collar will

Start fracturing sooner rather

Than later, because I still

Think I can go to the end.

But the only way I'm going to

A move against the others?

And if they are, I will benefit

From that.

So all I can do is shake things


Well, mike, when you go to

The very end, I'm voting for you

To win.

That's because you will be on

The jury.

I will be on the jury and I'm

Voting for mike to win.

I don't believe dan when he

Said flippers don't win the

Game, flippers win the game on

The right time.

They think I'm blue to the end.

I don't need no more friends.

I need zeros in my bank account.

I'm going the take down the


Mike, sierra and dan, they ain't

Going to see it coming.

I'm waiting for my time.

They ain't going to see it


I'm going to hit them with a

Mike tyson knock-out punch.


Holy crap.

The girls are all whatever.

I'm kind of stoked now to get

Voted out.

Jenn was so close with hali,

And now she doesn't want to be


I don't harbor any resentment

Toward jenn wanting to quit this

Game because I completely

Understand why she dislikes

These people, but for selfish

Reasons, I want her to stay

Because I want to stay in the

Game and I want to go far.

I need to prove myself to gain a

New alliance.

My numbers are done.

My back's up against the wall.

So I need a new option.

I want to work with you guys.

I would be willing to

Entertain that thought.

But I would have to be able to

Thurst you.

Pulling shirin in, because no

One would think I would pull her

In, is a perfect strategy to get

Rid of some of these other

Threats that are in this game.

Let me ask you who would be your

Number one to go out of this


I would actually say carolyn.

Carolyn's got will in her


She's got rodney and tyler is

With her.

Yeah, I can see that, as


That's four people.

Shirin's smart enough to

Realize there's a group within

Our group.

Well, I see it.

You can't hide.

There's only ten people here.

If we were to come up with a

Name at tribal and you were to

Write that name down...

I'm in.

The biggest thing right now

Is to hitch my vote on to

Somebody else's game plan and

Just go along with whatever they

Say for next vote, but once I'm

In and once people trust me,

Maybe I'm not in the driver's

Seat right away, but I'm in the

Passenger seat back seat


Jeff: all right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Reward challenge?


Jeff: here's how it works.

You'll be divided into two teams

Of five.

One person at a time will race

Through a series of obstacles.

Once you reach a platform, the

Next person goes.

Once you have all five people at

The platform, one person from

Each team uses a grappling hook

To retrieve rings floating in

The water.

First team to collect all five

Wins reward.

Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: prepare to be happy.

You will be taken to the

Chocolat cafeé.

Featuring m&ms, snickers,

Twix, dove.

Dove chocolate!

Jeff: you will spend a

Relaxing afternoon satisfying

Your hunger with some of your

Favorites from home.

Now, I'm going to whet your

Appetite by reminding you just

How pleasurable m&ms can be by

Letting you each taste one.

Everybody go.

I don't want to hold you back.

Chocolate on chocolate, baby.

Oh, wow.



Jeff: okay.

We're going to do a schoolyard

Pick, which means you guys will

Decide who matches up.

Let's do it.

We did a schoolyard pick.

It is mike, tyler, shirin, dan

And sierra.

The other tribe is rodney, joe,

Jenn, carolyn and will.

Here we go, for reward.

"Survivor" ready?


It is mike and rodney to see who

Will get reward.

Both giving 100%.

Mike is up and down first.

Rodney right behind.

Mike's diving into that net.

Rodney now flying.

Both guys ripping through this.

Mike now to the balance beam.

Rodney on the balance beam.

Oh, rodney with a big bop and he

Makes it.

Go, blue!

Jeff: go, red!

Will in the water for the red


Dan in the water for the blue


You're okay.

Nice and easy.

Will, don't worry about him.

Go as hard as you can.


Go, baby.


Jeff: oh, huge fall by dan.

Go, will!

Jeff: wow.

Two of thesãu5eñ awkward slides

In the history of "survivor."

Dan now on the net crawl.

Will now diving into that net


Will back in the water.

This is an awkward thing to


Dan now on the balance beam.

And he makes it across.

Will makes it across just


Go, blue!

Tyler in the water.

Go, red!

Go, go, go.

Jeff: carolyn in the water.

It is tyler.

He heads down the slide.

Go, carolyn, go!

Jeff: tyler nice work over

The net.

Blue now with the lead.

Carolyn trying the catch up.

Tyler now at the balance beam.

Oh, did not make it.

Got to go back.

Tyler got to swim back.

Carolyn falls in.

She's got to go back.

Tyler now going for a second


There it is.

Tyler makes it the second time.

Carolyn falls off.

Go, blue!

Blue in the lead.

Carolyn with her third attempt

On the balance beam.

Come on, carolyn.

Jeff: and that's all it


Carolyn swims back now.

Go, red!


Jeff: jenn in the water now

For red.

It's shirin in for blue.

Come on.

Hustle, girl.

Jeff: shirin slides down.

Jenn is now down the slide.

Shirin into the net crawl.

No problem.

Jenn into the net crawl.

She's got no problem.

Both women swimming to the

Balance beach.

Shirin and jenn neck and neck.

Jenn has made up some time on


Easy for jenn.

Red now in the lead.

Shirin, no.

Can't do it.

Got to go back.

Go, red!

Red with a big lead.

Shirin losing a lot of time.

Joe up and over.

Joe runs down.

Come on, joe!

Jeff: shirin trying again.

And she makes it across.

Joe the fifth and final person

For the red team.

Joe makes it.

Go, blue!

Sierra in the water for blue.

Red still working.

Now to the second part of this


There are five rings.

Got to get all five back.

Sierra is at the wall now.

She's trying to make up some

Time for blue.

Joe taking over now on the

Grappling hook.

Just misses.

Sierra's got to get across that


Nice save, nice save.

Jeff: sierra does it.

Sierra's back for blue.

We're dead even again.

Mike now on the grappling hook

For blue.

Joe going to give it up to


Mike snags the first ring.

Four left for blue.

Faster, baby.

You got to go faster.

Jeff: carolyn snags one for


We're tied 1-1.

It is sierra now taking over for


She's got it.

Blue leads 2-1.

Jenn tossing for red.

Beautiful toss.

Can she turn it into a hook?


Red has their second.

We're tied 2-2.

Mike with a great toss snags a

Third ring for blue.

Good job, mike!

Jeff: blue back in the

Lead, 3-2.

This is back and forth now.

Jeff: she's got it.

We're tied 3-3.

They've been neck and neck this

Entire challenge.

Mike snags the fourth ring.

Does he have it hooked?


Blue back in the lead.


Blue has one ring left.

Joe looking for the fourth.

Can he hook it?

Hanging on, trying to keep that

Hook on the ring.

Got to get it on there to get it


Oh, had it.

Missed opportunity for red.

Mike got the distance, can he

Line it up and grab it from

Behind he might have it.


Blue wins reward at the chocolat



All right, dan, shirin, tyler,

Mike, sierra, I think that's the

Biggest celebration I've seen in

This game, even with immunity


I've been dreaming about

Snickers since day one out here

On this island.

And we've got some pictures.

Jeff: jenn, what's the

Feeling for you?

Um, I don't know how people

Can understand what this feeling

Is unless you're out here,

Unless you've been here for

Almost a month, being in a place

That you don't necessarily want

To be in.

This is nothing that most people

Want, unless you've played this

Game, you have no idea what this

Feels like.

Jeff: joe, you're shaking

Your head.

I don't know, maybe I feel a

Little differently.

You know, this is what we signed

Up for.

You knew that we were going to

Be out here, and we're not

Getting every little delicious

Treat that we get back home, but

I'm still happy to be here.

I mean, maybe not the same for

Her, but this is part of the


Jeff: dan, shirin, tyler,

Mike, sierra, going to bring the

Boat in, going to take you over.

Rodney, jenn, will, carolyn,

Joe, got nothing for you.

Grab your stuff.

Oh, dear lord.

Oh, my god.

Are you kidding me in

You guys.

I want one of those.

I want one of those.

We walk up to a chocolate bar,

Just bar, bar, bar of chocolate.

Oh, look at the big one.

There was snickers, twix,

Every color of m&ms, big dove

Candy, hundreds of candy bars.

It was amazing.

I'm digging in on the snix.

Opening that snickers and

Smelling that caramel-y peanut-y

Goodness brought me back to my


It's really strange out here

When you are so deprived of the

Little amenities how much a

Snickers' bar truly means to


I love literally every one of


Way to go.

I am the luckiest person out

Here right now considering where

I was coming from the previous

Night's tribal council to all of

A sudden winning this chocolate

Paradise award and having a door

Open strategically with mike and

Sierra, it's literally night and


I see the game from a new angle

And now I'm charging forward.

Fried chicken tonight.

We're going to be eating

Better than them.

Not winning again, I'm like,

You know what, the worst thing I

Can do is to sulk in another

Loss and to get mad that I

Didn't get a reward.

Me and jenn, we've lost.

So what I need to do, we have

To look at the positive thing.

We have a chicken here.

We're going to eat because my

Stomach needs to take something

Different other than rice and


Let's get fire going and

We'll have chicken and rice.

Sound good?

Jenn doesn't like k*lling the

Chicken and I guess she wanted

Them as her little buddies

Because she lost her buddy hali

And she maybe talked to the

Chickens or those are her little


She'll get over it.

Life goes on.

This would suck less if the

People sucked less.

No one asked me if we could k*ll

A chicken, even though they're

Pretty much my chickens at this


Then they just grabbed one of my

Chickens and ran off.

None of this is fun.

I've got nothing out here except

For despair.

Oh, my god.

I miss chicken so much, man.

Doing the same damn thing

With the same damn people, but

You wonder who them people going

To be.

Jeff, I think I'm on the

Chopping block tonight.

My name came up six times

Tonight, jeff.

It could be me going.

You never know.

Oh, my god.

Nailed it!

Nailed it!

Well, you know, jeff, it

Comes back to a story of me and

My friends in maine.


Keep going.

Don't stop.3w-

Don't stop, man.

Jeff, you got to appreciate

Good people when you come by


I agree.

I agree.

I agree 110% with dan.


I didn't know you were this

Good at impression, rodney.

I'm here with rodney and

There's a part of him that

Doesn't like mike, and if I can

Use that to my advantage,

Absolutely I'm going to fricken

Use it.

So hopefully I can work a little

Magic and stay in the game a

Little longer.

There's going to be a lot of

Lies and betraying because you

Never know.

Tree mail.


Read it.

Read it.

One by one, flames get


That's just the way it goes.

To ensure you're not the next

One the leave, you better keep

On your toes.

Game on, people.

Game on.

Going into the immunity

Challenge, I feel a ton of


I have really nobody out here,

But I'm going to give it all I

Got and try to get a win.

I'm 3-0.

Hey, let's make it 4-0.

Me, joe and shirin are all at

The bottom.

The more I ask to leave, the

Less likely I am the leave.

If they're going to keep me

Around, I'll give them a reason

To kick me out.

If it goes down to us two, I'll

Give you the necklace at tribal.

You want to go really?


I don't want to be here.

I would give it to you the

Second we got the tribal, and it

Would be hilarious.

I believe you.

But you'd rather win.

I love you, girl.

I really wish you'd change your


Jenn said, if I win, I'll

Give you the immunity challenge

And go home.

She's that set on leaving.

Hopefully she'll stick to it

Because it will double my

Chances of winning today at the

Immunity challenge.

Love you.

Love you too, joe.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first,

Joe, taking it back.

Takes it away.

Jeff: once again immunity

Is back up for grabs.

For today's chang, you're going

To balance on your toes with a

Block wedged between your head

And the top of a frame.

The longer the challenge goes,

The more fatigued your legs will


When the block falls, you're


Last person left standing wins

Immunity guaranteed a one in

Nine shot at winning this game.

Losers go the tribal council

Where somebody will be the ninth

Person voted out and the second

Member of our jury.

Draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right.

Everybody is in place.

Everybody drop your hands off

The structure.

You cannot touch the structure.

Everybody looks good.

Here we go for immunity.d0

This challenge is on.

This is all about endurance.

It's going to hurt and it's

Going to hurt fast.

Joe struggling early.

Has not lost an individual


Joe is 3-3 but early he is

Struggling in this one.

Regains his balance.

Carolyn a little wobbly.

And carolyn is the first out of

This challenge.

Carolyn gently so you don't

Disturb the others sit down on

Your frame.

Will drops out.

Just like that carolyn is out.

Will is out.

We are down to eight.

Shirin drops.

She is out.

We are down to seven.

Stay focused.

Because if you drift, you will


That's how it goes.

You want to drop only when you

Have exhausted every bit of your

Energy because tonight might be

The tribal you need to survive.

Joe struggling again.

A lot of movement with that

Block for joe, but he's

Recovered again.

And still in it.

Rodney starting to slip.

He's right on tension of his


Rodney is out of the challenge.

That's how fast it can happen.

One little movement, the block

Moved, he was out.

Dan is out.

Be mindful of the others.




Joe's block now is really in an

Awkward spot.

He's using the top of his skull,

But he's only got the edge of

The block trying to maneuver it


That cannot be comfortable, the

Position he's in.

Sierra is out.

And we are down to four.

Joe's been wobbling this entire

Challenge, but he's still in it.

Nobody has won an individual

Challenge in this game this


Other than joe.

Got to be a lot of people who

Would like to see him fail


Joe is out.

Joe no chance of continuing his


Joe for the first time since the

Merge vulnerable tonight at

Tribal council.

And we're down to three.

It is jenn, tyler and mike.

Fittingly, a no collar, a white

Collar and a blue collar.

Mike's body starting to shake a

Little bit, starting to twitch.

Tyler now starting to twitch a


Starting to show the early signs

Of fatigue.

Your body starting to move a

Little bit.

Jenn very solid.

Has not wavered since this

Challenge began.

Mike wobbling.

Mike cannot recover.

Mike with no shot at immunity


It is now jenn and tyler

Fighting for immunity on day 24.

Still looking very strong, like


Been up there 30 minutes now.



Jeff: a long time to stand

In this position.

Jenn a little bit of movement in

Her head.

That's where it gets dangerous.

Jenn going to have to dig in

Right now.

Tiny little twitches have worked

Their way up to the top.

Keep fighting, y'all.

Jeff: tyler fighting

Through it, still twitching but

Still strong.

Only thing that matters is that

Block stays between your head

And the top of the frame.

As long as it does, you're still

In this.

You know how fast somebody can

Drop out of this.

It can happen in a moment.

Jenn starting to wobble.

Cannot recover.

Tyler wins individual immunity.

He's safe tonight at tribal


Good job, jenn.

That was awesome.

Jeff: you're going to feel

That for a few days.

Tyler come on over.

Tyler safe tonight at tribal

Council, guaranteed a 1-9 shot

At winning this game.

As for the rest of you, 24 days

On "survivor" is tough.

For somebody that will be the

End of the road.

Tribal council tonight, ninth

Person voted out, second member

Of our jury.

Grab your stuff, head back to

Camp, see you tonight at tribal.

Is it really sad that I

Fought so hard in that challenge

Today so I could have a ticket


Everyone is going to vote for

Joe, but I really think that I

Could do something to protect

Him and screw up everyone else's


I lost so I was rooting for


I was like, come on, jenn, keep

Goingment but it didn't work


So, you know, at this point I'm

Living on the edge again.

I'm living on a limb.

I know I'm on the chopping

Block, but I'm going to fight.

I'm going the fight until the

Bitter end.

I can't believe I sucked so

Bad at that challenge.

Everyone's going to vote for



Nobody knows the game as well

As I do.

I'm running the numbers


And I figured out the numbers


I'm playing it.

Because of the hidden

Immunity idol and because of the

Way the numbers shake out with

Seven people in the blue

Alliance and three people on the

Out, the blue alliance can and

Will split their vote.

But if joe votes for jenn,

There's a 4-4 tie between joe

And jenn.

Jenn can't vote for herself and

She's not going to vote for joe

Because she wants to go home,

That leaves me as a swing vote

To decide between joe and jenn

Going home.

It will probably be four him,

Four you?

Look at the dreamy look in

Your eyes.

But could you?

If shirin and joe vote for

Me, everyone gets screwed over

Because I keep joe in the game.

It sounds pathetic to ask people

To vote for you, but I don't


I'd say 4-3.


Is that what you're thinking?

It's simple.

Done, right in

Yeah, 4-3.

Wherever she goes today, I'm

Going to be attached.

That's easy.

The scary thing about

Splitting the vote is literally

One person could make the

Difference in who you want to go

Home and the goat going home.

So I want shirin to vote joe

Tonight in order to get joe out

Of this game.

We are definitely splitting the

Vote, and you're voting for joe.

You know what I'm saying.


But I have to trust you.


He could vote jenn and then

Jenn goes home.

So the more votes we have for

Joe the better.


The thought of voting between

Joe and jenn, on the one hand, I

Never thought I'd be in a

Position to vote for an actual

Friend of mine out of this game.

Even though she wants it, I want

To respect her wishes and let

Her leave this game in peace,

But the opposite point of view

Is that joe is a much bigger


The next vote is going to

Determine whether we go to the

Final four or not.

I am being tested, and little

Does everyone know that I could

Really rock the boat tonight.

I don't have the real hidden

Immunity idol and everyone was

Watching me, but I have a little

Back-up plan.

Just get a little time by myself

Outside of camp, I have

Everything I need to make a fake


I just want to make my plea

That I really, really want to be


There's nothing I could do to

Swing everybody.


You know?

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

You have nothing to be sorry


You have nothing to be sorry


Thanks, brother.

I've been having this idea to

Make a fake hidden immunity


I have my little stash that I

Set up.

This is a piece of wooden crate.

I have pieces from my torch.

I make jewelry, so I'm going to

Make a fake idol.

Where's joe in

Joe's gone.

Joe's gone?

Cannot let him find this


I'm going to go check my

Secret spot.

Go to the river across.


Come here for a second.

At this point in the game,

The more confusion that you can

Throw, the better.

And if no one else has found the

Actual hidden immunity idol,

Than this is golden.

This is sellable.

You all are going to split

The vote.

Walk me through a scenario

That works.

>>Ly vote jenn if you guarantee

Me that the numbers will swing

In my favor tonight, send her

Home, I will give you my idol.

I would have to have the idol

Before tribal.

That's the thing.

I have the idol in my pocket at

Tribal, and you flip your vote,

I give you the idol tomorrow.

If you give me the idol, I'm

Not going to send you home.

I have the hidden immunity

Idol to his clue that he got.

But if he has a different hidden

Immunity idol, you give it to me

Tonight, you know what,

Legitimately, I would switch my



Jeff: we now bring in the

First member of our jury.

Haley voted out at the last

Tribal council.

All right.

So I want to start with the

Immunity challenge.

Jenn, I was surprised how well

You did because I still can't

Figure out if you are enjoying

Your time out here or not.

One minute you're apathetic.

I don't care, I just need some

Chocolate, no one likes me.

The next minute you're hanging

In there almost winning


Can you not want to be here and

Want to be here?



There's a lot of unexpected

Things in this game, and it's

Just certain parts I really

Don't enjoy, but certain parts I

Really do.

Like I didn't think rodney --

Anything of rodney, now he's one

Of the funniest, craziest people

I know, so I'm constantly

Like... I don't like this but I

Really do like, this and I

Wanted to win individual

Immunity for many reason, but

One of them was that would be

Really cool to get that


Jeff: what would you do

With that necklace, since you

Don't really care?

I would give it to joe.

Just to see the look on everyone

Else's faces, because they would

All be so pissed.

Jeff: why joe?

Why will that be entertaining?

Because they're all voting

For him.


The second joe doesn't win

Immunity, everyone is voting for


Jeff: but had you won

Immunity, you would have given

It to him so he would still be




Why don't you do the latest

No collar move of all, get up

And walk out.

That's quitting.

I don't quit.

Jeff: joe, how does it sit

With you.

You were this close to having

Immunity because jenn almost

Beat tyler.

I was rooting for her the

Whole time because I want to be


I want to play.

I have waited my whole life to

Be here.

And I'm not ready to go.

I mean, jenn, she's already quit

Mentally, emotionally,

Physically, she's not going to

Strategize, she's just kind of

Getting pulled along for the

Ride now because someone might

Say, I want to sit next to jenn

At the end because she . Even

Play the game.

And I love this game too much to

Just not fight for it.

And, yeah, I would have to win

The next nine immunity

Challenges to get close to that

Goal, but at least I'd make it


Jeff: shirin, as a massive

Fan, how does this sit with you?

You have one person saying she

Wouldn't have cared if you voted

Her out, but not willing to fall

On the sword and walk out now.

Yeah, she doesn't want to be

Here, but I completely

Understand why.

Like, from my point of view,

I've actual listen been able to

Strategize exceptionally well

With jenn in a way that I

Haven't totally connected with


Everybody else here wants joe


They see him as a bigger threat,

And it's to my benefit to have

Her stay and to have joe go

Because she's a better strategic

Ally to me, but the fact that

She says she doesn't want to be

Here makes me look less

Threatening, makes them want to

Keep her over me.

Jeff: all right.

Jeff, I have a question, can

You verify something for me?

Is this a hidden immunity idol?

Jeff: I cannot verify that

Until you decide to play it.

Well, the determining factor if

Somebody stays here tonight or

If they go home.


It is time to vote.

Tyler, you're up.

I have no idea what's going


I have no idea what's going

To happen tonight.

Jenn, girl, hopefully my idol

Play bought me one more vote and

It's you and not me.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.

I'm going to play this for


Thank you.

Jeff: this is not a hidden

Immunity idol.

Any votes cast for will will

Still count.

I'll read the votes.

First vote jenn.





Two votes jenn.

Two votes joe.

One vote dan.


That's three votes jenn.


Tied again.

Three votes jenn, three votes

Joe, one vote dan.


That's four votes jenn.


Four votes jenn, four votes joe,

One vote dan, one vote left.

Ninth person voted out and the

Second member of our jury, joe.

You need to bring me your torch.

Joe, the tribe has spoken.

Thanks, jenn.

Love you all, good luck.

Love you, joe.

That's, joe.

Jeff: well, tonight's vote

Illustrates a very basic

"Survivor" strategy -- take out

A threat whenever you can, which

Means if you are perceived as a

Threat, you better watch out.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Stay tuned for scenes from our

Next episode.

Jeff: next time on


All you've been doing is

Running your damn mouth.

Will blows up on shirin.

But it's mike who could blow up

The game.

He flipped.

Who did I flip on?

Whack job, you're ruining it

For yourself.

You're going nuts right now.

You better relax, bro.

You better relax.

I tried to stay in this game

As long as humanly possible.

It's hard the leave the game

When I feel like I have so much

Game left to play.

But it is a game.

And I guess it's a little bit of

An indirect compliment that

Everybody wanted me out.

It's bittersweet, but every

Single second was worth it out


And I would do it again in a

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