30x03 - Crazy Is as Crazy Does

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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30x03 - Crazy Is as Crazy Does

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor," carolyn found the

Immunity idol.


Oh, my god.

Jeff: while her

White-collar tribe was embracing

A with it of the no-collar way

Of life.

I don't me why our camp has

Suddenly become the naked camp.

What's going on around here?

Jeff: for the blue-collar

Tribe, hard work is taking its


We all need to get up and do


There's stuff to be done out

Here where we have to survive.

Jeff: at the last immunity

Challenge -- will is an absolute

Disaster -- will fell apart.

No collar goes to tribal


With the no-collar tribe facing

Their first tribal council, nina

Was struggling to fit in.

Don't touch me.

I thought the people on my tribe

Would make me feel like I long.

Jeff: while vince wanted to

Recruit will.

If we get jenn out...

Jeff: but will promised to

Go with the younger alliance to

Take out nina.

Hopefully will's on board

With me because if he's not,

He's going to muddle up a lot of


Jeff: but at tribal

Council, will decided to go with

His own agenda.

All sorry, brother, but you got

To go.

Jeff: taking out vince.

Vince, you need to bring me your


Leaving nina on the bottom

All alone.

Jeff: vince, the tribe has


16 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

I think vince spun a lot of

Webs with all of us.

I wanted to stick with the

Split-vote plan, but will ended

Up voting for vince instead, and

Frankly, I don't trust him maybe

As much as I did, and it just

Made me a little nervous.

It's fine.

It's fine.

I guess it worked out.

It was to the point where I

Didn't know who to trust.

To me what happened in tribal

Council, you have to think


I didn't trust vince, so I just

Prolonged my chances in this


That's what it's all about.

I'm playing chess, not checkers.

I know I'm the next one out.

I don't care what you say.

I know that's what you're going

To do, so can you make it so I

Don't feel like an outsider

Before you get rid of me?

I thought we were going to

Blindside jenn tonight, but will


I went into tribal thinking we

Were going to be a solid three.

I left tribal back to being an


You don't have to whisper behind

Me back.

You can stand over there and I

Can be here and can't hear you.


The only thing I can do is

Win challenges to stay in the


I know you're going to vote

Me out next.

I know that.

Why do you think you're gone?

Because you're not going to

Vote each other out.

Did you think vince was going




Crazy things can happen.

Don't quit before it's over.

Nina immediately pulls a nina

And starts crying and gets all

Upset and then brings in her

Hearing thing again, too.

I'm like, nina, all you do is

Talk about your hearing.

I get it.

You're deaf.

We all understand.

Stop using it as an an excuse.


Monkey teaches white collar

How the live in the wild.

Big papa, big mama howler

Monkeys just got it on.


I just so monkey sex.


Start to finish.

Shirin is crazy.

She's like, guys, guys, there's

Monkeys, and private parts.

I'm like, what?

That's what it likes when a

Woman wants a baby.

I just don't even know where

To go with that.

A lot of howling from the men

For a while.

I don't know how you work in

Corporate america.

No snuggling afterwards,


That's what I just witnessed.

Shirin just spent most of the

Morning talking about howler


She's about as annoying and loud

As a howler monkey in our camp.

That happens again three or

Five more times.

She has a vibe that's weird

And doesn't fit in.

She's definitely trying to fit

In and it shows.

The reality is it's actually

Painting a black x on her back.

Oh, my god.

This tastes like water.

That's the best batch of water

We've ever made.

Got to get some food.

I'd like a nice fish.

I'd rather have comfort all

Day long.

I'd like a blanket.


I've gotten like five hours

Of sleep since we got here.

Every night.

Every night in?

No way!

Haters because we tell the


Just because you don't like

The facts doesn't change the


Go to bed, dan.

I think my best

Characteristic may be my worst

Characteristic, which is my


I have a very hard time keeping

My mouth shut, but I definitely

Feel that I'm not as bad off as

I was, and I can learn from my


Sometimes it takes an anvil to

Be dropped on my head, but I can


Nobody asked you.

Yeah, your mother's a

[Bleeped] too.

Whoa, whoa.

Never mention a mother,


Me and dan were joking


I forget what I said to him, but

He came back with your mother's

A [bleeped].

Dan is trying very hard to make

Us laugh.

He has to chime in on all the

Jokes, but the fact is, dan,

You're not funny, bro.

You don't talk about my mother.

You don't disrespect my family.

Back home if someone ever called

My mother a [bleeped], then I'm

Going to jump down your throat.

You're lucky you're on


All right, all right.

You're so serious.

I did not think blue-collar

People were emotional.

Hanging with these guys, they're


Dude, watch your mouth.

Watch your mouth.

I'm sitting back, watching,

Analyzing and knowing when to


It's like sometimes if there's a

Bar fight, we don't rush there

Because by the time we get

There, they duke it out and

They're calm and they've settled


We get there, oh, you know, you

Guys worked it out?


But rodney can be a drama queen.

Dan's picturing he's one of

My boys from back home.

He's digging himself a bigger

And bigger hole.

We'll see where it ends up in

The end.

He crossed the line big time

With that.

Looks gorgeous out.

Really in


Want the go surfing?


I think that would be nice.

Haley and I have been looking

At these waves since we got


Looking at these perfect little

Battles, it's k*lling us.

So way, why not have fun with


It's drift wood.

It's rounded on the bottom, flat

On the top.

That's perfect.

Body surfing is such a good


Surfing is probably my

Number-three passion in life.

So when she pulled that out, I

Was like, yeah, girl, I'm right

With you.

This is exactly what no

Collars do.

I guarantee you the other tribes

Don't even think about doing

Stuff like this, but no collars

Love to have fun.

Nothing is too serious out here.

I don't know why everyone takes

This game so seriously.


What did you think?

It tastes good.

With vince gone, I feel like a

Little of the paranoia has left

The tribe.

Did you get him?



It's a beautiful day.

The waves are crashing.

Everything is golden.

I think we're good.

I just want to keep continuing

To provide for the tribe.

I found us an afternoon snack.

Another lizard.

Keeping everyone's state of

Mind in a good frame of

Reference and bring that team

Camaraderie up, up, up.

So you good today after last


Happy to be here?

Happy to be here.

Don't feel like you're not

Wanted because I feel like you

Feel like you're on the out, but

That's not the case.


Nina, I love her, but I think

She just felt like she was alone

Again, so I'm going to try to

Become a little better friends

With her.

Just keep playing, okay?

My mom was an interpreter for

The deaf.

She taught me and my three

Sisters sign language, so I've

Been around the deaf community a

Lot in my life.

It's definitely one of those

Things you keep in your pocket.

It's really tough.

It is tough.

I'm not used to... No one's used

To this.

I want you to play.

Like I want you to enjoy it and

Have fun with us.

Joe and I had a nice


He really wanted to tell me to

Have a little bit more fun.

Just keep playing, okay?

Before I lost my hearing, I

Was in sales.

I've been white collar before,

But I'm not now.

All right.

Let's go back.

Once I lost my hearing, a

Traditional job was not

Important to me, so I really am

A no-collar person, but these

People are a little bit more

Free spirited than me.

Are you going to try the

Lizard, nina?

One little taste for me.

Do it.

So I'm finding out that I do

Have limitations.

Help yourself.

I got to change or I'm going

To end up going home.

It's pretty goodment I'm

Telling you, man.

It doesn't taste like lizard.

It tastes like chicken.

Come on, nina.

Do it for "survivor."

I'm looking for the idol.

I'm looking for something that's

Out of place.

It's got to be down here.

The whole tribe is out

Looking for the immunity idol.

So I'm watching the fire,

Relaxing, kind of enjoying it

Because I already have the

Hidden immunity idol so I don't

Really have to search.


We have to win the next


What's that?

What if we say we all make a

Truce to not look for it until

We win the next challenge and

Have another clue.

Seeing you're the one who is

Looking more than anyone.

I haven't trusted you since

Day one.

If you're tired of looking for

It, go take a seat.

You didn't trust me since day




Because you've been a

Paranoid, panicking woman since

Day one when you didn't have to


I don't remember that.

What did I say?

What did you say?

Shirin is like a

Blood-sucking leech that just

Won't leave you alone and she's

The most annoying person I've

Ever met in my life.

She's like the mosquitoes at


They're becausing in your ear

And your ear and your ear, and

You're just like, god.

Why aren't you talking to me?

Because I'm busy searching

For something, like you should


I should be?

Why do you say that?

Joaquin was not himself.

There was a fury behind what he

Was saying.

It's turning out to be pretty

Great for me because he doesn't

Know how the maneuver in this


What's the deal?

Why can't we go back?

You can go back.

I'm on the outs right now.

I'm going to do whatever is best

For me in the long run.

Me and tyler have a good


I showed him the clue.

He's my boy.

He needs to see it.

Not too far from where you

Clench your third base, satiate

Your need for power.

On day two carolyn showed me

The idol, but joaq showed me the


I appreciate you going the extra

Mile to show me.

When you actually show somebody

And go that extra mile, there's

Kind of a unity that comes with


They're back.

Even though joaquin is on the

Outs, right now I'm really

Getting along with him, and

Shirin's at the point now where

Crazy is as crazy does.

From the nudity to the talking

To the monkeys in the trees to

The incessant talking around

Camp, I have a strong feeling

That if we're to lose this next

Challenge, shirin would be

Absolutely at the top of

Everyone's list.

The man that I call dad is

The pastor of my church, and he

Taught me at a very early age

That, you know, if you work

Hard, good things will come to


So you don't have to tell me to

Do something because I see that

Something needs to be done and I

Just do it.

But this blue-collar tribe,

Which is supposed to have the

Best work ethic out of all three

Tribes, is failing in work

Ethic, and I feel like rodney is

The worst.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, I know exactly what I


It has to be done.

Mike makes his comments and

I'm like, okay, this is


Watch what you say because

You're not the only one busting

Your ass.

We've been doing stuff all

Morning with no thank you.

Blue -collar people in general

Tend to critique other people's

Work ethic because we think ours

Is the best, we think we know

The best way, we think we work


And sometimes it's a difference

Of one less stick in someone's

Hand, but at the end of the day,

I know in this tribe I have the

Best work ethic.

Everybody's got to pitch in.

Yeah, I know, but not when

Mike wants it done.

Not when mike wants it done,


We'll get it done when we get it


I'm going to be first one to

Go home because I step up and

Say something, then I'll step up

And say something.

It's not that we have to do

Work all day every day.

Not every day we need to be on a

Mission like you at 8:00 in the


We can get it done during the

Day, bro.

You need relax and let people do

It at their own pace.

Are you the captain of this


Relax then.


I'll get some firewood when I

Want to get firewood.

You're not my father so sit the

[Bleeped] down.

Whether I get firewood in ten

Minutes, 20 minutes or an hour,

I'll get it, but don't tell me

To do it right then and there or

I'm not doing it.

Everyone else here is keeping

Your mouth shut, but every

Single one of them is saying the

Exact same thing I'm saying.

Look at me right now.

I'm shaking.

Let me eat my food and then I'll

Go do this with you.

All I'm saying is let me get

Food in me, when I have my

Energy, I'll do it.

I'm jacked for a reason.

I've got motivation and


I'll do it.

Let me do it when I'm ready, not

When mike's ready.

Rodney's going to do what

Rodney wants to do.

Whether you do the most or the

Election it's not going to get

You to the end.

It's keeping everybody happy.

Get off my back.

Man, sorry.

I didn't know you weren't

Feeling good.

Nobody tells me what to do.

That's why I work for myself.

I hear you.

I'll do stuff when I want to

Do it, on rodney's time.

This ain't an oil rig.

We got to work hard.

You have to work extremely hard.

If you don't work this damn

Hard, you'll get booted off.

I'm not a hick.

I can't grow up in this


I don't live this kind of life.

Maybe he does in his $100,000

Ranch he owns.

Houses in mass cost $400,000

Because people want to live


About it nobody want to live in


Mike's the number-one tiger,

So I have to lay low, go back on

My three cs, my cool, calm and


I'm going to stack a pile of


And I don't want to hear anyone

Ask me to get no more firewood.

A lot of this started a lot

Yesterday for me.

Whenever I feel like I'm busting

My ass.

So are we.

I can finish?

I let you guys finish.

I would like to finish.

I don't feel that the respect

That I'm giving you guys is

Being reciprocated back to me.

If anyone gets respect around

Here, it's you.

For sure it's not us.

When did I not respect you


When's the last time you said

Thank you for anything that got

Done by us?

Every single day.


Every single day?

Name one.

Name one.

We did this all morning and you

Came back and bitched.

I didn't get ten cents in.

Thanks for doing milan dry.

When did you say thank you

For getting firewood.

>>Er time and every time that

We've gotten firewood, we've

Been there.

Every [bleeped] time.

Every time we've gotten

Firewood, we've helped.

Mike is big ignorant right

Now, it's the one thing that I

Cannot take.

Of course, he wants to sit there

And fight with me of all people.

Like I know you have some bible

Verse on your back, but that

Didn't help the fire get tended


We all do everything.

I genuinely feel like that.

We don't get firewood?

True or false?

Yeah, you get firewood.

We don't cook, true or false?

You cook all the time.

Tend to the fire?

Go get water?

We don't tend to the fire?

How the [bleeped] do you think

This fire is going right now?

How do you think that got there?


Did your god come down and do it

With his beard?

I'm not sitting here saying

I'm the best christian in the

World, but I do have a

Relationship with god, and that

Was very offensive to me.

Honestly, it hurt my feelings on

A personal level.

Like I said, if I'm stepping up

And saying something means I'm

First to go, send me home.

Mike always says, and if

That's why you guys want to send

Me home, then send me home.

Wish come true.


Jeff: come on in, guys.

White collars, blue-collar tribe

Getting your first look at the

New no-collar tribe.

Vince voted out in the last

Tribal council.

All right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?

Hell, yeah.

Jeff: first things first, I

Will take back the idols.

Give it up, shirin.

Ly take -- I will take it.

Once again immunity is become up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, each

Tribe will carry a large bucket

To a water tower where you will

Fill it.

You'll then race back, working

Together to plug as many of the

Holes as you can to keep the

Water from leaking out.

You'll empty what's left into a

Barrel and head back out.

First two tribes to fill their

Barrel and raise their flag wins

Immunity and reward.

Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: in addition to being

Safe from tribal council, the

First tribe to finish, a massive

Comfort reward.

Oh, my god.



Jeff: chairs, blankets,

Pillow, candle, rope and a tarp.

It will change the way you are

Living at camp.

Second tribe to finish, not as

Big, but still very useful, a


Last tribe to finish, nothing

But a date with me at tribal

Council where somebody will be

The third person volted out of

This game.

Blue collar you have one extra


Got to sit somebody out.

It can be anybody you want.

Who's it going to be?

Lindsey going to sit this one


Everybody else take a minute to


We'll get started.

Here we go.

For immunity and reward,

Survivors ready?


White collar flying over and

Tossing their bucket.

Will struggling early.

No collars taking a little

Longer out of the gate.

Very simple premise: fill your

Bucket with water and try to get

Back as much of that water as

You can before it leaks out.

You have to put your hands


You're not covering the hole.

Right there.

Like that?


Jeff: joe is going to send

Nina out ahead.

Could be a very smart strategy

By the no collars if it plays


Blue collars coming back.

That's it, you guys.

Bring it down, quick, quick,


Jeff: here comes white


No collar heading back.

The goal is teamwork.

The more holes you plug, the

More water you will have to dump

Into your barrel, which means

The fewer runs you will have to


White collar has their first


No collar moving very slow, but

That does not mean anything if

They're plugging the holes.

Make sure we get it all in.

Jeff: no collar dumps half

Their water on the ground.

Here comes blue collar.

Once again nina going out.

Do not understanding the reason

Why nina is not part of this.

No collar once again very slow

And doing it with only four

Tribe members, even though they

Have five.

What you're doing is not

Working, no collars.

Blue collar back with another

Bucket full of water.

White collar back with another


Heading back out.

For some reason that makes sense

No comers to have nina not


Here comes blue collar again.


Jeff: here comes white


Will is exhausted.

It is white collar and blue

Collar, just like the last

Challenge, duking it out for the

First and second.



You have to beat them.

You have to beat them!

Jeff: this could be it.

Get it in.

Jeff: could this be enough?


White collar has to head back


Not enough for blue collar.

They have to head back out.

It is very close between blue

And white.

This is it, you guys!

This is it.

Jeff: every bit of water

You keep in that bucket makes a


Nina finally helping out now for

The first time.

A little further.

Go, go.



Jeff: blue collar heading


This could be it.

White collar heading back.

This could be it for them.

How much water can they keep in

The bucket?

No collar with another bucket.

Nice but not enough.

No collar heading back out.

Here comes blue collar.

Could this be for the win?

Here comes white collar.

Go, go, go!

Jeff: yes!

Blue collar wins immunity and


White collar wins immunity and

Reward, send nothing collar back

The tribal council.

-- Sending no collar back the

Tribal council.

Blue collar, nice finish.

Once again no tribal council,

Nobody going home from the blue

Collar tribe.

White collar, once again a nice


This tribe staying intact.

Blue collar, come get your

Massive reward and head back to


Appreciate it, jeff.

Oh, my god, you guys.

Jeff: white collar, no

Tribal council.

Come get your tarp, grab your

Stuff, head back to camp.

Thank you.

Jeff: congratulations.

No-collar tribe, for the second

Time in a row a loss, but this

Time it seemed to center around


Joe, what was the thinking in

Having nina not participate in

Plugging holes?

We thought maybe we'd be a

Little quicker with putting nina

At the end of the obstacles, she

Would plug the holes once we got

Through them.

It might have been a bad call

Looking at it now, but it seemed

Like the best thing to do in the


Jeff: no collars, grab your

Stuff, head back to camp.

See you tonight at tribal.

I thought we was at damn boot


This is ridiculous.

The challenge kicked my ass


It really did.

It kicked my ass.

The sad fact is we're going to

Another tribal council, and I

Think it's time for nina to go.

I just want to say sorry.

I take full responsibility

Today, man.

I don't know what I was


I especially... I feel so


I didn't know you made that

Call because you thought I

Couldn't do it.

I could have totally...

I am so sorry.

I mean it.

I'm genuinely so sorry because I

Never ever should have made that


Man, we were so close today, and

I feel a little bit of

Responsibility because I kind of

Came up with the strategy and

The game plan, and I should have

Just shut up and let nina

Participate, and I feel pretty

Bad about it.

Because I screwed her over


And I know nina doesn't want to

Two home.

No one wants to go home from

This game, so she wants the

Fight, she'll fight.

Well, I should have listened

To my gut.

You want me to stay and help

Plug holes.

You're like, no, go.

I thought, man, I should just

Say and help plug those holes.

Absolutely right.

I'm so sorry.

I just feel bad for assuming

That she would slow us down.

That's not right.

I feel terrible.

Live and learn.

We blew it again.

We tried to make nina a

Non-factor, and it cost us.

So back to tribal council we go.

It's not your fault, man.

This is the game, dog.

What are we playing?

What are we playing?


Are we playing friends?

No, but I don't like the


I don't like the lose either.

We made a decision as a team.

She's been dead weight for a




How do you think the vote is

Going to go tonight?

I have no idea.

What's that?

I said, I have no idea.

I think tonight's definitely

Between me and will, because the

Three that are in control right

Now are joe, jenn and hali, so I

Need to convince them to vote

Will over me.

Do you want to talk about who

You want to vote out tonight?

Are you going to vote will?

I could vote will.

That's two challenges in a

Row he suckedment one challenge

Doesn't make me go no, but two

It does.

Nina and will are definitely

On borrowed time.

Will did not perform in the


It was embarrassing.

But I still don't really trust

Him at all.

He seems sneaky, but, you know,

Nina, she's a wet blanket on the

Entire tribe.

I think will and nina suck

Equally in challenges.

I do, too.

Will sucks.

Well, it took longer for will

To swim to the boat the other

Day than nina.

Yeah, it did.

I thought will was dying.

Nina is just so frail and her

Attitude is not there, but will

Is struggling like hard core.

What if me and you vote will?

Will voted for the wrong person

Last tribal.

And now, you know, I don't trust


I think he's a snake.

So my biggest fear moving

Forward is that will might do

Something idiotic and that jenn

And I will have trouble at the


So we're between a rock and a

Hard place right now, who is

Going to go home, will it be

Will or nina?

Jeff: all right.

So let's talk about the last

Tribal council.

It seemed to center around

Trust, and it resulted in what

Appeared to be a blind side on

Vince, but it didn't seem as

Though vince was the only one

Surprised by the outcome.

Will, when you guys got back to

Camp, was there something to

Clear up?

Yeah, pretty much.

I had to go with somebody I

Trusted, and that's why I voted

Him out.

Jeff: joe, it's interesting

That this game plays on so many

Levels, because you're still in

The tribe portion of the game,

And yet you're already playing

The individual part of the game.

And the trust issues could come

Back if your tribe remains


Oh, absolutely.

You only get a couple

Opportunities when you make

Mistakes to fix those mistakes,

So, yeah, it's a huge factor to

Trust people and try to keep

Your alliances as strong as

Possible going into the future.

Jeff: let's talk about

Today's challenge.

Your strategy to pull nina out

Of this challenge was hard to


Joe, what was the thinking?

Well, you know, five people

Going through that ladder was a

Little tricky, so I was thinking

That nina could stumble and fall

And take the whole thing down,

So, yeah, I kind of messed up

Today big time.

Jeff: and yet, nina, what

You're left with is they didn't

Have enough faith in you to let

You play.

That's exactly what it was,

And it really showed me that

Because of my disadvantage, they

Have absolutely no faith that I

Can do anything.

Jeff: but today's challenge

Has nothing to do with hearing.

I just feel like they look at

Me as a whole person that has a

Disadvantage, whether it's my

Ears, my feet or whatever it is.

Jeff: because you're deaf?



I'll disagree with that.

No matter how many times we pull

Nina to the side to give her a

Pep talk, boost her morale, it

Always goes back to her being

Deaf, so that's what is making

Me upset because we try.

Jeff: joe, there's

Something that happens on

"Survivor" where perception

Becomes reality, no matter what

The perception the group has, it

Is real, and it is true for



She's kind of misunderstanding

Us just as much as she feels


I mean, I know a lot of deaf

People, and I would be the last

Person of the judge you or

Anyone for a disability.

Jeff: will, I saw you today

After the challenge, and you

Were winded.

Do you have a reason to be


I did struggle in the second

Challenge with the buoy.

I went back and said, that's on

Me guys.

I think today we just as a team

Just didn't work.

But they know what I bring to

The tribe, and I'm just going to

Hold on to that.

You guys would be crazy to

Keep will.

I mean, seriously, you can trust

Me, I'm strong.

I can win challenges.

And you haven't even given me a

Chance to show what I've got.

But you've been emotionally

Weak here a lot and that

Concerns me a bit.

I know it's hard for you out

Here, but it's hard for


We're all going through personal

Struggles, you know?

Jeff: right on cue.


Hali, is it possible that nina

Is on the wrong tribe.

Maybe she's not a no collar.

I wonder that, that

Philosophy you take life as it

Come, you know how to ride the

Highs and ride out the lows, for

Most of our tribe life, we go

With the flow, but nina doesn't

Have that same flow going.

Jeff: and yet nina, I know

You see yourself as a no collar,

A person who is malleable and

Does try to look at the world

From different viewpoints.

Well, before losing my

Hearing, I had a lot of jobs

Where, you know, I managed


I was responsible for lots of


I did a lot of budget planning,

And that was 44 years of my


It's only been seven years that

I shifted a little, but I still

Have the white-collar mentality.

You know, in real life you

May never have to be the type of

Person that would go out and eat

A lizard.

You may not have to be a no

Collar person back home, but if

You want to stay in this game

And you want to play with this

Tribe, you're going to have to

Make adjustments.

And you're going to have to be

More no collar if you want to

Fit in.

I think that's all we're saying.

Like I don't have an agenda to

Change you as a human being, but

If you want to play this game,

You got to be a player.

You know, I'm listening to

What they said.

It's a tough thing, but I'm

Taking it to heart, and I really

Think I can do what you've


I want to be a part of the

No-collar tribe.

Jeff: interesting tribal


Hopefully a little bit


It is time to vote.

Nina, you're up.

I'll go tally the votes.

If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote, nina.


One vote nina, one vote will.


Two votes will.

One vote nina.


We're tied.

Two votes nina, two votes will,

One vote left.

Third person voted out, nina.

You need to bring me your torch.

Nina, the tribe has spoken.

Well, "survivor" is often about

Enduring short-term losses for

Long-term gains.

Losing today's challenge means

You go back to camp without a

Tarp to keep you dry from the

Rain and down yet another tribe


The hope is in the long run it

Will be worth it.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff: next time on a

Special two-hour "survivor"...

That men mentality, is that

How your mom raised you?

Who the hell gets a utah to

On your face unless you have

Some serious problems.

Jeff: there's a little


Oh, massive collision.

She's bleeding.

Jeff: everybody stop!

According to them I'm in the

As free spirited as they are.

Maybe I'm not.

Maybe being out here in the

Elements and being with

Complete, total strangers

Brought out a different side of

Me, so, you know, I'm going the

Really dig deep in myself and

Maybe make some changes in that


It was definitely a

Life-altering eight days.
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