29x14 - Live Reunion Show

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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29x14 - Live Reunion Show

Post by bunniefuu »

I actually learned

About myself out here.

The fact that I was able to

Navigate without nadiya--

Let's go, let's go.

Makes me really proud.

I'm smarter than I look


I did it all by myself.

I deserve this million dollars

But just because I deserve it

Doesn't mean it's going to come

To me on a silver platter.

Jeff: natalie wins reward.

I can't leave anything up to


Jeff: natalie wins

Individual immunity.

I'm playing this for jac.

I need everybody to see why I

Deserve to be the sole survivor.

( Cheers and applause ).

Jeff: all right, it is the

Reunion part of the show.

We have a winner, natalie.



( Cheers and applause )

Jeff: a lot of support.

And i-- you know, something I've

Been curious about probably 15

Days in and it was asked a lot

On twitter when I was soliciting

Questions, e.p. Roache said it,

Does natalie think you did

Better because your sister was

Voted out so early?

Did that give you some sort of


I think my game was

Definitely better playing

Without nadiya.

That doesn't mean it was easier

For me, but I think the push to

Do something for nadiya and, you

Know, make her proud and say you

Know what?

You guys are going to vote her

Out first, I'm literally going

To be the last one standing.

Maybe it was a good decision to

Get one of us out.

( Cheers and applause )

Jeff: the audience reaction

Here in the studio when you

Played the idol for jaclyn and

Not yourself was huge.

One of the biggest moves of the


But that is a giant risk to give

Up an idol to make this one big

Power move.

What do you remember about that


I remember walking into

Tribal and knowing I had this

Decision, but I remember when

You said if anybody's got an

Idol, play it now, I blacked


And I just-- I literally don't

Remember what I said.

I don't remember even asking

Jaclyn, "did you vote for who I

Told you to vote for?"

I just remember going and

Saying, "I gotta do this."

And the next thing I knew baylor

Was getting voted out.

I literally blacked out when I

Did that.

I'm not even joking.

Jeff: so despite how big a

Move that was, my opinion, the

Biggest move of the game was

Convincing jaclyn to get rid of

Keith and not you.

Is that-- do you agree with


I mean, I wouldn't-- I

Wouldn't have sat in that final

Three nils convinced jaclyn that

Keith was the bigger threat.

And I think having missy and

Keith canw me in the final four

Allowed me to targetue know, put

The target on themselves, tell

Keith it was missy, tell missy

It was keith, and the target is

Off me.

Jeff: jaclyn, you're not

Privy to what other people are

Saying and doing.


Jeff: when you're now at

Home watching this and you see

What's happening, do you regret

That move?

Man, she played me.

And during the game I had no

Idea she had an idol for one.

And for two, I mean, I literally

Thought keith would have all the

Jury votes.

I came from coyopa, where he was

Strong with all the guys.

I was like he is the biggest

Threat if I am in the final

Three with him.

Do it.

If I had known different I would

Have voted natalie, but I had no


Jeff: let's say you vote


I love doing this game.

So natalie is now in the jury

And keith, you're not in the


So just show of hands for the

People that are now on the jury,

Including you, natalie, so it's

Keith, missy, and jaclyn in the

Final, how many votes does keith


So that's four.

That's-- josh-- how many does

Jaclyn get?


How many does missy get?

We're missing's vote.

So four.

So keith, you win it.

That wasn't nearly as dramatic--

( Applause )

As I had hoped.

So, keith, that close.

That close.

Jeff: that close.

One conversation that you sway


After all that you fight out

There for, even now you do seem

A little teary.

Man, it gets to me.

I told somebody I don't know if

It's fourth or 18th, I

Tonight know what-- anywhere in


I just, you know, over the hump,

Get over the hump.

Jeff: so meaning if you

Don't get to the end, it doesn't


Yeah, I couldn't-- yeah.

I loved playing.

It got to the point where, like

At number 10, you say I've done

Pretty good.

I'm 50-something years old.

If they vote me out tonight I'm

Good with it.

But they don't and you say,


Another week.

And you say nine, and the same

Thing, and when it gets to four

You're really saying hey, I'm in

This-- you know.

Jeff: I love how open are

You with your emotions.

You cry as muchaise do.

Keith is not what you would call

A super fan.

I think we all know that.

But it was really clear one

Night at tribal when he told

Everyone in his alliance in

Front of everyone else, "stick

To the plan."

I say stick to the plan.

You know, at this point, that's

All I can say.

Jeff: wow, jon, stick to

The plan.

( Laughter )

It's all right!

( Applause ).

Jeff: did your buddies at

The firehouse--

Oh, yeah.

Jeff: give you a little


Every time I say something,

Come on, let's go out and mow

The yard.

Listen, stick to the plan!

Jeff: jeremy, from a game

Point view, because you and

Josh, especially, really fans of

This game, and early on were

Kind of duking it out together,

What does playing with keith do

Because in a way, it's a new

Twist to have somebody who

Doesn't know how to play?

I mean, keith's a good dude,

You know, but keith is not built

For "survivor."

You know what I mean?

This game is-- we-- josh and i,

We go back and forth all the

Time, and it's great to have

Another strategist out there,

But with keith you don't know

What he's going to do.

Jeff: and that makes it

Hard to do what?

It makes it hard to play the


It might even be harder to play

The game with people-- a lot of

People that report real

Strategists as opposed to

Playing the game with a whole

Bunch --

Because you can't anticipate.

You can't anticipate


Jeff: natalie, question

From force of fill, a twitter

Question they wondered when we

Were out there.

And you rocker got into it at

This challenge.

And I didn't see it start.

And he asks, "why did natalie

Explode at rocker?"

Was that a strategic move from

You to pick a fight?

It was definitely not


I lost it because I was taking

Out all the anger I had about

Nadiya getting voted off, and

John was the perfect target for

Me, and he just said something.

And just went off on him.

Not strategic.

Not my best moment.

Jeff: so you're saying

Rocker didn't really initiate

That fight?

Rocker said something not--

He said something about nadiya,

But nothing, like, bad to me,

And I just lost it.

I blacked out, and I just went--

A lot of blackouts.

Jeff: the blacking out is a


Jeff: so, john, what's that


This is part of your legacy,

Beginning an argument.

A couple.

Jeff: what's it like to see

That play back?

Did you feel like she was

Picking a fight?

Can did you know what was


No, I honestly anticipated

Something like that coming down

The pike at some point, however

Long I lasted out there.

And it was so funny when I was

Out here a few months ago, I was

Actually watch ago, of course,

My exit episode.

I was on with cristy and his

Family on a skype call, these

Two yahoos, and I'm watching her

Yell at me over skype, nat, see

How you treat me that way.

It's funny hindsight.

We've all become friends now and

It's kind of a running joke.

Jeff: I gotta say, the

Reason I ask, is even in the

Beginning, you initially tried

To bond with jeremy and josh.

Black guy, gay guy.

You even tried to help jeremy's

Wife, but he didn't believe you.

And I thought it was

Interesting, you are clearly

Outspoken and you get yourself

Into your own trouble but you

Seemed to have good intentions

When the game started and

There's a question from wad1980,

Who says looking back on the it,

What is more difficult in your

Life, facing barry bonds or

Playing this game?

I know how to face barry.

Barry-- barry's got-- it's a

Very difficult game plan to face

Barry, but I know how to face


I can watch films.

I can study things like that.

Just like jeremy was saying, the

Strategy and not being able to

Predict, not being able to--

Some people are wild cards and

Some people you can read and

Everything like that.

It makes it difficult the wild

Cards when you can easily go up

Against barry bonds and put

Together a game plan because you

Know barry.

It's easier to than figuring out

Someone's tendencies you have

Known two days.

Jeff: up next, josh and

Reed, two of the most popular

Players this season-- justag sc

My mom-- they are change lives

Outside of "survivor."

Plus jon and jaclyn what, a


What's the status of their


And later, we going to show you

What we're doing next season.

I really think you're going to

Like it.

"Survivor: san juan del sur"

Reunion show.

We are live in los angeles.

We'll be right back.

( Cheers and applause )

Could trade beans for our flint

Jiefers wondering if there was

Some trade we could do, maybe

Half the fishing gear.

Do you have the flint in your


Jeff: there has never been

A tribe that has needed as much

Help as you guys have.

I want to give mine for jack.

I would like to give this up

For missy.

Have fun.

Jeff: I don't think we have

Had this many give-up rewards in

All the other seasons combined.

( Cheers and applause ).

It was the season of giving.

Welcome back, live reunion show.

"Survivor: san juan del sur."

So, josh, you and reed, a gay

Christian couple.

It's a lot.

And the fact that you guys were

So open with your affection and

Your highs and your lows, what's

Been the reaction from people

Watching you guys?

Yeah, it's been amazing,


I would say we've been getting

About 98% positive reaction and

It's actually been overwhelming

The amount of people who contact

Us and say, "thank you so much

For what you're doing for us."

Even we've had people in, like,

The midwest, young teenagers

Being like, "hey, thank you so


I didn't realize that there were

Other people out there like me,

Like this, who are gay and


We never set out to be pioneers

But it ended up happening so

Thank you for that.

Jeff: thank you, reed.

So you're hearing from

Individual people, contacting

You and telling you their story?

Absolutely, jeff.

It's been-- it's humbling

Because, like, I got a message

From somebody who said, "you

Know what, I've grown up in the

Bible belt and I've kind of been

Ostracized from my church and I

Don't really speak from my

Family, but after my dad has

Been watching 'survivor' he

Reached out to me and now we're

Talking about stuff.

My dad saw you and josh on the

Show and didn't realize there

Really were gay christians and

People could be following jesus

And be gay at the same time."

That was kind of our thing.

We justmented to be true to

Ourselveses and kind of who we

Are, so it's humanbling.

It really is.

Jeff: I want to show


( Cheers and applause )

I met somebody earlier who made

A comment that I wanted to


I had charlene.


Jeff: you said something I

Thought was beautiful about

Watching josh and reed.

Yeah, as a christian, I think

That they represented our faith


And that love is love at the end

Of the day.

They really showcased that.

Jeff: good, thanks.

No problem.

Jeff: and by the way, just

A personal note from me to

"Please don't go in the


Sorry, connor.

There was another duothat had a

Lot of people talking this


It was the power couple, jon and


They were swing votes at many

Tribal councils, but it was that

Very public and delicious

Argument that had other couples

Arguing over who started it.

I already knew all this.

Okay, I'm sorry.

I won't tell you anymore.



Jaclyn, stop!

But I wanted to tell you,erva

Going to attack you in, like, 10


I'm glad you did, okay.

Next time I won't.

Okay, hey, hey.

Don't touch me.

( Laughter )

( Applause )

Screw him!

Jeff: so, jon, first

Question is.



Jeff: are you still


Oh, jaclyn and I never got

Over-- we're actually engaged.

We got engaged.

( Cheers and applause ).

Jeff: well, you know, I

Think there's a lot of people

That are going to recognize

This, this comment.

The thing I heard most about

That was every guy said, "that

Is every argument I've ever had

With my girlfriend.

It's over nothing.

It blows up into something big,

And you can't really remember

What started it."

So when you're watching it at

Home, because it's a different

Experience to have it, what was

That like for you?

It was actually hilarious,

Because, I mean, now we're

Sitting in the same seat as

Everybody else watching it, and

We're realizing, how, we must

Have been starved or something

And under a lot of pressure,

Maybe, or something.

Because we don't get in

Arguments over little tiny

Things like that.

Jeff: "survivor" will do

That to you.

Eating the one cup of rice a

Day, except for the hunahpu



Jeff: jaclyn, what's that

Like for you to watch it back

Because you're a woman.

It's a different experience to

Have an argument.

In that moment in my head, I

Thought it was such a big deal,

But then watching it back, I'm

Like oh, my gosh.

We fought over that.

I didn't talk tow him for five

Hours after that.

I'm kind of luckiy we don't have

A camera in our house every day

When we argue, so, yeah.

Jeff: you don't worry about


You know his family well enough

And all that stuff that that

Didn't cause any damage?

Actually, since we've got

Engaged, there's a big parent of

His family I haven't met yet.

Their first impression of me is

On "survivor."

And I'm like, oh, great, we're

Arguing over the duckest thing,

"Hey, this is my fiance."

It's kind of like, this is us.

Jeff: no, jon, take it back

To the game, because what was

Happening is reed is going, "oh,

My god, they're arguing right


Now, when you look back on it,

Did it have an impact had you

Been talking might you have

Voted another way?

We have talked about that a


You never know-- it's hard to

Say if this would have happened

How would it have turned out?

I wanted to talk to jaclyn about


I think both of us wanted to

Actually talk about that, but --

Do you think it might have

Changed-- and natalie goes


It very well could have.

It very well could have.

In that situation, I think

Natalie would have been the one


When you were winking you

Were being sincere jiefs being

Very sincere.

I wanted to talk to him later.

And every time he came up, I

Said I haven't talked to jaclyn


Jeff: reed, it is amaidsing

In this game that last forward

3924-Hour days, that it can be

One moment that shifts your


Oh, absolutely.

Whether it's stick to the plan

Or whether it's the lover's

Quarrel, there were moments when

I was like, "what is happening?

Nothing can happen right now for


It was one of those moments that


I think you saw my frustration

Finally by the end, "jaclyn,

Girl, I get it that you guys are

Rhaving a problem but you're

k*lling me right now."

It's hysterical to watch now,

But it was m*rder going through.


Jeff: what does "survivor"

Have in store for next season?

It's good and that's still to


But up next, it was one of the

Most brutal tongue lashings of

Any final tribal council, reed

Calling missy the wicked


How do you like him now, mom?

Where does their relationship


We'll find out as the "survivor:

San juan del sur" reunion show


( Cheers and applause )

( Cheers and applause )

Jeff: back back to the live

Reunion show of "survivor: san

Juan del sur."

So, missy, you-- you're

Introduced in this show with a

Line that says something similar

To, "married and divorced three


That's your introduction.

I always wanted to ask you, what

Is that like to have to answer

That question?

Do you feel it is a burden?

Did it help you release it?

Or did it bury you?

I feel like that it totally

Freed me.

I had carried so much shame

About that number three.

I've been married three times.

I've been divorced three times.

And thanks to you and your intro

Of me, it was like, "oh, my god.

Everybody in the nation knows

I've been divorced three times."

I told my mom actual let's at

One point, I said, "I had known

We were going to go on to

'Survivor' we could have saved a

Whole lot of money in therapy

Because it completely freed me.

I should no shame.



Jeff: great, you shouldn't

Have it.

The other way to look at that is

I'm a hopeless romantic and I

Will try again.

Yes, I will try again.

Jeff: baylor, what was it

Like for you because it was a

Really unique situation to watch

Such a young woman play a game

That it can be devastating and

To play it with hir mom and then

To see her mom get injured.

What happened to your guys'

Relationship as a result of the


I guess our relationship

Really-- it didn't change much

Until the very end, I feel like.

But throughout, it really was

Like mirroring our relationship

Back home.

I mean, I get hurt, she picks me


She get hurt, I pick her up.

Jeff: are you tighter as a

Result, or is this kind of more

Of the same?

We're always tighter after

These situations, but it is the

Same, I feel like.

I feel like it's just another

Surviving moment.

Jeff: so, missy, you have

Talked to reed about what went


Because I gotta say, being

There, this was-- it was very


It was emotional for baylor.

You got very upset.

And, you know, reed's played the


He's not in it anymore.

He wants to get his last licks


What's the relationship with you


Hey, girl.

( Laughter )

Jeff: is that-- is that

Really it?

There isn't one?

You know what, there is a

Huge elephant in the room.

I will say this, I'm very

Positive and one of those people

Who can say, "it's okay.

Slap me again, I'm good, let's

Just move "o."

This one, what he doesn't know,

Is I have been a stepmom, and

That moment was like-- I think

If he had known a little bit

More about me, he probably

Wouldn't have taken those lashes

Because it was like the biggest

s*ab to my back.

I wasn't ready for it.

Jeff: reed, I'm going to

Give you a little early defense

Because I've watched this show

For so long, and it is


And people on the jury are

Usually very frustrated.

And they want to get it in.

But it does beg the question,

Given what a great-- people are

Looking at you for a role model.

We have charlene in the audience

Saying love is love.

Is that hard for you to watch

What you said?

Yeah, absolutely, and I made

It very clear for me that I

Wanted to talk about missy's

Character in the game, not

Missy's character in life.

Because they're two separate

Things to me.

I think missy's-- she seems like

A wonderful person outside of

This game.

When I was talking about what

Was happening, it was all within

The context of the game.

So it wasn't this is missy.

This is the character I saw

Missy as within the confines of


Jeff: do you feel a need to

Apologize or do you feel you're


I feel like I stand by what I

Said for within the game.

Jeff: all right, well,

That's what I love about this


( Applause )

Jeff: okay, every season,

And oh, I love that we get to do

Another season.

We try to find new ways to

Change the show so that we can

Give you the same thing only


And we're doing that again for

Next season and when we come

Back, I will tell you all about


( Cheers and applause )

Jeff: "survivor" reunion

Will continue, only cbs.

Jeff: as one season comes

To a close another season is

Getting ready to birth itself

Into the "survivor" world.

Here is what we are doing next


For 29 seasons, "survivor" has

Travel dploab, studying human


Based on age, sex, i.q., Looks,

Strength, and even family.

I love you.

Jeff: and for our 30th

Blood vs. "Survivor" is evolving

Once again.

I've worked in corporate

America my whole life.

I'm the kind of guy who likes

To be in control.

We're the money makers.

I step on the people to get to

The next plateau.

What blue collar stands for

Is hardworking american.

16 Hours a day outside in the


Blood, sweat, and tears,

Callouses on our hands, sore at

The end of the kay.

I'm a free spirit.

I could never live in a cubicle.

I do what I want to do when I

Feel like doing it.

I live my life not by anybody

Else's rules.

It's survivor warfare.

( Cheers and applause ).

Jeff: I want to see how

This resonates.

Glenn, let's get a big shot.

Don't be shy.

Who here associates with white


( Cheers and applause )

All right, guy right here, front

Row, come down.

Yeah, come on down.

Come ohustle up like it's a


You gotta pick it up!

Rob, give him a mic.

What's your name?

My name is john.

Jeff: white collar, why?

What do you do?

I'm an attorney.

Jeff: you don't hesitate,


I've been an attorney for 23


Jeff: white collar.

You guys make the rules.

You probably have people that

Work for you.


Jeff: okay.

So you're used to being in


To a certain extent, yes.

Judges a little bit more, but I

Hear what you're saying.

Jeff: all right, how about

Blue collar.

Who feels they're blue collar.

Come down here.

Rob you have another mic?

There we go.

What's your name?

My name is fred.

Jeff: blue collar, what do

You do?

I'm a general contractor.

Jeff: so you're



Jeff: and are you out there


Every day in the tremps, side

By side, making sure the job

Gets done right.

Jeff: when you say blue

Collar, what does that mean?

I'm proud of what I do and I

Love my job.

Jeff: now, the no-colrars

The seem who say I don't so much

Want a building.

Not sure I'll get my hands dirty

Because I don't know what I'm

Going to do next because I'm a

Free spirit.

Who here feels I am a no-collar?

All right, right here.

You look the part right away.

There you go.

Jeff: what's your name?

Case expwhre.

Jeff: and that is part of

It, right, feeling free?

You're tattooing your body.

Yeah, doing what you want to

Do, free spirit.

Jeff: did you relate to


Is that really a state of mind


I think so, yeah, living life

As stress-free as possible.

It's kind of great.

Jeff: so whose philosophy

Is the best one, white collar,

Blue collar or no collar?

My collar.

I'd say no collar.

I think a lot of us probably

Wonder what the other collar

Would be like a little bit.

Jeff: well, this is what it


This is it to me.

We do this season.

It's going to be great.

I think you're going to love it.

This really is america, and it's

White collar versus blue collar

Versus noicaller.

It's february 25.

It's a 90-minute premiere,

Followed by the premiere "the

Amazing race."

It's going to be a great night.

I'm going to go on record saying

I think you will like this

Season a lot.

To celebrate our 30th season

We're going to commemorate a new

Buff-- nicely done, rob-- with

All 30 seasons' logos.

And just like if we were a

Daytime talk show, we have one

For everybody in the audience.

( Cheers and applause )

You can get your own.

And when we come back, natalie

Will experience something very

Few people get the chance to

Do-- hold a check for a million

Dollars with her name on it.

We'll be right back.

( Cheers and applause )

Jeff: all right.

Let's do this.

Stand up, natalie.

( Cheers )

There is a check in here for $1



Thank you, jeff!

Jeff: all right, if you

Want to be a contestant, go to

Survivor-- on "survivor," go to

Props from this season's show,

Proceeds go to stand up to


We'll see you back here february

25 For "survivor: white collar

Versus blue collar versus no


Good night and thank you for

Watching every season.

See you next year.
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