29x07 - Million Dollar Decision

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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29x07 - Million Dollar Decision

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor": hunahpu was


We're down to just, like, a

Hand full of rice.

Jeff: and decided to trade

Nearly everything for a bag of


I want your tarp, pillowes,

Blankets, you are starting over.

And no one felt it more than


I can't do this all night.

I can't.

Last night was the hardest night

Of my life.


Jeff: but despite losing

Everything-- do they have it


Hunahpu won the immunity


They do.

Hunahpu wins once again.

We can't catch a break.

It is frustrating.

Jeff: back at camp, dale

Was in trouble and hoped his

Fake immunity idol could keep

Him in the game.

If I'm not voted out tonight,

I'll give you my idol.


Right now I'm bartering that

Idol for votes.

Jeff: worried that the idol

Was real, the majority alliance

Decided to split the vote

Between dale and their ally,


Three votes dale two keith.

I'm sad about that, but

Better keith than me.

Jeff: and at tribal

Council-- keith.

Keith was shocked to get votes.

But in the end, it was dale who

Was sent home.

Dale, you need to bring me your


Dale, the tribe has spoken.

Leaving keith confused and in

The dark.

12 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Last night, we voted dale

Out, but there had been so much

Paranoia and talk of him having

An idol, we decided baylor and I

Would write keith, but I knew it

Wasn't going to sit pretty.

No one likes to have their name

Written down.

Keith, I want to talk about last


I feel like I kept something

From you, and if you were in the

Same position as me and you had

Wes over here and I was by

Myself, and you thought there

Was even a shot that dale was

Going to show up with an idol, I

Was trying to flush it.

Because I didn't want him to

Send her home.

And I I didn't want to go home

But I wasn't sure the who heck

He was going to put down.

You could have let me know.

When I saw my name come up twice

At tribal I said, "what in the


Are you kidding me?

My name wasn't in the plan.

Dimiss the memo?

What if dale would have vote for


It would have been 3-3.

We would have done a revote

And we all would have voted for


Dale was always who we wanted

To go home.

More lying.

I mean, we don't have to lie.

I know.

Every other breath we don't

Have to lie.

I'm telling you, you were a

Big part of this.

I think we could make this

Happen but when stuff like that

Happens, it makes you feel like

I ain't too sure.

It was missy and baylor that

Voted for me and they give me

Some lame excuse.

Well, I need somebody that stays


I'm done with you all.

I'll leave you hanging high and


We got tree mail!

Oh, my god.

"Gather your valuable belongs

And follow the map to the

Headland trail.

Continue to the top of the hill

Where you will receive further




We made it guys.

Let's pack up.

That's crazy.


We got our tree mail that

Basically said we were merged.

It was a mixed emotion feeling

At that point because we needed

To get rid of jeremy, and we

Didn't do it when we had the

Chance because we have not gone

To tribal with this full tribe.

Now it makes it a little more

Precarious to get jeremy out,

But we can to this.

Alex and wes are totally on

Board with us, and keith would

Easily come over.

That's five.

In this game I say you have

Ups and downs and ups and downs.

I was down.

We're merging, boyses.

Time to run the game.


And at hunahpu, reed and

Josh were in charge.

And they ran it.

And I took a backseat, and

That's all right.

You know, you guys have your


Let's do this.

But it's merge time.

Now it's time to vote, and I

Want to crush them.

Captioning sponsored by

Survivor productions, cbs

Gather your valuable

Belongings and follow this map

To the headland trail."

Oh, my god!

We're merging.

I don't want to leave.


We got tree mail and it said,

"Pack your things.

We are merging."

Nobody wants to date somebody

That doesn't make it to the


We can still date each other

Because we still want to--

I'm excited.

It's a milestone for me and jon

To make the merge together.

We never thought this would have


Good-bye, coyopa.

And now here we are both

Going into it day 16 of the

Merge, once we get to the

Other side we'll feel it out

Because we are definitely

Keeping our options open.

Coming into the merge, it's a

Whole new chapter.

You're all coming back together.

You're trying to figure out what

Still stands and what disspated

And there's this blood versus

Water element.

You have a natural alliance

Built in that is so apparent,

And you have people who don't

Have their loved ones in the

Game anymore so it will be two

Interesting to see what happens.

( Cheers )


I love food!

Guys, this is totally worth

All the suffering.

I'm dying right now!

> Having absolutely nothing for

16 Days and then seeing this

Giant feast waiting, and it's

Got cheese and trail mix and

Booze and lobster and shrimp and

It's awesome!


Congratulations on making it

To the merge, guys.

Such a milestone, making the


Literally and mentally.

On our previous tribe, we

Just had one couple and that was

Reed and josh.

That was a little annoying, you

Know, kind of seeing them having

Their lovers' vacay.

Now we are merged and have

Multiple loved one together and

It's really tough on me because

I miss my boyfriend john.

I kind of want to separate

Myself from the group and go cry

A little bit.

"Congratulations, you are


Enjoy your celebration then head

Your new home, the former coyopa


The game continues."



We're going green, guys.

That feast was the number one

Highlight of this game so far.

Everything was great.

We had to take all the food left

Home tow we could have a feast

Tomorrow, too.

I'm taking all of this.

Yeah, julie, good call.

I'm excited to play with wes.

It's been 16 days, and yeah it

Was good to see him.

When she was born, I was,

Like, divorced.

I could care less about missy

And baylor.

I need two more guys over

Here on this.

The game all of a sudden

Slike, speeding.

Because you're doing so much,

You're going through exhaustion.

You're going through just mental

Mind craziness.

And then to add on to all that,

The elements out here.

It's not easy.

Are you good?

But now we're merged.

And it's a little daunting with

So many people, and it's a

Little scary, and it's a little

Uncomfortable because this is

Where you make or break if

You're going to have the numbers

For the rest of this game.

Welcome home, guys.

We're each other's loved


The merge is a milestone, but

I think even more than that,

This is where the game starts.

Like, the first half of the game

Is those are prelimbs, you know.

This is the total different

Level of play.

Like, we have to all step our

Games out.

How are you doing?

Everything good?

Yeah, these days are tough,

To see everybody with their


I know, right.

It makes it so--

It hurts.

It ain't right.

It ain't right at all.

Just know whatever you're

Feeling, I've got the same



The only way I'm going to

Continue on in this case game is

If I can keep numbers so I have

Myself, nat, always julie.

Julie's just our number.

Now I need to get two couples,

Jon-jaclyn, and missy and


What's the deal?

What have you got over here?

Obviously, missy and us are

Still cool.


But wes is down with?


And josh is running



Josh is on his game right


As soon as I got here, there

Were a few people I wanted to

Talk to, but jon was number one

On the list.

So we got the four that were

Here right.


At least.

And then at least you and

Natalie and julie.


So we have seven.

So so we vote josh.

The first vibe I got from jon

Was a good job.

He has jaclyn.

I said we're good.

We're back together.

We're movinged for.

Okay, what's happening?

So we're good.

Okay, good.

We have nate, julie, you,

Baylor, and we've still got jon

And jaclyn.

So we've got seven.

Yeah, yeah.

We're good.

I know we're good.

We've been that way since the


I'm glad to have you back!

Missy's been with me since

Day one.

I know I have missy and missy

Will bring baylor.

We have seven.

That's all we need.

We need to come up with

Another tribe name.


A combination of the tribes.


Alliances are crazy right

Now, and there's a lot of mayhem

And a love talking going on.

I think jeremy's been talking to


He's just trying to gather his

Troops around because he knows

It could be the couples.

Hashtag huoyopa.


The goal is to make sure

Jeremy doesn't get the numbers

Before we get the numbers.

Because because if not, I'm


All right.

That was a good one.

Yes, it was.

Happy birthday.

Thank you, josh.

First person to tell me that.

And I've been talking to him all


It's wesley's birthday today.

As a matter of fact I woke up

This morning and forgot all

About it and josh wished him

Happy birthday before I did.

Here you go, happy birthday.

Roasted you a crab.

You got one for real.

Don't ever say your dad

Didn't provide for you.

Enjoy your crab in nicaragua.

I did forget for a minute, but

No big deal, I did remember and

Wished him a happy expwgd

Everything is good, happy

Birthday right here on the


Just don't understand how

People are not seeing what

Jeremy is doing.

I give him props because he's

Doing a great job.

You know what I mean?

There are four people who are

Singles, and eight people who

Are couples.

So I'm thinking, why don't we

Stick together as couples and be

Able to get down to numbers with

The people we love.

I'm gonna guilty on baylor



She really does owe me one,

Like, and I'm gonna call her out

On the fact that we've had an

Alliance from the beginning.


Right now, my tightest

Alliance is me and reed, alec,

Wes, and keith.

But that's still five.

We need at least seven.

So I think I can still get

Baylor to vote with me because I

Did save her once.

And missy is going to transfer

With baylor to me.

I'm excited to see you.

Dude, me, too.

Are we still good?

As far as I know.

What do you mean?


I mean--


Oh, my god, your hair.

I know.

I love it.

And with you we have the


Oh, dang.

It's difficult because my mom

Has a bunch of alliances.

I only have one strong one with


And and she's with jon, jaclyn,

Jeremy, natalie.

And being aligned with josh

Still is really difficult for me

Right now.

We're gonna have to have four


You don't want to side with the

Single players because then

You're going to be targeted.

Starting out the game, me and

Josh immediately aligned.

And he pretty much protected me.

That's what's hardest for me is

Being like, thank you so much

For helping me.

Now I have to vote you out.

I need to digest and come back

To life and I'm going to get

Back in with life and you.

No, no, totally, just want

You to know I still have your


I chatted with barely and I'm

Like I saved your life now we

Come over here and you're going

To ignore that completely?

I I honestly, was a little hurt.

It feels sketchy?

Yes, very sketchy.

That's because she's here

With missy.

I know, but it's our only

Case right now.


Josh came up to me already

And he he was like.

Are we good?

And I said as far as I know.

He said me and you.

That's going to really make me


I'm going to have to have a

Conversation josh, mom.

He said I have your back.

Me and reed have your back.


You're going to have to be a

Little bit phony.

I know I'm going to have to

Be phony but I want to make sure

He will respect me in the end

For voting him out.

He will respect you as a

Player when you blindside him.

Just say I was with my mom.

You and him are equal but

You're my mom and I'm going to

Go with you,ob.

Baylor is 20, and sometimes

She acts like she's 30, and

Sometimes she acts like she's


She has this need to please.

But she's going to have to

Figure out how to handle her

Heart because she does have a

Sweetheart, when it comes down

To voting reed or josh out.

Okay, you have to do what I said

Because I've already talked to

Jeremy and he and I are still

Like that, like we were at the



Baylor-- baylor, we have the

Bers and josh know knows and and

Josh is freaking out.

It doesn't matter.

It's a game.

Suck it up.

Just smile, and be like, "oh,

Yeah, that sounds great.

I'll talk to my mom."


But just smile to everybody

Right now.

I know she respects me, but

The difference to me is she's

Coming to me and asking me

Questions and it feels pretty


It's like, okay, yeah, I've made

Some bad decisions in my life

And she had to stand by and

Watch them and I feel pretty

Crappy about that.

No mom is proud to be divorced

One, two, or three times and

Especially having to have your

Kid watch you go through it.

But I get to redeem myself and

She's watching it.

She's back to being my kid and

She's listening to me.

I'm like trust me on this.

Follow my lead.

Get in the back seat and let me


We're going to head down this

Path and we'll be fine but you

Have to listen to me.

I feel like the time that

Bail office away from me, that

She really got under her mom's

Influence in diverting her away

From myself and reed so now I

Have no other option.

Besides jon and jaclyn, we have

To make a play for these people

Or we will be out of the


I think that looks really


That is really cool.

I like the colors.

Hey, you guys can I just say

Something to you.


Reed and I really would love

To work with you guys.

We feel like getting in bed with

Jeremy, I think he is gonna be

The strongest competitor.

He's the one working with the


He's the one talking to.



You know what I mean and so

Just in a perspective thing, who

Do you think they're going to

Give a million dollars to, two

Broadway guys who are very

Successful or a fireman who has

Two kids?

I know.

So that's my plea to you


Yeah, thanks for coming over.

And I just wanted to let you

Guys know that's where my head's



Hey, missy.


Josh approached jaclyn and i,

And said,un," we would love to

Work with you."

He pretty much said,"look, we

Want to get to the final three

But we don't think we're going

On to actually be the ones to

Win it.

Once again we find ourselves in

The middle.

It seems jaclyn and I became a

Power couple once the tribe swap


Two couples, we were kind of in

The middle and both of them

Needed our help so we're being

Given a lot of opportunities to

Control our fate.

This vote is huge.

Yeah, this is the decision.

Josh and reed seemed

Legitimately tied to keeping

Couples could would give us the

Top six.

But they make ( bleep ) stuff


They're broadway stars.

It's true.

I don't know.

It's the exact same story again

With me and jon.

We are for sure in the middle.

So it's, like which way do me

And jon go?

This is like a big decision.

I know.

It's really stressful because

One wrong vote could be a

Million-dollar decision.

I know that everybody is

Looking out for any food that's

Just laying around, and at this

Point I still have a little

Trail mix I took from feast but

I'm keeping them in my bag and

Now I feel a little guilty.

I feel like I need to throw it

Out because everybody has

Munched out on everything they

Had already.

If I showed everybody what I had

It would be gone like that.

I was smart enough to gather it,

So it's mine.

I have some some of the

Leftover nuts and apricots and

Dates, and I'll share with who I


Where is julie?

On a walk, I think.

Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

Shut up!

You gotta be kidding me!

Missing trail mix.

We found out julie has it in her

Bag, the smallest girl here, it

Is one of the most selfish

Things you could do in

"Survivor" I feel like.

So a lot of people are pissed

Off at her for that, and we're

Probably going to take it from

Her bag and eat it all.

Oh, my gosh.

Bail ohurry, hurry!

Give me some!

There is so much in there.

I am beyond mad.

What a selfish little-- ooh!

At home, okay, you take trail

Mix, no big deal.

It's trail mix.

Who cares?

Here, we don't have anything to


She's selfish, and she's awful,

And I can't trust somebody in my

Alliance who is stealing

People's food.

It's ridiculous.

Jon, breathe.

Deep breaths.

Is she coming back?

Oh, my god.

That's unacceptable to me.

Why does she think she's so

Much better than us and she can

Do that.

It was the weirdest thing I

When I walked back up to camp it

Was literally, like, you could

Slice tension with a knife.

I'm a pretty observant


It doesn't take a brilliant

Person to figure out what's

Going on right here.

Like, so entitled.

I feel like some of my tribe

Mates know I was hoarding or

Stealing trail mix, and right

Now I feel like I've got a fire

Under my butt.

So things don't look so good for

Me right now.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

I'm definitely in the most

Precarious situation I've been

In, in this game yet.

Without jon and jaclyn on board,

It's still not a majority.

I think my name will be on the

Chopping block, so I'm just

Going to go out there and try to

Win and fight to the end.

Jeff: all right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge.


Jeff: first things first,

Baylor, tribal immunity is no


This is what you covet.

So beautiful!

Jeff: it is beautiful.

Individual immunity.

With this around your neck, are

You safe in this game.

Without it, you could be in


Shall we get to it.



Jeff: for today's

Challenge, you are going to

Balance a ball on a disk

Attached to ropes.

At regular intervals, you will

Move your hands farther back on

The rope making it more

Difficult to balance.

After 25 minutes, we will add a

Second ball.

If at any point your ball drops,

You're out of the challenge.

Last person left standing wins

Immunity, safe from the vote,

Losers go to tribal council, and

Somebody will be voted out of

This game.

We'll draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right, everybody looks good.

This challenge is on.

There's nowhere that your ball

Will sit perfectly still.

It is up to you to keep it


And you have two ropes.

If you move one just a little

More than the other, that will

Cause movement.

You not only have to contend

With balancing it.

You're going to have to battle

The wind, which could come up

Out of nowhere.

Jewel wea little movement.

Alec with a little movement.

Nice recoveries.

A little bit of wind coming up.

Jeremy out of nowhere, ball

Drops, jeremy out, no sh**t


That's how quickly it can


You have to keep your


Over and over and over and over,

Keeping reminding yourself this

Round will last 10 minutes.

Survive this, move on to the

Next round.

O one minute left in this round.

And just like that, missy is out

Of the challenge.

Julie drops out of challenge.

Julie has no shot at immunity.

Jaclyn's ball is on the move.

Alec's ball is now moving.

15 Seconds left in this round.

Just hang on.

Keep that ball on the disk.

10 Seconds left.






Everybody's safe.

You can drop your ropes.

Move on to the next round.

Okay, everybody is set for the

Second round.

This challenge is back on.

You're now at the farthest end

Of the rope.

You're about six feet away from

Your ball.

This will be the toughest part

Of the challenge yet.

A little wind coming up again.

This is not easy to do.

Especially from this far away.

Reed's ball starts to move.

Reed can't recover.

Reed is out.

Baylor's ball-- nice recovery by


It's on the move again.

She can't recover this time.

Baylor's out.

Another gust of wind.

And this gust of wind takes alec

Out of the challenge.

Jaclyn's ball is on the move.

Nice save by jaclyn but she

Can't do it again.

Jaclyn is out.

We are down to five.

Another gust of wind.

Big wind, the biggest thus far.

Natalie's ball is moving.

Huge gust of wind.

Natalie can't do it.

Natalie is out of the challenge,

No shot at immunity.

We're down to four.

Josh, wes, keith, and jon.

Everybody looking very steady.

10 Minutes left in this round.

We will add a second ball.

10 Seconds left in this round.

Hang on here and you make it to

The final part of this


Five seconds.





Everybody release, you're



Job, guys.

Good job.

Jeff: all right, everybody

Now has two balls on their disk.

This challenge is back on and

It's going to get really tricky

Very quickly.

Josh just like that is out of

The challenge.

We're down to three.

It is wes and his dad, keith,

And jon.

With the wind coming up again.

Jon's ball is on the move.

Jon is out of the challenge.

We're down to father and son.

It is keith and wes.

Immunity on the line.

Keith, his ball is on the move.

Wes' ball is on the move.

Wes struggling to hang in there.

That ball moving toward the


Keith's ball now moving toward

The edge.

Wes is out.

Keith wins first individual


( Cheers and applause )



Dude, that was insane.

You blew it!

You can't even beat your old


Jeff: keith, come on over.

( Applause )

Oh, man!

All right!

Jeff: first individual

Immunity win, safe tonight at

Tribal council, cannot be voted

Out of this game.

As for the rest of you, after 18

Very tough days, somebody going

Home tonight.

Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

See you tonight at tribal.


Thank you.

It's crazy.

I won immunity.

It come down to me and wesley.

I'm not ready to turn over the

Reigns to him, but tonight is


We'll know exactly where

Everybody stands after tonight's


Challenge, first one out, this

Is ridiculous.

I thought I'd k*ll these


I'm terrible at these


Well done!


I was out before an old guy.

It was fun to watch you and

Your dad.

A mom.

She's really playing hard,


She's over there tanning.

Jewel-- I was out before


I was out before julie.


But going into the tribal

Council tonight, I feel like I'm


I feel like we have the numbers.

Oh, baby I know.

I hear ya.

It's so hot.

I can't even drink it yet.

I sure would love the trail


I heard alec's little punk

Butt saying something about

Trail mix.

I'm definitely angry, but I

Don't know what I'm going to do.

I'm just-- I'm really lost.

I'm feeling really low.

I'm feeling lost and confused.

The past three, four days

I've just kind of, like-- it's

Just tough.

I feel like I'm not-- I'm almost

Every night not quite able to

Get my head back in the game.

I don't know-- I don't know.

You feel like yicy.

A little bit.

You feel like done.



Remember you had a tougher time

Than other people because john

Got voted out super early.

It is difficult with all this

Here when everybody has their

Loved one.

I know.

Well, I'm your loved one.

I know, I know.

Hang in there.

I just don't know what to do

Because I'm a little-- I'm not


My head's kind of telling me


Get out?


Don't do it yet.

Just because I know there's

So much more to endure.

There is.

I feel like if I don't get a

Little space I'm going to lose

My ( bleep ) mind.

She stole food and put

It in her bag and didn't share

With anybody and it's obnoxious,

It is.

Julie goes home and it messes us


One mess-up vote at tribal

Throws this plan into the


Let's not do it tonight.

Can you wait one more day?


Can we get through this plan?


I needed to talk to somebody.

I felt like I could talk to

Missy, but when she told me to

Stick it out, "I'm here for you.

I'm your loved one.

I'm your loved one when john's


Just do this.

We need you."


Yeah, hugs.

I get it.

I'm a smart gal.

They need me to get further

Based on using me.

I'm not going to hate them for


It's the way the game goes.

I can see what that is and I can

Make a decision right now based

On what I need.

They're still after you hard


They're going to be pretending

Julie, but it doesn't matter.

What's their reasoning to say


They said you're going to win

All of the individual immunity


Don't they know-- I suck at

These immunity challenges?

Like I'm out first,un what I


Yeah, you were.

They're just making stuff up.

You know what I mean?


But they don't have numbers,

So it doesn't matter.

Yeah it, doesn't matter.

Josh is the only one in

Josh' alliance that is playing

The game.

If you take him out, it's over.

We just go on josh.

That's what everybody has been


All right.

This is my home turf.

But I have to give jeremy props

Because he is playing this game,

And actually, he's playing it


It just is opposite to what I'm

Doing, so it's frustrating.


We have to get jaclyn and


It would make sense to go

Couples together and singles


Blood versus water.

That's what this game is about.

Why don't we get rid of the

People who don't have their

Loved ones anymore?

We don't stick together and

Jeremy-- if he gets five votes

And doesn't get votedded off

He's goin to be pissed and

Coming after every one of us.

And jeremy is going to be

Take out the couples.

Is he.

And we also get to be here

With our loved one and having a

Loved one makes it more of a

Calm rawdy thing.

Then once we get it down to

Eight we'll duke it out.

I'm in.

I love this plan.

After looking at the options,

Feeling out the people, I've

Found myself making a complete

180 In terms of what alliances

I am supporting.

The more I think about it, I

Just can't trust jeremy.

We're not going with him?


We'll get jeremy out tonight.

Oh, my gosh.

Blindside him.

Are we really?

Like, I feel like that's huge.


That we're going the other

Way now.

I don't even want to jump,

It's just the best thing for our


Another I feel good about

That, yeah.


It looks like we're going to

Be going on the couples train,

And voting jeremy out tonight.

It's going to suck because I

Really like jeremy, but we've

Got to do, this we gotta do it.

That suction.


I preached against jumping ship

Before because if you jump ship

You're going to be on the bottom

Of the totem pole, but we are a


So I'm going with josh, reed,

Alec, wes, and keith has more

Long-term potential with fewer

Bumps in the road.

Where's julie?

With her bag.

She walked that way.

I think she totally heard me

Just hating on her.

She definitely heard you.

Well, it needed to happen.

Somebody needed to say it, so I

Did it.

You guys all thought it, and I

Said it.

Damn it.

I don't think she'll quit.

She told me she wouldn't quit,


She said she wouldn't wouldn't.

I never thought in my wildest

Dreams that blood versus water

Would be this difficult.

It has been the longest three

Weeks of my life away from the

Man I love.

And it's, lieb, taking a toll on


Hey, jeff.

Thanks for coming out.

Jeff: what's going on?

Um, I've kind of lost my head

The past three, four days, and

I've been trying my best to

Regroup and shake my head back

In but I haven't quite got back


And to be here with all of these

Couples, it brings me right back

To I was doing this whole thing

With john.

And being here with all of these

People that are in love, are

Family members, it's-- it's that

Much more difficult on top of

Everything else that's


Jeff: tell me about your

Relationship with john.

Are you guys always together?

This summer's three years,

And we have not gone more than

Four days without seeing each

Glrg so you're in a relationship

In which being apart is just not

What we do, and so suddenly the

Thought of being out here

Another 21 days is--


Jeff: overwhelming.

Overwhelming is the word.

Jeff: but kids go to summer

Camp longer than we're out here.


Jeff: they leave their



Jeff: parents let their

Kids go.


Jeff: we know that we can

Leave people that we love.

Sure, sure.

Jeff: so is part of this

That you feel you're already out

Of the game?


Jeff: so you're for people

To say julie, it sounds like

You're giving up because you

Think you're out and you just

Want to be with john.

I came in here day one being


I'm judged constantly.

Jeff: why do you think

You're judged so quickly?

Maybe they see me as somebody

They can't approach, or somebody

They can't trust because I take

Care of myself.

Maybe it seems I wouldn't be

Down to earth, maybe too vain.

And they're talking about my

Boobs, like making jokes, like

Mean girls.

Jeff: so the fact that you

Think you're pretty much on the

Verge of being vote out and your

Man's not here-- I'm done.

And I can't stay here because

Missy says, "we need you."

I know why you need me.

It's because you want me to be

Here to help you get further in

The game.

But I'm compromising what I feel

I need right now.

Jeff: and what about people

Rowhoare in an alliance with you

And the fact if they are, they

Just lost a member jai feel very

Built about that, I do.

Jeff: it is quite possibly

A million-dollar quit for

Someone else.

It makes me feel awful but I

Cannot compromise what I'm

Needing right now based on what

They need because I don't know


Jeff: all right, julie.

So officially, you're quitting

The game.


Jeff: okay.

18 Days, your adventure is over.

I'll go let the tribe know.

Another thank you.

Okay, something's happening.

Jeff: guys, come on down

Out of the shelter.

There's a log up here.

Let's just sit on this.

All right, so, bad news and good


Bad news is if you were in an

Alliance with julie, you just

Lost a member.

Julie is quitting the game.


As soon as jeff says julie's

Gone, I instantly think about

The numbers.

She was my number.

I needed that.

So now I could be going home


How can somebody do that?

Jeff: some people

Disappointed, some people


I'm just sad because I talked

To her last today.

You know, I don't take any

Responsibility for it but I wish

I could have talked to her one

More time.

Jeff: josh, it's a

Complicated game.

On one happened, you don't want

Somebody to quit, especially if

You're the person that's in an

Alliance with them.

On the other hand, my odds just

Got better by one.

It's exactly right.

Your chances just got better in

That case, unless she was your

Only alliance, and then, of

Course, maybe you think you're

Screwed after that.

Julie quit the game, which puts

Jeremy and that alliance a

Little more at an ease because

They have one less number.

And I'm happy about that because

Our odds are better at tribal

Tonight to get jeremy out.

Jeff: jeremy, what does it

Say about those who just give


It's ridiculous.

And it pisses me off when people

Quit as it is you know what I


We're trying to make her

Comfortable and give her food,

Keep her warm at night.

It's just ridiculous.


And it seems like julie had

Life the easiest of anybody

Around here because she did


You know?


She dug herself a bit of a


She dug herself nay hole.

Jeff: do you think, jaclyn,

Parent of the reason she quit is

She felt she was in a hole?

Yeah, it probably had a big


After the merge feast we had,

She dump aid bunch of trail mix

In her bag and hid it from

Everybody and we found it today.

I mean, food is huge out here,

And if you just, like, take

Something and hide it from

Everybody and keep it it to

Yourself, like, it makes people


Jeff: so, jon, do you think

Part of this might be she feared

She was going home?

I think even more so it's

That she was just so scared of

Living up to the fact that, oh,

Yeah, I am a selfish person.

I don't think she could deal

With it.

Jeff: all right, there is

Good news.

No tribal council.

Which means, somebody maybe just

Got a million-dollar break.

Guys, have a good night.

I hope you stay dry.

The game continues.

Thanks, jeff.

Thanks, jeff.

Jeff: all right.

I do feel like with julie's

Early exit, it was not on our

Side because we wanted to get

Jeremy out right then, and that

Plan was solid, it seemed like.

But jeremy hopefully is on

Borrowed time right now, and I

Don't think he even realized.

I think he thinks reed or myself

Would be gone today, and there

Was a 20% chance of that

Happening, but I think there was

An 80% chance of jeremy leaving.

Yeah, julie kind of messed it


I wanted josh out of the game.

I feel like it bothered me more

Than anybody else.

I'm really upset that she left

Because she really messed up my


Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff:next time on


You want some fish?

I mean, this ain't no charity


Jeff: it's the I battle of

The sexes and it hits jon and

Jacklin the hardest.


Jon just doesn't care.

Jaclyn is not on the same

Page as I am.

Somebody is not going to be


This has been mentally

Exhausting and I think I will

Have to deal with a lot of

Backlash but I was the one here

I was the one close to


I was the one missing my loved

Ones with no communication for

Three weeks.

Only I know how tough this was
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