29x04 - We're a Hot Mess

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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29x04 - We're a Hot Mess

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor," for keith,

Everything was going right.

Heck, yeah.

Jeff: he found a clue to a

Hidden immunity idol, and after

Protecting val at exile, he

Gained an ally in her husband


I owe you anyway.

He's a firefighter.

I'm a firefighter.

The fire department is a


Jeff: but the rest of his

Tribe was struggling.

We have lost our flint.

Jeff: john lost the flint

And drew simply lost his energy.

I don't understand how you

Come on here and you don't pull

You own weight.

Jeff: but at the last

Immunity challenge --

Come on, guys!

-- They beat coyopa again.

Hunahpu wins for the third

Straight time.

And finally john r's past caught

Up with him.

If you were a man, I would

Knock your teeth out.


Jeff: at tribal council,

Coyopa continued to fall apart.

I think we should throw one

Of the guys out.

Jeff: the men's alliance


And john wasn't the only one

Blind sided.

Well played.

Jeff: 15 are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

We got rid of the athlete,

But we weren't winning anyway.

At tribal john got voted out.


Kudos to the team.

He was the biggest, strongest

Guy on our tribe, but I feel

Like more importantly you have

To have a positive team, so

John's attitude, being removed,

Will help us.

Unfortunately that leaves dale

On the outs.

Dale, I probably would have

Told you that's what we were

Doing, but I don't know what you

Would have done.

Probably not much I could

Have done.

I'm not trying to defend john.

He told me right off the bat, I

Have a short temper, always


That's not what we are.

I probably get comfortable in

Our five-guy alliance and let

The social game slide.

I have to put more effort into

Building trust with people.

Because as of now, if we lose

The next individual immunity,

I'm toast.

Have a seat.


Oh, man.

It's a beautiful day in the


Oh, my gosh.

What happened?

I just followed -- found the


No way?

It was right here.

I didn't feel like we were

That dumb the leave it in the

Fire pit.

I didn't feel like I was that


I don't know if I'm happy or

Very mad.

The other day we lost our

Fint and we had to forfeit our

Fishing gear to get new one.

It really aggravated me because

I'm a big fisherman.

I definitely could provide for

The tribe, but now I'm literally

Starving to death.

We need that fishing gear.

You know what I'm saying?

Can we barter with jeff?

We're not going to trade it


I don't think he'll barter.

I don't care.

Drew's a lot of talk, let's

Be honest.

He says he can do all these

Amazing things and then he

Sleeps for four hours.

All we keep hearing from gear,

Fishing gear, fishing gear, we

Should have got the fishing


The fishing gear is gone.

It's not like every time we get

The choose fishing gear.

Eating the same portions at a

100-Pound girl is really k*lling

Me, so I think I'll be balls up

And say, work with me, jeff.

That's what a good leader does.

You have to make decisions that

Nobody else has to do.

It's hard to drag these people

Along and not get much in

Return, but the thing, is

Without me, these people would

Be nothing.

You know?

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Hunahpu getting your first look

At the new coyopa tribe.

John voted out at the last

Tribal council.

Julie, your tribe applauded.

They stood up.

I'm not surprised.

I've kind of created a shell

Because I saw kind of how he was

Going the play the game, and I

Knew if he continued that way I

Had to just be blind to it and

Be here with my team and stand

On my own two feet.

Jeff: all right.

You guys ready to get to your

Next reward challenge?

One thing before we get going...


Do you have the flint in your


Nobody else on my team had

The courage to bring this up.

We found our other flint.

This one hasn't...



This one has not been struck one


I was wondering if there was

Some reasonable trade we could

Do, maybe half the fishing gear,

Maybe just a mask, a snorkel and

A spear, just something to put

Some food on the table.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: now because this one

Is city brand-new, basically

Straight out of the box, you

Want to make a return?

What's your return policy,


Jeff: well, it sounds




I feel like you're taunting


Jeff: I am taunting you.

Put the flint back.

You made the trade.

Shall we get to reward?

One person from each tribe will

Use a grappling hook to retrieve

Three bags of balls.

Once you have the balls, you

Will then use a catapult to

Launch those balls into a series

Of five baskets.

First person to get one ball in

Each basket wins reward for

Their tribe.

Want to know what you're playing



Once again you have a choice.

All the comfort items, hammock,

Blanket, pillows, or something

That might be a little more

Appetizing, campfire food --

Sausage, popcorn, s'mores.

Great way to celebrate a


Yes, yes, yes.

Jeff: we're going to rock,

Paper, scissor to see who gets

The advantage of putting up


Paper covers rock.

Hunahpu gets the advantage of

Putting up first.

Jon is going to go up against


Take your spots.

We'll get started.

Here we go.

It is girlfriend versus


Exile island for the loser.

Survivors ready?


Jaclyn out first.

Jaclyn with a nice toss.

That should bring back one bag.

Jaclyn has her first bag.

Jon a little short.

That's a girl's throw, jon.

Jeff: now the taunting


Love your dad, kelley.

Give another good toss, girl.

Jeff: jaclyn with another

Nice toss.

Jaclyn has her second bag.

Jon still working on his first.

Does he have it?


Jon has one.

Can he get two?

Just missed it.

Jon with his first bag.

Now big toss.


Jeff: jaclyn just misses on

Her third bag.

Jon with another nice toss.

This should be his second bag.

And it is.

There we go.

There we go.

Jeff: we are tied.

Quick, quick, quick, quick!

Jeff: jon with another good


Can he hook his third bag right


You got it.

Jeff: jon has his third


Jaclyn, can she make this one



Jon starting to untie.

Jon, you got it.

You're ahead.

You're ahead.

Jeff: jaclyn has some great

Momentum, but it is gone.

Jon going to launch his first


You got to get a feel for it.

Jeff: taking aim.

Come on, jon-jon.

Jeff: just a little far.

Soft, jon.

Jeff: jon scores his first


Hunahpu has one.

There it is.

Jeff: jaclyn, nice toss.

Jaclyn has her third bag.

Jon with his second point.

Jaclyn's got to pick it up now.

Jon has a two-point lead.

Going for his third, taking aim.

Nice little kick.

Just a little much.

Come on, come on.

You got to start sh**ting them.

Jeff: jaclyn with her first


Jaclyn in and out.

Jon with his third point.

Coyopa once again falling


Jaclyn is still looking for her


There it is.

Jaclyn has her first point.

There you go.

Jon with his fourth.

Jon down to one left.

It is the most difficult one on

The course.

Jaclyn scores her second point.

Go, jaclyn, go, go, go!

Jeff: jaclyn needs to land

Another one quickly.

Jon for the win.

Just misses.

So close.

You're still in it.

You're still in it.

Jeff: jaclyn with her third


Quickly dwayneing on jon.

Jaclyn can tie it up right here.

Jaclyn scores her fourth.

We're tied 4-4!

The first in the basket wins.

Jon in and out of that center


That was beautiful, though.

Jeff: jaclyn just misses

For coyopa.

It's a race back now.

Who will get the ball in the air


That could be the difference.

Jon sliption and falls off,

Opening the door for jaclyn once


Jaclyn for the win.

Jaclyn just misses.

Jon could win it right here,

Send his girlfriend to exile


Jon scores for hunahpu.

Hunahpu wins reward and jon

Sends his girlfriend to exile


Jaclyn, that was so good.

Jeff: jon, you know you're

Sending your girlfriend to exile


You've heard the stories.

It's not pleasant.

It's hard to send her because

Of where she's going.

It's not easy.

But she can handle it.

Oh, yeah, I can handle it out


I mean, I'm afraid it's going to


I heard there's in shelter.

Jeff: it's a fact.

Well, there's no shelter and

It's really stormy looking right


Jeff: but it doesn't hurt

Your feelings that he says she

Can handle it?

I like the respects.

If he was scared out of his

Mind, it would discredit me.

She's able to take care of

Herself, that's why we have such

A great relationship, because we

Can care for each other so much.


Jeff: so big decision you

Have the make.

Who are you going to pick from

Your tribe to go to exile?

Drew is saying he wants to do


I trust drew.

He pulls his weight.

Jeff: all right, drew.

Come on down.

Thank you.

Good luck.

Jeff: all right.

Drew, jaclyn, you will head to

Exile island.

You will return in time for the

Next exile challenge.

Here's your map.

Good luck.

Bye, jaclyn.

Good job, drew.

Jeff: hunahpu, you have

Dominated, losing just one

Reward challenge.

Another big decision.

You have instant gratification



Or you have long-term



Yeah, long term.

You're going the choose


We have to get something we

Can share with drew when he

Comes back.

Jeff: all right.

Hunahpu, come get your reward.

Head out.

Coyopa, once again, have nothing

For you.

Grab your stuff, head back the


We're dying to win.

I want to win so bad.

We're desperate and continuing

To lose, we're on the ropes.

You know, are we going to be

Able to pick ourselves up or are

We going to be the worst tribe

In "survivor" history?

Who knows.

I thought that was going to

Be so much harder than it was,

Sending her to exile, but then

When I looked at her and she's

Smiling, she was fine.

Yeah, she's super tough.

She'll be all right.

I have mixed emotions on how

I feel about sending drew and

Jaclyn to exile.

He is somebody who I do trust,

But if drew is anything like he

Is at camp, jaclyn might be

Doing most of the firewood


But she's very strong, so I

Think she can handle somebody

Like drew.

I can't believe they did it.


Kicked john out.

I'm shocked.

It's tough to see him go.

It's playing that way, I'm glad

I don't have to be a bystander


Move on and let me play the game

And not have to worry about him.

I'm good.

Seeing my boyfriend john voted

Out was hurtful just to know

That everybody's just anti-john

Rocker, who is the love of my

Life, but things like this

Happen all the time with john,

Where he's automatically judged

From day one.

So I kind of prepared myself.

But to be without him right now

Is such a desperate feeling.

All I can do is just try my best

And get myself back in the game.

Being on exile island sucks

Because it's so hot and there's

No shelter.

It's rough out here.

I'll go right, you go left?


I got it the good thing about

Being here with jaclyn is I get

An awesome clue.

That's number one.

Number two, I got a pretty miss

Michigan-type looking chick out


You're a ladies man.


It seems to be a curse.

The fact that I'm a ladies' man

Seems to work to my advantage,

But I haven't been trying to

Work that angle too much.

Jaclyn is definitely very

Attractive looking, but I'm not

Out here looking for love,

Definitely not with one of my

Buddy's girls.

I'm really just out here trying

The strategize and manipulate


There's really nobody that's

Physically better than jon and I

On our team honestly, but I'm

Sceptical about the girls voting

Us out, so that's what we're

Trying to figure out how to get

There, one day at a time.

Alex told me his brother's a

Ladies' man, so I'm like, oh,

God, but I'm not worried about


I'm just thinking about the


So I just want the kind of

Figure out with drew what's

Going on and collaborate.

Something's going the happen

Because, you know, if we lose


We can't let you guys lose


We should throw the next game.

Are you considering that?

There's snakes on our team

That have to go.

I decided to throw the next

Immune 2eu challenge because all

Of the girls in my tribe seem

Untrustworthy to me.

They know in the long run they

Have no chance to compete

Against us.

I'd like the start whittling

Down the people on our tribe so

I can get myself forward and win

The million dollars.

Oh, yeah.

I could get used to this.

The other day on exile

Island, I got a clue there was

An idol over here by the well,

So I went up here digged around,

Kicked around to see if I

Couldn't find it.

I dug around the sand for about

30 Minutes, and I thought, I'm

Wasting my time.

Unfortunately it look like I'm a

Day late and a dollar short.

It looks like somebody's already

Been through there, so I'm

Thinking I might have got beat

To the punch.

Guys, here's the deal, I've got

A clue, and I kind of poked

Around just a few minutes ago,

And I didn't find nothing.

The only other person that could

Find it is the person that went

To exile island before me, and

That's jeremy.

So jeremy's got an idol.

Keep that in mind.

No, he did not?

No, he did not.

Who did he tell?

I'm thinking I have keith

With me, but now I find out he's

Telling everybody that I have

The idol.

I want you all the watch keith,

Like watch him searching all up

In here.

I saw that, too.

He got the clue, and then he's

Going the try to put it on me?

He's got a clue.

I'm pissed.

We're both firefighters.

I told you I have your back.

If you think I have an idol, why

Didn't you just come to me?

Don't you think that we're on

The same page and we could have

Used it together.

Why you got the play me?

I had his back.

Keith was chilling.

He wasn't on anyone's radar, but

Now I want him gone, because

Keith, you're a rat.

I've got to thinking, idols

Are important in this game.

I thought, all right, well,

We'll go back.

Maybe I wasn't due north or

Seven steps, so I just poked and

Prodded around a little more.

It's already done been found,

But obviously not.

As a matter of fact, it just

Kind of jumped out at me, kind

Of scared me.

I'm probably not going to tell

Anybody that I have the idol

Because the last thing I need is

A target on my back.

I'm not a brain surgeon, but if

Everybody thinks jeremy has it,

That could be good for me.

Throw mail.


Wes, come here.

All right.

Go tell the other people.

You are being a woman right


Whenever something comes like


I did not.

Yeah, you did.

I don't like that.

That doesn't happen to me.

Oh, my goodness.

Alec feels like a little brother

Sometimes to me, even though

He's two years older.

He likes to boss me around a

Little bit, so I've had to bite

My tongue a bunch.

I'm like, hello, I'm not your


At tribal council we'll see

Another one leave.

Who will it be?

Swim, run, jerusalem and dive, a

Precision throw can keep you


Read it one more time.

I want to kansas trait on the

Words again.

At tribal council tonight we

Will see --

Baylor does things that get

On my nerves, and I'm not going

To get away with it.

She makes it seems like in her

Life everything is given to her,

Just like for drew, but she's

Not my brother, so I'm going to

Call her on every single thing

She does.

I want that.

We have the clean that guy.

Do you agree that something

Needs to be cleaned before we

Eat out of it?

Dump it out and rub it with


You won't have to do it


As a kid, my dad didn't go

Wake drew up to go wash cars

Because he knew drew wouldn't be

Worth a damn.

He came and woke me up.

I had to work hard for

Everything I've gotten.

I think in the end it's made me

A stronger person.

That's just how I grew up.

No worries.

My dad just called me on it.

Alec, I'm not going to let you

Do that.

So I'm not going to let you do

That either.


I think sharing some of that

Knowledge with others might be

What we need to do, get

Everybody on the same page and

Just believe that we can beat

The other tribe.

David can beat goliath.

Jeff: all right.

Before we get to the challenge,

We'll bring in drew and jaclyn

Returning from exile island.

Am I going to throw the

Challenge today?

That is the million dollar


People will hate me for doing

That, but I could care less.

Sometimes you got to do what you

Got to do to get things done.

Welcome back, girl.

Hi, guys.

You guys ready to get to your

Next immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first,

Take back the immunity idol.

Thank you.

Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, one

Person from each tribe will swim

Out, race up a platform, dive

Into the water to retrieve a

Ring, bring it back.

Then the next person goes.

Once you collect it, all four

Rings, the two remaining tribe

Members will attempt to land

Those rings on posts.

First tribe to finish wins

Immunity, is safe from the vote.

Losers go to tribal council

Where somebody will be voted


Coyopa has yet to win an

Immunity challenge.

Hunahpu has yet to lose.

Hunahpu, you have three extra

People, sitting three people


Who is it going to be?

Kelley going to sit out, jon

Going to sit out and jeremy

Going to sit out.

Interesting choices.

Three sitouts, you'll join me

Over here.

Everyone else, give you a minute

To strategize and we'll get


All right.

Here we go.

For immunity.

Survivors ready?


All right, missy and baylor in

The water first.

Mother and daughter squaring off


Get up there.

Go, go, go!



Come on, missy.

Jeff: both going for those

First rings.

Three knots, untie them and head


Baylor has hers.

She's heading back.

Missy has hers.

She's heading back.

Come on, missy.

Come on, miss.

Jeff: now you have the

Climb back up that ladder and

Race back down the platformment

Baylor racing back with that

First ring for coyopa.

Missy racing back with first

Ring for hunahpu.

Okay, miss.

Here we go, here we go, here

We go.

Jeff: baylor's back.

Jaclyn now in the water for


Reed now in the water for


Come on, jackie.

Run and jump.

Go, reed.

Go, reed!

Jeff: jaclyn and reed both

Heading for those second rings.

It's a little longer swim this


Reed has his ring.

He's heading back.

Jaclyn has hers.

She's heading back.

Go, jackie!

Come on, jac.

Make up that time.

Jeff: hunahpu back in the


Jaclyn back in the water.

Reed is back.

Natalie now in the water for


Jaclyn back.

Alec in the water for coyopa.

Alec picking up a lot of time.

That is how you do it!

Natalie working on that third

Ring for hunahpu.

She's got it.

Heading back.

Alec working on the third ring

For coyopa.

He's got it.

He's heading back.

Come on, alec!

Jeff: alec has made up a

Lot of time in this round.

They both come up.

We're dead even again.

Alec now puts coyopa back in the


Get him on that platform.

Wes in the water for coyopa.


Jeff: keith in the water

For hunahpu.

Father-son in this last battle

For a ring.

They're not messing around.

Keith moving quickly in the


Wes has the fourth ring for


Keith has the fourth ring for


Nices tos from wes.

Coyopa has all four.

They have their two rebounders


Now dale will start tossing.

Keith moving quickly in the


You've got to get the ring back.

Keith back with that fourth ring

For hunahpu.

Hunahpu now puts their

Rebounders in.

One ring at a time.

You got to get the ring back.


Jeff: coyopa scores their

First ring.

My shot now.

Now it's my shot.

Just keep firing.

Jeff: drew with another


Coyopa scores their second ring.

Drew scores for hunahpu.

Coyopa short.


Jeff: oh, same ring.

Figure it out.

Drew misses again.

Coyopa scores another.

Coyopa leads with three.

They're down to one left.

Drew is single handedly losing

This for his tribe.

This could do it.

Coyopa, that is it.

Coyopa wins their first immunity



Oh, my gosh!

I knew it!

Sorry, guys.

Jeff: coyopa, who wants it?

Grab it.

Jeff: coyopa, no tribal

Council for the first time in

This game.

Enjoy the night off.

Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

All right.

Hunahpu, for the first time,

Tribal council.

Somebody will be voted out


Grab your stuff, head back the


We'll see you tonight at tribal


I threw the challenge because

We need to get some of the

Snakes off.

If I don't want the win, we're

Not going to win.

That's what makes me the kingpin

Of my tribe.

Happy to be home?

Hell yeah.

I feel bad about that.

I kind of decided in exile if I

Had the opportunity to throw

This game I would, and I did.

I don't know if they knew I was

Throwing it, but I could care

Less because we need the start

Getting rid of some of the

Snakes on our tribe.

So basically I'm a bad ass and

The manipulator of this game.


Here's my idea.

I'm worried that going into the

Merge, individuals are going to

Outnumber couples, so we take

People that don't have a loved

One out.

That's why I think julie is a

Very easy vote and she hurts our



My argument today is julie

Should be the one to go.

She hasn't been helping in


She doesn't help around camp.

It would be an easy one to agree


But most importantly she does

Not have a loved one.


I'm going to target julie.

This is my reason.

Right now there's no reason to

Vote with us right now.

Listen to me first.

Okay, guys, listen.

Amongst us, she's the most

Dangerous person in this tribe.

Who is it?

Who is going to manipulate this

Game and throw the stronger guys


It's kelley.

Done deal.

Look at what happens...

She knows the game.

Look what happens if we have


You think julie's going to beat


My personal biggest threat right

Now is kelley.

She plays very low key, but at

The same time, she's very


If you talk to her, you know

That she's not missed one

Episode of "survivor."

So kelley is a threat.

And it's my mission to get

People to vote for her tonight.

Listen, here's the deal,

Keith is trying to get me out.

Keith comes back from exile

Saying that I got the idol.

We need to have each other's


If someone's after you, I go

After that person.

If someone's after me, I peko

The same thing.

He's not going to get you.

Who is he going to persuade?

You're overlooking the

Mastermind here.

This is the thing, I want

Keith gone.

Keith is trying to go after me,

So now I don't trust him at all.

But drew, he wants to get rid of

Kelley now because he thinks

Kelley runs the girl, which is


She's not doing anything.

Keith's first, your second, I'm

Third, you're fourth.

It's nod good logic.

When you're saying, this

You're delg me you don't have my


You're way too emotional

About this, jeremy.

Get your boy, dog.

With drew there's no throwing

Back and forth.

He's just like, kelley's going

Home, and that's it.

And it pissed me off.

I was just talking the drew,

And he's like, the girls are

Trying to get the guys out.

Drew said that.

I said, that's messed up.

He told me, me, you...

He just told you that?

I said, there's no guy-girl

Thing here.

We have no power.

That's straight up what I told


Drew, he's scared the girls

Are going to vote out guys,

Which is stupid.

We don't even have the numbers

To do that, but that's convinced

Of this girl-girl alliance.

The guys are a mess.

They're not on the same page,

Which is good.

In the long run, who is winning

Immunity challenges?

Drew or john.

Probably drew more than john.

Maybe we get rid of drew



I think you're right.

Getting rid of drew, that

Would be so sweet if we can pull

This off.

He's so annoying.

We have to do it now, while the

Guys are all over the place.

We're sending kelley home.

That's it.

Think about it, guys.

I'm telling you.

Let's get kelley out tonight and

Then all these b*tches don't

Know what to do other than come

To us.

Trust me, guys.

Trust me.

Count on it.

Look me in the eyes.

Count on it.

I was standing by the shelter

And I heard drew leading this

Charge to get me out, and I was

Lying, what the hell.

I don't know what it is, maybe

He's just threatened by me as a

Strong female.

But drew gets this vision in his

Head, and he's like the king of

It, and he has to be the one

To... He has to make the final


And I think people are getting

Over that really, rally quickly.

Get rid of drew.

We can come in strong and say

Drew is taking down the wrong


This is how it's going right


The girls want to get rid of


Yes, he's a moron, but that's a

Big move.

And it makes me nervous.

We're sending kelley home.

That's what's happening.

You on board with it or not.

I don't care.

I'm just telling you the


Dude, I don't care.

The problem is, the guys are

All over the place.

Drew is saying, kelley's the


John is like, we're going after

Julie, and I want to get rid of


Well, well, well, everybody

Seems to have their own opinion,

Don't they?

It's just crazy.

Maybe we should get rid of drew.

He's digging his own grave, but

I'm just not sure if it's the

Right time.

Jeff: behind each of you is

A torch.

Go ahead, great britain -- grab

A torch, dip it in and get fire.

This is part of the ritual of

Tribal council because in this

Game fire represents your life.

When the fire is gone, so are



Our first chance to talk.

So catch me up.

Julie, tell me about


Who do you notice is getting

Along right out of the gate in

I would have to say john and


They run around like they're


It's cute.


Missy, who doesn't get along?

My observation is that we

Have a whole will the of chiefs

And not very many indian, and

They're selfish and selfless

People around camp.

Jeff: how many selfish

People do you have on this


Half this tribe.

Jeff: drew, one of the bad

Things about winning is you

Don't get to figure out where

Things are within the tribe.


Everybody has been playing nice

Until we lost today, jeff.

I felt it right after the

Challenge, like wow we actually

Have to play this game.

Jeff: drew, let's talk

About game time today, because I

Thought it was interesting that

For a tribe that's dominated,

That you got demolished today,

By a guy that could be maybe

Your granddad.

Could we have had better

Swimmers, better retrievers.

You win some, you lose some.

I did the best I could and

That's it.

Jeff: john, after the

Challenge, you head back the


What happened?

We got back and people just

Started scrambling, like, okay,

What's the vote going to be?

Emotions got high, too.

It was confusing.

Jeff: jeremy, jon says

Emotions got high.

What does that mean?

Well, so, I'm just going to

Say it.

Keith comes back from exile and

Tells everybody that I have an


So I say, keith, why don't you

Come to me and say, hey, do you

Have an idol.

We're aligned.

I was looking for the idol

And I didn't find the idol.

I assumed, might have been

Wrong, I assumed jeremy had beat

Me to the punch.

And I'm in your alliance, so

Why don't you come to me?

Because you go to somebody


We could have kept it between

Me and you.

Jeremy, cop on now.

It doesn't happen like that in

This game.

Why not?

It just doesn't.

If I say, jeremy, I got an idol,

First thing in his head, let's

Put his name down.

Not if we're in an alliance.


But it's more than two


We could have two people

Aligned and have a suballiance

With everybody else.

We could have done that.



We could have done that,


That's a new one on me.

It's not a new one in


Jeff: keith one of the

Things jeremy seems to be

Saying, when you're in an

Alliance with somebody, you

Don't betray them.

I don't recall this betrayal.

Well, you started pitting

People against jeremy.

Everybody went, whoa.

That wasn't the way it was

Meant to be.

It wasn't like, I think

Jeremy has an idol, it was like,

"I'll tell you one thing, jeremy

Got that idol."

Jeff: so drew, what does

This tribe need to do tonight

With the vote?

Well, everybody had their own

Opinion at camp and what the

Right thing to do was.

I heard keith's name.

I heard julie's name.

You know, so it's just like, I

Want to strengthen the team.

I want to get any bad energy out

And roll forward.

Jeff: kelly, do you agree

With that, you need to get rid

Of bad energy?

Yeah, but who is the bad seed

In this bunch.

Maybe we don't all agree on


Jeff: natalie, what do you

Think the tribe needs to do


I think this is going to be a

Really critical vote.

At one point today drew was

Accusing the girls wanting to

Get the guys out.

I was like what?

Jeff: how would the girls

Take out the guys?

There's only four.

That's the thing, jeff, none

Of the girls approached me and

Asked me what I thought was a

Good vote.

Because you freaked out the

Second we got back the camp.

You can't want to talk to me,

And then I heard my name going

Around, so obviously you maybe

Have something against me.

Jeff, I thought we were all

On one page, and everybody seems

To be scatterbrained because

It's scary because a few stray

Votes can change everything.

Jeff: jon, what do you

Think the tribe needs to do?

There were so many different

Strategies that were going on, I

Never really got a full grasp of

Any of them.

Jeff: that cannot be


It's not at all, absolutely

Not, because I honestly am so

Confused what name I'm supposed

To be writing down right now.

Jeff, we're a hot mess.

Jeff: and it's about to get

A whole lot messier because it's

Time to vote.

Drew, you're up.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want the play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote julie.




That's one vote julie.

One vote kelly, one vote drew.

One vote keith.


Two vets julie.


Two votes julie, two votes drew,

One vote kelley, one vote keith.


That's three votes drew, two

Votes julie, one vote kelley,

One vote keith.

Fourth person voted out or

"Survivor" blood versus water,


That's four, that's enough, you

Need to bring me your torch.

Good job, guys.

Good play.

Good play.

Jeff: drew, the tribe has



Jeff: well, for a first

Tribal council, there was a lot

Of information revealed.

Four people got votes and a


The only question: was it a

Brilliant tribal or absolute


Time will tell.

Grab your stuff.

Head back the camp.

Good night.

Stay tuned for scenes from our

Next episode.

Jeff: next time on


If you or the guys said it to

Me, I would have been on board

With it.

It's jon versus hunahpu.

You're either with me or

Against me, and if you're not,

You don't know what's going on.

Jeff: but not for long.

Everybody drop your buffs.

I knew it.

Son of a...

I knew all along those girls

Wanted me out of.

There I'm obviously a physical

And social threat to them.

Congrats to them.

They did a great job by getting

Me out.

In the long run I would have

Beat them.

I wish I had been more chill and

Rolled with the girls rather

Than gone against them right

Away because it turned out to

Bite me in my butt.
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