28x07 - Mad Treasure Hunt

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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28x07 - Mad Treasure Hunt

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on


Your tribes are merged.

Aparri and solana finally


Another idol with powers is

Hidden somewhere near your camp.

Jeff: and a new idol with

Different powers was put in


It's powerful enough on its

Own, but now special powers.

Jeff: the real struggle for

Power was between alliances.

There's a group of five, and

There's a group of six that's

Half brain and half beauty and


Jeff: and sarah was playing

Both sides.

I can guarantee tony.

I get to decide.

I'm the president right now.

But kass had other plans.

No one in this game should

Have that much power whom made

Her queen?

Jeff: and at tribal

Council... Where do idols come

Into play?

There's idol, cause I got


Jeff: sarah could only

Watch as her game unraveled.

'D like the give it to l.j.

Jeff: her control turned

Into chaos.

Piefd like the cover tony's ass


This is also a hidden

Immunity idol.

Jeff: she went from the



Jeff: to the first member

Of the jury.

Sarah, the tribe has spoken.

Kass, zero chance of winning

The game.

Long way to go.


Jeff: ten are left whom

Will be voted out tonight?

Nice job, guys.

Well played.

That was a cool tribal


We lost two idols.

Tribal was insane.

We voted for jefra.

She should have gone home.

We dodged these idols.

It is all for nothing because

Kass flipped and we're screwed.

I expect everybody to be mad.

I'm not personally mad.

I'm not upset.

I'm just telling you I think it

Because move.

Kass will fly in the face of

Strategy just because however

She feels.

She'll go basically wherever her

Estrogen takes her, not where

Her brain takes her.

We talked about...

That's how I'm playing.

I'm well aware is all you're

Playing is your gut.

I hope you guys will cover me

A little bit.


The alliance of six let me go

To the bottom.

The number-one rule in survivor

Isn't cater to the person on


It's wonder about the person on

The bottom.

When they sit back and think

About what they did...

We didn't do anything.

You've never even talked to


We're trying to get rid of


What don't you understand?

You have to do something in

This game to piss people off.

You're not going to win it.

Kass, you talking strategy,

Just stop.



Please stop.

It's an embarrassment.

You guys strategize.

It's an embarrassment.


It's called playing the game,


It's like I pulled off a hat

Trick on survival.

I got rid of the girl I wanted

To get rid of and two big lugs

Played their idols


Triple win, right?

She's been with us since day


She's a fricken idiot.

I'm fine with it.

I knew they were going to be


So I pissed off five people, but

I gained five friends.

The pissed-off people are going

To get over it, so I don't have

An alliance.

I am a free agent.

Everyone's mad I messed up their

Game, because I'm playing my


I'm going to get some water


You want some help?


Nor gann, no good on the


I can get water, but I don't

See how her saying it in a rude


Everything I'm going to say

To you is going to be in a rude

Way since you've been rude to


I haven't said anything to


Yeah, you have.

Oh, my god.

It's for all of us anyway.

I'm fairly certain that

Morgan is in a constant state of

Center of the universe.

She's like an old dog.

You know you have a 14-year-old

Dog you're keeping alive because

You love it.

You don't mind it pees on the

Floor, but all it really does is


There that's morgan.

Morgan, are you going to go?

Just a minute.

Kass, she said that I'm being

Really mean to her.

I don't think I'm being mean to


I'm ignoring her.

Maybe that's mean, but I think

She's ignored and made fun of

All her life, so she should be

Used to this.

Kass, I feel like she's just a

Bitter, ugly old lady and this

Sounds really conceited.

I think she hates me because I'm

Cuter than her and I've always

Been cuter than her.

Scases stupid.

She needs to go and I'll make

Sure of it.

Captioning brought to you by

Survivor productions, cbs,

Guys, you ready to get to

Today's reward challenge?


For today's challenge, you'll

Divide into two teams.

You'll start on platform.

On my go you'll race through a

Series of obstacles.

Until you reach a chest.

You'll drag a chest to the


You'll climb up the tower.

You'll then drag the chest to

The top of the tower.

Two tribe members will solve the

Shine puzzle.

First team to finish wins


Want to know what you're playing



Best reward of the season so


The winning team will leave here

And be taken to a

Survival-themed outback steak


All right.

You will enjoy wood-fired

Grilled outback steak.

Baked potatoes, all the fixings.

I can smell it.

Plus the brand-new outback

Steakhouse grilled pine apple


And there's desert, too,


Worth playing for?


Let's do it.

Jeff: all right.

We'll draw up the teams.

Let's get started.

Two teams randomly chosen and

Ready to battle.

All right.

Here we go.

For reward, survivors ready?


You've got massive teeter totter

That's how you do it.

Go, go, go.

Jeff: everybody got to get

Across the balance beam.

If you fall off, you've got to

Come back.

It is neck and neck right now.

Everybody flying across the

Balance beam except lou.

Lou falls off.

Got start over.

That's going to slow his team


You can't move forward until

Everybody is off.

Go, orange.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Jeff: go, purple!

Once you have them all done you,

Can carry, drag, push, pull,

Whatever it takes to get it to

The wall.

Orange first out of the gate.

Purple right behind.

Huge reward on the line.

Near wipeout for purple.

Start climbing that wall.

One at a time.

Start climbing, trish.

Woo is up first.

Flying up this wall.

Spencer to the top.

Trish at the.

To here comes tasha.

Morgan to the top now.

L.j. Not even using the rope.

Here comes kass now.

Way to go, kass.

Jeff: l.j. To the top.

Kass is up for the purple.

Toby is the last member of the

Purple team.

They were behind.

Now they've caught up and gone


Jefra is up.

Purple already pulling that

Chest up.

Jeremiah the last member of the

Orange team.

Orange, start pulling that chest


Purple has their chest up.

Start working on the puzzle.

Lou and kass working on the

Puzzle for purple.

Orange now has their chest.

Purple has their first piece.

It is l.j. And spencer for


It's going to come down to the


There are ten pieces total, once

You have all ten pieces, the

Finishing touch is inside your


L.j. Looking for that third


He has it for the orange team.

That's it right there.

That's it right there.

Jeff: purple with its

Second piece.

Orange with the fourth piece.

Biggest reward of the season

Marksive outback steakhouse


Orange with a fifth piece.

Half-way there.

Orange with the sixth piece.

Momentum shifted now fully to

The orange.

Pressure starting to sink in


Seventh piece for orange.

Purple is just getting outplayed

On the puzzle.

That is eight for orange.

Two pieces left for the orange.

Blue with another piece.

They're trying to get back in


Orange with their 9th.

Orange has their 10th piece.

Open that chest.

L.j. And spencer very close.

There it is, one last piece.

Got fit it in.

Outback steakhouse reward goes

To l.j., Spencer, jeremiah,

Morgan and jefra.

Congratulation, you guys.

Thank you.

Jeff: all right.

Jeremiah, jefra, l.j., Morgan,

Spencer, well-earned.

Enjoy it.

Grab your stuff, head out.

Kass, lou, tony, tash, yeah

Trish, got nothing for you.

Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

Party time.

Hey, you win some, you lose


Double the rice, throw some

Coconut in and it's party.

I am so pissed off this we

Didn't win that challenge when

We could have eaten a juicy

Steak, but you know what they

Say, better to be pissed off

Than be pissed on.

Are you guys worried about

Spencer more than jeremiah?

Well, he is a influential

Person with his mouth.

Jeremiah's just quiet and just

Does his thing physically.

Spencer is good in challenge,


I don't want to be the

Deciding person.

Well, you know them more than

We do.

You know who is influential, who

Is effective, who is malicious.

I'm not even in an alliance.

I'm still a free agent.

No one has said, kass, you're

In, but there is an assumption

I'm new york and already tony

And trish said, who would you

Want gone next?

I said, I don't care as long as

It's not me.

I want to reinforce that, so

There is a comfort level when I

Come in for the k*ll.

I'm not a flipper.

I don't consider it a flip.

I do what's best for me.

A move.


What if I made a mistake, so


Are you happy what you did?

Efeel good.

That's it.

That's all that matters.

I think we're all good for a

Couple more.

Kass is telling me how she's

Going to be solid with us.

She seems sincere.

She's hard to read because she

Doesn't have facial expressions

Like a stone face.

I can't tell whether she's lying

To me or not and I'm a police


I'm hoping she stays us with,

But you always have to prepare

For the worst.

Where do we begin to look?

Where do we look?

Last night at tribal, l.j.

And I played idol, but there is

A hidden immunity idol with

Special powers around camp.

That's a needle in haystack.

But there's nothing but time on

This island, so I went out there

And started looking in tree

Hole, climbing trees, I'm doing

All kinds of stuff because I

Need to find that idol.

It's security blanket they would

Love to cover myself with.

Oh, my god.


Thank you.

Have a seat wherever you


When we first arrived, we

Were greeted by a grilled

Pineapple rita, which had bacon


We've been talking baibt con

This whole time, so that was


Tomato, fresh tomatoes.

Oh, my gosh.


We started off with salad and

This was honestly the best salad

I ever had.

We went on the like a fully

Loaded baked potato and then the

Steak was just amazing.

I'll take another steak for


-Steak was the best thing I

Tasted probably ever.

I really could not ask for a

Better reward than this.

I'm done.


Can we have one of each?

You have two separate


Your formal food stomach and

Your desert stomach, so your

Desert stomach is still hungry.

Out here I'm not concerned with


I said, forget the napkin.

I'm eating.

It takes about until the end of

The meal for me to realize my

Hands are gross and wipe them


I open my napkin, and out falls

A piece of paper.

I wonder what that could be.

So I put it in my pocket because

I think it's going to be some

Kind of clue to an idol.

I need game changer right now,

And this could be it.

I goat camp, and all of a sudden

A downpour comes on some I'm

Just trying to keep this thing


Tribal council isn't that far


So time is money right now.

Take the road less traveled,

A hike beyond, a course where

Rain once journeyed means you

Are close enough to tell.

This idool is surely buried, but

You won't be digging down, a

Mesh of roots and rock and dirt

Hides more power than a crown.

I think he's on a walk.

I am a big fan of survivor,

And I now that when there's a

Reward like the outback, there's

Usually a clue to the immunity


All of a sudden spencer takes

Off, so what do I do, I start to

Follow spencer.

I'm going to pull out something

Out of my arsenal, which is my

Ninja stealth mode.

You better believe I'm going to

Be lurking in the shadows.

He's digging through a side of a

Wall, and automatically I'm

Assuming he's looking for the

Immunity idol.

You going for a walk?


You all right?




Yeah, I'm just taking a walk


Your pants are over here.

I got to pick up his pants

And as soon as I do, boom, out

Pops the clue to the idol.

Who is going to take that clue

And hand it back to him, no way

You dropped something over,

There, dude.

I high tail it sonic the

Hedgehog style, I'm cruising

Through the patch, there niece

Way he's catching me.

He bolted with the clue, and

That guy can run.

I knew that pabd moan yum was

About to ensue.

I'm pissed off.

Did you know there was a




He did?

I went chasing after him.

He's not finding anything.

I knew that it wasn't going to

Be easy finding the immunity

Idol by myself, so immediately I

Run to camp and I go, l.j., You

Got to floal me, man.

And then from there, the search

Party is on.

He threw my pants in the

Water and took the clue from me.

I found the clue.

Do you guys want to help


I'll take you, let's go.

When woo ran to camp, I knew

It was time for me to get my

Troops in line as soon as


Can you run?

Yeah, I can run.

It's race to see who can get

It first.

Woo took it from spencer's


You guys are something else.

Take the road less traveled.

All right.

I know where that is.

It's a mad treasure hunt for

This idol.

And you know me, I love action,

So I was like, you know what,

I'm in, count me in, which way

Is this.

You have two different alliances

Just looking for an idol at the

Same time.

You know it's bad when morgan,

The girl that you can't tell

She's a pillow or a person

Because she doesn't do anything,

You know it's serious when she's

Up on her as and she's looking

For the title.

Everyone's looking.

It's a race to see who finds it


Is everyone looking at this


I would say stress is at a

Peak right now.

I'm in bad position.

Dude, you don't have to run.

You keep digging.

We have everyone looking for

This idol, and it's likely that

Whoever finds it will find it

Right in front of everyone.

Keep on eye on him.

I know he's going to get l.j.

Real quick.


Funny how our game has

Devolved into this, isn't it?

I love it.

It is a crazy game.

I mean, I'm not necessarily

Down with with oo did, but I

Think it's karma for your

Behavior last night.

I apologize for that.

That was uncalled for.

After this whole fiasco with woo

Stealing my clue and everyone

Going to look for the idol at

Once, I'm digging and I'm right

By kass and right in front of me

Is the idol.

And kass is watching me like a

Hawk, so I keep digging and

Acting like I haven't found it.

I wait until she's not looking,,

Stuff it in my pants, walk the

Other way.

Kass is so blind that I find it

Right in front of kass' face and

She didn't see.

Today was complete you fora.

I'm still shocked that I found


It could not have worked out


If you use the idol, you must

Reveal it after all the votes

Are cast but before the votes

Are read.

My position in the game is on

The brink of ecstasy and

Devastation all the time, but

It's a whole new game as far as

I'm concerned, and I bought

Myself a lot of time


Jeff: come on in, guys.

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?

First things first, woo.

Take back the necklace.

Thank you.

Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge you're

Going to balance on your toes

With a block wedged between your

Head and the top of the frame.

The longer the challenge goes,

The more fatigued your legs will

Become until they finally give

Out and the block falls.

When the block falls, you're out

Of the challenge.

Last person left standing wins

Immunity, safe at tribal


Loser, somebody will be voted

Out of this game.

Take your spots.

We'll get started.

All right.

Everybody is in position.

Now I'm going to count you in

And you're going to have to let

Your hands go.

Five, four, three, two, one,

Hands off the frame.

Everybody's in position and this

Challenge is on.

You cannot touch the frame.

Kass can't last but a few


She's first out.

You can have a spot on your


Just like that we're down nine.

Trish with a nice recovery.

Jeremiah out.

Trish right behind him.

We lose two more.

That's all it takes, one slight

Hesitation, one little bit of

Movement, just a little bit of

Movement with your head and just

Like that tony does the same


We're down six people left.

We are way past the point of

Does this hurt.

It comes down willpower really.

How badly do you want it?

How much can you take?

What do you do when bugs are

Flying on their body.

They're annoying, how annoying?

Are you going to swat it away?

You're probably out of the


Nice recovery by spencer.

Morgan loses her balance.

She's out.

You can see the pain now trying

To stretch out those legs, get

That blood circulating again.

Woo with a slight wobble.

Woo tries to recover.

He cannot.

Woo is out of this challenge and

We're down to four.

Just a little pain.

You've endured a lot more in 22

Days of "survivor."

The question is: how much more

Can you take?

I know you're getting tired, and

I know the pain is intense.

Jefra fighting through it.

Keep fighting.

Jefra, the slightest hesitation.

Muscles are so exhausted.

She can hardly get down from the


You all right, jefra?

Yeah, I'm good.

Jeff: now everybody knows

What l.j. And tasha and spence

Rer feeling.

Somebody is earning this

Immunity necklace.

Tasha with a nice recovery.

L.j. Can't hang on.

L.j. Falls out and we're down to

Two, tasha and spencer in a

Showdown for immunity.

It comes down to a question of

Who can outlast the other.

I am genuinely impressed that.

Is a long time to be holding

This pose.

Tash, yeah no change in her

Facial expression.

Spencer, awkward-looking but

Very strong.

Spencer has looked pained the

Entire challenge.

Get it back in control, spencer.

Keep digging, tasha.

Spencer struggling to hang on.

Keep fighting through it.

Spencer really fighting to stay

In this.

Tasha out of nowhere drops the


Spencer wins individual


He's safe tonight at tribal


Huge effort from both of you.

Spencer, can you walk over here?

I hope.

I've been dreaming about this

For a long time.

Jeff: spencer, safe at

Tonight's tribal council.

Cannot be voted out of this


As for the rest of you, after 22

Days, somebody going home


Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

See you tonight at tribal.


Good for you.

Congratulations, my friend.

Spencer was very desperate to


He pulled it off.

That's the will you need out

Here to survive.

Kass, do you think they have

An idol?

Morgan's the easy one.

The fear is that if they did

Find that idol, you can't take a

Gamble and putting everything on

Tash unless she comes out with

Something, then one of us go


I understand.

So the least likely person to

Have the idol is what we have to

Think act.

My plan would be to get rid of


If they have an idol, they're

Not going to share it with her.

Please, everybody, look at her.

She does need to go.

She's dead weight.

Tash is definitely a physical

Threat and a social threat.

But morgan does not deserve to

Be here.

People that work hard, that bust

Their as around camp, deserve to

Be here.

People like morgan that don't do

Anything, they don't deserve to

Be here.

So that's plan "a."

Now, plan "b," they come up with

Some crazy nonsense, what's plan


As far as numbers, my

Alliance is in a power position.

It's six of us against four of


But it's not as easy as it


The problem with tonight's

Tribal council will be that if

Spencer found that idol, it will

Be very tricky on who we vote


If they have an idol and we vote

For the person who uses the

Idol, one of us six is going


If they don't have an idol and

Kass flips back with them, it

Will be a tie, 5, 5, we draw

Rock, one of us goes home.

I'm hoping she stays with us.

If she doesn't, it's going to

Cause some trouble.

Who are we voting?


No, no, she's still the only

Person who would even consider


Tony just because there's a

Little bit of chance he does

Something stupid at tribal and

She'll change her mind at the

Drop of hat.


It's kind of ridiculous, but

Our option now is kass, the

Person who just screwed us over

Is the one person who might be

Crazy enough to help us.

I am safe because I won

Immunity, so I know the idol

Could help, but it would only

Work if I had someone who would

Flip with it.

Someone who is willing to flip

Could tell white house they're

Going to vote for, help me use

My idol successfully and a

Change in the dynamic of the


If you made a move that would

Put you, and this is just

Hypothetical, I don't want to

Come in here and try give you

Some sell, but if you made a

Move that made you with us, then

You wouldn't have lost all our

Jury votes because the final

Would include two of us and

Potentially the other two would

Feel a lot less bitter.

I knew this would happen.

Just the human in you wants to

Forgive someone and be friends

Again, so I was banking on that

When I made my move, that the

Five people I allegedly betrayed

Would get over it because there

Will be many more betrayals.

Right now I'm not in an


I consider myself a free agent

Kind of.

Then would you consider it?

I'm going to consider


I mean, I'm playing to get to

The final three.

Seriously consider it or just


Yeah, I would.

So I think tony's a good

Person to vote out tonight.

In my opinion, spencer has

Some pretty good arguments.

I would not want to sit next to


I think he's too charming, and

Everybody likes him.

Morgan is annoying and she's a

Bitch, but she's going to stay

That way, so she's not really a


She's just extra luggage we're

Carrying around here.

A million dollars is a big


At this point people know I am

Willing to play this game.

They've brought me their game


And I can it's gore with it or

Change people's lives.

And that's how I am in the

Courtroom, too.

I do trial by ambush.

It's not a recommended strategy

But any legal authority.

It's probably not a recommended

Strategy by any "survivor"

Authority, but I love the ambush

And I love the blind side.

Jeff: now bring in the

First member of our jury.

Sarah voted out at the last

Tribal council.

So tony, based on the last

Tribal council, there was

Massive power shift.

That's correct, jeff.

They had an alliance of six.

We had an alliance of five.

The wind changed directions.

Jeff: jeff, obviously I was

The wind that blew through.


Jeff: what was the fallout?

I got chewed out.

I got the cold shoulder from

Everyone that felt betrayed.

Jeff: spencer, how did it

Go down with you and kass.

I respect big moves, but I

Did feel betrayed and that got

Me a little bit riled up, and I

Got a little out of hand, I did.

Jeff: so you have to be

Feeling very good that you have

That necklace tonight.

Yeah, I mean, it feels very

Good, but at the same time, I

Play the game to win the game.

I would rather risk going out

Now far shot at winning than

Extend my stay in the game.

So it feels good, but it could

Feel a lot better.

Jeff: so tone year, when

You hear that kind of an answer,

Does that influence your

Decision about who you would

Vote out tonight?

Well, we leaguer at physical

Strength, we're looking

Strategic, social, who will try

To crack our alliance, so we

Made a consensus as a group so

We can is have nice, smooth saig


Jeff: morgan, what do you


You've got jeremiah behind me.

I'm not a physical threat.

I'm not going to beat them in

These hard challenges and people

Don't really seem to like me, so

Votes aren't going to go to me.

Trish, I'm not going to win

And no one likes me, so why get

Rid of me?

I think that's probably

Pretty accurate.

She left out that she doesn't

Help out in camp and if you want

To add to that list, why you

Might want to take her along, I

Could continue to add to that.

Jeff: morgan, what does it

Feel like the hear that?

L.j. And jeremiah took real

Good care of us girls in the

Beginning, waking up with a cold

Pot of rice, and I got used to


Jeff: let's talk candidly.


Jeff: I'm going to guess

That you're sort of used to that

Back home, as well.


I'm used to things being easier

For me and not having to work

That hard to get things, but...

Jeff: based on, what looks?


If any person in the world could

Decide to be ugly or cute most,

Would pick cute.

I mean, it's not why...

Jeff: that's one of the

Greatest quotes ever heard on


If I don't work as hard as

Others, you know, I'm sorry, and

I will try to... I will work


I won't try.

Ly work harder in camp.

Jeff: jefra, the nice thing

About having kass join your five

Is it would seem she instantly

Becomes number six, so you don't

Lose any place in the game and

You dwayne the power again.

Yeah, jeff, that's not really

How we look at our alliance.

We look at our alliance as a


Everybody is a different link on

The chain.

I think that we're all even


Jeff: but jeff, yeah

Typically how many times have

You seen an alliance in which

There is no one on the bottom,

We are all one?

We heard latest tribal when

The brains are saying, we're all

One, we're all one.

Tony said we're full of it.

We're saying it for a

Different reason.

This alliance was put together

By default.

That's an alliance of numbers.

How is that different?

Because we picked each other.

I'm just saying, someone's

Always on the bottom.

I'm not saying that there

Won't be in the future, but as

Of now, I think that we got a

Strong alliance.

On top of it, jeff, scases in

A comfortable place, so she's

Sticking to it.

Jeff: tony, if I may, she's


You don't know she's not setting

You guys up tonight.

That's the truth, jeff.

Jeff: trish, does that

Concern you a little bit,

Letting someone like kass into

Your alliance?


There's a risk that she could go

Back, flip back to the other

People, but we just keep

Continuing to include her in the

Group and treat her like we

Treat everyone that's in our


Jeff: kass, this is your

Dilemma right here, that when

This group says you're as much

Part of this alliance as the

People who have been in it for

Many, many more days than you,

Is there any part of you saying,

That might be a little


We're all on the equal chain,


You know what, I understand the


I made a decision, there was no

Alliance formed.

There was no guarantee.

When I go to vegas and I sit

Down at the table with a friend,

I don't mind beating them.

Jeff: all right.

It is time to vote.

Trish, you're up.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.

All right.

Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal councillary


I'll read the votes.

First vote, tony.



That's three votes tony.


That's four votes tony.



Four votes tony, two votes



That's three votes morgan.


We're tied.

Four votes tone year, four votes



That's five votes morgan, four

Votes tone year, one vote left.

Eighth person voted out and the

Second member of our jury,


Morgan, the tribe has spoken.

Jeff: well, clearly you

Didn't vote out the biggest

Threat, which illustrates once

Again you can never fully trust

Anything anybody says.

The good news about that just

Because you're on the bottom

Doesn't mean you're out.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Captioning brought to you by

Survivor productions, cbs,

Captioned by

Media access group at wgbh

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor," with only nine left,

Paranoia is at an all-time high.

We're going to turn on each


It's turning allies into


I have to make a big move

Before he does.

Tony wants to get rid of woo


Oh, my god, tony is totally

Freaking out.

I got strike now.

I want to say how proud I am

Of myself.

It was great experience.

They can say whatever they want

At tribal, they was spiteful or

They was lazy, but I could care

Less what they said.

I mean, kass is a child and if

She was upset with me, whatever.

Grow up.

You're 40.

Get over it.
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