28x06 - Head of the Snake

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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28x06 - Head of the Snake

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: preefing on


I'm telling you.

Jeff: two cop, tony and

Sarah made a pact to stay


He knows I'll be loyal to

Him, I know he will be loyal

To me.

Jeff: but a surprise

Switch pulled them apart.

I'm the only original

Appeari member on a tribe

With three brains and three


While sarah new trip had

A decision, tony's was

Filled with everything sur

Voifer has to offer.

Two idols.

I'm keeping this until I

Play this thing.

Jeff: a blindside.


Jeff: and they even saw

One of their tribe members


Lynsey is pulling herself

From the game.

She was a body, two for

The price of one.

Jeff: but despite

Everything, they won the

Last immunity challenge.

Solana wins immunity.

High five, baby!

Jeff: at tribal council

The new aparri tribe was

Focused on a possible merge.

Jeff: you are looking to

Get to the end and

Anticipate a merge t needs

To be a tight group.

The possibility they will

Merge jeremiah or alexis

Could slip to the other side.

Jeff: and in the end

Everybody thought alexis was

Most likely to flip.

Alexis, the tribe has


11 Are left who will be

Voted out tonight.


I feel great after


Tribal bettered my game.

Top six, top six.

We got it.

We do.

We're motley crew.

Now everyone is buying

Into the six.

If we merge tomorrow, that's

The best news possible for

This tribe because right now

We control the game.

We have six and they have


In case we wake up to a

Merge in the morning, I

Think we need to have our

Number one and number two

Picked out.

Who is our first person.

Trish right now.

I don't think anyone-- is

Off the table.

You know what, everyone

Really gets it, right?

Oh, yeah.

We all understand.

We are final six 100% in our


We do.

As long as nobody flips.

Final six.

Final six.

This group is allegedly a

Solid six it if we can all

Stay strong as a core we can

Run the show an take out the

Less obvious targets like

Trish or jefra.

Top six, how sweet does

That sound.

Sounds a hell of a lot

Better than top five.

It sounds so simple but

The best laid plans often

End up sprawled out on a

m*rder scene floor.

I feel like last night

Was good, everybody's



And the key is to be

Tight-lipped so they have no

Clue who we are voting for.

The only people that

Personally I would be

Concerned about are you and


It might get ugly around


Trust me.

If they accuse me of not

Staying true to my word hit

A cord with me.

People don't like to be

Called a liar and pretty

Much I got called a liar

Without being called a liar.

I've done nothing to

Mislead you guys in my


I don't think you're


I think you would be

Stupid --

I'm not, that's why it



What more do I have to do

To prove to you to be part

Of an a-- a alliance that is

Where you stop having faith

In me and I feel it.

When you guys know that I'm

Teetering, that going to

Push me away.

People think the demise

Of this tribal will be

Someone slipping.

The demise is-- it will be

Not trusting people in this


That is what it is going to


And that's going to be the

End of us.


I did not come on this

Game as a liar.

When I'm shaking hands

With someone, that's what I


When I shake a hand with

Someone, that is what I dom.

I'm with you.

Because come here with


I'm with you.

All right, I'm good.

We don't even need to talk

About it again.

In my business we go with

The hard evidence.

And just because you vote

With us one vote doesn't

Mean I believe you're true.

11 People left, eight

People-- you did what you

Had to do in my opinion.

That doesn't speak of

Loyalty that speaks of

Desperation and a wise move.

You haven't proven anything

To me except you're saving


Show me blood on your hands

From a former tribe mate and)g> good morning, solana.

Good morning, sunshine.

Good morning.

It's hot.

Not one cloud in the sky.

How did you sleep, lj.

When I first started this

Game I wasn't having fun

With my tribe member, now

I'm out here with the new

Solana and having fun with


I will let you do the


I will hope it.

May 17th and I'm having

The time of my life.

Feel how heavy this one


But it's kind of boring,

To be honest with you.

Because there's no

Scrambling going on.

There is no trickery going


There's no spying.

That's fun for me, you know.

See what this is.

Pack up all of your

Essential items you may need

For the next 22 days and

Head on over to the aparri

Camp where you will spend

Your remaining days in this


Merge, baby.

Congratulations, we made


We made it.

We're going to be keep


Done forget what we had

Over here, what we had


I know, it was too good

To be true.

Now that we have a merge,

It's an a exciting thing and

A nerve-racking thing at the

Same time because it's six

Against five.

And we can be in trouble.

Thank god I still have

That hidden immunity idol in

My pocket.

The feeling that I had

With this idol, I feel like

It's an extra person in my


We have five plus the idol.

If any of my tribes in the

Solana 5 need t I will help

Them out.

So I think we're in pretty

Good shape.

Here we go.


You may want to tiddee up

Camp a bit and make some




You'll be having guests

From the solana tribe

Arriving shortly and some of

Them may be staying here for

The next 22 days.

We made it, you guys.

We are joining tribes.

I think it's a merge.

I hope it's a merge but

Bottom line is the other

Tribe is coming over.

We're all going to be living

On the same beach.

They're coming here.

They may be staying here

For the next 22 days, it's

Going to be the next three

Days for one, next six days

For another.

I know, we've got the

Numbers, you guys, we made

The merge and we have the


When those five get here,

It's us against them and I'm

To the going to let anyone

Forget that.

Guy, think something's

Happening, I think

Something's brewing.

Is that a rowboat.

Yup, it is.

They better have food in

That boat.


Did you come with food?

We're bringing back

Everything we took from you.

And then some.

Come on over, guys, we'll

Pass everything over.

When the boat pulled up I

Was nervous to see my old

Tribe mates.

It was like, you know, that

Friend that you from high

School that you haven't

Talked to in years.

It is good to be home.

I miss that voice.

I know.

Then they start handing

Their belongings off along

With food.

That is so good.

I'm like --


Have a nice picnic.

It is so different.

>I -- anticipate seeing

My girl alexis gone, like

That was a huang thing for


We were like this.

Coy easily persuade her to

Be on our side.

And I'm thinking oh, snap

What do we do now.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It says congratulations.

Your tribes are merged!


Enjoy the feast provided.

You have earned it.

Hidden idols are still in

Play and another idol with

Different powers is hidden

Somewhere near your camp

Different powers.

Hidden immunity idol with

Special po perer-- powers t

Is awesome enough on its own

But now special powers.

I don't want that one.

See you later.

Only one way to find out

What the special powers can

Be, so I guess that person

That finds that idol is the

Only one that will know what

The special powers are.

Of course I'm going to

Look for t I will spend 2, 3,

4 Days looking for.

It is grahn to be back,

Thank you very much.

What do you think about a

Tribe made.


Solana mixed with aparri.

That would be one.

We should talk it over

With some food.

This is wine infused.

Oh my god, look at this.

It's like christmas

Frickin morning.

Part of the excitement of

Being at the merge was just

Shock that I made it you

Know, I was at the bottom of

A tribe that was one of the

Worst tribes in survivor

Historiment and somehow I'm

Here at the merge and I have

New life.

I'm in the driver's seat,

Now I'm tied tight with

Sarah, I'm tight with

Jeremiah, I'm tight with

This group of six that could

Potentially run the game of

Survivor after the merge.

So you guys voted out


We did.

Give us the scoop.

Voted her out.

We might be in some


Six against five, it's

Pretty tough.

So the only hope that I had

Personally was sarah.

Because sarah was an old

Aparri an swore on her badge

To me telling her she wants

To be with me.

But my biggest fear is if

Sarah doesn't flip, we're


I'm done.

I don't want to be done.

We have the largest.


Take a deep inhale.

You are letting your abs

Release, are you trying to

Hold it and keep these

Shoulders dropped.

That's t good, that's

Really good, you're pretty

Flexible, huh, dash.

I am.

Yeah, are you.

And then one more.

Are you going to inhale.

Who do you think is ahead

In the snake right now?

I don't know.

As it stands right now

There's a group of five

Which is my alliance and a

Group of six which is half

Brain and half beauty and

Then you have sarah that

Makes a sixth person.

Before we had it real


We have to mend things.

I will.

I will try and sway her back


We need one person to

Come on our side and flip

The script and make it 6 my

Side and five their side.

So sarah, I am hoping sar is

Is the missing link to this.

Where do you stand right

Now, where do you stand.

I'm like honestly


This is how it went over


So it's a no-brainer.

The brains are tight.

If we get back-- listen,

Sarah, tony, woo, and trish.

Do we have trish.

Trish is 100%, she isee

With me, that's four, that

Is a tight bond.

Lj and jefra harx that is

Six of us.


Five of them.

One by one by one, they're


It's thatcism.

It's that simple, sarah.

Pie goal is to make sarah

Believe that I want to sit

At the top two with her just

Like we mentioned, two cops

Sitting in front of the


So I'm going to promise her,

I'm going to guarantee her,

To reassure her that I'm not

Lying to her, that I really

Want her to come on our side

And move forward with the

Game as opposed with the

Other tribe it could be a

No-brainer f you give me

Your word, swear on your

Badge right now.

Swear on my badge what.

That are you on our side

That will you vote for

Somebody, either spencer or

Lindsay-- I mean spencer or


Spencer or kass.

I don't know that I can

Do that yet, tony.

So you let me know when

Are you ready and when you

Swear on your badge, then

I --

I know, I know.

I'm in the best spot that

You can be at in this game.

Because five and five, and

Guess what, I'm in the


A sarah sandwich, it's


Then who do you think we

Even target.

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter but I

Think the first one we

Should target is the brains,

Break the brains up.

Whoever you want to get rid

Of except for me.

I'm guarantee you with us,

You're moving forward.

Guaranteeing this is your

Big move, your big chance.

I never expected to be

The decision maker.

So it truly is a


Whichever side I go, I'm

Sitting pretty because I

Will decide the fate of this

Game all right, guys, dow

Want in on --

Lj does not have an idol.

So if he doesn't win

Immunity he is going home.

As he should be because that

Would be our vote, correct.

I think somebody else

Needs to go first.

Somebody has the idol

From beauty.

It ain't me.

Okay, so you think lj's

Got an idol.


I don't have no hidden

Immunity eye do.

I think lj's got it.

That is what is worrying me,

That is what is making me

Nervous about this game.

I think somebody like

Jefra needs to go.

It is either lj or will.

We got to get a strong

Guy out.

We got to get rid of will or

Lj first.

It can't be lj.

He is a pretty boy, he

Has got the idol.

Woo if it's not woo it's

Going to be will.

No, no, she is not a


I think it's completely I

Had otic to pick a fight

With me.

I'm not saying let me be the

Princess and walk around and

Walk on egg shells around


But the last thing you want

To do is piss me off.

We can pretend it's lj

But it can't be.

Lj would be bad.

That's fine.

But I am not going along

With trish, I will tell you

That much.

That would be fatal to us.

What if woo wins immunity.

Then tony?


I can do whatever I want,

You know, you want to pick a

Fight with me?

I'll flip over with those

Other guys.

So don't test me.

Because I will put new your

Place and send you packing.

Trish and jefra can stay.

Got to get rid of one of the


The big picture.

Okay, trish is hooked to


Trish is not hooked to lj,

Trust me.

Dude, I said it once, I

Said it a million times.

I don't trust the cop.

When someone, in an alleged

Alliance of six says I'm

Only voting for these people

And I absolutely will not

Vote for this person, that

Lets me know that she is not

In the six.

She's in the one.

One thing we can't do, if

We are a tight six, we

Cannot bully.

I don't want to be

Bullied around.

We're to the bullying

That is what we discussed on

The beach before.

I never agreed to trish


Let me tell you, we'll

Talk about it tomorrow, get

Everybody together and go

With the majority.

Tony flat out goes.

You can pick who you want to

Go home.

When you come to me and

You say well, if I go with

Them, who are my former

Tribe mates, they're going

To let me choose who goes


And she comes to us and says

I'm telling you who I want


Can we talk about it


I don't like being

Accused of being a bully.

Nob is accusing you.

In my view nobody in this

Game should have that much


Who made her queen.

I can't even look at her.

I just want to punch her


Do you see any fish at


What is that a cucubur?

Here, I'll sit on that

Log right there.

I'm tired of people talk

To me because they want my


Hey, what are you going

To do?

What are you going to do.

It's going get awkward

After the first --

>>Ary in trouble because

Then they won't talk to me

At all.

I'll stop talking to you.

I love it when people

Kind of lose their cool.

That tells me a lot.

What the hell did I miss?

I wake up this morning-- is

What I heard.

I heard all of a sudden a

Couple of girls going at it.

Between kass and sarah, I


The fight made me happy

Because that made me realize

They weren't as strong a six

As I thought they were and

They're cracking before we

Even get to the challenge,

So whoa.

So obviously they're all

Feeling a little bit


What happened?

We were disagreeing on

Without we think should be

Voted out.

And you said I will not

Vote for trish.

That's all I said.

Because I think that's a

Terrible idea.

I was with her for 11

Days, she does not



I see both sides.

I didn't want us to get

Fractured over some, like,


When I heard about kass

And sarah's exchange, I

Didn't care who was right,

Who was wrong.

My main concern was getting

Those two back on the same


So you're in a tough


Like I respect that you are

In a very precarious

Position right now.

Those were your old peeps.

I know.

And now you got new peeps

And now everyone is like

Tugging and pulling.

Who do you think we

Should vote for.

If we are not voting lj,

Tony, or woo.

I think tasha took

Sarah's side in the


What the heck.

Someone in the alliance

Treats someone poorly,

Everyone panders to the


I felt like saying it to

Tasha wa, about me, how come

You you're to the being nice

To me.

What am i, chopped liver.

Oh, right, you're done with


I got testimony.

I get nervous when someone

Is I will not vote for this


That is what makes me

Nervous and then you call me

A bully.

I'm not bullying, I'm trying

To like --

Guys, come on.

Come on, guys, I don't feel

Like kass likes me.

Every time I say

Something, that's what I get

Is like-- and it's like,

Like you are attacking me

Silently like that.

This is attacking you

When I'm like what?

That's an attack?

Let me ask you a


Does it matter if kass likes


If you don't like kass, vote

Kass out.

I know sarah is against

Me, I know tasha is against


I know where I stand.

But at this point, the six

Are falling part.

You realize that you are

In probably the most pivotal

Role in this game.

And it sucks.

It sucks to decide the fate

Of five other people in this


And know it's going to

Decide your fate.


Are you guys ready to get

To today's you minity


First thing's first, I

Will take back tribal


Tribal immunity is no more.

This is what you seek now.

Individual immunity.

If you have this around your

Neck you are safe at tribal


There is no better feeling

In the world than to walk in

With this around your neck.

Without it, you could be in


For today's challenge you're

Going to balance oy

Triangular platforms in the


With your feet perched on

Very narrow footholds.

At regular intervals we'll

Move up, making it more


If you fall off, you are out

Of the challenge.

Last person left standing

Wins immunity, losers tribal

Council or somebody will be

Voted out of this game.

Draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right, here we go.

Everybody take your


Your feet are going to be on

That first foothold.

Here we go.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Everybody up.

An this challenge is on.

The rules are simple.

No other part of your body

Can touch the structure

Other than your feet.

That means your hands, that

Means your butt.

Any part of it touches, you

Are out.

You're going to be here for

15 Minutes.

Think of this as your warmup


Getting loose.

Get your body ready for

What's to come.

All right.

Move in to your next


You can use your hands now

To help yourself get up


Everybody get good and


Here we go.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Everybody take your


This challenge is back on.

Now you're going have to

Grin a little more tightly

To hold on.

There's less room for your


Still looking very good.

Where are you feeling it,



This definitely isn't a

Fun challenge, jeff, nothing

Fun about this.

A lot of pain.

We will go 15 minutes

Here as well


Jeff: 30 seconds left in

This round.

Then we move to the top.

Everybody still looking very


I'm impressed.

Whatever you're doing, it's


Whatever you're telling

Yourself to fight through

That pain, keep telling


15 Seconds, don't relax and

Don't give up.

You were there, don't make a

Mistake now.

Five, four, three, two, one.

All right, we're going to

Move to the top now, you can

Use your hands we're still

Live though, if you fall out

At this point you're out,

Here we go, we have 15

Seconds to start making your


Get them up there, five,


Three, two, one.

Spencer condition hang on.

He can't make the


Kass can't make the


Lj is in.

Sar is-- sarah is in, jefra

Is in, we're down to six.

Tasha is out.

Trish is out.

Four people survive the


Jeremiah's in.

We're down to three.

You got it.

Tony, morgan, woo, great


Morgan, the wind knocks her


The wind is coming up huge!

It is cody and woo.

Nice recovery from tony.

We are down to two, tony and


Huge balancing act that

Third round got everybody

Except knees two.

Ness-- these two.

How are you feeling, woo.


Jeff: you guys need to

Just focus.

Don't get distracted.

Another nice save by tony

First individual immunity on

The line and somebody is

Going to earn it.

And tony goes in, that is


Woo wins first individual



Good job.

Woo, come on over.

Right here, first individual

Immunity, woo is safe

Tonight at tribal council,

As for the rest of you,

After 19 days somebody will

Be voted out of this game.

Should make for an

Interesting afternoon.

Grab your stuff, head back

To camp.

I'll see you at tribal.


Within good job, woo.

Yeah, you hung in there,


I have no idea, man.

Woo, good man.

There is 11 people.

We have a solled five, a

Solid five and me.

I have got to make the


>I think there are harder

Competitors on tony's side.

I was first off the


And I would rather go

With the weaker side, so I

Am with the new aparri.

I think we're soiled.

The only risk that we have

Is between kass and i.

Shall we go or shall we

Wait until later.

I say let's do it to you.

I will make the decision

On who goes home next.

I get to decide.

I'm the president right now.

Who dow guys want?

I think jefra, the person

That I would think would be

The smartest would be jefra.

That is exactly who I was


I just think there is no

Way anyone is going to play

An idol on her.

I done think any of those

Guys have an idol.

I really don't.

I truly believe we need to

Get rid of someone vital in

The game.

Jefra, I don't see her

Running immunity, we can get

Rid of her any time and she

Is not smart enough to play

A strategic game.

Tony is very smart and

Observes what is going on

Around him.

I think my votes are either

Lj or tony.

Tony, you can't trust

Sarah, we think sarah is in

Charge now.

Right now, they put her

Up on a pedestal because

They need her vote.

And we need her vote so I'm

Going to put her on a

Pedestal also.

There is no way sar is

Ever leading that group.

She's so-- down there it's

Not even funny.

I think she is down


She is in the middle

Calling all the sh*ts.

Because she is the most

Powerful player right now.

They need her vote.

Dow really think you can

Persuade her to drop those

Guys and come over here.

I suggested it yesterday.

But as of today.

Did you see that little cat


That thing that went down

Today, I don't think kass is

Feeling too comfortable.

You know what coy approach


I feel like I've got a

Pretty good relationship

With her.

I have to go to sarah

Before anyone says that, let

Me talk to sarah, if you are

Down with that, I can do


What do you think sarah

Then what do you think,

Should I try to get kass.

I think kass is going to


What serve doing tonight.

I want tony out.

I would go with tony.

What if he has an idol.

I can guarantee tony

Doesn't van idol.

If you think tony doesn't

Have it.

I can guarantee tony

Doesn't have an idol.

Let's stay with tony


Okay, okay.

As long as everybody's okay

With it.


The original agreement

Was play it cool, we'll

Probably take out jefra or

Trish to get the numbers.

And then let's meddle with

The big boys who might have

Idols or strategies.

I am going to go drij

Some more rum.

But sarah said it's got

To be tony.

She thinks she's running the


Is there anything I can

Do to potentially save

Myself here?


If we can get immunity.

Did nobody see this?

Am I the only one.

I know she is about to

Destroy the game if she's

Going to destroy the game, I

Want the-- to strike, I want

To destroy it.

All right.

If you decide you want to

Come on our side --

They are telling me the

Exact same thing.

But you don't have me and

Trish and woo that we

Started originally with.

I know.

You don't have that.

I know.

As far as me and trish are

Concerned are you top of

Jefra, you're on top of woo.

Where does that leave you,

Me, trish and you.

Well this is what I want

To do.

I want to take this back and

Get away by myself and sit

Down and think about it.

Listen, if you agree with

Them, let's say you knock

Out me, let's say you knock

Out lj, one of us,.


That leaves you guys with

Six, right.

6-4, Guess what, they

Could get rid of you and

Still have five.

They don't need you.

You got nobody on their sid

Side-- on that side, sarah.

Listen, I know this.

I'm not an idiot.

Getting rid of tony is

Nothing personal.

It's actually a huge

Compliment to him.

Tony and I have a

Relationship because he's a

Police officer and I'm a

Police officer.

But he is the biggest threat

In this game.

He observes everything.

He's sneaky.

He's just like me.

And I would get rid of me if

I could.

If you say I want kass

Gone, swear on your badge,

You come in with us, we'll

Make it happen.


We will make it happen.

If you tell me you're ready

To make it happen we'll make

It happen.

You can change the whole

Game right now, right here


I know, I know.

I just don't want to you

Think I'm conning you.

Let me digest it.

Let me-- I'm not saying no.

I can tell you this.

I'm not making a decision

Until I get to tribal.

Tony, it's going to work out

And I don't think you should

Sit here and fret about it.

No, no, no, I'm good.

I'm real good.

When sarah is telling me

Let me think about it, let

Me make my decision at

Tribal council.

Are you kidding me.

I couldn't believe she said

That I look at her, you know

What, right, I talk to sarah

And I got a good strong

Feeling that she is to the

Coming on our side so one

Thing is for sure f I feel a

Little iffy, iffy, the idol

Is being played.

I'm to the going home with

The idol.

You're on the low totem

Pole on the team.

I thought you were on the


No, I've been replaced.

Well, you know if they

Take one of us out --

Do you have any interest

In joining us?

Do you think you can pull

It together.

If you had your choice to

Get anybody off that team,

Who would go go for?

I would take out sarah.

Yeah, I would like to

Take out sarah myself.

That's who we want to take


It's totally up to

Youment but I'm just

Offering you.


Trish slipped me a little

Of the old mickey.

She told me that they were

Going to vote for sarah.

Surprising to me.

But maybe they're smarter

Than I think.

They're probably smarter

Than my other five.

If they're thinking sarah is

The bad seed so maybe I want

To switch allegiance.

We're voting for her


I'm telling you right now

Because hi a conversation

With kass.

I talked to her.

I asked her.

Them two are feuding.

I said to her if you are

Going to vote somebody out

Tonight, who would you vote.

She said sarah, I said kass,

I'm begging you to come with


She said I think its it's

Too late to put together.

I said no it is not.

So what do you want to



Sarah is our vote


We're voting sarah, if

Are you in with us, you're

In with us and we will take

Care of you.

Trust me.

I love that sarah thinks

She's running the show.

New aparri is voting for

Tony as the request of queen


Solana is voting for sara.

I truly believe I'm the one

In the middle.

I think I have usurped

Sarah's throne tonight and

Once again, chaos kass will

Show up at tribal.

All right, lj, where are

We at?

What is the mood of this

Group of 11?

I don't know.

I feel like I'm in the

Hottest seat in town right


And if I do g I'm highly

Flatterednd it's the best

Worst compliment you could

Ever get by being the

Biggest threat in the game.

That is a farewell speech,

He's ready to go.

Snuff his torch.

At this portion of the

Game are you looking for the

Biggest threat.

So he should be worried.

Jeff: tony, you have the

Original aparri who have

Been all separated except

For sarah and the new aparri

And the new solana, are you

Noticing different groups of

People merging together?

I'm noticing that just a

Group of smart people

Playing and I'm hoping you

They realize if you don't

Move forward within an

Alliance of numbers, you

Move forward with an

Alliance of comfort, who are

You happy to be around,.

Jeff: it sounds like are

You a bit worried for


That's the truth, I am a

Little bit worried about


I am am coulding were from a

Tribe of lower numbers and I

Could be potentially a

Threat out here.

I know I'm 40 and bald and

Old but I still have a

Little fire in me.

Jeff: kass, does it make

Sense for lj and tony to be

Concerned given that there

Are six in one group and

Five on another.

Yeah, I would be very

Concerned if I were a strong,

Male doing well in challenges

On the minority group.

Jeff: lj, where do idols

Come into play?

Do you think they have been


Do you think somebody has


The fact that no idol has

Appeared, this could be some

Big survivor joke, I'm not


Jeff: meaning there

Aren't any?

There's idols, kuz I got


And I'm going use it for my


Jeff: you have an idol.

Of course I do.

Yeah, you want to pull it


What's that going to


Jeff: that you are

Telling the truth.

And what is that going to

Get me.

Well, you just told us

That you have one, so --

All right.

This right here.

Inquiring minds want to know,

Inquiring minds want to see.

Right here, all right?

I'm going to wear it with


And this doesn't mean I'm

Going use it for me, jeff.

I could give it to lj, I

Could give to to jefra,


Jeff: it's a community


So you are looking to make a

Big move tonight.

It's going to be a big


Why don't you look at these

Six faces, look at what is

Going on right here, jeff.

Look at them, look at them.

Jeff: now you have

Sponsor and tasha changing a


They could change

Anything they want.

Jeff: a lot of jabbering

Still going on.

We need a second.

I need a second.

The other one.

Jeff: look at this.


Jeff: shall we just end

The suspense and get to the



We've been waiting for this.

Jeff: all right, we're

Voting for the other one.

I love when a vote is

This alive.

Jeff: it is time to vote.


You're up.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has an a hidden

Immunity idol and you want

To play it, now would be the

Time to do so.

Can you validate it for

Me, please, jeff.

Jeff: yes, this is a

Hidden immunity idol.

I would like to give it

To lj.

Let's see if I read these

People correctly, jeff.

Jeff: any votes cast for

Lj will not count.

Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final, person

Voted out will be asked to

Leave the council tribal

Area immediately.

Hold on.

Jeff: yes.

I would like to cover

Tony's ass myself.

Yo, my man.

I hate you guys.

Shouldn't have done it, I

Think you were the other man,

My friend.

Jeff: there is also a

Hidden immunity idol so any

Votes for tony will not

Count either.


I thought you were the

Other man, let's see what


Jeff: I'll read the votes.

Jeff: first vote jefra.




Two votes jefra, two votes




We're tied again, three

Votes jefra, three votes



Sara -- sar a tied again,

Four votes jefra, four votes




We're tied, five votes jefra,

Five votes sarah, one vote


Jeff: seventh person

Voted out and the first

Member of our jury, sarah.

Bang bang.

Who flipped.

Not me.



Jeff: sarah, the tribe

Has spoken.

Time for to you go.


Good luck, guys.

Thanks, sarah.

Kass, kass, thank you.

That is right, cast, good


We lost two immunity idols

But we'll get them back


>Kass, zero chance of

Winning the game.

A long way to go.

Jeff: well it is clear

That this was a shocking

Vote and my prediction is it

Is going to be a wild


Grab your torches, head back

To camp.

Good night.

Captioning brought to you by

Survivor productions, cbs,

Captioned by

Media access group at wgbh

Next time on survivor.

She has been being rude

To me.

A w*r of word force two


Less's just a bitter,

Ugly old lady.

But it's nothing compared

To the chaos of a hidden


It's a mad treasure hunt

For this idol.

I'm going to pull out my --

I was sitting there calm

As can be, waiting for jeff

To pull out that last name,

And I tell you what, when it

Said sarah, I was like huh?

We thought we had a solid

Set of six.

I don't know why kass


But, they got me good.
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