28x04 - Odd One Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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28x04 - Odd One Out

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor"... The tribe has


At the beauty tribe, morgan

Lost her only ally and was up

Against an alliance of four.

There's a huge possibility

That I'm next to go.

I guess I just got to save


For the brawn tribe, winning

Was becoming routine.

Brawn wins.

Jeff: it couldn't stop

Cracks from forming.

You can trust me.

Jeff: at the last community

Challenge -- spencer, in and

Out -- the brain tribe continued

Their tradition of losing.

The brain tribe to tribal

Council once again.

And at tribal council -- at the

Rate you're going, none of you

Will be there at the end --

There dilemma was clear.

Do we go with our strong

Challenge member, spencer, or do

We go with the person who has

Been more loyal?

Jeff: in the end, they

Chose strength.

J'tia, brick me your torch.

The tribe has spoken.

14 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight.

Our fire is still going.

Oh, my god.

All right.

Hugs to both of you.

That was so intense.

Oh, my god.

I have never been so nervous.

I couldn't be happier right now

To still be in the game.

I thought I was going home


This game changes like that.

Now I'm rising back up.

It's a complete roller coaster

Ride, and I'm just happy that I

Haven't fallen off the roller

Coaster yet.

I don't know what all went into

Your decision.

I can't... Like you guys are

Intense, making decisions at


I just knew if we kept her we

Would be back there in three

Days and regretting it.

I just had that feeling in my


It's a crazy tribal.

We had last-minute tribal vote


It just hit me.

We guarantee a loss if we keep

J'tia, but if we go with

Spencer, he kicks butt and I

Need to win, but how my team has

Played this game is ridiculous.

We're noted the brain tribe.

We're the crap-for-brain tribe,

Just a rolling logjam mess with

A couple nerds on to be.

This could be the final


The only thing between that is

Two entire tribes.

Is that it?

That's it.

No problem, man.

What's up?

Not much.

Ready to keep on?

How about we see what tree

Mail has to say.


You're craving the taste of

Sweet victory.


At least that is how it is


To be denied this flavor

Sensation, you'll be dragged

Away kicking and screaming.


The decision to keep spencer

Will be tested today.

We keep saying, this is the best

Combination of people, this is

The strongest tribe we have.

Well, the rubber will meet the

Road today.

This is our opportunity to

Come back.

The start of the comeback.

The brain tribe has been

Through so much, and if we come

Out with a victory, I think

People will start thinking again

About how strong this brain

Tribe really is.

Bianca: come on

Jeff: come on, in guys.

Brawn and beauty tribe getting

Your first look at the new brain


J'tia voted out at the last

Tribal council.

All right, everybody.

Drop your buffs.

Brains, brawn and beauty is no


Oh, man.

Jeff: brain, brawn and

Beauty is no more.

We're going to form two new


Jeff says "drop your buffs"

And my head... It took me

Probably six days to figure out

Who I can trust out here.

Now I have to start all over.

Jeff: everybody is going to

Take a covered buff.

Don't open it yet.

Take whichever one you want.

We're drawing for two new

Tribes, so you're looking for

Orange or purple.

Everybody open your little

Package and see what buff you


Brain tribe all sticking


A lot of the brawn tribe

Sticking together.

Take your spots on your new

Mats, get to know your new



Nice to meet you.

Jeff: all right.

We have our two new tribes.

Spencer, morgan, kass, tasha,

Jeremiah and alexis.

The new solana tribe, cliff,

Jefra, l.j., Lindsay, tony.

So, sarah, you're the only one

Of your tribe to stay.

What do you make of this new


It feels like I'm the odd one


My entire tribe just walked away

From me.

Jeff: tash, yeah this is

Exactly what you prayed for, to

Start over.

It is.

I'm so excited right now looking

At this tribe.

I think we will be very strong

In challenges.

I'm so excited, jeff.

Jeff: jefra?

Yes, sir.

Jeff: almost the entire

Brawn tribe is together except

For you and l.j.?


They definitely got us with

Numbers, but I'm excited to be

Teamed up with the brawn,

They're supposed to be the best

And the strongest and maybe

There will be some cracks that

L.j. And I can fit in somewhere.

Jeff: cliff, what does this

Do to the game?

Well, it definitely shifts

People's thought process and

Where they were with their

Particular alliance, if they're

Going to continue to try to work

Those alliances or try to create

New ones.

Jeff: all right.

Should we get to our first

Reward challenge as a new tribe?


Jeff: for today's

Challenge, one person is going

To hold on the a pole.

On my go, two members from the

Other tribe will attempt to

Remove them from that pole and

Drag them to the finish line.

The first tribe to get the tribe

Member from the other tribe

Across the finish line scores a


First to two wins reward.

Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: it is big.

It is beautiful.

You are going to love it.

[All reacting]

Coffee, doughnuts, chocolate

Chip cookie, blueberry pastries,

Cinnamon roll, brownies.

It is a great way to celebrate

The first victory of the new


Give you a moment to strategize.

We'll get started.

First round, all women,

Attacking for apari is morgan

And sarah.

They're going to be trying to

Get lindsey off of that pole and

Off the line.

Attacking for solana, trish and


They'll be attempting to remove


Here we go.

Survivors ready?


Tasha and lindsey digging in.

Jefra and trish starting on


Sarah and morgan start in on


You got to get 'em free of that

Post, and then you got to get

Them all the way across the


Lindsey, they have her arms

Free, morgan sitting on top of

Lindsey while sarah works on her


Tasha hanging on.

Trish and jefra cannot budge


She's got a good grip.

Keep it up, tasha!

Jeff: sarah has lindsey's

Leg free.

Morgan and sarah have lindsey

Free of the post.

Now they have to get her back.

Lindsey graking back on again.

It's getting very physical

Between lindsey, morgan and


Trish and jefra now have both

Arms off that pole for tasha.

Morgan and sarah have lindsey

Now free of the post, but she's

Still digging in that sand.

Lindsey making it very difficult

For morgan and sarah.

It's a great first battle.

Sarah and morgan slowly working

Lindsey to that finish line, but

She's putting up a big, big


Lindsey back on her feet.

And back down again.

Tasha is locked in.

Trish and jefra cannot get her

Off of that post.

Sarah and morgan getting closer

And closer to getting lindsey

Across that line.

There it is.

Apari scores the first point!

Next round, two men, one woman,

Attacking for apari is spencer

And jeremiah.

They're attempting to remove

Cliff from the post.

Attacking for solana is l.j. And

Trish having to run again.

They'll be attempting to remove

Alexis from her post.

Apari leads 1-0.

We're playing to two.

Here we go.

Survivors ready?


Cliff is a big fella.

Got a lot of weight and a lot of

Height and a lot of body, but

Jeremiah and spencer are getting

In right away.

Alexis completely unmatched.

Doesn't seem fair.

L.j. Dragging her.

Alexis quickly off the pole.

She's kicking but she's not

Going to do any good.

There it is.

Solana scores.

We are tied 1-1.

Final round.

Two men, one woman, each strike

Has put up their strongest


It will be cliff back on the

Post for solana.

Attacking will be spencer and

J.r. Maya.

On the post for apari sarah and

Attacking against sarah, lindsay

And tony.

Winner of this scores reward.

Here we go.

Survivors ready?


This is it.

Take everything you have to hold

On or the remove, depending on

Your role.

Lindsey has both of sarah's arms


Tony has her legs off.

Spencer and jeremiah have

Cliff's arms off.

Spencer's trying to get his legs


This time spencer and jeremiah

Making a little progress.

Cliff has his feet locked in.

Sarah fighting hard against tony

And lindsey.

They're dragging her but she's

Making it tough.

Spencer is trying to separate

Those feet from cliff.

Jeremiah is sitting on top of


Tony now lifting sarah,

Literally lifting her.

Cliff just laying back saying,

Go ahead.

Give it a shot.

Sarah fighting back now.

She's not giving up.

Sarah giving spencer and

Jeremiah a lot of time on cliff,

And it's working.

Spencer now has cliff's legs


Tony pulling sarah again.

She's lost both her shoes.

Very close to reward.

Solana could win it.

And they do.

Solana wins reward!

Huge physical effort by


Solana, congratulation, grab

Your reward, head back to camp

And enjoy it.

All right.

Apari, have nothing for you.

Grab your stuff, head back to


It's nice to upgrade from the

Moms to the hot girls, but at

The same time, it's tough to

Keep losing.

Everything with the brains seems

To go wrong somehow some way.

Good job on that first

Reward, guys.


We won a challenge.

Good news.

The reality is it's bad news.

Jeff and I are outnumbered 5-2

By the brawn tribe.

I do have an idol I could play,

But that would only buy me a few

More days and then I'm gone, so

My only hope is that they absorb

Me as a team member as opposed

To a threat.

We're trying to figure out

What all you all do.

What did you guess?

Are you a hairdresser?

The scissors.

You've got to be a surfer.

I'm martial awts trainer.

Where are you from?

From massachusetts.

I heard you say you were from

Montana or colorado.

I find out l.j. Was from

Massachusetts, which I never

Would have guessed, and I am,


That brings us a connection.

You went to saugus high?

What year did you graduate?


I thought the beauty tribe

Looked high maintenance.

L.j. Is laid back.

You can tell he's a gentleman.

He's a boston boy.

That's probably why I thought

He's a nice boy.

I was like,er wanted to get a


I think l.j.'S a really

Handsome guy, but I could be his


I'm not mrs. Robinson.

When trish said she was from

Boston, it was a moment of

Beaming sunshine for me.

We already have a connection,

And if for whatever reason I'm a

Draw to somebody a little bit

Older that's single and, you

Know, been through a lot of

Stuff, whether it's the sex

Appeal or whatever that she's

Drawn to, I'm going to use it to

Save myself.

I have to get out more,

What's twerking.

I'd like to see trish twerk.

No one wants to see trish

Twerk, trust me.

Trish is totally exaggerates

Her laugh around guys and it

Makes me sick.

Like you're 50 years old, stop

Trying to get attention from

20-Year-old men.


When I saw purple, purple, I

Was like, oh, come on.

Oh, wow.

I feel good about the way things

Were mixed up today.

I was able to keep five of my

Original members of my tribe.

We can continue moving on with

The people that we have, we're

In a great position.

The one thing I hate is trish.

My concern right now is trish.

I don't know what's going on

With her and l.j.

I just have to really keep an

Eye on the two of them.

It's a must.


Thanks, buddy.

If I knew we were going to

Have gust, we would have cleaned

Up a little.

You're not the guests.

Make yourself at home.

I'm the only original aparri

Member on a tribe with three

Brains and three beauties.

It's definitely a scary position

To be in because you don't know

Who you can trust and who you

Can't trust.

That's why I wanted to ask on

Day one who took the food or did

They take the rice.

We have two bags of rice here

Trish didn't go for the idol.

She went for the rice.

Garrett went for the idol?

He didn't tell us what


We were going to ask about that.

What was the decision?

Take rice or idol?

Sarah outed me when she said

Trish picked rice instead of the

Idol because I chose the clue

And I kept it a secret the

Entire time, so hopefully I kind

Of start fresh with this tribe

And no one holds it against me.

I went for the clue for the

Idol, but obviously I don't have


Oh, my god.

Morgan lied day one, and it

Put a bigger riff, not that she

Doesn't have 100 red flags


It told me exactly what I needed

To know, which is to not trust

Her and never ally with her, so

I'm going to protect myself and

Jump ship right away.

I wanted to say something to

You guys.

My closest friend on my tribe

Was jefra, and she's not with me

Anymore, so I think the only

Scenario is the safest is if the

Four of us stick together.

I know it's hard to trust

Someone right away, but if I

Give you my word, I mean it.

I think it's really telling

How fast and how almost

Desperately rexis came up to us.

Now that we see beauty is

Fracturing a little bit, it puts

The brain in a much better


The fact that they're this

Divided shows that we can play

Them against each other.

Originally jeremiah was with

Us and he flipped and then

Flipped back and morgan lies all

The time.

The entire game he's never gone

To the water well.

I think...

The beauty tribe is a very

Gossipy tribe.

They're almost hike high


They talk bad about each other,

Spread rumors.

Sometimes right in front of each


L.j. And her like cuddle

Together every night and he'll

Always ask her to shake her


Booty shaking.


She prides herself on being able

To twerk really well.

They just seem to have so

Little social skills for a tribe

That's supposed to be beautiful

And social.

Right now my guess is morgan

Would backstab me in a


Are your friends with alexis.

We were when we first


And her and l.j. Were like this.

So I'm on the outs, you know

What I'm saying?

I'll go with you all.

I'll be a foursome.

As of now the brain tribe is

In the best position possible.

Initially I thought we were

Going to have to battle with the

Beauties, but there's some

Dissension amongst the beauty


So we went from tragedy to what

Seems to be a triumph.

Just when you think you're out

Of the game, things switch up

And you're back on top.

The night of that huge storm,

Did you all get cold?

It was freezing, right?

I couldn't feel my hands.

Me neither.

I could not feel my toes for

Like three hours.

I was feeling so great before

The switch.

I was feeling solid.

But when it's just l.j. And I

With all the brawn tribe

Basically, totally different


What's going on?

L.j. And I are not...

You'll pick up on that.

She'll come across as a really

Hard worker.

But she's not.

When trish was telling me all

The alliances and where she

Stood, it was a little shocking

Because it happened pretty fast,

So I'm not going to count my

Chickens before they hatch, but

I think there might be a spot

For l.j. And I to squeeze in.

We've been trying to get rid

Of cliff, but he can't lose the


L.j. Said you were real


I started this game being

Very naive, but I'm starting to

Realize that I have to start

Doing what I need to do to get

To the top.


We're good.

From day one I felt like I

Was the bottom of the barrel.

This twists the whole thing

Right upside down.

Hey, big man.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?

First thing first, I'll take

Back the idol.

Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

From this point forward we're

Only playing for one immunity

Idolment we'll get rid of the

Small little brother.

We'll keep mama, or daddy, I'm

Not really sure.

For today's challenge, each

Tribe will use one large log to

Smash through two walls.

You'll then maneuver the log

Through a table.

The first tribe to get their log

Through the maze and bang the

Gong wins immunity, safe from

The vote.

Losers, tribal council where

Somebody will be the fifth

Person voted out of "survivor"


This challenge runs six on six,

Which means each tribe will sit

One person out.

I'm going to sit out.

Trish will sit out for solana.

Are you guys good at puzzles.

I really want the play it.

Rock, paper scissors.

All right.

Rock, paper, scissors sh**t.

Jeff: rock breaks scissors.

Morgan take a spot on the bench.

Alexis will participate.

Give everyone a minute to

Strategize and we'll get


All right.

Here we go.

For immunity, survivors ready?


All six people have to stay with

The log at all times.

Neck and neck out of the gate.

We're going to use that log to

Smash through that wall.

Solana hits a dead end.

Aparri, it's harder than it

Looks, isn't it?

Tougher than you thought it was

Going to bement you got to get

That log up high to break

Through those 2x4s.

Solana doing a little damage.

There you go.

Aparri still working.

But they're having trouble just

Holding that log up.

You can kick through as long as

You stay holding on to that log.

Solana easing their way through.

Can we switch places?

Yes, you can switch places.

Guys up front.

Jeff: aparri going to

Change their strategy and put

The big guys up front.

Solana through the first wall.

Aparri still working on that

First wall.

Got to get through the 2x4s.

Solana working on that second


Takes a lot of effort.

The logs are heavy.

The walls are very strong.

Sarah's through.

Aparri now moving on to the

Second wall.

Aparri now is back in this.

Solana's lost some of their


Aparri now changing their

Strategy with jeremiah and

Spencer and it's working.


Jeff: aparri is starting to

Slide through.

Solana now getting through.

We are neck and neck.

It's going to come down to the


Go, go, go!

Come on, come on.

Jeff: once you get the

Weight off this log, strip off

Those handles and start working

On the maze.

Solana's started on their maze.

Aparri now working on their





Jeff: solana with a bit of

A lead, but aparri is right

Behind them.

Back, back, back.

Jeff: solana makes a big


They're going to have to go


Back, back.

Jeff: aparri makes the same


They have to go back.

A lot of working together.

Communication is key.

Solana has their nose through.

Aparri has their nose through.

Question is, are you right?

This should be where the brain

Tribe, all of which are on

Aparri, does well.

Spencer, tash and kass do not

Want to go back the tribal


Nobody from the brawn tribe has

Ever been to tribal council.



Jeff: aparri very close.

Solana now very close.

We are neck and neck again.



Jeff: aparri has it


Huge victory for the underdogs.

Aparri wins immunity!

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god!

That was awesome.

We communicated and we k*lled


How did that happen?

Jeff: aparri, who wants it?


Jeff: immunity for aparri,

No tribal council, which is a

Huge change of pace for tash,

Kass and spencerment grab your

Stuff, head back to camp and

Enjoy the night off.

All right, solana, we'll see you

Tonight at tribal council where

Somebody will be the fifth

Person voted out of "survivor:


How could we lose this


It was custom made for brawn.

We've got the numbers.

Let's strike now.

L.j.'S a threat, so he's going

Home first.

I don't know what the hell

Happened, man.

All I know, I was spent at the

End of that.

At the end of the day, we

Have to give them credit because

They beat us.

I hate lose sog much.

We went into this challenge

Thinking no problem.

Brute force.

And there's not even a question

That we should have won that


And unfortunately we didn't, and

It puts jefra and I in a tough


Most likely they're going to try

To get me to go home, so unless

Something happens, I'm screwed.

I get it's a game.

At this point we can keep

L.j. For challenges, but he's

From massachusetts.

Trish is from massachusetts.

They have that bond in common,

And they've been off on their

Own and had conversations, so

She's out here playing with her


And if you get your feelings

Caught up in this game, that's

When foolish things happen.

We're going to vote for l.j.

Hell yeah.

I'm just as good maybe even

Better than he is and ten times

Better in the water than he is,

So get rid of the strong.

I agree with that.

The former brawn teammate,

We're in a good position.

Back at the old camp, we had,

You know, some tension, some

Issues here and there, but now

It's a whole different game, and

You have to look at the bigger

Picture, and what's best for

Suss to get rid of l.j.

Unfortunately the paranoia is

Rampant right now.

What about trish in.

Don't worry about trish?

She's that type of person.

She enjoys complimenting.

Don't be threatened by that.

They want to get rid of me.

That's what they're saying.

If it came down to it, you're

In it?


My name's going up there.


That's all we need to know.

I talked to trish and she

Said that she wants to get rid

Of cliff.

And I was shocked.

Apparently trish and tony don't

Like cliff, and it doesn't make

Sense to me.

You're 5-2, you don't need to

Talk anything.

So if what she says is true, I

Might not have to play my idol.

That's the plan.

I hope so, trish.

You trust me?

I do.

I don't have a choice.


I play with my heart.

And I really like l.j.

He's a gentleman.

He gets along with people.

He never gives up.

The guy's got it all, but cliff,

He doesn't do anything.

And in 14 days of his

Entitlement is about as much as

My nervous system can handle, so

We're putting cliff's name down,

And the best part is cliff

Doesn't have one single clue.

It's really cracking me up.

She's going to flip on us.

She won't flip.

She's going to flip.

I swear on everything I love

She's going to screw us over, I

Guarantee it.

So what are you thinking?

What are you thinking?

Cliff does nothing.

He never even collected a piece

Of firewood, so as far as I'm

Concerned, cliff's first to go.

Do you know that in 13 days that

Man has not said one word to me,

And let's put it this way, when

We get to the mastering we have

To get rid of cliff anyway.

He's strong.

He'll k*ll everybody in all the

Immunity challenges just on his

Strength alone.

He's got to go.

He is first to go.

And then...

Trish pulled me aside and

Said she wants to get rid of


We need to cut the head off the

Snake, which is crazy.

I don't know if she's bipolar or

Skitso, I don't know what she

Is, but there's no reason to do


We need to get rid of l.j.

He has the heart, he has the

Drive, he has the ambition, the

Strategic mind, so he's


Trust me.

I trust you, but jefra and

L.j. Are on the bottom.

We're five deep.

It doesn't make sense.

They could wipe us out one by


You think jefra and l.j. Are


I don't think so, but maybe

The joke is on us.

There's no joke on us.

Here's the deal.

I don't like cliff.

I didn't trust him from the


Cliff is a very influential

Person, and he wraps people

Around his finger, which makes

Him very dangerous person.

But if we get rid of cliff, I'm

Putting all my cards on l.j.

Do I trust him?

Hell no.

I don't know what I'm going to


What was the conversation?

I just told them act being

Strong, this and that, and she

Says, I hope everything stays


You're not giving me no...

You're not feeding me no...

This is what she said, the

Dynamic has changed.

She said, I know the dynamic is


Listen, trish can make a move

If she wants to.

Not by herself she can't.


If trish wants to make a move,

Trish will get voted right out

Of here.

We need stability.

She can do what she wants, and

At the end of the day, it's

Still four against three.

I know, I know, it's only

Speculation, but who is going?

L.j. Is going.



I'm actually looking forward

To going to tribal council.

Trish really got caught up on

Her emotions and so we're going

To chop down trish's new support

System, and we're going to have

Her come groveling back to her

Old tribe mates.

We have nobody else.

I'm nervous about tony.

Trish is willing to flip.

The thing, is I don't know about


The reality is I don't have a

Choice, so I'm putting a

Boatload of trust into trish and

Tony that they're going to

Deliver tonight, and when they

Start to spill their guts, I

Will know whether they're

Playing a game to get me out and

Then I'm playing my idol if I

Need to.

Jeff: for those of you who

Don't have a torch, go ahead and

Grab one and get fire.

This is part of the ritual at

Tribal council because in this

Game fire represents your life,

And when your fire is gone, so

Are you.

So l.j., After the tribe switch,

You go back the your camp, but

You go back with only two

Members and five people from the

Other tribe.

Who is really now in charge of

This camp?

You know, I fell like jefra

And I were a little couple that

Were selling our home and we

Have the group that is going to

Now buy the home, and whenever

You feel like leaving, you just

Let us know, and we'll be oner


It was very intimidating.

It was very uncomfortable, but

At the end of the day, it's me

And jefra just trying to

Entertain as much as we can.


Jeff: cliff, you walk up to

Your new home.

You have the numbers.

Is life really that different?

You think it would be just

That simple that you keep moving

Forward with the numbers, but

There's always going to be that

Person who doesn't feel

Comfortable with where they're

At, who can't put their emotions


And people have to understand

This game is about numbers.

At the end of the day, that's

All that matters.

So yung, sounds like somebody

In this group of five may do

Something foolish and play with


Is that what you're reading into

It in.

Yeah, I hear cliff all the


You can't let your emotions get

The west of you, meaning you

Have to trust what you're a part

Of, you have to stick with it

And going against that, it's

Only going to put you in a bad


Trish, is tonight's tribal a

Test of loyalty for the five

That were formally the brawn


I would say, so yes,


I think that numbers are

Important, but numbers are only

Important if they're also going

To work for you.

You know, if not, then maybe

They have to make other

Arrangements for yourself.

Jefra, this is the only

Possible news you could want to

Hear if you were you or l.j.

That there's a chance, maybe a

Long shot, but maybe there's a

Crack over there.

Yeah, and I get the

Importance of having numbers on

Your side, but at the same time,

This a game all about risk, and

Somebody's the bottom man in

That tribe, and that bottom man

Is not going to make it to the

Top on their own.

Lindsey, the dangerous thing

For you is that l.j. And jefra

Have nothing to lose.


I mean, I hate to say it, but

Yeah, I think we all should

Stick together.

I think we have a better chance

Because it's not 5-2.

It's going to be the five of us

And then the other tribe

Eventually together.

Not including jefra and l.j.

Cliff, is there something

Cathartic about finally getting

To come to tribal council.

I look at it like an nba

Playoff game.

The series doesn't really start

Until you lose a game.

And for old aparri, we haven't

Been here.

We really don't know how one

Another could be truly thinking.

So now once you see it, you can

Make a r adjustments and keep

Moving forward.

Are you concerned, tony, that

Tonight's tribal could shift the

Game one way or another?

Tonight's tribal will

Definitely shift the game one

Way or another.

After tonight's vote we'll see

If we're going to move forward

As a team or we're going to step

Backwards or move forward with a

Different team.

It all depends how to vote goes


All right.

It is time to vote.

You're up.

Sorry, buddy, the last thing

You need is to reconnect with

Your beauty tribe.

Cliff, you can't call the

sh*ts forever.

I'm hoping not everybody else

Sticks with the plan.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want the play it,

Now would be the time to do ao,

All right.

Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote l.j.




We're tied.

Two votes cliff, two votes l.j.

That's three votes l.j.

Two votes cliff.


We're tied.

Three votes cliff, three votes

L.j., One vote left.

Fifth person voted out of

"Survivor: cagayan," cliff.

You need to bring me your torch.

Cliff, the tribe has spoken.

Good luck, guys.

Jeff: well, you came into

Tribal council with one big

Question: where does the loyalty

Lie within this group.

I think you got your answer.

Grab your torches, head back the


Good night.

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Next time on "survivor"...

Trish makes me sick.

He doesn't help out at all.

A feud has been building for


I cannot stand her.

Jeff: it can no longer be


Everything about you I cannot


Let me make this really clear

To you: I don't like you.

She is a bully.

I cannot be around her.

Jeff: what's going on?

I got too comfortable with my

Core alliance.

I thought I was staying up on

What was going on around camp,

But it's tough, it's tough.

It just goes to show when you

Think things are going the way

You expect them to go, boom, you

Get blind sided.
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