27x14 - It's My Night

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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27x14 - It's My Night

Post by bunniefuu »

35 Days ago 10 returning

Players and their loved ones

Descended upon the cagayan


Hoping to play together.

I'm so stoked that I get

To play with aras, I want to

Go deep into the game with


Jeff: but instead they

Were torn apart.

You will not be playing

With them.

You will be playing against

Your loved ones.

Forced to compete against

Each other.

Are you no longer loved

Ones, you are now

Expectitiers, it was the

Beginning of blood versus


Each tribe is to you

Going to vote someone out.

Oh my gosh.

Jeff: laura, laura.

Not good.

Jeff: after laura b and

Candice were voted out of

Their tribes, their loved

Ones were put to the

Ultimate test.

Jeff: john, you can take

Her spot at redemption


John chose to stay if the


I have to show all those

Dumb asses how big a mistake

They made.

Jeff: while you are pert

Sacrificed himself for his


You have now put yourself

In a spot for which you have

To win your way back into

This game.

Time after time after

Time, and I will.

Blood is thicker than

Anything, and laura and I

Are blood.

Jeff: at tadhana john was

Toremented by his decision

To abandon his wife.

It definitely took its

Emotional toll on me like

The second i-- .

Jeff: but he found

Support within his tribe,

Separated from their loved

Ones, they formed a new

Family but in the game of

Survivor, bonds only take so

You far.

They lost four challenges in

A row.

Gervase wins it for gaga

Long, galang wins and

Remains undefeated.

And were struggling to


I don't know if it could

Get any worse.

Jeff: meanwhile at galang,

Winning kept the returning

Players harmonious.

But every family has a black


You don't want to be a

Part of what is happening

Right now?

Jeff: theirs was colton.

This isn't national

Lampoon's horrible vacation.

Jeff: he was up to his

Old tricks, telling lies.


Jeff: and bullying.

This group of veterans

Wouldn't stand for it.

Shut him down.

Hi really hoped that

Colton had changed but

You can only fake it for so


Jeff: and at redemption

Island arena.

I can't do this.

Meaning are you quitting



Jeff: when he couldn't

Get his way, he quit.

But colton's quitting was

Only the beginning of what

Would transpire at

Redemption island.

There was fighting.

He's shhing the women.

You, brad culpepper.

Jeff: epic battles.

There you go.

Marissa stays alive.

That's why we don't quit.

Jeff: and heart-wrenching


I love you.

I love survivor, but I

Love my wife more.

Jeff: until there was one

Left, laura m.

She dominated redemption


Laura stay as live.

Laura m.

Laura wins.

Jeff: earning her way

Back into the game.

And was reunited with her

Daughter ciera.

Drop your-- we are


Jeff: after the two

Tribes merged.

Are you with us.

Jeff: tyson and gervase

Saw-- as the ultimate


Bring your torch.

Jeff: and took them out

One by one until laura and

Her daughter were the only

Couple remaining.

We are the last couple.

Jeff: knowing couples

Were a target ciera made the

Biggest and most emotional

Move the game of survivor

Has ever seen.

I wanted to sit the end

With my mom.

Jeff: 11th person voted

Out, laura.

She voted out her mom to

Further herself in the game.

And with no couples

Remaining, it was the

Returning players who took

Control of the game.

Winning challenges.

Monica wins her third

Individual immunity.

Jeff: finding idols.

I think I will keep it to


Jeff: and reveal.

And even picking up a little

Bit of luck.

The tribe has spoken.

Grab your torch, head to

Research-- redump-- redemption


Jeff: after the dust

Settles there were five


We are in the bottom, we

Get it, 2 versus 3.

Jeff: at the last council,

Ciera and hayden tried to

Convince monica to turn on

Her alliance.

Monica you are tyson's

Last dog and he is using you

All the way to the end.

He has made fun of you,

Evil rude things have been


Jeff: but it didn't work.

Bring your torch.

Jeff: ciera was left on

The bottom and hayden sent

To redemption


Jeff: hayden, the tribe

Has spoken.

Well, after tonight's tribal

Counsel till is clear it is

Going to be a battle until

The very end.

Tonight it's a fight to the


Gervase, the season one

Veteran vowed revenge on the

Competition after they voted

Out his niece.

She walked out of redemp-

Tion I promised I was going

To get them.

I want the million

Dollars I want the sole


I want this.

Jeff: monica, she's

Emerged from her husband's

Shadow dominating challenge

After challenge.

Brad has always been the

Breadwinner in our house.

And this moment right now

Here on survivor is about


Jeff: tyson the former

Challenge threat injured his

Shoulder early in the game

But quickly adapted,

Motivated by his love for

His girlfriend.

I told myself when rachel

Left that if I was going it

To stay, I had to get to the


It was the only way it would

Be worth it for me to stay


And I'm so close.

Jeff: ciera, this

Newcomer started slow but

Quickly became a force in

The game, even voting out

Her mom to get this close to

The end.

I've done so much to get

Myself here this is my turn

This is my shot.

I'm going to win the million


Jeff: over at redemption

Island hayden and laura will

Battle it out in one final

Dual who will prevail and

Reenter the game.

Find out tonight who will

Win the million dollar prize

And title of sole survivor.

That was part of the game,

I love you guys though.

Put me right in the middle.

Good, good play.

I heard what you were


I heard it.

What I said about like

Your kids.

Tonight did not go

According to plan, hayden

Went home.

I planted that seed with

Monica and it didn't work.

But the great thing about

This game is redemption


It will be an interesting


It will be.

Obviously tomorrow someone

Comes back in.

Someone comes back in


Redemption island, my

Hope is that my mom comes

Back in.

And so that is an alliance

Member that I will have,

Whoever comes back in I know

Will be working with me.

So I guess I have options

That I'm going to be going

After all of them.

Dow guys want the tarp or

The blankie?

What do you want?

I would like to sleep on

The burlap rice bag.

My best shot is going to

Be with monica and gervase.

And I may have to use that

Idol to keep monica on our

Side I thrust you 100%.

And you should be able to

Say I got tyson and I got


Of course.

Did you want to open


Can I look at it?


Oh my gosh that's awesome.

You don't have to play


You can take it and give it

To your kid.

No, I'm not taking it

That, that is yours.

I'm to the going to do

Anything with that.

That will sit in a box until

I throw it away.

Having someone come in

From redemption and partnering

Up with ciera.

And they will try drawing

Monica in again.

And so gervase and my goal

Needs to be to keep monica

Tight with us.

Can I see you for


If the guys really do

Just think I'm their lap dog,


But I'm not going to be

Manipulated by tyson and


Because guess what?

Whoever comes in from

Redemption island tomorrow

Is on her team.

I want to be on both teams.

Two chances of going to the

Final three.


Darn it.

I know.

Dang it!

We're so sorry it's you.

I need I hug.

I smell bad.

We all smell bad.

This is the second time

I've played a game like this

And this is the first time

I've been voted out.

And getting voted out sucks.

You've have a lot to

Catch us up on.

Ge-- ciera won.

No, are you kidding me.

No, she was the

Challengers, she got it.

How about that.

Tribal was brutal.

On one side, tyson gervase

On the other.

Monica in the middle.

I think we were close.

But here I am, monica just

Listening to what tyson say,


Somebody else has to get

In shall did -- in its's

Tyson gervase monica at the

End, I'm going to vote for


One of us has to get back

In there.

We have to.

One of us will.

One of us will.

It's true.

Whoever gets back in,

Finds the idol and can

Change the game.

The beautiful part about

This season is I'm out but

I'm not done.

I win at the dual tomorrow,

I'm right back in the game.

And I get to compete again.

I like my chances.

I really do.

This is it, you your

Final dual.

When it is over, only one of

You will return to the game.

The others will join the



I've been dying to

Do-or-die for a long time.

So long.

It's a big day today.

I can taste this.

There's a lot resting on

Today's challenge.

So if I come out of

Redemption arena with one

Ounce of energy in me, I did

Something wrong.

We will never see this

Home again.

But we'll fever forget


I'm so ready for this

Dual today.

I think ciera is waiting for

The call vary come in.

She is the lone soldier

Waiting on the ledge for

Somebody to come in.

So I have to get back in the


Morning guys!

We'll now bring in the

Competitors for our final


Tina, laura and hayden voted

Out at the last tribal


Welcome to redemption island

Arena and your final dual.

Here's how it works.

You're going to place one

Foot at the end of a

Balancing board.

At the other end a ceramic


When your vase falls, you're

Out of the duel.

Last person left standing

With their vase intact will

Rejoin this game and

Continue your guest for the

Million dollars and the

Title of sole survivor.

The losers are out for good.

And become the fifth an

Sixth members of our jury.

This is it.

Your final shot.

Take your spots.

We'll get started.

All right, here we go,

Everybody place one foot at

The end of your balancing


When dow so you will release

The brace that is right now

Holding your vase up.

This challenge is on, nice

And steady, don't panic,

There is no second plates


One winner, two loser,

Somebody's going to rejoin

This game, somebody's going

To be back in the hunt for a

Million dollar check and the

Title of sole survivor.

The two others will have a

Say in who wins but they'll

Do it from the jury side of

Tribal council.

Laura off to a very shaky


Got to get it back together.

She's won five out of six

Duels, not just survived,


Would love to join her

Daughter back in this game.

Everybody looking really


This could go awhile


Another very hot day tina

Is rock steady.

Hayden still very steady.

Laura struggling, literally

Hopping around to save it.

That vase is moving a lot.

Can she recover?

Dig, woman.

Incredible save by laura.

Hayden slipped out of


Hayden becomes the fifth

Member of the jury.

He is out of this game.

Just like that we are down

To two moms.

It is laura and tina now

Fighting for one spot to get

Back in this game.

Let me have it, please.

No way, sister.

I love you, but this is a

Million dollar challenge,


Laura has been struggling

From the moment woe started.

But she is still in it one

Of you will become the sixth

Member of the jury.

The other person is back in

This game.

Part of the final five and

Just like that you're in the

Hunt for the money and the


The question is who is going

To hold out the longest


Two moms battling it out.

Fina-- tina has never won a


She needs to today.

Laura has only lost one


Tina's legs are shaking am

You have to mask that pain.

You have to overcome it.

Tina is fighting through

Pain right now.

She's got to find a way to

Dig through this.

An amazing save.

Laura, can she do it?

Can she save it again?

Laura's vase drops.

Laura becomes the sixth

Member of the jury, tina

Wins this duel and will

Remain as the fifth then.

I'm sorry, I know you

Wanted it.

I know you wanted it.

Oh my gosh.

Jeff: hayden, you won big

Brother which is its own



Jeff: what's the take

Away from survivor.

When you're out here, you

Begin to appreciate what you

Have back home.

Like I have an amazing


You know, a beautiful


And that's my biggest take


I am going to go home, tell

The family I love them, grab

My girlfriend, give her a

Big kiss.

And I'm excited to do it.

Jeff: all right, hayden,

You become the fifth member

Of our jury, will you have a

Say in who wins this game.

Grab your stuff, on the way

Out, see you at the next

Tribal council.

Thanks, jeff.

Good job, hayden.

Good luck, god bless.

Love you.

Jeff: laura, how do you

Read this game?

Is it a success or a


The failure part of me is,

You know, raising kids and

Telling them finish strong,

Finish strong.

And-- .

Jeff: so you don't feel

You did?

No, at this moment.

Jeff: some will argue

That if you are looking to

Teach your child a lesson,

That the lesson of you must

Win or you're a failure is

Maybe not the right one.

But that finishing strong is

Giving everything you have.

You didn't win, but does

That mean you didn't finish


It's-- what good is

Winning six, seven

Challenges if you can't

Finish it.

Mom, it's okay.

You did amazing.

I'm so proud of you.

I really am.

You have shown me out here

How to be a better friend;

How to be a better woman.

And how to be a better mom

More than anything.

And I love you so much.

How can you walk away saying

You lost after that.

Jeff: all right, laura,

After 36 hard fought days in

This game, your run comes to

An end.

Grab your stuff, toss your

Buff in the earn and you

Become the sixth member of

Our jury.

Love you, mom.

I love you.

Bye, guys.


Jeff: .

Jeff: tina, you are back

In this game.

Thank you, jeff probst.

Jeff: and because you won

The duel you're also in

Charge of who gets the last


You can give it to anybody

Who's in the game and that

Includes you.

Thank you, my friend.

Thank you.

Jeff: all right, grab

Your stuff, head back to


Await instruction of your

Next challenge.

When my mom's vase fell

My heart sank.

I always had that hope that

My mom could potentially

Come back in it.

But I'm by myself.

My mom's not coming back.

Your leg's look awesome.


Thank you.

I'm back in the game of


I'm just so happy, I don't

Know what to say.

I know there is a huge,

Strong alliance with gervase,

Tyson and monica.

So I feel like I definitely

Either to have to find the

Idol or I have to try to

Talk monica into going in

With three girls and all

Mom's alliance.

If we find the idol, we

Can take the boys down.

Let's look.

They're not here.

I don't want to you feel


I don't feel pressure at


There's a large tree

Behind your camp.

Spread out.

Lord have mercy.

>Tina is a freak, by the

Time I'm thinking should gi

Put my shoes on, tina is up

The tree, running through

Branches, hopping from limb

To limb.

Oh dear, we've got to

Find it.

A few feet behind your

Camp, just a few feet

Overhead with branches

Spread out wide.

Maybe it's not this tree.

For a 50 some-year-old

Woman, she has no fear.

And she acts like she's a


She acts like she's my age

Doing that and I'm the old

Woman down at the bottom.

Like tina, be careful, can I

Help you, like, lift your


It seems like that tree

Would be the perfect tree,

Doesn't it.

I don't know for sure but

There is a chance that tyson

Already found the idol.


Tina was kind of like the

Last person I wanted back


But I don't have anybody

Else out here really.

So I'm going to keep work on

Monica, and she if she at

All wants to work with me

And tina.

I'll go grab a bushel of


I'll peel.

I'll be right back.

Are you sticking with the


It will be interesting to

Hear what you y'all have to


I need to get some more


Because I really don't have


Well, I'm just going to

Tell you, the jury will be


I promise you that.

It will be.


Everybody is pissed at


Pissed at me?

So mad at you.

For coming to redemption

Early, saying that you --

That is insane.

I'm just repeating.

Tina is very

Confrontational am she will

Stomp on monica and say like

Mean, like, in your face


And I'm thinking whoa, whoa,


We want her to come with us.

We don't want her to hate


I disagree with tina as

Far as the jury members feel


Whether it's true or not

True, I don't know.

But you won three


You played an amazing social


And then at the very end to

Be like you thought he

Had-- no, this is part of my

Game and I think you could

Potentially win.

I know monica, and I know

That you have to appeal to

Monica's ego.

You need to be careful what

You are saying.

You need to be nice to


We want monica to feel like

She's making the decision on

Her own, not because we are

Desperate and want her to

Take us to final three.

To make a move at this

Point against tyson and

Gervase would be epic.


And if you don't ever

Make a move, the jury will

Never vote for you.

But if you make a big move

And not only a big move, an

Important clincher move, you

Could win.

For the last hour I have

Been pounced on by tina and

Ciera on why I should go

With them and dump tyson and


I got a lot of sorting out

To do.

I don't know what direction

I'm going to go.

But this is a brutal game.

Jeff: good morning, guys!

Final five.

All right, you guys ready to

Get to today's immunity


First things first, ciera, I

Must take it back.

Once again immunity is back

Up for grabs.

For today's challenge you're

Going to pull on a rope,

Leveling out an unbalanced


You will race out collecting

Wooden blocks bringing them

Back one at a time,

Attempting to place them on

The table.

If your table wobbles and

The blocks fall, you have to

Reset them.

First person to get all ten

Blocks on their table wins


Is safe tonight at tribal

Council, guaranteed a spot

In the final four.

Losers, after 37 days, your

Shot at winning the money

And the title of sole

Survivor will fall just this


We'll get started.

All right.

Everybody pull on your rope

And place your first block.

Here we go.

Survivors ready.

Gervase has to come back.

Tyson has to come back.

Even if you have a block in

Your hand, if your block

Falls, you got to put that

Block back, then come

Restack, then go get it


Part of the learning curve

Of this challenge is going

To be how fast can I pull.

You're looking for that spot

Between braz enand reckles

Reckless-- brazen and


The women are doing great

Out of the gate, the guys


Tyson has his second block,

Gervase looking for his

Second block.

Tina with three, monica with

Three, ciera now with three.

Tyson has three.

Gervase tips again, he's got

To go back.

Monica with her fourth.

Tina right there with her


Ciera has four.

Tina has four, monica has

Four, and tyson has four.

Monica drops all four of


She's got to come all the

Way back.

This opens the door for tina

To be in the lead.

Tina drops all four of hers.

That's what we're talking

About between brazen and


You want to be fast but you

Don't want to be out of


Everybody is starting to

Realize how sensitive this

Unbalanced table is.

Tina can't even get afoot

Away from them.

Monica now has five.

Ciera now has five.

Tyson in the lead with six.

Tina dumps hers again.

You see it happening, you

Know when it's too late,

When that table tilts too


It's just a matter of a

Moment before your blocks

Fall behind.

A lot of people in this.

There is still a lot of

Challenge left.

You have to get ten placed.

Tyson has three empty spots

Left on that table.

That's all that stands

Between him and a spot in

The final four.

He gets a break when ciera

Damps-- dumps all six of her


Monica coming back with her

Seventh block.

Tyson coming closer now with

His eighth.

He's been very steady.

Tyson has got two left.

Monica has three left.

Gervase has three left.

Ciera places her seventh


Tina dumps them all.

Has got to reset everything.

Monica has her eighth.

Gervase has his eighth.

Gervase and monica are going

To have to hope tyson screws


Tyson coming back with his


Tyson has one block left.

Ciera not giving up.

She's starting to move a

Little more quickly.

And in doing so she dumps


Monica dumps all of hers,

Gervase dumps all of his,

Gervase and monica have to

Reset all their blocks and

That gives tyson the space

He needs to really take his


Tyson has one block left.

And he's inching closer and


If he can just keep that

Table steady.

Tina dumps hers again.

She's got to come back.

Monica dumps hers again.

She's going for broke.

That's what you have to do.

Gervase was almost there

With his ninth.

Everything falls.

Tyson getting closer with

That tenth and final block.

He places it for a count of

Three, two, one.

Tyson wins immunity an a

Guaranteed spot in the final


Good job, ty, good job.

Good job, brother.

Come on over, tyson.

Should I feel like I'm

Being knighted?

If you want.

Tyson, safe tonight at

Tribal council.

Cannot be voted out of this


As for the four of you,

After 37 days, redemption

Island is over.

Somebody will be voted out

Tonight and become the

Seventh member of our jury.

Should be a very interesting


Grab your stuff, head back

To camp.

See you tonight at tribal.


I never really imagined

Myself in this position with

Immunity on day 37.

But I'm not going to

Celebrate because it's not


What I need to focus on now

Is how the next one is going

To go.

Good job, tyson.

I'm so happy for you.

Thank you, everybody.

That was a fun one.

It was fun, huh.

Right now I have the

Immunity necklace and the

Hidden immunity idol.

I would definitely like to

Keep this idol as a souvenir

And give it to rachel.

I like the getting on one

Knee and being knighted.

It feels good.

I can relax a little bit


And the main thing is who do

We vote out tonight.

I think-- she can't win.

You think the smartest

Move did to get rid of tina

Tonight or ciera tonight.

If I had to pick who I

Could sit next to in the

Jury and beat, I think I

Could beat tina before I

Could beat ciera.

S why's that?

Because I feel like ciera

Made the biggest move in the


She's a young mother who has

Never won before.

Our alliance is debating

Tina versus ciera right now.

And I will probably let

Gervase and monica figure it

Out and go with them.

Because it takes a little

Heat off me.

I think that tina should

Go because every single

Person thus far sitting on

The jury is out, not one out,

Because of her that is

Really hard to beat at the


At this point it has to

Be --

I agree.

It has to be --

At first I thought maybe

Tina and then I thought

Maybe it's better if ciera


I don't want to make this


I want you guys to make it.

It doesn't really matter

To me, I see merit on both


I want tina to go home


I think it's critical to our

Game that the person with

The most friends on the jury

Goes home now.

I think ciera is a more

Deadly player in this game.

I do not trust her.

That's why I thought she

Needed to go.

The chick just lies

Constantly and she's going

It to continue to try to

Worm her way into people's

Heads and do what she has to

Doment tina doesn't have

That savvy to do it.

I'm tired of being

Bullied by tina.

It's time for tina to go.

Look, I'm telling you

Right now, you are doing it

On emotion.

That's not true.

You just said it, you are

Sick and tired of tina

Bullying you.

I'm tired of her bullying

Me and she is the only

Person here that hasn't

Voted anybody else out.

That is not strategy.

I have enough of this

Crap she is spewing to me

Because it makes no sense.

I'm like puffing my chest up

Right now turning into a

Bully leaning in on her like

Woman, are you crazy?

Ciera-- voted out her


Her mother is going to

Give her the vote no matter


She wrote her mother's


I give that more credit than


That is a player in this


I just don't feel good

About it.

I've been bullied and

Bullied and bullied this

Entire game by everyone.

It hurts.

I'm over it I'm done.

I'm tired of being bullied.

No, no, no.

You're not listening

Right now.

Tina has money.

She's a millionaire from

This game.

That is one person they will

Not make a millionaire


It's my time and you all

Need me.

And you know what, gervase,

If you are's in an alliance

With someone, you better be

Nice because in the end you

Really might need them.

Ciera, we did not get the

Job done today, my dear.


Maybe we can get it done

Another way.

Do tell.

Obviously there's one

Option, ones that's not

Sitting with immunity.

The thing that scares me

Is I think he has the hidden

Immunity idol.

If he thinks I'm 100%

With him, he's not going to

Think I'm wafering.

He's not going to play the

Idol for gervase.

She wouldn't know who to

Play it for, me or him.

If monica is going to

Make a move, she's going to

Make it tonight.

I would love for this season

To go out with a huge upset

And a big bang.

The cards are all in

Monica's hand.

I'm one who likes to do

The right thing.

After hearing that, you

Know, monica is willing to

Vote gervase, I thought tina,

Don't mess this up.

Like keep your mouth shut

And let me handle the


The option to make a move

For anyone.


Tonight's tribal council,

I'm going to own it.

It's my night.

It's my strategic move.

Don't go with me, don't

Go with gerv, go with


The girls are fighting

Over me, salivating, trying

To get my vote.

And the boys think I'm

Little lap dog, monica, but

Tonight it's my call.

I'm going to say who goes

Home and I'm going to make

My choice on what's best for


Jeff: now bring in the

Member its of our jury.

Aras, vytas, caleb, katie,

Hayden, an laura-- and laura.

So ciera, after the last

Tribal council you were down

To an alliance of one.


Jeff: tina, you

Immediately go to ciera

Knowing that's my best



She's my one and only


Jeff: so we have ciera &

Tina up against tyson,

Gervase and the question is,

Monica, where do you sit.

Because for the last several

Days people have been giving

You a lot of advice.

You need to make a big move.

You need to break away from

These two guys.

I find myself in the

Middle again.

The last 24 hours I've felt

What it is like to be a

First-round draft pick.

You know, I have both sides

Working on me.

Jeff: who made a pitch to

You today, monday ca, and

What did they say.

Well, the girls came to

Me honestly and said this is

A chance for you to make a

Big move.

And let's take out the


Jeff: gervase, do you see

Yourself as a villain?

It's funny, I don't know

How I got painted into being

A villain.

I can't think of anything

Villainous that I've done.

I've played the game just

Like they've played the


You know, I have kept my

Word to my alliance.

And those are things that

Good guys do.

Jeff: ciera, what's your


Okay, woman to am was, I

Want to come to you and

Basically let you know,

Since the second I met up

With these boys it's been

Nothing but monica is an

Easy vote.

Monica is an easy manipulate,

Monica is a puppy dog, she

Will do what I tell her to


I'm not making this stuff


I've been there for it.

And then there is also the

End of the game when are you

Sitting final three.

To get the votes you have to

Make a big move.

And what a bigger move than

To get rid of the villain of

The game.

What a bigger move.

I've never used the term

Lap dog ever, to describe


I've said I've got monica,

Meaning she's with me, I

Trust her, she's in my


She's another person that

Will vote with us.

Jeff: monica, this is

Tough because you have

Another mom whose's just

Throwing out all the dirty


And then you have the guy in

The alliance going she's

Making it up.

Jeff, I don't know how to

Explain this any better than

The last 24 hours have been

Extremely difficult.

Because it's arguments that

Are continually breaking

Down monica.

I mean you come away feeling

Like I just want to die


It's really hard out here.

It has not been until the

Last day that it's gotten to

Be a little bit-- gotten to

Me a little bit.

And tonight is my strategic


This is my minute, and my

Time to let people see what

Is the best strategy, not

For them, not for them but

For monica, and not anybody


Jeff: gervase, those are

Scary words.

Yeah, my heart just

Dropped out of my chest.

Jeff: all right, it is

Time to vote, ciera, you're


I love playing the game

With you.

I have so much respect for

You, but tonight it's about


Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden

Immunity idol, tonight is

The last night you can play


Jeff: if anybody has the

Hidden immunity idol tonight

Is the last night you can

Play it. .

Jeff: thank you.

This is the hidden immunity

Idol, any votes cast for

Gervase will not count.

I'll read the votes.

Gervase, does not count.

Gervase, does in the count.


15Th person voted out, the

7Th member of our jury,

Ciera, that's two, that's


You need to bring me your


Ciera, the tribe has spoken.

Time for to you go.

Bye, guys.

Jeff: congratulations,

You've made it to the final


Tomorrow you'll compete in

Your final immunity


Try to get a good night's


You're going to need it grab

Your torches.

Head back to camp, good


I had plans I put into

Motion and it didn't work


But I know I've plrbed so

Much more than I ever

Thought I would.

I thought I would go, day

One, I thought my mom would

Be here with a past me.

And I beat her.

I'm leaving with so

Much confidence and strength

And I'm so happy with the

Way I went out, fighting.

I feel I did all I could do.

I have got to say, you all

Shocked me on that one.

I was so nervous going

Into tribal council tonight.

I was absolutely shocked

When it was ciera.

So once again I'm going to

Have try and win it, the

Challenge tomorrow.

What dow want to add.

In here I'm going play my


I kind of figured that

You were going to give it to

Gervase tonight.

I'm in this with tyson

And gerv, and I walked away

From tribal council


I wouldn't have played an

Idol unless they thought I

Was 100% with them.

So now my strategy is to

Regroup, to win that fourth

Immunity tomorrow, so that I

Can be in control of my own



You don't get to see that

Every day.

I'm really, really proud

That I'm here on day 38,

That I definitely, 100%

Convinced that if I do not

Win this challenge today,

There's no more options for


The only way that I've got a

Chance in this game to get

In the final 3 is to win

Today's challenge.

I looked over, was it

Really red over there?


It was spectacular.

And you had the sun there

And then the moon there, it

Was just awesome.

Oh lord.

We'll remember that.


Since the merge, I felt

Safe because I did have the

Hidden immunity idol.

But idols don't exist right


They're all done.

Do-or-die today.

If there was ever a time

To win a challenge, this is


We're down to one of the

Last days.

And now I need it more than


It's make-or-break.

Do-or-die right now.

So the most important part

Of the game is still to


It's going to be

Interesting, to say the


Jeff: come on in, guys.

Welcome to your final

Immunity challenge.

One last shot.

Win this challenge you

Guarantee yourself a spot in

The final three and a chance

To plead your case for the


Shall we get to it?

First things first, tyson,

Take back the idol.

The last time immunity is

Back up for grabs.

For today's challenge you

Will race through a series

Of obstacles collecting bags

Of puzzle pieces, two at a


You'll run them up, drop

Them at your table, then

Race down a giant water

Slide collecting two more


Once you have all six you

Will use those pieces to

Solve the puzzle.

The puzzle will help you

Solve a combination lock.

First person to finish and

Raise their flag wins


Losers tribal council,

Somebody will be voted out

And become the eighth and

Final member of the jury.

-- Your spots, we'll get


Here we go!

For immunity and a

Guaranteed spot at the final

Tribal council, survivors



Two men go one way, the two

Women go the other.

You're looking for two bags,

Then you can head to the top

And get rid of them.

Then you have to head back


Monica has her first bag.

Gervase has his first bag,

Tyson has his first bag.

Tina has her first.

Tyson looking for his


Monica has her second.

Monica with two bags,

Gervase with two bags.

It is monica out first.

She'll be heading up the

Stairs first.

Gervase right behind monica.

Gervase going pass monica.

She blocks him out.

We've got a challenge.

Nobody going to give anybody

An inch.

Gervase down the slide,

Monica down the slide.

Tyson has his second bag.

Tyson up the stairs.

Tina has her second bag

Tyson down the slide, he's

Looking for his third and

Fourth bag.

There are six total.

Tina has her second.

She reaches the top.

Tina coming down.

Everybody working on their

Third and fourth bags.

Gervase has his third bag.

Monica has her third bag.

She's looking for number


Tyson has his third bag.

Looking for number four.

Tina banging up her knees

Going for her third bag.

Monica has her fourth bag.

Tyson has his fourth bag.

He's heading up.

Tina with three, still

Looking for that fourth.

Starting to slow down.

Gervase has his fourth bag.

Once again, monica in the


She's won three individual

Challenges already.

Would love to add a fourth

Right here!

Monica an tyson both down

The slide, looking for their

Fifth and sixth bags.

Gervase goes sideways down

The slide.

He's now looking for his

Final two bags.

Tina now with her fourth


She's way behind right now.

Tyson has his fifth bag.

Monica and tyson both with

One more bag left.

Tina really slowing down.

38 Days, many of them spent

On redemption island taking

Their toll.

Gervase has his fifth bag.

Everybody's now on their

Last bag except for tina who

Still has two left.

Fewson with his sixth bag.

Gervase has his sixth bag.

Monica has her last two bags.

Tyson heading up with his

Last two bags.

Gervase right behind.

Monica heading up the stairs.

Once you're up there, start

Solving that puzzle.

Months ca, tyson and gervase

Already working on their


Tina working on her fifth

Bag, following out of this


Really slowing down.

Tina bouncing to that sixth

And final bag.

You must first solve the

Puzzle, then follow the


Tina has her sixth bag.

She's heading up.

Gervase quickly getting on


Tyson going to it.

Monica working through the


Tina bringing up the rear

Has lost a lot of time.

This is a million dollar

Challenge, right here.

The only way to guarantee

You have a shot at the money

Is to win, right now.

Gervase doing very well very


Tyson making a lot of


Monica has been the dominant

Person in the challenges

This season.

Winning three.

Tina won a duel when she

Needed to to get her back in

This game.

It is going to come down to

Who can finish this the


Right now it is monica and


This puzzle contains clues,

These clues will help you

Solve a combination lock.

That lock will release your

Flag and you're going to the

Final tribal council.

That simple.

And that complicated.

Monica continues to make

Progress on her puzzle.

Tina is definitely making

Some progress.

Everybody is very close.

Tyson getting closer.

Gervase, you need to pick it


Tina starting to fall out of

It again.

Monica still fighting.

Tyson has solved the puzzle.

Now start solving the clues.

Everything you need is

Written in that puzzle.

Read the clues.

They will tell you the

Information you need to

Solve the combination.

Tyson heads down the slird

Seeking information, to

Solve that combination.

Gervase close to finishing

His puzzle.

Monica very close.

Tyson now counting something

Else, what is it?

What does he need to solve

This puzzle?

Tyson is back.

Does he have the right


Gives it a try.

It works, tyson wins final

Immunity, guaranteed a spot

At the final tribal council!

Tyson, come on over.

When you needed it most.

Tyson safe at tonight's

Tribal council, you are

Guaranteed a spot in the

Final three.

The question is who will

Join you at that final

Dvymè8q(á.t the eighth and final

Member of that jury.

That's what is going to be

Figured out this afternoon.

Grab your stuff, head back

To comp.

See you tonight at tribal.


I'm bummed, of course.

Because I really would have

Loved to have won the

Challenge today.

But at the same time, I can

Present monica with the

Opportunity to do a 2-2


You know, it's a big move.

And she's not made a big


And so go out with both g*ns


It's nice to see a

Little bit of celebration

Out of you.


It was either that or sit

Down and cry.

This is the first time I've

Made it to day 39.

And I have a lot of best

Days in my life.

Winning the challenge today

Is probably pretty close.

So we'll see if I can top it

Tomorrow by giving a speech

So awesome that I win a

Million dollars.

But for right now this is

The best day in my life.

You like when I boxed you


I figured that culpepper

Had a little dirty move in


That is the time we saw

Something out of you.

Of course, give you a

Little elbow.

I'm steps behind and I'm

Like --

I eased on over to the



Yeah, gervase.

I was a little bummed by

Not winning but even more

Bummed because monica

Checked me.

And I'm like are you kidding


We have the same goal here.

To not let tina win, not me.

Do you believe that we

Did it?

I can nows that it's


I can now.

It is real simple tonight,

Three votes for tina, she

Goes home.

So now it's every man and

Woman for themselves.

And I have to convince the

Jury why I'm the best player

In the game.

I honestly did think that

I could get far if the game.

Not some of by winning it

But I felt like I could get

At least 30 days in.

And that was always my goal.

Was your thought the way

You were going to get there

Was by just doing you,

Because you're a likable


That's all I can do.

That's why it is so funny

Hearing that I'm a villain.

I haven't done anything


You know, I haven't been in

Mean or nasty intentionally

Or anything like that.

Gervase is playing really

Hard for that jury vote.

So I need to be on my a game

For tribal council tonight.

Maybe it's gervase's turn to

Have his name written down.

When tyson played that

Idol I was furious.

And the fact that they kept

That secret, I could make a

Game changing move right


And I could say to heck with

You guys, how dare you not

Fill me in.

Do you think monica is

Going to get any votes,


I don't know.

She might.

I know.

What if she beats us.

Do you think there's a

Chance that that could



It's crossed my mind.

Yeah, mine too.

What do you think about


Well, my only play at

This point would be if you

Would agree to go with me

And vote ver gaes.


And because you know that

Tyson and gervase would vote



And so you know that

Would put us at a tie which

Would end up making me and

Gervase build a fire and coy

Beat gervais in a fire.

I know that --

I don't know how up set

You are about anything that

He might have said about you

Or you know, him

Acknowledging the thing that

He's-- that's my only play.

And you know, I know you've

Got to do was's right for


But that's my plea to you.

The only way that I could

Stay into this game would be

If monica had some sort of

Animosity towards gervase.

And then she and I could

Vote for gervase to do a 2-2


And let it go to fire.

What do you think gervase's

Chances are of winning this


I hear what you are

Saying, I hear what you are


He played a better social


I think more people like

Gervais than tyson, for some



So I think he's got a

Better shot.

Right, that he's perhaps


The major dilemma is to

Make gervase build fire,

Good, I make a big move,

That's a huge strategic move,

And you know, gervase has

Been talking smack about me.

Put his feet to the fire,

All right, buddy, earn your

Spot in the final three.

Get rid of gervais-- gervase,

Than me, you, tyson.

That's a great idea.

Because it also gives me

Benefit of another big move

In front of the jury.

I'm smacking gervase back,

Big move in front of the

Jury, but here is the


What if tina won, would I

Want to sit next to tina?

Now bring in the members

Of our jury.

Aras, vytas, caleb, katie,

Hayden, laura and ciera.

So this is it.

Survive tonight's tribal you

Make it to the end.

Tina, did you feel the

Pressure based on the last

Tribal that you had to win


Oh, absolutely.

I knew I had two chances


One was to win the


And when grahnie didn't pull

That off.

I had to go to plan b.

Jeff: plan b is work


Oh, yeah.

Jeff: monday ca, at the

Last trooibal you were very

Clear that is to the about

An alliance, it's about me

Inwinning this game.

It was very clear at today's

Challenge to me that this

Alliance was over when you

Checked gervase as he tried

To pass you coming up the


Well, gervais-- gervase

Has admitted to talking


And 43-year-old scrappy

Monica is going to hip bump

You back.

Jeff: gervase, did@vxe that

Move surprise you?

Because it really wasn't

Important in the challenge.

It was more of a signal like,

Step back.

Yeah, I was real


She had a good lead on me

But I closed the gap quick

And I wanted to let her know

Hey I'm coming on your left,.

Jeff: you even said that.

So she slowed up, put her

Elbow up and hit me into the


I was shocked.

Jeff: this is a

Continuation of the

Statement you made at the

Last tribal.

All bets are off, I'm here

To win.

No question.

The last three tribal

Councils I've been in poll


Even today historically the

Person that wince individual

Immunity is king for the day

And everybody's lobbying why

He should take me.

Jeff: that wasn't the

Case today.

No, tina came to me and

Said we can't vote tyson, we

Can only vote gervase.

And I would love to make

Fire against gervase


Are you in, what do you


Jeff: tina, what would be

In that for monica?

Well, every person

Sitting here is trying to

Get to the end.

And you've got to figure out

Who do you want to get to

The end with.

Jeff: gervase, when you

See tina working monica and

You know I'm the one they're

Going to be gunning for,

Does that concern you a

Little bit if.


And the closer the game gets

To the end you think, I'm


But it's so much work to

Still do.

Jeff: is there still a

Feeling, gervase, that a big

Move even tonight could help

Sway a jury tomorrow?

Yes, big move sways a lot

Of people it makes people

Stand up and say, wow, that

Was great.

So big moves are scary in

This game.

And they could happen at any


Jeff: all right, it is

Time to vote.

Tyson, you're up


I'll go tally the votes.

Once the votes are read the

Decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, tina.



Two votes tina, one vote


One vote left.

16Th person voted out and

The 8th and final member of

Our jury, tina.

Need to bring your torch.

You guys be kind to one

Another tomorrow, okay?

I'll try.

Jeff: tina, the tribe has


Time for you to go.

Tyson, monica, gervase,


You've gone as far as you

Can go in this game.

The power now shifts to the


Eight people voted out now

Hold your fate in their


They will decide who they

Think is worthy of the title

Of sole survivor and the

Million dollar check that

Goes along with it.

Your job, convince them.

You have one more night out


Get some sleep, start

Working on your speech.

Grab your stuff, head back

To camp.

Good night.

Oh my goodness.

I think this is so hard for

Me, mainly because I know I

Was one tribal council from

Tying sandra's record of

Having two wins.

Because I know if they had

Kept me, if I had to build a

Fire against gervais vaes I

Would have won.

So that's kind of hard.

But at the same time

Survivor never ceases to

Deliver an adventure of a


We did it, we did it, we

Did it.

We did it.

Sure did.

I see chilling champagne.


And ice.


Let's go.

This morning, me, monica,

Gervase woke up, the

Breakfast I've been dreaming

Of since day one and even

Before that day was there

And ready for consumption.

39 Days.

To good friends, to the

Rest of our lives.

There were so many

Moments along the way where

I thought I'm to the going

To do this.

I'm to the going to get to

Day 39.

But with six people left in

The game, five people left

In the game, I thought this

Is going to actually happen.

I'm going to find myself in

The final tribal council.

And now I have to focus on

Winning a million dollars.

It's just amazing, the

Final three.

And monica did it without


And without her safety net.

And without anybody else.

And the-- and the mom found

Herselfs an became monica


And if all goes well tonight,

I could walk away as the

Sole survivor in this first

Historic season of blood

Verse water.

A lot of blood, sweat and

Tears went to get me to

Where I needed to get in

This game and it's all worth


I have come full circle.

I'm one of the original

Players to ever play this


And after 13 years I come

Back to a game that is

Totally different than the

Way I left it.

And I ended up in the


That's not luck.

That's not chance.

That's because I know how to

Play this game.

So I'm feeling good heading

Into this final tribal


I think I really do have a

Good shot at winning this

Million dollars and

Convincing this jury that I

Am the sole survivor

We now bring in the

Members of our jury, aras,

Vytas, caleb, katie, hayden,

Laura, ciera and tina.

Welcome to your final tribal



39 Days.

It's as far as you can go in

This game.

Now the power in the game

Shifts to the jury.

Eight people that you had a

Hand in voting out will now

Decide who gets the title

Sole survivor and the

Million dollar check that

Goes with it.

Let's start with opening


Your first chance to address

Them about why you deserve

To win this game.

Then they'll get their

Chance to address you.

Then we vote.

Gervase, you're up first.

How's it going, jury.

I think that I played this

Game great.

I used the best of old

School and new school


I had a 13 year layoff, came

Back into this game.

You take any athlete in any

Sport, the rookie season,

Give them 13 years off, they

Will not make it to the


New school strategy, I've

Done the big blindsides,

Started with aras, you know,

He would never have been

Able to get out of this game

If it wasn't for me.

Tyson wasn't close enough to

Make that happen it was a

Tough, long hard road but I

Played the game the way the

Game should be played.

I think sit until this

Position definitely warrants

Your votes to be the sole

Survivor and the winner of

This game.

Jeff: monica.

Well, I just wanted to

Start with addressing the

Elephant in the room.

And that is I know that you

All think that I was drug

Along like a puppy dog on a

Leeferb leash by these guys

To get to the end.

And that's not true.

I had three choices in the

Last three tribal councils

To go with katie, ciera,

Hayden and tina.

And I never choose that


Because I wanted to fit in

The end with these guys,

Because I have less blood on

My hands and less broken


And if I would have sat with

Hayden, katie, ciera or tina,

I would have been more like


And so my strategic play

Gave me the best chance to


I hope that that finds some

Merit in your vote.

And I am proud of the social

Maneuvering and things that

I've done to get here.

Jeff: tyson.

I came into this game

Knowing I would probably be

Target numbero uno from the

Get-go and most of you

Confirmed that as I hit the

Galang beach.

And so I said I'm just going

To have maximum amounts of

Fun, no regrets.

An when I get voted out, I'm

Going to get voted out.

That changed the second I

Saw rachel at redemption


When she left I said I have

To get to day 39, no matter

What it takes, I have to

Focus every day and show her

That I appreciated her

Sacrifice, knowing that the

Reason she left was because

Of me, because half of you

Thought I was too big of a

Threat so you voted her out.

So I did what I had to.

I made the huge moves.

I dug around for the idol,

To make sure nobody else had


And I won challenges when I

Absolutely had to.

Everything I did was

Strategic, nothing was out

Of malice.

And I'm here, day 39 because

Rachel made that sacrifice.

Jeff: all right, jury,

Some of you have waited

Quite a few days for your

Chance to address the final


I'm going to give you a

Minute to firm up what you

Want to say or ask, and

We'll get into it.

Jeff: all right, jury

This is your first chance to

Address tyson, monica and


Your job is to elicit the

Information you need to make

A million dollar vote.

Let's get into it.


All right, look, guys,

Tyson, the name of the game

Is to get before you get


And you definitely did that,

You know, like, I wasn't

Going to take you to the


Aras wasn't going to take

You to the end.

That is the point you made

To get us before we got you.

The problem is my last play

Was telling you if you get

Me out, I promise you I'm to

The going to give you my

Jury vote, dow remember


I do remember that I

Remember you threatening


That was pie last play,

My last ground to stand on.

And to be honest, I'm going

To stick to that.

Which brings me to the two

Of you.

Gervase, old school just

Means an unwillingness

To adapt.

This game is about

Adaptability and change and

It has morphed in the 13

Years to play, old school

Works for fashion and works

For music sometimes but it

Doesn't work in survivor.

You linked up with a new

School player.

In my opinion he kind of

Carried you through, so I

Don't need to you say

Anything right now.

And then with monica, who

When that tribe swap

Happened, there was a

Genuine friendship we had.

And I totally trusd new that


These guys never promised me


They promised my brother

Something, but are you the

Only one here that turned on


Like you an I had a

Friendship and you never

Came and talked to me about

That and honored that

Friendship am.

So I don't know who to vote


I'm just going to be

Watching what goes down as

These other guys ask you

Questions tonight and how it


Thanks, vytas.

Thanks, vytas.

Jeff: katie, you're up.


I want to say

Congratulations to each and

Every one of you.

I have one question for


In your opening speech you

Said you didn't do anything

Out of malice.

At tribal council when we

All drew between me and

Ciera it was one of the

Lowest moments for me when I

Held out the white rock and

I saw you stand up to hug


But then you looked at me in

The eyes and you said, you

See that jury seat over

There, that's yours.

And did you it out of


Yeah, that was the one

Thing I regretted doing in

The game.

I was hoping to have the

Chance to apologize to you

For that.

I mean if you were in my

Shoes, would you vote for

Tyson after a statement like


It's hard because I knew

You were begin gunning for


The drawing rock thing was a

Real stuff spot for me.

My heart was beating.

Coy hear it in my face, and

With me sometimes my mouth

Takes over before my brain

Can stop it and says that's


I would hope you could look

Past it and I would hope

That I would be a big enough

Person to look past it and

Vote for the person that you

Feel played the best game.

I would hope coy do that,

But I can't tell you with

Certainty that I would.

Thanks katie.

Thank you.

And sorry about that,

Katie, I really am, it is my

One regret of the game.

Thank you.

Jeff: caleb, you're up.

Hi, y'all.

My question is to you,


What was your big

Game-changing move?

I think my biggest move

Of the game was voting out


I know everybody thinks

Tyson makes the move but

Here is the thing with my

Playing style.

I was never the target.

Yes, I wanted tyson's team

Like he was pulling the

Trigger and all these moves

Because they wanted to vote

Out who, tyson.

I think that's genius.

He's taking all the heat.

But a lot of the moves that

Happened in this game came

From me.

I appreciate it.

Monica, for me, I feel like

You just have that perfect

Persona about you and you

Know, I'm going to have to

Have something from you.

Be vulnerable.

Tell me something instead of

From up here I need you to

Answer from in here.

You know, like from the


My whole life has been

About brad, and nine years

In the nfl.

And I want this.

It's never, ever, ever in

The last 21 years, one day,

Been about me.

And today it is.

And I'm proud of me.

I don't know if you all are

Proud of me or not.

I haven't had a friend out


I felt like I've been the

Lonely heart from the minute

Brad walked out that door.

And I stayed.

And I fought.

And I said what is your goal

Here, woman.

And it is to get to the end.

And it's not to just get to

The end, it's to get to the

End and win and have some

Sort of badge of honor for

Monica, me, other than

Brad's wife, and honor's


And that's why I'm here.

I appreciate it.

Good luck, you guys.

Jeff: thanks, caleb.

I ciera, you're up.

Hi, guys.

Tyson, I obviously titled

You the villain.

So I want to know do you see

Yourself as the villain or

As the hero.

I honestly don't see

Myself as the villain.

Like I said in my opening

Statement, every move I made

Was strategic.

It wasn't ever personal.

It wasn't ever out of

Dislike for anyone.

Everything came down to how

Many numbers does this

Person have, where do they

Fit in their alliance,

Whose's the strongest

Socially, is somebody going

To beat me in a challenge

Down the road.

Everything I did was pure


And for that reason, I would

Say I'm definitely not the


A hero, rachel considers me

A hero.

And I guess fur's not the

Villain than you have to be

The hero.

Okay, thanks, tyson.

Gervase, were you ever going

To vote out tyson?

My plan was to do it at

The right time.

And I was really looking at

A final four spot to get rid

Of tyson.

At that time in the game, I

Just felt like if I joined

You guys, and we got rid of

Tyson I absolutely was going

To be next to go.

And my best odds at that

Moment in time were to stay

With tyson and ride it out.

And if I sat here next to

Him and lost, it's okay.

Because I made that


I feel like I can definitely

Beat tyson and that's why I

Decided to make that move

And come here tonight.


That's all I got for you


Thanks, ciera.

Jeff: laura, you're up.

Okay, so monica, I don't

Know who you are.

Let me give you an example.

You know what is hard for me

Is I can sometimes be really

Prickly and be really hard

To be around.

And I need to work on that.

Okay, that's being

Vulnerable and that's saying

Okay, I'm going to just

Strip my clothes off.

Here is an uglyness about


I think all my uglinesses

Have been shown on this


Tell me what.

If you are classic

Culpepper, a lot of times I

Thought you know what monica

You are completely out of

Place in this game.

Why, what makes you out

Of place.

People say you are a

Puppy dog, people say are

You being drug around.

People are making fun of

People say you talk too


People say they don't like

Your stories.

People say monica only tells

Stories about her family

Because there's nothing

Interesting about monica.

How does that not

Devastate you and bring you

To your knees in this game.

It did, numerous times.

And you know what?

I've grown out here.

And I let all of those

Emotions go away.

And I fought.

I win a challenge, all

Little 100 pounds of me is

Freaking he mass yated.

I'm eating grubs, worms, pig

Intestine and I weigh half

As much as these people

Weigh, why, cause because

It's my time.

I don't know what more you

Want me to say.

Little you answered it

Perfectly with that, those

Last few words that you said

There was vulnerable.

Thank you for asking.


Thank you, laura.

Thanks a lot.

Jeff: tina.

Hey, guys.

I want to you give me one

Word and one word only that

Best describes the core of

Who you are.




It's honorable, that is

What gervase means t means

Hon orbl.

And I am a person that your

Word is your bond.

And you know, caleb probably

Doesn't think that, but

Outside of this game, yes, I

Think I'm a very honorable



It's fun-loving one word

Or is that two.

I will take it.

Okay ox fun-loving.


Jeff: thanks, tina.

Jeff: hayden, you're up.

Tyson, coming to you,


Did you have the idol.


Where was it?

I found it in a bird's

Nest up in a tree, one step

Ahead of you again.


Touche, perfect.


Monday ca, you know I

Love you.

And I love brad.

He's a huge character.

And I made him.

And I'm sure did you.

I made him.

And I know are you the

Backbone of the house and I

Know you're a great mom.

But the perception is maybe

You've been a little fake.

And that's yu get beat up


Like we want to see inside


Like what do you think our

Perception of you is.

I mean I know --

It's obvious, I heard it

Time and time again.

What dow-- I don't really

Quite know what y'all want

Me to do more than I've


The last thing I want to

Do is come here and beat you

Up that is not what I want

To do.

I feel like such a target

To everyone.

Have y'all never met a nice

Person, have y'all never met

Somebody that isn't selfish.

Have y'all never met a neat


I mean --

I feel like I've opened

Up and it's just like keep

Punching her.

What is y'all's goal.

That not the case.

I just feel like we haven't

Gotten to know you.

Well, maybe at the end of

The game we can have dinner

And coffee and --

I would like that.

Me too.

Jeff: all right, aras,

Finish this up.

All right.

Congratulations, guys.

It is exciting to soak in

This moment because in my

Opinion this is probably the

Best moment of the whole

Experience, even after I won

The million dollars.

So gervase let me start with


Prove to me you have game

Awareness by assuming I can

Only vote for monica or


And fell me why I should

Vote for them.

Only choose one, tell me

What they did and why it was

Instrumental in getting them


I would definitely say


He had a lot of different

Elements to his game.

Cosee two people talking and

Go up to them and say hey, I

Don't know what is going on,

But I want in.

You know, he had everybody

Digging up the beach,

Looking for the idol that he


Chasing them all around the

Idol to make sure they don't

Find something that is not

There I thought that was

Great game play.

I mean you can't knock

Anything about his game.


Monica, who made the best


And who should I vote for

Between those two boys.

Hands down you have to

Vote for tyson.

He found two hidden immunity

Idols and he did win those

Last two immunities when

People could have gotten rid

Of him, but they couldn't.

I felt like he was a

Charging horse for 39 days.

Awesome, thanks, monica

Character, tyson, same


I can't vote for you, I'm

Voting between gervase and

Monday cas, without do I

Vote for and why.

Honestly I would have to

Go with monica.

When we tart started at

Galang, we will something

Pretty good.

I said you watch my back, I

You watch mine.

Tribe split, she kept her

Distance from gervase and me,

She always wanted people to

Think she was on the bottom

And it worked beautifully.

She would get information

That we couldn't get because

We were too close to each

Other it was amazing how

Well it worked.

And so that I would say was

Her big move.

Okay, thanks, tyson.


Good luck.

Thanks, aras.

Jeff: really good final

Tribal council.

Hopefully the answers you

Got from tyson, monica an

Gervase have given you the

Information need to make a

Million dollar vote.

I'm going to give you a

Minute to take it all in and

Then we will vote.

Jeff: all right, 39 days

And it comes down to this,

One final vote.

Tonight you're voting for a


You're voting for either

Tyson or monica or gervase.

You who you think most

Deserves the title of sole

Survivor and the million

Dollar check that goes with


For the last time, it is

Time to vote, aras you're up

Go to buy rachel a

House and marry her and make

A lot of babies,

Congratulations, man.

You're a little bit

Annoying but you're a real

Strong woman.

Jeff: I'll go get the


Thank you for a great season

Of survivor, our 27th season,

39 Days is a long time, I

Know you want me to read

These votes right now.

But you're going to have to

Wait until we get back to

The united states.

See you there.

All right.

(Cheers and applause)

Jeff: all right, nice


Have a seat!

Thank you for the nice

Welcome wow, it's a lively


Fittingly, it's been a good


Here's where we're at.

39 Days in the philippines.

New twist with blood versus


A lot of emotion, a lot of

Memorable moments.

Brings us to a final three,

Tyson, monica, gervase.

A jury of your peers, their

Eight votes.

One winner, a million

Dollars at stake.

These are votes you want to

See your name on.

I will read the votes.

Here we go.

(Cheers and applause)

First vote, monica.

(Cheers and applause)


One vote monica, one vote



(Cheers and applause)

Two votes tyson, one vote



(Cheers and applause)

That's three votes tyson,

One vote monica.


Four votes tyson, one vote


The winner of survivor blood

Versus water, tyson!

(Cheers and applause)

Jeff: our 27th season

Survivor blood versus water

Is over, tyson has won.

Now comes the fun part.

We get everybody back

Together on one stage live

And we hash out what went

Down, and a lot went down.

Plus we're taking your


We want to know what you

Thought about this season of

Survivor, #survivor finale t

Is the "survivor: blood vs.

Water" reunion show.

We are live in los angeles!

(Cheers and applause)
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