27x10 - Big Bad Wolf

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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27x10 - Big Bad Wolf

Post by bunniefuu »

"Survivor": drop your buffs.

We are merged.

"Blood versus water" having a

Loved one seemed to be a


I'm so stoked I get to play

With aras.

Jeff: but it was turning

Out to be a curse.

Which one of us is next?

Only time will tell.

Jeff: tyson's alliance held

All the power and they were

Taking out aras' couples

Alliance one by one.

Teen athe tribe has spoken.

And after tina was voted out--

Bye, mom.

Jeff: her daughter katie

Was left alone on the bottom.

Laura and ciera were the only

Loved ones left in the game.

Eight are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Sorry, katie.

It's all right.

We lost a good one.

That's for sure.

It was horrible seeing my mom


This is a cipe of defeat, this

Whole thing right now.

The seven of them are so

Engrossed in their own alliance

They're not budging.

Fidon't figure something out

Tonight and get it rolling

Tomorrow, then I'm doomed.

Me and my mom are the last

Loved ones here.

I know, that's so cool.

But a loved one is going to

Be a huge target eventually.

So moving forward is going to be


If katie wins immunity,


If she doesn't, katie need to



Now I come here and look at the

Power we have.

We're two votes.

Who would have thought we hold

The power in the game?

No, I think we're in a really

Good spot.

I think the only thing that

Could mess us up, because we

Have the numbers, could just be

Just playing-- like let tyson do



Just avoid any strategy

Conversation with anyone,


Just stay low.

Since I've been playing with my

Mom, one of the biggest things

I've noticed is a role reversal,

And especially one that I never

Thought coming into this game

Would happen.

I thought, you know, I'll listen

To my mom, do what my mom says.

And I think I've proven to be

The better player.

I mean, I've had to go to way

More tribal councils than on my

Mom so far and I've lasted and

Her first one she got voted out.

Let tyson come to you.

Be a girls' girl.

It is a little unnatural

Feeling to follow my daughter's

Lead, but I totally trust her

Judgment and she's my daughter.

I'm trusting my daughter's

Discernment and judgment, and

That's an amazing gift this job

Has give know me.

Good job, you're doing awesome.

I wonder how long my mom will

Keep listening to me and take

Might go advice.

I love her, and I want to go as

Far as I can with my mom.

But on the same hand, if my mom

Needs to go-- let's head back--

In order for me to win the game,

She needs to go because I have a

Better sh*t of winning than she


Jeff: come on in, guys!

We'll now bring in the

Competitors for today's duel.

Aras, his brother, vytas, and

Tina, voted out at the last

Tribal council.

You guys ready to get to today's


Yes, sir.

Jeff: for today's duel, you

Will each use a grappling hook

To retrieve three bags.

Each bag has a ball smdz of it.

Once you've collected all three

Bags, you will use one of those

Because to solve the table


The loser, out of this game and

Become the first member of our


In addition, the winner of this

Duel will decide who gets the

Clue to the location of the

Hidden immunity idol.

Now that it is an individual

Game, that clue, that idol, a

Whole new value.

Tina, did you consider letting

Katie swap spot with you.

No way.

Never going to happen.

Jeff: I'll let you pick

Spots and we'll get started.

Here we go, survivors ready?


Tina hooks her first bag out of

The gate.

Good job, mom, good job.

Jeff: vytas misses again.

Aras has his first bag.

Tina with her second toss, just


Vytas struggling with that rope.

It's all knotted up.

Tina with another good toss.

That will snag a second bag for


Good girl, tina.

What about me, laura?

Come on, aras, give it a good


Thank you, laura!

A lot of slack.

Thatta boy.

Jeff: oh, just misses!

( Applause )

, Nice!

Jeff: tina with anothers to

And another bag.

It only took her four tosses to

Get three bags.

Tina now can release one ball

And start working on that table


Vytas gets his first bag.

Aras has his second bag.

Vytas has his second bag.

It is the brothers neck and


Tina's already working on the

Table maze, has a big head


She might need it.

You do not want to be last in

This duel.

Vytas has his third bag.

There you go, "v."

Jeff: started out slowly

But picked you want pace.

Vytas can now start working on

The table maze.

There you go, you got it, you

Got it.

Jeff: aras has his bag.

He's in it now.

Tina has had a bit of time to

Figure this out and all three

Now are working.

Two people are going to move on.

Tina getting very close.

You can get all the way to the

End and still drop in a hole and

Have to start over.

You're doing great, mom,

Doing great, nice and steady.

Aras, take your time, aras.


Jeff: aras drops in a hole

And has to start over.

Aras, focus, man, come oman!

Jeff: a huge time loss.

Nice and steady.

Don't rush it.

Good job, tina!

There you go, mom.

Jeff: vytas and tina at the

Same spot on their table maze,

Both very close to that center

Spot that you want to be at to


Nice and steady.

Jeff: tina dangerously

Close to the end.

This is the most difficult part

Right here for tina.

She's got to get it through that

Last little channel.

If she does, she will live to

See day 26.

Oh, baby!

Jeff: tina in the final


Now she has to land it in the

Finish spot.

Oh, no, no!

Jeff: oh, tina drops in the

Hole, all of that progress lost.

Oh, no!

Jeff: she must start over,

Vytas now very close to that

Center section.

Vytas is now in the center


He's been behind this entire


He could win it right here.

He does.

Vytas wins the duel.

Vytas stays alive on redemption


We're now down to two.

Tina and aras.

One will fail.

It comes down to this.

It's all good, aras, take

Your time, man.

Nice and steady.

You have plenty of time,


Jeff: tina is very close to

That center section, but aras

Knows that means nothing.

She was close before.

Teen--'s now in the center


She just need to land that ball.

Aras trying to pick up the pace.

He's got to get a move on, or

Aras will be out of this game.

Tina very close.

Can't get it in that finish


Tina finishes!

Tina stays alive!

Aras out of this game after 25


So, aras, I'm thinking back to

The challenge.

In which you squared off against

Each other, and there's a moment

Where you said, "hey, do you

Want to stand up and start


And vytas said, "yes."

And the minute you stood up, he

Took advantage of you in that


Is there anything about this

Experience out here that might

Compel you guys to let some of

That go?

I don't know.

I don't know, jeff.

I mean--

It's all right.

It's all right.

Jeff: vytas, do you see the

Pain it cawds in your brother?

Hhe's had it here.

He had it back in that challenge

When he cried and said, "I'm

Done competing against my


I just want to love each other."

That first challenge air

Force bunch of old ( bleep )

Coming up for me and for him.

That cheap sh*t stuff, I'll

Never do that again.

And I believe we can be healthy

Moving forward as brothers and

Continuing to have a little bit

Of rivalry, at least.

Jeff: how does that fool to

You, aras?

I lot of things happened for

A long time, and things are

Getting better and better every

Day, and this experience has

Made it better, and I hope we

Can live to a ripe, old age


And have stories with our

Grandchildren about the

Experience we had out here when

We got blinded sided by gervase.

And can't wait to sayer that

Story with my grandchildren.

Other than, that I'll really

Happy for vise.

I didn't win a million dollars

But we got a lot closer and

That's worth more than any money

In the world.

Jeff: all right, aras,

After 25 days, it's time for you

To go.

And become the first member of

Our jury.

Drop your buff in the urn.

All right, duty, I love you,

Man have fun.

Love you, bro.

Catch some fish.

Eat some cheeseburgers for


I love you.

No hard feelings, by the way,


You outplayed me.

Good job.

( Applause )

Jeff: all right, vytas, for

Winning this duel, you decide

Who get the clue to the idol.

Now that we are merged, a whole

Different value in this game.

You have to give it to somebody.

One of those eight.

Who are you going to give it to?

Well, jeff, I plan on winning

A few of these here so it will

Definitely be pass around, butta

This point in the game, I think

Katie needs it the most.

So I'll give it to her.

Thank you, vytas, I'm going

To keep it.

Jeff: not even going to



Jeff: the crazy notion

Other people have done of

Throwing it in the fire.

It's going right in here.

Jeff: vytas, teen ayou

Lived to see another day.


Grab your stuff, head back to

Redemption island.

Thanks "v."

Good job, mom.

Thanks, baby.

Jeff: all right, guys, grab

Your stuff head back to camp.

I knew I was going to take

The clue and keep it because my

Biggest concern is finding that

Hidden immunity idol to keep me

Around as long as possible.

I'm not going to go down without

Fighting as well, just like my

Mom did.

k*lled it.

Good to remember, my mom is

Still in it.

Aras gone.

She did good.

Year, I'm proud of her.

I'm so proud of my mom trade at

Redemption island.

It was kind of intimidating

Seeing her with aras and vytas,

But because they're two strong

Guys but she did great and I'm

Thrilled beyond belief that

She's still in it.

You you guys don't have to

Follow me.

I'm going to the bathroom.

Read you're clue.

I'm now so low in this game,

So it worries me that I could be

Going home at any minute.

I'm not in a strong alliance,

But I have some friends in

Redemption island, luckily, and

They gave me the clue, which I

Really needed to ensure my spot

Here in the game.

"Halfway on your trek to

Refreshment, a gnarly vine lives

Near a root.

Where the vine enters the ground

Is where you'll dig and find

Some powerful loot."

This is a great clue, and I

Think I know exactly where it is

On the way to the waterfall,

There is a tree that has a crazy

Vine, and we've noticed it

Before because it really stands


I think this is it.

I have to start digging.

Why don't we hide all the

Sharp tools.

Not a bad idea.

Like the crow bar and

Anything she can use to dig.

I mean we can't grab it from

Her but we can find it before--

Absolute, when we see where

She's digging we can dig next to


Now that katie has an

Immunity idol clue it doesn't

Worry me at all because I

Officially have the hidden

Immunity idol, and katie is

Pretty much a nonfactor.

The only thing I'm thinking

About is how to make my next

Move, and I think a lot of

People are okay with making

Moves, as long as they're not

The bad guy, so I'm going to

Have to take another one for the

Team and be the bad guy again.

Okay, I've got it figured out.

Lay it on me.

Are you ready?


Us four guys vote laura m.,

So that she doesn't see it

Coming and so ciera doesn't have

To vote for her mom.

Split up that pair.

Yes, and ciera we can pull

Back in because we say we don't

Want to you vote for your momma.

The safe bet is take laura m.

Out before she gets further in

The game and collaborates with

Someone with her daughter

Because then there are two votes

That you're worrying about

Instead of just one.

Laura m. Goes, hopefully b*at

Some people on redemption

Island, and then ciera's in with

Us, and then we can do katie and



Does that make sense.


Good, right.

Yeah, it's good.

Right now I really feel like

Tyson has my back.

I do.

I think I can trust him.

Do I want to get rid of laura


Do we make a big move now?

Do we stick with what we've been


It's not easy because you have

To tread carefully out here

Because one mistake could cost

You a million dollars.

Good challenge tomorrow.


We have to win.

Laura can't win because this

Is our own chance to get her

Before she's going to start

Suspecting us.


If we make this move--

Home free.

Then we're home free.

I don't know why I've been

Wearing my shirt this whole time

Like an idiot.

There you go, ladies.

You're welcome.

I like laura.

She loves my jokes.

Katie is just so-so on most of


I'm in this alliance with

Seven, but there are four guys

In our alliance right now.

It will be so easy for them to

Get rid of me and my mom.

We're the only couple in the


If I go with my mom right now

And say let's try to get to the

End, it's not going to happen.

She'll be voted out, and I'll be


And it's a conversation I have

To have soon, and it's so hard

For me.

It's like a total-- like my

Heart is just being tugged

Because nobody wants to do that.

I love my mom, and I don't want

Her to think that I don't want

Her to succeed in the game, but

I mean, i-- I want to succeed in

The game.

Let's take it step pie step

Really quick and just think

Through our options.


We're at eight.


If katie gets an idol this

Week, which she's either going

To find it or not.

Let's just assume she does.


The plan is monica.


And then now it's down to seven.


If you were not in the game

Right now, I know I'd be in the

Final circle.

Here's the deal-- would you


They would take you to the final

Three because they know that

They can b*at you.

I don't know if I would win,

But I think I have a better sh*t

At winning than you would.

In order for you to make it to

The final three, you would have

To win every single challenge

From here until the end.

I've definitely had to have

Conversations with my mom that

Have been hard in my life, one

That comes back is when I got

Pregnant, having to have that

Conversation with my mom.

And you learn your mom loves you

No matter what.

And I know that about my mom.

I think what's important for me

In this conversation is to be


I'm going to have to tell her,

Like, you don't stand a sh*t.

You don't.

And I do.

I don't know because I haven't

Had a conversation with the

Guys, but I can see them taking

Katie further--

I don't think they will take


You think they're going to be

Honest to the six.

Yes, I do, I think they're

Going to be honest to the six.

All I'm saying is if it does

Come down to six, and you're

Number six, you have to go.


Because you don't stand a


Nobody is taking you.

Or I'm going to win immunity.

And then gihome and you'd go

Home right after me.

You'd go home right after me and

None of us are sitting in the

Final three.

Here's the other thing--

If we get to six and you win

Immunity I'm gone.

I don't want to have to vote my

Mom out.

I came into this wanting to sit

At the end with my mom but it

Just won't happen.

It's not practical.

I get one sh*t at this, one


And I don't want to mess it up.

I just don't think it's

Realistic for me and you to be

In the final three.

I feel like we could try it, but

I think it's risking everything

If we try it.

Do you see for me that's


I could vote you out federal and

Then I could go all the way to


The amazing part of what

This-- what's happening to us

Out here on the island is our

Relationship is morphine.

We're always going to be

Mother-daughter, always.

There's nothing we can change


But it's morphing into a role

Where I was always the one

Giving advice to ciera.

I was always the one saying,

"This is what you need to do.

Here is how you need to do it."

And she would gladly come to

Me-- sometimes-- and take that


It's now morphed into role where

I'm trusting her decisions.

I'm worried that I'm going to

Wait and expwait it will be too

Last minute for me to do

Anything and it's just going to

Be the way it is.

You know what I mean?

Not saying get you out now.

I'm saying what if it gets to

Sir, you b*at me in a challenge

And I go home nap would suck.

She has the courage now to

Say to her mom, "mom, this is

What I'm going to do, and this

Is how I'm going to do it.

And by the way, I may have to

Vote you out of that million


And the fact that my daughter

Has the courage to say that to

Me shows that she has grown as a

Woman, that she's no longer this

Little girl which ultimately for

Me-- makes me proud because

Ultimately for me, I wanted this

Game to teach my daughter how

Strong she is.

And to sit there and to see how

Strong she was and to hear her

Say, "this is what I'm going to

Do, mom.

You're kind of hindering me on

This and I might have to go over

You as an individual player in

The game was like, oh, no,

That's going to cut my chances.

But as a mother, I was like good


I love you.

Love you.

You're doing good.

Can you believe we're the

Last couple?

I know.

It is a huge blessing for me to

Be out here to witness that.

Worth way more than a million

Dollars, worth way more than a

Million dollars.

The last couple out of all the


Us two morett girls.

My biggest concern is just

Either winning the challenge or

Finding that hidden immunity

Idol, and as soon as day breaks,

I'm going to look for that


They're going to have to start

Eating each other eventually.

I mean, there's seven of them,

And they're going to start

Fighting, and hopefully I have

Either a necklace around my neck

Or that idol that will keep me

Around and I can get in a soiled

Alliance and go from there.

Katie having the third clue

To the idol is a huge thr*at.

If katie finds the idol, it

Could be me.

Because my name has already been

Written down.

I've already been sent too

Redemption island.

Apparently, ciera tells me I'm

The biggest thr*at that's on the


Now I have t to tail katie all

Morning long, and try to found

That idol.

Unfortunately, I was followed

By laura m., And so I had to

Start digging with her.

You're gonna wear yourself

Out for the challenge today.

I think it will be okay.

It's frustrating but I'm digging

In all the wrong places, so she

Doesn't know exactly where it


Katie had a head start.

How far out was she?

Katie was about--

Four minutes.

Was she running?


She probably got about a

Three-minute head start.

Laura m., Immunity idol


( Laughter )

Right now, it's a shifting

Game, partly because people

Assume there's a hidden immunity

Idol out there.

Also, because I'm the biggest

thr*at in the game.

I'm like the big, bad wolf


People aren't liking me.

They like me just fine here, but

The second I vote them out, they

Hate me, and so I need to get

Ciera on board about voting her

Mom out.

We have a good relationship, and

I'm going to tell you something

That's going to blow your mind a

Little bit, and you're going to

Maybe not be super happy.

You're going to vote my mom.

I'm not voting your mom.

Hadeep and caleb are going to

Vote your mom.

I knew you were going to vote

My mom, and here's the thing,

I'm okay with voting my mom out.

I told tyson I would be okay

Voting my mom out.

Skier ai have your back, I


But honestly, I have no idea

What I'm going to do at there


Jeff: all right, you guys

Ready to get to today's immunity




Jeff: first things first,

Katie, I must take it back.

All right, it's been fun

While it lasted.

Jeff: once again, immunity

Is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to be standing on a very

Small platform over the water

Leaning back holding on to a


Every five minutes, you'll move

Your hands further down the

Rope, making it more difficult

To hang on.

When you can't hang on any

Longer, you'll fall in the water

And you're out of the challenge.

Last person left standing wins

Immunity, safe at tribal


Losers, somebody will be voting

Out of this tribe tonight, sent

To redemption island, where they

Will have to fight to get back

In this game.

In addition, you're playing for


Want to know what you're playing




Jeff: the winner of today's

Challenge will have the chance

To fill their belly on

Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot

Dogs, french fries.

And soda.

I know it's worth playing for.

We'll draw for spots and we'll

Get started.

All right, here we go.

Get a good grip.

Three, two, one.

This challenge is on.

You guys have been out here for

26 Days living with very little.

Your hands are probably b*at up

From all sorts of things.

Now you'll start to feel it

Quickly on your grip.

In your back.

Hayden is either struggling or

Just readjusting, hard to tell.

You're tired.

You're hungry.

You desperately want a


The only way to get it is to

Hang on longer than anybody


Hayden fighting to stay in this.

Hadeep drops in, could not hang

On any longer.

Hayden is the first one out, no

sh*t at immunity tonight.

We are down to seven.

Caleb drops out.

We are down to six.

All right, get ready to move

Down a little further to the

Next knot.

Here we go.

Make your.


Three, two, one.

We're down to the next section

Of rope.

Going it's going to get very

Tough now.

Gervase struggling to hang on.

Gervase falls out.

Ciera falls out.

We lose two people.

We have four people left.

Katie, tyson, laura, and monica.

And with that, katie is out, and

We are down to three.

You want immunity tonight!

Laura falls out.

We are down to two.

Tyson and monica.

Tyson struggling to hang on.

Torn rotator cuff.

Monica starting to struggle now.

Both fighting to hold on for


Tyson struggling.

Tyson is out, monica wins her

Second individual immunity in

This game!

( Applause )

Monica, come on over.

Your second individual immunity


Turn around.

( Applause )

It feels really good.

Jeff: monica is safe at the

Vote tonight, cannot be voted

Out of this game.

As for the rest of you, somebody

Willing going home tonight.

Before we get to tribal council,

You have a reward.

Let me show it to you.

We have hot dogs, cheeseburgers,

French fries, soda, yours to

Enjoy and you can invite one

Person from that group to come

Over and join you.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking there's no

Possibility that I would eat any

Of it before I would give it to


How about I have none and they

Have it all.

Because immunity means more to

Me than cheese burgers and hot

Dogs and coke.

I'll have that when I get home.

Jeff: so you want to give

Up all of this food.

All of this, correct.

Jeff: send it over there to


Which means you get nothing.


I just-- this is my family out


Jeff: caleb, does this

Sound like a gesture of good

Faith or a political move?

It may be a little bit of

Both, but first, monica's a mom,

So I think it comes from the


Jeff: here's what we're

Going to do.

Monica, you're going to go over


You guys, you're going to come

Over here.

We're going on to switch spots.

Is it good?

Oh, my god!

Feels like heaven.

It's so good.

Moncarc I love you.

Thank you, monica.

You guys are more than



Thank you, monica.

Thank you.

You guys are more than


Thank you.

You're welcome.


A snake?


Right there.


It crawled in the shelter?


My mom is easily the biggest

Target right now.

I don't want to see my mom go

And the hard part is I don't

Have the luxury of time.

You promise?


Monica is voting my mom.

Gervase is voting my mom and

Tyson's voting my mom, and he

Wants me to vote my mom.

Tyson wants you to vote your


Yeah, and he thinks I because

I told him I would.

I'm still playing the idol

Just to be safe.

Did you find it?


No, you didn't.

Yeah, I did.

No, you didn't.

Yeah, why do you say you


Because I you you didn't.

How, because I have it.

You found it.


Oh, my god.

I have never been put in this

Situation before where I really

Have to lie to somebody like


But it worked.

She just folded her cards right


I would have stuck it out a lot


She was like, what?

How do you have the idol?

Man you stole it out right from

Under me.

Where was it?"

I thought that was easier than I

Thought it was going to be.

Katie doesn't have the idol.

How do you know that?

Katie told me.

She just told me that.

And I believe her.

So do you think--

I'm just wondering we might

Be able to buy ourselves another

Week by me telling tyson katie

Doesn't have the idol and

Getting katie out.

Do you want me to go to tyson

And recommend katie?


I thought why not katie.

We have a good sh*t, then.

I know katie doesn't have the

Idol and that's something we can


Now I'm throwing katie's name

Out there and seeing if anybody

Will bite at this point.


Tadhana five.

It might be going goodto get

Rid of katie.

The idol.

She didn't have it?



She told me she does not have


Well, I kind of lied.

What did you say?

She told me that she has the

Idol and I go, "no, you don't."

She goes, "yeah, I do."

And I said, no, you don't, you

Can't have it because I have


And she said, "you found it?"

And she got all quiet.

She doesn't have it.


And if it makes anybody feel

Any better, then how about you

Or whoever vote my mom, and

That's all we need is one vote.

And if she does play tthen it's

A tie, and then you can all vote

My mom.

It's up to everybody.

What do you think?

It doesn't matter to me.

As long as it's not me.

I don't think katie has the


In fact I'm pretty sure she


So making the easier move seems

Like the safer move.


I mean, I'm down with it.

I mean, it is more honorable.

My options are pretty much

Really simple-- send my own

Mother to redemption island or

Stick my neck totally out and

Ruin all of my relationships

That I've built just to have my

Mom go home anyway and for me to

Follow her at the next tribal.

>>Un what, we could play a game?

I'm trying to determine in my

Mind right now where do I go?

You're playing, right?


Pick a rock.

Okay, so if you have the

Black rock--

Look how happy ciera is.

She's like, I got it!

I got it!

It was so perfect, we had it

Until we told ciera we were

Voting her mom.

That was the mistake.

Skier asmarter than we thought

Originally, is making moves as


Let's do this!

And so it's a little tricky

But it's got to be laura.

Because letting a couple get

Farther in the game is too

Dangerous because they can swing

Everything with just one vote.

Hey, ciera was trying to sway

The votes on to katie, but we

Need to stick with the plan and

Do laura.

Of course.

I need to get the votes back

On laura and get them to stick

With the plan and vote laura


Who are we voting for?


The whole time I've just kind

Of been like, whatever,

Whatever, the the whole thing.

But I think katie needs to go


She doesn't have the idol, and I

Think if she kind of floated all

The way to the end, she's

Dangerous to be sitting next to.

So I think katie needs to go

Sooner than later.

Jeff: we'll now bring in

The first member of our jury.


All right, so, katie, last

Tribal council, it was you or

Your mom.

You survive.

You go back to camp.

Does it still feel like it's got

To be me next?

Yes, absolutely, andun, I was

Hoping after redemption, either

My mom or vytas made it through

To get a clue to the hidden


I mean it's not a guarantee but

At least it's something.

Jeff: so, caleb, this is

Tricky now because you have this

Alliance of seven, and you have


But if she has the idol,

Somebody from your group goes

Home and it could be you.

There are tons of maybes.

Maybe it's still out there.

Maybe katie has it.

Maybe one of us has it.

There are a bunch of maybes.

You just have to plan ahead.

Jeff: tyson, now that teena

Is gone, there's only one pair

Of loved ones left, and they are

Blood, mother-daughter.

Yeah, that's definitely

Something to look at because

They will probably have similar

Mind and swing the same way.

I mean, since day one, we've

Been looking at that, and I

Don't think it's changed on day


Jeff: caleb, did you sense

Any concern from laura or ciera?

Yeah, there's definitely a

Little bit of concern.

But you look at ciera and laura

Different from tina and katie

Because laura wants this just as

Bad as ciera does.

She's not about to lay down for

Ciera's game.

So they're both-- they're


They're both really smart, and

They've both got an equal sh*t

In this game.

Jeff: hayden, is caleb

Saying he's less concerned about

Having these two as a pair

Because laura would cut ciera's

Throat as quickly as ciera would

Cut her mom's throat.

There's some truth to that.

They have a competitive nature.

Like, "laura, I'm your mother.

I brought you into this world

And I can send you out of it


Abut at the end of the day their

Bond is stronger than what woe

Have and you have to take that

Into consideration.

Jeff: laura, what do you

Have to do to say stick with the


Get rid of katie.

Before it was a liability to

Have a loved one.

It's a huge asset right now.

One is two.

You get one of us, you get two


So there's going to be seven

People left.

You pick up another buddy and

We're on to final four.

But you want to get to the

Final two with your loved one,

And that's also sort of a thr*at

In a way.

I mean, I was nervous having my

Mom here because everyone

Thought we wanted to go to the

Final two together, and so

Having your loved one here maybe

Isn't the best route anyway.


But, jeff, here's other thing

To think about.

If you send at this point a

Loved one home, you have

Somebody lobbying for those jury

Votes for your loved one.

But if I'm here you're not going

To have that influence on the


Jeff: because you'll be

Competing against each other.


And I think where problems come

In ands when you get your

Alliance, and all of a sudden

People start bail early.

And the next thingun the top

Three are people that weren't

Even in the alliance, and

Everybody else is sitting over

There going, "what the heck did

We do wrong?"

Jeff: so, caleb, is

Tonight's vote going to be do we

Stick with the plan and get rid

Of katie, or do we take the

Opportunity to get rid of the

Last loved one pair?

That is the big decision.

You think, well, do we take out

The loved one's pair.

Do we stick with the plan and

Keep our word and go to the


And then duke it out and see

What happens?

I mean, you've got four girls,

Four guys.

You've got four original galang,

Four original tadhana.

Jeff: wow.

It could swing either way.

Jeff: well, a lot is going

To be learned.

It is time to vote.

Katie, you're up.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has the hidden

Immunity idol and you want to

Play it, now would be the time

To do so.

Okay, once the votes are read,

The decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To layoff the tribal council

Area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, laura.




That's three votes laura, one

Vote katie.


That's four votes laura.

11Th person voted out of

"Survivor: blood versus water."

Laura, that's five, that's


You need to bring me your torch.

I'm sorry.

That's okay.


It's okay.

I love you.

I'll cam back for you.

Have fun.

It's okay.

It's okay, ciera.

Jeff: laura, for the second

Time, the tribe has spoken.

Once again, you will have a

Chance to get back in this game.

Grab your torch.

Head to redemption island.

I love you.

I love you.

Jeff: well, in voting out

Laura, we now have no more pairs

Of loved ones.

We are left with seven

Individuals fighting in a game

In which there is only one


Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Captioning brought to you by

Survivor productions, cbs,

Captioned by

Media access group at wgbh

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff: next time on


Tyson has been in control.

The whole game.

Jeff: tyson's been running

The show.

What are you guy thinking?

The four of vus votes, guy.

Jeff: one plan can turn

Everything upside down.

We it upset these veterans.

I'm having a hard time

Defining highway I'm feeling

About ciera writing my name down

Because it sucks that I'm here.

It sucks that ciera had to do


It sucks that she did that.

But I'm not about to quit now.

I'm going to do everything I can

To stay in the game and even

More to further my daughter in

The game.
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