27x08 - Skin of My Teeth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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27x08 - Skin of My Teeth

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor": at galang the women

Were in control, leaving vytas,

The only male of the tribe, on

The outside looking in.

There's me and there's five


I'm the odd man out.

Jeff: over at tadhana, aras

Thought he was in control.

I know vytas will come with


I have a really dominant

Position in the game

Jeff: but it was tyson who

Was pulling the strings,

Gag idle information.

And putting together a majority

Alliance of five.

Us five.

And then it's smooth sailing.

I'm good for that.



We know we can trust each

Other because we don't have

Anyone over there we trust more.

Jeff: tyson does it!

Tadhana wins immunity.

After galang lost the immunity


We've decide as four girls

You're the next one to go.

Laura b revealed the women's

Plan, hoping to spare vytas'


I felt like I could trust

Laura b., But now I just don't


Jeff: and in the end, she

Got her wish.


Saving vytas' feelings, by

Getting herself voted out.

Laura, the tribe has spoken.

10 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Captioning brought to you by

Survivor productions, cbs,

And ford.

Drive one.

Well, thanks for having my

Back, guys.

Thank you so much.


Feel-- I do feel such trust

In this group.


How lucky are we?

That based on what the

Numbers are, this is my five.

I'm speaking for aras as well.

No matter what happens, we've

Got this thing tight, it's



So you think that aras has

Gervase 100% and he won't waver?


I believe that, too.


And that makes six, and it it

Goes down tomorrow, that's 11,

And six is the majority, and

There is nothing else that needs

To be said.

The merge is coming soon.

At this point, it's five

Together no matter what.

We're standing for a certain way

Of playing this game.

We're going to be moral.

We're going to be honest.

Even it means our death.

That's not how I feel but that's

What I'm rapping to them.

I think monica at this point

Had to do more to stick her neck

Out for us than gervase has.

And that when it gets down to

Five and six, that-- you know,

We'd put her in that five spot

Instead of the six spot.

I totally agree with that.

I think that loyalty should

Be rewarded.

That means a lot, especially

Coming from you, tina.

Well, I do mean it.

Thank you.

We just got back from tribal

Council, and, you know, tina

Makes an announcement tonight

That okay, great, we really

Appreciate everything you're

Doing, monica, and you're number


We're in a pretty good spot

As long as aras is on board.

He will be.

If we merge, it's going to be

Difficult when people come to me

With an offer better than five.

Hey, guys.

Guess who?

Hey, who is it?

The other laura.

Day 18.

I they wrote down laura b., And

Here I am.

It's a hugely horrible

Nonstrategic move to get rid of

Me and keep vytas.

I think it's ridiculous.

What happened?

Oh, my gosh.

The girls were all agreeing to

Send vytas home.

That's who I thought was gog


I'm trying to be a nice,

Honest person, and I told him

Here I am.

And they didn't go with the plan

That I thought we were doing.


I was pretty sure it was

Going to be vytas, too.

That would have been the

Smart move.

That would have been the

Smart move.

I don't understand it.

It should have been vytas.


I don't freaking get it.

I don't get it.

I think it's a huge mistake for

Those girls to leave vytas in

The game.

The merge, you know, could be

Tomorrow, and here's vytas

Joining his brother, joining all

Those guys.

They're going to take up on the

The girls.

It's ridiculous.


Oh, this is rough.

All right.

Oh, my god, here we go.

Oh, my gosh!

"The day is here.

Do our die.

Following today's duel, the

Winner will re-enter the game.

The losers will leave the game

For good."

It's happening today.

This final duel is the only

Duel that really matters.

Un, one person goes back in the


Two people go home.

This final duel is what I've

Been training for, for 12 days.

I have to win this duel today.

I'd be disappointed in myself.

Candice would be disappointed in


There is no other way.

All right, I'll make the


I'm either going to go home


My game is going to be over, or

I'm going back in it.

No second place is good enough

Any more.

I have to win if.

This is it.

And it's just hard because I

Told my daughter, I said I'd

Come back for you.

I have to win this challenge to

Get back to her.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

Tadhana getting your first look

At the new gla tribe.

Laura b. Voted out at the last

Tribal council.

We'll now bring in the

Competitors for today's duel.


Laura m..

And laura b.

Welcome t to redemption island

Arena and you're final duel.

What you have done up until now

Does not matter if you don't get

It done today.

The winner of today's duel will

Re-enter this game.

Duel will re-enter this game,

Continue-- your quest for the

Title of sole survivor and the

Million dollars that goes with


The two losers are out of this

Game for good.

I have mixed feelings about

My moom coming back in the game.

My mom, obviously, created

Relationships over there that

Weren't that strong so it could

Really ruin my game if she came


Jeff: let's get to it.

Your final duel is very simple.

You will hang on to a pole for

As long as you can.

Any part of your body touches

The ground, you are out.

It's over.

Last person left hanging wins

This duel, is back in this game,

And will decide who gets the

Clue to the hidden immunity


This is it.

Take your spots.

We'll get started.

All right, everybody is in

Position, and this duel is on.

I'm already sliding.

Jeff: laura b. Is

Struggling right away.

Just find your foothold.

Don't panic.

You've got lots of footholds

Below you, too.

Seconds into the duel, laura b.

Struggling, but now appears to

Have found a spot.

The rule is if any part of your

Body touches the ground, you're


So as long as your feet are not

Touching, you're still in, no

Matter how low you may get.

John knows of this duel because

His wife, candice, had it in

"Heroes versus villains."

So he's familiar with it.

The question is who's going to

Hold out the longest?

♪ ♪ ♪

Jeff: been out here 20


Somebody's going to earn their

Way back into this game.

John's starting to slide, has to

Find another foothold.

John going to kick off his

Shoes, desperate to get a


Maybe that will help.

And he's going to work his way

Back up.

Now the socks are slipping.

These footholds are very narrow.

You can't get your whole toe on


It doesn't take long before it

Starts to hurt.

John is fighting now, and it

Looks like he might have found a

Good spot.

John has recovered.

Laura m. Has not moved.

Laura b. Not even using a


She is literally just wrapped

Around it like a baby holding on

To her mom.

Laura m. Not movin'.

Ciera quietly watching.

John sliding down once again.

John right now is the only one


And he's slipping more.

And more.

John is out.

( Applause ).

Good job.

Jeff: nothing to do but let

The frustration out.

Good job, john.

Jeff: he fought so hard for

So many days at redemption


It is now down to two women,

Laura b., And laura m..

Both women just wrapped around

The pole.

Laura b. Slowly beginning to


Oh, god.

Jeff: laura b. Now down to

Her final section.

Laura b. Slipping down her final


She's very close to being out,

But she's got another grip.

If you can hold that, you're

Still in it.

But you cannot let go any more

Or you'll be out.

I'm not letting go, laura b.

My daughter's on the line here.

You're going to have to pry my

Arms off of this.

I'm just sliding.

Jeff: quit telling yourself

You're sliding.

Start telling yourself you're


The more you believe you can

Hang on, the longer you will


Laura b.'S locked in again.

That's how you do it.

Laura m. Moving for the first


Laura m. Starting to slide.

Laura b. Hanging in there, but

She's starting to slide a little


Laura m. Struggling to get a


Damn it.

Jeff: laura b. Desperately

Trying to hang on.

Inches away.

Laura b. Is out of this game.

Laura m. Has earned her way back

Into this game.

You can come down.

I'm bark I'm back, I'm back.

Jeff: laura b., Voted

Seconds into this game.

Your husband, rupert, took your

Spot pup got another shot.

Couldn't get it done.

After 19 days out here, what

Will you take away from this?

I mean, I feel like I deified

The odds.

I came out of my comfort zone

Coming here in the first place

And playing a social game, which

Is-- I'm a quiet farm girl.

And I'm going to go back the

Strongest woman I've ever been

In my life.

Jeff: all right, laura b.,

Your time in this game is done.

Grab your stuff.

You can toss your buff in the

Urn on the way out.

Good job.

I'll leave it gracefully.

You guys take care.

Thanks, jeff.

Jeff: john, shaking your

Head already.

Didn't want to leave, jeff.

I was out on redemption island

For 12 days thinking about this

Challenge right here.

It's just tough to end this way.

Jeff: can you compare this

To some of the tough things

Probably, you know, some of the

Things I had to go through my

First year at west point, always

On edge.

And this is probably the hardest

19 Days I've-- I've experienced.

Jeff: really?


The silver lining if not for my

Blindside I wouldn't have spent

Any days with her out here in

The game and I got to spend two

Days in redemption island.

This was a lot harder than I

Thought it would be.

Jeff: john, after 19 days--

I know it's a disappointment--

Your time in this game is over.

Grab your stuff.

Put your buff in the urnspd on

The way out.

Good job, john.

( Applause )

Jeff: laura m., How does it



I'm still in the game, like it

Should be.

And that's the glory of it.

Jeff: all right, laura,

Before you officially re-enter

The game, you and everybody else

Can drop your buffs.

We are merged.


Jeff: I'll let you pass

These out, laura.

Drop your old one put on your

New tribe color.

And it smells good!

I told you I'd be back.

Jeff: all right, one more

Bit of business.

Because you won the duel, are

You in charge of who gets the

Clue to the hidden immunity


Now, the last several have been

Tossed right in the fire.

But given that we are now

Merged, maybe this has more


Before you decide anything, you

Can give this to anybody you

Want who is still in the game.

That now includes you.

I have a feeling this is going

To join the others in the fire.

All right, grab your stuff, head


All right!

Glad we made it.

As it stands now, my strategy

Is to go galang strong, the

Original galang, me, gervase,

Tyson, moncarks tina, plus vytas

And katie.

That's seven.

There are 11 people in the game.

We have a distinct advantage.

Where's the food!

Red wine!

Should we set it out?

Let's set it all out.

Yeah, I want one of those

Salami sandwiches.

Yeah, girl.

We hit the beach.

We have a picnic, the merge


There's wine and cheese and

Crackers and salami.

And I'm stuffing my face, but

The whole time I'm really

Thinking, okay, what can I do

Here to make sure I stay in the


Can I have a salami, please?

Oh, my god, I'm so happy.

I can't handle a whole lot of


We had five soiled, me,

Caleb, tyson, gervase, and


And now I'm thinking, okay, is

Laura m. Going to come with

Ciera or is laura m. Going to

Pull ciera.

Laura m., Katie, and it could

Hinge on laura.

Once the merge hams, this is

When the game starts.

This is where survivor really

Becomes survivor.

Laura, how long could you

Have hung on up there?


You weren't tired at all?

You didn't look like you were.

My thighs were holding on so

Hard to that thing.

For the first time in 19 days I

Get to play with my daughter.

My plan is us couples have to

Stay together.

That's six right there.

I definitely do need to talk to


I have a lot of work to do, a

Lot of work to do, but I'm still

Here and I'm not giving up.

Let's start making the flag.

And maybe we should come up

With a name.

Let's go for a walk.

People are going to expect it


Do you want to go down the


I'm going to take her down

The beach.


All right.

Show her the grounds.

It all comes down to laura m.

I know.

As long as ciera is working


I think so.

We'll keep in touch with them.

Let's go down one more.


Playing with your loved one,

And then making it to the merge,

I feel so blessed.

But then there's also the fact

That my mom caused some riffs

And had some enemies, clearly,

Because they voted her out.

And it's all shifted, and with

My mom come back in the game, it

Could really hurt me.

So where do I start?

So here's what's happened.

I'm in an alliance.

With-- please tell me caleb

And hayden.


Oh, good.

Here's where it gets sketchy.

You make it a little sketchy and

Here's why.

Because it was an alliance

Formed on beam pooem without

Loved ones.

It's me, caden, tyson and


And we promised iech other final


Don't talk strategy with

Anybody, no one.


So here's the thing, aras is

Next to go.

I want to make sure my mom is on

Board and really understands how

We're going to play it.

I feel like I'm the teacher you,

You know, teaching my mom the

Ways, the ways of the tribe.

Don't towk taanyone.

Me and ciera are the people

That are going to decide want

Fate of either the couples or

The fate of the singles.

Who would have thought that here

I was on redemption island

Thinking the game is over, and

Now I'm in a power position in

This game of who's going to go


Just don't play hard.

You going for a walk, tys?


Okay, I'll be back.

You gotta act fast come merge

Time, so now the only factor in

The game is finding out where

The immunity idols are.

When the tribe swap happened,

Hayden gave me all the info he

Knew about the hidden immunity


I'm pretty sure it's at the

Giant tree on the way to the



This has to be the serpent tree.

This is the serpent.

So maybe if I dig underneath it

Over here.


I'm definitely not sharing this

With anybody else right now.

If it works to my advantage to

Share it with somebody in my

Alliance to push somebody else

Out, that's what I'll do, but

Right now, nobody needs to know

I have it.

I stepped on that probably like

20 Times.

Let's see how sweet it is.

I hope it's soiled gold.

Try it on.

Make sure it fits.


I have never had an idol before

And I've also never won the show


Do those correlate directly with

One another?

Probably not, but at least this

Is a little more advantage.

Good job, dude, you made it.

You made the merge.

Skin of my teeth, bro.

I knew you would.

I'm so stoked I get to play

With aras.

He is my brother and I love him

And I want to go deep in this

Game with him.

Dude, we have a path and it is

So perfect.

It is so perfect.

Tina and katie, we're so in


I know.

And monica, even though she

Talks a lot and gets around, I

Totally think she's on board itw


I think so, too,.

And with you and gerks rv.

And tyson is our seven.

Do we even need the nooed


Yeah, we do.

Tyson-- definitely keep tyson




What if he goes on a run?

He can't.

He's got a broken arm.

We laid out our plan for the

Seven-- teen among gervas tyson,

Jrve, and aras and myself.

There are seven of us.

I don't trust laura m. At all

I think she's the scariest

Person in the game right now.

Getting rid of laura is not

Because she was on redemption

Island and back, but she is the

Safest play.

Everyone feels uncomfortable

With her.

If people were smart, they

Would mobilize against us right


But they're not going to.

They're going to try to get

Laura or ciera.

"Blood versus water" should

In the end be called vytas

Versus aras because we would be

Stupid right now not to get to

The end.

You want me to tell you

What's going on?


Here's what they're telling me.

They're telling me that I'm

Number 5 and monica's happy to

Make it to 5 because she didn't

Have a chance in hell in


Okay, so here's what I have

Set up.


Me and gervase are tight.

But is he going to flip

Because gervase thinks he's

Final three with aras and tina?


I need to tell monica about the

Plan to get aras out because,

You know, you have to show her a

Little love.

You have to show her some


Just to solidify the numbers.

You're with us.

That's the majority.

That's what we're going to stick


We take aras out first and then

Start plucking them off one by


We have the numbers--

Here's the thing.

She just likes to repeat the

Same idea over and over and over

Again, and I don't want to be

Rude to her because I need to

Keep her close.

The only other option is--

At some point you just have

To be, like, "monica, shut up."

Are you sure that gervase is

With you?

I'm sure gervase is with me.

You're sure.

I'm sure.

I'm just like

( Size )

Give me a rusty spoon so I can

Dig both my eyeballs out and try

And jam it through my eye socket

Into my brain.

It's taking all of my patience,

All of it.

I want to know where are you

With me.

We're anything to the end.


This was our thing from the


From the beginning.

Me, you, and gervase.

Listen, I'll fill you in.

I had a reality sandwich that it

Was basically spelled out,

Monica, I'm just going to tell

You like it is.

You're number five.


If tyson would just say, "I'm

100% With you," I would probably

Jump in bed with the whole idea

And relax, but then again, it's


How can you relax?

I'm not sure.

I'm in a big predicament.

Just keep playing along.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

You guys ready to get to your

First individual immunity




Jeff: first things first,

Laura m., I'll take back the


Tribal immunity is no more.

This is what you covet now.

Individual immunity necklace

With this around your neck, you

Are safe at the vote.

You cannot be voted out of this


Without it, are you vulnerable.

Shall we get to it.



Jeff: for today's

Challenge, we're going to test

Your memory.

I'm going to show you a series

Of symbols.

You're going to repeat them back

To me using your cube.

You get it right, you stay


You get it wrong, are you out.

Last person left standing wins

Immunity, is safe from the vote.

Losers, one of you will be voted

Out of this game and sent to

Redemption island.

First item, barrel.






Now I'm going to ask you to

Repeat them back to me.

Show me the first item.

Everybody has barrel.

Correct answer, barrel.

Everybody's right.

Next item.

Everybody has crate except for


Correct answer is crate.

Monica has it wrong.

Monica you're the first out.

Set your cube down.

Have a spot on the bench.

Find the next item, and reveal.

Everybody has cannon, except for

Caleb and katie.

They both have compass.

Correct answer is, cannon.

Caleb is out, katie is out.

Take a spot on the bench.


Jeff: everybody else keep


Find your next item.

Everybody reveal.

Everybody has ship, except for

Tyson, and tina, they both have


The correct answer is ship.

Tina is out.

Tyson is out.

Take a spot on the bench.

Next item, reveal.

Everybody has compass, except

Hayden, who has lantern.

Correct answer, compass.

Hayden has it wrong.

Hayden is out of this challenge.

Take a spot on the bench.

Not even through the first round

And we've lost more than half of

The tribe.

Show me the last item in this


Everybody has lantern.

Correct answer, lantern.

Laura moves on, ciera moves on,

Vytas moves on, rats moves on,

And gervase moves on.

Good job, babe.

Jeff: next round.

We're going to go to seven items


First item, barrel.







A lot of items.

You're now going to repeat them

Back to me.

Show me the first item.

Everybody has barrel.

The correct answer, barrel.

Everybody's right.

Reveal the next item.

Everybody has lantern except

Laura, who has cannon.

Correct answer, lantern.

Laura is out of this challenge.

No shot at immunity.

Take a spot on the bench.

Next item, reveal.

Vytas, aras, and gervase all

Have cannon.

Ciera has compass.

Who's right?

Correct answer, cannon.

Ciera is out of this challenge.

No shot at immunity.

Take a spot on the bench next to

Your mom.

Good luck, boys.

Jeff: and with that we are

Down to three.

One pair of brothers, vytas and

Aras, one individual, gervase.

Show me the next item.

Everybody has lantern.

You're all three right.

Next item.

Vytas and aras have compass.

Gervase, before I even show it,

Feels he's wrong.

Gervase shows crate.

You're second guessing yourself?

I know I'm wrong.

Jeff: you know you're


You're correct, you are


It is compass.

Gervase is out.

Aras and vytas stay alive.

The two brothers are showing


They've had a competition their

Entire life.

It's playing out again on


Show me the next item.

Both show barrel.

Correct item, barrel.

Show me the next item.

Vytas holds up quickly.

Aras taking his time.

Vytas shows cannon, aras shows


One is right, one is not.

One has just won immunity.

One has lost.

Correct answer, cannon.

Aras is out.

Vytas wins immunity.

Safe at tonight's tribal


( Applause )

Great job, guys!

Jeff: congratulations.

Individual immunity for vytas,

Safe at tonight's vote.

Unfortunately, for the rest of

You, after 21 days, somebody

From this group of remaining 10

Will be voted out, sent to

Redemption island.

Should be a very interesting


Grab your stuff.

Head back to camp.

I'll see you at tribal.


Good job.

( Applause )

Yeah, v.!

The battle of the brothers,

Once again.

In you need immunity in this

Game you already have made a few

Mistakes and I'm making sure I

Am not going into a challenge

Needing immunity.

I didn't need immunity today but

I needed to beat my brother, and

It happened so I'm happy.

It looks good on you.

Thank you.

Matches your shorts.

Moving forward the biggest

Threat in the game is aras and


We have this beach locked, and I

Would be surprised if anybody

Has the guts to do anything

About it.

I don't trust laura m..

We gotta get her out.



So you guys, you three are

Gonna vote gervase?

And then all the boys are

Gonna vote laura m.

Right now we have nine pieces

Working somewhat in unison.

Everyone thinks they're with us.

All the boys are voting for

Laura m..

Tina, moncarks and katie voting

For ciera.

In case laura m. Has the hidden

Immunity idol, it gets flushed

And ciera goes home.

And if not, then laura m. Goes


That's what we're all intending?

All right.

And are you okay with it?


It's a game.

Here's what I'm scared about.

Do you think aras has the


And here's the only reason I

Say that because on my season

Last time, russell had it.

No, no, wait.

He's so comfortable right now.


Is he comfortable because he

Has an idol?

In my everyday life, I'm my

Mom's biggest cheerleader, go,

Mom, go, mom.

That's my natural instinct.

But my game side is saying,

Okay, laura, think about.

Bmayou're doing.

What do you say we throw four

Votes-- hear me out-- to laura

And three to aras.

Here's why.

We go to tribal, and let's say

We go and aras pulls out the


It's the weirdest thing.

I've never felt it before.

It's a struggle.

And I want to listen to my mom,

Do what my mom says.

But on the same hand, I'm here

To play my game.

Throw four tina's way, three

Aras' way.

Aras plays the idol.

Tina's out of the game.

Now we have even more numbers.

It's funny because aras has

The plan, which is the men are

All going to vote for laura, and

All the girls are going to vote

For ciera.

Let me grab one of those.

We're good still.

That's cool.

The plan with tyson is that

Me, tyson, monica, hayden,

Caleb, ciera, and laura m.vote

For aras.

You go with the plan.

King aras.

Sir aras.

Sir aras.

It just starts to get a

Little tricky now because I'm

Not so sure that everybody is on

The same page because people can

Say one thing to your face but

Behind your back they could say

Whatever else.

I just can't wait to see how it

All shakes out.

I think I have-- and I know how

It was going to fall out put I

Could be totally wrong, which is

The crazy part about this game.

Jeff: so, tyson, let me see

If I can set this up.

We merge.

We have the original tribal


We have the new tribal lines

From the switch.

And-- top of all of this,

There's blood versus water.

In this case three, pairs of

True blood.


And I'm sure the couples want to

Work together as far as they


Jeff: you are sure?

Well, if my brother were

Here, I'd want to work with him

As long as I could.

Jeff: aras, is that a fair


It's absolutely fair.

But right now, there are 11

People here.

That means six people have to

Come together tonight.

Vytas and I can't just trust

Each other and be like, cool,

We're fine.

We have to find four other

People who we really trowft get

The majority in this vote

Tonight so I think it's more

About making relationships with

Everyone than just vytas and i.

Jeff: hayden, if we look at

The numbers, there are three

Pairs of loved ones-- that would

Be six-- and there are five


The only hiccup to that is one

Of those pairs involves laura

Who was voted out of this game

And just got back in, and if you

Look at the history of

"Survivor" that person often is

Voted out at the very first

Tribal council which would be


There's no doubt, jeff.

In past seasons you come off

Redemption, you tend to head

Right back.

Jeff: does that potentially

Make laura and ciera swing votes

Because she may not be welcomed

Back in this game?

Sure, and not just laura and


You have to assume the pairs are

Going to work together so any

One of the pairs could

Potentially be a swing.

Jeff: katie, why would that

Make sense if you and your mom

Could move over to the

Individual side and make it a

7-4 Game.

Right now I don't know who

Fit would.

We came into the merge with an

Idea who we want to work with

And I don't want to complicate

Anything right now.

Jeff: katie is basically

Saying, not so much.

I'm going to stick with the

Loved ones and if that's true,

And laura and ciera bite on

That, it's game over for the


Right, it's definitely a

Threatening thing to see there

Are six of them and five

Individuals but you could do

That with the guys, too.

There are six guys and five


In the end, it's who you trust

The most.

If you trust the pair the most,

You go with them.

If not, you find a different


So there are a lot of different

Ways you could cut pie, and I

Hope to get the largest portion

Of the pie, jeff.

( Laughter ).

Jeff: laura, what's your

Best play right now?

Knowing that you have a target

On your back simply because you

Were already voted out once?

Yeah, it's like the kid

That's been home sick with

Chicken pox for the last two

Weeks and you finally come to

School and nobody wants to play

With you.

The advantage of having a loved

One here is the stuff I can

Filter through ciera.

She a great social player.

I love the fact they can go to

My daughter and say, "ciera, I

Need advice."

And my daughter is putting me in


It's amazing.

Jeff: ciera, is that a role

Reversal or is that how it's

Always been?

No oorkts a total reversal

Out here.

It's funny, I'll find myself

Being like, "mom, relax."

"Let's just enjoy ourselves."

And she'll look at me, "what do

I do?"

And I say, "just calm down

Because you're freaking me out."

Jeff: gervase what, do you

Think will be different after

Tonight's vote.

I think for the smart

Players, nothing.

It's foolish to act crazy.

You have to stay calm every

Second of every minute of every

Hour affects this game.

It could change like that.

So you have to be ready when it


And take advantage of it.

Jeff: all right, it is time

To vote.

Caleb, you're up.

We've been friends since the

Beginning, but I'm sorry.

This is my power move in this


I love you like a brother, but

It's just how it is.

I voted you down once.

I might as well vote you down


Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has the hidden

Immunity idol and you want to

Play tnow would be the time to

Do so.

Okay, once the votes are read,

The decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote, laura.




Two votes laura, two votes ciera




We're tied, two votes laura, two

Votes skier atwo votes aras.


That's three votes aras.


That's four votes aras.

Two votes laura, two votes


Eighth person voted out of

"Survivor: blood versus water,"


That's five.

That's enough pup need to bring

Me your torch.

Well played guys.

Well played.

Have lots of fun, okay.

Love you, buddy.

Love you, too.

Jeff: aras, the tribe has


You will have a chance to get

Back in this game.

Grab your torch.

Head to redemption island.

Good luck.

See you guys.

Have fun.

Jeff: well, although there

Were questions coming into

Tribal council, there's

Certainly a little clarity now

That it's over.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Jeff: next time on


Bravo, bravo, you have five

Jury votes you'll never get

Expwhrt game gets ugly.

Vengeance is going to be mine

At some point.

Jeff: just when you thought

It couldn't get newscast year.

There's a food eating


Oh, my gosh.

I'm still shocked a little


The first time I played

"Survivor" I never got voted


So to get voted out was a new

Experience for me.

I think the biggest pain for me

Is vytas is in a really tough

Position now.

I know vytas is in a really

Tough position.

I wouldn't be shocked if he is

The one who joins me here in

Twoor three nights.
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