27x07 - Swoop in for the k*ll

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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27x07 - Swoop in for the k*ll

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: last time on


Players were in co the


We are draw for new


Shook things upsurprise switch

Has as woman on tadhana

And vytas as the only man on


Me and five girls.

I'm the only man.

Jeff: .

Way cut away the

Ars are a.



Hopefully the this will be

Smaller on me and larger on


At the newalang, the plan

Was obvious.

It would be maybe vytas

Because he's not a girl.

Jeff: tyson and aras think

They have it.

Tadhana wins immunity!

But paf galang lost immunity

Challenge, cat turning on

Her alliance.

Iat is gunning for me, I

Need to do what is best for


Jeff: at tribal council she

Made one final plea.

Monica, you know I always

Have your back.

Oh, kat, there's nothing more

That I want to do than to trust


Jeff: in the end, her

Betrayal was too much to


Kat, the tribe has spoken.

11 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight.

Well, at least I didn't cry.

That's a good change.

At tribal I got eliminated.

Apparently we had an issue with


Monica was feeling on the outs,

So was laura and that was the

Place for vytas to swoop in for

The k*ll and here I am.



Come over here, kat.

Tell us what happened.

Well, I have an

Overstrategizer, which is

Monica, a social (bleep) which

Was laura, I had a woman who had

A target on her back for being a

Million dollar player and then

Her daughter who's a tag along

Then I got the one guy on an

All-women's tribe and they all

Flipped on me.

There are things I wish I could

Take back but I'm not out yet.

I still have a lot left in me

And I'm going to do everything I

Can to make sure that I win

However many duels I have that

To to stay here.

I feel like hayden is going to

Be so disappointed.

No one wants to date someone who

Doesn't make the merge.

He's gonna dump me.

Oh, come on!

I don't think I played the

Right way.

I wouldn't be here if I did.

I know I'm not out of the game

Yet but I feel like hayden will

Be embarrassed that I'm here and

I didn't play better or try


He's gonna be so upset.

I don't want him to be ashaped

Of me because I really care

About him.

And it's just been really hard

Without him.

Because we're like a team.

He's my best friend.

And I just hope that I can go

Into the duel and I hope that I

Can win and hayden will be by my

The side still.


Jeff: come on in, guys!

Tadhana getting your first look

At the new galang tribe.

Kat voted out at the last tribal


We'll now bring in the

Competitors for today's duel:

John, laura m. And kat.

Can you hug me?

Come hug he?


I'm so sorry!

It's okay.

Babe, it's okay.

I'm so --

It's all right, it's okay.

Jeff: so kat you come in

And immediately grab hayden and

Say "I'm sorry."

You're sorry about getting voted


Yeah, I'm sorry that I got

Voted out.

Like, our plan was to play

Together and I feel like that he

Was going to be disappointed in

Me if I was in this arena and I

Still kind of feel like I'm kind

Of letting him down.

Jeff: hayden, how's that

Sit with you?

She's worried about your

Relationship and that you might

See her differently because she

Got voted out.

That's not the case.

Our relationship is going to be


I mean, I'm not going to view

You any differently, you know


Obviously my relationship with

Kat is more important than even

This game.

Jeff: really?

It is.


It is.

Jeff: I want to challenge

You on that.

One of the opportunities at

Redemption island arena is at

Any point a loved one can take

The spot for the person in that

Arena which means you would be

Taking yourself out of this game

And swapping spots with kat, put

Her back in the game, you'd be

The one fighting for your life.

Captioning brought to you by

Survivor productions, cbs,

Jeff: hayden, at any point

A loved one can take the spot

For the american the arena.

You guys want to talk through

That option?


What do you think?

I don't know.

I mean, are you okay over there?

I feel like -- I mean, I'm in

A good spot.

I feel like I'm in a good spot.

I don't think -- I don't


Like, you know --

Jeff: kat what do you want

To have happen?

I would switch because I'm

Afraid that I won't do well in

This duel.

Because it's a puzzle and I

Can't even spell.

But I would switch.

Hey, what do you think is

Better for us long term?

Like, think about us being

Together long term.

Who has the better sh*t to win

The game?

You know you do.

You know I've always thought


He's such a good player.

He's such a genuine, honorable,

And he's -- every time someone

Says something about hayden

There's not one bad thing

Anybody has ever said about him.

And I know that he would do so

Well in this game.

Jeff: so when hayden asks

You long term what's best for

You guys it sounds like what

He's saying is "who has a better

sh*t at winning this game?"

It is.

You know you'd do better than


So what do you think?

Jeff: so what's the deal?

I'm gonna -- I'll play.

I'll play here and I want you to


You know that means so much to

Me that he would.

Jeff: that he would come


That he would.

But I think it means more to him

To stay.

Jeff: all right.

Shall we get to today's duel?


Jeff: for today's duel

You'll release a machete.

You'll use it to chop a rope

Dropping the bag of puzzle


You will then use those pieces

To build a fire puzzle.

Very simple in concept, much

More difficult to execute.

First two to finish live to see

Another day on redemption and a

sh*t at getting back in this

Game and a sh*t at the million


Loser is out of this game for

Good, their sh*t at the money is


In addition the winner of this

Duel will decide who gets the

Clue to the location of a hidden

Immunity idol.

Take your spots, we'll get


All right, here we go.

Two will survive.

One will be out for good.

Survivors ready?


First order of business, whip

Through those knots.

You want to release that machete

And use it to chop a rope.

That will drop your puzzle


Kat flying through hers.

Come on, kat.

Good job, kat.

Jeff: john has his.

He starts working on his rope.

John has released his puzzle


Kat has her has herma shetty.

Laura has hers.

Laura chops her rope.

Come on, kat!

John with an early lead.

Kat has her puzzle pieces.

Stay calm.

Laura has her puzzle pieces.

John has his bag emptied he can

Start working on what is going

To be a very difficult puzzle.

Laura has all her pieces.

Come on, kat!

Make your bag bigger, kat,

Spread it out.

Jeff: kat struggling just

To get the pieces out of the


Let's go!

It's okay, kat, you got it.

There you go.

Jeff: this is the same

Puzzle cochran won in the final

Immunity challenge.

Once you get the concept the

Puzzle will become easier, you

Can make up a lot of time.

Good job, mom.

Jeff: john starting to get

The hang of it.

Laura getting the hang of it.

Kat still has yet to place one


It's a big piece over there,

Kat, the left side.

This one?

I'm telling you it's a long

Big piece, I can see it.

Jeff: hayden working hard

To help kat get back in this.

John making a lot of progress.

He's in the lead.

Laura just looking right next

Door at john's puzzle.


There you go.

Jeff: cathys she has her

First piece.

John clearly understands how

This puzzle works.

Now it's just a matter of

Putting it together.

There you go!

Jeff: kat places another


There you go, kat!

Good job.

Jeff: even with laura

Looking at john's puzzle she's

Having trouble.

Kat with another piece.

Come on, mom!

Jeff: .

>Jeff: john making a lot of


John is whipping through this


There you go!

Jeff: cat kat now starting

To get the hang of it.

Look at that!

Kat could quickly be right back

In this.

Come on, kat!

Jeff: the only way to

Ensuring you still have a sh*t

To get back in this game so to

Finish first or second.

That's it.

Jon steadies his puzzle.

He's got a lot of pieces in.

John very close to finishing

This puzzle.

John places his last two pieces



John has survived.

John will live to see another

Day on redemption island.

Keep working, kat, keep


Jeff: laura immediately

Starts looking at john's puzzle.

You have to be kidding me!

Jeff: it's laura and kat

And the lead is not very big.

Kat has worked her way into


Look at laura's.

It's cheating!

It's not cheating.

She's doing it.

Come on, kat.

Jeff: kat struggling with

The ethics of it.

There's nothing wrong with

Looking next door.

Your game; your rules.

That piece you're trying to

Fit, kat, is smooth.

Smooth on the outside and it

Curves on the inside.


Jeff: laura still with a

Bit of a lead but kat is in


It's a piece like that with a

Point on it.

I'm looking at laura's.

It's smooth.

Smooth with a point.

Jeff: laura starting to

Pull away now.

Laura with another piece.

Kat starting to fall out of this


Come on, kat.

Jeff: laura with another


Smooth piece with a point,


Laura down to three pieces


Once she places them she stays

Alive another day on redemption


Laura down to her last piece and

She has it.

Laura stays alive to join john

On redemption island.

Kat is out of this game.

Good job.

Jon, congratulations.

Thanks, jeff.

Jeff: that's four duels you

Are survived.

Laura, you stay alive.

Two duels in.

Kat, for you after 17 days your

Time out here is done.

If you want to say good-bye to

Hayden, take a moment.

Don't leave me, I love you.

You're not going to break up

With me, are you?

Jeff: kat, you can grab

Your stuff.

Toss your buff in the urn on the

Way out.

Love you, kat.

Good job.

Good job, kat.

Love you!

Hayden, take care of it.

Jeff: john, as winner of

The duel, you get to decide, who

Gets the clue to the idol?

I'm a creature of habit,


I'll give it to monica.

Jeff: all right.

Once again monica.

No disrespect, john, I am so

Flattered and honored that you

Would give it to me but I just

Feel like it's poison in this


It's a gift, you can do

Whatever you want with it.

Well, thank you for the kind


Jeff: john, laura,

Congratulations, you live to see

Another day.

Grab your stuff, head back to

Redemption island and await your

Next kputor and next duel.

Good job, good job, guys.



Jeff: all right, guys, head


Yeah, that's tough, dude.

I've been there before.

I know you have.

I feel responsible.

In redemption I could trade

Places with kat.

And I didn't.

But at the time you think, yeah,

It's the best decision.

But as soon as I made it I

Regretted it.

You feel guilty or responsible

Because, like, kat is a little

Naive sometimes and doesn't

Always know which way is up.

And I'm the one that, like,

Helps her.

I was in a position to help her

And I didn't do it when I could


It's not something I'm proud of,

You know?

It's weird, because, you know --

We all know it's just a game but

It's not like -- just not that


I think it's way harder than

Everybody thought it was going

To be.


Guys, we got each other.

Seriously, let's win, go in

With huge numbers.

I know vytas will come with

Us and let's ball.

We pull vytas back over here

And then just lock them out.

Let's run.

With kat being gone, you feel

A little relief because I can

Play my game.

I don't have to worry about

Somebody else.

I'm only looking out for me now.

So I can play a little bit more

Cutthroat if I have to.

In fact, I think it could

Strengthen my relationship with

This tribe because the majority

Of the tribe over here, they

Don't have loved ones and it's

Kind of one more thing we all

Have in common, except aras.

Anybody want to go out for a

Peaceful walk and meditation?

I'm going to try and take a

Nap here.

All right, I'll be back.

Good luck, though.

I could haven't asked for a

Better situation when I came

Here to have two of the people

That I was really, really tight

With-- skwrer vas and tyson--

Come on over to this side and

Obviously vytas is my core

Partner at the end of the day so

When we get back together I feel

Like we have a dominant position

In the game.

I just need to let go, listen,

Be intuitive and I'll be guided

To the right places.

So everyday when I meditate I

Visualize jeff's voice saying

"And the winner of "survivor:

Blood vs. Water," aras.

And I do my best to trust that

I'm taken care of.

You guys ready for this?

We're going to go to the

Merge probably tomorrow and I

Don't know whose name you hear

Most out of aras' mouth, maybe

You can guess?

His brother.

All he wants to do is get to

Vytas, that's a problem for me.

They've been the most dangerous

Couple in the game since day one

And they're one of the only

Couples still left in the game.

We have to take out aras or

Vytas sooner than later.

His final four has two spots

Taken, him and vytas.

Merge is going to happen.

It's going to happen soon.

If we stick together we can get

To the end no problem.

And I'm telling you right now I

Will stick with all you guys to

Final five 100% my word.

I was shocked it was tyson

That proposed the plan.

He seemed very close with aras

But on the same hand, tyson's


Right now something we have in

Common is we know we can trust

Each other is because we don't

Have anyone over there we trust


Is everybody cool with that,

Us five and smooth sailing?

Us five.

I'm good with it.




I'm in.


We have to have each other's


Are you happy?

I'm very happy.

I thought aras was playing a

Good game at first but everyone

Else is recognizing his main

Motivation right now which is

Get to vytas and then take

Control of the game.

Meditate all day long if that's

What you need.

I think he's getting comfortable

And that plays right into my

Game plan.

Morning, boo.

Good morning, princess.

Good morning to you, too.

Just little late


How did you sleep?

I slept great.

Oh, my god, I was so -- just

Tired, you know?

Even though he's not part of

Our alliance I've really come to

Like vytas.

He's been through the school of

Hard knocks and lots of times

When people get knocked down and

They pick themselves back up

They're a whole new person.

You guys look like a little

Happy couple camping on the


I would be honored if he took

An interest in katie just

Because he seems like such a

Straight-up guy.

However, the guy who gets katie

Is gonna have to hit her over

The head with a club and drag

Her into his cave because katie

Is not a very flirtatious girl.

But one can dream.

I'm ready for grandbabies.


What is the hardest aspect of

This game for you?

Oh, that's easy.

The dishonesty.

The tribe swap was tough.

Like being the one guy with a

Bunch of girls.

But yoga has taught me a lot

About dealing with the feminine

Energy and girls and women.

So I kind of feel like I have an

Idea of what's gonna help

Ingratiate me the tribe more.

I'm such a trusting person.

I had this woman walk into my

Yoga class barely even knew,

I've seen her a few times, she

Asked me to borrow a hundred


I was taken aback that she had

The audacity but then I thought

This moment of principle, like I

Want to be t world to be a place

Where we can just trust first

And then if somebody breaks it,

Then you don't trust them.

So I gave her the hundred bucks.

I was like, sure.

In my experience, women love a

Bad boy, but what they even like

More than a bad boy is a newly

Reformed bad boy.

So I'm putting forward the parts

Of me that I want these women to


I am a likable person, I'm a

Trustworthy guy.

It's all very calculated.

But it's working.

We're so glad you are here.

Me, too.

Vytas, he's a wonderful man

That can share his emotions and

His feelings and I've learned a

Lot from vytas.

Just being more open to people.

I'm feeling less guarded with

This small of a tribe and I feel

Like I can be myself.

Coming into this game, one of my

Insecurities has been my social


I was raised on a farm and I'm

Kind of a quiet girl that's

Slowly coming out of michelle.

And I'm becoming more at peace

With where I am in the game.

I am so grateful.

I've had a great time.

I'm really trying to enjoy every


So that's why I love vytas.

But I have to keep my heart out

Of it because he is a thr*at and

I'm willing to stick with the

Girls if that is what the

Consensus is.

I will do what needs to be done

To further my game.


Let's read it.

Chained to a family not of

Your choosing may make you a

Victim of fate.

Apathy or fatigue may lead to

Your losing and tribal council

Is where your changes abate.

We're all chained together

Doing something.


Going into a physical

Challenge with two women in

Their 40s, one woman in her

50S against a tribe of five

Strong dudes and a girl is


We're going to be underdogs no

Matter how the cookie crumbles

In this case.

I'm not getting my hopes too


What do you think if we lose?

Then it's going to be vytas.

We've been together since the


Are you okay with that?


But yes.

I mean, we have to be.

I know, this is the part you


Poor vytas.

I know, poor thing.

I'm gonna cry.

We just have to win.

We have to win.


I don't want him to go.

I got emotional this morning

Because, you know, if we do lose

Vytas is the one going home.

Our girl alliance, we've had the

Loyalty, we've looked each other

In the eye, our alliance is

Still strong.

We're sticking with that.

What can you do?

I'm sorry, guys.

I don't want anybody to go.

Let's just win.

And we don't even have to

Worry about it.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

Everybody ready to get to

Today's immunity challenge?

First things first, ciera, take

It back.

Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, four

Members of each tribe will be

Chained together at the ankles.

Two of those people will have

Their wrists attached to a coil.

On go you'll release from the

Coil and moving together

Navigate through a series of

Obstacles collecting bags along

The way.

Once you've collected the bags

The remaining tribe member will

Use the chains and balls inside

To create bolos.

First tribe to land three bolos

On their target wins immunity,

Safe from the vote.

Losers go to tribal council

Where somebody will be voted out

And sent to redemption island.

In addition, you are playing for


Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: all the fried chicken



Jeff: -- you can eat.

An afternoon of deep fried

Chicken, corn on the cob, mac

And cheese.

A southern feast.

Jeff: iced tea, lemonade!

Worth playing?

Oh, yes.

Jeff: tadhana, you have one

Extra member, sitting somebody


You can sit out whoever you


Who are you going to sit out?

Ciera, take a spot on the bench,

Everybody else we'll give you a

Minute to strategize and we'll

Get started.

All right, here we go.

For immunity and reward

Survivors ready?


Got to whip those through those


I'm good!


Outside, inside.

Jeff: both tribes have it.

Now you're moving together.

Tadhana going very quickly.

Galang taking their time.

This is where it will get


Eight people connected at the

Ankles all working on bags of

Puzzle pieces trying to stay out

Of each other's way and get in

The other tribe's way.

I'm good!

Let's go!

Jeff: once you have it, the

Trick is how do you get out

Because you have four other

People in there, too.

Let's go!

Jeff: galang has all four.

They're trying to head out.

Tadhana still working on their


Hayden finally has his fourth.

They're out.

Step, step.





Come on, get your other hand


Step, step, step.

Jeff: tadhana once again in


Galang once again in last!

Eight people all working on

Their bags.

I'm good!

I'm good!

Jeff: once you have them,

You can head out, you just got

To get past the other people.

Caleb trying to get out, he's

Tied up behind monica.

Vytas has got his brother aras

Tied up.

Monica is blocking aras, she's

Not letting him through.

Aras cannot get through.

Vytas has him tied up.

It's a melee!

All kinds of ankles getting tied

Up in each other.

People going down.

Buffs coming off!

Both tribes have their bags.

Knee has them, tyson has them!

Tina untying for galang.

Tyson untying for tadhana.

Very close.

Nobody wants to go to tribal

Council and everybody wants


Tina empties her last bag, tyson

Still working on his last bag.

Start assembling those bolos.

You now take the chains and

Connect them.

One ball on each side.

Once you finish you can start

Tossing them.

Tyson and tina both working very


We are neck in neck.

Come on, ty, just two more.

Jeff: tyson has all the


He's going to start tossing now.

You have to land three.

Knee can start tossing.

Come on, tyson.

Jeff: tyson lands his first

One for tadhana!

Tyson needs two more.

Just miss.

Tina scores for galang!

Keep going!

Jeff: this challenge could

Come down to seconds.

Come on, tyson, make it

Tight, baby.

Jeff: all right, tina.

Atta baby!

Keep going!

Jeff: tyson scores for


He needs just one more.

Tina's got to pick it up.

She falls short again in the


Tyson can do it right here!

Just misses.

Got to go fast, mom.


All right!

All right.

Jeff: tina lands her second

For galang.


Fried chicken on the line.

Tyson can win it for tadhana

Right here.

Oh, just misses!

Tina can win it right here for


Tina goes high and misses.

Tyson does it.

Tadhana wins immunity and


Where you at, girl?

Sweetie, it's okay.

It's all right!

It's all right.

Jeff: tadhana, started off

This game, couldn't win, now you

Can't lose.

Immunity is yours once again.


Along with a nice afternoon.

Fried chicken, biscuits, corn on

The cob set up for you just

Around the corner.

Enjoy your night free of tribal

Council and enjoy your food.

Thank you, jeff.

Love you guys, good luck.

Thanks, guys.

Jeff: galang, tribal

Council once again, somebody

Going home tonight, grab your

Stuff, head back to camp.

See you at tribal where somebody

Will be voted out and sent to

Redemption island.



Prayer, bro.

I don't have time right now.

God is good, god is good,

Thank you for this food, amen.


It's a miracle.

We got so lucky with the

Tribe swap.

We did.

You guys did!

You guys did so good.

I started off the game with a

Four game losing streak in

Challenges and that sucked and

Now we're on a roll.

Tadhana can't be stopped right


I feel great and I'm looking


The future is bright.

I'm getting full.

I'm not.

I was but I pushed past it.

Would anyone be offended if I

Took ice out of this le lemonad?

Do it.

We're equal partners so you can

Do it whatever you want.

Came to your beach and ate

Your food.

I'm a one man wrecking ball.

>Ididn't need this reward.

I don't think I've been hungry

One night since we've been here.

I've convinced everyone eating

Maximum amount amounts of rice e

Proper strategy and everyone

Seems to just agree.

I'm a three time veteran of this

Game so of course what I say is

Going to be right.

What do you think is going on

With the other tribe?

I don't know who's in control

Over there.

The kat vote baffled me.

I feel like vytas is safe.

I never know, I thought kat was

Safe, too.

I know we're all safe.


Well, hell.

We all tried our best.

We all gave it our all in the


That's right.

Vytas, I respect you so much

And I've already cried about


We've decided as four girls that

You're the next one to go.


Because I'm -- you're such a

Huge thr*at in this game.

I mean, your brother's won


You're the most amazing man.

You're one of the most amazing

Men I've met.

You've brought calm to our tribe

And I don't think a blind side

Is fair and I don't want to --

We don't want to surprise each

Other and I think it's just --

Let's have a good afternoon


You think that makes me want

To have a good afternoon?

No, I don't mean that.

I guess be at peace knowing?

I don't know how else -- I'm


I appreciate you telling me.

Unfortunately somebody has to

Go home.

Vytas is the odd man out.

I don't think back stabbing and

Sending someone to tribal

Council not knowing what's

Happening is a nice thing and it

Was just eating me alive so it

Just came out.

We four girls, it's something

We decided this morning and we

Were hoping to win and not have

To do this.

You've got to write

Somebody's name down on that


It was really hard for me.

But I feel like I did take the

Bull by the horns by taking more

Of a leadership position in the


It may put a target on my back

But hopefully I'll get respect

Out of it and the women will

Look up to me a little.

I feel like we have the loyalty


I hope it sticks.

Oh, my heavens!


That is the "survivor" moment of

All -- time!

I'm flabbe flabbergasted!

I mean "survivor" 101, don't you

Meet with your alliance before

You make an executive decision

To just tell someone they're

Going home?

The golden rule of "survivor" is


Is it or is it not?

I felt blindsided!

I know!


This morning I felt like I

Could trust laura b. But now I

Don't know.

Blind sides are terrible and

I've been a victim of one, too,

But this game is built on trust.

We got rid of kat because she

Was doing that.

The plan was to vote out


We're getting down to the nut

Cracking, so to speak, what we

Say in the hills.

And he's the thr*at.

Just because everybody seems to

Like him.

However laura b. Is

Unpredictable and that makes me


Is it my time to go tonight?

I don't think so.

I think it could be laura b.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

I trust you girls 100%.

When laura b. Told me it was my

Time to go tonight for a moment

I was like "I'm screwed."

But tina, she was telling me

That laura's going home.

It's gonna be a little

Embarrassing for her.

It would be super easy for

Them to write my name down on

The parchment but I feel like

I've done my due diligence when

It comes to building trust with

These women so it's not gonna be

Me tonight.

I should tkpwopblt off with

Any of you because then she'll

Be like "why are you talking to


And if she does ask you just

Like say he was saying his


It's like a pride alliance

Females in control but they

Always need one alpha male to

Keep around otherwise there's no

Future for the pride.

I don't know what to do.

That's my big dilemma.

There's prepar cushions both



Tonight we have to make a

Tough decision.

In my head I think it's smart if

We get rid of vytas because at

Some point you have to think

Long term and if he makes it to

The final tribal council it

Would be difficult to b*at him.

Of course there's a little

Fear but I trust you guys.


At the same time, laura b. Is

The wild card.

She makes these decisions

Without consulting anyone and to

Keep someone like that, that

Could hit the fan and explode

Back in my face.

Thank you for laura b. And

Her strength as a new person and

Having so many lessons to learn

And thank you for vytas'

Wonderful spirit who brings so

Much to this camp as well.

So I don't know what's gonna

Happen but whatever goes down

It's not going to be pretty.

Jeff: all right, so


B. After the challenge what

Happened when you got back to


Well, it is obvious that we

Are four girls and vytas one man

So I took it upon myself to let

Him know that he was the one

That was going home.

Jeff: wow.

Vytas, so what is your reaction?

Somebody tells you "it's you"?

It was discouraging to say

The least.

I've come into this tribe and

I've been nothing but

Trustworthy and I've been

Genuine with these people.

To get that kind of news, it

Didn't feel good.

Jeff: monica, telling

People they're going home as

Pleasant as it sounds is really


I think it's extremely risky.

So if you're in an alliance with

People before you blow the cover

We might want to talk about it


Jeff: katie, where do you

Weigh in on that?

Because laura b. Is speaking for

The group which could

Potentially impact you.

I agree with monica.

If you're in an alliance you

Should discuss these things so

We were taken awack.

I wish we could have talked

About it before.

Jeff: vytas, it seems like

We've narrowed it down to you're

Going unless you can convince

These women that someone else

Should go and it sounds like

That could be laura b. Because

She spoke up trying to do the

Honorable thing in a game that

Is anything but honorable.

You know, the last tribal

Council kat went home because

She wasn't trustworthy.

I mean, I didn't pitch anybody


I've been a great member of

Galang and it doesn't matter how

Many girls you have, it matters

How many trustworthy people you


Jeff: tina, it's a decent

Argument from a guy who has

Nothing to lose because he's on

The chopping block tonight.

It's true and vytas is so

Much like his brother.

Their honesty and sincerity,

They reek of it.

Now, could they be fooling you?


This is "survivor."

But if you were going on

Instinct, that's what you would


Jeff: vytas, if it's you

Tonight, what's your story?

I mean, I was in a position

Where I thought I was going to

Move forward really well, then

There was a tribe swap, I was

The one guy with five girls and

If I go tonight it's unfortunate

Because I think we can move

Forward together pretty well.

That would be my story.

Jeff: what do you think

Your brother will think?

Will he be proud of you or happy

You're gone?

I think aras would be proud

Of me and I think aras would be

Pretty bummed I'm gone.

Our relationship has suffered

Over the years and there's a few

More steps that we need to grow

That much closer together.

Jeff: laura b. Is, that

Part of vytas' appeal that he

And his brother have their own

Unique story?

Yes, that's part of the

Reason that I wanted to vote for

Vytas because they do have such

A bond.

Aras has won before.

They're a huge thr*at in this


Jeff: what about you,


If it's you tonight, what's your


I tried to be myself and put

Myself out there, let my guard


Jeff: so that something

You're learning out here?


I was raised in a quiet family

And keep to yourself so I

Struggle with letting people

Know who I am and it's been hard

For me.

Jeff: what do you think

Your husband rupert will make of

The way you played the game?

I think no matter what rupert

Would be proud of me.

I've been in rupert's shadow for

A while and it feels good just

To be out here for myself and I

Feel like I'm coming into my own

And it feels good.

Jeff: tina, tough decision.

You have vytas who's telling you

"Look, I'm trying to bond with

My brother."

You have laura b. Saying "I have

Broken out of michelle and put

Myself in a vulnerable spot with

You people."

It's horrible.

Some people don't come here to

Make friends.

But that's my goal.

I do like hearing the stories.

That's part of the joy that I

Take away from the hard, hard


I've got to say, jeff,

Everybody here has an amazing


These are amazing unique people

With great stories but when I

Make my vote it's who do I think

Is the least trustworthy.

We should be judged on our

Merits of the present, not of

Our past and how we've played

These last 18 days so far.

That's it.

Just that simple.

Jeff: all right, it is time

To vote.

Laura b., You're up.

That was a sweet speech you

Gave to me at camp today.

It should have been switched

Around the other way, though.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.

Okay, once the votes are read,

The decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote: vytas.

Laura b.

One vote vytas; one vote laura



That's two votes laura; one vote


Seventh person voted out of

"Survivor: blood vs. Water,"

Laura, that's three, that's


You need to bring me your torch.

Laura, the tribe has spoken.

You will have a chance to get

Back in this game.

Grab your torch, head to

Redemption island.

Good luck.

Bye, guys.

Jeff: well, tonight's

Tribal illustrates one of the

Trickiest parts of this game:

Every time you open your mouth

You risk saying something that

Can get you voted out.

Grab your torches, head back to


Good night.

Captioning brought to you by

Survivor productions, cbs,

Media access group at wgbh

"Survivor" -- the winner of

Today's duel will reenter this


Someone's coming back from

Redemption island.

Who's going to hold out the


I am not letting go!

Jeff: and what will happen?

Drop your buffs, we merged.

Blood finally mixes with water.

>Hey, guys.

I just can't believe that

They're keeping vytas.

And they voted me out.

They didn't go with the plan

That I thought we were doing so

Here I am.

I was pretty sure it was

Going to be vytas, too.

I know.

If I go back in the game I'm

Certainly not siding with the

Girls and that is for damn sure.
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