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01x01 - Last Things First, Part 1

Posted: 01/22/15 16:19
by bunniefuu
Drew: (Quietly) Go go go! Hurry up with the lock...

Alex: Hold it steady.

Teddy: Maybe shine the light in my bag not my eyes, genius.

I can't see anything!

Rayna: Our point!

Dylan, looks like he's gonna do something crazy! Yo!

Drew: Better hurry up, dude!

Teddy: I got it! I got it! Move, move, move! Get out of my way!

Rayna: Dylan don't!

(Glass shatters, alarm blares loudly)

Teddy: Great.

(Door handle clicks)

You know, my plan was to get us in without tripping the alarm.

Dylan: Well, sometimes alarms get tripped.

Alex: Maybe if you had just picked the lock...

Drew: Yeah, instead of buying it dinner first.

Teddy: We should bail.

Dylan: Give me the list.

(Buttons beep, alarm stops)

Alex: Whoa! Ha ha!

(Phone rings)

Teddy: Oh great. Do you know who this is?

The monitoring station! Now what, genius?

Dylan: Give me the phone! Give me the phone!

Um, okay.

(Phone beeps on)

Hi, yes, this is about the alarm, isn't it?

I am so sorry, my son broke the window with the fireplace poker.

Yes, the security code is 5983.

The security question?

Paternal grandfather's birthday. Right.

Teddy: Let's bail!

Dylan: Um, is this necessary...

I mean, I... no, no, no. It's fine don't send anybody.


Um... it's December 13th.

(Quietly) Please, please, please!

Dylan: Yes... I see... Thank you.

(Beeps phone off)

We're in.

All: Yes! Whooo! (Laughing)

Dylan: Easy, Rayna!

Maybe cool it on the fun pills.

(Playfully laughing)

Rayna: Where would we be without our Dylan looking out for us?

Dylan: Oh, hm-hm.

(Rayna giggles)

Dylan: Okay, sweetie!

Teddy: What, are you allergic to fun?

Dylan: Go break something, Teddy.

Rayna: Oh!

Teddy: You smell like jager.

Rayna: Ow!

(Glass shatters)


Oh my God!

Teddy: Oh man, she's bleeding...

She's hit an artery or something!

Teddy call 911!

Alex: I'm outta here!

Teddy: Yeah!

Guys, seriously? We have to help her!

Look, I'm sorry!

If I get charged, my dad will k*ll me.

I'm sorry.

♪ Let the music take control ♪
♪ Turn it up and let it goooooooooooo! ♪

Dylan: Somebody help me!

Jane: I need a gurney! What did she take?

Dylan: I don't know... pills. Red ones.

Jane: Okay. Looks like a severed artery.

Get her to trauma and page Dr. Karamichaelidis.

Let's go!

Dylan: Is she gonna be okay?

Jane: Wait at the front, Dylan.

London: What happened?

Jane: Go look after your sister. Go!

London: Dylan, Dylan! You have blood on you.

Dylan: It's not mine.

London: Okay. Okay. Dylan, what did you take?

Dylan: Nothing.

London: Did you take anything?

Dylan: No.

London: You sure.

Police officer: Hey. I saw you fast and furious up in that Mercedes.

The sirens mean stop.

Dylan: If I had stopped, my friend might have died!

Police officer: We ran the plates.

Unless your last name's Trang, that Mercedes doesn't belong to you.

You're under arrest for theft, reckless endangerment by the state of that friend you brought in, hell of a lot more.

London: This is a mistake, right? Come on, Dylan?!

♪ Let the music take control! ♪

(Echoes) ♪ control! Control! Control! ♪

(Heartbeat thumps)

(Low hum of chatter, cars rumble by)

London: Community service isn't so bad.

Dylan: No, it's bad, London.

I have to waste an entire summer vacation volunteering at a hospital, this hospital.

London: You're just lucky that Nana and Papa knew your judge.

Dylan: Lucky? That judge said I can't see any of my friends.

London: You could be poking trash with a stick.

No, instead, you're here, where you can maybe do some good, where you can actually help people, where...

Dylan: Where everyone can keep an eye on me.

London: Hey, I haven't been home in two days, and I can barely keep my eyes open.

I think Dr. K's trying to break us.

Dylan: Can't you just show him all your perfect test scores from med school?

London: No. I tried that.

It didn't go over well.

Okay, this is it.

Dylan: If dad was here, I wouldn't have to do this.

London: Well, if dad was here, you wouldn't be committing felonies with Teddy and Rayna.

(Loud overlapping discussions)

(Someone clears their throat and all quiet down)

Dylan: Hi.

Jared: You must be the new girl. Late on the first day.

Good start.

I'm Jared. I run this program.

Wes: Sort of.

Don't go where you're not supposed to, don't do what you're not supposed to.

Cause any trouble and I will be forced to call your probation officer.

You feel me?

Mikayla, give the new girl here a tour.

The rest of you geniuses get to work.

(Chairs scrape, chatter resumes)

Mikayla: (Preparatory exhale)

Hi. I'm Mikayla, this is Wes.

And don't worry, no one likes Jared.

Wes: This place can actually be a lot of fun.

You just have to hang with the right people.

For example, us.

If it's cool, I'm just gonna stay outta trouble, do my time.

Wes: Well, if you change your mind come find me.

Welcome to Open Heart Memorial.

Mikayla: Come on, tour bus is leaving!

(Papers rustle)

(Knock on door)

Jane: Detective Goodis.

I'm just on my way to a consult.

Goodis: It's about your husband.

Jane: Let me guess: He's still missing.

Goodis: My superiors think there's nothing left to investigate.

And now it's been six months since Richard disappeared.

Mrs. Blake, they're putting the case in a drawer.

If you'd like, off the record, I can continue to do some digging...

No, uh... no.

The shadow has hung over our family for long enough.

So if it's over... Let it be over.

Well, if you ever need anything you have my number.

Jane: Thank you.

(Retreating footsteps)

Dr. K: Okay, we've got Mr. Boe, a 40-year-old male, collapsed at home.

Full body seizure en route, history of hypertension, BP 190 over 100...

Pop quiz, residents: What do we do?

Scarlet: Obviously, it's an intracranial bleed.

We should stabilize and start him on meds while we wait for CT.

Hud: Yeah sure, if you wanna do the boring thing.

Dr. K: Care to break the tie, Dr. Blake?

London: Um...

Jane: Must be a ruptured aneurysm.

We should try to clip the bleeder.

Dr. K: Dr. Blake, we think we should stabilize him better first.

Jane: If we wait, there's a good chance he won't wake up again.

What good is he alive, if he can't be there for his family?

Mrs. Boe, I can bring him back.

Mikayla: Okay, our job is to help out and to stay out of the way.

Oh, and ABS. Always be smiling.

Have you ever heard of the Blake family?

Dylan: No. Circus folk?

Mikayla: Dr. Edward Blake pretty much bankrolled this place

after his second granddaughter was born here.

Oh, and the doctors said when they delivered her she didn't breathe for like three minutes and then she did.

Dylan: Sounds like a freak.

Mikayla: Oh and Richard, Edward's son... like half a year ago?

He just disappeared.

But nobody knows what happened.

Dylan: What's this?

(Door rattles open)

(Door shuts)

Mikayla: (Nervous exhale)

Mikayla: Hi? Sorry? We can't be in here.

Dr. K: What are we looking at, Dr. McWhinnie?

Scarlet: Occipital lobe?

Jane: Close, but wrong.

Dr. K: Dr. Hudson?

Hud: That's the medulla.

Jane: Wrong, and less close.

Dylan: I've never seen my mom operate before.

Mikayla: But that's Dr. Blake.

Which means... you're miracle baby Dylan Blake?! Wow...

Jane: London? London now!

London: The precentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex is the area of the brain responsible for movement.

Jane: Correct.

Next time try not to sound like a med school textbook.

Dr. K: We need to stabilize now.

Jane: Are you here to criticize or assist?

Dr. K: Now I will assist with the retraction and suction of the bleeding.

London, what are the risks associated with Dr. Blake's course of action?

London: Uh, risks are... I mean, risks can be... the, um, complications include, uh...

Jane: Spit it out, London.

(Running footsteps retreat, door clicks open)

Dylan: (Exhales)

(Disappointed exhale)

London: (Rapid breaths, sobbing)

Dylan: One sec.

Hey-hey-hey-hey... Keep breathing, okay?

(Deep calming breaths)

Jane: Listen to me.

You are the smartest person in this building, if you can't apply it under pressure, you will not make it as a doctor.

London: I know.

Dylan: Would you stop treating her like crap.

Jane: I'm treating her like every resident that comes into this hospital.

She is trying to do something great with her life.

Dylan: You know if dad could see this, he'd be disgusted.

When he comes back...

Jane: He's not coming back, Dylan.

You know what, this is not the time or the place.

I have rounds.

(Calming breath)

Dylan: Can you believe her?

London: Is this what it's going to be like with you here?

Me constantly caught in the middle?

I'm on your side.


(Huffs in disbelief)

You and Wes wanna have some fun after shift?

Mikayla: Totally.

Dylan: Cool. Let's go find some trouble.

Mikayla: (Giggles)

Wes: Oh man! Es)

Mikayla: I can't believe I'm in the Blake family mansion.

Dylan: I don't live here, it's my grandparents' place.

But they left for vacation, so it's all ours.

Not bad for circus folk, eh?

Mikayla: Hey, about what I said before...

I shouldn't act like your parents are my own private soap opera.

Dylan: Who's up for a swim?

Wes: Oh, crap. I left my purple tankini at home so...

Mikayla: (Grunts)

Mikayla: Woo! Wooo!

Come on, you're not shy, are you?

He's shy.

Wes: No. (Whistles)

Dylan: What are we, five? I'm not gonna push you in.

Wes: Nooo!

(Happy screaming, splashing)

(Happy screaming, splashing)

Mikayla: I can get used to this.

Wes: Let me try it without looking. Ready?

Dylan: Hm-hm.

(Dart clunks on the floor, they chuckle)

Wes: I don't think I'm making a very good impression.

Dylan: Uh no, you-you impress just fine.


Dylan: Okay. My turn.

Wes: Okay.

Dylan: So why are you a volunteer?

Wes: Well, I wanna be a doctor.

Which means university, med school and money I don't have.

And your solution to that is to volunteer?

Open Heart Memorial looks great on a scholarship application.

Plus my 96 average will only get me so far.

Dylan: Your 96 average?

That's impressive.

Wes: Oh, you dig smart guys, huh?

I meant, that's impressive you managed to work that little tidbit into our first conversation.

Second conversation.

Mikayla: So what did you do?

To get the community service?

Wes: Mikayla...

Um, my... my friend was in trouble...

So I drove her to the hospital in the car I stole from the house I broke into.

Mikayla: Whoa.

Dylan: Yeah. I know. You guys feel free to peace out any time you want.

Wes: What, I mean, are you kidding?

I mean, you saved your friend even though it burned you.

That... that's amazing.

Most people just focus on the criminal part.

Mikayla: That's because most people suck.

Wes: Yeah, screw those people.

(Door lock clicks open)

Mikayla: (Gasp) Somebody's coming.

Dylan: Nobody should be here.

(Approaching footsteps)

All: (Surprised gasps)

Dylan: Nana!

Edward: Dylan?

Dylan: Papa?!

(Relieved sighs)

Helena: Goodness Dylan, what are you doing here?

We thought we were being robbed!

Dylan: If you have a key, it's technically not a break-in.

Helena: Even so, honey, you're not supposed to see these er, ne'er-do-Wells.

Mikayla: Oh, we're not those ne'er-do-Wells.

We're volunteers at Open Heart. Hi.

Edward: I thought I recognized you.

Helen: Hi.

Mikayla: Yeah, I've been there a while.

Edward: We had hoped that the volunteer program would be a good influence on you, not get corrupted by you on day one.

Wes: Corrupted? We just went swimming.

Edward: What's your name, son?

Wes: Wes Silver.

That's me, Sir.

Edward: You went swimming in my pool, drank my drinks, and threw my darts.

I think, we're focusing too much on the negative...

I mean, first of all, no one got hurt, by the darts or-or the shenanigans, and secondly, Sir, you have a lovely home, which we're gonna leave as soon as we get our clothes.

Okey dokey. Mikayla?

Mikayla: Okay.

Wes: Yep.

Edward: Be sure to leave the robes.

Wes: Y-yes, Sir!

Mikayla: Yep.

Edward: You have anything to say, young lady?

Yeah. How come you guys are home?

Helena: Well, your mother and London are on their way over.

We all need to talk.

And in the meantime, I'm starving!

(Retreating footstep)

Helena: Despite everything, it is so good to see you.

I miss our family dinners with all of this.

Your dad always insisted on them.

Dylan: I know.

Jane: It's okay.


Helena: Hi darling.

Edward: London Bridges, you look like you haven't slept in days.

London: Oh, try weeks, Papa. Why are you guys here?

Jane: It seems the police have decided to end their investigation.

But we still don't know what happened to dad.

What about detective Goodis? Is he stopping, too?

Jane: He is. He's the one who came to see me.

Edward: The police can't continue to pour resources into a case with no leads.

Dylan: So now we hire a private investigator.

Jane: We're not gonna do that, Dylan.

Dylan: Why not?

This is a joke, right?

Dad's still missing he could be out there hurt or... we-we have to keep looking!

Helena: Sweetheart...

Dylan: No, I don't get this!

Why am I the only one who cares?

London: Well, there's something you don't know.

Edward: London...

London: Look, someone needs to tell her.

Dylan: What?!

London: When dad came into the hospital the day he went missing,

he was with someone else.

A woman was seen with him on the hospital security tape.

It's pretty obvious he was having an affair.

But who is she?

Edward: The police couldn't identify her.

And none of us have seen her before.

Dylan: How could you all keep this from me?

Jane: Because we knew it would upset you.

And we've been holding out hope that he would call or reach out too us...

Dylan: No. You should have told me!

London: No, wait! Dylan! Dylan!

(Running footsteps)

Helena: We have to keep the girls close.

No more trips for us.

We start doing dinners again.

And we put this family back together.

Jane: What if we just tell them everything.

Edward: No. Absolutely not.

You're right.

They can never know.

♪ Hard, hard ♪
♪ Hard, hard ♪
♪ When everything's getting dark ♪
♪ And you can't find the spark ♪

♪ To get through ♪
♪ (I'll be there) ♪
♪ I'll fight for you to the end ♪
♪ Whatever was broken I'll mend ♪
♪ For you... ♪

(Papers rustle)

(Richard mutters to himself)

(Papers rustle)

Dylan: Mornin' dad.

Whatcha you doing?

Richard: Um, I'm just looking for patterns.

Dylan: Like, research for your novel?

Richard: Yeah. I guess I...

I guess I made quite a mess.

Your mom is gonna, mom's gonna freak, huh?

Dylan: Yeah, I can-I can help you clean up.

Richard: No, no, don't, don't do that.

I will fold these up, okay? After you go to school.

Did you oversleep?

Did you sleep at all? 'Cause your hair is kinda crazy.

You know, I actually, I work very hard to make it look like this.

This is... It's kinda my thing.

Dylan: Can I get a ride?

Richard: Yeah, yeah. You can.

I just have to find my keys here, they're...

They are here, somewhere.

Right. Okay.

Richard: (Groans)

(Keys jingle)

Dylan: Can't you just leave them in your coat pocket like a normal dad?

Richard: You see I did that on purpose...

To test your investigative skills.

And it turns out, you are quite a detective.

♪ ♪
(Approaching footsteps)

(Chair and drawer scrape)

Dylan: I hope I woke you up.

London: You prevented me from falling asleep.

What are you looking for?

Dylan: Dad never threw anything out, he kept everything!

Every ticket, every drawing, every movie receipt.

If he was having an affair, there'd be evidence.

Maybe dad left mom, and maybe there is another woman, but he wouldn't leave you and me. Not like this.

London: But it's what everyone believes.

And it's what I believe, too.

Why didn't I get to see the security tape?

The police only asked me if I could identify the woman.

But other than identifying how ugly her coat was... no idea.

Mom didn't think we should drag you into it.

We have to move on.

And how am I supposed to do that, exactly?

Finish your community service without getting into any more trouble.

(Small laugh) Can you at least try?

(Sirens wail in the distance)

Hey, this one looks fun, huh?

"Tess of the d'Urbervilles?"

How old do you think I am?

Dylan: Ah, here. Here. Here.

This is-this is more recent. Plus it has dragons.

Wes: You are catching on to this volunteer thing a lot quicker than expected.

You okay after last night?

Dylan: Um... not really.

My whole family thinks my dad ran off with some mistress.

She was on the hospital security tape with him the day he disappeared.

What do you think really happened?

I'll let you know when I see that tape.

Mikayla: Cool. Let's just go steal it out of the security room.


Wes: She was joking.

I don't need to steal it. I just need to see it.

And I need some help.

I'm in.

Wes: Mikayla seriously?

Mikayla: Wes. Life is short.

Wes: I don't want to get my butt fired.

Dylan: Nobody is getting fired.

I swear I won't let anything bad happen to you guys.

I don't bail on the people I care about.

And I'm not bailing on my dad.

(Low hum of chatter)

(Footsteps thud)


(Keypad buttons beep, door buzzes open)

One Mississippi, two Mississippi,

three Mississippi...

(Door clicks shut)

Jared: Delinquent.

Dylan: My-my name is Dylan.

Jared: Right. I knew it started with a 'd'.

What do you think you're doing?

Dylan: I am delivering magazines to the ward that's over there. What are you doing?

Jared: It's called restocking the supply closet.

Dylan: How long does that take?

Jared: As long as it takes. Now go.

Wes: Hey, how'd security room recon go?

Dylan: The keypad's a problem, but the door lag solves it for us.

Just need good timing.

Wes: So why are you bummed?

Dylan: I can't get in there today because Jared is restocking the supply closet right there.

Wes: Oh no!

Mikayla: Ohhh!


Mikayla: Jared is always restocking the supply closet right there.

It's kind of his thing.

Wes: Yeah, he lords over the supplies like a stormtrooper.

For serious? I have to see that security tape of my dad and that woman somehow.

Mikayla: Well, London said no one could identify her, right?

Dylan: But what if I can, Mikayla?

What if I can figure out who she is and find my dad.

Mikayla: Then we need a plan to get rid of Jared.

Wes: Ooh yeah!

There's nothing I like to think of more.

Dylan: Okay, okay. So what are his weaknesses?

Wes: Uh, peanuts, shellfish, soybeans...

Dylan: I'm not gonna poison him.

There's gotta be something else.

Wes: You know, you're pretty cute when you're frustrated.

Stop distracting me with the flirting.

Wes: What? W-what's that look?

Mikayla: It's Jared. You can't...

I have to. It's the only way.

Jane: Mr. Boe has been in a coma since his surgery.

At this point, all we can do is monitor his BP and ICP, and wait for something to change. Questions?

Hud: Are we gonna talk about your fight yesterday?

Jane: It wasn't a fight.

Dr. K: It was a disagreement.

Hud: Seemed like a fight.

Dr. K: Watch your tone.

Jane: What would you have done, Dr. Hudson?

Hud: Operate. Same as you.

I'll take get 'er done over wait 'n' see any day.

Respectfully, Dr. K.

Dr. K: You're not an army medic anymore.

At this hospital, we have to think things through.

What do you think, Dr. McWhinnie?

Scarlet: Statistically speaking, your course of action was the safer route.

Dr. K: Care to break the tie, London?

London: Hypotheticals are pointless.

Jane: So is waffling.

Tell us what you think, Dr. Blake.

I... don't know.

Jane: (Disappointed) Well then, this debrief is over.

Dr. K: All right, Dr. Hudson, since you're a man of action, why don't you take a break from rounds to collect the floor's urine samples.


That's not my... Nurses do that.

Dr. K: Not today they don't. Get 'er done.

Oh, and have Dr. Waffles help out.

(Low hum of chatter in the distance)

(Door clicks shut)

(Preparatory breath)

(Softly) Hey...

We uh, we kinda got off on the wrong foot, didn't we?

I didn't realize how much power you have around here, but I totally get it now, and I just hope you can see that I'm like, so, so sorry.

Jared: You're a quick study. I like that.

Dylan: Well, I'm here to help in anyway that I can.

You are?

Dylan: Hm-hm.

Why don't you let me finish this, and you go on a much-deserved break?

Jared: I've got a better idea.

Why don't we restock the shelves... together?

Is that code for something else?

Jared: No. I've got boxes of sterile gauze comin' out the wazoo.

Sort by size, and make sure the English label is facing out.

Use that shelf there, the one labeled "sterile gauze."

Think you can handle that, delinquent?

Dylan: Try my best.

Alrighty then.

(Lid grazes open)

It looks like someone left this on the wrong shelf.

Jared: Ohhhh! My God!

(Jar clatters)

Dylan: I am so, so sorry!

Jared: Are you kidding me right now?!


Ah, at least I have back-up pants in my cubby.

Dylan: Let me get them for you.

You don't want to walk down the hall like that.

Right. Don't want to look foolish.

Just take off your pants, and I'll make the swap, and no one has to know.

You want me to take off my pants?

It's the least I can do, since it is all my fault.

Jared: All right. Turn around. Turn around.

Be quick about it, will ya?

(Machines beep and hum)

(Phone rings)

Girl: Your turn.

♪ Noel... Noel... ♪

(Excited chatter)

Dylan: Your turn, daddy!

London: Can we have one, please!

Richard: Hm-hm. We absolutely can. I think two.

Here, daddy, this one is for you.

Richard: Oh! Well, whatever could it be?

Love the wrapping job, by the way.

Oh! I love it!

Dylan, I love it.

I will never ever, ever take this watch off!

See that?

Jane: That is gorgeous.

Richard: Hm-hm.

Jane: Oh London...

You have to change out of your pajamas in case the hospital calls.

Just go in your pj's, let your patients know their doctor is a human being. Yeah.

I love it, Dylan. It's terrific.

Dylan: Check this out.

(Watch clicks)

That is so cool.

A secret compartment?! So cool.

Nobody else knows about it.

I'm gonna put something very special in here.

A secret just for you and me.

Merry Christmas, daddy.

Merry Christmas, Dylan. Merry Christmas.

♪ Born is the king... ♪

Wes: Pssst!

Mikayla: Dylan!


Mikayla: What happened with Jared?

Dylan: Uh, I bought us some time.

Wes: But at what cost?

Dylan: Take a guess: Boxer briefs or tighty whities?***

Wes: Are those my only two options?

Because my money was on a thong.

Dylan: Let's get to work.

Excuse me.

Seth: Whoa!

London: (Gasps)

Seth: (Groans)

Is that... urine?

London: Now I have to go back to the patient and get another one.

Seth: Don't nurses do that?

Er, why don't I call maintenance to deal with this.

London: Yep. Why don't you!

Seth: O-Kay.

(Chair rattles)

Always right when I start to eat...


Security guard: What the heck are you doing?

Wes: What am I doing?

What am I doing?

Dylan: Password. Password.

The vending machine ate my money and I got a little upset and I took matters in my own hands and now my hand is like, it's caught, like in the thing.

Security guard: Take off the hoodie.


Oh! Oh! That came out easily.

Good thing we didn't have to cut off my hand, right?



Mikayla: Oh! Ooh! You better watch yourself.

It's pretty slick right there. You might wanna wait 'til it dries.

Oh whoa! Whoa! That's a scuff right there!

You scuffed up my floors, dude.

(Phone buzzes)

(Door buzzes open)

Security guard: What the hell are you doing in here?


I'm not saying I'm the victim here.

I'm just saying you could be more clear on the 'authorized personnel' sign.

I'm personnel, how do I know I'm not 'authorized'?

Security guard: The locked door with the secret passcode.

The door was open.

Jane: What's the problem here?

Security guard: Caught her breaking into security.

Dylan: The door was open!

She also cracked into the computer system.


There was a sticky note on the keyboard with the password.

Practically an invitation.

Jane: What were you doing?

I was just looking around. I was bored.

Police officer: Do you want to press charges, ma'am?

Security guard: It's hospital policy.

Mom, don't let them do this.

Police officer: Ma'am.

All right, let's go, young lady.

Goodis: You wanna tell me why you were in the hospital security room?

Dylan: What can I say? I guess I missed you.

Goodis: You're just lucky I was here, Dylan.

Dylan: Well, where else would you be?

I know you're not investigating my dad's case anymore.

Goodis: Look, I didn't want to stop looking for your dad, okay?

Dylan: And yet here we are.

Goodis: Well, let's talk about why you were in the security room.

The video of your dad isn't on the hospital server anymore.

It was evidence.

Dylan: So it's... it's here.

Can you please show it to me?

Goodis: I feel for your family, Dylan. I do.

But this is a bad path you're going down.

You don't want to end up in juvie.

My dad wouldn't leave me. Like this.

I need to find him, can please show me the security tape.

I can't.

As much as I might like to open up my laptop and point you to an AVI file under the directory 'Blake', I just can't.

Like you said, the case is closed...


It's in a drawer. I'm gonna grab a coffee.

If anyone comes in while I'm gone, I can't help you.

(Door clicks open)

♪ Dancing in the kitchen ♪
♪ Cooking up a snowstorm ♪

London: There! Done. Mission complete.

Seth: Level up!

That's when you complete a... it was a video game joke.

Yeah, I'm not proud of myself.

London: No, no, no. You should be proud.

You just put that joke out there and didn't second guess yourself.

And it wasn't the worst, I mean, it just wasn't completely thought out.

But that's the thing, isn't it?

If you hesitate, then you miss your chance for impact.

Seth: Are you having a stroke?

London: More like an epiphany.

Oh. Sorry. My brain works really fast.

Sometimes I need to talk things out loud so I can get clarity on what I need to do.

That was clarity?

London: Of course! It's clear that...

If Dr. Blake wants to hear what I think, then she's going to hear it.

Thanks for listening to my babble.

I love a good babble.

Hey, I'm Seth by the way. We haven't officially met.

Um, what am I supposed to do with the pee?

♪ Dancing in the kitchen ♪
♪ Cooking up a snowstorm ♪
♪ Lie to me ♪
♪ Li-Li-lie to me... ♪
♪ Lie to me ♪
♪ Li-Li-lie to me... ♪

Goodis: Yeah, yeah, let's meet in my office.

I just gotta get this kid out...

♪ dancing in the kitchen ♪
♪ Cooking up a snowstorm ♪

Time's up, Dylan. Your ride is here.

(Gear shifts, seat belt unclicks)

Jane: Wait.

(Opens then shuts door)

(Siren wails in the distance)

I am sorry that I didn't tell you about your father and that woman.

You love him so much.

I-I didn't want to take that away from you.

I am not a kid.

You can't protect me from everything.


Thank you for asking Goodis to run interference at the police station.

That was you, right?

Jane: Yeah. Your Nana thinks that it would be a good idea for us to have family dinners again.

Dylan: Tonight?

Jane: Yeah.

Yeah, yeah. Let's do it.

Jane: Great.

(Door slams shut)

(Paging announcement over pa)


Dylan: You okay?

Hud: Yeah. I think I'll live. Are you good?

Dylan: Hm-hm. Yeah.

Hud: That's... good.

Jared: You just made the biggest mistake of your life.

Dylan: What are you gonna say?

That I tricked you and stole your pants?

Jared: I've got my eye on you, Dylan.

Dylan: Hey, look at that. You finally got my name right.

Jared: Hmm.

Hud: Whoa! No! No!

Jared: Excuse me, Dr. Hudson.

Hud: What's your name again?


Hud: Jared. Right.

Did we go to medical school together, Jared.

I didn't go to medical school. I'm a volunteer.

Hud: A volunteer?

Then... what the hell are you wearing?

Jared: Uh, scrubs.

Hud: Uh-ha.

Remember that time I tried to borrow a notebook from you and you said it was a 'volunteer-notebook'?

It was a volunteer notebook.

Yeah, well, those... They're 'doctor-pants'.

So take them off.

But I don't have anything...

Hud: Now!

(Shoes thud, pants rustle)

(Door opens)

Jane: Make yourself at home.

Dr. K: (Chuckles) How's the patient?

No change... yet.

And if you're waiting for me to say I was wrong, it is not gonna happen. I stand by my call.

Dr. K: Fine. But you were off yesterday, Jane.

I know it.

I'm sure having Dylan here is stressful.

Jane: No, it's not that.

I mean, it's not only that.

The police closed Richard's case.

Dr. K: Look, if you need some time to figure things out.

Jane: I don't need time, Dom.

(Phone chimes)


(Running footsteps)

He's in recovery.

London: (Small laugh) Look how happy they are.

Jane: Yeah.

Do you still want to know what I think about the operation?

Jane: I do.

I think you were told your husband's missing persons case was being shut down, and that prevented you from seeing patient clearly.

You saw another husband and father who might not come back to their family, and you took a dangerous risk.

The patient could have died from the complications of your snap decision.

That's what I think, Dr. Blake.

I brought him back.

This time.

Wes: You're back already?

Dylan: Yeah. My mom got me off the hook.

Sometimes the Blake name comes in handy.

Mikayla: So, I guess we're like, cut from the heist crew, huh?

Dylan: No way, you guys did great.

Wes: You're you're clearly delirious from your time in jail.

I mean, we botched the plan.

You were arrested. It just happened.

Dylan: So did this.

Mikayla: You got taken in jail and walked out with the security video?!

Who are you?

Wes: Why is he so upset?

Dylan: I've never seen him like this.

Wes: Hey, is that the mistress?

Dylan: Ugly coat. Yeah, that's her.

Wait, what is he doing?

Oh my God... watch.

Wes: What are we looking at?

Dylan: The watch. Look at my dad's wrist.

There! He takes off his watch and gives it to Dr. Hudson.

That watch was a gift from me. He loved it.

Wes: It's just a watch, Dylan.

Dylan: No, it's not.

There's a secret compartment under the face.

We're the only two who know.

That watch is important.

And I'm gonna find it.

(Cutlery clinks)

(Clock chimes)

(Frustrated exhales)

Jane: We should get started.

Helena: We should wait.

London: Oh, I'm starving.

Helena: But Dylan's not here yet!

Dylan: Nope, nope, I am, Dylan is here! I am here.

Sorry I'm late.

I got caught up with the lollipop g*ng.


The kids in oncology loved our 'hokey pokey' so much they demanded an encore.

Turns out that is what it's all about.

(All chuckle)

Edward: Well, you see that, Dylan, being at the hospital will be good for you.

Dylan: Hm-hm. You know, Papa, I definitely feel like I'm on the right track now.

So any interesting cases this week.

Cases? No! No cases.

Edward: That was directed to your mother.

Oh no, I mean yes, but...

Dylan: Right.

Edward: But what?

Jane: I don't wanna talk about it.

London: Well, I have cases though. I have, I have cases.

Jane: She does.

Edward: They let you see patients now?

Helena: Oh Edward, she's been doing rounds for 6 months.

London: 6 months.

(All chuckle)

Edward: Feels like a year.

Just don't get us sued.